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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 25 Jun 1896, p. 1

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T35 Make: In light and dark and... as. 'odl'ett Sue“. Crinkle. (bulkie- French inc-mind my“, 20, 25. 30, 33c, 311 " l s yud. Alt wool Dal-bums!“ duds. " Ilk. Dormant. wild m. Danni, Me " 20c. Mod Table Dunk, 46e " 33¢ mm Cotton. - 50 st k 1lyeho.Ueitl 'N “FR... * " Shh: -riGai," spacial me for Te. mer‘ny fttt'ihettg. 15c for 10e. a I If, e Glu- 'r"l,%"lll, wide. 10:"; So. I!" buy-y “We, 25c for tht. Small Wars sat pain Punch Kid Giana. 't.Mfor 75c. Gunman Yul-i Con» “81.15. 1'trteS, Conn". 't.00 for 75c. IT. not, greg, 750 f r 60e. Chad'- Summer Vin (Something New) 2lio Bi.treudee%. at .t,8ts,4es.6tt,!8,8tf,iW. Shirt mute a g0tr,7m,8tki9thr,8i.00. luau & Cape-L __ k -- A it! wry figtq “Li Fawn Covet Cont-.84. 8 (by. hull, navy and trtsek,8i.60,V ”Ingrid-nouthoprioe in half. Wu Jakob, Cost or Bishop Sleeve. v.7 Ila ine-diana, 'I'l. pals blue 3nd Ibo- a “.50. See than. THE - autumn» - Auwxmitursa,niuud-fore0e. All Vvool T-ooda. handful panama. 50¢. Anioertmnrutta,aluttndem29tt. mt . his.“ iL'fgh"lf1'L'tLt I bi qacrifimr ”rule- at. Ballot-nary Itylithfl MOI. CASH MUST ACCOMPAN Y MAIL ORDERS TERMS 91310113 CASH. “Ki-58M nun-tho Peat ofBoo, Sun «In. "tt pan. excepting Tunas,- And Sunni”: We have mm agency for the ' ' Do not buy until you have seen Fmm' Binder TWO. as, our prices are away down. PARIS GREEN, CHURCHES PO. TATO BUG POISON at lowest prices. On mount of building opemiooe which no new gain on. we m forced to we rem: ttt we must diepoee of u lot of stood. in will deputment. Lat mean: ".233 or in the mount of nle- and . e went to nee it with A little extr- "set we mm outdo it. Dun are genuine -itimm. Not on old Ihopu or" qr “uni-bio tre, but new. this unsafe you: all. Read wefullv end it you Ihink my department mom you come and we will give you out he» attention. -iirGraiiTfahes M in paw-n drew “In ohMttentrqm" ad Strut Trimming ind, WATERLOO, ONT"." 8yiiil38 hp' Sale - FARMERS ! A fit guaranteed. Price to 1,rlftttitgll Ad. my: old E. H. SCHLIMM ec----. _ LtCd f; ‘5‘?" slt'2ittt K ' ii -- (#73, giFi'ii2 . VOL. XLiI-NO. 26 4ratityi'k1',li,sl'l2iy,rilt,f,ivg1 hing-ins 1"iiiiiiilifihriiiieii Overcoatings, Suitings. You can save money by buying' your supplies from us. We any a full line of Flows, Harrows, Scufflers, Gang Flows, etc, which we sell cheap. JA0TC , 7 Day by the Intelligent (”than of Bella and " mug us than: out that the City!!!” I. e chanson. 3nd but _ ’ plum tithttrBtAme&PtsOEe.. 'odon'tvork " tuttu'hu1Put'1tt Panamanian Ptotitniroi1rtmttto. ou- 'lht","/,UNti. Ruby shoe- and Mtttttt.ttigt. ntBo war 360; Children‘- Sham. we. worth 15c: but Show. t woman): .1; “In or, Women's Tword Bun- ...m Mat 'ttiilhtNt,trc, ',t1hg',tfitt, w . omen? o iicii? u W, any the Oxford. .1 " worth ,. _ Follow tho crowd and be convinced that w. , . do what we advertise. A. W ESELOH, THE SHOEMAN, BOEHMER CO., T. B. 00PM“ Edam. Ont manila): /""" (gitttttht ighrtrttirIat, 532$? to “I tkpertamtal Stun, M, M,44 Klng a, India 'yu'dn li;n u '3 ir. alia' of 2g,1',f/ graduat'on. ‘ , Just arrived new design in Wall Per, (vary chap). House Furnishings Nor plum-in China and J-tttses but. tings, we and Me, lepdr-ylggmt "r. pate P" [Ace Curtains Ian’s Furnishings. - Hm, 2g,3s,46,g0,7lk,8t. gicycie Suntan, boy’s?“ Jl,r,itt-',e' 81. icce‘uiu( 13b “ammo 6. '?lZ',',','d'r'i"dl tll,'.,')',',','.',,'.' on who) 25c. Whiter Ski a It 50c. 75, 81.“). Cunhric Shin-u. with g oulirs sud aux-.500 and 73e. Bor' sh hora-anal Bturta,60,7lkt for 250. Linen C. in. Me for IN . pit. Conan, All linne, Mor Mu. I Baby Carriages " IMO, 8.00. 7.50, 810.00 PatetttNetttttirtttg a Drug Sundries " Dry Good. prices. Basement. Everything required in the kitchen will be found here. To use it will 11tute Inch _..-'... m- n-:n.- m mm in Mm " City Shoe Store. Laws-e And Tennis Show. all liaI,L5o,50c and 60c. Bicyclo Shoe. for 1adim and Gnu. Natale Logging- for summer In null shade- Mt. Nti" Child's Tan Oxford. sold " 90e for so pr. Youths' ran Hull. 81.25 for " a) an Udiei Bongo]: Oxford, ".25 for " 50 pro Menu Nougat. Bull. 82 for ".50. TU celebr- ed Gooder Walt town (Slater method) for 11:00.3, 4, 85.11). . -. 7" _V_V___' who outdda, The chumh '33 received and now iGriiltgft.at,tetted withilommr. The for the 27th yearly rush. I prognmmqvbiob lasted shout In hour Get our prices before I :33 3231;}: ',,eir,tlt:,','rttLIg buying. Boots and Shoes Our '96 supplg of Pure. English PARI GREEN Paris Green! Snyder’s Drug Store: iiiiiiiCia, 'ia ie “11334 from " -tlriiishGiGEia an. iiiiwtlui.' 'tttVASE Izod-1n an to “1“.in Money to Loan. I, BERLIN. mango. ONT, "30qu & BE BLIN b.7135 WATERLOO, ONTARIO, The olectioa with in excitement end feeling' of eletion end regrets " over. Both parties worked herd tor their respective cendidetee " could be ene- ily seen end heerd during the pest low ar.. ..The following ere name of thoee who were in town on Tue- ar.--aiaurs. T. A. a, Gordon, ' ooe ; O. Vega, Gals; W. Michal, Pree- mn ; W. Smurnegel, Montreel; A, Jansen, Toronto; W. Frenh, Stanford; F. Beiley. Ayton ; Mine Roberta, ' ford;Rev. R, B. Hell, Lucknow; Ir, Loch, Brneeele; Rev. ll, Themes, Ala. teld; P. Wed, seaward; John mu Bunhnrg ; J. Hehn, Henover; W. Stephen. Lintowel ; F. Wintere, Weter- loo; Dr. Cline, St. Thoma: T, Hunt, Heepeler end Dr. end Mrs. Reta of New Dundee. . The bueboll teem expected on Set, unity from Berlin, did not arrive much to local duHrpoietttntsrtt. . . . Mr. Eb, of St. LTbomu. spent the latter " of Int end the former of thin weer with friends in town. . . .Mr. end Mrs. F. Huether of Berlin, vieited eoqueint- encee in town on Suede, . . . .The Rev. Mr. Bettenburg of Kurtzville, occupied the pulpit of St. Peul’e Lutheran church on Sundey . . . .A number of our tawne- folk attended the picnic " Meoton' Int Wednesday. . . .Dr. Hey vieiied Lino. wel, end Moe-re. B. end J. Uaohiuger, W. Leiu and Rev. Reider, Hemburg on Tmmur. . . m ie eeid the M. B. bendewill Attend the 1rorrtsum'pittnits to be held in Floredele on Seturdey. . ' . Mr. J. Wltmer he- covered bil connec- tion with Mauro. Duuke & Co., end returned to hie home our Hemhurg. . Biebop Horn of Clevelend,0., preeched e very accepteble normed in the Even- gelicel church on Tue-do] evening. . . . The Rev. Mr, Cowling spent the form. er port of this week in Milton. . . .A urge number getbered " the M. B. hell on Tue-icy evening to beer the result- ot the Dominion e ectione u ur- rnugemente bed been made with the Telegrepb Oompeny no that ell could be inbrmqi It the hell. DEATH Or Nrcnous BcmNmtm.--. Nicholes Schinbein ot Wellece whose death on the 7th. inst. we noted lest week wee born " Krossen Krue. Hes- son Darmstadt on the 6th of Aplil 1824. He eeiled for Philedelphie in the yesr 1848, remeined there about e yeer. end then ceme to Oeneds tirat settling in Waterloo county. In May IMI he wee married to Ketherine K.otdthnuh, who survives him. The family lived in Waterloo for shout ee- veu yesre end the two eldest sons Adam end George were born there, In 1856 they moved to Woolwich tp. end in '67 ceme heck into Wellece. The family then consisted of tour sons end three denghters. One son Solomon, died in 1872 leaving e survivma tam. ily of three sons end three deughters, ell merrier] except the youngest dengh- ter. For neerly thirty yeere Mr, Schinhein hes been emuch respected resident of Wellece. m took so ective parties the atritr_ of the Ger- men Evengelicel Church end wee over- seer of the building committee " the time the church adithss for that denom. inetion wee erected in Wellece. In politics he wee elweys e supporter ot the LIberel petty. He wee one of the eerliest of the Germ-n settlers in the township who now constitute e lei-3e end ini1uentrial part of its populetion. The funeral took piece on Wednesdey ot lest week to the 6th line Cemetery end his remeins were followed bye very large number of his friends end neighbors. the when}. of thi dittGut 8.1:th Schools. Show but very sppmprhto lymph. wqtgdolivonji ht Jut. Mr. A dilutroul fire occurred " Tilbury on Fridsy Int burning we Ingest. por- tion of the but business blocks. Rain 'MBuntaides, no the sue-ta of Mr. (gouge A. P-... .Mn. Rub], 1:meth new of Mm. B. mum-s- lyte detrhttt.uey Lidenaa, ot Linwood,RoV.'M r. Enable- Inun, of '.'1.o.ttinftit and Mr. PM. October. . . .Tho ' POM!) sud The ohildnn'u flower not-vice In: held on Snudn evening " per un- nouncement. like church In: filled while some per-om unlined on the ant-pond.» a.” viii: m. Id. by, vyile_ Master Alvin. Ottoman All the Now- of tho Conn“! sud DI.- tmc Carefully .ttggtggtaeuqq& and mu [an Ann-nu". - A BUDGET FROM CORRE- PONDENTB AND OTHER my...» . few'dnyI with Mr. -Rnhl, NEWS NUGGETS; HAWKBVILLI SOURCES. ILllRA. F. Thoma, principel of our echool, will be Presiding Exeminer at Ayr " the Entrenoe Exeminetione to be held there. . . . . .Our town presented en un- usuelly quiet eppeerence less Thundey end e few business pieces were closed on eccount of the monster picnic held in Hamburg, end which we under-tend proved quite e success. Our band wee engegcd to be present end helped to enliven proceedings " we notice by the "NdemsruUrtt" that their pinyin; wu thoroughly enjoyed. The gold heeded cene contest, between J emee Livingston end George Clare, wee won by the letter. . . . . .Two weeks ego our foothell club took en outing to Milver- ton to heve e wheclr It that teem end were defeated by e ecore of 2 to o. The return metch wee to be pleyed shortly, end lest week they sent word that they would be down on Seturdey. This, however, did not suit our boys " they could not not the club together for Seturdey. but the vieiting teem errived on Seturdey eiternoon so they got, " some celled it, the "Scruhe" together. The playing wee nether rough " times, chewing unprectieed pleying which made things lively. The first hell time no noele were scored, but on the ttet of goels eiter en exciting con~ teat, eden put in three goele in quick Inooeseion, end " the close ot the some the ecore stood 3 to 0 in fever of Baden with, e protested goal on eech “do. Good for you ooyel On Seturdey 20th, inet. our tootbell teem drove over to Bloomingdale to ettend epicnio under the euepieee of the football teem'there, end. to pie e return metch in the, evening. {he genie wee cloeely oonteeted end fimUly allowed to be e tie, Score 1 eech. Our club her had scarcely eny teem prectice for two works owing to the ebeeuce of severel membere of the club end the roughneu of the ground also told eomewhet egeinet our club. The bell wee keptrtroogly on BlootniugGltN goel, eeverel well directed chem" oh goal by Holle, Dehlner end mucus u. ing skilfully met by the unweerying ehility of the beaks, Powley, of Berlin, Snider end god-keeper Bowmen. The young lediae of the vicinity turned out well and epered no peine to inspire the home club end provide euiteble refreeh- menu for the eeeemblege. end - to e eucceeeful lune what proved en hemoniour end friendly gathering., Our club returned to their hornee et en eerly hour etill reteining uneullied the reputation of being' "Jolly Good Fellow". . . . Mr. end Mire Shelly were In Berlin on Sebbeth lent . . . . Rev, Mr. Mehlbeum hee eterted to teach the lGermen echool in our “liege. . . nh. Sebi-rholtz, Principel of the Heidelberg School, .vieited friendghere leet week. . . . . Mrtr.tush,Nrlin, vieitedgher eilter Mrs. N. B. Bowmen during lent week. . . . .Greeehoppere ere reported bed in reverel plecee eround here.'...P. H. Herper drove to Glenellen, on Tueedey lest. . . .er. Dehlner. tinemith, ie hev- in; e big run of out door work in his line ot bueineee. . . .82 leede ot brick were hauled ewey from Holle’e Brick Works in 2 deye lent week . . . . Mnend Mile Perry of Toronto, visited their liner here ft,t."1?, end Sundey . . . . Mr, end Mm. och . vilited their daughter " Glenellen on Sebbeth " Farmers hove oopmenoed buying in this vicinity end report e very fair crop. . . .Wm. Munroe wee in Humil- ton the fore pert of the week to new hie vote....The Rev. Mar-hell will preach n speciel lemon to young men on Sunday next, "bjeet--"Trt" Man. hood.". . . .The String Band sonompen- ied by A number ot lediee epent e very plan-one evening " Mr. Hervey'l, Pletteville, on Thursday of Int week . . ' Aluito e number of villagers attend. ed the picnic in Blenheim onVFridey. Int. . . .Election talk grew very hot in town on Sntnrdey night when tome unknown party gel on the roof of Wm Krieeel'n Hardwere Store and new the telkere e go'od shower bath which oool. ed "them off coneiderebly. . . .A. L. Current intends to leeve for Dskota this week . . ' . Min Aggie Ledermen he: closed the Millinery Store and will return to her home InBeden. . . . Mrs. Kiltey we: taken ill, quite end- denly on Sunday but it better again . . . .Mr. J. Leird wet "my on Tum. dey putting in his big X....Miu Hervey will return to her home in Pletteville thin week. nun-um _ ' Turnip Beed sold chup toe nut 2 Inch " J. R. Good'l. but improved will“ sold chap. THURSDAY MORNING JUNE 25. 1896. Newton. . . .Rev. Mr. Lnldmnu will preoch his f-ell sermon on Send" man. No doubt n good commotion will be present to hour this Able young minister bid hie Howhville friends adieu. _ le Daub-m. CONII'I‘OGO “has We renew end emphuize our el- legience to the policy of protection- no the bulwark of American indnetriel iu. dependence end the loundetion of Am. ericen development end ptoaperity, This trne Americen policy texee for. rign producte end enoouregee home in. dustry ; it put: the burden of revenue on foreign goods ; it recuree the Am. ericen merket for the Amerioen pro- ducer ; it upholds the Amer-inn uten- derd of wegee for the Americen work, ingrnen ; it puts the {eatery by the aide of the the term, end mekee the Ameri. cen fermer leee dependent on foreign demend end price ;it difueee nerel thriftend founde the etrength are" in the etrength ot eech. In ite reeeonehle epplicetion it ie juet. tair end impartial equelly oppoeed to foreign control end domeetic monopoly, to eectionel die- crirninetion end individual levoritiem. We denounce the preeent Democretic taritf " eeotionel. injurioue to the public predit end deetructive to bueineee tntertriue, We demend Inch en equitehle tariff on foreign _ importe which come into competition with Am. erican producte er will not only iuruieh edequete revenue tor the neoeeeery ex- peneee ot the Government. but will pre-' teat Americen labor from degmdstion to the wege level ot other lende. We ere not pledged to eny perticuler echedulee. \The quution ot rete- ie e precticel quution. to be governed by the conditione of the time end of pro- duction. The ruling end uncomprom- ieing priuciple in the protection end development of Americen labor end industry. The country demende e right eettlement, end then it went: by their repmentatives in national convention, appealing for the popular just'tfitatiott of their claims to the matchlesa and hiatorical achievements of thirty years of Republican rule,earn, eetly and oortfidently addresa tllemaelvea to the awakened intelligence. exper- ience and conaciencc of their country- men in the following declaration of facts and principles ..-For the first time since the civil war the American people have witneased the calamitoua consequences of full and unrestricted Democratic control of the Government. n has been a record of unparalleled incapacity, dishonor and diaaster.in the administrative management. It has ruthlessly sacrificed indiapenaable re- venue. entailed an unoeasing "tethtit, eked an ordinary current expensee with borrowed money. piled up the public debt by $262,000,000i a time of peace, forced an adverae baauce of trade, keyta perpetual menace bang- ing over tho redemption fund, pawned American credit to alien syndicatesand reverccd all the men-cures and results of aucceasful Republican rule. an the broad trtteot of ita, policy it has precipit ated panic. blighted industry and trade with prolonged depreasion, cloud factories, reduced working wages, halt- ed enterprise and crippled American production. while stimulating foreign production for the‘American market. Every consideration of public safety and Individual interest demanda that the Government shall be reacued trom the band! of thoae who have shown themselves incapable of conducting it without disaster at home and dishonor abroad, and ahall be restored to the party which for thirty years adminis- tered it with unequalled woven and proaperity. / We believe the roped of the recipro- city ornagement negotieted by the lent Republican Administration wu . notion! celomity,end we demcnd their renew-I end nun-ion on Inch tame a will equclize our trade with other notions. relieve the restriction which now ohetrnct the ale of Americen products in the Porta ot other countrie- end more 12Td morkete for the $01!“ch of our rm- and new... rotoction and reciprocity ere twin wee-ure- of America: policy, end no head in head. Democretic rule hoe rechleeely etruck down both, end both mint he rrsmtattliaud-protatrtion for who we produce, free “million tor the mm of lite which we do not produce, reciprocity went-of mut- nel interact which pin open market: terminretlrnlcr ouropen when Following “the text. ot the report of the Commune on Resolution: on tariff tad reciprocity. The Republi- oun- ot the United Site, mumbled Tho inopubllun Nomination for Pro-Mom. St. Louis, Juno lit-William Me.. Kinlsy, the chumpion of high tariff, wu nominated n the Repubyumn IG. cionnl Convention this ulternoon for President. The lint ballot for Preli- dent In u follows _ Moiton . Quny . . . Allison . 'fsk.inur Tu tr. PLATFORI. MOKINLEY. 3301 PROCITY. THE TARIFF up doma- " “835 Bl The Hon. John Beverley Robineon wee horn Rh. 21, 1820, end wee the ptstsond eon of Sir John Boverley Rob. ineon.‘ it one time Ohio! Jnetice of Cenede end e prominent thittrs in whet wee known on the ieInin compnt. Mr, Robineon wee one of the beet known mm in the city, end wee prominent in connection with ethletioe of ell Hilde, end wee one of the beet efter~dlnner epeekere'in Oenede. He wee eduoetrd et-Upper Connie College, end when mam... yeere old wee eppointed aide. docernp to Sir Frencie Bond Heed,the then Governor. being Inch " the tune of the rebellion _ of 1837. m heft e etrong imrlination for public lite, end in-l lil entered the City Council u Aldermen. end in 1857 he heeeme Meyor. In the ’eeme yeer he wee elected to repreernt Toronto in the Home ot Common. onnjointly with the Hon. Geo. Brown, end wee reelect- ed " intervele for diiRmmt oonetitnen- cine, nntil, in 1880, he wee appointed 1imtenattt.thtverttor of Onterio,e pod. tion ho occupied tor eev-n yeere,echiev- " greet popnlerity therein. Since his retirement he hee lived privetely. MnRohineon predeceeeed her hnehend by about three yeere. Mr. Robinson wee the yonn'eet brother of Sir Jemee Luhin Robineon, who died recently. end the'eenior brother of Mr. Christ. ophor Rohi‘nedn, . C. Hie deeth to. night wee not mode known to more then e low in the immcdiete vicinity. end the mowing proceeded in ignorence of the event. luddon bath "Mow- John lander Rollin-on. Toronto, Juno 19.--The Hon. Johnt Bevotloy Robinson died anddenly to. night, jug n he vu otopphg on the plum-In it the Stn1t"t mun meeting held It Macy m I, so which deceased was to have hon n wanker. We tai;or removing the early Amer. icen policy ot doesrienittatieut duties for the upbuildim. of our a erchnnt 'tsara, end the protection of our shipping in the foreign on ing trade, no that American ship-,rge product of Amer. icen’ labor, employed in American {chip erde, ailing. under the Sure end étripee. end Inclined. trirt-tt and own- ed by America-m” reg-in the carry- in of our foreign commerce. The veleune at the union "mite deeerve end would reon've fair treet- menl “dynamo-recognition. When- ever preocioehle they ehould be given the preference in the neuter of employ- meat. “may ere entitled to the enecc meat of each lure n are been eelculeud to ”cure thehlllmen of the pledge made to them in the dark deye of the county? peril. We denounce the pmtioe in the Pen-ion Buteeu, so reckleeely envied on by the preeent ndmletuteutioet, of reducing pen-ion- eod "hitmrily dropping - from the rolls u duel-Vin. of the severe“ condemnation ot the America: people. Waoondemn the patent adttntnUtmt. ion for not keeping Inith with tho - produoen of this country. The Rtpub- In puny ("or Ouch protection " 133%.“ to the production on Am. orient-oil of nll tho - which the American people nIo .01 for whnt they pay other oonntriu more than 0100,- 00(_)_.000 nnnudly. - tie industry and trade, and locum our own mnvkot for onmlvu: recipronity build: up {ensign undo and tiuds an outlet. for our surplus. To all our tet1t to thou- of tho m'ns sad the aids, so well " those of the shop sud (sown, to hemp,to wool, the product of post. industry of sheep husbandry, " well " to the finished woollen of the mill, we promise the most snip]. pmwo'ion. Wham “than. con-Inor- il, For Th1 and Next Week, Government Standard it prheyto suit your Pocket Books OBITUARY. Paris 'Green and Binder Twin‘e WHOLE NUMBER. 21.3 BEBLIN, ONT- J. hmll Terms Cash and on. Summer Session “HRH": W. I‘d: continue thin ad. "to. Iii week; we nu iqt-qtt our 'ut'dltt't mod dull uni-ounce wax in “b - hug-in- being taaeod not. . nu- a ,F2df,"l'ht"rgta'..""'" " dug-ins the VACATION [at the 1 of Att you, Mor- a!!!” A job lot of 27 inch Dre" (not. prioe,Me, 8ikand8lbe pol-M a clundoutn toe pt pr." and 04+ Cuhmere. - prion Me. ml. pi w-ekonly I50; 8 and ao incl: MI Pun!" may. Me. 400 p r M .h t oirmstd Walt Mats, - llnu. Dim ChumloonMoin Sm. spot mun-1w g reduction. A amid [in of Ill-Inn. woman-mm to tab. only be '" Dmu Goods. ' EARLY CUNKNC, Smyth B We have tot my good: w w. I too link mom to I or our " to " up. We lane Llrdhu"t,".t I. I In 0 man T,1'I, hangout. W. t been tting on every uni-Olli- for 'lJlt'll two orth- -to hi. annular-i loch-v. we might-n I "1iittg up“. Our Odom.» hr in. moon: lulu-d our d-im, so”. we com d wnduoo ottrFttrd. we dull Mot dtly good- " such tae, Muction» uwi I Iic do“ . of our well '2.'C'.U nix. Laud Summer Cape} Mind - won We. " week Mc; " fon'ibc: ".75 tor Ttht for 'i.60"9.30tor 't.90. TM. i- t # offer of an! good: " truly hull pd. you an! I summer 'rpoot'" a and we In” only I low loft. Brash Furies. Farm Wanted Great _ ‘ Clearing Sal of Dry Goods 100 ACRE wrtic toe I‘mulll‘. Smyth Ilrik'tlim, Dash ATTENTION ! " .vtrrr tsr.etryrttthetrt'MM ii', F 1GiarGTGiLrauiit - -- -ev ll?.' = attuned Mull. tp.i)tyia Comte. ‘5ng Out.. qoqM - "tmGvrvU1 nomi- In Can-ll. ' CHEAP CASH tmmt, will be hold a In GUIDE BUSII‘ jun obmmoin‘ July 6th. w Km: th,, Elm]. W. J. ELLIOTT. --AT-. J. In”. "

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