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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 8 Jul 1897, p. 4

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t 1 Fowr hots for cace +N ‘Rerm 3. 1 Thee® cent. T rmwer brefeeri na Coou Fijday Haii ho id A cuyic chion J. C Legal Notice â€"J. K mpeetach aâ€" Hews! dury Cleea y ace New Adovetiecn(nts this week ) hrenoline Medicine Mis, W inwlow e doo bving ~3ru Gold in Madical base +Â¥ ory Paine‘s Celery Compound Pijday Haii ho ides â€"ilw A.\ . k@ A cuyie chion J. Vifcl > an. Legal Notice â€"J. K. G > d. mpeetach sâ€" Heoe bin ®. dury Clea x ce A, Weâ€" oh, Â¥ acar Cubure Mir se ta Ziog ut T nders W ons dâ€"A K. Maik ijs Woult Jars im u sz wit Lo Rietities â€"M P is n simun miyoer. i be If st Cirn new. contt â€" Wiual iou Kootenay Cu s bu. lignt Soâ€"p +. Cha 6 bem der Withmi‘s P1 ko Polic. Mar you‘s KRemedics ja0du‘s Kidn y PUis ] inmo id Dros Sx. becription ::: GQ per unnuim in advance * that ues runing. Kegish sud German. io t the branthas Advertising Rate« reasonable, and will be wade known on a) pucAtion THURSDAY, JULY 8th, 1897 Watgrioo Cenaty Ubronicle. A stiike of the coal miners of four state: affecting 200,000 men has been ordered to enforce a lvieg rate uf waâ€" Notice of changes must be left at this office mot later than Saturday ucon. . The copyTtor"changes must be left not later than"Tuesday noon. Casual Advertiseâ€" ments accopted up tw ucon Weduesday Rev. James Alien, pastor of the Metropolisan church, Toranto, has deâ€" clined unreservedly to accept the deâ€" gree of D.D. which the Syracqse Uaiâ€" versity desired to canfer upon Lm. It is announced that the Rev. Dr. ‘Talmage, Washington, has received no salary from his church for the last four moaths. _ His salary is contingent â€"on the attendance. which has been poor. Mgr. Merry del Val haes written a detter to Archbishop Langevin,in which he stales that the Pope is now in posâ€" session of all information regarding the â€"school difficulty, and all agitation «and discussion of the matter must cease pendiog the Holy Father‘s judgment. Under an amendment to the Ontario Medical Act, physicians will in futare only have to report deaths from infecâ€" tious disesses to the Medical Heslth Officer for the municipality in which they prectice. Heretofore all deaths had to be reported and the certificate approved of by the Health Officer beâ€" fore burial permit could be issned by the clerk. ©AVID BEAN, Proprietor, W eckly Newâ€"paper Published cvery lbur» uay moroung. of each week REDIyORIAL NOTESâ€" TO ADVERTISERS baik Ketuesâ€"W .H, Lorson w l MibharA, Iw A.\ . bochmer Co. w Brantfor d and place The In |Nm'w. hot | combinatiop an ldu Incals by a At four a‘clo Brentfo 4& and the Twin City‘s took place The Indwns were altOyethe 'oaw'w. hoth in _ stickâ€"handline, | combination and sprinting and lost to | the Incals by a seore of 7 to 2 At four a‘clock the Beriin and. Wu‘â€" erloo tesums lined up for a baktle in the County _ League serigs. _ Ma»age Fricker had s‘rengthened his team by the addition of two unsigped. players, Spnneman on first base and short «top H«zâ€")wood of Acton and Manager: tblogg according‘y put in a wrikten pro teat before the commensement of the yame. . P.ucher Molszon had the loc«!» at his mercy and kepe them guessiog «t eluâ€"ive outâ€"drops, and ail sorte of shoots contraually, and all Wateriov‘s heevy bikters were able to gotber toâ€" zether were uwo list‘e aungles. Jersry Crew and Andy Ward ogcupied ube points for Wauterloo and alubough Ward pitched well enough to win auy ordinury game yes when his owo LOâ€"w could not cougect‘ with the leather for wmore â€" thau _ t«o _ bases . we could not expect a different resul. L Fvuoi-\ng in the soure : l WATERLOO. Pitts 2b Jenuiogs Hendry, Crew, c. Rieb c.f. Allerard, Flohr. rf Kochler, Ward, p Stoneman,. 1 h. . Saunders, 2ad b Hazelwood s.s. . . gwlert, §L..» Blacklock, 1. f. Matthews, r.dk Molson, p..... Graham c..... Summaryâ€"Earaed ruce, Berlin 4 ; two base hite, Stoneman, Crew : Bases stolen, Piurts 2, Rieb, Hunking, H»zel wood ; Bases un called bealle, of W ard 4, off Molean 2: spruck ous by Ward 4, Molsan 4; Wild pitches, Ward 2; Tiume of game 2 25. Umpire Mitchell; Scorer W. Raymo. 7 Hunking, 3rd b Cmidren‘s Day at Hawkesvilie The Hawkesville Union Sabbath School held their Aunual Flower Serâ€" vice in the U. B. church on Bunday evening, July 4sh,. Notwithetanding the intenge hoat there was a large turn aut. The church was very taatefully decorated with a chaice callection of fowers (both cut and in pots) which were kindly provided hy friends of the« school and which would do credit ta the florists® of a much larger tewn than Hawksvilie. In the centre of the plattorm stood a pyrewid of flaowers surmounted by » em’}y of handsome enow white lilie? ‘The appearance which the church presented would as sure one that the membere of this achooal are «breast of % times in the art of decorating. e w’mmmo was well rendered oomimg of musnc, cluss drill, regibstions, pture readâ€" li 1b. BERLLN Q 1¢ g. | NOmt C 2 | sports, 9 I hundre 5 3,000 1 o | of the 0 | seem t t‘ Sate vmx(w :f\ cleaner 4 }ever pl Waterioo‘s Fast Balk Team Trims Calt by 9 Buns to 2 in the Preuâ€" tiest Game of the Season. The Tecumsehs Win KasJy the Twin Citys It was Waterioo‘s day a‘l the way through on Saturday when Manager kMogy‘s fast local aggregation triupmed Manager Manto‘s uine of suappy ball glayers hailing from Gale to the sweet muysnc of the tune 9 runs to 2, and thus increased its ciuch on the pesnant of Sarurday was what the ball players drsignated an ide«l day for the plyying of the xameâ€"it was bot. . Bat vhere Saturday‘s game with Galt has been pro: ouuced on every aand as being the cleanest and suappirst game of ball ever played on Waterloo‘s green dia mond. It was «hat might be called a rensational game, and soutbpaw Crisâ€" tall was the shining starâ€"a real crys tai, indoed.â€"Fuour bits wore all the heavy hitters from the south could muster, and only twice dndnfiu game did they get wen past Pittsburg. « Leftie " pfixed & good part of the game himself, having one sensetional catch of a linet and a home run to his credit. The latter was made in the eight innings Kochler went to bat and smashed the leather inta centre Geld for twa bases Oristall next came to hat und with a look of profound conâ€" teu py he fuced pyitcher &uky of Deâ€" troutr, who was that day hfi"il\d‘ his trial on the Galy team. The aecond time his contem delivered u? the pig skia he soaked it with a mighty swat over the serraces, altogether out of right fielder Hindmareh‘s " territary and caromed araand thediamand touching thesgcks in quick euccession like a scared rabbit, umwm?o plate just two secands ahead of the ball, which was chased up in great atyle hy Hindy, and amidat the wildeat excitement of theane hundred and fifty. Foliowing is the stary in NNE CHAPTERS : 1.â€"Tommy Pitte was first m wr apd was retired on a dah his to i?lg; ; Shiner Jauning- followed anit. KHendr rapped the sphere out for a ai g‘l: or’»i stealing 2ad, mmpond?:mws 8 on a wild throw by Pickerd. (;aw couldn‘s connect u!ely. and Hepdry was left mi 3rd. 5{ Gealt, QWG:: uiu'M to ba:ft' B:d ckerd secrificed. Billot dubbed to 'siot»llwdlmh wR oub ab 1st. 8:9 :{»g got 11 w’? a inga‘ fumble of a slow grou q&m nn‘ld have retired. the side. ';3 &m g-lnprwwfl, scaring Jones palding, c firss and" lasb rope Jones wes pailed on 3rd on trying to seema to be uo love lust between Waterloo people and bot weather avud perhap: less between Waterloo people and the W.BBC. It his beeu said phat Waterloo was a game town for sports, but the fact that less thau one hundred «ud fifty out of Waterloo‘s $,000 rewpained loyal in their support of the team on Saturday would not seem to «dd credence to this rema» k. SPORTS. Warerioo County Chronicle, Thuorsday, July & 1897â€"Page 4 hammered hard, ut it ult':rw‘ to «ur up the atmosphere. Cristall dubâ€" hed to Rhiot and F.ohr was nailed. off 3rd.â€"2 â€" Bur Galr, B«iley gou in front of the ball and wa=lked to l1»t, but was nailed off the hase by Southpaw Cris wi who was waching him clcae‘y. Cuekman got two buses on a swift drive over 3rd bag, Johnny Pickardâ€" smori ficed and Eitiot poundrd. wind. â€"O. 7. Femmy Fitts raised his average by another «wingle to right apd stole the next bag Jennings pupped to Pickard and Mondry got lat on Smith‘s maff of an easy Ay. _ Builey gave Crew ‘ a complimentary and Boeb forced in Pitts by getting in front of the ba}l, Allward punted to Bailey and Ricb and Mendry were both nuled st the plate.â€"L. â€" Fuor G«It, Spalding popped uo Hendry, Joves hit uw Jennaings and, was retired at 1st and, Lintle popped to w-ndr!: _ _ 8. The locals comnected with Bail ey freely in uis invings. Flobr and Koâ€"hler each amasbed out a two bagâ€" ger, Flohr scoring. Criatal) next came to bat and won the undjying gratitede of the faps by knoc«ing out the leather %&&{lb ay im & ... 9. Rieb seut a rainbaw to Spaldâ€" ing. Allward popped to Jones }t:“d Fioht frantically pounded wiad. Galt, Cockman singled, gog second on t bail, bus was caught wapping by E:udu and Cristall, and sent to the beach. Pickard seat a fly to Tomuy at second and Elliot went out on lst. Cockman, 2b Pickard, c... Elliot 1b ... for a bhomer and Scoring Koghier. Pitts went out on first and Jeonings reached first safely on Smith‘s mic«. Hendry walked, but Crew tGinighed the innings by fsiog ww:-â€"s For Galt, Hindmarch lined a hot one to Crigall and was retired. Minto popped a rainbow to Fitts and amnh 3 sent a grass cutter to Allward. â€"O, _ hitâ€"Origtall. er, Flobr, Jep Jones to Cock into, #1 Hom! â€"Oriatal in ut a °"3;%%w BY GALT, Waterica anâ€"ullied repatation of this poyressive and rubstantial town with regard :o ite celebrariun, anil it has done so in a very honarable manner indred by asecurâ€" ing the Tecumsehs and giving to the public an aheolutely free game. The game was started at 4 30 0‘clock, pm and all who chanced to be presâ€"nu witarssod a decidediy pretty and w.terâ€" esting exhibition of the national gam . Immediately on the first sound. of the whistle the Tecumsehs secured the sphere and with an easy rush and some pretty combination hroke through the defenuce at the Twin Citys‘ citadel. and ‘acored the first gam» in lees than one a2d one ba}f minute‘s play. Ioside of cwo minutes‘ more play s«ch scored a goal although * in was clearly evident thas the Twin Citys bad met a team who were vastly their superior» in both itick handling and combination work and who would be able to bestow a lesson in the science of the game at any tiume. ‘The goais were ecored as fo}â€" ‘qws : â€" â€"&nl. Tecumseh, in 1} min.; second Tecquuaeh lmio. ;third Nwinâ€"City, 1 min. fourth, Tecumseh, 34 win ;6ftb, Tecumâ€" aeb, 2 min.; sixth, lecumaebh, 4 min.; seventh, Tecumaseh, 7 min; ighth, Te sumseb, 15 mis.. aintb, the Twinâ€"City 5 win. The teams lined up as follâ€" Qwe: â€"â€" Tecumsehâ€"Goa!, W. Devine ; puint R. McoGibbnâ€"«v; soverâ€"poiut, J.Gruimes; defence, L Yorke, Bert Davie, W. a:r:by F enn:l"’k u%.u\‘lbmw. K. er, F. ey, P. Murpher ; out side J. O‘Mur-;{uidv. H. Gerpan. Twin Cityâ€"Goal, Bradley; point Ltnob; coverâ€"point, Morre«; defence, McDonald, McDougeli, llu;Jh Jack, "entre, Rrierly; home, Shup», Johnaop, Burms; outside, McDonalo; inside, Forrâ€" «a1or. Notes hy "Onlookers" s The question “vu did the Tecamâ€" eehs nou come" ask wkv“mflx was definitely auewered on Satarday last. T te 2 % a had score bus it soutd have bean 20 to 0 as eailly. 4 in the Tecumsehs t ‘!“ Mu &?fifl with w: le abter the abtempt to heamirch t repatation by treating them a: i nii?:;h the game advervised for "The) rorrnion tor stantion. wi Mw"‘k .dmmmv_maw_ *A Connel m;\m were P n: 'th; mt: 1J TeR pha i oi io td o . Tlay to the galleries in all very woll ce on o o ae t there is no ream far that when facing ncA bald in dootey P To Mess *" xfi‘h"'m.mm:'mfi” TOWN CGOUNCIL a draw the Town evening Grass Linens, newest designs at 8c ; better quality at 10c and 12 1â€"2¢. Muslins from S¢ per yard up to 37 1â€"2¢. Noew Shirt Waists We are headquarters for goods suitable for this warm weather. see our New Linens and Muslins Vests at 5¢, 8¢, 10c¢, 12 1â€"2¢. Better quality at 25¢ and §0c. * New Gloves and Hosiery mNew Gkg&se i:n‘ Si%)gc‘;‘afiata and Cotton. 2 pair New Belts and Buckies Bel&?t 18¢,20¢c.25¢,30¢ and 40c. Buckles trom 10c to 28¢; Belt Ribbon (pure silk) at 3c per yard. Summer Coats and Vests at 73¢c, 81. 82 to $5 in Lustre, Senga Wiipoar infi uols it Gent‘s Underwear Vnd Natural Wool Balbriggan and doman daP s a is bad on mt balance of u Hate, Powea‘iw. a hed below ohen n 000C 9 COME TO US FOR ANVTHING IN TRE BRY GOODS LINE. BRICKER & DIEBEL, (orpEkr QrORE . BUMMER 60008 , . Special for July. THE GREAT YOURS FOR RUSINES8,

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