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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 1 Jul 1897, p. 8

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_ Rev. R. and Mre. Keefer spent a souple of doys with friepds in F,mmo this week. Mr. Delbert Bnnd{ of Berme, paid .» Apipg visit to bis friends bere ‘this Messrs. McNubb and sisters after ding a week with friends bere, reâ€" :g:g-d home to Mons,Mopday. Mrs. Michael Goetz visited friends to Hemborg pert of this week. Messrs. Bobnurr and Bundy and the Misses Bohourr and Boomer spent Sunâ€" dey in Anwood,tbe&uuu xbo Missâ€" es Robertson at their home "The Mre. (illespie of Qrangeville, and her daughter, Miss Minnie are the guests o‘_\l(r. and Mre. R. J. Kerr. __Mr. Mapser of Toronto, is the guest of bis brother, Mr. Geo. Manser. rs. 0. Dunke of Berlin, is visiting at Mre. Fred Lautenschlager‘s . and Mre. Wm. Munro were in Hamilton on Jubilee Day. Miss M. Main is visiting friende at Niwu Falle. eeday was observed as a general bo%oy here. Miss Lillie Merner is the guest of Miss E: Greutzner. Quite a number of our citizens atâ€" auded the picnic in Rienheim on Tuesâ€" {Ve are glad to see that Mr. G. Bettâ€" gchen has so far recovered, as to be able to come to town agsin. Mre. D. Dafoe is visiting at New Ugikot. â€" R. Bock was in Toronto on busi pess this week. Miss Roberts returned to ber home in Btirtop, Bunday. Bohool closes bere on the 30th. FLOBADALE I.Q.F. Picuic.â€"The 1}inmond J abiâ€" Jee day was celebrated with one ,m greatest picnies ever held bere. Ti h rations wao Hecadite s ol which was grancly decorated with }ubilee colors. At eleven o‘clock the %h’t‘ band arrived which openid the day‘s sports some grand ari was grn‘ At the Forester headed by the hand marching vie ‘s mtore, thense grounds. The afternoon was in EvR® " HOTCY_ FAEWe®r > My i: lr.l ‘..'q wv.:‘&,.f ‘ frrge ?‘"...:,.:,W‘:" %m“fi; ‘Q.::“’ u'.:fE“" . is m reniy -m--f::f:eéuw ;O,*‘f,;;* To dw’mf‘:‘:_"z’.m&-., _eonâ€" The store in Arnold‘s block which has been vacant for &uib a while, will soon be occupied by Mr.Gerbig of Ayr, who is going to start a branch store here shortly. Very dusty roads has been the verâ€" dict of the travelling public for the the past week, but rain has improved the condition of the roads a little. burg on Dominion Day. BHope they will give a good account of themseelves. Mr. Chriss Millet returned from Michigan last week where he spent a couple of weeks visiting friends. About twelve to fifteen cars of live stock was shilrped from here last week _ Our football team plays in New Ham: Several cars of square timber were shipped from here some days ago: Mr. Adam Kaufmad, who is taking & course in architecture at Cornelt U oi versity, is at bome for his holidays Some three bundred and fifty tickets were sold at the station here last Friday morning for the South Waterloo Farâ€" were‘ excursion to the Model Farm at Plows and Scufflers â€"~ MAOKIES BLOCK, KING STREET, BERLIN. PHONE 168 and Gravel Roofing McINTYRE & SACHS, ping "" NEW PUNDEE LINWOQR. in decorating the W OO# . + Mr. David m. tnufligj with all weres Lor _ Garrook 'é.:o." ul‘O'l,. fi'fl mw gard‘s Hotel over > &Ww‘:m* A ppodkt tu ape s ul ;’:’l visited our achool on Thuradey last, W'fl.‘efmm ”Ur.sod; Bteiss rode to Gueiph the ther Bu w oo oiog t m i 1 ) _ W D # & a:bebnkl sister, Mre. I&'G. p. Miss Jones left here on Fridey afterâ€" poon for Galt, where she was engeged to sipg at a concert in the eveping. . l(r.'i‘::‘:d ‘“ H. K. fl.fi;,’dz, yore siahipg frienas np »rmopd Hon Mrs. Jobn Haho, senâ€", who has been very sick, is somewhat better again. Mr. John Habn of Beden, was .gmo on Monday, vidgu his mother. . Mre. John Ziegler of MM{( is spending a few days with Mr. and Mre. J. G. Habao, Mre. P. Bchaefer who spent a few weeks here with her moa;:r wuu ti” sgain returped to her home in yton. _ o . bere. Miss Janzen &nd Miss Vollmar ',E:” lsst Bunday with the latber‘s perents Edith Weber, returned home last week. Messre: Weber, Sattler and several others have ‘hoap ru the road machine in their beat we must say they r!n the road iv shape. Quite a number mlo here acâ€" oom?wiod our band e Floradale icnic lsst Tueadsy. On Dominion Bnyow band is going to Millbank, where they are onmn! to play for the Eoglish church. Garorx _ Paztyr.â€"The _ Eogiish Church garden party came off on Friâ€" day evening last trlr. John Frame‘s grove and was a success Everyone To emig im falgm" ol wohug evening was ra the ice cream a little quiet Rev. Wright filled the chair in ao able man: ner. The speeches of Rev. Deacon, Mr. T. Magwood, M.P.P., and Mr. Rothermel, were well received and enâ€" joyed by those present. The music by the Crosshill and Millbank choirs, Mr. Gatechene, Mr. Sutton and ladies, Misa Morton, Miss Hogg, Mr. Miller, and another fianthm.n trom Wellealey, was good. Mr. J. T. Wilford gave a variaâ€" tion on the violin in great atyle The thanks of the oongwgoaon were kindly tendered to those outside who gave a belping hand in hrin'flqg baskets and other â€" assistance. e evening‘s enâ€" joyment was brought to a close by a short speech from John Thomar. Miss Emms Zurm.ot Listowel, who spent about six weeke with Miss Mre. M.L. Wing, Mre. 8. R. Knechâ€" tel, Mre.Clesson Oberholtser and gn L. J. Breithupt paid a visit to Mrs. Louis 8. Waber last week. Miss Emms Zurbrigg of Listowel, BLOOMINGDALE The botany class of this j Mr. Pearcse, P ablic Rehool ie uy wl a o y io HEIDELBERG was epjojyed by T6 f In Ts ns ’m:. Floradale Cak t n en @g;‘“" s d m'é‘- to‘ d ' :&% s Eht P mt on ignt Anmmiie meny roeofs were caved in. The roofs on m n Jw Sn -».:'fi la'movu t'lm:fic w’,flm mgdln from that of e hen‘s v“ to that of mflob W wLbbn l::l‘lll‘isuf' , ORe ’fi‘”p' !nobzA dr&% mlfim are injured in the storm | l:g:rl-mr?pbal were bort in rupavways. Topeks, Kansas, June 25.â€"The worest hailstorm known in the history of Kansas struck this city last night. Hailstones weighing 12 to 16 onnces utriptod the trees of their tou.r. emashed window panes, including the finest plate glass store fronts, cnt down ule’uph and tohrbone wires, riddled awnings and inflloted unprecedented demage throughout the cit{. Bt;r were struck in the streete and instantly killed, and borses were knocked to their knees. When the fury of the atorm bad ';:“d' deed birds were found om'(v re. Â¥requent and terâ€" rifle lightn :&Aooqmpwiod the storm. Topeka looks likf » city that has vitblcml op ertillery siege â€"There are not a dozen buildings in the town that are not almost wiudo;}bm and many roofs were caved in. The roofs 897. All | ® sucorss, over 3,OUU people being a.:"'zm all over the County and The South Waterloo Farmers‘ Instiâ€" tute had a groat time at the Expeoriâ€" mental Farm, Guelph last Friday, it being their annual picâ€"aic. It was a great sucotss, over £:0-0 people being a ind tasp ie Rrah TL Sex. m Moyer, Mary McAllister, ‘re erry &‘d-r-q-l. uL .ul.â€"msmd.l-'cbm Lauretta Shyder, Weber and John Boomer equal; Mand Bedford, Willie lq.c.?fiy Allemang and Aunie Humâ€" Addisoa Snyder. IV. Jux®.â€"Joanna McAllister, Eva Strub and Archie McKavy equal ; Franklin Bowâ€" man, Elmore &’dc:llr.n Snyder, Winâ€" Wilmot Township Council (:Il‘i‘l " l‘ ‘ :- 1 n. 's 'q' ’i :7u! l C Bingeman, Ethel Bedford, Herbic Humâ€" mel, Arthur Weber. . Ju®. Pr.â€"Ellen Weber, Allan flx, Lizzie Lauber, Bernice Kurachinski, Alex. Hummel Charlie Siumaeki. . Jxx.â€"Donald McKay, Albert Relli Sylria McAllister, Warren Thomas, Bowman, Walter Bowman, Lena Bastian, Waterioo County Chronicle, Thursday, July 1 1897 â€" mel equal. dll I am afraid it spoiled some e short oats, etc. i4A Terrific Hail Storm. KOSSVTH Divisios L Division L ie Moyer, N D. Harres. Teache r Harvey in bearing tesathnony to the medicinal value of Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills, as a blood parifer and health restorer. For ten years I was a victim to a complicaâ€" tion of troubles, beginning with quinâ€" sey and followed by rhenmatizm and bronchitis. My mlcuu told me the trouble had me chronie, and that every winter I would either have Shonuufiuuporgoto; warmer imate. o years ago I was conâ€" fined to my bed and room from Febraâ€" ary “mfi“, under the doctar‘s care. Oae day while mdiu]nd e cures wrought by the use of Dr. f Pink Pills, I determined to &z € and I found a cure at last in w did medicine. I used a dozen boxes of the pills and J have never been better in my life t-ht:'I am now, and I have not been troubled in any way with my medicine has. The following letter is but a fair‘ sample of bundreds conâ€" stantly being received :â€" the* ords of gratitude spoken by saut ferers thus restored to health that has created the emormons demand this all o:here, 3nr,mnilbrimlh&hn from grateful people in parte of Canada, who have been cured by the use of Dr. Williama‘ Piok Pills, some times after years of illness and after other mediqiues had failed, and it in offfrea more, or strooger proof of its ater‘vx merit than has Dr. Williiamas‘ Pivk Fills The cures are not those of peop‘« in foreign lands, but from ail parts of oar own country, and the Statements made are easily verified by everyone in the vicinity in which the cures reported occur. When â€" such provi us this is offered doubt must THE MQOST CQONVINCING AND ABSQOLUTE PROOF GIVEH. sexm«, and the wmedicine must be aw=nrdâ€"d the paim of superiqrity over PVT 10 THE TBS1. Dear Sirzs â€"I have great pleasure No + B4 T TS PME They Mave Done for Others They WH1 Do for You. â€" MARRIAGES t atimiest M â€"McDoxarpâ€" Qlat. Mimneaseinnaipee apt Wirsoxâ€"At J 7 the wile }-T. wfiu-.fi-m y+ #% Martx â€" J i dN:A luwmfl.d.w&d.\hub W m xzimâ€"In North June }gvu.ufaw'm,n& Tv At Calt, June 20th, the wife of T. o. Toamih, s en PowzLLâ€"At Galt June 20th, the wife of W 'l’-l‘o-oiohfi::h& Â¥rxtonâ€"In Peel, June 19th, the w ife of W. \W. Fenton, of a son Scuarrzmâ€" In Woolwich June 2ist, the wife of Justus Schaefer, of a daoghter. Dussxaxâ€"At Elmira, June Qlat, the wife of Mr. Dunnan, of a danghter. Daisixgzsâ€"At Elmira, June 23rd, the wife Â¥Fxrxâ€"In Woolswich, June lith, the wife of en l opeee O" h it * Boorxrâ€"At Galk, June 21a, the wife of H. Bouty of a son, â€"At June lith, the wife of ml:?’l‘l-&-&l‘td.hn:‘w * Wanxxnâ€"At Kossuth, J 1ith, the dJohW.â€"rdn-u:.“ Laxgâ€"At Berlin, June 23rd, the wife . D. Lang, of a son. KurTesxâ€"At Glenallen, the wife of Kittey, of a daughter. Krarrâ€"At Berlin, June 28. d, the wife of Chas. K.raft, of a son, McLacHi.1Axâ€"At Acton June 30th, the Duxnrooxâ€"At Beriin, June Tth, the of Wim. Dunhrook, of a 400. Smaxtsâ€"At Berlin, June 28th, the of A M. Shantz, of a sou. of Chas, Drisinger, of a sou. uxesonâ€"At Calt, June 2let, the wife J.J. McPherson, of a daughtor. wile wife wife wife who are repuilsed eawhays under hogho ds y ol Sb m Aval Oskht "L‘ttle Bure Shot," and Joahnuile Baker, hboth ex with firearms, are alao features of the Wild Weat exhibivion. ul::' whole agqregaâ€" tion showld be ally patronized when in this vicinity. _b atage coach by a band of wild Indians, famn n 0 3 4 t lantly and ramidiy |°~"" ** 1VC* VotiOm prices. Also the it drivca St ol bitoos poboan ud esd ulous gerns, cures Wflmm Wikinson and Floury Ploughs serve $ wl ds seue "pove, dnd that have the reputation of making the bost vairine." t Mn tho Hotaie C | pioogh hadres Sed chate r io at ho Tedicg uk oot tar depthing in mrer tor Gomile:‘ | | plouginfin ues Hore" Auoain‘, o weiip od, He takes it into his stom C o Ae on atath or Aopt AU thele maknatriive comiity f and g_ scieatife remedy in T en er pottar "order. ‘It gives on o inaianpont a 1 but if their credit depended ! on getting at it in a hurry [ C they would be bankrupi, simply because the combination won‘t work. :_A sick man is in very much the same fix about getting at the nourishment he needs Tt ie h w B n nraay‘s ive is ?dm.m?umu;:o-m- system wom‘t work. can‘t ai. bly tm-nqighu-;wmu Me takes it into his stomach, but it him no good, 1t isn‘t made into good blood, t'vâ€"tuhdboluu‘tk food was up where he couldn‘t touch it wu-n;-ishuhemmork _ Al malâ€"nutritive conditions have a 4 “%&Whlx&m’n n Medical e It puts the uuâ€" *‘ combination ** :::um-.fim perfect working order. It gives the digesâ€" MARKET REPORTS ‘writes: *A war so Sick with dyepepole thar i "‘o"“% aver m: 1 rach. I was so ba ,a.lm.ume_u:‘: organs power le blood, nfiom: |3Q & pocackagah: yor 3 MB sesi| Track and_ Readster Shooing "a PUBLIC_NOTICE. * The Bon [ n of Wa Waterleoe Beard of Health the saic Ignats Ar who died on or about 'JHM-.-:. A. D. 1897, are requ. ‘0-!; Pest prepuid or io deliver to John Hili, Saw and John Meyer. Tavern Keeper. both of the said V ef l'fihmg or hefore ‘h&’ teen of July, 1887 hab-ma‘ and and a full stateme~t of particâ€" wlars of their claims and the nature secuâ€"ity (if any) held them duly and that after the said the execurors 'D-o-wdl:l-nibuumua-ol u::...-‘ «mong Mlq-oumu thereto w reâ€" Mmm;m&.d-md-m.y,.;m. ve notice. Dated this lMith day of 1887, Cap, 110, See. :él'““ Ignats Ar In the matter of the Estate of Iqnat: Armate, late of the Village of Wellesisy in the County of Waterloo, brick Notice to 1 have filled my Notice is hereby given pursuant . 1 o PReapest aut the '0*-043_ ity consider uoo guaiky conmidered ; whach I w :‘Mgw?wm Also the NOTICE by i hotige tor the seid excoutors. CONXRA) : BITZKR 0, TOMAN new show room with the carringesâ€"the noisâ€"less against the cstiihe of Hul, ) N C° °0 Conver d John Meyer. clore the Sine: ctore the i of particâ€" me . nabare duly execuroms

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