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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 4 Feb 1897, p. 5

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, _ Life Size Crayon Portraits a â€" AND â€" Platinum Finished Photos gother with parties from Berlin were ”""‘“"‘"""“‘"’“fl;‘(fi"’.‘t' * on the mill pond, Tuesday night, the Record will be under the -m"' emen “"U l"‘h‘b ‘ editor _af'L Record snse it was p will now be under the patos of »Ahe MepeBteara"" Beda has been blessed (1) with too many in the past and the amaigamaâ€" m&ol’mu‘wb.dq in the right direction The Mews founded. Therewili now be peace among ts hogs » fitls dntheed in fns Thalp :"l' at hum’ikz ltn: To Tnl‘h:lmâ€"liz Moogk is 'p‘:; pared to do all kinds plain se ;‘,.-llto;“‘bns you have the may be interesting and exhilarâ€" brbm‘od:oyt.hw not hd'? in where the foe is crowded with skaters, Bo boys better no, Juesday pighf, the end Han collided with ‘Miss Rsith with such force as to knook hber injo her so serâ€" w ’fithm to her mée in Berlin, While "cracking the the same as the Galt B'cgmr has, with the difference that W. H. Becker & Co‘s is m cloth one and mounted whereas the other is paper unmounted. It is a very suitable map for schools. â€"The Rev. 8. L. Umbach, Prof. of Unjon Biblical Institute, Naperville, Tlk, who came to attend the funeral of | late E. Carl Bresthsupt, in Zion Ohurcb, Berlinp, on y morning to s large and y interested congregation, ® «â€"â€"As a number of our local youths toâ€" â€"Ths South Waterloo Farmers‘ Inâ€" stibute will hold a meeting at Strasburg, Friday, February 5th. An interesting mrumme has been prepared, those &kng part beinfl among the ablest speakers on agriculture in the district. â€"Dr.Buchanan, Medical Missionary, gave an inure-t.iu%hlk in the Presbyâ€" terian church last Sunday morning on his work among the Beals of Central Indis. Mr. Buchanan is a cousin of Mre. (Dr.) J. H. Webb of this town. â€"The mape of the County that W. }_1. Beocker & Oo are selling at $1.25 is â€"W. H. Leeson, proprietor of Moore‘s Cheap Store, Berlin, gives seven reasons as to how and why he can sell goods so cheap, and it will be to the interest of everyone to read them. Bee his advt. on front page. _ â€"Gat your boots and shoes repaired ab L. McDonald‘s in Brill‘s old stand, Wellesley. â€"The annual meeting of the conâ€" gregation of the Presbyterian church will be held ne«t Monday evening. â€"Saw logs and wood are coming in apace since the advent of sleighing JAKE‘S CIGAR STORE, on chapped or rough hands, faee or lips. Devitt‘s City Drug Store is o A new adjective, freshly made to describe the wonderful effect of «lisk.. . MOSCECLC The Right Place Sold only at Waterioo Cot rck will be held #:u 15th. Devitt‘s Chappine Are all the rage A. C. MOYER saves neither time nor mosey to do the v ry best work possible. Deutsche Apotheke, Waterioo. Near the Railway Diamond, W aterlo AL Mextizc,~â€"‘ Â¥For Bargaius in Violins, Accondleons, Autoharp, Gaitars, Mouth Organs, and all kinas of Strings, you will find at LOCAL NEWS. WANTED! ever giren in masicians of the Queen Te rnmed en h "Bams uo.3 Pig awres Mr. and Mrs. P. Doig, Molesworth Pn pigeaerine Afte® at last m semmey and the aile 06 sn io map V § 4 %-':EJ uim ut ons eettimag iJ MJ t prchy in ind [d t t Voy bMambuarg on W 4 ‘ wa‘t es #e why bme for the paat three lln.lkbh;dum Bgf “I’MW nl:hudfi;‘g@ E-:hbhunfio < C birthday, o pleased to note that be‘ths sbie righ comueg M c 4:4 4. 4y S c was confined to &':m: ::E s few days last week s We Rev. G. F. Bailton, on friends in town on Ontario Matual Mr. Geo. Moore is in ‘Foronte toâ€"dey on business. ”"'rinl Co., spent the past week in Messrs Crawfoi pwo Obte representetives ol'&o vfl‘rln uu‘l.- evening. se Z O Mr. Geo. Killer returped from a fow daysvisit to Toronto ouqbpdpy. staff of Hucther Bros Walker visiting under the perentel roof, The Misses Martha and Florence Bunider entertsined a number of their friends on Friday evening of last week. Mrs. R. J,. M,. W & number of friends at mom weeks gine, | Lucap. Ax Ixciriext Firs.â€"An alarm of fire was sounded about 2 o‘clock Tuesâ€" day afternoon when smoke was discovâ€" ered ascending from the tower of Rittershaus‘ Hotel. Chief Stewart had his brigade on the scene about five minutes after but considerable dirficulty was experienced in locating the exact apot of the fire on account of the dense amoke, They came upon the cause of the trouble in a amall apartment, used as a store room for old papers, books, etc., in the rear of the?second flat, the fire in which had already penetrated the partitions and was burning fiercely. It was, however, quenched without difficulty. The origin of the fire is unâ€" known as there was ‘no fire in the adjoining roomse and no stove pipes had their outlet through this room. The loss by fire and water is estimated at $200 and is fully covered by insurance. cusly injured by falling from \h&o:tn. and now lies in a critical condi! ab St. Vincent Hospital, Toledo, Ohio. Mr. Bittort was formerly a resident of Preston, where his father, now 89 years of age, still resides. Mrs. Walmâ€" sley and her sister, Mre RBittman. Preston, teft per the C. P. R. at Galt at 5 o‘clock yesterday for Toledo to be present at the bedside of their brather. Mr. Bittorf is about 47 years of age aud has been in the emplay of the Comâ€" pauny for 28 years, ' baggage master on the Cana@2a Southern and Michigan Central, had been seriâ€" _ Seriousix IxJurED â€"Mr. James Walmsley received a telegram yesterâ€" day, conveying the sad intelligence that his brother inâ€"!aw, Mr. Heary Bittorf, Mrs. Bobionder was about the head while the other Emil Schultz had his arm broken. lin. _ While Mr. Samuel Kinsey, a farâ€" mer living about two miles above St. Jacobs, was driving to town, hbe did not see or hear the trolley until it was within a few yards of him and then turned his teas to cross the track when thauoluomcu&.huw badly wrecking it Fortunstely Mr. Kinsey got to the front of the sleigh and so escaped without injury. Two lade, however, who were stealing a ride on the sleigh were zotk so fortunate. One Holtz by name, bad his collar boce broken and was severely bruised Mr. Herbert » member on the Lfl:l uu_otbo_m_ Walkerton, is A TRoLLEY AcCIDRENTâ€"A cerious ac cident happened on Saturday at Berâ€" lwnlehvhm' meolihudfit: be jectured that an enterpri maker from a neighborh made away with the body. dence As only the tail of the dog Miss Stanley, who spent several ren ie frcas «ie se i trolley No. 4, n~ar Mr. Dicbel‘s visiting her oqusin Miss Hod: has returned to her home in Personal and Bocial rvdine. o volptommaginnes prvdprver d : td 15'”::7:?1 Emm anes D The Auditors‘ &rfl 'lm below was inadvertently omitted in our report of the proooodiaa of the North Waterâ€" loo Farmers‘ Mutuasl Fire Insurance Company in last week‘s iseue ; Auditops‘ Report for 1886.~ To the President, Directors and Members of the , _ NWorth Waterioe Farmers Matual Fire Insurance Company, _ Grutraxuzx:â€"We, your auditers, beg The Law Quoted for the Information of New Duadese Subscribera ye N.'tholn l:udiu n;:‘h: *o quote w 'l‘uq Criminal Code 1892, Seo. 205, contains the following :â€" ‘Every one is guilty of an indict«ble offence and liable to two yeare‘ sonwent and to a fine not exceeding $2,000, who sells,.or offers for sale any m e;ot'd.“fioht or other ‘.:l‘:h: : vancing, Ataamiy, rty by ete or any &N truwt whatever, ‘ Every one is guilty of an offence and liable on anmmary conviction to a peoalty of $20, who buys, takes ar reâ€" ceives any such lot, ticket or device as o ey anl gitt or exchange of very sale, or ex property by lottery or ather mod:'a chance dependingâ€"upon ar to he deterâ€" mined hy chance or lot is void and all euch property is liable to he forfeited to any person who aues for the same 3 action or information in any court competent jariediction. A few exceptions are mada to which this section does not ?w, such as raffies at any bazaar hel any charâ€" iteble object and ‘any dh‘rlhd’adly lot among the members or ticket + era of any incorporated society cateb lisheq for the encouragement art, or of paintings, drawings or other work af art pnduooda{ the laber of the mem: bere of or published by or under the diâ€" rection of such incorporated secioty.‘ 8. Funk;, W. R Riddell for other deâ€" void. Judgment for piaintiff for $556 and interest and costs. Action dis o 0. mai Logshoes io Beianghs Weir (Berlin) for defendant,. Henry that a certain assignment should be set aside, and both plaintiffs claiming that a mortgage to defendant Mary Funk, and & chattel mortgage to, defendant Schweitzer should be deciared utterly Justice Falconbridge recently j-b-uhdn‘-lhl'fl: :ry-hh‘&hl*‘* Haha ing against the defendant, PROHIBLTS ALL GA MBLING2 "oo° * eaeea c ee? ~ Ca k o e 2 NP * ® ® a * "< e Foeee e : ‘ ‘ ‘ Waterloo County Chronicile, M’Q, February 4 1897â€"Page Report Qmitted, HAHN V8, FUNK | #r Pes ie papee » Anw advice as to what s! to!mn'umln ond ladder wasgon, 10 ‘pair rubber miielt mlot ssm thalt hal? mb ber boots ; that a number of beots were worn out and recommended the pur: e infi t aimaan, * rB The report nudovn recommending the reappo tfl.ro‘ g:' R. Â¥. It?vur:. mm the fxntined the Withrebet »&ofl: $200 foor of bawe in wise seaditent t ianoie 4 Snd oanatin $ Mr. Bayer, Ob recommending the Mr. R. Â¥. Stewart, Fire Brigade ; that eallect all unpaid taxes farthwith amou to ‘3‘( .88 inguiy uc dit Nt in e was adepted the Mayor nmrlnd to foy the payment of »m‘hm' _ _ _ PIBR, LIGHT A¥»P warkB, vrecommending that the request of the a Pa Oowau“‘lu another Q‘.& on Ii‘ffim for a difference in measurement of work done by them in 1396 be w: :::iumâ€"mw engineer‘a measguremen accepted as M;mmow:";mmum ta the Borlinâ€"Waterion Hospital be reckâ€" &'?fi“::i:mm“”&&'.“."‘ a wa tewas of Berlin and Waterloo ; that tha nhad Foathe maatien Rpatt ance recommending that the request of the B. _&i::t. \nuuu.‘cl the Town, aaking for an increase salary on acâ€" count of large increase in the amountof work. Om jmotion of John Rischer seconded by B. E. Bechrel uw of the greasurer was inccensed an increase of the $75 ml:â€"-fl wlm to take effect from let January introduce a byâ€"law at next me of Council empowering &omu zâ€"-dMOHMWM take such other stops as may be neces sary to give purchasers vald titles to 'hm;.\h_u:h-lb '1'2 Property Committee to report on proposed subdivision of the grounad. A motion was passed asking leave to introduce a byâ€"law at next meeting of were read and referred to at once. Mu«'ux:.: * The minutes of the r meeting was reforred to the Board of Works withfinstructions to look into the matter The Council met this evening pursuâ€" ant to adjournment. FINANCE AND PRINTING, TOWS PROPBBTY The Mayor, in the chair, bnbvwln; > Aust Aot me sing the _the hrick that I nJ a was read from S Y, L BBOEER 4 08 Wholesaic and retail ol i oo aly Ag our lease expires on April 13 Readyâ€"made Clothing Gents‘ Furnishings, Boots and Shoes At BHellingâ€"Out Prices, Great Bargains During the Next Soventyâ€"Five Days Selling Out. . . Hame in Qur Man‘a & Boys® Quercenta A&pwd&.m ltems in Jackets, Gapes and Furs ~ Save money and trade at ktems in Dress Goods Worth Talking About THE SPECIAL SALH J, Uffelmann‘s, Which will be sold at cost and under. J. Uffelmann‘s. x 2 . tias : *A Thuh ) t + L & y g 6 s . ./a oi * PVEA s 0.+ 4 variety of fabrice, patterns inss ies marmragers ind ‘Imshion. Theee goods must be Ynh-vhlt\\r;t--u rwm W. J. Wool m WALPER BL0C] At: thie witt n ont tataild piss 4e es «e ie ‘g. |{Enmemsestince s S | $ Eneas aos pnte s on smm pon 2:":.:&““ J&“'tn.l"ut »*"! i W. J. Woolard & Co. y y y & iz &z &z zooo â€" kp do this we are now se ast long. &o Eome Eady. $ 2 , mt oo td hi mt e 32 S. R. ERNST & CO‘8 mc is ie / Pn it d With which the customers have bought our goods at Chri Peuio T. in uv..%'g. Msm neret io afe 'fi"flé aF k %fifi.@f%‘ SR ... .. , aurazd T. FReom, . . Clearing PAGHIONABLE pulee S O eeen ks fhien s whorke» "aramien td ( I, L, HOBDEN‘S, Book and Fancy Gools Store, Iron and Steel, Crosscut Saws, Wire and Wire . Netting, Axes, Glass, Stoves and Tinware, Amâ€"« munition, Horse ShoesZand Horse shoe Nails, Paints and Oils & Do you i i i & o Lk uoo se e ons Oe ons o The Ease and Quiskness . A Mele Moner Bove s Hiz Parsel of Oookns . " price. &A lot , a ~4 ui o o o »e ww we pre now selling goods regardess of Price, . J. Woolard & Co.,} M, Weichel & Son, Next to Hoffman‘s Shoe Store, Wateriee: is ts sc lt i: Pirc Cns Cns Pn Pits Pn .. ts gift. handsome Wedding or Rirthday _ shaw skilled workmanshin making abave these are very neat and pretty, and Drawn Work Deyleys _ Just arrived another lnt of the For sale at Dovieys. { i TP ke a The designs in Ee iX s

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