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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 8 Oct 1896, p. 4

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of muld be » ps Jong eomps i the which bad been created by their peception there h:‘ condition. JIf n’nladma the farmers &uvmjw,tbhuwdo:: ip such s ‘position in three years 6 ing such sccommodation to th# %"mwfldelmm ko $400. Any creemery which bed the bonps would receisre $50 mmn,m:ux& season and $25 zwnmwnoom allâ€" thoughs it would be necessery to peoure this season werehopses at the pf shipment. He thought it he necessery to make contracts ps long as five years with steamâ€" compapies and werechousemen to flul;-u-nlu Romething in Mwfld‘h fim nfl.fi.lboldunciuflnl The cold storage project of the Govâ€" ernment seems to meet with much favor and has the hearty endorsation of Mr, Foster,late Finance Minister. The amount asked for in the estimatestofacâ€" ilitate the marketing of the products of Canadian farmers is $20,000. The sountry has been demanding facilities Sor the placing of Canadian perishable food products on the Eaglish markets aad &e Prime Minister and the Govâ€" erpment, yielding to this justifiable gdemand in behalf of the agricultural jrts of the country, have devised a yoject to mest it. <The project was thm outlined by Mr. Fisher, Minieter of Agriculture, in explanation of the vote asked for. ‘Fo attain the result ib was necessary to provide a continâ€" mons chain of cold storage from the g‘flt of production to the market.. is would necessitete probably the eatablishment of warehouses in the inâ€" berior, cold storage arrangement on the railways, cold storage warehouses #t points of shipment and cold storage mpon the vessels that would cross yto pdran. He proposed to make contrgcts Wflier in Council, subject to the rsâ€" setion of Parlisment, ss the sum pow seked for would not cover the exâ€" mfittm between now apd the end of next figcal yeer. He proposed to make srrangemepts by which vessels Id Jeave Montreal, Helifex and St. ;W in summer, and Helifex and Bp. j in winter, and corry Capedien pots in storege to Avopmouth, yp::ml,[andon and Glasgow. Dorâ€" e epsuing season he oxpooud to f the refrigeratorâ€"cars service to € t of the con where the m nstified it, to m. perishable to be teken to the gdau of pt. His scheme jnvolved the of a small bonus to every creamâ€" thot would provide N:lyflonp Resqmmodation for perishable products Aupiting shipmepnt. The expense of The Cenadian Military Gazette has rku'@m& nau-.w, P seyere on the late Govâ€" mpot‘s administration of mili is afâ€" rine B oi 2i . ..2& T Tsd ":;J most satiifactory A Woeokly Nowspaper Published every Thurs Dollsâ€"I L. Hoben. s Teacher Wautedâ€"D, Koch,Conestogo. Mullineryâ€"C. Steuernaagel Mail Coutractâ€"H,. G. Hopkirk. Â¥For Sale or Exchangeâ€"James Haight. Unprecedentedâ€"The Ontario Mutual, Waterlog Sounty Ch A $10,000 Pictureâ€"Weekly Star. Count Your Chipsâ€"The Slater Shoe. Public _ leâ€"Geo. McKersic. Going DeerHantingâ€"J. Fenuel! & Son, Fall Assizeeâ€"M. Springer. Noticeâ€"Bricker & Di bel Crawl Uuder the Bianketsâ€"J. UH}â€" Tc 2 naggh ty Overcoats and Ulstersâ€"8. (K ‘ua: & _Nervous Frostration 6t wonld he selfâ€"enastaining or near TuUhmyw, OQCT. 8th, 1896 pAVID BEAN, Proprietor, CoLD SsTORAGE vertise the scheme in the t, and to overcome the Williame Mediâ€" miges of aiJ, as did Bir Obss. Tu;:»v »b Winnipeg, Mr. Davies proposes first to settle the question of the nevigs bility of the !;rdm :;:y and sbrait for trade purposes, ond w o money fibfitiopnnd'diommx:’b'% end. This is the proper way, ond, in s matâ€" ter of so much importence to theNorthâ€" wost, the conntry will not b’mdx‘: thorough and fi&wm test, will pot leave w in the un settled state in which it now rests, ‘deâ€" spite the expedition ppderteken by the Jate Government. # * # $15,000 hes been voted to promote the flw;‘;fl& wdo:,flm of The Lsurier Government is going ahout the pro,'pgnd Hudson Bey reilâ€" way in a busipesslike wey. Inatead of ettempting e huge grant to the proâ€" moters for a line, the precticability of which is -u)l in doubt, ss the Bowel} Government did, or making levish proâ€" ’ Tt seems now definitely settled that Hon. J. W. Sifter, Attorneyâ€"General of Manitobs, is to join the Learier Gov. erament as Minister of the Interior, and that he will run for Brandon, which city he now represents in the Local House. Hon. Jos. Martin was the only other man talked of for the positâ€" jon, but his lose of Winnipeg weakened his chances, and it is assumed that he has bowed with good grace to the new order of things. Mr. Sifton is one of the strong men ‘ijn Mr. Greenway‘s Cabinet, and hig scceptance of the Inâ€" terior portfolio will be well received in the west. Sir Chas. and Lady Tupper celebrate their golden wedding at Ottawa to day. The celebration consiste of two parte, a grand rec=ption and a family dinner. Four sons and daughters and fourteen graud children will be preseny. The House of Commons prorogued on Monday with the usual formalities. office cansed by the death of Mr. Jab fray. As this position is the best in the gift of the DominionGovernment in the North Riding theré is no lack of applicants, As matters go ab preseat uhese positions are given to memhers of the dominant party tor the time beâ€" ing as a reward for emineat political services. In a recent issue of a Beriin Daily surprise was expressed at a rumâ€" or that some one outside of Berlina was likely to be appointed to the coveted position, _ As far as fitness is concern. ed there are scores within the party, both in Berlin and elsewhere in the Riding, who are quits capable of hold ing do#n the position and drawing the pay, and if an applicant, not a resid eut of Berlin, receives the appointment it will not stamp the applicants from the county seat with incapacity, bat it will simply show that some applicaut unot a resident of Berlin has, in the opinion of the gentleman who holds the power of recommendiog applicauts, stronger claims t> the position. No appointment has yet been made w Gil the vacancy in the Berlin post TRM BHBLIN ROBI OFRIOHL | _ A TALXL ON SILVEE BDITOR1AL NOTHH When arked why England did not opuwm mints to {m lavor, he said : â€""Why, we have never used silver ; why .rould we now! If Englend opens the mints of India to silver, she is‘ doâ€" ing m&- than her share of ;go work of m ng silver. Ip ears be these mints were 385 world‘s 2 Thich tha Tndlin mink sdned 1B of which the p min n 4* 000.80& &un'ty ahe %fi:‘m o&;n then." â€" He declared he m:‘ogmo- e mra s nP s t ree coinege in p wou!) m"::‘m'mr wo port in the compseign while here. man act. When iou have opened your mints we will open the Indian minte and help {ou to use the silver up. 'theu ou will not be embarrassed vg(h i. IDJW must certainly rise in value, Otherpations will oren their mints. The world needs silver, and times will be better when we have it. Eagland wants it." _ w not come here, when European dwhu been coined at 1§5} to 1-”.0! zuuw:‘ they h."kl stopped coining l;. us thenm you could rormpe Kurape an you would not get 15.0%500 l:).nnm of eilver bullion. When you have made the start, and somebody must make the stary, other mw:u will Wickly spring to your aid. e closed a.e Indian mruu -{mply in antlcipation of your action in repealing the Sherâ€" Eu and the Su\i sentiment is thmq want silver, but some big brother aiust make the atart and th:z will follow. The United States wi their enormous exporting ity, are vig omu1h and a m do it." He aduitted u":;"arm eleotion would probably unseitle values and cause a panic "But," be added, "I think that after a paniq things would rearrange themeelves und everything would settle down nigely and everyâ€" body would be better of. "You see," he contioued, "the kinglish merchants uave an idea that if you have free ‘Jdm\‘o here gold would go to a premâ€" jum, which would embarrass buulum‘ very much." Mr. Frowen taonk up the propased role of & big hrother thay he wauate Uncle Sam to gssume. "I think that you will be ableâ€"to coin at « ratio of 16 to 1. e Hilver of the world matailinn Gusee would Bohalr. metalliam â€" Otherse Would New York, Oct. 3.â€"Moreton Fro wen, one of Engand‘s leading bimeta} lists, arrived in this country on the wo a reporter of the U.A.P. : "L have some here to watch the siection. I be lieve that if the United States admit colnage to their mints at a ratio of 16 to 1 the KEuropean nations will follow. Agriculturaliats every where want sif ver. They realize that their troubles have been caused by the big fail in priccs, and that general falls in prices cause panices ‘l‘:oy realize that free coinage of silver must bring about a retura of old prices that they so much uced, !\.qmm“r:vh(}mm I hear, are for free silver. Meline, the new Freach Prime Minister is an eaâ€" busiastio bimetallist 1 have taiked to leadiag men of mauy countrige in t Atlantic Stea ...‘2’;‘,‘3:‘15:‘:&‘3:!‘&«,;». Oanedian Magazine, Bir Chorles Tupper says :â€" There were 32,111 summar m& jone as againet 80,907 in 18’“. offences wgainets the liquar act shaw a alight increase and the number of cases of, drunkenness is the same for both yeare, 11,558, ’firm wera fass,. im:â€" z--d againat 27 489 in TRAQS and thr tal amount imposed was 21,001. There were 18 im whh“u l& than in the previeus yeers. e preâ€" rogative of ;gmy was exercised on 3” cates including one death sentence commuted qau't 166 in 1894 and seven death sentences commuted. In offe like mavslaughter, marâ€" :r‘. ;:u:':.. ete. thoir:n 'E:.:h.m. cent. in the & omoenfke housebreaking uu! g\:“ lary have increased. For ry na oguou a?lul the ourmoly ere were 97 in 1894, agatnst 61 in 18 Fast Atiantic Service. jyidy iy en sprms wik j in # OB nfiuned f Dti & h J ‘f:“m‘v “ im T ‘»““‘& ‘“1 Mal t "? r Jt'" 7 *"Wubnaln® "4" "aor * ”**‘“g e iv arand. C wor} al n 1 in back to turn ont »uch Q' ’ 3 u‘l‘ .:’l.l‘i:. A;th AJ,;n;LA h voon bring ud Ahea Â¥ Hithoonirtipy s M We w i n M.’- W’ focsmore B0 Nhe orer No ycE ve Washington‘s alr Bntide ant Deovatioe tog: Barte onday is a hank heliday with us is not generally obsarved hy To a oama such as ‘oure, w ‘t apringtime, the 24th of May has come PWE 1 5. « a wile W‘:fi?& [eleletete®ery s Orfiqu hes in gfi We have not tea Mn\bn!lhl‘i'- aitaie oc ‘Y‘m;- the n&:ln thera ul‘ N ;fldfi. and t h‘fcâ€"m ue holiday,, E"e““m out heelooue in fhe Ual :"‘;*fi{rm’vw.vfl ite § directed y from 5y edmprrent mane j o a na ith Government and .hu‘ q‘:x%qu"“zl its owa adaire, mnh& ther the relation of Tu 4 ols ..?fi‘..fi," s > ad vantages whfih the |€flu aad u\t:fln of the ninetesath centary can give. f of Vabadle trom the ploacer with aparee Popaintine, t ied hokile. ty of Canada from the picacer trave! and few educational adventages, its government directed largely from of Her Majeaty‘s accession to the throne. May we not do «o by celeâ€" brating the 24th of May not caly as the Queen a Birthday, but as a memorâ€" in‘ of the Victorian ere, by ‘making it ;nnu;aqhomquw uow _It will commemorate the transition h aubjects, can influence a nation, to that exient u:? Quéen v-;m:huu _ Our Canadian nation i&-b::n“ . b m- mnleg on uts shdded anairtriesy intive lntive reforms as in that from 1837 to ‘mlrrfi.c In so tas as the exâ€" a Onristian women, a loving and mother, a constituuonoa) ruler ‘hnlq\l-bn:dm of her A Toen Thousand Dollar Pleture 2+ *a hpauky Biogh. . d n"' Q:h;'t: n\i nh‘f-â€"m & A yaa same time Bifivdak se in Pn is to be L‘""'"'"“"fi! 2:‘*»‘;:;‘ mpe d "cg -éa PH WFE“, t u‘ A.. S ~ #" ' "' A 4’?{“" C & "“r ike on TBE ATB w ts D ud + S > ho To givat d g"": ioh e 'imcfi? wil $ + this Free Conc fii&g with 59“”- Goocfiffiiluéii mAHA [A W tile Buckskin in all weights and colurs, the best goods yet produced for h‘fl‘m A gown ar dress will be as fresh and swell n t irare, was w me e maken It is indeâ€" s dllliininiond aOMRTHING NEW, « THE GRAMAPHONE n connection with the above, to én apofilgr advertise and bring &0 Textile Buckskin before the “‘“,; the mnukcgm«{ ::vc i expense in C i Arrmapiony nes or Talking Machines i%m we wil: have oueson :ashi» on in our store en Saturday, deiins moy o se t ", ies E have receivy i % W have received 50 pieces Tex: We are aleo all alive in t «i siice d WE Â¥Yours RESPECTFULLY, NOTICE, Bricker & Dighel, A 7 mb '_f nrmtote n ”;, ’ ‘4‘" h “‘/}.h.‘w I"' torgs wil frames l‘ I U “Y‘ ‘AJ\'“"‘: & rehioal lJ},w‘ s 1 :‘Wv' ipigd s J 5ie I .,’ , ate To i:‘ UNLUERTAKING MPORTANT . PUBLIC!

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