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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 15 Feb 1923, p. 3

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& Canada‘s Standard ~Remedy for Pain. tact es . ie â€" ‘The eveht was most successâ€" e and the bospitality of the nurses much appreciated by the large f of guests present. * From Pain to Rase with T.R.C.‘s." f OUSANDS of Canadians have tried T.RC.‘s and found they ‘do drive out rheumatism, and all 60 was the amount suwbscribed by e congregation of Bethany Menâ€" mite church on Sunday last when Rev. J. N. Kitching, a former pasâ€" of the church appealed for $400 rebuild the Maryborough church h as fallen into a state of disâ€" pair and of which he is now the stor. Needless to say Mr. Kitâ€" hing .and the Maryborough Conâ€" gregation are much gratified at the response made by the Kitchener people to their request. BAYS DEPT. OVERMANNED . | Some â€" dissatisfied _ person â€" last week sent an anonymous letter to' Chairnfan Bucher of the Board ot‘ Works in which it was pointed out that the city engineer‘s department is over â€"manned. (Chairman Bucher in speaking of the matter stated that no notice of the letter can be taken since it was not signed but he drew attention to the fact that the various departments at the city hall are being investigated by| an office committee and that after the report is made by this comâ€" miittee any changes that are thought mecessary will be made. l ~â€" _ AuTo suGGEstTion Madatm Spreigtâ€"Humberston delivâ€" éred a very informative lecture at the Star»Theatre recently on "Auto Suggestion." Mrs. _ Humberston pointed . out that Emil Coue has practised this system of curing diâ€" sease and with success among the poor of Paris for many years and that his present prominence was mot brought through his own erâ€" deavore but through the agency of the rich people whom he had cured. * conTRrisuTEe sseo * $560 was the amount subscribed e PaYs COS8T A New â€" Hamburg resident apâ€" in police. court on. Saturday orning, Feb. 3rd, charged with being intoxicated, He was given the fit of~tWe doubt however, desâ€" the evidence of three witneSses Jut was obliged to pay the costs of the court. f T.R.C.‘s COAL SCARCE of coal is an acute problem Kitchener.at present.. On Monâ€" ;ymmdlhhflwull- was. besicged with citizens in :"olm).bouhwmluvm‘ for three cars and only one is available. > we SAVE YOUR MONEY I‘LL:â€" SAVE YOU MONEY ON AN ENGINE To uiill,mr. thew a s "Ee."e"i‘ the pain, for medicin = is carried in the blood. S;l.mt r’iri;}ii('-fi Free sample Templeâ€" Co., Toronto. A. B. Learn, Waterioo. The Gilson "Wizard" is the biggest selling line of farm engines in Canada. That‘s beâ€" cause they give service and VALUE. The Gilson burns kerosene (coal oil), and m little of that! Throttleâ€"governed. magneto. Easy to startâ€"winter or CUESTS OF VICTORIAN ORDER The executiye of the LO.B.E., the Q)Vomu'l Canadian Club, the Red Cross, and the members of the Loâ€" 'cnl, Council ~of Wamen â€" were . the |guests of the local Victorian. Orâ€" der of Nurses at a meeting at the home of Mrs. Mary Kaufman, Roy St., on the afterndon of Tuesday, |Feb. Tth, when Dr. McEachern, who was the speaker at the Kiwanis ‘Clnb Weekly Dinner addressed the 'usexmb(age on "The Work of the ‘Vtcto’rhn Order." He â€" emphasized .'the great work the drder does by |educating the people in the methâ€" ods to get and keep good heaith and by means of lantern slides he made his mgre technical observaâ€" tions more real for everyone presâ€" ent., t the conclusion of the adâ€" (dress the bostess served â€"afternoon tea. DISPOSED OF INTEREST Mr. 3. Gregory Hoye for some time past the President of the Provincial Cut Soles Manufacturing Business recently disposed of his inâ€" terest here and last week returned ‘w fis home in Boston, Mass., where he will take charge of a sim@ar line of ~manufacturing... This removal which will be regretted by a large eircle of friends. was necessithted by the illness »f Mrs. Hoye who has been ‘with fmends in Bosten for some time past. Eo d There were two chimney fires on Bingeman St. on Saturday, both the result of burning soft coal. The fire department was called out and got the situation under control easily. ( At Wion Evangelical church on Sunday last the services were given to the annual day of Prayer vnsth tuted by the Women‘s Missionary Society. In‘the morning, Rev. B. H. Niebel, D.D., of Cleveland one of the ~general _ missionaries. of the church spoke on the missfonary enterprise. Mrs. Sherk and Miss Blanche Van Every were the hostesses at the Health Clinic rec'ently-when Miss Pell and Dr. McNally attended to fifteen small patients. Mr. F. B. Hilliard, district supâ€" erintendent of the Prudential Inâ€" surance Company left recently for New York clty to attended the Busâ€" iress conference to be held at the home office in Newark, N.J., and at the Waldorfâ€"Astoria hotel in New York city. Minard‘s Liniment for Distemper. it is alleged. was theâ€"ring. leader Grade 3. betweeh 50% and of the gang who sometime ago beld Grade 4 below 50%. up Dr. D. R. Mcbaurie on the Galtâ€"! FORM 1A. Ayr road has been arrested and is * at present confined in "the Bulfiwl:‘nq".‘.l ":â€""Vm’iw Oonntyhllwlmh'mbohlnuv . "' hfl.l.g tefore Magistrate Blake at Galt on \, ~“w M"""w :"" /. Soke Feb. 15th. N n ied c6 «Bibleding in od, 4 Aditatss» wotk wht eemes ND S LTY Hoi ing of puple of the Kitchenér 4 ors on ‘Baturday morning at IMMM w. afclock . SBervice was held" at SBtâ€" secons series / of reports 10f: Mary‘s R. °C. church and interment ARING LEADER ARRESTED>| .} . Grade includes those over James Buillock of Brantford who Gradeâ€" 2 between; 60% and The date PERSONALS. in #2 aien P (ohen C . Qradé 1:â€"J. Krait, K. Rieder, 9. pender & .R Huber {equal, J. A+ lan, M. Hallman, D. Jenkins, A. H&â€" macher, C. Burrows, R. Fielschauer, V. Everets, W. Baets, C. Hoare, D. A. Holle, B. Hahn, J. Kirkland. Grade 3:â€"C. Lang, R. Carse. â€" _FORM E. ‘ Grade 1:â€"@. Galioway, T. Warder, G. Schmidt, A. Weichel, F. Schmidt &8 C. Shantz (equal), W. Woelfle, R. Snider, A. Sheard, L. Reis, D. Winâ€" ter, E. Bechtel, E. Wellheiser, D. Steinmets, R. Snider, W. Siebert, V. Chambers, ‘M. Reesor, N. Milnné, A. Troyan. : ~Grade:2:â€"£,, Lavery, N. Howitt, G. Jamieson, H. Liphardt, G. Ferrie, E. Leach & P. Bedford (egual), J. Coltart, . F. Bauer & H.> Jansen (equal), R. Bernhardt, . Joyce. ~ FORM ID. Grade 1:â€"V. Bowden, K. Bardon, E. Brighton & E. _Beese (equal), V. Dedels, A. Liddle, . K. Meisner, E. F‘. Fennel, E. Newbery, L. McKollar, Martin, L. Rosen, M. Starnaman, R. Moyer. * Grade 2:â€"E. Skelton, B. Rice, R. Schulte, B. Schrumm, A. Meisner, A. Niergarth, W. Schiel, J. Mcintyre, M. Miller, D. Schneider. Grade 2:â€"C. Seibert, W. Muldoon, M VanDyke, C. Rau. ‘ Grade 3:â€"F. Wesson. [ FORM . 2A ' Gr#de 1:â€"G. Perrin, J. Malcolm, T. Walker, Â¥ Dennis, L. Wismer, J NcFadyen, B. Holman, K. Treacy, O. Davis & Pâ€"Mader (equal). 1 Grade 3:â€"M. Snyder. C. Alexanâ€" der, D. Sweitzer, I. Heist. Grade 4:â€"E. Litwiller, R. Devitt: i FORM 2B. Grade 1:â€"S. Weber, N. Shant:, W. Clarke, C. Seibert, H. Voége & W. Knechtel (equal, C. Pequegnat, E. Ziegler. ~ academile year. . As in the E. P series the standing in cleven of _ @ thirtoen forms is exceptionally mak Grade. 2: â€" V. Fleischauer, B. Newbery, L. Wagstaff, M. Huff, D. Frank, J Kling, R. BreithauPt, G. McLennan, I. Wright, R. Schmidt, D. Fisher. Grade 2:â€"F. Moogk & A. Binnâ€" Ing (equai), A. BoegM L. Glelser & Hall & G. Sherk (equal) V. Herâ€" ber & 8. Bowiby (Gequal) â€"â€" Grade 3:â€"H. Tolton & H. Sttome lequal). M. Good & G. Zimmerman (equal), _ D. Stephenson ‘& Treacy (equalâ€" * Oradoe 4:â€"M. Walter®, A. Féick FORM 2C $ Grade 1:â€"R. Kruspe, K. Rosenâ€" «@rger, F. Lindsay, M. Lincke & Grade 4:â€"G. Fowler, J. Batte. Gréde 2:â€"E. Kazack, G. Grade 3:â€"C. Bochmer, J. McKay. Grade 4:â€"C. Thoman. her & R Schults (e@ua)), M. Coben, G. Hofman, L. se fI-"o , M Daley, Bechtel, K. Hakn, W. Bowen. , . Grade 4:â€"M. Weber. ' § FORM 4A ~ ‘Grade 1:â€" H. Steiss, K. Snyder, M. Heller, C. Jaeger, H. Perrin, A. Ritter, C. Foster, E Stouffer, C. | rechtel,~ M. Bray, G Clarke, M. Wagner, B. Uitley, L. McFadyen, Grade Q:â€"K. Haist M,. Snyder; A. ‘Bain, D. Tailby, C. Snyder, L. Johnson, M. Rogdding, G. Snyder, R. Richardson, ~J. Hemphill, L. Holtze. Grade 2:â€"D. Maxwell, R. Snyder, W. Sherk, T: Nowack, 8. Westcott. Grade 3:â€"S. Boehmer, E. Smith, C. Washbirn, K. Lockie, L. Delion, Grade 3:â€"C. Hauch, E. Woolner, C. Musselman, S. Good, D. Hilliard, J. Gowan, E Koch, W. Welker, A. Bernhardt, V. Diamond â€" Grade 4: â€" M. Breithaupt, E. Scully. Not Graded:â€"A. Dreger, I. Clarke. * H. Richardson, E. Scheifele, ~R. Hiliatd, L. Germann, F. Ullrich & C, Berner (equal), ‘W. Bean, K. Schnarr, E. Hughes, C_Heller, H. Pequegnat, K. Staebler, E. Devitt, F. Sherk. 2 M pel. R. Sievenpiper, J. Hummel, M. ]$40606860%6A4A miz RBOOLIDDDGAASAAGOGD AAADAORIRAI K . M. Dunke, H Law, Ap Grade 2:â€"J. Collins, H. Dierlam, F. Chessman, E. Rudell & E. Harâ€" rison (equal), N. Langâ€"Ford, J. MacMillan, M. Watchel, F. Huff, G. Conrad, H.. Lincke. 4 FORM 4B ~ Grade 1:â€"W. Bemn.'.l. Turâ€" ner, M. Henderson, A. Hewitt, W. Zinn, M. Ziegler, L. Harding, C. Smith. e Grade 3:â€"A. Scellen, E. Ide, R. Bochmer, L. Smith & M. Woeller Our Special opening Sale commences Wednesday morning, Feb. 14th. â€" You have been waiting to purchase some new furnitureâ€"now is the time. Whether it is a Kitchen Chair or a Chesterfield Suite. We can supply anything to suit your ‘~â€"Store «CA 44 | THE SPIDER HAD NOTHING ON | HIM. "See the spider, my son, spinning its web," said the instructive parent to his small son. "Is it not wonâ€" derful. Do you reflect that no man (equal), J. Rotgauze, R. Moody, F. could spin that web no matter how Mueller. hard he might try." / *>* Grade 4:â€"L. Bezeau. C s ~ Not Graded:â€"F. Bean, R. chm.{ "Well, what of it?" repifed the E. Shantz. upâ€"todate offspring. "Watch me Minard‘s Liniment for Aches and "Well, what of it?" repiied the upâ€"toâ€"date off@pring. "Watch me spin this top. No spider can do that, no matter how hard he might uis‘ 435 8y

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