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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 18 Mar 1897, p. 4

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iA .,”r 4 .pmu u-..‘:w f about Hon. Mr. Hardy having s large »l yfi.-_.-wu.u .Fdesd oo mhchnalsurhe _ RKory concection. Inatead of fire u’-i [ ie e ie Ti uies ho has waly number of relatives z&ubmul _ RKory concoction Jns .. Mimts io the public se . Ame, a conshn. the Republican party and which hits Canadas the same as it hits other counâ€" The new bill, fortunately, does @uu'nprdufld» Mo | of 1$90. British trade has 6; Hrdk, Bs ‘,/ fage ue t high taci® w «on Canade and the United Btates snd onr prodpcts Bader the oold ma wilt week a market in Great and we apticipete a rery W#‘ ‘hk-ua-fm. Those engaged in agriculture will have to change their system of farming and make it sccord with the altered conditions that prevail st the present time. Mr. Andrew Elliot, of Gailt, threw out a hint at s meeting of the Warmers‘ Institute, held in Waterioo Jast week, that a farmer was burdened with too much land, that farms were too large ana that if smaller farms were the rule, and these more thoronghâ€" Jy cultivateJ, the fermers would have wuch less worry and be much better off is pocket at the end of the year. Onr farmers can fAnd little comfort in the new American teriff bill which restores all the high agricultural ache dule of the McKinley terif of 1890, pot) perhaps becanse these items are aimed at [Canade as Canads, but be panse it is simply a part of the wholeâ€" For a number of years farm lands in this vicinity, which are, perh«ps, as good as any in Western Ontario, have been steadily declining in value. Not many years ago sixty, seventy and eighty dollars per acre were common figures for choice farms in Waterloo and Woolwich townships, and in a few cases as high as one hundred dollara an acre was paid for cxtre choice farmes. But a marked change has come about. The price of all kinds of farm products has ruled low eand the tendency has been steadily downward. Potatoes, apples and all kinds of coarse graimns are selling for a mere song. The very best of export cattle are being sold this spring at from four to four and oneâ€"half. cents. . The low price of farm products reacts directly upon the price of farm lands, and choice farms within a mile or two of Berlin, the best inland mar ket town in the Dominion, have recentâ€" ly been sold for lees than fifty dollars per scro. Afarm was sold the other day for which a few years ago the owner would have refused $12,000, for less than $9,000 ; another farm within nine miles of Waterloo, for which the owner refused $17,000 some few years ago, was sold for $10,000. | PECLINE IN FARM LANDz THURSDAY, MARCH 18th, 1897 TO AuVERTISERS Notice of changes must be m at this offich mot later than Saturday acon The copy tor changes must be left not later than?Tuesday noon. Casual Advertiseâ€" ments accepted ur to noon Wednesday Subscription $1.(¢ per snnum in advance "%f':i‘.'.? ting, Engiish and German, io all 1h§mw * _ Advertising Rates reasonal U be made kuow:‘on al pucation Mis, §80 w To Keo Watorioo County Chronicle. Vix mond Dy s 84 ves ansd Pinwaroâ€"Wlaty ant 3whs we ise to Cn dit rxâ€"bheary M. slartic. ep unc Fermâ€"Ww. J c C Av tion Sal â€"Heonry M. Mactin. Ho es Wou tooâ€"A. Maro‘s, Netie to C ditorsâ€"James C. Haiszht. Kxccuum‘s 3 le â€" ind 6 at New A@ve t1 ements tis week Mrâ€". W ineiow‘s Soqthing Syru Goiudcn,Medival wisgoy v. Pasi «‘, Coley C mpound 1» . Chaâ€"e‘s Keqr dios. !‘n‘l-‘-‘g Pi k P lhs. a ® ..‘lm. Qt*iflyy Pills Kootnay Cu c Weekly Newspaper Published every Thursâ€" AaAVID BEAN, Proprietor, of each week. «l \« ticeâ€"â€" Heeh ol Bros a ind +4 Ch .now. Krun! â€"i0n C. Steuernacel. YA taws," Mr. Flynn gets a better porspective in viewing the Onturio Government than some narrow gauge Ontario Conservatives. The Conservative leaders and press had better muzzle Premier Fiyan, the Conservative Premier of Quebec Proâ€" vince. In appealing ‘to the electare down there, he claims his is a business Government, deserving the confidence of all, irrespective of their politics in Dominion affaire. "I would fellow Ontario‘s example," he declered, "where for twentyâ€"five years Mr. Mowat was kept in power largely by men who supported Sir John Maedonald at Otâ€" the sule is stopped the present 3 cent atamp will be put in cironlation again. The Postmasterâ€"General proposey, as far as his department is conceraed, ta commemorate Her Majeaty‘s diamond Jubilee by the issue af a new 3â€"cent postage stamp, appropriate to the ocâ€" casion. It will have a limited circulaâ€" tion only, probably for a period of months covering the jubilee celebration Government have likely incorporated in the bill ull the restrictions they will be uble to carry in the House and en force if put on the statute book. Both the temporanas people and the liquor men are very much dis«ppointed in the Liquor License Bill, now before the loc «l Irgisinture, the former because the bill does uot go far eno ugh, and the latter, because it goes too far. ‘The C PR company build and operate the Crow‘s Nest Pass Railway. Toronto Young Liberals have passed a resolution to the effect thats i would be disaatruu« to the interests of British Columbin, and, therefore, disastrous to the interests of Canada, should the South Brant, on the usual grounds Of | mra. Casharine Croa C R i Cressman of Welles cwrupt practises by himaif and| _ ley VWinge,. Charged With Stealing agents. . Me does not cluim the seat. ) .=: electiqn of Mr. C. B. Meyd, 1. B. LePd P dnl . h i L roak s uT. 7 t & hy ay â€" the| A WELLESLEY KLBPT»~ iny, aod afterwards at Hawkeville, at hath of which pleces she was n*fldd as a respectable, hard working, indue: trious woman. _ She is a woman of about 40 years of age, married, but has Nee toprramd hom har hnshane (th;\;uah no hg‘l‘t of hers) i:r some 10 or 12 years She owns a nice proj in Hewksville, worth «wc OSBO.P:’ns a similar property at Wellesley, and out of her earnings since sahe went to Wellealey some urx. years she has paid of a mortgage %m"fi.-muu property of some $500. _ _ some of her own gooda enclosed, consiat my of catables, erc. U poo being asked if she bad scolen anything before from Mra Cleghoro, Mre. Cressman rupc ‘"Yes," avud asked Mrs. Cleghoin to house to see what belonged io her. 1 entering the house «he found a small wooillen faqtory there _ There were about 1700 pouuds of yarn, all wound on coils, whole webs of woven goods just from the loom, over 1000 bobbins, some yet filled, horse b‘anket 19g, etc , all belonging to Mr. Reiner. Mr. Boomer of Linwood was toleâ€" graphed for, and on his arrival he exâ€" amined Mri Cressman alouy with one or two other wilnesses and sent her to Berlin for trial Mre Cressm@an conâ€" fessed of having tekea the goods from Mr. Reaper‘s factory in sma‘l lots durâ€" ing her employ with the former. _ All the yarn, cotton and woolleo, as used in a woollen mill she unravellod from the bobhing, made a threeâ€"ply of it and ralled is up on coils The village is much excited aver phe affair. ~ ADDITIONAL PARTICULARS FROM A LtXâ€" O _ Woop CoRrREaroxpExt. A. Roomer, Esq, was galled to Welâ€" lealey on Monday to inveatigate a case of khznomwit of a sowewhat huge character, particulare of which will no doubt be furnishe] by aur owmgwd- ent from that place. tharine Cress man, the alleged kleptomaniac, was some years ago a resident of this loca\â€" themostgigantic robberies un th@Bintory of the county, e."rhg.:nd“'- years A Mra Cressman livxing in the vulage of Welie<~y, who had been emâ€" ployed i Mr. Reiner‘s Woolleu Mill for the Inat five years, ‘n.. done some domesiic work at Mr. Cieghora‘s, wus about to leave, and was packing ep her things, when Mis Cleghboru nok ced that her bundie was rather On Monday was unearthed one of About $500 Worth of tensed to Three Moakths in the Comâ€" a terioo County Chronicle, Thursday, March 18, 1S97â€"Page 4 the substitution af apecific dutiea wherâ€" .v..'“v.‘.\h“. m:!om“u w \;t T rouige mely mm we of atored npon nearly a whodul&“m.nv articles dmmg seteel, mpor sugar, upon agrieultn pr:dau;m wpon textiles and upon many aundries. In the agricultural schedule the Moâ€" Kinley h?fnm are largely reatored. . OO O B S e 99 on i l'i m 81.h0 par hond; shoup, . 81.50 ; how sal }%:' M s o o o. ; winlon o NR iy, y oed. head, ess over Cj_zf mfl-’z&fi.m duty is 30 ;m Barley, 30¢. ; wighhydhs, j it existing law, under similat business conditians. Datvies have been advans> ed for the dogble purpose af proteatian and revenue Another important rule which has governed the commistee is the membere ever aince the meeting of the last seasian of Congresa in Decem: her. _ It is intended to raise from 80 to 60 million doll:n wore reverue under the bill than is provided for by the byithe Ways and Means Comuittee, Wsu seauls dm work by Nw“h:d-;(‘sfl. Nev ) 1. After the President‘s message was presented and reead, the Dingley tarill bill was introduced, the Committees on Rules, Ways and Meanse, ard Mileage were «ppointed, and the House ay foar o‘vleck adjourned until Thureday next. for Mr. Bailey (Dew.. Tex ) 114; for Mr. B:N(Pové\x)‘ 31, and for Mr. Newlands (Si , Nev ) 1. MckKk wley‘s prociamation convening the 55:h Congress in extraordinary sess on was read immsointoiy after the Senate assembled at noon w day. President McK.inley‘s message was devoted entire ly io the tariff, The total receipts for whe past three fiscal years, he anid, had ~cen insuflicient to weet the expend» tures by $137,811,000, and the interest on the public deabs had increased by io ym smee Aige mhe for to correct. vpina reve aurs should be provided for the exâ€" peuses of the Government, the present payment of liberal peosions and the liquidation of the public debt. ‘The ae ceusity of the hour wes the enactment of a tariff thas would provide ample reveuuee and render to imbor in exery feld of useful occupation liberal wages "B: fore the transaction of other busiâ€" nees‘ the message conciuaded, "ler us provide safficient reveaue " The vote on the elec:ion of Speaker was : â€" For Mr. Reed (Rep., Me.) 199; ThX UV. & CONGRAEz~. President MeKiniey‘s Messageâ€"The The new tarilf bill made pablic to 14â€" W.EIE:"':'Z d t o 2 w'fi% cgi4 / BEA x o ang in whhy e L ( t oh. i Wa® done. _ For example, if a share is worth seven ceats now and if in «a year 1b is worth ane dallar, wu‘.“ there we have i:'.'*Almhunn ‘h to nn.:: e can :‘w .w go’é‘;nuh:." mnum;.- ree ateck campany M Soit mieoe are tht dreaienl PAilintinn gm “‘m for at no ‘time were ey so willing to share the gald with w;mmem as they are at presâ€" en Siin o m sn d . tell the tale. Anyone with braing and unlimited faith can see haow it can be waue mc Vabmer is amo soading in m lots. In fact, there may be some bricks used in the more stylish oo mm thomk fhow 4 o Top mo oo dieging much further Tm N-m clay bed at Waterloo. Then, there are the Quickfalls, a‘so supplying large quartities uo Borlin. P. ople need not bother their heads any further about . their heads further abouts ::‘::mh '&’mmm P ww"i‘mm mignge will :flmm Aunvyone with braing and wkmma;'«,".,a c mee 10000 vik on oo Rline with more to ®W\ whfi:;:-wwkahounwifl earth ! nothing of the kind, or they would have bought all the gold mines in sigho. In fact I believe the milienâ€" ning is now here,as the millionaires are dividing up the mining stock with the poorest of us _ Aad just think, at seven cenate up to twentyâ€"fve cents a share, shas theyâ€"the millsonairesâ€"are posi tive will be worth one dollar per share in a year from now. . Why, a man must be a hog to want any more than that Such faith have our brickmakers in the future of Beriin that they are doilars hus been «ent out of Berlin and invest d in nicke! mines and soâ€"called zold mines. Just think of it! When al this money comes back seven headre= tuld, whas umes we will hare! 1+ p-m_mmu-â€"q.., in ing built this scason won‘t be in it for style with these that will be required for the great goid kings who will fourâ€" sh around Beriin in another year or so. Weliegiey Toewnship Counci} ve in Euilding in Berlin, is o um illionaires wanting the with d 4 rl‘ :LA “'1@., 2 BRICKER & DIEBEL, Gents , , . y Bs mt o n Aruienct Men‘s Suits , , ‘a Suita at a 28, T 80 and tm&dfi‘h 10 sled.senitat ns §&1§”“": goods ant:qw W ce Garment Costing Fwice (he We have just passed into stock m y tap e :y ver t onl Ranging in Size The GreatCorner Store . . HEADQUARTERS . . )R CONFIRMATION sUITS Â¥OUVURS FOR RUSINESS, 6 to $8 ‘,\

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