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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 8 Oct 1896, p. 1

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;} FABME§§£ m | â€" piparmerie on e 6: Bort An Momanis Ahion tccs, Metorkp: wr .~ %&>% 0| |__ Â¥ o P 1 Hoer o ce , Mherp Haspare Migms, Dastip. | Bs cxteel ie ) hn e mm mm ’Fg,; a?“r a ahd oys ailany sa t s 1 4sA i l pptie 3. 2 e a 0 5022108 ol ioh WB ce poun We pzo corm s hy line of plows. barows. gang plows, m, * mmmmwwzm L L MOBDENS, hoi mi A dook tm PmmnEp SOR _ «somnpame ns (AMTHET APL 1r! 1. 0 Hatln1.,, | Loubtanke, Oob., is visitine har pare iL | i N Ti irAtcompanied by his mothâ€"| PB aerivod a New Line at f 2}/ 4 ;#‘fi%zj j}v{ }%%z;.é ;j;% f /‘v fln i g//','} , 1/ # yrig P Ap y°8 B " 'f" paw Jf"~ lans 4A t * £ " ow t ( o * CENTRE PIEORS and io ns Rirreare t e e are i n...a.fi..b 9 io w os z; BorlinOity Bhoo Btore The Boshmer Co, Departmental Store Ander@i PNTE® 85 $3.90 to $0.00, not m‘ but good wearing. The 80 igulsr as to .71,, but # a ‘f‘:glmlhndhar knocks y come out will find a luPpIy here ‘ Jlll ndslodu. Heary lo ote $1:75 o #$3.50, stron .emieafl and well x.pod at Bbo. b’ at 25c., shoe polish 8c. Mh heavy Winter Coats, s re wool cloth, black & Navy ferie m wifl’ heavy Tweed Coats, wn and grey (upâ€"toâ€"date) adies‘ hlac ize Coats, â€" mfl., bu,t‘tf: ;ave:v:; o‘:l']";r, fi&tfl' black Nap Coate, Q!wiw. JAdies‘ Beaver Coste, black and # Our Ma;‘ttljs this Sé:ason ar; unquestionably the finest an 0 chgapest we ever had. The " reason for this is â€"that we disâ€" covered even better ing centres than we knew before, and the consequence is that put Mantles: come to us to to 20 per cent. cheaper than previoys years. The above is a very good representation of the ‘fellowing lines m‘c’i sell at t‘/g following prices: 1 ‘ ‘wn, in good ofoth, A. WESELOH THE SHOQEMAN, YOL XLIIâ€"NQ 41 fashion can find the | Vrh “sdm to “.w, b wuring. c puftingnlxr as to stvle BERLEILN. Â¥ CASH. _ City Shoe Store, # with his wea‘th, or with his hands is &‘th, or the man in its distributâ€" ee! ; to cover these :IJ to visit our on of ""wealth" needs. _ The fasâ€" :, $4.50 Po You Use PLQW BHARES ; Watctloo Counto Chronic‘s. 5.00 5.00 , 8.60 6.59‘ 8.00 8 ul A“%’; 2 M E h L,’\("/‘?fi C Hrizbop B f gfi% \‘\' }« WA &E CSE e | ~aiff""_ h‘j". .'4"' Ladies‘ extra fine Coats in Beaver â€" ienete ces 1. ) 6 $17 Misses‘ Conts, black and navy 8.5() (buvy? latest Wma‘- Hmant tC â€" 450 Sove mss thodds" * $# in §# ll):!:l:;sw:m.’ black cloth, ’ m aa l Doh Coge, ftired tseds â€" dho up ’ * }‘cé\ case:1 of Lg:eics'jackitg @ a n n 23: receP:tsly ::d are gt:e in selling shape _ MANTIRG 10 MA l\ 4 iJ Street, near the Post Ofice. oOWNT â€"ANDâ€" CAPES __‘__ Q.OVU | changes are and will take place ale, 4'58 "-E'?fifie” ooo i SG 4:-{. and loth, ‘8 ” ‘a :’:tfi ;34 :;Fvw’m:f’ "z ':mi’:}':: n eencee i $6 | se of the MeQulloek eatate will" take MB M | M O o SHavorh fapate ail! ib'l'mo....gop. ( i# an } 1 1 ' .' ~ se 3 1+ +% or o ‘g M : ;'.',Jf'”'; e " ;E‘F tay Srid ) ,,; "’W. {n ..“ A‘: .m’ J'né’ § f" t the "Den 0":‘) hapg in lt h;:;w“j ( ie ao h o in i: wWATERLOGC, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING OCTOBER s 18%. iétini ) ul Bm Mote of Rirkton fas pirehise fke i9. Wraind Th » ‘ q ‘ % Tnesdey Bept. tw .. .. Mr. B Bs _fl:z_m ”JE&W . HAWESVILLE The Kirmes visitors of our vilmc have be?i ven;:I Q:vq' oflo ‘:,o:‘u n:fi: a A ‘ég!{nd tx{tmfliafiv at the Qm‘;:n }!_valr.‘. «. Report has it ‘thet Dr. oring to make a worn out social system 8t modern vonditione. T 1 i hi t e Om t nds o ten h feeares ertthie‘ts t ubject of :ad construction. Wmirw} li:-‘a .?:u t:difilmwz{i: "Do unto odpnn ye would that t‘t:{ do unto you. and has 3heovereq * ‘""we are maintaining 20 stores where one would serve ;“,u are maintaining 've'(‘oogolil where we nr«zom;:; 10 ‘ â€"inist i ®lotrters inatead of on ; 100 lnryere prin Prorictin, fiad Tetpeiter® t6l O , @ .35.&000 have been .&::o in money Jt stajete whor roagh to Cmpiny dunh All the News of the County and Disâ€" trict OCnrefully Summarized and put into Attractive Shape. &A pVVQuÂ¥i FROM CORRBSâ€" PONDENTS AND OTHER BOURORS. Te NEWS NUGGETS. | i aoe 6. } ARo ® n operstion but the »Wflifi'&fm' r 8 # ‘1.7; ® &V oone ol ,q B w o P90 R P " a € ' . |deâ€"4 'fi!« rgy ias ton | B ol 308 MA 3 M r‘lu, P t o +BHF, Dlbipiattar dflr\"‘"fl ‘F‘ ty .[.11’ ,'.," ‘ifilkfil 'll"‘ ’ 7 ’.‘ ward M ae FSiOk coptaining‘ o ’f R i f 7 kgehs hard 807600 ©oner. | Mayee ) | . .Oof â€" pool be ‘cider mill Kich MP. Wiked !:f lat q or is P‘fl ru "‘ k ,‘“‘W' 4‘1{; a ’:‘:&” ‘ o 0' O . . Y M : »:/fl/ r /‘.' h * J p /9 !. 6 . 1 o 4 ‘;: {: h”“' m % ’:z‘ * \ /14:,‘:“.“¢ E‘fl"fl,ll; * mim / hm | in 'rif-‘:jl.,flgi y R shalt [ m â€" 3. ,:zl‘. PÂ¥ 1 Ti ioi t | Sagen SW [;.,'l'.'...".' £, f M# r, BO cen ';t ‘u “.-%.g%% & 'J trado . . , . M E"rr at ifey 1 “1f""fi;. ” % of & W Rorit® 0n Bonds l":"r t +« e# 1 U NU U D BEVR . PDBer Fee B Fsiprine""Lhfimt ‘ Pirs Rreompianled oo nediet, i se ”- te throug! k":'o' idj -uk k Hm sF N ne his du, a’..."l‘-fl.k m Je To w o h trado. ./. Mr. P. Boy _f_»ym w ks oi td whith jfi* z”‘fl.”}&?&wx&% T erpried day. 1 1 eVE TVE Td is repor tutg o {twu!flrod. ’ovin‘::aa‘o mmot weather, that the potaio ros wouid foliow bus it is said they are a‘ §006 sound grop.... Apple Plciing'v’?“ n be oo-:.?:mq. kere are ying fifty coute a ‘harre! t shi °‘P ...A number of our yofig a ® picoic to the O. A. 0. ‘at Gbelph on Jatutdoy last :pq by all ‘09 rances had a pleassot Our farmers turmed out on Monday go:.n;:ghen‘;w ‘gtb thclr“fnmi‘l!‘;; Y â€" _ The is l_'_e‘iornfi to b?g‘:oqmfi was h:rod. a uuwmw-umwm | guest of Mr. J Wab! recently, reâ€" turned to her bome in H«milton . ... Mr. and Mre. Kn? of Lisbon, were &uuta of "‘-“M : C. Richber ook.I ay ... . Hoate young and u:?l‘“cbem-dvu of the oppon“ unity of sight seeing at the county town during the f"hm ve. fiury Zimmmer, who has been visiting de in Butâ€" falo, returned home list week .. .. Mr. \M?hhw of Berlin, was in town in t daee se feitano rea .. .. yn of ire, for ibuarg, pai z: zvn & soci ;:iinn &t:r:l"q‘;‘: Â¥â€" f wing is hrw& g.‘ Nt?l.%m? Septem: Arthur Jacky WEST M NTROSE ST. AGATHA , Henrietts Seip, Ol'OP e e i e ae o E:' ! 4 s t hodabe w:ffi?fim maen . ... $ Ml in .‘" fi Shich se solles st the mnine "Phi Gustave wqi-q. ks on the ts ces io poltP e e Rhode (e eoios o ieer on Prathe .. Mr. w ( « trade wit oiderm:n:;lq:::‘l :::t b:&w’::ot :ll tb‘: cider he turns out ilu Bmyltoq tob us. wuh :tm’:j:’”&' relb:’:uzi::: viii':i It ‘rleom us to be able to report the n:zt~ ls of Mr. D.vu! xb; and Miss g '!:’tefi wh‘c" wore uoited in warriage la.__.il__ c WEV~* aud uis wilé of Strathroy, awe visiting relatives in this vicinity. They were the gueste of Mrs. Johuston‘s brother, Mr, 3. Hilborn, Preston road, last week . . .. Mr. Puo of the Y. M C A. of Gait, very ably m&hd the pulpit of the VU.B church on Sabbath evening. We are sorry to report of some that cught to know better that persisted in annoying t:; ker by whispering and ing a :rl:.tfillg doonm making oro:ntiaul disturbanca . . . . Mr. Milroy of Galt, and Mr. J. McKep of Carthage, were the guests of Mr. Poter McKee, Chicoâ€" 50& road, last week .. .. Mr. Sro of *16, and Mr. Cornell of Sheti were the guestsa of Mr. 8. Hilborn‘s on Sunâ€" day .. .. Mr 8. La‘rs was infiupohr over Suniay.... Mr. W. Gebwan of rcrlin apent Sunday with his uncle, bir, . Shng:...llutor Irvin and Miss Laura Gimbel of Kossuth, were viait | ing their uncle, M. H. Gimbel‘s on | Suanday. #f improving as vetr _ Mr P oh.... improving as yeu. . . . Mr. P. Johos:on was reported to be ill last week CENTREVILLE 2 28 Make 4o the Honoomer . MB , ipaolersil; bmyth B | who was called in W“’Z remave) '::::".r%& ol it Srrived at the bovie Brakd‘? redaay. R :c “‘“f‘ M 1 : foo 2o rormd nanaelt T2 h ipect MV io wars well favorably known here and “G'.“m where he won the esteem of his teachere, fellow g':'“' and all that m- him, The b+ r:l ": ““".!l ® d'd_ by relaâ€" | Soy Tonnio aobiffiag them of his illâ€" ness. â€"The f:ther t once proceeded to Eimira on his way to meet nis son only vo be inforgred :‘?h‘ saother telegram had heen received at Elmira informing hirt of the deeth e sn Bs y walne were taken to his parental home on Satarday a ) un Sunday las5. He was wel! vorably known here and ab Glena where he won the esteem ‘ofF hik‘ taachame .n | o "°+ JIver snidef and Miss Mabel Suider visited at the ‘tity of rocks," a few days &o . . . . The trustoes are doing a commentlable act by placâ€" ing a large nuwiber of loads of fine washed gravel the walle of the school qg‘on the obnatral walk. The ;Nummfl dhl;. Arborâ€" Day, for so ry a season, t Orrruary â€"It "ofi&d duty to :;u'o tgle tluor demiso of Tra taulfer, so v. _ lsaac Staufer, ll‘i:l%wu:i&- n }'{1@-’ morning sine Mfe in iibines, , Os Mioodey Ladiow‘ and Ohildren‘s Biack B ii':ibn w fl"m’ Chl‘dm'- g weol "o" Tase i maaint Solke hi tm B cmd i ‘ e avenpe, $ s Bm Be saition on Hfiie 3 survive to sadly mourn the los duvoted end Attached mother mCt «t once proceeded to | 38 in. way to meet his son only | â€" 4) in 3"\9‘ tuotibor telegram | . 8 it red at Elmira informing | 406 per Li ht me Bb m 4d in en to his «gut;l h(;mo to::- i: j uin Runday m vorably known ie per n®! where he won !lt- ,i!?l 65 LFrFFF h l WHOLE NUMBER 2174 TERMS CASH; ONE PRIOE. orprrath t | Ladin‘ and Ohldrons Nok Wobed: ffi?’fl.@fi:figf #:fi ‘Will-fluvuhiligm!|n 8 & 36 is. fine Germen 8t es tntooet Ladies‘ and Ghildren‘ ‘ (Bubdral en ant Onrl:koan-Goodl and Ladies‘ Jackâ€" ete has bâ€"en a great success, being several hundred dollars ahead of last season. ‘This Great success ! . fine Twoed dress PLAIDS. â€"Tailor.

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