New Advertisements this week Attentionâ€"Smyth Bros. Great Snap in Millineryâ€"Bricker & Diebel. Store to Rentâ€"Richard Roschman. Noticeâ€"Alexander Millar. Purse Lostâ€"L. L. Hobden. ° Berlin City Shoe Storaâ€"A. Weselob. Paine‘s Celery Compoundâ€" Agnow‘s Catarrhal Powderâ€" "avrey, ANOESU & €EWI ANGI CE ~~Hauilton (2) _ Waterloo, North A Wookiy Newspaper Published every Thu day morning, DaAVID BEAN, Proprietor, Waterioo County Uhronicle. Victory! ‘Tuppor Forces Routed All â€"its brianches, _ _ _ _ Advertising Rate: reasonable, and will b made known on a; pucation Along @ Ling. Libsrals Carey the Country by a Good Majority. Bruce, North Addington Bruce, West (Pat) Bothwell Essex, North Brant, South THURSDAY, JUNE 25th, 1896 Gains and Losses in Manitoba. Gains and Losses in Ontario. LIBERAL. i. Wilfrid Laurier Will be Premier in a Day (new) â€" _ York W. (Ind, C) and Losses in Quebec. & Wolfe CONBERVATIVE. Two. Smren, Nouk ) Frontenac (Pat) Grey, North Hamilton (2) Leeds & Grenville Middlesex, West Ontario, South Ottaws (2) Peterboro, East Prince Edward Renfrew, North Simeoe, North (I.c; Toronto, E. (Indâ€"C Toronto, Center Victoria, South Winnipegâ€"1 in Nova Sootia. Assiniboin, East Nil. Gains and Losses in British Columbia LIBEBAL. Burrard Nil. New Westminster Vancouver Yale & Caribooâ€"4 Prince Edward Island. East Princeâ€"1 _ Kings Gains and Losses in New Brunswick LIBERAL. Gains. Albert Kings Sunbury & Queens St. John City St. Jobn County Westmorelandâ€"6. THE VERY LATEST. Toronto, June 24â€"3 a.m.â€"The folâ€" lowing is the total vote of yesterday‘s Province. BEAGRAM WINS. Returns for the North Waterloo The detailed results of the elections on Tuesday will be found in another column of this issue. The few conâ€" stituencies that remain in doubt cannot affect the general result,. ‘The Laurier® country déclased against Tupperism. Quebec simply: overwhelmed the Tories; in spite of the Episcopal mandement. The net result is a majority of 25 or 30 independent of and not including the Patrons and McCarthyites elected as such and counting Liberals and Inâ€" dependents together a majority of 50 against the Government. Some few seats which are at present claimed by one party or the other will probably change as fuller returns come to hand but these will about equalize each ‘TObkIG.:.....:s...::s+r1.82 120 10 With Algoma to hear from. Four Ministers of the Crown went down in the fight and and a number of good men were defeated on the Reform side including Messres. Patterson, Mills, Martin and Iones. Daiton McCarthy scored & tig victory in North Simcoe and was also elected in Brandon. ‘The Tuapper Government with its policy of Remedial legisiation is utterly routed and Sir Wilfrid Laurier, the brillisnt leader of the Liberal party, will be calâ€" 10. 11. 12. 13. 13. Wellesley vilâ€" Majority for Seagram, 27. wWATERLOO TOWNSHIP. 14. New Germa~y 102 15. Bloomingdale. 21 16. Rridgeport ... 49 _ 17. Rummelhardt. _ 4 maij. 18. Centreville.... 40 ¢ wisch T‘p)...... 43 5. Floradule .... 55 ‘ 6. Heidelberg... 23 7. West Montrose 15 maj. Majority for Saider, 328. WELLESLEY TOwWNSHIP. 8. Bamberg..... 72 maj. 9. St. Clements.. 69 maj. 19. North Ward 242 maj. 20. East Ward... 54 msj. 21, South Ward.. 71 maj. 22. West Ward.. 121 maj. Majority for Seagram, 480. wWATERLOO TOWK. 23. North Ward 120 24. East Ward.. 115 25. South Ward.. 104 26, West Ward... 88 Northwest Ter A‘LIBEHRAL VICTORY. TOWESHIP OF WOOLWICH. St. Clements Hawksville. Crosshill ... Majority for Suider, 106. Majority lorSuguln, 180. T41 4 Mejority for Seagram, 307. Practically every section of the to form a Government in a RECAPITULATION. sarir â€" 600 Carleton Charlotteâ€"2 39 52 21 39 maj. Soider 16 84 162 88 119 47 Snider. 328 112 13 78 119 64mj 13mj 76w 106 42 63 12 10 The feeling of pleasure caused by the overwhelming defeat of Tupperiem in the Dominion at large was marred somewhat by the loss of North Water. loo on Tuesday last. In Mr. Snider, the Liberals had a candidate of sterling integrity and broad views on the public questions of the day and who,if elected, would have made a capital representatâ€" ive of the {manufacturing and agriculâ€" tural interests of this solid cld Riding. His defeat by a new and untried man is therefore to be regretted. It is yet too early to size up the situation here and to state definiteiy the various causes that contributed to the defeat. There is uo doubt that Mr. Snider‘s opposition to the Remedial policy of the government lost him quite a numbâ€". er of votes in some of the polling places. The stand be sook on this question is, however, abundantly justified by the verdict of an overwhelming majority of the electors in every province of the Dominion. In Berlin and Waterloo the cry was raised that if a revenue tariff were adopted, factories would hbe closed, and artisans thrown out of work which, no doubt, belped to swell Mr. Seagram‘s majority in these. two towas. Then, the Conservatives seemâ€" ed to have their forces better organized brun {the Liberals. Before the fight Waterloo County Chronicle Thursday, June 25, 1886 â€"Page 4 began all divisions within the Conâ€" servative ranks had been closed and the party woreed vigorously and harmoniously from start to finish, The Liberals, on the contrary, were nct so thoroughly. united as they should have been anod trusting too much to the personal strength and popularity of their candidate were altogether too sanguine of success. Mr. Livingston in the South Riding was elected over Mr. Clare by a subâ€" stantial majority. # % * The cities of Uanada have gone Reform. In 1891 they returned 18 Conservatives and 3 Liberals, On Tuesday they returned (14. straight Liberals, 3 Independent Conservatives and 7 Conservatives. We regret that Mr. Innes was deâ€" feated in South Wellington. Mr. D. K. Erb succeeded after a desperate struggle in South Perth in swinging Mr. Trow‘s old riding into line again. Mr. Erb is a Waterioo County boy and is to be congratulated on the magnificent victory he won on Tuesday, He is a fluent spedker, a ready debater, a young man of sterling integity and will worthily represent this fine agricultural constituency. ‘The Ontario Medical Council has passed the byâ€"law enforcing the penal clause of the College of Physicians and Surgeons by s vote of 14 to 7. The fees are fixed at $2 per annum and and the matter has been in abeyance for four years, ~All physicians who do not pay their dues and arrears before December 31, this year will have their names erased from the register and will be prosecuted if they continue to NORTH WATERLOO EDITORIAL NOTHHS. Addington Algoma ..... Bothwell . ... Brant, South . Brockville ... Bruce, North . Bruce, West Bruce, Kast, Cardwell ... Carleton.... Cornwall and Stormont Dundas. ... ... Durham, East. Durham, West Elgin, East... Elgin, West .. Essex, North .. Essex, South .. Frontenac.. ... (ilengarry .... Grenville .... (irey, South .. Grey, North .. Grey, Kast..........0 666 + Haldimand and Monek. ... . Hamilton \........}}}} > 68 HamiltoN . . . ........ «ce n + Hastings, West ... .....}}> Hastings, East ......}.}}>~ Hastings, North, .. ... ... Huron, Kast........¢ie e ++ Huron, West .. ++ + Huron, South. ......>>+~+ Kingston ... ....k .e + ++ ++# Lambton, East .......}>+>+ Lambton, West ... .....>+>> Lanark, North .....e}}>+>> Lanark,South \......}}>>> Leeds and (irenville, North Leeds, SOuth ......06 6+ ++# LeRROX .... .66 .06 ++ ++ Lincoln and ‘Niagara .. London .....r...}} 6+ Middlesex, North ... . .. Middlesex,South .. ... Middlesex, East ..... Middlesex, West ..... Muskoka and Parry 30 Nipiuin% (sariesssax Norfolk, North;. . . . . . + Norfolk,South ... ...« Northumberland, East Northunberland, West Ontario, North .. ... .. Ontario,South]. ... . .. (Ontario, West ....... OUBLW® .. .. .k k k66 6 ++ OUBMWA . .42 es .k .++ Oxford, North ....... Oxford,South ....... Perth, North .. ....... Perth,South ......... Peterborough, East ... Peterborough, West . PrescObb ... ... ... .0 Prince Edward.... ... CoN8STITUENCY. RESULTS OF THE CONTUST.â€"â€"onTarRIO. Dawson, (Gieo. W.. [Beith, Robert . ‘Wilson, Dr.J. H Casey, Geo. E.. McGregor, Wim Frost, F.T.. Frenenburg, LIBERAT Bell, John W...... Macdonell, G. H... Clancy, James. .. . .. He;:'g', Robert. .... Wood, Hon. J. F. .. McNeill, A Cargill, H. Walsh, W. L. Hodgins, W.T Bergin, Dr..... Broï¬er, Arrirs Craig, T. D.... Walsh, David F Ingram, A. B.. King. 8. A..... Odette, D. B... McLennan, R.R.... Reid, Dr:.....:... Jamieson,Dr. David McLauchlan, J. F.. %froule. l)rD;. i4 Montague, ixÂ¥s Henderson, David Boville, Rev. R. G Barker, 8........ Corby, Harry .. .. ]Nort{rup. W,B.. Carscallon, A. W . Dickenson, K.L.. McLean, Robt... Hays, T. E...... Ball, Wm, ...... Mclntyre, D. M.. Monerieff, Geo .. Hanna, W. F.... Rosamond, B.... Haggart, J. G Lavel, J, K.. Tnylor, (Geo.. Wilson, Urigh CONSERVATIVE utler Heinricks QUEBEC. CANDIDATES. W. Cluff, McC..... H. T. Potts, P.P.A; MeC ........ 'John Tolmie, P.P James Tolton, P . . J. G, Adams, P. . J.P. Fox, Mc..... W. McLean, Mc. C. J. Thornton, P. J, P. Martyn, P... A. McKillop, P... D. W. Mason, P., W. Stubbs, McC.. IJ ohn Ferguson, Mc 8. Horton, P \Ed. Switzer, Stevens, INDEPENDENT A, Mc Charles Pat., !G. W. Dawson, L.. I(i. H. Muacdonell, â€"C . Hon. David Mills, L ‘Wi‘liam Paterson, L IJ. F. Wood, C...... ,%.\lanill,\ C. mes Rowand, \H. Uurgill. ¢ . |W.Stubbs, I ... FORMER | REPRESENTATIVE AND . MAJOKITY. l \T. D. Craig, C.. IK' Beith, i ‘A. B. Iogram, C Geo, E.Casey, L W. T.. Hodgins, C 'Qr;B:rgin, ( hss Uriah Wilson, C..... | Win,Gibso », L. ... ... 8ir Jo n Carling,C. .. [ V. H. Hutchins, £. .. \R. Boston, L. ..... ... J.H. Marshall, C. ... . ‘\\'. R. Roome, C..... \Wm. E. O‘Brien, C.. . |New Constituency., Jolin Charlton, L. ... . ID.Tisdale, C...... ... |Ed. Cochrane, C .... Georve Guillet, C . ... ‘J. A. McGillivray, C JW.Smith, C.......+ |J. D. Kdgar, L...... .'Sir James (Gr nt.... {C. Macintosh . .. ... .. \James Sutherland, L : |8ir R. Cartwright, L .\J. ~Featherston, L.. :\Jas, Grieve, L...... .\Wim.Pridman, C.... .\John Burnham,C . . .. .\James Stevenson,C . . â€"\Isidore Proulx, L.. â€"‘A, C. Miller, C...... B. Rosamond, J.G. Haggart, C Â¥F.Fergus n. (Geo. 'r‘ï¬or. C Hon.P. White, C.. }John Ferguson,L . . wW.C. lgzwudt. L D. MeCarthy ....... W., H.. Benuett, C.. R. Tyrwhitt, C.... K. Coateworth, Jr., C New constituency, . Fred, C. Denison, C G. R. R. Cockburn, C C. Fairbairn, C. ... .. L. E. Bowman, L.... James Livingston. L James A.Lowell, L. . James McMullen, L James Innes, L.... ‘A Semple, L..:.:... J. Somerville, L.... T. Bain, L Wm. Mulock, L........ Wim. F. Maclean, C.... N. Clarke Wallace, C. . .. ‘Thomas Christic, L. . P. A. Choquette, L........ 438 &. J. Turcotte,C.......... Ao! .McShane, Lâ€"Centre.... 336 Sir D. Smith, Câ€"West. . . . 370€ A.T. Lepine,Câ€"East...... 83 New constitu ncy i New constituency oseph H. Leduc, L...... 1 ohn Bryson, C.......... 741 Arthur ï¬eli‘le. L:: i: MW W. Lanrier, 1............: Ao Hlll Mignault, L.... 1 MignaulyL 61 438 30 Bonnar, L 930 Tolmie, P :ï¬â€˜Chucy, (L Henry, 178 W ood, C.. N:Ci}i{li.' 207 |8tubbs, 2ié‘ii:,“, 60 Bro: 247)Clark, L ls;h‘rmnle, Ciriss 586 Montague, C. . . 100 Henderson, C. . . 650 Wood, L. ... . .. McPherson, L . 866|Corby, C. ... ... 422\Hurley, L.... 3590)Carscalien, C. . 308 |Mucdonald, L 249)Cameron, L .. 855| McMillan, Lib 476|Campbell, L.. 101|Britton, L.... 566)|Fraser, L..... 240 855 476 101 43 Hodgins, C 087 155 410 148 lw‘ 106 48 102 412 . 78| Langelier, . 340 Fitzpatrick, . 72\Bruneau, L . 262)|Fiset, L. . 69| Brodeur, L a«»l1>....2lan 55 Bell, C 108 11 1 1 §3 315iIves, C. .. .. umbonmh 102 Moore, C. .. 496 Bernicr, L Qfl]lhclufll. L 198 Pouliot, L Ac! Chauvin, C 345)\Caron, C. . 247 Ethier. L. . 191 Harwood. 569 Deviin, L. . 177 Rosamond, C Hagyart, C . . Frost, L.... Taylor, C .. (Gibson, L .. Beatty, C .. Hutchins, C McGugan, L (Gilmore, C. . Jalvert, L.. Wilson, McCormick, C Klook, C...... Charlton, L .. Tisdale, C.... rane, C .. (;luillo‘:l. CC cGillivray, C Bl;rmttl'zy.... Frechette, C Stenson, L. . Fiset, L.... Brodeur, L. . Parmalee, L CANDIDATES ELECTED. Dobell, L. . . . â€" Langelier, L. Fitzpatrick, L Me rbonnais, L Pat To hear from 270 471 100 150 325 200 821 182 176 200 3171 70 2000 240 150 243 200 134 NWY 400 105 100 T 18 LW) WWd 68