3. " T 7 PM , :,iiitiiiii, L my, WM. a Charles Dike, who ie by men]? eocouutni en iuditsputtsblss authority on Britain's foreign policy, deprecatesr, interference in Turkish “fairs by' Britain unless with the cooperation u the ulhm' eowor--tito tttttot, your“ whose dogged inditferenoe to Ara enien wrongs or nymph by with Armenia) 99m lies t;'('(ll'l Britt? hwy"! got already two years, while ii'napeek- able slaughter. have followed each other in studded succession. Sir Cherlee I": that among other evils that would follow euch interference Canada would and heme-K ranged in war egeinet her will. Cenede would like to know mom of this. Does he ween that Out. ads would ea . pert of the British eul- pire Ltd herself in the general melee without being consulted, or does he mean that ehe would be given on op- portunity to taste Iver On her own ec- 'tttttttb-mV, by e French or en Ameri. no inveeion t Doee Sir Cherlee count it eertein tbet Britein'e extremity, tor n he duoribee the probable reeult ot It, ettempt to eat independently of the pave", would, u on louver woe- “one. eventuetr in offhuuves ection on the pert or the United Stetee, end thet we would be the butt of that union'- Quilt, l " this he the peril, the beet - to the eueploion at it in the in- qtrtmtoe or leading London pepere thet Wu would not the oo-ttether ot " United Sitter in her dueling. with Turkey. Such en ellieooe at three two P""" tor phiunusropio purpoeee ll .bat we be" long wiehed to one end who we ere ootsUtuted Greet Britain hoe long been reed, to tell with. It in Subscription I.†no: "mum h adv-neg; " not to paid. In class pruning. English and 00".... a its branches. ' Advertising Raw: reuonahlu. aad wild h an» mung]: â€unusual â€prob-bl: thst tho other povm of W would volcano it, no lo would my. u practically luvlnclbln com Won And would luv. u Macy to my more and mu lot-lam u the two oounlrieo realized mor- und more tbo community ot their loan-u in - u - nod good order through- "'tbr world. Tho lord†launch a! My. toe the time bdrm (buyout â€who. of the Unit“ Sub. mu". m, m bar enurpn'u bu savored "Mu writer, and bur-n “apolitical M 3nd WEN: the duckl- drop M " tub. " “lemon numb-uh p with Min. rapidity. Bee f:'iS'i'i,'ii?.1 m - world- “ it b than I“ all be: 'r, W t not on tho aide cl W Waterloo Bounty Chronicle. A We)“: Sauna)†Puvgnuhod awry Thus â€HWMU Ann-(an - tt'tcaiiiii"ir/'i?a,iie.'iri'ii'ii"ii can. . rope-u .i%'C;7'Jtr'i'e'2'l'."lrsrlo'l,Tst,' M t 7 ma - ' It. has new. : '"y'-ar.i.u-r. My†ntarj,"at2t2"riLU, DAVID BEAN, Proprietors THURSDAY. SEPT. 24th, 1896 'Wear' 0.71. A., la.- - . 1u6--goobi. has C. We, ' ' â€"‘M a , 2.; iliriertae JIt , A SQUALLY SKY- Inn-(outing nag-1’ Huh- PHI’. - 'a-arrea- Olru Y, Ber. 'N8ttqtt In S. H .. tumdu: "an.“ V V“--. (MAI-g 3096. 16 -h. Btu-'0 r- h','. loud-y dilemma-1 the Abolition cl m _ "sle " ml. mic-nu In in Imam-E. in“. Sumter Vlad brought. up the quota!» A-tei ion m a. mention drelariog that in "am the opinion of the How the hair a. Gnu Sen-u» “301‘th tshould heel-Mix“- uuh. Ho dun: award in bringing up my Inleullon of mainly-ling In! ind plum! coudur' or nbuw by In» _ of the gentle. Ha knew of his o.. know- ledge ttras much that had bean and in the country [exuding the but in both Home» mu gaudy Augmented. Ho withdrew his motion in luor ol . stronger one given uolio. a by Boesa- tor Aiklna. to prohibit tho “lo ot in 'oascatuq liquors within Ibo pres-wu- ot the Santa. - Santa: Attica. speaking to his took sou. aid tut it the woof the real-u- nit. in oontiered to the men-bend “a Senna. not. would be mud huh to fiwt viii it. Ho know iron: paat uxporieuoe. kin-ever. "I“ ouch would not. be the one tt thour on tho Common. side were closed. The union of the In." House in closing its bar wu boom-a at I “may sentiment in the country Agdust the ale of liquor within the purine" of Parliament. Sruntor ‘Power. Literal, did not know the View: of the Governmrut on thin question. but pointeJ out that the existence of o contact with the otsterer, requiring three months' notice to break, would leave the Senna liable to breech of contract it the Iuoliou we: oarriod. SENA’IOR Alba! In WARN Senator Almon. who oeooudod lhe _umendweut, rounded the India motion 'tit a slght on the mvmhere of tho Res- tnurunt Committee and the Spa-her ot the Saute. He thought “an the tact that members and their wives were in ‘the habit ot, 4iying, in the {restaurant duly .wu iiitriiiiiG evidence of the falsity of the report' thet debeuchery took place there. A great deal at what was hid outside on thin Iuhjeot wee on a par with t utterance! of u clergy men, who /ariiit,'l'iii'.'i'i'ii' Aberdeen'n bell in the Saute oledrunk- en orgie, and said tGtr the room» in the Sew-tn were used for improper Pt poeeu. He was. eighty your: of use und could any that had the some blunders been repented lixty yen-e ego, the leth- era and was ot the ladies, who attend- ed thot lull would have taken the gownlrom the back of the won who dared to nuke ouch ututeuieqtl and lubed him until his foul elude" were wiped out in bl. own blood, , sum. 32mm; may max new. A“ g. - a; Wan-4" '&.m a: I005! Son-tor Perl-i your at any than at tho mataurt"st, but it it. no". vu no!†In tor prolrit?itlmr, ho ("and than meson. Mu at». not only ht,'l,T,', the uh, but aha tho an aliquot. within It: push.“ of the Iuetita. Ben-tor Alkins diuluimed any " lire to even lend countenance to Ilund- an uttered shout member! ot Parlia- ment. lie wage-led shot. in I con- tact "Utad with the other" which requiroo notion to anneal his motion In no amended u to tabs, “fact. as ch. and ot three months. alumna To Asmara-tn. 890nm Alba, 03min Mao-10MB. B. th, MoOsllnm. Gov-o Md O'Donn- boo upoh In (not of "Katrina tlto - to the Balsam" Domain... Bender Foam» “nought It In in to tl" untiumu in tho â€any ttrat unobtruinbotb 'u-. Iboold b0 ole-u. tls pond " ma Tut a» - to "tt-laa4 to notify tho - that hit nttqtmat woaudt-uolud,serdstttar cod ot mm would» Baum “in? nation dwell to bsto Jab! Bir “and. Don“. t M; it: wig», 2u, Baum out! In; no - y no lamina no“ â€and†“R but» My at by I ' a I m d 'a'dtG'cruutlfleiGf.. 255.340; - “Wâ€; and W. “MA“; Tuba W.- 698,000; Asotei_rvoa6,9MrAttt; -Pytrir?gA0f);Aaae. “M099: u m ".mt.t0.Bttt$.tit- "odei.uir1ge'usteeeaet -a-oim,6hrear-dirdir- 'sBtbeae1-dnrrae1rtplflfet-d lulu-Wow tll',eget Ot tUs an, OHM. no new; dn6etth_rm.'brt.eiexrtu- If. in " can" af ilvnr (In. "a."f.tt "e,tdt"gleee m William no a Incision!) welcome-Hum. 'lt"e'll'lo'l"d has an» no.» “iguana-09m... _ _ 15.00“me tow “and wsadastueu1a-'B-trPo.w "raodmerrttombrttt-ttarto a. "ttttNight:',,',"'?.,': on than.“ My lam WU-Wbau-Ub Ibu- uy Act. Barium til-id an AMI-l you...» (and. tho bill In W. BiirorotAa-eabyasr annoy», '.. an... no. mlygq-uiiin'gdd -taAtiit" '-ltF,.tarstod68,80tV ‘Mbhhvl “eh m t-t.utri'b-ma'-iyt b Inn-dud In: 1W My -.rri-ur-sitrue.9m, 1e01t1tuailtrsr.aod in lowed». In 1rr-.--Wreeb_BtalH" M. a. you 1895 a. Unit! thom. “and tho - can» ot (that. uh, “850,0â€. Hallo-0d by namwofz'uu 02.50.7100; on"). '1,826.000; _ “43. mo, Gaia. mono. Pm. Jam, 1 w Aqua l, 1896, ttotti-t"it-t by .Iqu a the Uuiud 8m- u. $562,412. an. £50005... ot .3910! “I.“ In. 1792 to 1873 (um-M 'th931,228 only. The raw. pod.“ old": dining tho Mr "a £896 in otstiasatod up hue been $336,000,000. The WI ot In! Win ad in a. coinage no In " he... mu 't0M69,00Awd (to. "you: no-ived Ito-n Indra colts-in tho \uo-u Ind in “a Matthi- In '4t,0ak009, with tho â€minutiae-st. summed to 838, whom who. tbo w diam-moo of tho woridh (an: Much tor 1895 to It In hunts. 8179.5“.000. which uou'd lave 846.430.“ toe ooiuagte had main the "a by an countries: ‘ron which no upon- hne been [0- ceivod. _ During the past kw wmhs,usitlioasaot dollâ€. ot mum Candi“: capiul have boooiuvoatodin "riuaCksluutttit iuiu; stock. W hen the Candi-m guano Rdl‘uyju ooxqp‘etefi le _ratto.oy- vet to Manual. . British Columbi. boom '0! "pected-but it did um coup. In fact. it has newly ' ten you! to creme the proper helium .nd to 'pread the infuruwiou which ha re- sulted ism run of upitul and pupal;- tiou in Canada's richest proviace. But one thing more ia‘nel dad to Inl- til the conditions pre-rrquilite to the .uoeeu and thorough development a! the British Oqluwbia. mines. _tyrs4 thud in e niluny thnt will tap the Keaton.) _ dietriot hon: the out. The railway 1 through the Crow's Nest Past he: been proposed,nnd the nutter he: been pren- ed upon the uttenthu ot both the Do. minion end the British Columbia Gut- ernmentu. The rnllvny would take out the minerals nnd bring in cake land can! from the North'eet coal mineemud loud tor "wrtotsbittusts ot the Known†diatriot. Thin road would be an exhau- eion westward, of the road already eon- enacted brtveen Medicine "at and McLeod. " this could be uccomplilhed, one of the rich?" diltriotl in Owned. would be thoroughly opened tor "ttles- went. Btrarrge u it an†â€out, it in Own- diun and United In!†mpitd that: i! tlowing in tor British Oolu’mbin mining dev Iopmout». (bully the you and 'll'R'el'l'. bus tttmt mud to bl Want ot hero " uphill but now ,rhtttt ' iiiil,?'f, to! proaublu imam-m bu when. I in ‘MVBIId tbot then it ping ot !tHtital In But-m Donal. sad or York â€plumb D“ promitinl ttooly Toyoqmpgd Mytrsu apt}!!- in: bus. drama. ture two matt", be?» 'ra " In lion doll»- you“ of mm; Do mu. 1ttaetttt Ina abortion about . will doll». n cub. This is rsralt . 5:00! “In ' dim would dot-lap It: on coun- try, it My mold and». than that it would In . lob imam-at. All Uta-dim». "Mu" mm 001an tt 'lte - lam turn on nu than mm] tttlor pro- vinm (a a). Midway.†w, ;t',"dh,tdttlt'p,ttlrutlt. 'u_stt-erut_sard_h+rtrktat-hgr, -aqtattttttrNtHa-6tto. . 1'eg,t"g'tr,',', Malam- HMW mums“: only†mmom4m- 'g2ttatgttgttt',tttee, tip-nub We! tri-ttMott M' 067,- tit/Cell/eller'.),',',')',': ,t_lp-r,abo1rttr-rineaiit'ut9,- y0hoeihtttt.eeeber? (or “in: paid (no NJYM tttletra, td't'gttg'dc- 1t',nt,t.atrdtf2Ull'k'n'Cli -u.rt.Mt"Mtd-rraeoun. tbaobselt - durum†â€any. uNuoeyt.ette"t'Pri.a. fu. and oiUTija" tdeGoguddis b"ft't'tt m ItMtt"ar when}. ttttral'. ', â€than“, 'ein. .13 Pi his' hm! 'g't.ttgte/tg'tittttg uprnu-tuuul up: 1'tt2ttgd :2 h but. a 'l'llll'lQ “a "iiiiGiii"iiriii'ili 'dt The British Columbia. Hines WNW.†CM. Oman iis by no wig my oaa"ioely,-ut.hsturetotvto and“ due- uot rel-i- .- Nicky-mu " chipponuoould be I‘d. och. In the!†- in Micki-v.0“- ud lulu-s A Min; No- Yuk In, menu on 'Chwgo - that am 400mm..- Oiioudlioh'» “I. has, had in. bum! n 'U00 all And high. Ney York. _ - In tbin who: than M!" to. aim dwbuolhlrdhnvun tmeedtwine tin pus lo- - $9.50 " No. A nnd at .1050 to $10.75 " No. I. Vol, link i going forward to it. Maul-hunt was». “I.“ I. P., In given wave in the noâ€. ant he will uh: "is It Minna“ od tuuovatra-toasdia- " ti: upon-lion ot mph“ In, at - Ind ifeosbowtast, it not. in“? -Nooteoat Truth Bulletin; In. Mt new“ I The tender " (hit Inter toxin. god mute: imttroretooo' d.tteatta--- _ tamer.“ 87,500 " 4 per out tntt in thirty you! and the has! up I 000 u 4 per cent. pay-bl. in forty Yearw--wa, on funds, waded ta Human Bro; " 811.863 " with u- orued intent“. There wen awn ten-j den. unto! the Gore In; 00. for “If, 500 beiug the have“ The ever dwiu intact-'1 wile» be! delicate in“: in #10 city IMTOI‘ won “no they are u tell. The duh rinau round the axon. headuoho. dini- neu. palpiution or rheumatic "ritutet, betcha . rundown system. TU NM is poor, and is a but to enjoymw‘ ot Us. SeoWI dusrupnrills [with "I. blood, ummthom and "Mix-i "In vacuum 'tttl', mum-We than: at Itetslthttt t 0 check; " can! vim! all other: fail. He in one a than MN"! mbr- of the world, and aest in but In [at himself iuto â€cable the other Ant., lt "Hiorod in . carat». whila um ponder“: vehicle In mum in I†dam: Rush “can During one of in "up: l My otroompotiod , "vtrrsl Imsllcbildron and {allowed , n in toricated individual “yum! Am]. The ltdr PW.“ "N. 'tyl!r,tt “Wm and the intoxicated indiViduN. that- in“ the other ttTIN',', with . m- prebenoivom I. '" do" Md. bu nod at once 'ilaed in†I It“. a. manhunt . 7 in in . dam but "lb mum†on mom to this a; . â€but: new†“on: oh-d that 1th than can did yo' we!) thy not 'il you his _ “0' it.» “uh wilt!“ "l,',',') "old; W, _ “I†"o, Kirin an}. Mm put . my to it? bud ttte My when moth no maul! at nub; I» In. â€at" link " o.' _ “It I um t M4 in 'll" girl in tho It“!!! my“ M te mull. Than be Nt my that mum ire u ' hid: A to, _ 7 "'h'llMe't'J'luTl,',J'f M! ,itdimiri, ""‘WW' i,!!itlill'li'i', m m F. an,†, (7,,i,1'ir,i),'. 'd'; 'tho iiii5 _liiil t, die to . it a»? w' it,itftt'.d'titi'N'd', ii.by at UM†'ttttttttttttU, "'ti'itt!iitti'li!t?idtE',it 'billoll‘ tritio WMMWVO‘W Wow-alum!» will» " ttie "oiriiiir ya! Hm i “a 'i'il',liiiii'i'ii'i'h"t,'ri ,'tt, ho 'tttt,tttAtt,It,tt - M .0!me Cyii".tiiGF Frialiiirii A “0â€?!“ let-mu mm in La7L-. iettiohiirk6e . lieu run: wa-vkhl. -- aettkuttodito-tt_dwith -imtdmodrtusoesbq_tho body with“ piano! rt-tins. -ittbamnti-MItBet-. "B-tra-r-e-tu-a+ [The fo'lowinj. which we clip from Wim dain b we xv n22 M3,!Se , Imam minesathia you-mew it 'id'a'rl'i'i)st"l'i"idfl'i'itd, Vigil mm but are not Wed. We want. ttt do mom Cripple W W .IM [The following. which we clip Mm m: Exact!†haplwk. My; tht, N, hi Mu... MW'HWM mm ii't'i))'.l,'A'an'ruvrnirr'l'i lanai-Won‘ud‘l‘m nmmmtohn. lama-39nd -tmt,tiuhtt?.lt'Salttk Filood's "M w w-‘ I'll pm d'l,%tltatl. t , It :mnaom» w,2'l"ttettl1l't, I WI» . - M , t'iiiiiii1l5iiiii'ii'ityt, rdN'1,', tcNiiriis I amount-www.mma. manuanmtmmup u . $1343.. 'i9,?iiiiirt.' 3; .5 . _ " m vim In JryMrcttiiiv. J.TNt22 ti'iiiyi'iiigiiiiig, Wget w tr . iiiiiii'iii4ilirt?itt Mt2u'al'ttrtMg'dt now. an: 'llrdllN'lltfrNt Ttrt Editor did “(hunt to hum. dt2tpl,1tttlt; "' 'o k T _ cr, _ - .. H Amt“ "W' iluWl',ii'Nt 'tll Till rum out» mask - My , t ’33:: 2td edtt a in. (lt'mt'tlltt Wtdttg. no “WWI m v t T,"'""' - It to an t'iiti"r'i, I Wh P. PO“ _ Wk I am a: , up a; M: Th..-....'-"'.."..-. h , ".' _ - _ T nï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬mm. 'il',',',?,'),',',')';?,"),::',',,",,'."" '3,tt1lib'g'tN8tte" a,",tJ'i.ltlll.tl,tlltl)'Jlur, . J leit,irt tl' "r 6M â€01 I h†â€@351"! Imiég m In - m on". i', p,wpt),1 was we. 'lJ"dl'gllllt.'t Canaparllla u â€gonna" land tr WI -trra-r, â€lawman-9b» trlti't'dgttt w i ___ ii' 'thiihi to, "ii,';',,),,"?')':':],"',,',!',]:')'!;";',:' 'i “than I Prr, . n; I» mm to van ttlt on". Unit-d 400 Mind to 'i own» tn 1 any; a t" mix ' M its, GREAT Mlilillll?f STORE We have never before had so large a ate and wV o d ~all-round value. We are amok an? Mflmtltfi'lll and know that it you Wt it',l'l,l,Sii'ilt, Ielll, like mangothm» become a new ' I It. We "lfttl; Your. flNilr-0rnt It All am: Putts. wank has for t At am Pants, u 1.75 1.25 en's Suits, u ttl ' 2.75 Men's Suits, " no trl, “Wt Suits. tt 8m 00 ltp, Suits. " mac tr,' cn'a Gun 83:61: War-ted Suki clan out ciuickmotthms for Vi Youuu’ a p can Suits, tvttrtlt $1.75 {at has J, B. BON, Bali “out,†WWW OLD GOLD 50. per package. N0. 18 KING STREET. BERLIN. 03011113: worth tras an As W.S. Kimball & Cog locum“. N. Y. " tt RETAIL EVERYWHERE . . . " FIRST PRIZE IEDALS. . . . CIGARETTE a. a may†a co. Youth? 2 lytttitt 'ilt Youths' a 9mm , Yduths’ a it,,',,:,';,),,)', WW 3 "ttttlt/iii, gm .4 w tt _,il,!t,',l, #9 fat tho " a “1!! h L, W 9'? Eu to: 8:." PM! Wr MP 5.12 wig: {11!