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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 8 Oct 1896, p. 2

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*My feeling as I listened to him,‘ ? on Mr. George ‘was that I would travel around like Bryan, hard y "”mb.,&uuyhoum gaake speech after speecb, especialâ€" M I felt it necessary to write and roâ€" te them. And it mast be hard on Republican condidate who, it is ”vld‘om l“'. hilw“.‘ pt for an occasional short ride,‘ | Thas will it be seen u;uu..p,.‘.l Lo the address and reads his reply, which is afterwards revised before beâ€" hng sont to the press,‘ t for the New YFork Journal, mfiut he bas s harJder time of it B Bryan. Governor McKinley is, ways, very csreful in his dealings these delegations. ‘The speaker is to make the address is first callâ€" fiu.wdihoopyhumm farnâ€" in advance the candidate learns, what is to be said by him, in order to ide sgainst such a disaster as befell Haine at the hands of the Revy. D;.{ Bu d. He then comes out, listeos Nor has McKinley be'bu idle. He hey pot travelled sbout the country, making speeches ; but delegations, armâ€" @d with addresses, have poured in upâ€" en him incessantly at Canton, Qbio, where he lives. Mr. Henry George, who recently visited there as a corresâ€" This breaks by a long way the Presiâ€" dential record. Cleveland never made mspesking tour, being credited with Qu};’;our_speeobes in ‘02, one in‘ ‘88 end three in ‘84. Harrison spoke Bwice in ‘92 and 56 times in ‘88. Blaine was the only great specchâ€"maker, havâ€" ing 195 addresses to his credit during the campsign of 1884. _ :fillmsd&u-ndn memâ€" ‘_h‘WM Ottawa, Oct. 1, to To come out seriously as a Presidentâ€" jal candidate this year in the United States is to undertake no light task. Senator Palmer does not appear to be everworked, butas his business is to hald down Bryan‘s ‘stick‘ while Mcâ€" Kinley gets the ball, his candidature is hardly of the serious order. But Bryan and McKinlay ave working without any ‘regard of the eightâ€"hour law. Three r"hel a night and handfals of elocuâ€" mary coin scattered from the tail end of an express train during the day, are mothing to the man from Nebraska. The New York World has kept track of his vocsl performances during his Fortyâ€"five days ‘on the road‘ up to Monâ€" day night lust, and reports that he had made in that time 205 speeches in 172 towns and cities in 22 Staces, and had travelled 8022 miles. ha HARDâ€" WORKEDCANDIDATES Dnmt:? a« per nnnumiu advance; ‘%h class priuting, English and Gorman, n vertising Rate* reasonable, and will b hm mown on a) p..cation A Weekly No--g:l;u Published every Thure Waterioo County ial candidate business ,is s j no sine ntario is to have six ulxâ€"m_ Iuebes fve, NovaMootis four, andthe western provinces RBDITOBAAL NMOTES. nonsly passed in favor of an imâ€" reorganization of the Conserâ€" party. ‘Xhere is to be a Central tive for the whole Dominion. > will be organized _ Tee is oi nini ht e DAVID BEAN, Proprietor THURSDAY, OCT. 8th, 1896 organization. yResolutions were MQbarles Tapper will be the central you will cease *No ; for a tele &WO&";;:'% hp & pory customer, m ‘Are Buith‘ ott‘ esns ;:_-fion. and in a ...".‘f the distinct "zw‘ ”":e;" id bireds i Aniadcn o gan reply/ wieg ff) *Â¥ » Wy) down stairs‘ a great convenience, We Jobn Siron, mason, Aultsyille, Ont., bad Balt Rheum so severe that gr seven years he wore p'uu:‘dov-. e writes : ‘I used s quarter of a box of Chase‘s Ointment." It cured me. No trace of fln:olt Rheum now.‘ QOhase‘s Ointment Om jrritent disease of the skin, allays mw‘m is s sterling remedy for piles Ayoid imitations. 60c per box. Sheâ€"I shall nover see them pr mm "woug se 4 05 lovely," Bo grest was the demand thst the stationer found it desireble to cut paper the size so much admired. But there was one difficulty. The little notes were so small that when folded there was no space for the address, so after some thought the idee of an enâ€" velope pierced t‘o stationer‘s brain. He had them cut by a moulJ)lua,md soon so great was the demand, bhe commisâ€" sioned a dozen houses to manufacture them for him. From such small l:’iu nings came this importent branch of the stationery business, The invention of envelopes is within the memory of middle aged persons and was the result of a Brighton, Eogland, stationer‘s endesvor to make his atore look sttractive,. He took & fancy for ornamenting hig store windows with high piles of psper, graduated from the highe:t to the smallest size in use. To bring his pyramid to & point he cut ceard board into very minute squares, Eadien took thom surds ‘to ‘be 'm‘il-l sized note r and voted it ‘perfec lovely,‘ £ g:ut was the demm tlu{ ‘Can thoy heer anything that you real The following information is farnish ed to this paper by Mesare. Marion d Laberge, J:)Ilciton of Pstents and Ex perts, No. 185 St. James Street, Mont schools of Quebec. A certain radical wind of the Rouges advocate the aboliâ€" tion of the present system, which they aver, is directly under the control of the priests Bleue eay that it is im possible to conduct a system in which the church shall not have a guiding hand. Premier Flyan, of the province, is ready to make any changes that may be necessary in order to improve thel achools. The Liberals are prepared to go him®one tetter. Toronto Telegram‘s Ottawa corres poudence : The return of Abke Prouls is set for the second week in November, or perhaps before then I am told by a gentleman high in the councile of the Conservative party,that if the Pope declines to accept the arrangement alâ€" ready devised by Alr. Laurier and the Mauitoba Government, the adjustment will go through and Wilfrid Laurier will becoms the [eader of an autiâ€"cleric al party in Quebec. Freach Liberais assure me that the province is ready for such a movement. A school quesâ€" ' tion wili form the main issue in the imâ€" peoding provincial elections in the French province, bust is will not be the Manitoba isaue but the case ot the wide tire see us to be a benefit around. the roads, the wide tire packs and smooths them. The narrow tire in creases the draft on the borees, the wide tire reduces it It is clear that the wide tire is the bettor of the two. Every new wagon purchased should be got with wide tires and the narrow ones would gradually, disappear. The â€"Mr. A. W. Campbell, h ' and _ North Mas »togme is wed waigee S t s o e & Eevor of broad tires. A pity it is that Concluded From Last Week) “Nfih-*m“* ( kz Ts Oe ies Tae harrer hire Rir] s sas whhe Igh D Ecamier t P Mo the roads, the wide tire packs ***| Tavisb; 2 bus red fall, L Kochier, L smooths them. The narrow tire inâ€" Shade;, 2 bus «pring, L Kochier, A Mi/â€" S on t ces e o Ce em®: Wore Greased Gloves Seren Years, The Jnvention of Envelopes. why Ahe Would Ketâ€" _J "hen you see my Lapits I The Way it Acted his month to the se ) M We oo Wotatone sieo, ) i We °7 Waatones. _ Zpotsey shorgo" Wonl Maoges heg hame iess tee es hh 12 large t-oumoon J Bierman, L Koekicr; 12 small yellow tomatoes, J Greenwood,J Biermen; 6 musk melons, L Bhade, J Bierman; ‘ water melons, Thos. Campbel!, C Biermap; 4 citrons, Grapesâ€" 3 clusters Concord, H Frame, J Trachsel; 3 clusters Rogers‘, L Koehler; 3 c‘usters Moore‘s Eaerly, L Koehler; 3 clusters any kind, A Koch, L Koehler; callestion, J B Schmidt © Plumsâ€"6 Lombard, H McTavish, L Koehler; 6 any kind, L Koghler, J Trachsel. ’ Pearsâ€"6§ Douchesse d‘Angoulene, H McTavish; 6 Flemish Beauty, P Ritâ€" ter, C Albrecht; 6 Secke‘,H McTavish; Lowise Bon de Jersey, D MsTavish, C Bierman; 6 Goodale, H McTavish; 6 Beurre d‘Anjou, H McTavish; 6 Clapp‘s Favorite, A Fraser; 6 W jnter, A Millar, R Ritter. Trachsel; 6 Tolman‘s Sweet, J Wertâ€" laufer,J B Richards; 6 Maiden‘Blush, L Kochler, R Campbell; 6 Manu, AR McTavish, D McTavish; 4 Ben Davis, A F McTavish, R Chiimers; 6 Spits enbarg, D MeTtvitl}G A Koctl; 6 Northera Spy, D McTavish, A Riddell; 6 Rhode Island Greening, H McTavish, D McTavish; 6 King of Tompking County, D McTavish, ‘H McTavish; 6 Strawberey, A Millar, L Kochler; 6 Duchess of Qldenburg, ampbell, H McTavish; 6 Grevenstei McTavish, D McTavish; 6 Alexander, L Koehler, C Albrecht; 6 Rocksbecry Russet, H McTavish, L Koehlor; winter 10 varieâ€" ties, D McTavish, J McTavish; fall 10 varieties, L Kochler, Ph Ritter; crab, 8 Petch, J N Zinkauo. wer, Ivter Chalmers,; 0 Fallawater, A F McTavish, Peter Chalmers; 6 Blenâ€" heim Pippin, Don McTavish, H Millar; 6 Golden Russet, Don McTavish, J FRUIT. Applesâ€"6 Snow, Ph. Ritter, J R Richards; 6 St. Lawrence, S Peich, T e eFavish; % cGillaâ€" were, Peter t,\d--n, Fallawater, A Koh;, 1 pk white beans, L Koohler, C Burman; 1 pk beaos, L Kochier, J B Lichty; 6 stocks fodder coco, Thor L Kochier, L Shade; 3 bus peas, A MLA:Mlimln&.- core, Koohler, Hwtiogs Bros; 12 eare pop corn, Jac. Wotrilaufer, G A 2 bus white barley, L Kochler, A Millar; 3 bus white oate, L Kuchler, C Bierman, 3 bnue biack oats, J H Campâ€" hel“.'Alflhs; 2 bus smail white peas, P423 36 % uhi P M h. hk : AeBii x 3B WA aet team harâ€" se e eare or wgy oury Nparl uy scfi hy ; A .'.'."2i pejae intiore m ‘ u?gw"% w '7% in s beal & ;”" e ""%” i?;,"" ‘:‘:w”‘ o‘. â€" aprel deor reager, pop will sdee | _ The following letter from Mr. Wm. |partiogn o ie dava ies Bt at it requires po exy se e ‘ 9"'3"-'3' ies of pew ~â€" . _ It Is g Pleasure For Mr. Ravidson to Spea! 4n Esteemed Citizen of the FREE FOY ALL, TROT oR P}OI- ‘ hree times sround the ring, Jno. Kuhi, Am. & Thomson. BJCYCLE RACBS For all who have not wo or pru:: on any track before, R?y W:mu- wer, F Wegenast. + 4 A M Fisher, L KR i F";l;t‘::.' Has:ings; .;otunl.rhd'hfi Sz‘;:a: mtii:.pfi h:‘iau Q 4A K“ht' & Koph%:u , Has mer; cu were beaket, ms:'kfi.... * Oil ting, fruit, Miss Hall, Fraser; gm’sgt.?:a. .uuwwfiq Hall; ayon drawi : inerecape, Mss Regien, 4 Promc: C rmm. animails, a Fraser, Miss Hall ; eoeeeneirnones a i l?iu fi:u, A Frager. ya* PLANTS AND FLOWKRS IN rPore. “‘“’gfig‘flm ETVE What He of * " y o it it Frazer; best phu sewiag, Ro Trachâ€" ; collection of faucy work m A mnu; wall pocket, Miss Kalbfeiach ; col lection of old, home and foreign coing, (i B Miller; collection of buttons, J Walton, Wettlaufer, Rowden; tatting, ( Chhonfix.lov:-:‘, gent‘s Rowdes: wiih bage, Miss C Weber, Hall: m 0 holder, E Weber; panels, o# Hall; cotton m';}*wh. quilt, J Trachsel, H McMillan; old Toilt; J 5 Sohmidt: Reteeor by catee qut Kamer, weldlhages, Looo cd o Apfrant ‘ bfeisch, A Â¥r ser; macrame work, Mise A Fraser; Berlin wool work fat, ,Uclfi,‘loth-; crazy work, E Rowâ€" h&u; satin stitch work, Kalbfeisch, A ; Kenâ€"i stitch work, Kalbâ€" Seinch. A &lol)umick rack work, table cen:re . Kalbfeisoh 8 Kalbficisch, Hall; tidies, ings; Inanndried shirt, collars and cuffs, Mins horm, Mise Hors: hdw: & W:?z. r:; guipure work, Misa rily out yrowkag Zinnias, A M Fisher, L Koehl on «l luu-l-% A ll-q-;l i "::.aa.. 2{ Hall, Miâ€"a :m-::'.l' broidery, Hall, A McDonald; painting on Collection of house plants, W W Clegâ€" As Was Frae, FINE ARTS 210 it but just to write shout my neianit Oe Tt t o %taz Ee es joe +5 1e io oo o ons of pay matectal opleig tnie Mip y hh d ”w»;’mn help every man who Folly aiways deserves its misfortunes, he ) Ogr devegte and delightes sre neer and will be satiefied only with pukitive absoiute Monik.. The feat that Hove® Beteepmatile het w&g m\mflmfib- nn&::: od 5 the to wm mmm;’-nwm&wmu»um. pige ond a "# W" es sells IT & shert ime W.fl;l nee it !s new. But in modicine, »oin nothing demand and will be satiefied only with pobitive absotute »a old hird. S 9® Â¥our moather‘s head is level. g FOs ways told you so, and she kpao 'lw to place her money for a VJ veut ment. Qtommm »umm i es m a6 the a a we it noma on on id _ Mr. ‘ ears must have leaked for be W«M' Sut i am ue o se diady oo Ro o l Ahe s i1 m(i, you may pat rour 8 in titane oi to uio yen * mather sa were in tho world that the would io td 'm:u‘: w-;:’nma to let well enough alone. ve nothing againat Mtuo:muv.muumm.m. ting me up by telling me what ahe said OV_crLtim my bask is tarned. there will be trouvleâ€"you mank that! 5 htJdmmmm‘-‘iâ€" w'ry.Ydona mnnu ve :: AW o wi i es s ie e ae Cough Of course she did. I know just es es aae m m o aa yoar i“cmflmmwfidu Bat shall make ber visit as pleasant as I %h@ugfinm The Unexpected, toâ€"layâ€" Nomufl““fim mother has uever visited us and I‘m going to overlook anything she seer fit to say. _ > pver three months, Mhe had s bad Suid in Watrerico by Simen Styder doubt, the mudivtrfi::flwm‘ in nnoamine Tnke um'{ir":nn paic m»m:m _muwm is Firre‘s in spi c % *# Ve 4 3&"3&5‘__‘“‘;‘ & * ma se Shoulte L Fol i7 rigst ;}‘_“?‘tfl’?flflz,fi'{"_ you keep atir s mE ood‘s Vade in Medicines ob ) gr o ra‘" »ob be despised en e eeid ie en Maw Pm _ WATBBLOO, . | "ig l l FOR TWENTY » SX YEARS peatiee ‘#“‘ P /1 P f’ $ P m;’r’// ‘ 4”.45‘,, ;'A 6s ‘ afhimannt ced U * : > : * > Ni ‘ ##HW% * LAnAEDY Balh ty GaPIHK > The Popular Boot & Shos Btore, the Norts Riding of Waterleo." This it womeihis of 3 intpletitall but we mean just what we say. We Can and Will Do it, C 117 ! xtr !.!n,q! P oT Y Granby garess Rubbers 3'3%‘; r‘ â€" # DR, §PINNBY & .g_qh Pas Th daake, Siritin, Oc. per package,. Vfl*’” foseq » t io T. m * <> oo haoul bas ‘%’}' 1 & b;, as 4"'1";“‘ a» M r . : tor By) f Lagteg Oplords st som ' , 500 QLD GOLD Seeaeent® ** Widdleâ€"Aged Menâ€"Ite: â€" L. EUCOQOCORS, sways ! are added, to fit all the latest shooâ€"shapes, and Granby W.S, Kimball & Co., The Qid Reliabie Apecialiate. OIette® Th finsst Remedy in the RETAIL EÂ¥VERYWHERE 17 FIRST PRIZE MEDALs. LGABH WILL BUY . . CIGARRTTES ROCHESTER, N. y. a e VA & Sunders 1 is 11 6 io " *** i ns ho AP Sn m in a ""' “{vâ€"'“ k w..‘%”w’l‘%w * iene en s 4 thfufe id iffects of ce lad A”\? we Nex 88 Yeare E; rpentine Don‘t Draw the Feet They Fit the Boot doonor it $ Aie NBA 146 #4

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