, 300.0an um. coder-u the posit- Ph ad the Governor Genet-3' in relating (ar “I the Tapper Women“ te -ieiuud m resign-“on a - " Govern-cob. , The HomolCommomia busy cou- ciduing thud-um and will likely -erlndo the work ot the and“: in best of the kind of all her products, end the best only. Mr, Walker touch. ed upon the vest resources of the coun- try, the inexhaustible fisheriea,the re- eervee of iron end one], both destined to supply the world, the coal being in 'O particularly favorable location for this purposes, and it is upon the shoree of the two great oceans. The white _ pine regions of Censde. were fest dim. iehing, but Mr. Walker wee enured upon high euthority that from her Iprnce forests. once despised. Cenede would reep e richer herveet than thet from bedwhite pine, end the spruce bed the edditionel edventege of being vir. teelly inexhsustible, " it renewed itself every ten or fltteern yeers. The greet re- quisite of the conntry,in Mr. Walker's opinion. is increased populetion. end he livaoetedhgovern menteid until theooun- ' try bed e populetion of tenllnillions,ef- ter which he would favor trusting to the neturel increase. But be werned his fellow citizen egeinet en increeee in more numbers without’ e cerelul (iL"',"iiii' " to edspt shility. Cenediene, ugh not of the seam recs, were ell the sense northern breed, end bed a eble to rennin united, earnest end NONI-“1‘0! bar. pawn vow to â€ICC-“32M and Man‘- mud to any At 1 recent meeting of the Canedinn Bankers' Assochtion at Ottawa Mr. 7%rlker of the Bank of Commerce deelt with the natural resources of Canard: and the beat my of developing them. He showed the: it was law of neture that our country should be cepeble of I high development and our produce be superior. He was of the opinion that the superiority of our whent,our nettle. i7iii' Linux: an. a. to unhulo quake '" much u to our own genius, He made a pertigl exception of cheese, end gave greet praise to the Canadian people, who had developed so vast a trade, and who had learned to make an superior en "trtiele. The moral Mr. Welker drew was that Cetvadst sheuld make the, A"aiaaroetaasteitiee-otDemo WMinWa‘ingm on Im- 'th-u-i-dt-r. â€a ville-try (vary Sale went of DleMvhi-h 110qu um weak Auction tyue--Laet, h Mmkuu Full: for Sal. - Yhllar h Sun: Roattru-, Buwiley, Cum tum & Co. Fun: for SM: .O'eo ‘M yio "in Booming -." Dru-her & Duet-4 on, Shoe Wore-- A. Wetseloh Pd] Vii-prof Dorenwrud 11orm, .rnyod--Joo Swine! Bunion- Edtu.,..uoo-c- Bu~iueu B'tpe BIO" Ktmriutr--rtse Boehlnor OUR NATURAL RESOURCES. Collette Dr. Anna-'5 Core. Swamp-r thin Fsctiorv-Dr. Willinm'n Fubwriplion SIM W "mum ic. udvnnoo; 01.5) it not no paid. High dun mung. English and German. In its Manchu-L Advertixinx Raw Winkle. and will b mm nown on 1| .1an Audion b'asle-Mdlar & Sun. Loch! Notices-Mrs. E ly Milluaery Owning. caudal became of win natural Mi. by between than, And be “vacated p looking to northern conntrin, and) tkotund,aorth Gamma], Normandy I other such rogiona for immigrants. Waterloo Bounty Chronicle. A Weekly “WNWâ€? Puhlbhod every Thur: _ day morning. DAVID BEAN, Proprietor, THURSDAY. SEPT. 17th, 1896 Med. Co, EDITORIAL MOTH . MtanW‘ PM. gusting, “We! nth. Micki-them nitrite.†out-- any“ inc-"WT; fietreeu_iuk- “and“... aieumiuuoiitu- . lie-â€man. ky.Anuuy-Gelull dim.“ dim-numb divamgivb‘. reviowedthe on. 1etuquiGrd ye.tteehuegeteiiruie) W. Mr.r.qTrrmu-) mm cocoa-id ou'qw (behave-Mutt. Hobo-3.1. Mr. ..Iiti-e-Th-tm-ig thrrrreutuugatMaoii.ar. â€in 7ldrf8attPt Nathan’s . “in 1',221"fi."tle at I. Aah4-res ‘(Mhm)mnwyh (MM‘mWIM 'L-r-."---. “Mala-day“. It.“ “WWawdér dab-tiled. band-lucid. paid-d Quad Thom-Ma. r'ht'tttMtg'dir2rlttrt hianH-nhundby In "it! out] ducal-com .1:ij indie: In“. to“... WI ch. tetta.irstau' The -ueneeau_iii-te-teh a Trioity Urivemitr, nil. i qAr.';l'iuUfllf,'ide'lVf'lll"d he‘d", villi td "Gm an Oct; titil, For further Win-don [again " G. T. R. tiehet oaoea.-36at. inclusive; ham to WW vi. Linton] intrusive, Pal-lay “We, to GU lph via Palm Wu. .1'G'7'2g;s'ilit"d1'hl' to on. Thie yeer'e Kinnee will be on e gander ecele then ever, it will 5min l on October let 'end continue for eix whole days eloeing on October 7th. It will renk with the meet prominent end eociel evente ct the - in the Do minion, end if you will: to enjoy your- self or combine bulimia with pleeeure e to Berlin on "a dey between Octo- r let end the 7 and er“ en even. ing with the Germ K nee people For [all intormathm, and for one of the celebveted Kirmeeoetnlogue which meybehed free of one: . Mdreee Kirrere “minutiae. germ), Ont, Tickeee tor the Kin-nee u Berlin will beeold em h? labele- lere (me: the, (allowing . R, deuterium to It. Meryl hold"; Utlt to l The Kirmm in new every two you". I The Inc one in 1894 vs: originally phoned n A three dlyl' lair but it ex- tended over " days. Iolely been" in _ attractions were no numeroul and of to l genuine p chum!" the in fume lupreud for And our. Every dny brought new thouundl of viliton, the loading new-pope“ nob, wool-I corre- spondent.- to it, may of the moat prom- inent and public men of the province aided it by their contributions, nod nil who - it were ovtrrwtutltned by the tnagoitimmetr And originnlity of the on- 1 tensions“. I "A... we run-“u can-luau. Quu luIbTUDB, 3 boys md men all dressed in the quunt l and picturesque village Loetumee of the various parts of Germ-ny euliven the wane and the moat brilliant prooeuiom of the village" Minus the Visitorlln some of the many booth! end buildings refreshment: ere served in Germnn style, while in other Kinne- Souvenirs imported tram the (etherlend are Otter. ed for sale or loan" from German do. mestio life enacted. At every nap the visitor will Lui new night: to interest and nttuct him. The Kirmea is Iimply "reitioetst, nod the Adminis- tration under whoee IllipiOBl it in given have earned the reputetion of being the beat enterteineu in the Dominion olCunnde. Oot. lrttoTth In Win. og".9taxrto Rum!†M to 'Hrita-oo sud no. tho an", [Juneau (Buchanan A unique and captivating popular German tsuterrt.itumsnt on a gigantic tusalais About to be given in Berlin, Ont., called the Kirmu which will be a minimum realiuio tapas-amnion of German vulluge its on . lair day. A whole villus is being built tor tho purpose the night. ot which Alone is worth It vinit to the Kirmes. Hund- Thaw-(Mm of Pulmw - In we . resolution 0- tho M ber linen Loud Ahudu- ard tiir Chub- Tuppur, but the u Pro-in will meshes . speech on it. The Opposition will THE GREAT GERMAN KIRMES In [urn-m od {be renal-Goa wr- ed in the Hon-o of Commons. Spotter Edgar "awed An order to‘tho tuner ot the renter-u“ to uunuo the Bale of liquors to when. All mum cums wertra"itoordiuely (mandated to the Senna tide of the building when n bar is kept for the convenience of tho Upper Chamber. If the Senna bar in 'sxyhtsirssd the reform will be mW" tory. According to an adduc- Dad. by Mr. Hague, od III. March-hm Bank the crop- ot tho Waum State. are new] od very lugs], by Cam-din- imok.,aod the eon-on dope! the Susan owned their mutating to the am coerce. had all this without the Cum-din: cutout bting o‘cctod. nos P"""" pmmptxou as we end ed be mouth. MM: lam-ff h: Lit" - â€" _- raiiilrii JTri' "fa*eraartregtntt6 yiii?iliti's'iiy, 0m _ tdtttyg aural 1d [and D. MM. no as. a. can u n... 'eett"y.e_ioiBiiiiii, - 9%:‘2 --e-~ Gal-J w "hhidir Q72: i.s7)CJ,tn'%vd?dlTl's'd.t' Ohio-Irma!“ ars1hif,e1rdt;t8fe=t; “H‘s-cm mu W A. Iâ€... I. m - d m, .1355“?! Att Aer, Miguel,“ P/tiii] duo. the In“ . ,M no. In In“ but“! do - "amd,nodtbor,6eo4tomtuha.s. tetot-ita69ou.is_ - t think}. not rm: it... - ttat . the! lanth “no My .rrl_tortsi.ru- - A, MoEuchren, J, M. Morrieou end c, " Moehen he etertere. They were pecod , by Boeko and Tucker on e tendem. It ie suppoead thet the tended! elowed I up in the 3rd Up, in whith en unlucky - brush ot Davidson’s wheel by enother I rider, (and elterwerde acknowledged ' by the rider referred to) brought down ' ell but Anon. Davidson end Meehen. This wee tsittortsumte ee it lalt only ', three to "uh, Theee three continued the reoe, Alton, who bed oeught the tandem " the ltert. reteining hie grip on it thron bout, with Davidson end T Mechen folfowing cloeely in the order munrd, Around the tuck they ieirly Bow, the 8000 or more of epeotetore akin; the greets» inure-t in the rue. The time tor eeoh mile wee ennoonoed by Megaphone. " indeed wee every- thing elee then heppened during the afternoon. The epeed of the tendon: wee cerelully noted by the liegephone men, end my tendency toelow ll wee met by en eerneet eppeel hone hi; to keep up epeed. The tendene tnt', out et the mt the beginning the lat iep end ie when the 'w we owe. Alton led ol, with Devideon end Meehen bunched elm We him. Around the leet Up they new. the ieet eighth being done in e not hunt huntelepeed. Aston W10 l retain hie 'llgts' advenMeeetheetntoh I ‘wee entered, with “on Old De'u- l we not end neck [or leaned with. Alba’eedveete‘eeetheyeeteredthe‘ emtch wu eleort lived, tor, in .atatt. l ing Kuhn who wee neueet to hi. be ten wide At the tern. Devil-)- I need» _imed,"eitHr, the wmweeue, who my e 1 sud sundry when and rollers did not lose my time In gaming to work, with the result that the track was in tine Ihnpe. but perbupl somewhu slow on account of the dampneu. The ilrat event lou, the 10 mile Amateur Championship, with R, B, Allan. H Hulls, Freak Moore, J. Daviiriou, R. o. Biuuey. B. KLigh}. ran BAG". Heavy Ind long continued nin- up to the night before Sept. Ith gave ths lack a good tsoaking and the “and Inca trout diluut poiutl w" no douht inmluod with by A notion tut the truck would be mull, tmtit to ride on when the time came to curt. the noel. A forms ot men, under Put Supt. Mo. Intyro cud Track Charm-u Frank "nit-ht. with Hm --u§ao..;.. - “Mu'tb "arie 'i'iti4'i'i1'tde"2,etrri all.“ _ A [may dun punk III tannin-d for the morning to bring Moro-d and ttM it outrun-0d. The boys waded in And “no such a prod. " pt“ all for. Mina-IP35 ut tho kind in the dude. [angina Trauma. H. J. Raul. ot “to W. B. C. pernouning the hunt hull of A huge performing alt-plum, and Boo. wary Hughes mado up to represent n Shughd was!" The - unto)» ed along the route tor In" I mile and was undo up of the grotto“ oounlonr an! ion ul'couuwea you ever IOU. Three bands were nudwiohed in it, one of which run the humour MoGiuu Baud. which will most. likely attend the next C W. A. Most. Wankel-A triad the "pod-0.! elbowing-big - at L“. I)" .m,mu.b.d but, â€pail-in. curried it “trough news-lull}. The [alum ol the ", to" In. weather, . good “Won Ind mqmt in IP"' "eoiptq good wk. and racing. and n MIC-Ila that placed uni macistud avaybud, who pulsed Ina tum-lilo; Fro-120......“ [Ahab] - - in hand to boon-o pei-r. “a, a. d Dun-15d, but-" anything .hooatbahr-u0.W.A. Deni-in. "etuhoeoayt Nathan-d Ethyl-nun. (â€U-Hm “301.22? mainly-avggmm 3. 59 I try“ It/tii A, EiftrA/thEs"iiik 'iiiiiiiiai'iiiiiiiSiiViiii "eeiht.EeyiriiiiriGiiiiiTi: e1teuiFi4.rr, I: iii backdating d - “own I.“ u†~..,,ln-.l. a! ". Full?!“- “an.†'treWef Me. 'Yoh, gbe - 1 'r't'urd.')tttiheatita'tt, it Aria-w“ "HUI, 4F.A.riieU h h“ u Mina†b Pr1ee-vrr "Olga? yttirtrApmte,rerer, 'eraPeePtee,ttu.Aiaui'r M.tytJ1t6tr'tso0.d-arAid ".'thltt'ttg,etr,eiiihtg i ' In... nu W; “and Walkabout " TM; Tim. Mm, Glut “Tm-m; J, lulu“, aere 1iidruaG.r,yljiiiiii7i'wi'"'ii'i ttr'"""""', In: Tm r. “mid;- lube-pun“ a... ?frDettr-tur-Fsiriki WW 't,"at'fttatt2tti .“ lulu“ followu- "t W “nth-u " nu. “baht 2ertt'rd."g 2.1. that“; . . an...“ "f',i'iii2ii Law" 'i'!it.1't'tr)'i'. gland .512. up... -de"rvaieotuoottar6itk" news: a (a ti)'ir7i'ii'iifii?t?.%'ii man-dud“ By-Iu No. 463 b - . Clark - 3145' lo. "t to 'ttlt', . Tm nu than mad . ard uond bl In. J, Hall-u mailed by Mr, P, .55)sz “M00...“ doty"r.ssouttoomne.dtu%iii on bib" to Et", . Out and Peer, It. rib. b tho 'ttair,,- , gig; tr in}; -iiei,iiif,iii,' IF: on r t n 'r.'l Wu I . County Clout]: I County Tam-um but tut tbe I.“ try-Ion lie - med I ly at! legend MM. l, Mr.Alonndu Roy t"t'i,i"d, tor tho petition of Inspector of t o Hon-o ot Rome. Dr, Vnrdon ot Out, and. . “was! petition u shun. Monti t Mr, A, Bunk. waded lt Mr, A. rim. elm tbe two 'ttt (Ln: tor the can. a! Giant and not our be not [Inn to on. 'ttmt,-ajt" Mood a Mr. Jonah Holman. mu 9:3de by Fr, A B. Rd), Miami»! Mr. Ferdi'nnnd Wult'erqbtfand to 530896 the Tuna!" Clerk-hip oombin} Mr, P, Rolodor mah Griiia"mr"iG the Olerknhjp ot thOQuuty. -- The mover Ind uoonder added Iowa kind words of "ant, slur which tho motlou w“ erfed br. . Itngding vop. _ Resolved that chm Council demon» plum on mold an apron-loo of our “were symmthy with Mu. Bowman had her hmily in their and hero."- meuu. tad that thin resolution be ist. scribed on the minute: nod A copy them! be tormudod ur Mm, Bow. mum. TUt this County Council lawn with deep regret of the ad und umxpoohd death of our Ina Clerk and Tnuuror. lane! D. Bowunu Eng. In the death at Mr, Havana an County locus vul- tuble and faithful oMoisl, who tor (may you: auerunrard the dad!!! ot " mwulihiu poamon to an. out"! initiation of tho Council and the public geueu'ly. Rooms A. H. ER, Elmira. read " fol- lanes: It is moved by Mr. A. H. Erb. "t.e.ttdtd.tt.rsrdiGed WAN". . After .djourulmmt the Council put- tf the hllgvigg molutiou l Mr. IL J. new“ C.R, and“. Into Treasurer. Add to he unpainted to wooed " hunr. m wrote that he moqud be mrilliq to meal» the " n, paid '50. “001500. m timt tmitu--aaaol, £1,100. ad to gin ttia prole-‘Kmd amoe- in “who uithmuiaud ttride, grab. it sp- pointed. Alter diatmmiayt the quantum " daunting the ottioe od Clock and l‘reuurer tho Council Adjourned maul , p In. . A "T'-iL'_'rr"r'- Mllumm Ah'b'.h In,“ th. â€Jib . was}, J. laid to tho ="thT. LD. Ion.- Mr. M. J. but... to sprint! CHI you; wind " tho "than den: John R Bu. mepti" to bo-d.s ed County Ton-n: T. Mcoi.eou, Galt, aid g. be mad ' and Tr-er. J. M. Scull). Wanton, aid " in Appoint"! u Cunt, Chi and Tm Brer. to bo mud Tmmtavth; atirptr,, - has...“ Wm... 3901-0710! " mum-non. Well-hymn: a an a...“ -. "ai idEGa' 'ia"iric, iiiihiiFiiiiiilitt?iii'it.i w a»; "". airs " a rm; tg1t'g.'t'gg'tea.'Pi't.iiiid2 Iâ€. but.“ A". "ttbr 'rE."tllgl'fa"d upâ€; 1'l'd,t.tatthr,ttd “at: rum â€in!“ a and“, ,'iij'iiiiiiiii'iiiij 'ttttee' â€may i'.lttlrataTtafg,t.'"t - t-tgrdrt w IL]!- (‘dguhu i A. 4qitut.ttib, 1'rdxlt 'r-ttest-era-tty, but â€in. 1'tttti',g titanium-m1! my: Etht',yt2t2rggtrhrcst.eii: ttu'Mgl",.'gtttftttttieiit 'rtts'/."drrt'p"d,r,t,'h',t I; nu a mu.,..u~u~muvm‘ I! an â€an!†Vainâ€: [that wit-lam . Wat-u 'tttto-g. of "rHtati.,,He, Jon...“ ammumpHu-hd» Minul‘lbrlubommo tt.t'at M" 7 _. “chow .iP"e""'V 'ttcc, 'r,att'n,'lt'ttt.gt m F, t'y7lrdu'k'ltl.'b1Tll'lffo'8d',t " ','t"fdt a. not in unai- lunvn " 'MI. I. the new tViarrs,,,;tu, ll. itit'tM,tt,t 'reettAr " Fr, A: Juan'- you - " In A. Hovm’l 1: 'l'h74u'n', “I u Mill. grimy†new The illlfnlllll tll, tioiiiitriiaFiita'iiiii' {an don not. , ,. Largest and " Best - ASSORTED Mllill( We have the We on: tttttmt and elem that we do all cheaper than than. not .tttattuNotueitttr, Bed-Room Sets, Side Boards, Extension Tables, Parlor Sets, Em, Etc. FURNITURE â€mum tttH "rd, has 51437:} (Luv-D.» um» um We employ 80 men We murmur-e our I» 'm in the County. " “in!“ ."b T _ -e " “I. M“. on. 'rm'lriittrtivtettoetrttr Tun-lay, sum. L.-'.- ji1llllllPs'C' u may» noun. g on mount)". um 80th, i, V'thu not: at“, of It’l- 35 up!†1'00?!" _.' ymwmmmg iiii:iii,'iii;ii'jt.ii!tigh'ii .4433 . I "'ll'22ttttlhtWd; " 1'A'tttt if», m m. g, mum, u, mum A, m,, 1033 ‘05 “In “Jam UELPH Central RROF, DORENWEND. .MyFallflsltJSOG , ï¬kwgï¬ï¬ , _ LADIES] Look, ytfor the an“ Milllnery ppening/alsd all your tidy friends The prices are r ht and can; are liberal. I Last. but not least, our Dress Good. Depattment is now in full swing. Mi Simscr is again in charge who is admitâ€? by ovary one to be an artist in turning out the proper styles and dual!!! mm and Â¥vand " T banking RI for put km " remain. our: tmly, BRICKER & DIED“ In this line as usual we shim. we have the German malt; But let u: whisper to you that the German Mantles are not in it with the great big Jot of New York and Ctou"irauiituotieii we Show. The latte: are newer and new! taila: made, cons:- R1"m,t-l?. ,tetat,t,t,r, " and yy? have]: in style _ our Minineu'iré j,'iiijiciiiiiiiiii,' ready for the openings vhich wil take glacgoprgridrgy 1nd $at..Scppstb a; 26th. We show fully 250 pieces of every- thingthat is new and lovely; one look through will convince you and surely tempt you to buy. _ Manuel. hung: & Capos. No exclusive N Goods House in the good old County of atctloo sells cheaper than we dqmnarnqtonc sells more than we (10.an not up? is.i.n 1brttmsositiou to do sa hence our assqetment better, our {minim 'torhaodtmgacroardareA I. a with. of experienced salesmen who are always courteous and attentive. ' Ourgoods although: in the best - kets oi the world " cash which every than ot business must admit is a great “mange over others in the same line who are obliged tobuy fromone wholesale house and put up with all manners of charges and unat- tuition. Now with all of this" ilb'tariiJtriiiiiirT you, you should again avail yourselves of the beneiit ofdcaling here USINESS in present boo-lag at Bricker & Diebel's Greet Corner Store. in We of talk on " sides that a great depression exists throughout the world We must Wkly admit that on: has? DES has been ham than eve: thraes- the spting and summer seam But then arematsoosibra1tthis:ourstock is him. BOOIIIG! BOOKING! I i, mm. TU Dry Good- “.an WEB... Dress Goods. "A Vain-MW _ U. . "iiiiiijilliit, 'dl=l=rl'l'll'ft'Tl,r, 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iii,?r - â€an“ ttlt, A buirFAb'uiiii"i, mu â€mum IMPORTANT PUBLIC! 'rf I,