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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 8 Jul 1897, p. 5

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SsOLD IN WATERLOO a: BDevitt‘s City Drug Store â€"Good values in Soreen Doors and Window Screens at Weichel‘s, â€"The drug store of A.J. Roos, Ber‘ia, was entered on Saturday night by barâ€" glars and between three and four dolâ€" are appropriated. _ â€"Henry F. Bockus, for some years assistant Post Master at Berlin, died on Tues!ay, aged 28 years. â€"Money Order office was opened at 8t. Clementa by H. G. Hopkirk, Post Office Inspector, on July 2ud, 1897. J. L. K.rostech, Poss Master. â€"The Park Board are asking for tenders for the erection of a Pavilion in the Towa Park â€"See advt. â€"Three carryâ€"all loads of picuickers drove to Elors on Dominion Day and apent the time very pleasantly among the rocks. â€"Mise Lene Snider, youngest daughâ€" ver of Frederick Snider, Berlin, won the goid medal at the Hamilton Ladiea‘ College for ganeral proficiency. â€"We direct the attention of our readers to the professional cards of Dr. W. L Hilliard of Waterico, and Dr. McLean of Rerlin, in this week‘s issue â€"Our Town Fathers are perhape aware that many citizens are calling for an electric light at the G. T. R. station, also one at the Main Park enâ€" trance on Albert atreet. â€"In competition with quite a numâ€" ber of crack riders at Preston on Doâ€" minion E;{.Bobert Moore of this town rode a good third in the race for the Wilson‘s Fly Poison County Championship. â€"Among the list of successfal pupile at Alms Ledies‘ College, St. Thomas, we are plessed to note the names of Miss Emma Disbel who was granted a certificate in music, and Miss Lottie Brodrecht who was granted a certificate in RElocution. â€"Mr. E. D. Heist has been Wtâ€" ed Principal of the Brldgosofi lis Bohoo! and will begin his duties after the summer vecation. For the Eut two years and a half he has tlugz in » highly syccesssful manner the treâ€" ville nL)ol. Pads â€"Pure Scotch Paris Green and Bug Finish at Weichel‘s. â€"The attendance at the verious churches lest Bnndx was comparativeâ€" ly thin owinx to the extreme hest. RBev. H. Bo:&ll, I:-bo n.'hd pastor of the Methodist church occu the it both morning and ovonfim. poP ..*Lhur Uitich, of Berlin, died at the Woodstock hospite}, where he had been recerving treatment for some time past, on Mondsy July 5th. The reâ€" meins were taken to his home in Pres ton, where the funeral book place. peachers and officers, of Morriston, vmw(.lulybmilb#:dnymdh‘d a group pbhoto taken. The pictures can â€"The 22ad of Jaly is Berlin‘s Civic The Neow Union Bundsy Sehool LOCAL NEWS. . . BUY . . househoid effects of Mre. Fred Merner «ill be sold without reserve. Fair Day, Tuesday, July 13th, at ‘clock ai. when a number of t Har«c axp Jos Wicuzs Wox.â€"In chs races ab «d Bay,New York, wu Mym'ulnt in the 1} mile race (Slomm) and Havce ran Ursst tus Bucscr.â€"On S«terday afterucon while two farmers had their rizs standing at the side of Devitt‘s sture Ulilil‘ for binder repaire the wam aitached to the wagon walked wato the single rig, which was a bran uew top bugey, and upset it throwing its occupant to the ground without inâ€" jury. The buggy was only damaged to uhe extent of a bent axle. lfirest us the Sheepshead Bay Handicap, winving by one head (ridden by Lewis) Luth jurses are owne . by our popular wwusman, Joe. E. Seagram. M.P. Suxpay Scaoor Proxic â€"The Evanâ€" gelical Church bere beid their annual Sunday School picnic in Martin‘s Grove on Domision day. The weather was ull that could be gesired and the scholars and their parents turned out in large numbers The usual picaic dinuer with its many , relishee was spread and needless to say, was much enjoyed by the little ones. Ever body reports having spent a !phndli Avctiox Sacng.â€"An Anction Sale wilt « neld on the Market Square, on W.M.S Baxp is Guzsuru.â€"The Waterloo" Musical Society‘s Band gave m concert in the Exhibition Park, Guelph, on the avenlnt of July lat, under the auspices of the Maple Leaf Biseball Olub. The Mercury says : The programme rendered was quite up to the band‘s usual high standard. Speâ€" cldl! weritorous was "Ma Honey Girl,‘ and among the clessical selecâ€" tions, the overture,‘Italians in M?;a"', by Rossini the tecor solo, ‘The Heoly Oity,‘ b’y Adams, and the valse, "Lâ€" ‘Evoile,‘ by Pallaire Waldtenie!. Narrow Escare.â€"The Galt Report er says that the Galt delegates to the Christian Eadeavor convention at Sanâ€" Francsisco had a very narrow escape from being on the ill fated train which collided w,lh another near Chicago an Wednesday afternoon killing three people and wounding thirty. They would have boarded the ill fated train had it not been over crowded. Tlva therefare waited for the next ane au escaped by only a few minutes what might have been a serious injary. day omlw our local bod{ of musiâ€" cians, the W. M B. band, who had just returned from Guelph, rendered a proâ€" gramme of unueua! gxcellence, and excalled perb.'r all former efforts of this season. ‘The difl'oulllw nul:nb;rl of the programme were all well chosen ukiup in e wide range of musical pbongilt. and were re in a style that ;bov:lgb br;dtbbof Aolg .o.‘n and fine nique members of the buj %on wes 8 larger sudience then ugpal and the music was thoroughly enjoged by all. 0s‘Fvathag smm Ghatt ty Pn ”n n‘:l‘;{-r of I obil were ts Caxs Dows Wirs Or mc&â€" On llondsz afternoon past four o‘clock just a* the besvy rain four o‘clock just a* the besvy rain shower was commencing jronp window bracket weighing L e neighâ€" bo:};fiol avo‘bqnar;d came Cri wo fromm 0 1 window or Killer‘s block m it pert of the iron railing @p frat verandsh and ohnupriw of the windows [u‘a the tglul nt at the bottom. ; y there were no passersâ€" by on thet part of the streeb ab the time otherwise it might hare been attended with more disastrons ‘ results. â€"Bay a Yanikee rat trap at Weichel‘s A Rars Musicar Trae:at â€"On Friâ€" *( . sA d O ;:l’fr::; '3' ;:l“'"i ; > re in a style | " o Bagos | ll.!w{ #ben wes a | t the Waterioo County Chronicle, Thursday, July‘8 1897 â€" and New Home sewing machines and in this respect he is the same old bustler dht:::b--u-' as of yore. Soud vory und artintio speci drawna work done on lhnow machines with their attachrcoents by his operator, who is always §present at the store, attracted our attwnation and it is mar vellous how well these labor saving devices do the work in a very {ew minutes, which,once took many hoars im "Busy Beriin" the other day we took eccusion to visit the piano, T and sewing machine empourium of Mr. of ugarly every description, He carries a full line of music in «heet, snd folio forms including many classica}, popular and madern compositions. Mr. Wanâ€" less still controls the Berlin Agency for the celebrated Wheeler & Wilion Our Parks and the Walnut Trees. Many have aaked me how the wal nute we planted last fall are coming on. In reply would say that Mr Jonâ€" athan Cook, oar popular jailer, has a beauty growing unicely on the Court House Park in froot of the jail resiâ€" denc. Mr. George Fisher, a prominâ€" ent farmer pear Berlio, tba- that his is growing nicely, some other farmâ€" ere tell me the same _ Qver in RBridgeâ€" port a lot of them are growing ; also those planted on the Catholic cometery and in the caretaker‘s yard ; at home they are doing nicely as well as several other places heard from. THE WATERLOO PARKE Buts we would especially compliâ€" ment Mr. Mclatyre, the caretaker of this beautiful park for the pains he has taken to care for these trees. About a dozen are growing nicely for vhhich I shall ou,M. vuhl::oi‘: f;l.l three ane to 6 t Kunum aod umm';u the Aaran Kraft Park. The trees axhuud by Mr. Mclutyre and Mr. John Devist have done mnuktlz:{u well and there will soon be a beautiful maple grove in the park that cannot be beaten and when the ffty or more walout treee vov ap it will be a beauty to behald.â€"â€"V isrrox. G. A. Wanless who quite recently changed his headquarters from Waterâ€" leo to Berlin, and found him occupgying very comfortable quarters indeed. His reoums are well appointed and are heaviâ€" ly stocked with Nordheimer pianoe, Mres. Magdslens Aunthes, who is an ardent jlover of plants and fowers, in vited a number of friends to her resiâ€" dence, 14 George street, last Thureday evening to witness the unfolding of & fower of a remarkable cactus. The fnp prospr an eimsaially Surven . opg, ank gracefally curved ; the sepals are parrow, a! w‘ of a rogeâ€"red color ; mm are numerous, brosdly lanceolated snd spresd from the centre of the fower in a starâ€"like manner. Within W stands out a tubnlar row of p: white w mbfi'rd with a little yvellow the anther) ; these orgaps are more thickly crowded er on the lower side 'ol the lm the flower, and surround the style, which ulonq;b‘ub;bnud apn:dm »b the smmmit into ® srown of Irings." ‘Altogether the fawer with its heua id Averiice We features, is one bm This Aower to pnfold b seven o‘clook in the avening, gradually M\ A Wans Night Blooming Cereus. Oonservatory of Music, Mre. E. Brooks, Listowel, and Miss Halstead,of Mouut Forest, were thegueate ofMr.Byron Bechtel for a few days durâ€" ing vhe past week. Bricker were among those who {visited Chatham during the C. W. A. meet. Messre. J. L Krostech and P. F. Schummer, St. Clements, were in town Tuesday on business, Misses Nairn and King, teachers on the Central school staff here, have reâ€" turaed to their homes in Galt for the summer vacation. ing the past week. Mr. J. Koâ€"hler, ::uve today for ill spend a fow and friends. visiting at Mr.C. 8. Eqgrrest‘s, _ Mr. and Mre. R. Y.Fish, of Linwood, called on fmends in tows on Tugsday. Mrs (Dr.) Hostetter, of Toronto, visited her sister here, Mra.Spady, durâ€" Hachaal : f this town and their uncle Miss Lizzie Schalhorn left on Satâ€" urday morning for Rochsster, N. Y., where she intbnds -sndiu a month with her siater Mrs. Holsworth. Day in Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Winter, of Pres ton were in towu on Tuesday. Mr. and Mre. M. C. Fry, Listowel, apent a few days 'eix relatives in town during the past week. Miss Eroma Diebel has returned home from Alma Ladies‘ Coliege, St. Miss Zimmerman, Duluth, is the guost of Miss Lillie Hoffmap. ulliu &iokllie. ;fi:ml Bo?:l and aater Charlie uadey in New Dundee. vos Messre. R. Jackson and J. Danke,of Eimira. were in town on Sunday. Miss Josephine Petch, of Oresshill, called onmud- in town on Ssturday. Mr. Frank Devitt, of Phil in holidsying under the pum ing friends in town. Missg * » bnyder apd n triend u% Heepeler, relatives and in town during the past week. Mr. and Mre. H. Zimmerman spept Bundsy in }n gub-n- Mr. John Koebler. of Mordew Manitobs, of Waterl Pn ns moalie t * Miss aua" Devitt returned on ‘Bet lfl% last Buffal month‘s visit wi nlst-i::‘m w Miss "Georgins Enrder and her hoie o ber yariile is Bavin§. * * _ tHee Iooder ut Torinic, is the mss it o Uhn Twith cimess & . Mrse. Eliwood, of Torante, was a uest at Mi. Thos. Hilliard‘s on Sunâ€" Miss Oerruthers, of Tarante, is viels weeks visiting relatives , N.Y. where they Goods, Silks, Handkerchiets, Laces, Summer Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Wash Goods, Muslins, Men‘s and Boys‘ Summer Coats and Vests, Parasols, Straw Hats, Ladies‘ Shirt Waists, Men‘s Oxford Regatta and Neglier Shirts, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, &c. Call and Buy ! 3 We Can Save You Money i Such as W, H. BECKER & €0., J, K, Shinn & Co wishes you to get a breezy idea of Summer Goods â€" _‘ DXpenTXkING In all its branches, A first class Hearse Just a Suggestion. It is too much like summer to be bothered with details, but Furniture. Springs, Mattresses, A Drop In Meats LEAAAGD‘E MEA WMHE, We also have the latest device in window J. Uffelmann. J. Uffelmann The Curvelette Booksellers Barlin gver store next to). B. Roos is answered by Call Bell at side h ie See the Assortment . . . AMERICA HUSSAR JEW EL PELHAM > STORMER CAVALIER All of the above wheels as well as parts are stocked in Canada and in case of aoc?nt can readily be obtained. ALL WHEELS FULLY GUARANTEED. _ A compfete stock of Ricycle Sundries, Lanterns Beils, Cylometers, etc. Hardware, Paints, Oils, Stoves Tinware, Plumbing and Furnaces. Most Benutiful Strongest Easiest Running Wheels Built. BICYCLES _ Celebration ” At Waterloo, on Tuosday, June 22nd, J. 8. ROOS, The Popular Shoo Stors i0 BARGAINS FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE [A MONDJUKE Ladies‘ and Gentlemen‘s fine Footwear, in all styles and colors suitable for Jubilee Day, at the Popular Boot and Bhoe Store, Bpecial Lines for Boys, Girls and Children, Queen‘s JACOB CONRAD PRIOCOES VERY LOW.

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