Et This is an upâ€"toâ€"date store. lt is in keeping with the times, and in every way adapted to serve the people well The entire business is divided into seventeen distinct departments, each one doing its own business i~ndependent of the others‘ yet all united in the one great ob ject of giving the most and best tor a dollar. We have a double ad vantage of buying and selling for cash and the savings we make by the quantities we buy means money in the people‘s pocket and these prices win customers every day. .6 BP b L 5&b t > > Where goods are sold in great quantities it is reasonable to believe that they are sold &uï¬nt. We are in the shoe business with double advantages, buying and selling for cash means manvy a saving, and that is why you buy good guods at these prices. Ladies‘® Chrome Chocolate, Kid .&-Wm BOO!‘I‘,r ï¬:tuov,u?m‘ily, newest pes, regu SPECIAL AT $3.00 Ladiea® Lace Oxford Boots, new shapes, Coin Toe. 3 TLace B:PECIAL AT $2.95 inses‘ a ta.pat ti uprlnunw‘.flOoiu Toe,sizes rl.l togi Unis M s BoEPECXAL AT $1.25 J ‘s ts, pat ti S righaa.Coin Foo,stscelons Bil, SPECIAL AT $1.10 Boy‘s Canvas Boots,leather tip,.well made and wearer. sSPECIAL AT 90c. A MODERN STORE S8HOES Jubilee Shoe Dressing, best made large bottles at _ > â€" > _ > Cheaper Dressing ala> at S and Cover. Suilings, 46 i wide, newest thin for tailor made anite, all plain shades, witg soft shadings of (ireen, Bown and Blue, plain braides to match relular mon A5c. sPECIaL AT 600 and 75¢ Black Crepon, fancy stripes And:l.\ix- pook YOL XLIlIâ€" NO 22 DRESS GOODS tures, beautiful ailk stripe, »t 78o and 850 Black Silk Grenadine, elega t light weight goods, in gauze patterna. SPECIAL AT $30, §1.23 and $2.00 The A. 0. BORRMER C0. Litd. Men‘s Bicycle Shoes, TanandChocoâ€" late. peb sewed soles: SPECIAL AT 31.60 Bhoes $1.00, $1,50 and up to $8.00. We vBlm: ï¬me @%kmg > $ Gâ€"Gâ€" ~â€"â€" A.0. BOKKMER C0. _ B naivves iese/{Bese Cooglingg, Law» Byrinkiers Mowers, Garden Tools, Poultzy Metting, Wise, Thorold & Portiand Cement, Build rPOWERFUL HEAT AT SMKALL CO8T M. Weichel &2Son. Psn nees pan. hee ns OB MAN 45 King Streot, Borlin, Near the Post Ofies Btore closes at 6 30 p m. excopt Tuesdays and Baturdays, Waterloo Conntnp EChronicis. BTOVERâ€"2 AND 2 BURNERE 120 OIL PATENT WICK REGULATOR,which provents Funcy Silkmixed goods, ewest designa shades of Green, Rrown and Blue, Fine French goods, in Silk mixed and heavy Crepon effects, regular $1.00 _ beeyh *‘ SEECIAL AT 80 and 650 ya nsP BeLAL 2 4 DM c&:« S-rrds in wide, mediam heayy tw l1, splendid weight and Tapestry and Brussels {Remwnants from 3 to 12 yds. will sell at twoâ€"thirds their real worth, which mean thas a 50c On{mulh at 330. and a 786 Carpet at 50c. are good chances if you can use the lengths. Ingrain ul:‘d l‘meml (hr‘»t R:.ummu at atraight ice, from ï¬*w l?}yl:lrl. wm m will sell at 250, while 75c Carpete at 37%¢c New Brussels Carpet, just received, excellent quality and fine patterns, C 0 _ _" SPKCIAL AT $1.50 and $1.75 Doll Carriages, worth $2.00 and $2.50, seloButiistt taitemm coveret, goot ons, 88 po aizes, worth 50c, for 25, and $1.00 _ __ C . SPECIAL HERE AT 70e New Tapestries, fine patterna, worth Thie. ty " o ul c .. an Union Carpet, 1 yd wide, worth 480, . â€" will gell ab 0 > 0 > 0 c 0 + Rugsâ€"here is a bargainâ€"best Smyrna reversible . Ruge, _ aize (20X54), worth tkw. for Japanese Rugs 1a _ heayy tw 11, splendid weight and ï¬nill{ pure wool, regular 50c for 35¢ Dress Trimmi in great choice, inâ€" cluding hnlx jeta and silk effects. House Furnishings during the month of June, chase of several hundred BIG SHOF SELLING Â¥es, the month of Ma: ta the biagont month‘s boriness fines Â¥o opened In Ladies‘ and Bo Borlin City Shoostore quality at worth 900. adies‘ and Boys and Girls sh Men‘s 'l’n,uu_(s low shoes w $ 4 4 GQGQGâ€"Gâ€"G Gâ€"@@ & e aizes. K4 WATERLOG, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING JUNE 3, 1897. y + sOURCES. Mr. P. J. Alteman has removed h s family and bousehold effects from New Hamburg to Galt. Tue J. N. Killer‘s stock, Now Hamâ€" burg, has been bougzht by F.H. McC=}iâ€" ue at the rate of 50 ceate on the dollâ€" Huat‘s lank at Brscebridge, was robbed of about $9,000 worth of Louse and $1,000 in cash on Therâ€"day, May i. A BUDGET 5ROM PONDENTS AND More than 15,000 rabbits were kil} ed in two nights from drink poisonei water at a single tank ay Wilcaunia, Fire destroyed the entire drug stock of E. W. Cameron, Brantford, Tuesday worning. Iusured for $1500 iu the Aun old man, 88 years of age, named James Hayward, committed suicide by cutting his throat with a juck knife, at Newmarket on Saturday night. The jury in the case of Mre. Fischer of 8t. Oatharines, who was found drawned in a cistern laat week returaâ€" ed a verdics of "Found Drowaed," The huaband was according . diacharged from custedy. â€" Charles Mayer, hotel keeper, New Dandee, was luod $1.00 n:?:oltu \3 magistrate Mackie, on a charge assaulte preferred by Hou%fl. Rinâ€" waohter of the same rlm eve was m dispute between the parties about some cattle that were impounded. My, COhe, lcholm who for the ear and a half on & M!m Invimaces New Eamburgunld is ontive outfb to Mr/R. Bqur and migrated to Prince Albert N. W, T., to atart a ::lwkunuh shop there, ‘Mr. Iobalh: a very energetio g man an mlmrt{u horee‘s bo!n:l: lw. and we have po doubt that he meet with excellent auccess in his new moare northern home, Mercantile. The Woodstock w;:\u ooun:‘x‘l have passed a byâ€"law compellin cigar : ette vendore to take ous a l?oum after July 1st The price of a license is placed at $25. Mre. Adam Grieve of Houghton township, recently died at th.uxo! 112 years. She had been married three times, on the last occasion to an Indian doctor from the Six Nation reserve. Dasmg Busnormams â€" Our usually quiob village was throwninto s Autter of excitement last Wridey morning by the report thab several L'u in the village had heen entered by ::flhn during the night, They or fve houses carryinglaway small aums NEWS NUGGETS. put lato Attractive Shape. + # (Gue ph and were quistly married. They were acconpanird by Mr. B, Mallard and Miss Lucy Hali, who piayed t~© role of best w an and bridesmaid reapectâ€" ively. ‘Lhe bappy couple returued the same evening to their future home, near the viliage. May their life jourâ€" ney be prosperous and bappy. Axoruzs â€"The cards are ont for the marringe of Miss Alice Piumne, of this pince, to Mr. Wuw. Mitchel!, of Waterloc, on Wednesday, June 200. Sorar.â€"The would be bigh way overâ€" wor, whom we recently reported a baving bern whaled by a widow, bad an encounter the obher evening with a youth, well knowna in this villege, and it is oaly t« deemed his 1 Preesonars Sagg paid s daughter, M George. â€"Mr. George.â€"Mr. Thos. Pearce, P. S. Ioâ€" specior, maie an official visit to out school on Thursday. Duseracervt â€"Ona Baturday evenâ€" ing a number of young men after securiny a liberal quantity of beer, reâ€" sired to a spot uear the Grand River bridge, built a fire and proceedet to ijvdulge in a genuine carousal They sucereded tolcrably m about one welock on BSunday the orgie concluded. Some of the participaute were young enaugh to be spanked by their mathere, and tueked into bed at a seasonable hour. W: weren‘t they 1 Mre Fred Brawa, Mli«hw a visitor at Mr. Wiltiu"\ on Sanday: _ Wâ€"Hr.‘.\n‘ Mre. V::.' Sagg paid a week‘s visit to thei daughter, Mra J. Simpson of St. it is only fuir to say, somewha«t reâ€" deemed his iuined reputation as a Visitare of Centreville Sunday were : Mr. Chas, Brethaner af Heapeler; Miss Heine, Gait, at Mr, Wa, “N{Ij Mr, D.BRby, at Mr. F. Latch‘a. . . . Yhe foun dation wall af the new church ‘:s the U.B, (Mifl') is .m‘ MNO va4s This community is t:u stirred up _ at present with dige on Herd Byâ€" dation wall af the new churech ‘:s the U.B, (Radica!) is abpat completed , ; ; , This community is t:u stirred up _ at resent with dige on Herd Byâ€" ies Bournt Smoprion hud ~ Hehonl of enough im ce to exoite the deâ€" batera and vfi:o“ l‘:dv temperature, the herd B â€"law question was the first to au in drawing bleed,...A large wnd influential defanton, of interentad partics waited an the eawnship counsil at their last sitting g“ them to reacind the Bylaw, ao reâ€" cently passed, Their efferts proved tutile and the only onneinsionâ€" we can arrive at is to try one of two plans ; either govern those bovines with moral -mda‘amw‘ else m some forlara h&l. v100® en# Suture bm'.y"'b“"a .-C."v)'-"'.' .', n Adam Triller has the contract for herd» ing cows, Two of our vmw '&m are to aot as w&nm on y to allew bim to a church, Questiona and tlmx h any of these are ?tmlbjnmflm_ m;ï¬n the de Hruzxxzar â€"On Thuraday afternoon both of this pisce, drowe o BLOOMINGDALE: CENTREVILLE Dreatusâ€"The remains of Mr. John Stewart of the townâ€"line, were intermed in this comertâ€"ry on Wainesiny afterâ€" uoon, May 26ch, Mr.Stewsrt had been ailing for years but hi lite sicknees lacted only a week. â€" ke has resched we rips old »ge of sevencyâ€"four years, Rer. Mr. Cusningbam, Presbyterian paa or, deliverec the funeral <ermon.â€" On Satarday n o uing M:sa, Fraser reâ€" corved the sad wtgliizence uhat her motber, Mrs, Patterson of North, E «stâ€" hope, had dird the preceding evening. Mr. Framer and fumily as once left for the dustined spot. They will remain thore until Wednesday or Thursdén , in conse quence of which the Senior Divia ton of onr school will be closed for a tew days,. We extend to Mrs. Â¥rmmer our beartfelt sympathy in ber afftcâ€" tion. â€"Mr. F 3. Spige attended the funâ€" eral of Mr. Alisudort of Moreficla on Saturday. Mr. Allendort was the husâ€" biuad of Mrc. Spies‘ couain, uce Mis:i Surigker. Buizpixe Orseatioxs â€"The o d log baru on Mr. Janwissou‘s pecmisea will be oblhiterated from its too clowe quarâ€" ters of the dwelling houses and a ueat new one has been built a fow yards Cusses Facrory.â€"Things are boomâ€" ing avbout our chaeese factory this year. Ia order to have ample accommodation for the great quactity of milk that is being sent,a uew vat has been obtained. There are, in all, three vate in the facâ€" tory now, and any one who has had exâ€" perience in this work will essily comâ€" mond the amount of wark dane here. ; paw on an increase of milk is ¢xâ€" i Prapi hid moit vie ie epoed tare w t eflw'\:.o! the grase manifeat thuqm Mr.Thompson and his assistentwill fad no leisure hours about their premises. Bi1ext Rerrsa â€"Wedding belle are m;uumqnm l‘l‘r af ‘Local Gm\ig'“ will in all probability send forth lander peals when the sam:â€" mir vacation is nigh. ‘l"mu Iraxs. â€"Mr, and Mre ?Jrâ€" nel P near kudm‘mv t iu&wwn Mr. %w- terson‘s. â€"Mr. and Mres. Mora of Kirktan were‘ the gnosts of Pr, Morea week agoa Sun: day.â€"Mr, White and ’:il ggfl- of 81. Marys, called at Mr.Harry White‘s s iavens aig k lnst week.â€"Mise Wu of Nertn Ruthope, and Miss Fraser of :Mhr wwn ~with Mr. Norman |an_ gtaying with bnn:ut.ln- ite. â€" nw!zu 8;»“‘::?0;:!.:‘““"' .â€"Mre, aDR ren m Day in the Twin w?'?ufl?@& w abtend a im td the m.»flm! her son in the she attended the funeral of a relative » W v!wy;,ï¬imr}fmm e oune mere, Balbriggan ,;;i_w_,'.,‘m, miery. â€" \We have always made QUALITY the CWIEBF FEATURK l:“'h hm-“ ::;d‘-. as 'tl: as prm" We ï¬?mly helieve o&mfl ere profer to buy & wearing Hose, in preference t common worth the carrving away. (We have endeavored to give our patrons EX TRA VALUR for 2022 anl Cl d No oo o 2 t ce s ow en Te en cin inss in 0 e 000 C s their muney is good reliahle goods, hence the growing popularity of our Mosiery Depart ment. . This season we think we have SUKPASSKD%URSEL\’ES in giving still better values COME AND sEE SPECIAL® Ya 3‘2".::' C o th a t o ts on at 20¢,a ; yur, uies Pn ing chast sher snn ts 6.3 SPECIAL VAL izes, 5, 54. 6, 64, at 20c,a parar; Sizes 7.74, 8. 84.9, O4,â€"200. Ret mm.%a&:hmï¬l&w uw:.‘. 64 T. E u&a’ n-.'m"“f:“d" flmgm{ï¬â€œ ir. _ Men‘s Fine Shaminn tonim on won in 1o, in mgs i how hea iss on motieg ae Mn 20e am| 25e per pair. For @Specia: value in Men‘s Fine Black Cushmere Hose, seamlkess . '*::Na!.: 00'::% flflt‘hâ€".&n:m.u;&ww ? aSMYTH BROS., : ‘ Cheap Caeh Store, i TERMS CASH & QNE PRICK Berlin, Ont _ _ Store closes every eveninx at 6. 15 except Tuesday and Saturday. s This Is the Month for Weddings asortmont of FANGY CHIRA AN CTAES WaRp witon o tas wadne abee . Mon‘s Panis wa arnis P9D T * Preap store W. H. 10080N, _ Store Gleess at @:1§ n. m: excent Tuesday and Saturday. _ â€" _ J Mon‘s Sack Suils We are the Acknowledged Healquarters for Chiklren‘s, Lad;j=~‘ and Men‘s fine Cash, Sirassor & (o, HOSIERY DEPARTMENT « EYERFAST stiaB WHOLE NUMRER 222 PRICES SELL QUR GOOD4. CB6 Kvery Student Oor Friend ! â€" NOTLOH) â€" we have i6 mng v-l-m 3 *%