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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 1 Jul 1897, p. 5

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Fly Poison Wilson‘s â€" Deviti‘s City Drug Store Pads â€"The free Licrosse match on Saturâ€" day will be a corker. â€"At Acton, June 30:h, the wife of Rev. J. A. McLachian, M. A., formerly of Waterloo, of a son. â€"Buy 5°'"P,"i‘ green at Weichel‘s. â€"Cleveland Bikes â€" cheap â€" at Weicbel‘s. â€"The North Waterloo Agricultural Show will be beld at Berlin, on Tues day and Wednesday, S>pt. 21 and 22. â€"The grand stand ch::r for‘ the big douable event on Siturday will be 10 cents for one or both matches. â€"Rab, Rab, Rah ! The Tecumsehs will play the Twin City Club on Saturâ€" day at 4 o‘clock. No charges at the â€"Everybody welcome to the free Lacrosse match on Saturday. Gatea vidu&-n at 4 o‘clock. Tecumsehs vs. Twin City Cluab. â€"A Fishing Clublbas been orgaaized at Bridgeport and the dam and stream etocked with trout. In another column will be fouud a warning against treeâ€" passing on this stream. (Thursday.) â€"The Lacrosse match on Saturday costs the Jubilee Committee over $100 and the public nothing. â€"Alf. Vale and Chas. Peppler left for Briatol, England on Monday. They accompanied the cattle shipments of the Messre. Soott. â€"Mr. Frank Good brought to this office the other day,a stalk of fall wheat which messured 6 feet 3 inches in length. It vmwn on the farm of Mr. Allen Qui , near Bridgeport. â€"The password of the Diamond Jubilee Committee for Saturday at 4 o‘clock at the big Lacrosse match beâ€" tween the Tecameehs and Twin Ciby Club is, "pass right through." â€"Today‘s (Thursday‘s) programme. â€"10 s.m , exhibition ball game, Berlin ves. Waterloo : 2 p.m., lacrosse matob, Bix Nation Indians vs. Twin Citys ; 4 %m., league baseball match, Berlin vs. aterloo, County League champions. ?S};TJ.ZI;TD.;W- Prag Btore ‘ry a 25¢ package. summer yacation. P:rlll and teachers will beglad to get a w I carned boliday. on Caroline street, a pocket book sonâ€" m t M D the same at the OxroxicLs Ofico.â€"-lg LD IN WATERLOO ai Broxo Siacixz.â€"The new bath salt, Vacatio® uas Couz.â€"The Centra! hool closed on Wednesday for the Lost.â€"OQn the Old Show Ground,or LOCAL NEWS. n‘s forget the W.B. B.C. at the Town Hall tonight, Fatdd + xercises held at St. Jerome‘s Bâ€"»liv, on June 21st, Mr. Waiter S. vi» !â€"n, of this town was successful in whtâ€"ining his diploms in the Commerâ€" cial Course, obtaining 98¢% of the total marks given. Aunr Apoar» ror Cuaruam â€"Aâ€" mony the local cyelists who left here on WM’ for Chatham to attend the monster C. W. A. Bicycle Meet to be heid there on the lat, 2nd and 3rd of July were O.W. Weile, viceâ€"Presiâ€" deat C. W.A, Capt W. Zick, R. and W, Morley, and K. W. Roos.] CarTruk SmrrPmENT. â€" Mesere. John Scot: of Galt, and son Mr. Jas. Scott uf this to=n, made a large shipment of over one hbundred distillery cattle from this station on Moaday afterncon. They were shipped from here to Moantâ€" real and thence to Briato!, Eng!and, and the shipment contained some of the finest specimena of live stock sent from this port for some time. Movep to NEw Hawsurc â€"Mr. J. Seyler, formerly proprietor of the Comâ€" mercial Hotel here, moved bis family to New Hamburg on Monday, where be bas purchased the Commercial Hotel. Mr. and Mre Aif. Seyler acâ€" companied them. . Alf. will, we underâ€" stand, masage the business. . Mr. Seyler hadi been in business here for many years and by bis removal Waterâ€" loo lost one of its oldest and foremost citizens. Orricers Ensctep. â€" At a recent semiâ€"anoual business meeting of the Y. P. S. C. E. of the Waterloo Presbyâ€" terian Church, the following officers were elected for the ensuing six months : Hon. Pres., Rev. J. McNair, B. D. ; Pres., Mrs. McNair ; viceâ€"Pres., Miss Gregor ; Recording Secrotary, Miss C. Young ; Corresponding Secreâ€" Bickle ; Organiet, Miss Bruce. The conveners of committees are asdollows : Prayerâ€"Meeting, Miss Brough ; Look:â€" Out, Miss Young; Missionary, Mre. Habbick ; Towenwo. M. Cadwell ; Social, Miss Watson ; Visiting and Fiqwer, Mies E. Nichol. tary, of ethice of the Waterloo County Teachers‘ Association does not permit teachers to publish the names of the successful candidates in the public newspapers, so there will be no lists hauded in for publication. Promorio® Exawuixatio®s. â€"â€" The Promotion examinations, which have been in progreas here for the past few days, wore concluded on Wednessday and the anxious pupile were given their marke and standing. We underâ€" stand that the pupils in the different divisions did very well on the papers set for them, and that a large percentâ€" age of the candidates vrla:q passed the ordeal successfully. The new code Broxs TErss Rins â€"About ten a‘clock an Friday morning last as Mr. Geo. Kifers of the cu& of Mesers. Hohmeier & Leitch was engaged in doing some tinwork on the roof of Mr. Heapeler‘s house on Wilr- atreet, the ladder on which be}iwas stending :Lisped from under him and precipiteâ€" him to the ground, a distance cf ted him to the ground, a distance cf about Afteen feet, with rrm force. He was picked up unconscions and taken to his boarding house. A dmfior was then summonéd, who found his patient suffering from three rib freotures and a severe shaking up. Geofge js, howâ€" ever, now improving and expeote to he able to get back to work in the course of a week or ten days. man living on the Good farm, north of Waterloo claims the medal for making the biggest catch of rate of the sesson. Having been troubled with these roâ€" dents go betook himself on Wednesday last to the store of Mesers. M. Weichâ€" el & Bon and bought one of their celebrated Yankee Rat T”fl with the understanding that if failed to do its vorkhowo-l‘nuim for it HMe took it home, set it went about his work: When he reâ€" turned in the evening he found no loss Awarpz» Dircoma. â€"As the closing than thirty rate, big and small, in the tm. 'D;':ing b?: 'c‘o’::‘ vm 100 rates have been & i and Ira is rightly under the impresâ€" sion that the rat trap even if it was a Yankes patent is one of the bert inâ€" vestments he ever made. Waxys tus Ma:par â€"Myr. Irs Bay ° 2l s ce ; Treasurer, Misa Ching, gave a very interceting talk in the Methodise Charch last Monday evening to a large congregatioc, wade up moeatly of the Epworth Leaguers and Ohristian Eadaevorers of the Methodist and Presbyterian chnrobes respectively, with a considerably sprinkling of the older people of both charches. Miss McKenzie has been working on the lLuland China Mission for the past eight ym-ndwhomnydfioiwl being carried on amid strong opposition from the uatives She inâ€" dulges in the bope that the work of christianizing Cbina willeventually be carried on by the converté@d Chincse Smournes Disrocarap.â€"Mra. Geo. Strasmer, who resides on Roandry street, had the misfortune on Friday morning lnst to accidentally miss a step while dessanding the cellar staire and fal}, thereby dislocating her right shoulder. Medical aid was sammon«d to set the fractured limb, which is now doing understand, was some years ago a reai dono('mrbmhuihw of presenting ber thoughts clearly and marked attention. Fuxezar or 0. H. Roos â€"The funâ€" eral of the iate Orro H. Roos, whose severe illness and death we chronicled in our leat isane, took place on Sunday afternoon, A short service was held ay the bouse, after which the large conâ€" gregation repaired to St. John‘s Luthâ€" eran church, 'hiohT;u filhdotio \:: utwost capacity. pastor of t church, Rev. M. Arendt, preached an appropriate sermon, speaking words of comfort, sonsolation and hope to the bereaved ones, and wordi of earnest exbortation to all. The choir of the shurch m“%do so sanit Ruben " and the chorus rendered with deep feeling "Die Arme Seele." The service over, the long and solemn procession fl‘h formed and wended ite way to ons aiy meageny n oi Nok re a were to t t reating place. m wae bora in Preston thirtyâ€"nine years ago. He was brought up in Waterloo and in early manhaod went to Chicago, where he remained until two or three years ago, when he returned to his home here owing to failing health. He was of a quiet, unassuming disposition and was much beloved by his large circle of ltriondzbwbc:' gathered Voswds? 1:.13: ast tribute of resapect on Sun Many frieads and relatives from 'Pruâ€" hundred, Miss Jennie Hobbs, London, who has been a guest at Mr. D. Buokberâ€" rough‘s for sgme time past left on Manâ€" day for Muskoka where she will join her parents to spend the summer Mr. John Wanless of W.lngm. visited his son here, My. Geo. Wan: less, during the past week. Mr. Milson Good of this town secom Buhd b&:mbiD-Mll. lschler e estern x:s:mho. $ Mrurned: nome on ND turday last to spend the sammer vace tion. â€" Milton has become quite a footâ€" ball _ entbusiast since out there and belongs to the eleven which, he says, can down an lnt.lu their section of the state, 'Ibq ve plenty of material to shoose from as dartng the past yoar there have been over 350 students on the aohoo! roll, ur.wsqw.u“uvw hol‘(dlaunflm B&PM. "“m- Mr. J. 8. Good of Osnade, Marion Co. Kapsas, is tew with frionds io Wateri¢o 09, for | the benefit of his health which hes pot been good of late. Mr. and Mrs, Matthow Derrant, zhuvih;‘!'u:brmbm- Baturâ€" &{'Mvn% this week and purpose a1x Waterloo County Chronicle, Thursday, July 1 1897â€"Page 5 Personal and Social and sabsequent death of his brother, is mumu‘ He infends to the Windy City on‘ Monâ€" Mr. W. . Riddel‘, Segretary of the Ontario Mutual Life Assurance Co., who has been confined to the house with illness foo the pasb few days is Mrs. I E. Bowman, who has been confined to the bouse with illness for some weeks past, is convalescent. Suyder left for Chatham yesterday to attend the Meet. While in the City of Maples they will be the guests of hy Mirs Beila M friends in Chatham. Mr. L E. Bowman is spending a week with his son, Mr. Chas. Bowmanp, was called home by the serious illness Mr. EKii S tHallman of Cressman & Hallman, beclin, «od Mr. Jacob Wool ner, Kossuu, were recent!y chosen for the Miniairy of the Mennonite church and ordained at Eby‘s church, Berlin, by Bishop Weaver. NETHODIST. Rev. J. A. Mc;“‘mwd M. Ao:R for three years the su the Waterion Methodiat olum his pastorate hore last Suaday. In closi lhmhmmhm to the pleasant relations that had al waye subsisted between pastor and wayse aubaisted Deiween pastor and people and to the harmony and good will that prevailed among them. In the evening the service took the form of a congregational somg service, in which the ht&mnarm joined heartily in singing a number of favorite es mrrapinen pite Snginte en were in w ture inge and the Qb':hht;“ of imi&v:u with respect to mus gor. Mr. McLachlan is a m‘fi«n nt(r:u‘n- eat preacher and always took an active and hearty interest in the Sabbath School and in the Young People‘s Hoâ€" ciety. _ He was ably seconded in all his «forte h: Mre. Mclachlas, who was unremitting in her dutiea in the Sabbath School and in the W. C. T. U. Both made many warm friends in Waâ€" terloo, who will {oin in whhlu& them cmvnm in their new field af labor. Mr. McLachlan will be stoceeded here :: the Rev. Jacab E, Hawell, M. A., Acton, a mflmw who has filled a number af best pulpits in the Church, including Seaforth, Owen Bound, Goderich Borl‘i):‘ and wuuh: yea Ww Rg th%lwdmy olht,bo uw“c‘!:m ence. Mr. Howell and family will reâ€" ceive a warm welcoome here and his ministratiods will begin under very happy auspices. Picturesque little Bridgeport on the Grand mfi is bfla mxn the head: nerters by a numberx of Art Students 7ma$ow YÂ¥ork State this summer. There are there at zbnnnt Mr. Hitehâ€" cock, President of the Buffalo Art Stuâ€" dents‘ League, Mrs, Hitchcrck, Hitchoook‘s and Mr. UGreen flustrator of the lo Bundey Es: mn- Toâ€"day, JulJ lst, three I arrive from New York and on I rom New York and on BiaMiet nesin parl] of Inriy hn uffalo are 'I‘b? will re main during the whole of July and | of um Mr, Oarl A{ i will wmnllmo(‘to; party while here and no pains will be P J ” L. kin l oo woiral) m‘"m their stey at Bridge id Todler, t T Ea{;w . ;.‘ ot_ New aie es Mr. and Mrs. J. Morley accompanied _ Murder of Br: Tannor, As wo go to pross wo learn that Mr, Art Students at Bridgeport The Churches iagent galee W ie New Challies. New Linens, Muslins. New Silk for Waist. New Black Silk Grenadines. New Ladies® Underwear. New Parasols and Umbrellas New Shirt Waists Let‘ssee your tace at our store in the next few days. We are Price, Quality and Style will do Summer Goods â€" W. H. BRECKER & C0,, Booksellers JANITOR and COOK Wanted J. K. Shinn & Co Furniture, Springs, Mattresses, Window SBhades and In all its brapches A first class Hearse WhTERLOO, A Drop In Meats LEMNARD‘S WEAT MAR KET, l.iwa' %'fi aj J. Uffelmann. We also have the latest device in window JUST IN ood taken in exshange for furpi UNDERTAKING inad to do Business if pver store nest to 4. 8. Ree# a answered, by Call Bell o6 side in Most Bâ€"â€"utiful Strolig"ost“ Easiest Running Wheels Built. BICYCLES ___ All of the above wheels as well as parts are stocked in Canada and in case‘of accident can readily be obtained. ALL WHEELS FULLY GVUARANTEED. _A complfete stock of RBicycle Sundries, Lantern§ Beils, Cylometers, etc. Hardware. Paints, Oils, Stoves Tinware, Plumbing and Furnaces. o Celebration At Watertoo, on Tuesday, June 22nd, MEAHN 10118 BARGAIN WQ. Jâ€"A lst MRBAR BVMR BARGAIN Â¥Q. i09â€"Alst i0 BARGAING FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE . FIOUR ¢ FBBD ST0BE A, E, Code, l â€" MBNCOROKRRIK NO BA & RBATPB Aonker t Flowr and Feed, Debod Mey : _ _ _ Peuis he be 1 Map a jange atook 6 Vegetaiies in Berapeâ€" / Aoopmer ie in Te y "lg" * Hardware, Paints, Oils, Stoves Ladiea‘ and Gentlemen‘s fine Footwear, in all styles and colors suitable for Jubilee Day, at the Popular Boot and Shoe Store, Special Lines for Boys, Girls and Ohildren, AMERICA HUSSAR JEWEL PELHAM STORMER CAVALIER Queen‘s WOOLLARD & CO. . ROOS, The Popular Shooe Store . JACOB CONRAD Eig wer ‘;'«'t:A ie SAaF Poll 6 ul for Pap MerieeiPeae ns hyweligs 1â€"â€"k lt ent nen 16 'er&M‘" >=I fep‘s White L nen Cofte, regulas 8c per M n 5s PAt fi 1 ~pmminng Aale P‘f".j whon ie mik Wls $3 /00 use es 10â€"A tof 9 MoeÂ¥Bien, wnabing and silk knote and alab, to be cleared ‘BICYCLE B To: 57 .RA :Afi Nee W Hie npplee on PRICES VERY LOW. t on mt ts ut

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