The New Girocory, Bntte; and l"g)z !llopot in Borlin A wellâ€"selected stock of Groceries always kept on quality considered. merm or 116 East King street, Berlin THKE CHANGE Dress Goods Sale! 370 PIECES, almost the entire stock, slaughtered. Reductions of from 25 to 75 per cent. 50c Goods Reduced to 20, 25c 7Bbe » n 25, 35, 40c §$1 §$1.25 Thesa goods must be sold regardless of cost as we nded the money. Highest market utter wauted per wee Terms, Cash. All ls t and previous years‘ accounts and notes must be settled or will be banded to our solicitors for collection. _ THE 'EI}AJ{EB&LBANK Capital Paidâ€"up Contractors and _ _ _ Builders. Please note that we art Headâ€" for Lime, Cement, Plasterâ€" â€"pipes and Connections, iles, Fine Brick and Fire Clay. All of the above we can supply at TRBREE ALD A WALF FPER LESY. or annum, compounded halfâ€"yearly. SEEDS, SEEDS! cering Bros. WATERLOO. Of a Lifetime! ELMIBRA BRANCH. Choice Selected Stock and Wood Dealars, at prices that defy 60, 75, 85c rid for Buuor.:'fl- and Country Produce. 500 lbe Choice lbs good Lard 2 lot of good Apple Butter wanted at once. $ 700,000 THE HUSTLING GRQCERS, Shautz & Schiedel €$.012,000 1 Try it ; far superior to barrel salt for stock. ot on hand. Prices lower than the lowest, Haying is completed. The yield per acre was below the average. Fall wheat cutting is actively engaged in The crop is au exceptionally good one. All seemed to enjoy themselves in various amusgments after which they sat down to a sumptuous repast, preparâ€" ed by the ladies of the section to which it is needless to say was done dus jus: tice without mercy. Comtna axo Gotna.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Friggie from Rochester, called in this vicinity last week while on their wedâ€" ding tour. . . . Mr. and Mrs. 8. Stauffer were visiting friends here last week .. Mre. A.Stricker was the guest offMrs Burton the past week . . . . Mr.and Mrs. A. Elsley from Fargo, were making a visit at Wm. Eleley‘s this week.... Miss 8. Peppler accompanied by the Misses Opper from Listowel, spent Sunday last amongst friends here. .. A bear was seen wanderiog through this vicinity last week . ... The Public School closed with a general picnic which was beld in F. Suider‘s grove. HEIDELBERG Mr. 0. 8. Simith, Superintendent of the Lutheran Sunday &:\ool, was pre sented on June 27th with a ten dollar gold piece by his Bible Class....Our band will play at the Wellesley picnic on Friday, and they have another enâ€" gagement for a picnic at Berlin next week. They played at Bresliau two weeks ago and at Millbank last week. ... . Miss Jones, teacher, left for her home in Galt to spend her holideys. .. .. Miss Mary Fmith is at present under the parental root . . . . Wm.Steiss took in the examination at Berlin High School last week . . . . Miss Mary Daechert after spending a week with ber parents returned to her home here, .. . . Mr. Geo. Brenner intends moving into his new house soon . ... Mrs. Andrew Wah!, who has been laid up with inflammation of the lungs at her petents‘ place, has returned agsin to her bhome bere . . . . Mr. Joseph Hoffman is greatly improving the property he bought of H. Fank,.... Miss Annie Arnold of Rochester, is at present at home staying with 'b’er parents.... Mr, I,. 8. Weber has sold his fine team to Mr. Balgin of Elmirs....Lovina, second daughter of Wm. Habn is laid up with typboid fever.... Mr. H. Bnider who wes struck by a falling tree is able to be around sgain. ... At our band picnic which was held here on June the 11th, a gold headed cane conâ€" test took place between the two candiâ€" dates, Messrs. Bnider and Seagram,and for the benefit of the band. Messrs.L.8. Weber and Henry Bcheifely each put in ten dollars, Weber put his in favor of Mr. Suider and Scheifely in favor of Mr. Seagram. It was then decided whose man would win the election, the band bad to serenade him. Bo Mr. Beagram won the election and Mr. Bcheifely felt victorious Our band and s large number of our residents and from St. Clements,Hawksville and other places, on Monday evening, June 29th, went to the residence of Mr. Sobeifely. where a pleasant evening wheat is a good crop in this vicinity, The farms of Mesers. Enoch‘ Bowman and Henry Martin have most spleudid gup-. potably fall wheat . . . . Master . B. Harper, who had been siling Exemination was too i}i to continue his ues dutk apttreegage . Popae maa term, look a popils and teachers . . . . P is spending w‘buhdfl.n%hr“h . ... Mr. Asron Boider and wife, Floradale,visited relatives here in tap aitrnone Mc ttan Reniet Cnnentoge, # lost a valusble roadster. The animal, while being securely fastened to a wrought iron post with ring attached to end, became frightened at some amail children innocently and made a bound m“:"n came in contact with said post so as to literally impale the poor creature. ‘The Rocherter, CX , ans Continued from First Page ROCK SALT. WEST MONTROSE CONESTOGO is just about .. +. Ball home of Mr. David Kocoh.... A large namber from here drove to Klors on Dominion Day and report a good time. On this day our footba!l team met with their first defeat this season on the Elora park grvands before hundreds of elite spectators who bad asembled to do respect to Canada‘s national day. With a very favoravle breeze blowing first half time the Pilkingtoo team (!) (surs havinLocha than own players and said to bave some four or five of such) won a luck shot in 9 minutes. During the remainder of the hoar‘s play usither side scored any more goals. Every member in the Conestago club has been s bona fide player residing in the village or immediate vicinity. The directors of Elora‘s grand demonstreâ€" tion who bad known Mr. Walter Saiâ€" der, referee, for years, praised his deâ€" PLATTSVILLE. Seven scholars from the public school here tried the entrance examination .... Mr. Joyce the principal of the public school celebrated his holidays by taking to himseif a wife on July 2nd.... Mr. E. W. Willson and wife of Berlin, spent Suuda%vin the village the guests of Dr. illson . . . . Mr. Will Gofton and bride of Elora, are spending a week in the village ... . Mr. Frank Motheral has moved to his residence formerly the Smart block C181008. .... Dr. Beir of Bright has been _ ill during the past week but is now reâ€" covering.... Misses Brown and Worâ€" den, teachers, are spending their holiâ€" days at their respective bomes .. . . Mr. Martin Cousins, who has been ill has recovered and expects to take a situaâ€" tion in the Stratford Beacon office this week ... Mr. Andrew Richmond and Mr. Lister of Toronto Junction are holidaying at Mr. James Richmond‘s at Washington ... . Wheat is being cut in this vicinity . ... Apples promise to be a great crop. ... Miss Ethel Hunter is bome from Toronto Conservatory of music.. ... Mr. James Bruce Has been spending a week in Michigan. HAYSVILLE. Mr. R. R. Forest of Stratford spent a few days last week with his friend Mr, Will Kerr, St James.... Miss Alice Tys of Galt is spending her vacation with her parents here. . . . birs B. Cassel and Mrs. Allan Mark spent last week in Toronto.... Mr. Mifg;u of Bright called on his many customers in this vicinity last week, Our band is to go to Elors again on Thursday. The 1.0.0.Â¥. of that town are going to make the day a "decoration day‘ and the band is to assist in the ceremonies ... . The Misses McDermot, Zillisx and Balmer peid Waterioo a short visit on Saturdasy . . .. Miss Caldâ€" well is spending her holidsys with ber sister, iir-. Werner, . ..St. Paul‘s, Lutheran 8. 8. held their picoic yesterâ€" day....It is rumored that Mesers. Weichel & Bon have bought Mesers. J . W. Fear & Co‘s. stock, Waterloo, and that Mr. Wm. Weichel will take charge of the Waterloo Btore . . . . Mr. Berry,of Breslan, was presiding examiner at the recent entrance examinations held here last week. About twentyâ€"one pupils wrote, thirteen of whom were from town . . . .Beveral pupils of the public school who were taking up advansed work are trying the "commersial exam" at Berlin this week . . . . Mr. Jackson,of Baden spent a few days in tovn last week.... We sare sorry to state that Mr and Mrs. Harper. sre"sbout to remove to Gueiph. . Mr. Herper was offeres and bas accepted a more reâ€" munerstive position, of which he takes charge immedistely sfter the holidays. Mr. and Mrs, Herper will be sorely missed by a host of friends made during their stey in Elmirs. We join with their many friends in wishing them every prazcnl' y and success. ... Mr, and Mis. B. Erb visited relatives in Beriin the former part of this week, Mr Miss Sproat is renewing friends and sacquaintances n_bou town , .. Ihc‘ E. Dippel has returned from attending éamp meeting at Miidmay . . . The new o ongyen d e J : A week , . . . .M%Bulil,pd‘ Eimirs a Aying visit on / f .+ ++ Mr. D. Ratz, of Doon calied on relatâ€" atives in town last week . . . . Mr. Chas. building an addition to the Mn hss T to iï¬â€˜.flupï¬d b;.lr. Btournagel‘s bu lvery. Carsaxgâ€"Jn Tavistock, June 14th, the wife of Henry Capling, of a son. Raspeszâ€"In Tavistock, June 25th, the wife APPELâ€"An Berlin, Jualy 5th, the wife of J. Appel of a danghter. Suaytzâ€"In Wilmot, June 20th, the wite of . Abram Shantz., of a son. Roruâ€"In Kast Zorrs, June 28th the wife of Nosh Roth of a son. Mu-â€"h'h?lâ€"“. the wile of Moses Halliman, of a sonâ€" John Gies a'lm-ur rvoimâ€"In , Jume 17th, the wile “M'.B'_‘“f'f"ff"“"'.,,, @x. 00.\ of Heary Reiber of a son. ILHIIEA 7th, the wife of Lamoxt â€"Huoouxsâ€" In Stratfond.J ung i7th, A. D. Lamont, of West lwu‘"b‘;nkh HMuggins, of Ntratiord. ++ Hixspynrocnâ€"Fouw si1i~â€"ln St.; Cloments, June 2rd, Poter Hinsberger, bf Detoit, to Miss Forwell, of St. Clowents, . | Evexsâ€"McRaxzâ€"In Preston, Jn $0th , Louis Evere, of Prescon, to k\ cRac, ot Stratford. Suaw â€"Coms®â€"In Hespeler, Juge 29th, by the Rev. 1. Ntrachau, W im. Shaw to Mary Cober, both of Hcapeler. Frrurson â€"Â¥oungâ€"In Toronto, June 24th, Wii. Ferguson, of Brandos, Man,, to 1 abel Craham Young, youn&-l daughter of the late Win. Young, of Berlia. Cavaxacuâ€"Sugriakpâ€"In San Francisco, Cal., June, l6th, Charles Cavanagh to Lavina G. Shepbard, both formerly of Elmire. . Raveayâ€"E1orâ€"la New Hamburg, June 23rd, Hanrg Radev, of Hamilton, to> Lena, daughter of Conrad Eidt, of New Ham:â€" Braxprâ€"Girnsuxrzâ€"On June 24th, at the: residence of the bride‘s mother, Heidelberg, Mr. F.C Brandt, of Berlin, to Miss Mena Gensmer, Heidelberg. Bow maxâ€"Dowx1xcâ€"At Niagara Falls, Fred RBowman, C.P.R. ticket agent, Berlin, to lizabeth Downing, Berlin. W rex ernâ€"Sonarrerâ€"At Sahu{opol. June 24th,Conrad Wilker to Elizabeth Schaefer, bozh of Seuth Easthope. Mw/enâ€"Micuer®â€"At Waterlou, June 10th, by the Rev. Vaeger, Mr.*Henry Meier, of Waterloo, to Miss Sarah Miller,of Berlin. PEATHS Russâ€"At Beamsville, on June 20th, Mre. K. Russ, (nee Zeller), aged 75 years,8 months and 16 days.â€"dn 8t. Clements, June 24th, Mrs. argaret Meyer, widow of the late Jacob Meyer, aged 69 years, 4 months and 11 days. â€" W1iestâ€"In New Germany, June 30th, Mr. K, Wiest, aged 73 years. WaEmpsxHammazz â€" Near Floradale, June 26th, the infant danghter of Chas Weidenâ€" hammer. CLEMENSâ€"Near Roseville, June 30th, Racâ€" hael Huber, wife of Jesse Clemens, aged 48 years, 2 months and 13 days. Mursrayâ€"In Galt,July 1st, Bridget 8. Long Wile of R. L. Murray, og’od Lg;m n Baromoxâ€"In Berlin,June 25th, August Salâ€" omon, aged 3 months and 13 days. Nxicz1â€"In Berlin,June 26th, Mrs. Caroline Neigel, aged 53 years and 5 months. The Question of Sight . . Testing of the Sight Free. Ed4eller Bros Toronma.l.lnly 'Id:â€"'!‘h:l-l‘:d- dw selling at 21}¢ to 22e was all t wumwmwmfl:nu& A sew lots of hogs came in and to $5.50. Ahomâ€lnd-db‘ hands at $13 to $14.50 for old a .4 $9 to $11 for new and » load of straw sold at $10. burg. Tomnmo..:":lz 7Jthâ€"Trade was no better at the W Cattié Yards than i has bee.: for s me time. In fact in the export ï¬-&nnvusï¬uka‘m(hflnu dealers were the most sing that have yet been received. 'n.;’sftdw'" hers‘ ont~ o anen y on hn neoters af tns Wuskers Calle Y ks dAuring the forepart of the day were 45 car 100 hogs and 80 calres. Late: 19 more carâ€" MARKET REPORTS g.:.g :"-'E-, 2,027; hogs, 4,784; weigh ‘xport cattieâ€"The very a couple of uds Whieb i iaded 1*6 shen on Jeb Poor sight means pain and distress in reading and sewâ€" ing. s _ Good eyesight means pleasâ€" ure and comfort you can have the latter by consulting our Opticiar. ® is came in, »hach 64 caricads on market all told. ï¬nï¬-‘d urday, July 4, sotal ts At the make Store near Post Office, Berlin. an+ the LAY£ STOCK. When a man owus a blooded hong he is d'l{. careful of its health. Helooks its diet and is pu‘tignm that the fee shall be re{uhr an ht. While he is doing this it is likely as not that he is himâ€" gl.!.mltdu from some disease or disorder if left to itself will go on and on till it develops ulioug When the trouble gets so bad that he canâ€" uot work, he will begin to give himself the care he gave the horse at the start. The time to cure a discase is at the beqnnh' and better than all is to so watch yout health that disease will never come. Good, pure, rich, red blood is the best insurance for mediums. Nothing went over 3c per tb, that %nn htlll:ï¬.iot choice beeves. Bullsâ€"Good b are wanted, and not many are coming in. Prices were nominal at from 2%¢ to 3¢ per lb. Shuflo“d Lambsâ€"The top price for shu,%, '.hexpor{ and butchers‘, was 3¢ per Ib, that g_rt:ce eing paid_for only faney exporters. e range was down to 24c per Ib. Lambs were quiet at from $2 to $3.25 per head, the latter for choice. Ed ulc ciad CC F4 MD + BL en care he gave ths time to cure a d and better than health that disea pure, rick, red b c fas k eep t n.nodoflimle cpu 1 'm‘anun of any kind. Almost all & come from impure or impoverished bloou}. Keep the blood pure and strong and disease can find no foothold. ‘That is the g{igqlple which Dr, Pierce‘s Golden MegQical Dmovery warks. 1t cleanses, gur\ies d entriches tc blood; it puts and keeps the whole body in perfect 1t cleanses, Iuriies d entriches tc blood ; it gm and keeps the whole body in perfect order. Makes appetite g on |trot:f. assimilation perféct. It rudâ€" dy, virile health. "1 'otlum:eto:mymnfm and it out out. °I consulted fifteen different ‘y&lm uh.hnut deriving any beneft. At turned Dr. Pierce‘s Golx&n Medical Di ery. 1 persisted in its use and my health is be?ct tha ‘ever before. Formerly every accidental woun I received began to fester, would not heal ; now, ‘such laceretions heal therselves." t J Bari. * Culvesâ€"These sold at from $2 to $4 per head. Good ones will sell, but there were quite a fow of ghe poorer calves left over. Do oo ty e enc L .s on * Milch Cows and Springersâ€"â€"About 20 head offered, and all sold exeosun. two ead of poor ones, There were at $14, . $30,832, and $35 per head the ruling pi being from $15 to $30 per head. _ an:i.;ï¬-'fl;:'t-h: (:;lrk-et‘rmining firm at 4c th.o 4Jc per lb for choice selections of bacon ogs. WaTERAQS, July 6th, 1806 Fall WRORE ....â€"cousesirspre srerss W Aovertistso.â€"The wise and pushâ€" ing merchant always keeps bis name and goods well before the public No lndgoodlvdlbdombhoxblin. No better means of reaching the people of the townships of Waterloo, Wilmot, Wooiwich A&nd Wellesiey than in the columns of the Warseroo Cou®ty CBROXICLE, as there is hardly a m office in these townships where re not more Chronicles than any other is Cheap ppssures se Do You Want If so call and t ous betore purchasing pere For Building )eing from @10 to $3Uâ€" peF NeBG. * ‘Offerings were not so heavy toâ€"day WATEELO® NARKETS, Fing White Brick FARMERS ! We have secured the agency fo: the t i i Do not buy until you have seen F‘m Blmr T“.‘ us, our prices are away down. . PARIS GREEN, CHURCHE‘S POâ€" TATO BUG POISON at fowest prices. i = FARMERS‘ SHORKSâ€"We have in stock m mll kinds of Farmers‘ shoes from T5¢ a rl: upward, but our great leader is a men‘s two buckle shoe, bello«s tongue, at 906, Cash System is the system we do our business on, the only safe business principle is cash, so you don‘t have to pay for any person‘s bad debts. If you are not already & customer of ours you should decide at once to give us & trial and we have no fear but that once you are a customer you will always be a customer.â€" We do repairing neatly. Call and be convinced. A. W ESE}}LOH, THE SHOEMAN, l TERMS STRICTLY CASH> 45 King Street, near the Post Office; TERMS STRICTLY CASH> 45 King Stre Store closes 6:30 p.m. excepting Tuesdays and Saturdays. ANTEDâ€"Old established who‘esh‘e Wan"s W one or 6 okL"“ nnd&wrwn repreâ€" sentatives for this seotion, poy ® nustler mm‘z:d. week to start with. wer 2, Brantford, Ont. Th Yeaee. *Â¥ B Brubacher, 8t Jacobs, or to Grand Band Tournamont $2000 in Prizes. At Dundurn Park, + Memilt under the auspices of XIII Regt. SPECIAL RAILWAY FARES Buggies & Carriages. _ ______ atless than single fare, For further particulars apply to »BWAADE v':nm in sums to sult borrowers. | FERCGUSON & READK, Barristers, Liâ€"tf Devitt‘s gnck.wwm D, BT EW ART, Secrot; Saydor‘s Drag Store, Money to Loan. NOTICHE. obe. ‘F. 8. Copeiand, having move« Mogime Ain Mplntiy brogeny Overcoatings, FOR SALE. . SCHLIMM established wholesale wants ’Mah Hamilton,Out .c! two lots h-hzh'a..v.uh'l:' 3 T. 8. COPI] tiet XIll Rgt.Band., 'W'OIE c2143, BERLIN. from now until Aug. lst, 1896. The way we sell shoes is remarkable evough to be told sbout and repeatedly emphasized. During this special sale we are selling lots of lines at cost and below cost to clear them out. _ _ â€" _ Special Cloaring Sale â€"OPâ€" RESIDENCE ) THE TOWN OF WATERLO®G,â€" i Rpare a es 2‘-@."' < pateent Reagtdne ) SATURDAY, JULY 25th, 1896, _ at 11 o‘clock in the forenoom, the by Ja siugt jgit‘wflma ons ud ns e toaih m Im‘bf.qn -l“- sn e es ppo se ie 4oR N the thriving Town of Waterioo, the 14g6 . $ Mess of years, M..g £3 Waterloo, June, 2r4,1006, _ Public Notice. OTICE 1.,. .mâ€"-v_. that dn-‘ ‘\‘ %@Eï¬f -‘-==Ԥ..:...~":.:" J r of years, Porsestion | For particulars apply to Notice of Annual Mesting : â€" MORTGAGE SALE Store to Rent. Hotel for Bale ) Hotel for Sale. CITY SHOE STORE Btrayed. C, HAaIGHT, ie ~ PA Eolicitor for Mortengesh., _ .:A acthes. 1_‘_"