The Famous Active Range Heating. Gasoline Stoves selling at cost. farm.â€"The hum of the the threshing machine can be heard in all directions. â€"The yield of grain is good and far mers w!ll have both ;floorl sample and a large amount to and feed the coming year. The fattening of cattle, pigs eto., will be more extensively carâ€" tied on than ever, and our farmers have, the past few months, been byâ€" w atockers. â€"Mesare. Peterson and eber, who have rented the Lowell farm, are doing an active trade in stockers and have handled over 300 head the past month, and keep a Ia{go supply on hand all the time on the uctive Grand river flate, to sell. r. Bechtel V8 , from Heidelb::r.d& horned some cattle for them lately.â€" A number of ymu\gd friends &whoml at the residence of Mr. Wm. Mitchell, We are going to the Labor Day Meet at Waterloo. Labor Day Bicycles Races and Base Ball match at Waterloo. Ax Aeuxpaxt Harvest. â€"Harvest ing is about e::shled in this vicinity but a week‘s weather would not come amiss to garner in some late oats. â€"The crops in general are heavier than they have been for some years and atrawâ€"stacks are to be seen on every last Friday evening and spent a dflm ant time in various amusements. Kveryâ€" one seemed well pleased with their ontâ€" Pensoxar â€"Mr. J. 8. Jackson of Listowel, spent a short time among giemlil ht;reH last wgak.â€"‘g‘n. Al‘ox. er of Hanover, is spending a few vztl at the home of lr: tn% Mre Geo. Pepplerâ€"Mr. E/gar Heist, Principal of the Bridgepurt School, acâ€" companied hy his cousin, Miss Mery Devitt, of Berlin, peid a visit to Mr. and Mrs. A. W. J;_vim*, last Baturda; . MACKIE‘S BRLOCK,. KING STREET, BERLIN PHONE 168 â€"â€"Mr. ard Mrs. O, D. Rowman attendâ€" ed the veddingno( Mr. Oharlie Peterâ€" son on the 20th inst.â€"Our genial merchant, Mr. H. Lehman, hes greatly improved in health and is able to reâ€" sume his businessâ€"Mr. _ Leslie Priuched from Gnol:h, called on a few friends here on Bundsy last.â€"Birs. W u. Bo!:u from Qait, is risiting her nnnu. r. and Mrs. John Weber.â€" essrs Alfred and Robert Morre!) are to be congratulasted on swocesefully tmi? their examination. They now old first class certificates. »bhor ole Races mlB)†u%tlop- A4 WEST MONTROSE MANNHEIM A. SA CEHE bas no equal for and can be used for trade with low prices. Contractor Mr. Lonis Ziegler spent Sunday in Waterloo. ... Ara. O. J. Syeiee and Phil. Kreuizweiset spent Suuday in Drayton . . ... Miss Aï¬wfl&ni“hhon Monday for Berlin where she is attenâ€" ding the High School . . . . Mr and Mra. John Wahl! were visiting his brother last week . ... The dauyout Musical BHociety‘s picnic has been olm\ged ta Friday, Seps. 10th A gran %r‘v gramme of ncusic can te extwwd he Eimira, Beriin and Heidelburg bands, ahï¬ hu‘:e ball wum‘:nd other lp:t:; will take li}‘wa- et the and date, Friday Sept. m We are going to the Labor Day Meet at Waterloo. Labor Day Bioycle Race: and Base Ball Match at Waterioq. P &0 0 100C Aw" ENT give tlm: al) the information they may need, and who also will be happy to miafy the wants of any wha may v#b to purshase some re«lly fine cattle. We »re sure that the «nterprige will meet 'it‘h th'.\ snvcpes thet ir‘ richly merits. Mr. D. W. Houston and Mro. Hour ton attended g» Peserso -W:Ou!lmb puptiols lost week ... .&y. Mb.‘: Bteiss spent Monday at Milverton ol serving the methods of -mgi? in thet ng& - Hillim’.â€nl aterloo, paid ny a Aping visit on Mondsy. BLOOMINGDALE Waterioo County Chronicle, Thursday September 2, 1897â€"Page 8 * cert was held on the 20th inst. by the Meideiberg band, which we canal. or a very good country. band, The selrctiona given at the concert were well rendered, ’.".‘;u'.".'“'“.‘i!.":..«..‘â€â€™ feny" Shee wan or tho concert the was inviated to a fir«tâ€"class lunch by Mr. and Mrs, Reter _ Labor Day Bicycle Rases and. Base Ball match at Waterloo, Bax» Coxcent â€"An open air conm Schummer are visiting in Bufalo â€" uanMi visitiog at John G Woeber‘s â€"Mr. N. Cooker was kicked by one of John Umfh horses, and is hardly able to walk.â€" Mr. Ww Koebel is kept very busy threshing with bis steamer.â€" Mr. Philip Kreutzweiser bas a uew fld tiree o 1 his whoeol â€"Mesars. F. Forwell and Ch. Schelhaus speant Sanday the 22nd day last. â€"Mr. and Mre. Joho Werner, who have been visiting with friends and relatives, have rebaraed bome in L1bor Day Bicycle Races and Base Bail match at Waterloo. . . Oritvary.â€"On Tflm 24th ult., a telegram was receivec here, announcâ€" tog the death by fever of Tamos Adam: inst. in towa. Meet at Waterloaq. son, who was $nooesatn recent Junior Leaving Herriaton. We are going to * We are ; , who was enccessful in passing ent Junior Leaving uomouw CHNTREVILLE ab Prouroxazâ€"At. Reriin, fll‘.h*' of Philemon Pequegznat, of a son, seut kvzâ€"Ag Berlin, Aug, 2ist, the wife d| Hy. Schuetz, of a son. Burrenâ€"In Wool=ich, Aug, 16th, the -*! of Duniel Ritier, of a s0n. t _ wife of Vring Buehler, of a son, Gowinoâ€"At EBimira, Aug, 15th, the wife of Vavid Gowing, of a â€"on. Maxrixâ€" At St, Jacobs, Aug, lith, the wife of Nathaniel Martin, : f a son. wife of Urins Buehler, -‘: Kxax»zâ€"At Berlin, *7th, the wife of Hnnnn.h ol:.:s P a i 2Brd, the wi P\:;:unâ€"ithh.:?. wife Sonmipzâ€"At Rerlin, Auy. Mith, the wife of ff...w 1, of a danghter. Frimâ€"At Werlin, Aug. 15th, the wife of mi’ri-.ol\dm:tht- Goovrk110Xâ€"At Galt, Aug. Lith, the wife of 3. uoodikliow, of a s08, ConxzAoâ€"Szu.sRâ€" At Waterioo Aug.‘ 18th, aged 1 year, 2 months ay Coxnewvarâ€"At â€" 4 mm:.m "Teny ol Rogital i a BR Poxi®â€"A & m \:':.Uo;rm-A 2oub, the wife of Rorimuck â€"At Galt, Aug. 15th, the wife of Juha Pollvck, of « son _ by Rex. Areuds, Carl Cuncau, to Lonisa Seiler, both of Waterloo, “ï¬:mwy db t ie o i ce 1 Siie: in. Wihany to M m in her 83rd year. mequeneâ€"Ay Wintesbogras. Ang. 2060 "Titimn Sgot i 745 7 Hontio aha °o "Ormintia ariyt®s Domadinigh hm l , Ang. 21.â€"The reosipts of se s spotted whest brough ï¬?ï¬&ï¬? ‘ Promght fro i ui MARKET REPORTS tolan nigheer U it Sifice Sged months it l t nco# aftiile t To ;g}ww;z-:ézz-: tdde, inewy . 800C‘ white WYE BTRFH z* AÂ¥E 4 ehadtafs b ce oi uit css . ar se SPITC] L "os iyâ€"»"â€"l uds af e i. n ie ne bafageng " t t ‘%. lives of voune women are often wrecked : of a mistaken semse ~ wodesn vhinh lead~ them to newieet i carlier syusptoms of fcimininc weakoses These unless corrected, deve!~; into difficulties which â€"< come a dr burde*, mi-:‘nlc Â¥fe‘s in > and blighti possibiii Auy %dâ€"c from these delic .t esc s of rce‘a 'fl& ue 1 stops weakening dus : gives vitility t Voters‘ List 1897 m, ; ‘ en 'flllx ofgazns dpon\vï¬kuhg zig‘ gives vitulity to the nerveâ€"centres, and restores peffect ur ganic soundness and constitutional energy $95g 0 SA tp taperienecd sgeciaion ï¬\ï¬â€ï¬‚‘ix’ oneâ€"cent s to hxww: FHBEE FER PBXT: por ennum, camponunded heltâ€"yeerly: Â¥+ Tâ€" HIHAF] Haykevile. Aug. Bro, }807, Reed Wheat It NORTH WATERLOO Exhibition TUESRAY and WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMAER #waan e Termemess d commence a‘ one o,clock on Woinapla the 2928 Sed, Jetaee ul ce mreg ols .,g-::..“w:-s » a to:._o- he ground on :%"‘:é“:.,ï¬ Ibe fod by cargtakers. Â¥xk ?'.:?EA § roum roegicg . ;. £30u0e TOWN OF BERLLIN 2ist and 22nd, 897. OPEN TO THE PROVINCE The Waterione Rroduse Oo‘y in this day diwoived by Jymeries tb Aoly: Th Farm for Sale %Â¥ 148_ BEGÂ¥ e qStes ts on eoaca w ie and Fine Arts alt ural Soote‘y cf the North . 'sah.vmb{):llldtull-l NOTICOE 2 DA YSâ€"2 Two Valuable Farms and Rabertson‘s _ Wellâ€"Kyown Brickyard. Auction UNDERSIGNED WILL OFFLR FOR nhm Auction om lncnes NPE No Ibs Rrine componed of 06 MONDAY, SEPTENMBER 20th, 1897 the Towuship of Woolwich. ‘The property is situated on the cast side of ..m'.'... about 2 miles h of Kimira in the immedinte oi rna p o md P apgaes l lakt two nares of 2 Shand and n piosin soy un Irogor peomtont" sltan sedos, on n prgea uce Jos. Y1ck; MacDbaLexa u&w wu#‘xï¬t"m op>, io Nhakvauts. ‘f'.'""'u"â€"‘;-â€"--â€"â€" ‘-g-â€"vâ€"â€" nds §_)~n v!m such nn.:.% 'lh"‘ 1¢n sores ‘ihe machinery pesd “Nl_.ruh-m the property of the "‘f‘:â€"mCmNflflM'â€"Te. per cent. of the of sale pagh n n in fgy: s( oglhehe w on oghnregr o In the matter of the Estate of Charles Hendry, late of the Town ut Waterioo â€" in the County of Waterloo, ‘Esguire, Notice to Creditars. FOR SALEH [E ERre brod it uc‘ W._n_“d y j NP mehaole t o frrene prttet Farm to Rent A, pearm goi wouteg t Wt LAinwood, Â¥op!â€" Jst, J : y of watcrare on the premiscs. ihe land is a high state of culivation and in « drsirable PARCKL No. 2:â€"Bri~z composed of of Tow! 1PA ol