i â€" DecemberShoe Values not for ons Bby shoes 25 cents. aed Ms." We have‘h Enies but xo ponniner this ons the we one of them all, Come and see. fe misses and children‘s 10s. On m'&."u. aboat m«flh of u“: m“bg‘m‘mm ::'u“-u AlloM‘l.I:o-l-:s::w littleness compared to opportunit Wb:m and child., 5 of winter footwear. We quote a few prices of our many bargains this woek, , Raisins per lb ..... ........ Currentsper ID.....:..:...., ... Figs, Cooking. per lb......... ‘Orange and lg:mon Peel per Ib Citron Peel per lb............ Mixed Peel per lb........... Rhelled Almonds per lb. ... .. . Cocoanut per lb .. ... ..... ... Icing Sugar 4 lbs for. .. _ ... . Corn, Peas, Toinatoes per tin. Waterloo County‘s Greatest Store BERLICN s ‘a®m u. The A. 0. BOEHMER C0. Limited .80 ; Lamb wool soles, fine quality, GRCCERIES bitnnmindiit visinlonas Abcs it 4. MA c o aiie c3 1 q}mlity. all wool, worth 35:; for.. 270 Black Henrietta, worth 400 for .... .. 380 [ @006 H00G0O000000SC6$08 0008 a Black Henrietta, wide width, fine Black Dress Goods _all wool, cheap at 75¢ for... . .., Fancy Boucle Silk Effects, beautiful designs worth $1.00 for........ . er price Ste for ............... Fancy Jacq ard goods, pritty patterns workh 70¢ fOL.::+;....: .. ... .. Fancy .'{‘woe(El. extra wide and heavy, cy Satin finish goods, small patterns ,h:ight shades for Ladies‘ Wrappâ€" ers, Waists or Children‘s Dreâ€"ses regular 25¢ for................. Fancy French Dress Goods, medium shades. small dééigns, worth 450 and 500 FOF :: +1 ... rrsrarece.ks Dress Tweeds, good and serviceable, dark acd mediam shades of B own :;avn, Blue and Green, worth 50c Fancy Boucle goods, new shades, formâ€" 4 @S07 DTCRs 1°008, dob"le fold, in . _ Brown and Grey -ixln:lu,pnny & and twilled, former pri wl : x Acvpdbpbinred bevimtni alnnt lthUnia‘L Serges, plain shades of lees, 35¢, 40c and............ Pratn Serges, alf colore in double 1o18, Blue checks, also Black and Red * lormer price 25¢ for.... ....... Phith{mh,‘]:rozg patterns at cut Boots and Shoes shoes | hug.l)n- Gâ€"ods, dou‘lle fold, A. WESELOH, The Shooma, 17 £°°02° siaugntc. saile of Dress Goods will be commenced here on Saturday, December 4th, 1897, when all winter Dress Goods will be cleared out at tremendous cut pricesâ€"Besides Dress Goods, there will be Lirings, Silks, Trimmings, Braids, Bindings and all kinds of Dress Bclongings, all of -hlch::.lgl be sold at special cut pricesâ€"â€"Remember next Saturday or any days following so long as the goods ho‘d out During Dress Goods sale we will make dresses at $2.50, fit and work guarantced. A great slaughter sale of Dress Goods will be Saturday, December 4th, 1897, when all winter D cleared out at tremendous cut pricesâ€"Besides Dre be Licrings, Silks, Trimmings, Braids Bindings and OO 4 44444444 G§40 0G4§$ 0040 24 WAR DECLARED YOL XLIIIâ€"NO. 48 â€"~@=>=The A. 0. BOEHMER CO. Limited. ==2;â€"â€" Buying and Selling for Cash in great qua'mtitics, enables us to quote the following prices for good tresh groceries. in the week only, but every day in the year, . Ab and A0 King Stroot, fommdivanamanc a w *â€"0 +0 20 +0 +â€"G e 66 2020 +0 +0 +0 +4 +0 +010 +0 tip heayy GROCERIES F io now comylate and they all say ote prices see the towast, | ty & . . A. Weseloh‘s‘zz# 15e or 2 ra%% AT .. ON DRESS GOODS 180 Blio 8c 75¢ 170 15¢ 19¢ M c 13¢ | Lyon Brand Coffee ckage . ’RollodOttllOlbtfo‘:.â€:.T....... \Corn Meal I0 lbs for............ Shredded Wheat Biscuit package Mince Ment:.........:....: ... B.hir:rflodnparlb.............. Laundry Starch per lb ......... g’:j;iocatnd Bofo a Biscuite (3 lb box)...... ... Choice Red Salmon Goods, worth $1.25, apecial. .. Pongee Silk, all shades, worth 2 Fanc red Silk, all shades, prett y“:_g:.im‘ wor h 25¢ and &o fo!' 186 Fancy Brocade Silks, Beautiful Colorâ€" iflgl. former price 750 for....... 506 Black Surah Silk, very heavy, twill, worth 75¢ ftor.....:....... :. BSC Black Corded Silk, ex‘ra heavy, cheap at $1.00, lpwhl ississs 876 Black Lowâ€"deâ€"soin Silk, fine for Dress Silks | __ _| width and fine finish worth 70c for Extra value in fine Henriettas, special / _ cut prices 60c and .. ... ........ lthk‘hnc\ figured geods, all x ool, ening combined, IE{c'fur. Ese Waist Linings worth 12e for........ Buckrenette, Sponge Crepon, Interlinâ€" ings worth I&foor Brash lrrud the newest Binding. . .... VelvetBias, binding worth 5¢ for. ... . Cum;- for skirt stiff ning, worth 100 Dress Trimmi a great choice of Black tn?. Colors at Half Price. whades, To for...........:. Crackle Moire, skirt lining with Plain Skirt Lining, medium width, all Linings Fancy Black Goods at 40¢, 50¢ and Dress patter s, all new goods wo Vress patter s, all new goods worth $5.00 to $10.00 now $3.00 to. ... Muscoretta guods, fine all wool heavy Dress Goods, shades of Blue, Brown and Purple, former price Black Henrietta worth 30c for . ... ... Black :l’iAo.nrint_l:. extra quality, wide OmN T. 250 18e 100 WATERLOG, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING DECEMBEK 2 MitiNNNNNNNNTTATITTTTTTNTTTNNTTNTOTAT mm ... 100 $two weeks.â€"Mrs, J oho Habo has heep r.'.z.*“.:n‘:';_z'z‘:“ !f’ { M M“ I4s Blorâ€" at viitieg under the i you ledaler y tbotieyatquali: vignd Praa/â€" &.’:.:...?.:"i"n':":;""g "__!'!mh::“*h was home over Bundey.â€"Mim. J, W 180 Prrsonat â€"Mrs. A. Btelss is spend earifes Beturday last.â€"Mrs, Valentine Keichâ€" eorb spont a fow days at the home of Mr, David Kooh last wock, â€"Mr, 'z:.‘,: Wrb._z:numu-.mt here.â€" w-u,â€w passed off very quietly here, dq‘znd to be too wet for bunting, so of our sportsmen were a-....-:".l Entvioabish ne inlere war pavontond & W we was by most of our local nimrods, 10c 10e Baturday last,â€"] Bonoort Exaumation â€"A public «chool examination will be held at the OonntoY public schoo!l on Saturday, Dec, 11th, to commence at 10 o‘cinck a.m. The nhpo{:l'l of the seotion and others interested in education are most cordially lovited to be presont, Reâ€" freshments will bnunf:: poon and a programme will be given in the afterâ€" RooR, r The New Mennonites held a Quarter: Iy I'(::od.h" at the church at Consstogo on + mPlannu. -.'!;b‘o ml.lnu MeKay, Toronto, called on Miss A. Bergey on 75¢ SJe 70¢ scope for a. prctitioner, _ The vill'::o in bnnmly situated, and saurâ€" rounded by as fine an agricultural dis trict and good roads as any in the province. Dr, Evans,Toronto, formerâ€" y of Buffalo, who has had twelv: years‘ experience, made a business call here the ovher week, He has desided to locate here and has made arrangeâ€" ments to connect with his wealth of exâ€" porience the much needed convenience of an elaborate drugstore He will open up business in the commodious and _ centraily located Bchweitzer hlook. conEsToGo, To Locats Hrur â€"A loog felt want by many in our village is a d%ow, and it would eppesr that there is ample Prersonxat â€"Miss Lou Fry of Bright, is visiting friends in town.â€"Mre. J. Yost and her daughter, Joanna, spent Thanksgiving in Bridgeport, â€" Mr. Chas, Laschinger calied on friends in Guelph and Rockwood during Thankrâ€" yiving holidays.â€" Mr. J. Gabel of Rocheater who has been visiting in town for the last few weeks returned home on Monday.â€"Mre. Roberts and her daughter, Minota, of Stratfofd were in town on Thankasgiving visiting Mre. (Dr.) Ullyot and nnovlnizfd aoâ€" %:dnhumâ€" Mss Ada Moyer of rlin, called on friends and acquain tances over Thanksgiviog and Bunday. lars. . The singing r« flscted great credit on the l«d:::lur. Peel, who took a great interest in its preparation. Brizers â€"Mre. Donaldson, mother oi Miss J. Dona@ldson, one of our teashers, was visiting at Mr. J. 3. Weicheol‘s last week.â€"Mr, Thomas Pearos inspected our schools on Monday.â€"Mr. rw. Powell is, we are sorry to say, atill very illlâ€"Mr. J. P. Luckhardt is again bay ing wood tor shipment.â€"Mr. Martin Shoemaker resumed work after a fe@ weeka‘ tusile with incipient t id fever.â€"The reviva! urvaci: -hioipllb:vo been conductrd in the Evangetical church for several weeks closed on Sun:â€" day night. Fifteen were baptised and twenty t«ken u?‘in charch rollov.hip e Lo oe 1 or am Wl ing, as per announcement, and a trea‘ it was to those fortunate crough to be present. The parts were all woll renâ€" dered and it would be unwise on our part to meation any particulir names. The closing chorus faurly brought dowr down the house. The attendance was good for such a dark rainy night and tbonelpmoeodnnn-hogl forty dol $ 0f | "°C FUIpC was lakea to Wa‘er oo for wocht and bls nentezants wou ‘“â€imncut. Yhe child was 1 year and shootivg match on Thiavksgiviog Duf |7 moutk: of 1ge. . and the other side had to buy "‘) FPreesoxatâ€"Mr. Wa. Drydeo, V.S oysters. The rain interfered very much of Celumbas, Indiana, atteaded his with the r flo match asd on‘y a small mothor‘s funeral at Tavistock, and «Iso part of the programme 'MWO.!Q made sbort calls in town on frieads "Pim;:rl,';:l;;a: hm;"--’ and rela:ives â€"Mr. Nick Killer,of the cantate *~ ut S was given Lonadon it was in the M S. Hal!, Thanksgiving evee./ {(>*4°2 Military College, was home CoUunty Heary and Albert Jansen, Mr. O:car Vogt, Mr. J. F. Martirsoc of Mon*rose, and others â€"Mr. H Danke visited a» »ld roomâ€"mate near St Thomas o Thanksgiving Day. TunmvqubrmA.n.M who spent Thankegi\ing Day here were the followirg : Mr. Mat hews, a former ewplozee at the Signet office, Mr. Anâ€" gus Wioger of Toronto, Mus ld.D.-hol of Berlin, M«sers Arvold. Charlie Smoorixc Matcr â€"Mr. Fred Humâ€"| echt and his lientonants wonu \ul votivg match on Thivksgivieg Day | en e sn t p In 27 4 o bis brother‘s funaeal in | Y**° Y*7+ reta from hbis brother‘s funeral in k 'l'nm.-lr. Allos of Taristces 6 a fow bouors with bis intrmate CROBOHILAL ;r’l:d "Mine Host‘ of the Exebange | Pupizc Ronsor EBxautoation, â€"A Howover the resuit was a hot time in public achool examination will be held the old house.â€"Mr, Poter Wegnor Jr. | in the Orosshi!) achool “"“"“l; and family of Bt. Jobu‘s, Mich., moved | Des. 16th, The ramination s umd’bbbtin’-hunbv-lb scommence st nine v‘slock in the mornâ€" north of this : plag: â€"Mr. P.:Â¥r Beip|ing and dinner will be served io the bas returned from the wilds of Maskoâ€" | besoment, Pm-»m» ks accompanied Lfl““d queired to see that their anigs venison,â€"Mr, W of Bamberg was alnhpunuiflocdqflu in our town recontly.â€"RBevorai loads of mainder of the term mnr boy wore vw“bbnnbuflbronw A m-‘lmmnmummy T lnvitat‘on is given to the 14 are led to m',' = ?n. re M-‘r.:-mhmsb- uamd::.m uum::.- rmursoone _ _ |fnatbanendos Ar hoi w Miohmnk Hiaibnt Bsc sns . calks * 4 m s n diat J Laie o0 4 5O _ 3 PP l BW T M “ ..‘ es Ki . CC 0 se Benient Bprmmatd entoaale dariet reaeg whed 2 Croptes M:'. 9'!_“_'.“_,’““†“‘h“’ .l:‘rfl pht 4 Su ul seb 4 s es ue y t 108 ave him with us and ho Brirys.â€"TIoe is at a discount these t.“';:,".:‘,."‘: way terminate E days because Jack Frost‘s SUPPIY $# | suoness. . grvater than the demandâ€"A pumber| "gouoo, Coporet, â€"The schalars o/ of our town sports took in the neighâ€" | ;s Beechvale schou!, assis‘ed by thei» Mut‘ shooting matches and the teacher, Miss Lackner, and the‘ youns qoasking of homesick fow! can be of the seotion, will give an en beard in all corners at prosent, How: m..."pupsu stions and ever, m.u-‘:m. Day is past now | 4;, in thâ€"ir school on Fridey and the noise is somewhat diminished. evening, D:s, 10th. A good time 0 .9 =â€"Qaite a number sttended the sale of nmifl' be looked for, There will b Mr. Major‘s neer bere and our tows | po admlarion fes charged bay instond s prosonted a lively scense in the evening sollection will be taken when the beppy purshasers were going !l-nu.-lb’hzrd m * Esmsiniak â€"1Ms. Foke Siation wht a “'%""Wm' ARBON w * 9 \ l._dkhu‘w{rfllmb ..:.-. Wii PVRDIDGREF . SpObi Misa Oressman of the Huron liud, had charge of the meeting in the New Mennonite church here on Bunday evening last, for Nov Thukqiviï¬i e;;;i:i' â€"Mecaâ€"re, J.F. Martinson and Rd, Nill «btended the concert at Eimira on forests â€"Sme timber men from Darâ€" ham have been buying a large quantity !ol thip bui‘ding timber the past few month: and avipping it from the E‘mira station.â€"What is the matter with atarting the Literary Bociety again this season 1 Wa have still some money in the treasury and have had no meetinge for two yeare and have plenty of taleat. Let us hear from you.â€"Oi;r teachare and pupila are ag for a good old-liul: enmiumri PrERsoNaL. â€" Mre. Chas, Peppler vigited friends in Milverton last week. moved h Hrox | Doering, Kunikie Kidt, ST.AGATHA â€"The shooting mateh held| _ Fuxnsomars â€" WELLESELEY E biet,â€"Mr, Gorâ€" Woll. Mr, ‘?flm' our news columan repurted very i\ | has of late been rather amail, owing no Phefuneral takes | douot that ecourrences were recently morning. quite unfrequent, nevertheloss we have wight have been | been able to gather a fow items here George Wiedâ€" | and ran away, emabing the bases ied TÂ¥ n 5+ teacher, Miss Lackney, abd the‘ young | tables; Rookseatt, Ladier bewrate se n se w an enâ€" znâ€ul:mmu-s.';fli‘.’um abd D OEE"I ‘M?" in thâ€"ir sshool on Fridey t, '%" ""Ԡevening, Ds, 10th. _A good time e :9 rtook of Thanksgiring terkey in the 0 C Eenr q w ow, aar uy We there, We go oven farther, We sead the manuflacturer to Parlisment to make laws for its continuance, Well may we ask as Johu did, "Who slew all these 1" z ‘unin be uhs tratle of Pvcsioanig: 1 m e 0 ntox t uore. ll‘ho entire dhoonm“.v.u a terrinle and forceful arraignment of the liquar tnlc\:ud there can be; no doubt but that the results of the use of intoxicanta "m (‘m:“ M'l h:‘l‘ et we go an 6 vi t ;_Mnih._r_ltyo! law, nor do we stop slew 30,000 annuailly in the British Tales alone, and the ‘hon‘ G W.Ross as saying that inthe Dominion of Canaâ€" on Mendey, his horse got loome|the sadey, bis horse got lomâ€"|the e x 4 ]n HAWKRBSVILLE, LINM WOuD. w us us s« SPECIAL CLEARINGSALE 1897. CARPET SWEEPERS BE Owï¬ï¬uï¬,:.g &i?&%wmco ; * Simpson Co., FURNITURE . .. Moore‘s Cheap Store ..\ _ @UYTH BROS. _ . WeE BUY CuigaP. WE SELL CHEAP, wisslu farsi gn on Navy Serge Coatings, regular price $5.00, $0.00, $7.50, $10.00 and $12.00 dack o. o this week $3. 45, $4.00, $5.00 and §$6 30 cach. » Oe en eneete L tea -, C348 season‘s styles, i Speciad thes urgek ‘:&Nc-hr lm:.ï¬& 7 MMTMJM new and this week §9079, * "O"th $7â€"00, special 7, Dark Bro«n Beaver Jackets, velvet col lars, regular $7.50, '.irnlth'u -o'.k $5.00. 5w.“*&l%h"";‘;: pulet Perie oL 0P fpecial this week $$50. 7 @ney Tmeed Jackets, all new and stylisn :'-llll. season‘s styles, regular price 5“1.3&1 th s week $4.50. seasON‘s sbul.. 3_. ots, very stylish, this This w 1 be the ity of the season to buy a Jacket, Cloth or Fur Cape. These lines m‘m ively ma: ked bv’l l!(;‘-,w 0‘.% cennaot be repeated this season. Note the pri we quote. Go-t.dn.ï¬.p-hnd-.pn mpd-udw.m-nymvfllmnm. . , WINTER SHOES . . Store Clozes at 6.30 p. m., except M‘l;'ll‘;a;"-*’ THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ODO’u'lL"' Kâ€"M sn p oi ie p ns ty viee walher s Thrbonppacis y o vompie B sigy °Lc W. H. Leeson, WHOLE NUMBER skirt 115 inches es pibtmsreite ‘cmnmnn@Pivtt:. N0 /WPegamals! 22 velvet tri y ice $7.00, Sind time waek dggy o CC ape We oo oreees | aber Bigh storm Ladies‘ Cloth Capes L dies‘ Fawn Friese Cioth Warâ€" Buy ons 13