| es I? :»:" v':o‘: be ziu:us:‘m It ;'m w stones '%.;;bn::vm pQ W Or decaying stymps by the wayside ; C PATegEn WIY [M O Tw ro ;ï¬s% though the Queen , of the ree &.:xrwwmu:xh # r‘fï¬ YAr m b:u w;&ï¬ &)’J M.mtamwzmg :.! ‘vlu 'L.L_ï¬l.?f.._l-_.‘gfl' :V‘: AHaur#« wile apreading yow tree, which has been r‘rnhd bo lo the mother church of Bath Abbey, with its: fanâ€" tastic Jacob‘s 'L:&du. iIt u“i.i a deâ€" mfl‘l @, out sign e ; one con vm one eud'o! it to the other withont hearing a voice or seeing a buman face A few miles beyond it was Longridge,another village slumberâ€" ing m'!:l:( in duï¬o; isolation on the ope of Lepsdown. Thrse hamlets were spprosched by a lonely road ovmwx with trges and bordered with stone walls and high bedges There seemed to be no farming occupations, and. there was not a vehicle of any kind moving, n;r bardly » stroller by wayside. Â¥et the road leading to b villeges was in as tlon as the Queepn of the reaim were ex; mumho pyer 1t op on Pem amen mny on Bath, I made a detour to an ancient vill’lu, secluded from observation in a heavilyâ€"woeded hillside, and Qrpar- ently upar o}tlp .:‘ctouoe of ‘the ounber vwï¬mt was gho hwl:‘ of Sm ® ermap chn C poeaeoa with 2 Nt Norman church for efficiency and economy. A few days ago I took a long strall up the Lansdown Road to see Beckâ€" ford‘s Tower, from the lantern af which ane of the broadest prospects in Bomerm' and W.il:lhi;: may be had on & Y a returning to Bath, I uug: detour to an .‘:c’ont ba eanded to American reformars ‘qtm«y and economy. and he receives a sharp warning from the inspector if he “:qu his work. This is the English system, and it may the »n}u\(\wdk it neat, tidy, fl‘fl'gln itber and M‘:‘&:flf 8ca and a roadâ€"mender. He goes ou:w:md every day and removes, in a barrow, everything that is unsight ly, After a heavy rain his trained eye Tor hk pos on wane id waier water ¢ not drai idly» and he mends the brake and restores the leval by dumping a load of flint whare it is needed. Supplies of materâ€" ial for roadâ€"mending are in reserve every half mile, where fiint has been carted, brogen up and left for its m{ He watches his section of the road all comaty, and he employs a force of road MM\@MW for the sections of the road assigned to The roadmender lives in a cottage on the line of the highway wirich he is required to keep in order, and is conâ€" committee i‘:l:E:r\ and is sub divided into a gmall commit tees, cach with its own district. There in an intpector for every division of the im keeping them in order. Some of the roads leading out of Bath were originally made by Romans and all the other high: whather old or new, mduhm«um‘udn’ Wufl_‘m&hmvmh drainage ; Nndlhu-:'n;hy nor the roadâ€"maker‘s art w protect them if they did not receive constant anpertision and daily care. Onnolthemn'-portuthnc&iou‘ of local government in Eogland is systematic oversight ;l“ch. roads, > comacil a standing mma-muum “““m“hud keeps them in re pair at the expense of the rates The committee is a large one, and is sub that the secret of the perfect condition in which English roads are found at a)} seasons of the year is unremitting care THH DoADS or hhmt.nhth snd there to disfigure them, There are no ditches as the side ; and there are no ruts and pools in the centre ; there is no wayside litter, and the fences are cither stone walle, covâ€" ered with vines, or neatly trimmed =-‘ ‘The commonest English is evenly bordered with turf and kept in such perfect order that it might be ciaimed by the wealthiest land baron as an ornamenta} drive on his I bave no at work. He is at once a TV P EF r"n’"vï¬v'r-r will aoil at $1.20. I said w g oys orop. â€" We ie whent hver it, the 9"*.‘:3997 1.20 or $1 60 whest before Obristmas Eg? l for F 'mo t tae 'mmu- m.trgt't Will Go up to Chioego, Dec. 10â€"The aqueese" which sent wheat here yesterd to $1.00 produced the ext’rmdiug’lit- nation in specolative circles was Ehmd“ï¬" of uwul{. grey bairs among e shorts. The bulls, the Leiterâ€"French sombination,damped bundreds of thoyâ€" sands of buskels gto the pit to kee the price down, the bears ; gged ms aqueezed the quotation in zmwio enâ€" deavors to find ‘a mp?m but the risoowr. with a close $1.07. Some whou who see great punishment i Mlore for the big men without whert boll at backward. _ Harry, aithough bas bruised, saw hisu;z‘muge. ‘?:3 for the fence, which he j anad was safe. The bull was by ng means sablafied with this procedure He a run to Harry‘s assistance, just as the ball was_about to kneel down on him, with the evident intention of torgiwx him. _ Andy mod up the stick rope and chain which the buil had freed himself of, and belabored him over the eres and snout so ucmercifally that the animal, which had been roaring with satiefaction before at tramping on Harry, gave a cry of pain and ran im and gorge him with his horas. Znng?n‘¢ed&uwud made force and knocked him down. Audy heard t wo faint screamse from the stable and rushed to investiga‘e. There he saw bhis consin lying or the ground, the bull doing his utmost to stamp on temper and Aody, thinking that his fustening in the stable was no6 strong enougbh, went to the city and purchased a strong chain whereby hbe cou‘d be more securely fetter=d. Mr. Porter reâ€" terued about two o‘clock, and ftold his cousin Harry to take the buil ont to water, while he fixed the chain in the sta‘l, _ Harry took the bull out. There was a ring i. the animal‘s nose, about a foot and a balf of chain, and a short baudle and a rope attachei to the bandle . . When the bull got near the trougb, he became uncomfortably ft sky, and succeeded in freeing his nose from the riog. No sooper had he doze this Sbel be charged Hiry Parlw & o near the bie b.i groucdâ€"the old Fergusooâ€"Biâ€"ir property. He farms the »cres and keeps a few caltigamong which is a Jersey buil, purchased from the O.A. Coll ge stock. For the past two wueks this bull bas shown an ug‘y in Mexico, but it is seldom indeed that| _ Many a gir! has found: to her sorrow &thflldh&â€dï¬o“.*dd&wlflu country, except when one animal of quired beanty she almost invariably that stamp loses its head, Mhfl-umm&-m South they are prepared for that sort of youngy men and women, while anâ€" THH PBJIOHOF WHBAT. w kRe» :â€"D a Nermarket, ‘ 6 bhandi~‘ â€" Al f€ p .&x s on PPEA * ADNR@O118 J ne :'5‘?“'3“; g their ':n:k.‘ y'f‘w:’ fn%: Wear men an e andibore r'zmpd eorpm» Mrc. Ha has given notice of a ‘hill in the gmmow“' Leailluunbrtm better suditing of municipal sccounte.‘ Mr. Heypook, in oxaloiuishbh bltl. points oub thet the great ew“"z p -nditing umuw nte is pot aq much 1. e}ny umn; a8 to the fast that the receipts mhï¬: are not credited. Fvocr.lly the case where transfers are Dé'lm one mpnicipslity to apother. pâ€';di-u:b†htbo treasurer of u;vz{ municipality who pays mone trpuur‘:r J mu.!; n"-sll op ,J apus 1st of ewh’e";::dblhtefllnl“l# ments, 0 owp re mcd vl‘b 35 ozr:vmgfl:s. to the bead of the municipelity to whose _'gumr he bas »o paid the lgong ig statement is to ‘be nsed by the To Prevent at a dinner or mzpo;. "After a while you will find that your carefglly smnvd topice will arâ€" range themgelves. You will instinct ively uohuanc‘l ;'auwmhie: the story “:r veree or hit of interesting or amusing gossip, and it will aimast umo;ou- ly come to your thought at the right moment." â€" _ "As regards chat! with ropk in general, nothing k“:fiar. on have two or three good newspapers every day, and as many or more good zincs every month. Those mm sufficient to post you thoroughly reâ€" garding thae topics that are of interest to people of your awn set. Do not try va absorh and digeat the entire contents a% ‘one fell awoop.‘ Make a dozen difâ€" ferent lista for differeut occasions. O course they are the atock snbjects, but sha_y will > serve u:h?\g you to acquire S.id one young woman to anvther â€""Mow I enry you your gift of enterâ€" taiving ! You a‘ways seem to have something bright and interesting to «ay. }P:‘oph gather around you at reâ€" oâ€"ptions and partiss, and you are al ways in demand." "My dear, it is perfectly simple," she said. "Any ons can do it who possesâ€" wae the average degree of intelligence. [t is merely a matter of proper arrangeâ€" ment of ome‘s forces, A general may bave twice as mavy men as has opposite: commander and be defeated, because they were not in the right place at the ight time, kdnyour‘wvutobn on :3:."1:1 dcar. If you '::;;o be ::: io have nu&t to about. That is the whole secret. ed and entertained, Young women «ho expect to erter society «hould serâ€" ou~ly consider the m .ttr of becoming W.l.‘lin‘ for, while beauty is a great adâ€"ankâ€"ge, the ability to entertain acâ€" counts for much more. This is mortifying in the extreme to any giri,and, most of all, t> one who is conscivus of a comely face and 6,ure. The real secret of the trouble is that ahe is uot interesting. Young men grow tired of just merely looking at a preity gir‘. They want to be intereatâ€" other, with far fewer physical astrac €, a8 are likely to be ap ?jha} :::t, of thing J'le u:: of Municipal fome e ey io :ï¬ ___COOMINGI _ Bt. Mary‘s, Friday & Saturday , Doc, 1718 uy /% UBRE WIPLOUT AN o ce t e otnD® . _0 0 o 02 uen 02 +. . ie hh d Svrild onl porre Baor sumend c an &ag SY QVERCOATS: For a y m g%’;:@%%ï¬%â€& .ï¬% ¢a| ':;3:-'&;& we inQ we C rove to ti i SU!}'S and 5%&0“‘8') %to the ‘::‘:‘ G:L‘Jauf::mb;og:yu wid {m nd anywhere in towp. hey possess a style that you will not m t mt otgucr make ofcr:’{mcdfl. and the fit and ï¬nl& are equal to u“ h‘VS “yiui SINGLE ..n‘d. LAIRLE Kinuy Enmmg aud Perimire cees STYLISH SUITS & OVEHRCOOATS RELIABLE CLOTHING â€" â€" IT IS Now Ready llmclh WATERLOO, OQONT., in the dwelling formerly cccrpied by Henry K. . §8.â€"I am also prepared to fill orders for Dobb‘n‘s Patent Dowaâ€"Dr aught Prum. MANUFACTURED BY CLARE BROS. & CQ, PRESTON 6 6 We kno IL ©oo%. _ 1t 1 ick heater. _ The fiercest f checked at once. PI?}:' DOURLE ::?aEATING BURFACE of a stove. It is a great AT DiS‘l‘RABU TOR and will warm a number It is a perfect spark arrester. â€" Tt is constracted on the Downâ€"Draught can be used as a It is a PARLOR FUORNACE" STOVE Handsome, Durable 2 Cheap. sent it is made in two sizes, Nos. 28 and 24 (that is with bodies 28 and 24 Mï¬&t%mll:ï¬u:thlmmhbdyin }‘h rices, without cook covers or coalâ€"burning extras are tl..l 50 w;g?flgdm%_bhumdwm:wmhfloum the fpllowing teatimqiy trom your neighbor. Is it R, 0, DOBBIN, WERFUL HEATER 1jï¬ onomical. ‘ ol ns oo o it ncomearet 5 vilhe RELIABLE PRICES, The Only Mernia Specialist in the Dominion, It has been tested and is o : For a 0d y made Fall rmv::’ MTE% 63'7;33?:- 'f.-‘lr ’;‘g ""‘T-t- Great Success, for the Market and is a : : : : BLE SAcK SUITs and Curaways, fabrics, at $4.90, $4.30, $5.00, $6.00 will warm a number of rooms. easily cleaned out. It ':..‘.l*'_.ï¬.'_m-}ln-h ical. _ It will burn coarse, easily cleaned out It y made Fall PATENTEE. health. _ I can heartily recommend it to all troubled as lwas.orinnccdol‘agenenlinvigantiog medicine. R. R. DICKEY, J. R. For sale at all dealers, or address the Company at Hamilton. Price $1.00 per bottle ; 6 bottled for 88. in the pooket, which means " Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded." Doss the combination of Ressons appes! to your Judgment ? choose, try on, and suit yourself from stock, without the uncertainty of an ordered garment. .. And lastly, you will find a little Guarantee Catd For several Reasons : OFFICE OF R. R DICKEY, Clerk 5th Division Court Agent for best Insurance Judged by Appearances. 1. 5 BROOS.â€"Solse Local Agent _« Dear Sirs..â€"â€"About two years ago I suffered from an attack of bilious diarrhoea which became chronic and threatened my existence. 1 used several kinds of patent medicines and was treated by my family physician but was not cured until I used your Sloan‘s Indian Tonic It helped me at once and I continued to improve and now enjoy perfect First. â€" You feel yourself to be a better man. Secondiy, You look a better man. Thirdly. Your fellowâ€"man respects you. Fourthly. It is Readyâ€"to wear and you The Slan Medicine Co., rnaces | JACOB CONRAD Ppantet oo e ht AFHERL is Oats=â€"a Hardware, Stovesand Tinware Forest, Ont., October 12th, 1897. Readyâ€"toâ€"Wear ClothÂ¥ng. Shorey‘s You cannot afford to wear slop clothing. It is a weakness of huâ€" man nature to judge by ap ces. mnu dog will bark at a tramp while a well dressed man will pass by unmolested. It pays to wear ‘ BICYCLES PEASE are now sold at cost. are made for Wood, Conl: or Cok= ; We# air and combined Steam and Hot air of Hot water and Hot air. Eor Kcenomy u\lwul-;u«-th-.'-nï¬-‘* it. They are positively gas : proof. Every job guaranteed. Now is the time to prepare for the cold The celebrated ely gas and dust ash 4