low Advortmomenm rhi- week 14"." tgetrrursrrttsr, And-Al. Man-v.12“ #ottqh--g.botmqiot. lulu-1'00"“ tithes Wughhusguuuvbgnh tYqrq)etr. I'm-u u' a.†tio-ttlor on. Nattik-J. L Inn-Id. " it Mr [lulu-v»). o. War 1 Co. M loin-hum In. Wan-Inn‘- “in: snug. tttet "led Dina-v3 mv'~ Odor! Gwyn-n IN. _ “in mti-'tsPCtt mg.._ F . Gr. WvG-‘J kiss/ol (I. Immu- Dr. Apr R and“ SM: tty, ft-ttte. M2 an», His. n- L It (hunt. haul! “IL“ [my Cu a t..9y. thr'". an“. DEM] Us"; "i:"..E" -- 1hk1itii'tii'tu-t admi- Ad .etMt Rateo Mull artt1 " 2a"n'2',C'lMtlGA'lrl"d soosootuaae-tuutotthi"b" not. but than Saturday noon. Th wpytoroungummubhmhw mMynoon. “Adv“ mumanmeodm-dhy duckwook.’ The Spuniuh Government is taking stop- to prevent in wrap-per comment. on the conduct of Ankh- in Cuba Ind the Philippine Island; A \chkly Newspaper mull-bod every Thur-n (In, Inuit†“who Bounty illimith), THURSDAY. SEPT. Him. 1897 Sir Wiltird Laurie: bu gone to St. John, N. B, View he will open the Exbttitioet. . At Human, Ps . and of deputy libel-151 titod into " infuriated mob a! mined ' Reports run tbat from 15 to 20 won killed and 40 or more wound- The plum sst tie Jubilee lump vero dwmyed at Ottawa 1aat week. About. 32.000.000 sump- were enun- ed tram than platen tad 7,000,000 The President Jun Amanda. Ra. public bu "blunted to Conan-I . tar- id which in protsittitory "airs" Ul Ini- clel of America: manufacture in remi- tiott tor annoying!†Act. hon. William tinny bu tutborixod I dell of the report: at his impend- ing retimutrtsat. m in rapidly reg-io- ing strength, and vill mu mum ohms ot bit Dormant at Public Works. Bollovtlle poatodioe i. m be 91.6.41 but to “I origin“ 3pm, e6otitsg sl van â€human autos. Mr. Thu. Dunno. " pronoun tumult. peanut- qr, has been given the pootmuunhip a , ulna of 81,400 I you. He will bl “loud to employ sls Man tor when. “has. the 00"“!me will provid- ttte mm ot 02,400. Tb. pou- M will be mpondblo to the Gov- mnl tor tho - mnupmntol “a “a. 95W M m In“: in dim DAVID BEAN. Proprietor, Tho PM cl Industry “and†cousin“ Mt would woman in 1mm Hal, undo! the china-u- 'btpMOrsnd PM“! Hillary. A "aolertimt,moved by Ural". Dub at -ud by Mr.Willuas0ubrutts, www.m‘th-Iym a! mwnymvhhh. u m 'tata6,puanstttetqhlstoeotdee obli- phutordl'qmpdu. It no “Wisp-paler throwin- dlldo‘oubymm won't oéeeBsadra+.1tsthodi.ese" and- M wmdlbm NWdem‘ .rtta"tha'_tk"oar"rrlt1't-r â€hymn-Maw.» ultimatum-bud.†--ai.r-oti, tb.h-utbatthom_qrF, iiFUa%iii'riiTiii"Fiiii"ii7 Dwain-Ia. tub..- 'iiii?,'i?i:'i'ii?,rff'ii't?E 2tlrg tg:,'.",,',",,':'" I by but! ".",1l=,"tl"2'd'tt'tg'at WWW-harm t"t,ttr,t !"drat'2', up. " Slpr.'t; gm - _ ’1," EDITORIAL NOTES TD ADVERTISERS 'ldr."aa'"'"""" "w! mnmmumma a. “any“ YmPn’bu’AMh-ud“ GI. Tit-WWII.“ Show I. -idaurbr-quientaa-aeir-ed on Tm Ind Wain-II) of tin'taseteietieAeef.ettitte? rook. “mu-over, unr.'oowed-tltdpeert-e.t'e. 'uc"it-rdthiur-ieuri'stituhaa'd Sth, tad judging by report- boa-det-rs an P". zioliiaaicaiieircuuikrir-rt vat. mevuy - and iti-rdthiu-iet" tn! b. M“ “a J Ind P". TI. umbm "In!†«I. My " to an - o! -uos you; Thu exhibit. cits-M1 votkv‘AmIImsov-c can mer-d-tit-UI-tio.. ‘1'».qu hono- - tour that [mam P", nu! an at am: And My hay up to uh new Thu “my. ot (run, with tho outpu’on Ll plum. ill! inkdor, has than in an alumni“ um“ ot poll"). A new rpocial c-xlnbn. of mar-l hismry. AI mum from Douro-n». ad . vigil! rope, walker from W.atsuututo, Out, con-timed upon-kl utmtiona_ The union ot (be Tammi hand were copied on WM)! and M wry much to tho plea-incl who xastltatrintt by the exodus awe my dineouned. The “in" and dincwu no well satutied with the nhov and down. to be highly compliluonwd on the com- pkewuq of we 'rouqgtMrlteo". DEATH ur JONAS BINGBMAN‘ UM lave: . widow dud hail! ot "rveyrat children, vi: : John B., rui- diug on the old tso-ad we“ of Wwarloo; Joseph B. of Berlin; Eli-a. teddiugou I tarm neu- Bridgpon; Hunk. untried to Hanna 8. char. uni raiding on a farm two miles north of Waterloo; Tote, mutual-lad 1nd u homo; Veronika». untried to Mom B. Show. mauuhoturor. of Radiator. NY. ; Joan B. raiding on t tarm in Bloomingdale Mid 1rlisussth, worded w Robert Dow-rt, uncut-ocular, of Rochester. N, Y. _' . to Joh u. 'th3eteQV. We - to nuance ths death, on Saturday but. ot Mr. Jon-I Binguuu ot Berlin, nil-or a lingering Ethos. new was born in Montgomery Conny, Penn" April 9th, 1817. In 1825 he we to Cumin. nth his per emu who aotUed no" Bridgepon. Out, In 1842 be tssurried Emmett» daughter ot John tad Gauche Brubmher. After Weir merriege we, moved on e turm than three miles veet of Wear- Ioo where they raided util1882,vheu they tetieed end moved to Berlin The lawn! took pica. on Tut-d" Item hiuiwa midenoa. Berlin. to the 0&1th Eby meeting home and mm to the cemetery u the an and formant-um. Dun gur,--Uat not I uprooted my opinion molding Sunday pionioo. I now with to roloto twoinci onto thot occurred during tho do . Tho picnic port were oootod 1j',,% thoir laid. doy lunch. Surrounded a the hoonti- iui manor] thry torm o picture worth of tho pot-ail of o 1'tht or o 'lll,% Angola. Tho op‘ trot the pony no high. Lilo " thot nomont loaned to ho Ute,", pointd with colon ot bright hno. or liko o long pathwoy otrown with Bow-, Ono oon‘nonhodouolhil option up A' lovingly " MM!!! 0! bit It!" est,?, tho othor woo gain. on tho Moi Tfa',,',',",',",', . tueu jut oottiod to own “ti-m tho put robin "U lite worth living!" whoa ' T,ttl'ttt" tor 1'dft new†tho var poor-Ii on 9th: mono. “bath L? with nomad to ho " in. u thot ot tho Mont onâ€. who that on umw a": " tho right on oi King Philip, ond loll-d nu hit tho nut. to thin 2t'S", . 'tr. m W ttto - per. - "temt. - W. on- you“ hit Iain micwordthotploqfluonhono no #wr, Wu, nod all-"d on. , but“ no than thou»! do†"rjiir".teef,tltttif,teryete? Th†MI. aagtu. To the Bdstor of tha Chronic“ UWY FALL - COMMUNICATION. Mn BErr/i'm:'rN!,8es', tltr-rim, 0am mrtsrtaMM.3B-t8lrtr, -ialber at. -8-.llM-a ly WW,-uly All tho Y. P. A minim hula; repute-"d 0-4 an WI AW Had] iaoierh utr, Ooa-uuou 1.. ma, tn .0. a, too km. to eouui- the -eirg. The "ioem, with Mr. A. L Bail.- h-nps u the head. tho one“! concil- qu and tho the.- Chomp-red loch invading week on tho topic-m- od than. you peau, " an 'tBgtaut" in which they uquilhd One-ulna. During ma con-mo ot the convention Prof. S. L Umbmb gun-An shin And biennium with ‘l'ho youthful point in our Church ' " din abject of of hi. remain. Rin ndu-a cu prov named by null to he atmvning b- tnnot that“ uni-u: ot duo mm» luv. Tk Rain. Human 1& “Quest-ion Brunt." Ru. M. Clum- uld L M. Hm. We could not. help noticing an SUI. it, sud mum of th- when an Md an ammo: in which uh; mud out.“ ttea-ri the new. ate j.“ a! the nonunion. ,ir.-"ttatrtal and “and “You in Ohrluln work." 1. “Why am In Now of a. Y.P.At' John Deeterrbsr. III-ova. 2 Echoe- human MlOoonntia. "canny hold " Pitt-bug. Pt M I. M.KitrnitUupt and l. . wiederhobl. t Add“. ot g,It'.tt, 'tthte Alli- m. W, , mob ia. t Ann! lath“. Pit-idem A. L Wu“. ' “Wk-stun“ Done!» We tho Y. P. A, 1tttN.Tl Active!" Rev. E. . Ban. “Uh-lay. . . “Junior Aniumsmnw to Org-mu And how to Conduct M" _ In L. a. Wm, With. Tilt", Minions): E duvet-o! the Y. . A." W. w. Schweiuer. New B-um. lk Tenu'umu ppm: "Tu W of the "a'.oi.tiltiLy'itii . . n . A "TuRautionot tho at!“ to the Y.P.A." - __ A F, " Following in tho ttdiem " an Cu- min; yum.- Phi-air. A. L 'ttttet _ We. Ptm,-.-Me. Kribu. iqr?ur. Bee, tutv-.-Hi" Huh. fl"ttt Oar. tko..-) Anthea. union. Tri.--'". J. Lin, Womb. Bupotluuudool ot junta: .1 "o.-. lllu I. B. Bur-taunt». Ball». N n wu decided to held the am con- unuoa at an My In South Oun- Mr. Goo. Bury. who "an M Al. than an We murdot m0. m " " gkon n “unlock â€a new“. ot 9 o ward". " mum on tlto m. an; an nut-001100": no in" leaving that Alli-on "rind. and no gluon and than thud“ Jolt. Bowl-.00 than plu- My Mout- w " um be lumpy». my FEW†to hon «u an and" nu out on but lu. My tttt A". “I. tho do, In. the "I Arid., My 2")?!" WM V" “Vs“. Rm. llniu 10. "Tho kahuna o! the Y. P. A. to tho . map». can... um ll. “Tho mm " M. Y. P. A. to So- my and ‘vion m' " Ilia Em In“. this... 12 Christian Commuting in what it con- tinuum! IuÂ¥ugulh"__ Folloriug in the mm: (n- lWM-l rho the I‘m-dot Om mew-r". Ttue. W a Quinl- Tgmqrlltataa+ ad3tMrht. WWWQ'Q I... - -tIB-qqhrt MW. “lob. 'uuhotl. Chi - My er.ttdtr.e-.rrrte.tfer deht-b-‘tymuynb Mmlhhtnriudpnnd the“ no“ - wilt It phyedufoo Ioni- Gnu-b It“ Sum-by. Tho Hie-b. hunt and -e--tnritit.Mtuti. Toma.» Irma-M : 1 w.m1oo.sm. 1425,1897. Dun Sun-I mini-M15“ ammurm.mm Hunger Fright. of $08.5 Bah-ll ou-u-o. brim-gnu- "mteaaesriaottsme-rithtU, Wmnrho wet-uh: t was at $50.00. I bonnet-In gum in AUNT.“ “In.“ m It".',',,:,,':,":,:,.',','."':,.".":,:':,?.", ‘butunt “DWI. lhtiaiaoG-illpexrU+ h.“ lance-auxin. bin Impala. Lulu: hWht-IOWohh jqarntr'rrttrteoet"tea_ “a: gm mu bovine-db: I and my Wuhan. Berlin dub Mancini!) Macaw, maihnuuuyhrnptmms in: "aiastirsotwiottt"tttrts which I “tuner WIWIOO B. B. th w" that u an m Thin “damn. and. tilt MN, (it! ot BNetibtr A. D, 1897. Mm tho Berlin mu anb ot an In. out and an Wattle: Bush-ll Club a! tto' would put. Wm the pram ot the Imp». but 1ttht'd a. paettt' d the ow- ond put tet a nod-clamp" ot hutch“ the mum-hi o! the Twin City qrtd tram tit m, Uldll, out! ttr.ttr.tu' . yteef my? an oppnud. I um and. honour. by the (10006" at the Wturho Buo- ball club. to out. that our club h titling all axiom a In» a. Rodin club. and m WM tow It. Fr'wku and nun:- . wit- ot put bun-n tho club. to tmt who “tug“ of a. no “can. tooling “and tue “in km kind ot but! look" to vhich Me. Factor relu- h til out We vii! "ill nu, with him. Your: inâ€. _ waxed. tho-dd mum. tat, an in! tl-to hue out. mad the “In M My doll." WM it. I'M! 01th! WWW) County L...“ " o ttePttttOttt! Ph, . L t New thin that“ vita-uh am "no prrtte “Into do uncut“: um t,tl; with tho Miller ttat 'iii te ll! " 0 ' and OM the 'iiiiiiiiiiii'iii pttitd 'iihii7. mm...“ l'iti?i'/ir't "I a n Wstuloo on “as can ink-at. dtd 'StL' dam M o to ho pl. on "to 9705 My grape-who: In the plan than thanw-lahh pill: " h ttn by lot by “I CC “I. no ttf'2itrgt'2'tl - Ile".', a be d W 'tlt m homo, and pull i _ - ypulr than Ibo up. "am. In»: MFMN‘ tiiieei,pdi'gtlttt) T w wank?†a. "tttttttt h†m. maul I. 'd'dlltll'tl tlllt'tgMtt " ammo-“Wu... -.aea-it"a.rI.-'h. In“. K "mb-ear-rt - ,.oasi.t-i_:M-o.mh-a lid-,Imouhg'n-dli- . “I“ “Ilium thid..,V.-dneo.Rtd.... I. “hit-whit.» irqstetu-h....ku-.B- “Walkabout.†hubs-MM-h-odohn in. “a; I that. tho....lr. "dahirya-0eeara-h.dhr "od-ba-uh-ttar-dh-Pr" mummwww a!“ "m.Mr.J,TkGesduBrqr humln. 1110‘ Ind In. E. lawn-hey“ thy-Wk; spud-ht"; and unbound-go! $gqtnr"ne Tmumm¢m.&h.~ odtAottueey-a-rotadth. mtimnM. yon-graph ole-Iiiâ€... M“ that“ unit-Md.- Ih-udnminu . Tut-M - m hint Eda and yr.Mt-rBukerhoeurinlt MU." ,lruebeteiqtt tml t,lttttt'itt “(I o “our a! (maid mr-rrith a. castle: a! Jan. titarttbe ot Ghana. t. M Cook and Him Junk aim-m. 'aut trg'ltt,'g Uh Ruth on. mute. [Om di-ed, a on only but. dd: an“! and trunnion-uh: TI. my rap-donut“ Atituttoh by a. 'ter. walk-- lath we! t low ind-mum o-ly. Aha: tbe myuchpukmh‘upuhk- on of and than 0. ml: “did mph kirk: Mu And can point- vhmttqvlnwwun- " new. ".ttrusitithodotamiiq 1ttieed in a can.» doc-uncut.“ with hand ribbon. It. «(I In. BUl In. any *hmhiatuvidtaltr when but with: -eeud do“ ,riattt-ttolttethW+qt trip all though. W. W._ _ .- “‘th We at o “inf union. Mr, can ohm m all mud n 9e Inn-M. '-trye W! as Faun" Tuvmoii.-aG but"! It. David Koch “I ch. -tts vary Pte? m" - th.ydtr, INit. It: it a in a} “it; an: _ iiihbl' wilt». ttelle o! u up“: not“: a! a “in mi ofiGiiairiiii'irca- In a [and 'el,tit-6tqtyttitttmeMltum no noodqruundbvuw in. N.. an“). and hulk But. I“ 'III 'llll'." 'ttl “I...†on v I 'l'h ' 'ttt (In! at Gia'. " tdttrl',t on 1tTdt. t o 'IU, $).3rJ. 'Jtl't),'t', mg 9 "a: a _ any ili','ivirtaiii',1ri,,ti)l,ii?','i't "mtesiaatddrerr0irlttt_rr homwwumbnm Rum and. -tttsehtstt'ajer,ttr9 tttent",',;, ete,tdthtt n on no Um}: ' ,il,iiii'i'il,',1ifii'ii,',ii'ii'eliii' I 'l2'ta'lt “on Ibo pm "Atitst' In!!!“ wwwï¬m f,ttatg'tlgtlflgttttt ngnla-poanI-I' 3‘00"!le CORNER STORE New Dress Goods Heed quarters formrsrrytttingthatitsthomrandtsohtty ' f ' Speck] for September. P 55 Ladies Underwear BRICKER & DIEBEL. Slaughter Sale Itqrillttettr,'ttte “may of the Min of 3mm. Wanda...“ new; to all and no In Wvuthamm an Wham Millitmrrtt.rut-tttrt_iattrtirtg, ’ ct. 'lMgNlltNr'l1lllMAttltullUNraMu. . , "ttittt'"ttftttitrrl.',1',','l"'y""' ‘m, ". _ -iriiF,-hir- i 1tttBlll mum Natural Wool and Puritan Brand. We no mat.- for the Col-hum Hunk Bind which“ pronounood by - man to In " the Hunt in the Land. thtll “an. it, Como with the Crowd. Yam for Man. . In tit the latest amass in Plain and Fancy Waves. hummus to much. New Silks New Feather Boas New thimm Collars New Cashmere Glove: New Kid Gloves (All Me New Cashmere Hosiery New Velvet: New Mantle Cloth: THE GREAT Summer Millinery FskT' s' m 1lral'fi/s'i'r','i"itMttrrjdhT -op- 'gttitgtbatiallittattei'Ie 3rgEti'iaitttW, '"ihtiliiirWsi"it r,", '"', 'ttltttttt'gtg','tgNut,U, Ntlt'mMt8WuttlG,a, â€mud-om tttttttV "T as» - - b." a! $33 (iiii ir,,