AF _ _ Oar pystom of rondmaking is rothen | sat and ntblest of _ &o the sore. The time has surely some | of this stemp con: | ‘:md.w†work they touch, tho . system thabt has ob | Stommass eolumn of this issae will be found statisbics reppooting the Gait water works system, and if it can be made to Mb““rbflou nome profk in Waterice on ‘aecount of the formation of our soil and the case with which the mains can be put down here, Bubwe must hasten on to the plant, the cost of erecting a pumping maton, waker tenk, maintensnce, ote., as well as: the probable consumption and the income to be derived there h;‘nu be carefully caloplated, Ib will require much time and thought tbo gather suficient date to come to an fature. Then the value of the present for our present needs, but for a view the possible absorption of the Town by the larger city in the distant future. _ These men will strongly oppose the establishment of an indeâ€" pendent system in Waterloo. But the ratepayers holding these views are in » hopeless minority and the second course may be dismissed as being at presont at least outside of the pale of practical municipal politios. The purchase of the present mains and the establishment of an independâ€" ent system should be thoroughly conâ€" sidered in all its bearings. We ought bo satisfy ourselves Arst of all, that we bave an sbundant supply of pure, _'m water, enough not only There are not a few and among them some very intelligent ratepayers, who think that Berlin and Waterloo should have only one system, and that the two townse should be supplied from one central station. They remsop that the two towns are increasing at such a rabio that a population of 20,000 or 25,000 may be looked for in the conrse of the next 15 or 20 years and that anything that is done should keep in a@nd. Aun arrangement may be made with Berlin by which the Twin City could jointly purchase the present plant and eatablish one central pumpâ€" ing station to serve the future city for years to come. 3rd. The Town may purchase the mains &c. of the present system and erect a puraping atation and water tank of her ownâ€"thue having an independâ€" ent system The first course mentionedâ€"renewal of the present contract with such addiâ€" tional advantages as can be obtainedâ€" | would be, perhaps, the sasieat way out of the difficulty but this should not be done until the merite of the other schemes have been thoroughly considâ€" question. Ihe present contract we understand will expire in 1899 and the next Council will have to deal with this question. The Town will have to make a choice of one of three courses. 1st. The present contract may be renewed for a term of years. One of the first and, perhaps, the most important problem that wi‘l have to be solved will be the water works candidate unless he is willing to sperd much time and thought on the imporâ€" tant issues that will present theanselves. THE WATER WORKS. nated next Monday. The position of councilior next year will not, in view of the momentous questions that will come up for solution, be a bed of roses and no one should consent to become a The Council for next year will have a number of important problems to noive that will affect the welfare and prosperity of our town for many years to come, and it behooves every elector who has the good of the town at heart to consider very carefully the character of the candidates that may be nomiâ€" Notive of chinges must be left at this office TRURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1897 . @opy tor changes must be left not Iater "than Tuesday noon. Casual Advertise meants accepted up to noon Wednesiay of each week. THBE NEXT COUNCOIL -!:â€"&.:‘ n..,..:‘i. 45 y «B4 spon daws A wh mummuz t . c erarsnapne e e Aun ture, so often desplaed by many of our younger men whopeem boand to rush in to the already urererowded professions, will again take their rank as the high sat and noblest of all occupations, Mon d“Wu‘-flbm the Obtewa Anyone present at the meetings would be at once impressed with the calibre of the men constituting the representatives of the fruit growers) They would be a credib to any deliberaâ€" tive assembly. The genial president, Mr. W. E. Wellington, of Toronto, mekes an admirable presiding offécer and his prompt rulings and the tactful way in which he cheoked any digression from the subjeot under discussion were wor thy of all praise ; and in the energetic secretary, Mr, L. Woolverton, the Bogicty has an officer of rare exeentive ability. The pepers reed were of »a high literary order and went right into the heart of the subject, The discussions we bad the opportunity of listening to were animated and pointed and showed not oply that these gentiemen thorough» Iy understood their -w» & facility in expressing ves in olear, forceful English, so often foand wanting in mon in literary and profer sional pursuite, _The addresses of Dr, Rounders, of will not be long, with such man at the The anau«al meeting of the Ontario Fruit Growers in Waterloo last woeek will be a red letter day in the history of the Town. In another column is to be found a brief account of the proceedâ€" inge. To Mr. James Lockie, the enâ€" thusiastic President of the Waterlco Horticultural Society, which, by the way is ofe of the largeat societies in the Province, belongs the credib of bringing the Association to Waterloo, It is to be regretted that the attendâ€" ance was not larger, owing, no doubt, mainly to the very had state of the roads. Those who gid attend, however, enjoyed a rare .‘!fl. and those who could not be predent can not do better than invest a dollar anJ} become a member of the society and receive the bound volums containing a fall report of the proceedings, the Canadian Horâ€" ticulturist for one year and a share in the plant distribution of the society. THE SEWER FARNM. Auother matter that will require much time and thought is the dsposa! of the sowaxe. The sower farm is still a matter of experiment, and whether the experument will be a success or failure, will yet have to be determiscd Difficulties will have to be faced and everecme, and the Chairman of the sewer commitlee will have no casy position to fill. He will require to give the subject much time arud careful thought. Having considered briefly some of the . problems that the incoming Council will have to solve, we would suggeat that partisan and personal feelings should, for the time being, be laid aside, and that we eleot to the mext Council a number of our nost successiul men in the various walke of life, men of thought and matured jadgment, men who have the prosperity of the town at heart, and who are willing to sacrifice considerable time in gathering and collating the informaâ€" tion that may be necessary to artive at the very best solution of the imâ€" portant problems that will present themselves. our public streets Any ch think would be for the better. from the members of the Council, none of whow, in all probability, bhave ever made a study of the subject. Let us chaoge the entire system which is to biame for the miserable condition of time revolutioniz> the condition of the streets. . Road making is a study, and this wock will never be well done :o long as the present system obiaine, of having it performed under the superâ€" vision of the Board of Works chosen side to aile. An appropriation of say $1,000 could be set aside, andablock or two cculd be done cach year, and some‘hing could be accomplished for the cxpenditure. This sum expended work. A plan of the streets should be wade, the streots classified and the THE FRUIT GROW RRS8. Experimental Farm, and qusiified for the : %‘- ""'.-m empsheee on ;,bl i‘ .W fi"é; ; /4 *‘* : i , ;,é fea ‘ A' The Water Works as an Investment Watervorks department has about beep | roted to the torn 5 mlirenyy mited. » fair shtimete of the raloe of the pro | ‘In the Teney work _The Conncil then “jur Woslwios, Des. 10B fiyf * sented was adopted and »1-4 mfu.. :lnn,l?‘d the 0(;’: :..‘.‘:.m : Â¥e QpԠD form, in accordanse with tlu'::ch-‘ inthst bebalf, Acgounts to the amount of $186.55 were passed for gravel, work, bridg: The Tremsurer laid before the Coun oil a detbailed stetement of assets and uwuu.‘.i showing a balance of $8834.« ;’.. r.o'ol eoled texes $10.86, linbilities 'fh.o_ ‘l‘mum‘o statement as preâ€" _Notice wes received from J.B.Laing, calling attention to the statutes, ano law sabout blank forms of books for Township Treasurers, A cirenlar, oloom with patition to Government about change of the U;l" :Amuo Law was received from F, 8 penor, s A blank form for return to Govern: ment re extent of mil of roads maintained in the Tovu.:fp., was laid before the Counseil. Hy. HuRtetWH@L..:«..::r.src0.0.1% Jacob Meyer, Treasurer ........ ... Jacob Meyer, Municipal Loan Fund M Moved by Thus. Short, M‘b) J.B.L‘chty, that the following accounts be grauted and that the Reere issue his orders for the same, viz : J. J. Bauman, part ing hill on Town. ll':afm W alien~ J. Kaibfeiach, printing, per contract S_l._o.l!._l_h.lï¬.fl‘h&l:‘hm.... M. Mey<r, rent for hall, division John lumber order from John Corrie,coment and pipe, half pay James Fowler, railing approach to James Fowler, railing approach to Martinson‘s Bridge . ... ... ... \Vll!q_lld McCormick, two new VOUNCOIL a sam sufficient the interâ€" l , <emme: ‘-‘1n‘=‘l_ | i%ch Session. Caloulating the town‘s share resuiting The Municipal. Counvil of the Townâ€" | from the equipment for fire protection ship of Weilesiey met at the Town Hail, | purposes, we have now a reture fully CUrasshill, on 15th December, 1897, at up to: linbility. This year an overâ€" oue o‘clock p.m., pursuant to adjuarn draft from last year, amounting to ment to last session. . All members | $2,272.11, was wiped eof ; while plant present. The Reeve in the chair. The | and extensions called for the expentiâ€" winutes of the last meeting were read ture of $1,379. The operations for and adopted. 1898 should yield a profit of between Moved by Henry Hostetler, w condâ€" | three and four thousand dollars, which ed by Thos Short, that the following applied to tax reduction wil}l form a accounts be paid and that the Reeve| most satisfactory pieceo of revenue. isaue his orders for same, viz :â€" There is no reason why the Waterâ€" Albert Doering, opening ditch on side -b'l-.l‘i-ot -:tm -:li:: Municipality North East Hope,Road _ |to it to dn in and wiskie maenmsead in Machine, half pay . . .. ... ... ... 15 0@ John E lnh-,:ud 4 00 Geo. Lackner, reck elm lumber,1806 2 75 W Woolwich Townahip Council ley ~and North Easthope and bridges and gravellinâ€" at H. P 01__chxg.'f-¢i-'ï¬ plp;n *% in _ the| " ‘The and frst 'xwz.nmlmdy"" torn 0 im 200 JA if , gray vs.‘... 2 & k..... 108 LP.... R#4t HP.. 3 0 â€"Oarried. 112 06 oo | _ I beg to add that having been canâ€" cerned as “l:: E;i-:l:l udidtiu in the 66c | inveatiga t leged irregularâ€" ities in his book keeping, I have satis ®©| G@ed myself that there is nat a sing‘t oo | item of the many that are claimed to op| be irregular, bat is capable of the 50| clearest explanation, were the means ab hand tor that purpose In every oo | case where the boaks ar sqnnm 00 | forthooming the seeming discrepancy 00| was clearly accounted for, and tht 90 | only treuble was that the entries in the P ma anpieprrapiaty lait by We vmm & lmmm Nop airegen at "nicke fen After the ex+mination of the or tho +mhng meorey . Lk y The annual examination of 8, §, No, unyh Shagh rs iF. ‘a miey ouse on P number of m'ym and Mm"xv’o presen t. The exsmination was a grand snsâ€" cees throughont and reAscted grest 'M“ “m ‘h WQ u'- u“â€'. .vbh'o ‘:ool ub::: tlao“hoâ€bu been in 8e m m‘n th n.brl'isi:- Q:'." & _ teacher #o a no n# in advan the interests o(â€â€˜ the as 2P coedrathe o anawerin n_ny:;fl- was a very mwtoHoL booake were not always so full as i «haw the precise nature of the various transsctions. I am satisfied that no‘ En;:ol.l:: of éither Mr. t:fl.t‘c or :'d mer‘s money was m by Mr. Bthtol..’ s pproprin We have turther to say that th: aaditional knowledge of the points inâ€" ralved which we have now obtained, satisfiee ue that it was not the prope: chh}h uwhu:“srhkd the artick we did last April, which has bee: the subject of this action and we have to express our regret that the matte:» was referred to at all in our paper. LETTER FROM MR. E. P CLEMENT. As part of this settlement we oper oar w:.::lolr.m;'&xpnui cation ’txshu\u-‘ the mat 1ere involved we refer our readers to Mr. Bristol‘s letter in another part of this isane. With reference to the wmitter we have further to say that the result of the trial, so far as it proseed tween a were uce Mdmm.hmh-uzlin luay WW&:‘:I‘W) hall ‘M&umm explaic much of the t,MhuutA. We have further to say that th: ceeding with the trial of this action for two days, l::lut was, upon the suggeation. Presidiog Judge, Sir Wikiam Meredith, settled bot ween the o‘(mhh-:uglnp &E::s&e:d E. :MM':I:‘.‘ W‘ b,'nb(,p‘: â€" Kiitor of CuroxicLs ) b--â€"s' of an era of profia We look to it to do :o, and wissly managed it will prove quite a factor in the reduc tion of taxation The ouclook is proâ€" The Bristol Libel Suit s ite (Advert issment) \ Das, 164 g?w##& o natenarente A% oy C; M curltmer meonded by J ieb it hoi t im is it Sn ol To ie c ht t tm in ky ths map Wirtled Ww man, 408 loads do $33 64; 8. 8. H .« nor, 57 loada do $3 42; &A Crerar, 80 lmds do $480; H. P. Hehmidt, 112 landa do 86 72, ‘John Killer, 40 load: 1 Sm VR WE 1« EHRNH HeVEZD T0 HARUW! .3 40; David Roth, 127 loada do $10 66; A. Fulk, 63 loatls do $3 78. 24 tw EWwaL Vo (Won fo wa (8, To Uce. Main for 41 days on road ma«chine with team, $13 80; W. Main. $7 20; Acam Duemqi 4 raluo sheep killed by dogs, $3 00: Iâ€"aac N «hrgang, n fund dog tax $1; A. Kress, $1; Johu Ruffer, do $1; Geo. Huray, do $1; Jos. Brenneman, do $2; 0. Magdalinak:, do $1; J. Weber $ value of lamb killed by doge,$2 50; Gea Cuusine refand of dog inx%, $1, All of which was respectâ€" tu ly anbmitted, signed J. Weber, Chairâ€" | man. Aoflunmhugun. Ohriatner and H ing above report was ted On motion of H. A. Duerin.m U Zoeller Council resolvcd : inte a onr «airteecof the whale an roads and br id e C, N. Christner in the chair, whos report recommends the paymeus of ) o 1ccounts as hlloni viatâ€"A. Knecoerte! 200 loads gravel, $12 00; Daniel S‘ei~â€" ows:â€"N » 1. $519.95 ; 3, §296 95 ; 4, §$350 20 ; 5, $241 92; 6, $428 10 ; 7, §$301 49 ; 8, $343 63 ; 9, $357 18 ; 10, $348 17; 11, $304 24 ; 13 $322 50; 13, $1 939 33 ; 14, $592 94 ; 15, $347 40 ; 15}, $242 93 ; 16, $556 63 ; 17, $455 87 . 18, $503 77 ; 19, $349 71 ; 20, $257 64 ; Bamberg, $1900. Josiah Haliman, salury 1nd mih ago as Roeeve, $85 00 ; H. A. Doering, divo Deputy Reeve, $50 70; 0. N. Christnar, do Deputy R ove, $59 50, L. Z ollur, do Duancitior, $51 70; J. Weber, do Counâ€" sillor, $42 20; R O Tye, salary as col lector and refund of nomâ€"collectable taxes, $57 00; John Noll,do do $33 00; A. Axt, m‘“,l&o;'l.:ultd‘. 4tn. quarter‘s y as k postage to date, $105 42; A. K auftuown do as Treas wrer, and statiqu ory, $38 00; Caroline Weiler 4 yeai‘s salary as caretaker, &¢ $17 50; Dr. J. A. Butiler for attend 1nce and sanitary precaution re Woe iâ€" and Casssl, $13.00; Dr. Ra‘a for auti toxine otc. re J. Master, $3 80; Muaiâ€" cupal World for uptho\' & $8 41; Jacob Roth $ value skeep killed by dogs, $5 §§; ;lAmuh Wab), extra sanitary work, Public Rohool Rxamination ing accounts, viz:â€"To the Secty. Treasurer of the following schools their râ€"spective levics and Township as follâ€" muittee of the whole on fnance. J. W. '*hth“.wum mmending the payment of the followâ€" E .-.xeuu-ba Wall, Baden, on the 15th of Dec.,1897, pursuant to statute. . All the memoners .â€"‘_â€"-‘J * Wall, Baden, on the 15th of Dec., 1 ,( ® pursuant to statute. . All the memoers present. The Reeve in the chair. m r e Minutes of last session were read and | e ofirmed, | A communication from | mm omm mm Provincial Auditor re cashb book was vrâ€"ad and ordered to be filed. A large| . . . At The Great . . . number of accounts were presented ‘ad referred‘to the respective commit tees _ On motion of C N. Christner and resolved into comâ€" chamses wore examined, and then a gran ho ...,..'::,‘.z..,.,m',?: â€" Wip 18 dook o the work the um 4s i on oo w en id Leat" ; ailso pistares of the Quson, | work ic nit hoi‘ ie Eo . DMERURDT ALTETs W . . menminaiainiy mt uo liey .%-“Znï¬"“ ; i o enz aaties (aan ue ramire Leat" ; aiso pistares of the mpm:» GBBAT , , , Prepare for Cold Weather . . . Bricker & Disbel. . Mich Christmas Groceries Dress Goods The Great December Sale at Bricker & Diebel‘s Great Dry Goods Store is drawing large crowds. But this is no wonder if you consider the PRICEC the PRICES. Ladies‘ Mantles. ( G ’:; fl': g&‘l‘:nfl“..ï¬ Cu Mbiinobrl, Raasion Babi Wol REDUCTION get We ha thing in this line such as, Raising Currants, Cali Pranes, Nute: Abmond Ruts Grenoble Wall Nute, Prlberts, Date:" Â¥ign: Cowhing ate." Ad "at d Piviafiuinahtrb ach .mt i Arasdl. +342 " mis is a genuine snap. @6 days should clear out t e entire lot. $3000 worth Ready Made Clothing going at the foilowing low cut prices Hundreds of Bo Kliukul\nhu&‘knm Lot No. 1, 30 pieces Men‘s good Fashionable Union Pants wâ€"rth $1. 50 now 980. ll;:ry%m?\\u(uum\lu). Men from far and near will jamp at theee is. The best $2.00 pants in the County going at this sale at $1. 50. [ 100 Boy‘s Suits worth $2 00, 42 54 asd $4 00, ‘naw ar g1 Sn Bow‘s 3 piece Suite, $3. 50 to $5.00. 25 Men‘s Suite, good value, at $10.50, ww&?.fl 30 Men‘s Suite. good value, at $8 50, now 50, 100 Men‘s Su ts worth $6.00 to $8.00, now $5 50. ?’.2.{‘.‘“..0:'&‘3‘8‘.‘“2‘ Ulagers, Black Beavers, Brown Beavers or any other kind «£ Cloths, all at the lo« est ) Folt Hot 60 ï¬*é&â€wwm»w ; Ji}%mmu __ Lt No 1 w rth $5.00 for $3.50. _ No. 2 worth $7.00 for $4 50 Lo No 3 worth $8. JQ for $5.50., No. 4 worth $10 0Q for $7. 50. This is a genuine snap. @days should cleat out t e entire lot . $2000 We have still a nice assortment . All this season‘s Goods were extra good our former prices. B-luooehum&h&nol%woty Seasonâ€"we bqu:h-gnkm‘mw‘\y_;rquw.m;â€" eP hm hy o [E;.f»,gf}f;%fléy";rkï¬ï¬ wg We are showing new lines of goods for Xmas trade. west price. No better and cheaper goods in the Connty. C 30 picces nice Dark Piaid Finnmeiatis worth 16 guing at this Deooibed as »Dy, o .22d, o | orgutgn Des. siss, ult â€" Wailper Block, Berlin, YOURS TRULY Corner faan‘t |2 Pake 6y ta ioviem‘ magog ht M : :2 MILLINERY â€" Farm for Sale. â€" New lot of Collars and Cuffe, New lot of White Shirte, New lot of Xmas Ties. a New lot of Mooks Gloves, New lot of Unlined (GHloves, New lot of Black Cashmere Sooks New lot o‘ Wool Glaves. New lot of Winter Scarts, Job line of heavy Winter Hose fo stls lÂ¥ $94 iT & M t4. 0¢