And Horse powerâ€"Clippers, Ground and lepaired at throBerlin lgl;’.ycle Repair Co‘s een St. South. ‘ho are now busy grinding clippers from dlrm of the country and we guarantee to d your old clippers to cut equal to if not ‘:‘thr than the best new clippers manufacâ€" uredâ€"simply because we understand exâ€" actly what is required and have tha latest ved clipper grinder on the market. We 50c a pair and guarantee our work tory. SBpecial attention _ given to gustomss fram & distance. Clipp®rsgrounp While You Wait. 0. L HEBNDERSON, BEKLIN® of all kindsâ€"a specialty. All meats delivered mmm uers treat d wi h courtesy. and satisf.ction guaras.teqd. The Leading Meat Market O TL T PPE RES Mr. lechard is making empply ing .‘u tomers . with lm;"l first class meits during the bot m it ha. is the only upâ€"toâ€"date But:\> Shop in toun where customers can rely upon getting omly the choicest,cheapest and bes of meats This establishment, has the eputasion 0 keeping only the best and finest _ arieties of MEATS AND SAJSAGES Mh?\.iuï¬'w stion are promptly eured by Heod‘s They do their worlk Beef, Pork, YVeal, Lamb, Mut Hams, Bacon, Corned Beef, Beef, Veal, Mutton Pork, awb, Bacon, Ham, Pickled Pork and Tongu , Corn Beef and Dried Beef always kept > 1 ‘iand also all kin ‘s of Sausages as, Bologua, Head Cheese, Liver, Pork, Wiener and Sum : er Sausages "r. H. B. Duering, the enterprising King St. wicher, bas Juâ€" e a sweepu uction ch juâ€"t mad ng reductio the prices of al meat and sausiges and will rn-tbm gell as sheap if nct cheaper than any o(hf utcher and street p dlar in Waterloo. As he buys only the youngst and healihiest As he bugs only the young‘st and healthigst aniwals his patt ns o in re y on always getth g choicest meats at lowest price‘. At his way always be found a full stock of 1&:. dolognas. Wiener, Port Sausage, 1 eese, ali at 10c per lb. As he has one the bea s+usage makors i. the country io employ, the public umi test assured as to ip sup ricr quality. Sugar cured hams, can and sunim r sausoge a epecialiy. ce ‘oua out of the hote! bus neas Mr. a:cgu im eriden}‘to give his undivided atâ€" tlon to looking after the wante of his numâ€" customers and hopes by fiir and equare Ing <h :t he miy retain the p :tronage hat h retain the p itr of his ©ustomers and gain that < "~~ny new ones extends a hearty invitati 1 o ~uhllo to lnnd'lnap ot his large #0 «ut «.c0. . ured ‘«me and fresh meats and «ausagce aâ€"d »e0 for selves the r<markably cheap prices at w he is < ‘-finuxl\om. lBllmdld Ivery .xvlce is in o:env ion so t e numerous customers can haye their re ‘al_led promptly and uot be inconvenien: by f:iluce to deliver mears « hen orderc d.â€"tf N. B.â€"Orders taken daily and meat de livered to any part of the town through a first class delivery service. easily and thorousmhly. Best after dinner p:is. 25 cents. All druggisis. A Drop In Meats Hoods easily and thoroumhiy. ® Best after dinner p:i}s. i ! s 2 cents. All druggisis. Prepared by C. 1. licod & Co.. Lowcil, Mass The only Pill to take with Houd‘s Sarsaparilie, Cheap Meats Beven order FOR‘TWENTY â€" SEVEN YBARS eonapqnanqncnâ€"n0900 200000200000 29 :9 â€"929200308 MRS. J. LENHARD, Opposite Alexander House Watcrioo For Coughs, (iql'dl, Ié;ron« sgmu chitis ore throat', etc, um KEBRBY, '"?...â€-::‘-- Proraizroms, LENHARD‘S MEAT MARKET. % Gray‘s yÂ¥ SyTUp *\ of Red HORSE & TOILET John B. Fischer and Sausages ds .‘ tea w in 20. Uragtiord â€"ATâ€" :’?o.“)‘l'."‘“ ""‘E.i Â¥ & ~‘n. s E.:'%,_._.,..E'*"' g : . & io o 6 ant‘ sJ .g #o aAhe y The Loss $20,000â€"75 Hands Out of Doon Dec. 8.â€"It was not ‘u‘::lll o‘clook this g that the ab Porine and ‘z;l.-fllo was ont, and it was found . the roof was 15,000 or $20,000, which is uu-:'Muw ‘ corract bgures be oo hok is on Apiuonet, Pithch and Br» folktic Te Bubscribe now for the WatmRLOD Covnty OnronicLs, as it is the leadâ€" ing peper in the connty. S nhemey a9o m“ï¬"Eï¬ top fiat, the machinery reoked , bllflvolov':.‘:tlvu damâ€" aged by water but the io nob dataaged to any extent, _ The sad t omae is irene in The Pouiltry Asociation will have an exhibition in Februiry. Hoo. Thoe. Ballantyne has been fore: d to resign the Liberal nomination of North Perth owing to ill hea th. The Customs Departmeot is taking steps to stop the importstios of unâ€" health y tem. Jacob Holfman, of Shakespeare, is said to have annourced his intention of suing the Amanduse syndicate for $10,000 damages for defamation ofcharâ€" acter and the making of fa‘s â€" atatementa as to his working qualities Mr. Hoff man claims that owirg to these stateâ€" ments he has been unable to secure a day‘s work since his connection with the syndicate. _ Personars. â€"Mr. EB D. Heist @asin the village one evening last week. We are always glad to see his friendly face in our mides.â€"Mrs. Amos (Vobov called on Mrs. Wim. CN‘.‘ on Satorâ€" day last â€"Miss Mary Aon Snider, Miss Stells MoCormick and Miss Algerts Bhants called on Mre. Jacob Mihm on Bunday last â€"Miss Eime Oarey was the guest of Miss Emmse Weber one dey ï¬.s week.â€"Rev. J. B. Bowman and Mr. A Meok of Berlin were the guests of Mr. Wim. Csrey on Bunday evening last. The members of the Oentreville Union Bunday Bohoo! bave decided to m their entertsimnent on Tâ€'I‘:I Dec. 28th. A good time is expected. Andrew Semple M.P. has sold his dour mill in Fergus to James Wison, of Monkland, for $5,000. Annie Koischewsky, a weaver omâ€" pluyed at A. W. Brodie‘s big woolien will at He peler, bad her hair caught in the geariog winding it in and tearing off a portion of it with a larke por ion of the scalp and severing a portion of the left ear. Briers.â€"Mr. K. Meck one of the well known citizens of Freeport, hasre moved to Berlin, where he intends he reside for some time.â€"Mr. O. Treilor has left our midat and has moved to the village of Freeport where he has rented a small farm.â€"Mr. Joe Schmidt has purchased the small tarm owned hy Miss Ester Shants, for $900 â€"Mr. Frank Meyers, our popular broom maker, is very busy t:om days. â€"Mr. Charles Maus has ssoured the caret«kâ€" ing of the U. B,Ohurch (Radical.)â€" The village of Oentreville contaius a blacksmith, township hall, schaolhouse, church, waggonâ€"maker, shoemaker, two broomâ€"makers, a temperance house, a well digger and a few fAue dwellin houses.â€"‘The steam thrasher is mrl heard in the neighborhood.â€"The sar penters are nesarly finished with their work for this s ason.â€"The order of the CO. H. O. held their monthly mesting at B-'_ckor't Hall on Baturday last. _ In politics the man in the pew now knows as cuch as the man in the pu}â€" pit He may not be as spry in workâ€" ing his jawe, but his thi kiog tank is ali right â€"Gonezicn SIGNAL * Mr. Aaron Shantz of Wikwot, re c>ived a letter recently from Wm. A Laiird, who sold bis farm near Hays ville a few years +go and moved to Souris, Manitobta ï¬l’. Laird had 2,â€" 700 bushels of wheat this ° year and sold part of it at 80 cents per bushel. The partnership betwean Addison Bowman, formrely of E mira, son of the late J. S. Bowman and Howard N. Shaw, doing a tanning aud grocery business at Hawk:haw, N. B. has deen dissolved. Mr. Bowman intends going into business at St. Jodn. James McQueen, one of the most respected civzeus of Galt, died on Wedâ€" nesday of last week frow paralysis and softening of the brain. kie was i. his fortyâ€"seventh year and was engaged in the retail wood and coal business. Montreal claims to have a popu‘at County District Gleaned From Exchanges THB DOON FIRB CENTREVILLE The Now Rogland Rarmer sayse:â€" Is is a cause of chronic compiaint in overerowded cities ad rhld rural districts that preple from the country to the city, and that peoâ€" ple in the city will not go to the counâ€" try, whatever be their need of larger reom and opportunity for abandant labor. The reason is not far to seek, and it suggests the remedy. . Bees will go where the honey blowe. Mau«n is a social creature by instinct and educa ioe. . It is the social aspect of the city which actracts. should not be the happ.est and wholeâ€" somest in the world. There is no rea son why the sccial hife of the rur«l dis:rict shou‘d uot be made as rich and abttractive as thâ€"t of the city, zor why it shou‘!d not embrace intellec: ual opportun ty. ‘The reading club, the wmag» zine club, the circulating library, the merry making clubâ€"thess are a 1 rural possibilitha _ A little public spirâ€" it, a li:tle enterprise, thought, sobesâ€" i>0, crgarization are nrcessary, jusat as they are neceâ€"sary in the city. In many parts of our coun‘ry the grange ‘s showierg how »auch these can do to enaliven und diznify rastic life The woman‘s c‘ub has entered the farm house, and has put new springs of acâ€" tion and inf@uence into the life of the farmer‘s wife and daughter. With bad roads, poor ways of getting about, and wide distances between he:self and her neighbor», woman‘s life in the comutry has been p«culiarly colorless in m‘uy sectiors of our vast agricultaral terriâ€" We are going to fiad out as a nation that it pays to set our wite to the task of making fare life attractive. Every thinker, writer, and doer of deeds who sets forth any movement or enterp ise which tends to make f.rin life merry, bright and progresgsive in its social ana intellectual features is a public bene factor. The rural d atricte need to deâ€" velop within themselves every advant age of free school and library. These watters are most noteworthy subjects of public thought, inquiry, and endea vor. 'l‘ue::yeu ::fl asg the country will prosper by their fartherance. Evâ€" erything comes out of mother earth The 3\«« the soil needs: nothing that the town can do to dignify his call ing, yet he and his city brother will be well employed in contriving to put as far as possible the city‘s larger inte} lectual optotunitiu and l&ur social gracee within his reach. balance will not be so hard to strike af ter all, for the country dwelier has wmuch advantage wfl:::d l:id;i which can never be a y him who lhvesin cities. pf?dl:ed it is a Tmtioa if clean air and water and the freedom of the hills and valloys are not of greater \alue than anything that the city can give in exohzus for them. Then, too, as far as intellectual matâ€" ters are concerned, we know that of her great minds which have been leadâ€" ere 3.. world owes more to the counâ€" try than to the town, and that it has always bsen a favorite way with naâ€" ture iobrin‘ forth and nonrish great geniue in quiet places. . k00 How shell ue provide the country with that which makres the oi!'{ so atâ€" tractive to Jack and Jane! How shall! we give them a fairer rmportiou ol mentel exercise and socia pdvilao to their physical labor} Every indiviagel who contributes to the solution of this uestion is doing everybody a services, %h&m-‘n‘ is on:“ for t}u wise a:: po r to soive. In propor as the solution is reasched loss wi‘l be heard of IM' ul:::?l" l;&&ug ‘.o: young rom me t and m‘:m be fower sbandoned farms and homesteads. waunts to vary her milking and cooking and oevlu’ with social tess and mental stimulus of the woman‘s club, look with longing eyes towards town, and get there as soon as possible; and \gu Jack and Jane, when in town, by no manner of means want to change their abode to the country. _ This Telis Where Meaith May Be Death of an Old Resident otf There is no rea on why fum life For @ver Fifty Years age does on logs for axport be increas ad. ~Msr '% made a> rattling apeoch in favor of a strong anti Amerâ€" omipn o in ty foord were discharged, The amount act m ‘?"%w" (s oo Rehe Nes Th aro e in *Well,‘ the | Reptocth -’g & t:n:lo ::'lu which anffored nearly all my life _ into particnlars, â€" \tone adalen) doreg TZ "Fet Wherever he pitches his to :t the Scot brings with him the habits and instite: tions of his lacd. In London today (shades of Burus !) umd'm:i- on sale, and not long ago the notes of the bc(pirl could frequently be heard p:;oee u\‘:‘d tn; :k « quesatered on Ham, eath, says a corâ€" :wwondont. :«ddwly the atudent of the pipes mysterionsly duflwvd. and there were ramors of fou! play, which may be interpreted in two ways. Bat there is still a piper who sometimes atrute in the vicinity of Ladgite Hill, and gathers a goodly harveat of bawâ€" bees _ Respecting the operstions of this musician a recently ohatvl:d to “; lrimd‘, Â¥ § must love ; why, I mar ane drop moue;-fl’wâ€:h.\ piper‘a withrteare in his eyers! ‘Ab,‘ l‘p‘u the -uuhtlia":uu. ‘the teare must have come after he had dropped the money,‘ which, of course war a base calumny. school ; once a tercher of yourh with few superiores, whose zoc oby was courtâ€" ed and hber friendâ€"hip valued. But fashionable wine dr nku g proved hbes ruin. Shs sipped, s‘e drank, y<â€"t all went well, till one day she onsied the line of propricty,she eat: red ber school reom under the infuence uf wine. Then the friends that lad taught ber to druak lifced up thour false hwds in holy aorror, ashamed, disgraced. She left the place, came to New York where, giving away to the ap, etite, her :g;::ï¬on'um“!.hk.ud& s‘cepsa in a paupor‘s grave. Would to God that she had been the leat victim but she was nok ‘Toâ€"day the cup still fashes it light in brauty‘s ‘Ob, it is you, is it?‘ she arid lcil{ To is me,‘ was the answer, ‘your long lcat husband, who has come to tell you that he is sorry he ran away two years mgo.‘ ‘Maybe you are sorry you went,‘ mmu.. Ytdy. ‘bat I .lu,z't. What Jt'd' you o me biuok for F ‘U‘{ dearest, I have been to the Kiop Jh' rnd last enmmer I accumw lated Afty thousandâ€"‘ _ _ ‘F Aâ€" thou sand dollers !‘ shrieksd the loving wife, as she fell on his neek. ‘No, Mosquito bites.‘ It was a moment later only that he oll on his reck himmelf, ferred to a monetary dificnlty, Wum“m“"e! it necessary !o_‘o it still drags ite victime down to the grave.â€"National Temperance Advoâ€" Qpening the door in response to an luiopt::\ t.uooh the lady beheld the figure of one she remembered. pascd on and enterad a lew grog shop. Piacing come peunies on the courter she took in her trembling; hand the gla s and 2rank, theo passed out and with uneven steps went down the stree‘. _A policeman on being spoken to said she was a comwou druâ€" kard, that Lke as not she w.uid be in the staiion bouse ere night, and that night «Le slept there. face, toâ€"day it yet touches hubls’v it still drags its victime down to She looked heggard, pa‘e and Glthy ; was hareâ€"Leaded and amost bareâ€"fouted. She was a pitiable object. That night she had speut on hard s#o es She the head of a fashiwuable young Indies‘ Bowe yearse ago the editor of the\ Gon, David Mills takes his position Advecate «hile presing through 900 9| a, Minister Uf Jnstice, -:.n-.. the worst districts of New York «w a o A woman emerge from a dwk narrow .-’Adm-tï¬-n-dh-. alley. Is was early in the morning ‘their just fate, among others. that of She loocked heggard, pa‘e and Glthy ;) Ailison, for whom"petitiocs are now was hareâ€"Leaded andamost bareâ€"fouted. i F R She was a Pifichie ol jeet. / "I C b:q-:.du;:.t. hase his sentence she had speut on hard s#o es She | . o nnatst ob pascd on and entored a low grog shop. | ‘" * recent «ditorial, discuescs the subâ€" Piacing come peunies on the courter|})e0t in a sensible manner. Is says : Aud who was this dagraded creature? Ho« came she so low 1 Had she always becn a child ty 1 Ob, no, it in demmy inatkie . Ohce thiat pdor outcast was a beautiâ€" Back From the Klondyke The Scot in Londonâ€" and bwonty Are for the public. These lotters, asking for pardcus, refer largely to the worst crim‘nals, 1nd emanite, in many cases, fm--m--ndm"uln’-_hs’ "As a thorough believer in the Brik ish system of acministering justice, it is most probable that the verdicts of jaries and the sentences of judges will not be interfered with by the Miniater ekcopt in very rare instances, where lief : brought umnbuldnl‘: "n,d%““ f Ausidenid. "} rore is Aeioti on er, that note quiokly remorrs pain at oner, UWhas 0o you En bg o ie ugt ul i f‘s WHW® “‘:"i;"‘"“" We IATOPTHY WY‘ Kd:to 2#3 mï¬ï¬‚vgm s 240. vbc.:rum of New lamb, mioond Ts the semint ieoiiw i o Ircsen mutton trade As 84. :w Ih, ï¬'u:l:'ll: more tb::t' Nlhr"fl'†price for ‘b,"lc sheep or lambs, O:tl'(:‘v:m in their :"w. are ï¬ï¬â€˜:: ie irep w io in lek dagit} 'ï¬":' aWo ways p _om†) '_'Qule yn’Fl’.†h'u':hmnmm you A pe#rpaper ‘man epguirer, Frozen mutton in Engliand has come down to an almost !,umu price to ahi latest civenlar, qwhthnfthm Canterbury nult::u at Sr*.wl .a" touching ever w ::::‘!?-ï¬omï¬d o'v::lwd selle at 3d., and heavy or inferios car be forgottenr, is the mmhn of the pab‘ic, ani we trust the day will never mï¬tkn‘nflbfl lhl:‘ courts or the executive will permib inmpression to o npearl. on in monormel with i ity, will not be awift and certain, tl:.: Mvhhulm to secial or the persistency of friends. «"Bscause of uncertainty in the pan; ishment of criminals, and the law‘s do lay a, thootiuoolhul'uhu be.ame so prevalent in the United States that it is a national ecauda\,and has trought that mlrwmmhloahm disrepate. We do not want that state of affaire duplicated in Canada. We know that it is the intention of the Miniater to prevent itas establishment hyouth:i:.pcw-w or those oun crime may as v.\l\\tdtrth«...ft\.k "If tho:e tempted to murder, or to steal, or commit any other uba:: not desire to meet the fate of the let them stay their hands in time. Punâ€" ishment shoald not be vindictive, but it::ghno.hw«ad wo feol ar aured that that is the view entertained by the present Miniater of Justice." t ie *4 m Mills is a man of kind heart, bus it has not hitherto been his habit to ignore his duty to the whole people in order that he might give : ar to the plaint of those who are cuifâ€"ring their just dee erte. Speâ€"hing of hie duty in the prem jmes the Minister recently said : * *I hoge I aways have agm pathy and -u:;Lth.-&qn.d convict, but I hope I shall aiways bave sympatby wi‘h the victim, and mercy "Hon. David Mille, the new Minis er of Justice, has a grest dral of his hoati personal lettor n esns o t the reduction of their sentences. Mr. the beat of reasons can be shown for "1\'0‘.“:‘;‘ i let it ao6 be forgotten, inmh- of the Wo:’n mazyâ€b re» se who ghe thits dhtidrens lver Oil, ine mubmon sreiy 125 i a month or two, hLmM well and strong all winter, id L hn bocs uh «44 V vasd No Money in Frozen Mutton: l?;-: ablilno qtm'vnQ ‘ _A pepspaper man epguirer at do you i wyor the fo e un c mike Bite of Fun. 27 8 hoi o Bleo blus pooaglt y and Granite and Marble Works, ODrafte lssued on all Prineipal Points | samze nargs mumflh Dollers YHE SAVINGA BANE DEPARTMENT 4# Highost ourrent rates on specia) deposita The Molsons Bank x ~mer nean orric®, MONTREA . | Dowighe Tibâ€"Aogerease Oy . â€:;?;â€":M'.M tovim, ~~oÂ¥tntinptnt . . . A BANK!NG BUBINEGG | awmerized cantinn@iia®titite. »ocoah oo . 0 ) Reonemical Mutual Firo Ins, Co. |ï¬l wirmod Htroan Vegal No# Amets Amennt at Risk THE MERCANTILE FIRE Head Office, Waterieo, Ont. *==":z.2."z.2" A Man May Be ;"l:;;nmmv «.k' y t | l lt nanem . d bha rpptci Â¥P) 3" 7: M00¢ 4 e Â¥a J¥‘ Wighest ourrent rates on spesia) dupostts | 5; S3 «: ‘or comapthion ;;.Aw | oi ies |o Hn in eneaarotiint a ~ h Td 1&04 tb BR + O M T i ho tree Pn se % a r;p"‘"."}"t * C 7 1 ’*i ‘ % " AT l . . I‘y. # o a im ie 6 { \. ;l *d“bL‘A “::‘o".' p ‘ Win» . '3’ t a»*" \..‘\ P# ) ponérel und wonlenâ€" M o \\' 4 { ;,‘\ * ‘3‘ s Â¥ ¢ j[ ce sound plers 7 > ‘ ", ((“I i "" "‘; ‘, A/ “'†2 5# for a MA ao 4 $ 4n > | wicerrorkTen iatig Btreet, opposite Market, poverty to morrew ! THE SANCTUARY OF PAMILY LV â€"â€" =â€" |Tetal Aesetaâ€"Atet \Decetiber 100 Nes othcrvise provided tor: hould be protected by creditor, aewept ?flï¬â€œl- fig sir The Firstand Highast The Ontarie Mutusa) lite A policy efassurance in : :