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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 4 Jun 1896, p. 2

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Hon. Wilfrid lander " vallerfuld t "My policy in this: Aswan-demo f‘ 1%!" null appoint nomination, T UH: Sir Oliver Mon: " the bond, to mu. atsd,Peeording u their re- ', is made on than will be l l.- tlt or no Initial“. Further, 'tft,- 35-,“ Inn-Wuhan is no (may, it i. not. " ttre names-n {Went had been umicsl,u l punt Ind a bonus "'itsho,uit hm lav-h a liberal surplu- might hue been finial slob you into-d of . defkit, “t, (or my Common: to intro _ to kgulation. Should m upped be / wiyndotothoP tieorle gun-mink. they ',"lf13Ct, to do M to we mioodty d MdttitoU." "brr nnepioen 2. 1879, $1,937,999 ,) 1.18”. 81,543,227 ' 1885, 8ley?fr/ 's,t0ti6, 05,834,571; 1888, $810,031; Jen, ex.2xo,332; 1895, t4,000,000/ em 311,576,218. However; t'iiiiit'l ‘r‘h “Lie no evidence at “mourn a“ or corrupt expenditure, in , 'éhduie only shove that theme-1 "a“ he: the We have not "iiiriiii, to In much u the dbbnne w by the Government If the! a a lining “an wu the new} dine chute that could be hurled‘ “at we present Govern-em, they - hve n vty ole-n would, end Ar-Mtoextitiiotutmotinmd-t, "- “the people. But, “Gonna-3 Edi-t, tat, without my addithoeml 5,“; " is to: their expenditures i)'iiiiiii for their detieita that Gom- , m We. 1t?r,',1,rlug',t,SP w “mum in ndm-t .1: " not 30 DO . in a!“ panting. English And Gen-OI. I Its bunch“ “mum: lute reumnble. and will tr all. known on an pm _ At . meeting of the Grand Lodge of: the Orange Order, hold a Colliug'ood t ait woelt.tbo Hon. W. C Wollm in I danced Grand Mater and o resolution; -a, upproving of " council: ro-| “a; " position under the govern- I In: whrn it becano evident that shoe ”no“ bad adopted " a part of, “I policy. the coercion of Munch. “0 0m. Order in atrongly opposed -b “dial Inf-lotion. 'h-ttas why to little in now-dd M m drihn'te during mum uh. my be round in the hunting hi this“! that hue occurred under t [In Hervey Attila-on, of Manchu, ”33.3.,“ e minim meeting in tut f aid that " the lent gent-l i'tlllllt; be "In in the Main H in the "s.elstioet of map: duly every dell-nuns of the t we. end the. Accumulate.) of deer wide-m 3.1m the " icy had filed to redeem he bed gmdrmlly been conviction that e chenge Waterloo tinair Chronicle. A Wail: Yaw qua? Patel“ - Tim ' Mr. Hiram Culvin, who presented Frauen-c in the but Purliunont " the Manning interee, but who in I “and: believer in tariff reform, it in moaned, will support Mr. BM. Brit- ten, tho Liberal undid.“ itWinrtmt. it-lt-Rt-tflirt-RIT-tlj) TtRt" 'l-trift-jiri' DAVID BEAN, Proprietor, THURSDAYJUNE 4th, 1896 and other laun ma but 11 how the tpdg,g 31:1: yam” it because it cleanses with anyone can no the Menace bo- tween tho twin-har of clear, pure At a Glance Sunnght Soap EDITORIAL NOTE-1 an m dais-nu: in teliiiriis, Mention. m dwelt dwells: For .ysrrN5lirmprqrs an! to Lav“ Bio... tad., I Soon tit., Tomato. I u.- fut pup-Wound but will In an. areaterComfoet . _1. upon the failure of the ”celled tu. tionul Policy indnltriee of Moncton end quoting from the Time- in 1882, citing mduetry After indeetry ellegud to he" been eetehliehed under the Notion-l Policy, he chewed that in every one the original Itockholdere in theee indnltriel had either cold out their property or completely Ion! their investments Au emu-in; dreamt-nee in that in the Timed lint of inch-trio. (entered by the N etionql Policy is quoted in own pnut- ing eetablithutarrtt, but two were ego thet,too.peued into the sherif- hende. He paid e high tribute to Hon.Wilfrid Lander " one of the meet honorable men the Dominion lied ever produced. He did not cure whet " creed or race was, he felt 1Nrnii lent that the bent interests of the country could be niely intimated in his hende. 1 "Ho tone in his place in parliament, and moved the nix Gooths' hoist, ' "Nether with " follower- bravely fought tsuttler which» may of the so culled Protestants from thin 'province flirted. Member- of parliament in Au following. who rapt-anointed con-tit.- ‘uonciu when there were not two more Econ-Cum when, need in the breach with their politics! live- in their lands. l while men like Cont-worth of Wat To. ronto. which in pnotioolly n Gown- tivo hive, with in autumn would PM“ Tot.--- cowering under 'she numb-rise "you, union- tor food Ind Mm. has tr-lea. ol prin- oifie. Itin- cpeotncle for the god: to mthicnortolthinggoingoninlfm I country. E. E. Sheppud, Commtivo nod Or-ngemun. in pouring hot thou into the huh of the 011nm!) who are supporting remedial legialnion. Ar. sunning that the eiforu of AmhbUhop L-mgevin and of " oo-cdjutonare dir ected toward the annihilnion of Mr. Lwrier, Mr. Sheppad up: “I do not know how thin new. In] atreot others, but it in . poor sort of a mun who-e blood will not boil with rage to use thedelihente ettort of the hier- orcny to destroy a gentleman who bu boon undo the unload hero of the French Canadian. LAURIER AND THE BIBHOPS. “If the politicel execution of Lenrier hee been decreed by the hiererchy, we would underetend why the eentenee he been eo IQVOIO end whet the Incen- ing of it will be to Cenede In thie province it ie being said by the govern- ment pep”- that Mr. Leurier would, it it ur' in' " power, grant the church more by the weyol remediel legieletion then Tapper bee otYered. This in im- possible, for Tapper hee offered every- thing; moreover, it ie ridiculoue in the light a: Mr. Lenrier’e hietory, for be hee fought the church ‘eince " birth end bee never been e benetitsiary of erch-epiecopel iMt"rnee ttor the tool pt the Ultrelnontenee. They would not now be decleriug wer to the deeth it he were their creetnre or the child of their epeciel upbringing. "While othere murerr bee-nee they love liberty merd tteteetn politics! righteomne ebell we in this province recognise the miner-Ne cry that we maybe-pennie- by e change of the heel policy, while permitting, for I null pin to ourselves, political my“ “be indiotad outbaoVbo Inn tome high ideal than the not. lumping together a! . little bond." "It in no the urging that Lamar tt the imminent. Giant-by tutu. or by mince,“ the Round: bier-ally. Given pmper “womb. my be the libcntor of his peoples the Guibddi of French Cnngdqthe Bison-k of our new humer- "I have sometime. thought, when looking on e church lull of children there in nothing more breutiful in the sight of God. A beautiful gerden of room, lilliu end lovely flower- in sweet end beautiful to eye. The bend of men [nude end we over it no that no berm een enter. lune e storm of wind or hail ,tr,','t2l'S,.,i,tt " stroyl the wee- end mek ruin where before ell wet-wee: end oeterir. The wicket end melioioue men can in to my: and ruin u. may; Men; Ind when may we this, anomaly in tone!» l to tht heart. 1ilytrrthiN love: 1, and sweet, trampled doin and wracked, make- ouo grieved; but in the sight of God, not the no“ bounci- tul garden taahioned by tuuasdof Illa. not even Pundile. Mona the garden of Eden with all its glory and bounty ot Bowers and fruits. in so bright. 3nd gloriou- u no tin not]: of “I“ - on children. pig-nan; in who. the Holy 01m Coercion Pledge Presented to Lib. enl Candidates _ It. can" let-m to Mn. Here in a lr-mlution of the precioul document which Son-tor Lmdry tte. clnrrd ut. the public meeting a Belle. chue that be was authorized by the government. to present to Mr. Laurier for his siguawre : . . "In pre-ence of the ecclem ition of the judiciel committee of the Privy Council, which he! pronounced fiu.lly on the queetion of low end fact in de. curing that the Cetholic minority of Moultobt h we well founded grievance: end ere entitled to neporate echooll; "in presence of the decieratione of the government that its patriotic duty in to per-int in its policy of remedying the grievsuceu of the said Cetholic minority by tutoring to than the enjoyment of the rights and privilege. guennteed by the constitution; in presence eleo t! the mend-to of the bishop. of the pro- vince of Quebec in) in; upon Catholic- the obligetion to only vote for candi- datee binding thumelvee tortnally to eupport in parli-iuient legisletion re. "wing to the Monitobo Catholic minority the school ri ht: recognized by the Privy Council of Englmd,I, the uttdeosigned candidnte at the preeent election and recognized lender of the Liberal petty, hrreby formally end solemnly pledge my! If as such -0 ineiet upon and support by my vote the pen- ing of itu not to replace the aid Ibusi. who minority in the plentitudeof their twognizvd right. end having the up provel of the bishop epecielly charged with the defence and the vindication of thee right: (Arolusishop Lengevin). I further pledge nun-If to do nothing nib-never to render it impouible tor the government to pro-ent- Iuch legielation or to deley ita adoption. Mr. Ln'urirr dedounced it in strong language. amid the applause ot the drown. His refuse] to sign evev Int inde. pendence is represented " follows by The Quotidien (Conservstive) of Levis: -"We no uhstned to ssy that Mr. Lenrier, the Csthollo chief of the leernl Opposition in this country, refused to sign this deolnrntion. He thus, on May 22, solemnly refused to conform to the ulnudement of their lordshlps, the bishops of Quebec. He denied then), end he refused them ell submission, all obedience. all respect. for their word. 'I will settle this question " my own wey,’ abet wee his reply. A sentiment ot psiuful stupelsetion thrilled the sndieuce. They did not believe that Mr. Lsurier would dare publicly to stuck the undone“ of the bishops of Quebec end deny their right to dictste to hid end his follow. ers the wsy for the Cetholios to [allow the question ot the Cschollo schools ot Msnwobe." ' The Bloc laden tried the me Ichemo on br Honry Joly in Pol-taunt At Br, Cling? ltr put , local sleeper to call upon Mr, Jolrto sign wattage on the Ochoa! question. which in. dit-tttly refuted to do. Ilia Tory opponent, Mr. Sanford. wont tire, ttt_othaateniatgto sign itint c pretence of the doom deadly wire worn: ll getting .in it- work dong the river med between Woodstock end Insane“. In tuid. where eod wee turned tmur the ineect bee been molt ective. Under theee conditions. on the old stem roedend the Governor's reed. the urein plant on men, iuldq her been utterly dee- treyed. end in my ineteneee the lemma ere elreedy ploughing them up end moving. It ie Mated that in the Zorree the deetrnetion of the wire worm in even more videepreed. Ont ride of thin crepe ere looking well. With the exception oltnrnipe meet at the fermere in thin vicinity beve their pleating done. can... qeeqqqt. At the Know Petty Sessions " ly h young nun vu- chm-god with Ital- ing u numb. The mnjority ot the Bench had " one time or mqthor held "ttIra',', in Militia Regiment... . chug. hnvin been proved the oh-irmn “than: the 'iiiiiiiiUiiri mother that : “You ought to be proud of the young blwkgunrd, Mm. Clumsy; you have, nix non- nod, I must any. out of the nix shin II the bmt of then! 'Feith. I can deny it, Colonel. Every whole one of them in in noel. Mike got e "to yure tor firing on e Uilitr, end the (Moving robber Ivore blue " the trial. too, yer honor; but,' with . proud eheke of her held, ‘u bed " they ere. thank: be to Heaven, ne’er. van o' en: ever went in the Militia, enyhow.’ "T cm! all run dawn with company. will!" to my m-x. and I “out: lug. tom on my body. hand and limb: and about: gay hand: no that I trould not do a: kind or work on we count of the Itching "may lair ntl - out. I wu under tho damn wt for "you! nun without M. h. and my crouch men _ I has» - Mom" sum- punk. and atteet Muscat-no "(our hum-album!“ braving-Id Inno- “an 1 had taken -qeal - Inuk- and the no". and lulu-c In" “no! And my but ingrown out. can: In. J. q. Bron-I. MA. on. Tho Deadly “Worm. Wood-took Sentinel-30mm Waterloo County Chronicle, Thursday, June B, :896.- Page 2 All In low. I. loath. IN QUEBEC. Auk from Ir. under a Business Policy. To the Hon. Wilfred Laurier '. Dear Bir,--Mueh is lupin reins urged by those opposed to you in poll- tics u to the disutrous eifeete on the tnsttutaeturirqi interests, of the country which they clnim and proton to believe would follow pour Accession to power at £316 tpproachinq election; We realize " the necessity for A lune revenue keel our heuvy annual obligation- dean a web . rate of tu- ation " most "otd to meuuhctureru very renonuble protection for an inde- ifoitet tune. Your manly independence during the lull: tension of Ehwl'uunent under the most trying tarttuatigtiMMtetr that could hove been imposed upon you show ul that no hasty or ill Advised action would be likely to be taken by you on my important question. Speaking iofourlelves u mnnuhcb- were in one of the lending industries of Cunndu (the manufacture of furnit- ure), we make thin opportunity of “sur- ing you the: we believe you are no im. bued with the wirit of justice and fair ploy that mnnnimeureru in my brunch of induutry need hnve no far that m " will he treated unfairly in my rendjuw meat. ot the in“? which any be made by any Government of which you Ire the head. VITAL 12mrtmomr, Were ell other thinpe equel. end this the only mutter requiring the attent ion of the electors. it could nuke but little dimmmee to menulectureru n such whether yourself or Sir Charles Tupper should have control in the next Pulit- ment; but we believe there ere" other mutter: of vital importence'to the wel- fere of the Dominion which ehould re- ceive consideration " the head. ot the electore It the present time, and in considering them we are bound to keep in view the chereoter and reocrdu of those “king our suite-, Al hulineu men we believe that the government of the country should be conducted on etriotly business prinoiplee, end the those intrueted with irahould be not. only wpeble but free from my taint of noeudel The general uncle of the country we: never in n worse con- dition then it in at the present time, whatever wlitioienl may ow to the ooutrnry. e therefore take the liberty of pleoing before you e. few thing- whioh we believe u huliueu men would “also in restoring ootttidenee end pron- perizy in the country. We would like to tee'.-- (l) A more rigid sud ooouomicnl adPpittrrt/tots of JPblit may. _ (2) An honest Admiuiltrution,gusrd- ing the public funds. Ind rendering impoulble the scandsll which hue dis. armed Canadian politics in recent you-l. (3) An Active iaunigmtiott policy for the poopling of our grant Northwest and the oormequent ”Nation of the home mnrkot tor our mnuuhnmnl. (4) The development of our minerel resources. (6) A policy that will weld Mather rnher than tow the Ind. of dimension unong the different omdl Ind muon- sliv._iu that 00:13pm our tsotmlttiists. Theee ere e few meta}! 'whlch 1't gent. mam-elven to our ninth. end it becenee we heve the highest mud tor you en e Item end en honorehle pollucien that we feel that under your guidence the "sim ot our country would bearded on Its the beet inter. eete of the whole Dominion. We ere. etc, etc. The Oherlee Regen * Bone 00., Ltd, Toronto. Gold Medal Bed Spring a Furnlturo 00.. Toronto. J. B. Solder. Wlurloo. pintretnutt,Wtwdh0tt"BlootrtingtuU. Burr Bree. Guelph. 8tubb. & Rodger. Guelph. Baird Bro... PitesilU. Bro-dime * Box, Bathtub. Geo. C. McLean (ot Port- Eno- Leann), Sandor-d. John human & Bone. London. Remington Furniture Co., London end Gotueiott. CHE & Forster, Lucknow. Krug Bros. * Co., Che-1e . _ Henover Spring Bed and {Iphohtory Canadian Father Down & Wire Mnctreu thr., Toronto. Anthea Menntncturing 00., Berlin. Brown * Erb, Berlin. Snider, Roe: * Co., Waterloo. ly. fl _K|lppert, Wotan-loo. In our schoolbooh we need to see picturee of the Eequimenx in their groweque for nrmente end our childilh mindl pictures them no rolling in lut. nry since they could "airord" . complete outfit othr. For cont- ere indeed . luxury here end It the "tttet time on untidectory ttmtituation, for their weight end bulkineu in enough to weer 3 men out it he ettempte to move about much in one, end it eeeme exoegtionelly delightful thet now one can eve ell the [undou- wermth and comfort of A for cont without eny of the weight end bulkpnd all " e truling cont. A leyer of the oelebreted Fibre Chennai: gives theee notifying reeulte, affording com- plete protection Iron wind.lroet or rain. Co., Hanover: Kuebchel Furniture Co., Hinovor. R. J. Duniry, Prelident Disney * Dexlin hGnutsotueirte Co., Hnnover. J boob Manager (er-Pmidant mn. over Furnitmre Co.), “mover. H. V. Fr-lich. Ftp-nee. THE FURNITURE MEN. he “XII“. of“ haul-II: The Country’s Needs. No More luau- ruler rem"tr-B- I. the Bull and toll-b all I419. A dupatch from Chic-go "rec-mst, fond pan. the ndmiring uncle, Ind the doting hie hro'her, who has been m the habit, "I “rapping brby into . bar. ket or orher contrivunce and giving the yum-gun" u ride on the bicyoln, must. forum that Fort of nmulement or incur tlys lisbility of prosecution. Such-ii the diet. it Ge Illinail Hu. mum Society, which china: that the practice, now much In vogue, not only itnptsriltsphe life of the child by pouKblo ncoideut. but tends‘to impair in health in more wnys thy: one. The ottioha of the society have bun giving the matter serioul ittveatigatiott and have broom" fumed at. the con- quueucei being viuited on the ox- trmm-ly young gt'nimuion of hidyolo riders. A buoy strapped on the front. ot n wheel 0.an ueede sand the brunt of . shock when ucollillon hnpponl, md is helpleu when dinner Him. Bat tut, " only one of the lent objoosioul ruined by the humane oftiotr" Medical expurtl, they lay, are con- vinced that the rupid and uni-Mun! motion “foot: the chird'u bum. Tho society is about to iuue t public wan- lug to that srtteot, and hope that it will lattice to keep thoughtlou porenu from permitting tbnlr babies to go B. wheel until they up more minted. There "M" to be . great den] ot tttV tterr/ty existing u to the pecuniory porn which n bridogcoom ' in " own wedding. At I recent var swell "air the two young poo lo ego“ to be It dud in the holy bond: ot wedlock no down delibernuly Ind mud up the oath. 'Ill",",','." of the 'reddiettt-ther omoun to n large sum, to ho "NF-- nnd then divided them evooly between the two tmm-the tuber nod the groom. In point ot (no. nod no . manor ot good 'tqu he ebooId pay only tor the onrri~ ego which token the bridnl oouplo from the church end to the nation, with “.11 the {on incidentol to A church wedding end the [me nnd Bo- nod junior, to (ho when and brideemnide. Thin own to be his solo money entity. ber Ii his prernetrt to the bride hemelt. Hi- oxpenles come thaw-rd. Anxiously wwch declining health of their Magma”. So many are cut ott by consumption in curly years that than k real cause for anxiety. In the early stages, whim not beyond the reach of medicine, Hood's Bursa- 'metiin will restore the unlity and calmly ot the blood ld than give good hula). land the {allowing letter: Mpthers "n I. but, just to write about my humor Corn. and 19. an. ml oom- M run down, daunting, land that and my, 3nd trial"!- and lb. would not [In out than mouth. She had . bud and nothing nomad to do he: any good. I tamed to rad shout Hood'l Bump:- tllll And hld her tries It I am. From tho "I, ttmt dose In. begun to (at better Mm taking a tow bottlu Ibo wu com- - and 3nd her health bu been tho but our “not." Mu. Amara Pram, " 'tatig0at1 PM, Amataedon, N. Y. AYERS " consulted doctor-- who Flatbed for no, but to no purpone: I nu and In liony leven long years. Finally. I began ta In, Ayah Buruplrllll. In a Week or two nouced a decided Improvement. Encour- cged by this remit. t “wavered, until in a, month or no the sore My/ to not]. ma, alter ullng the sunspot“ tb for nix mnnthl. the In! "we ot the cancer duapp?.ttrel"rr JAIII B. Excuouox. morttutrtWllle, N. u. " will II, that my moth" bu um um my cu. in a thong word: as I would In" dam. Hooch Bump-rim Manly cured In. and t Iln now, wen." 001A Pm, Ant-manna, N. Y. Be an. to get Rood'l, because - One True Blood Pttritur. All drunk". " 'tqemd only byC. I. Hood & Co., 1.01%". Mum Imp rely-v ttrtatN . Hood’s Pills 'l/ii/dull',') Queuing: Flood's all” run mu at. 2iaatr. im't:s'illfs Sarsamrilla “ Sarsaparilla BABY ON THE BICYCLE. wd/i'ii' 'G'"i'iiii up Admin“! " the World’l Fur. Cough “I! In "View... his FII' pure1ytverttattle. re. Stru- in} and a great'many other lines in proportion. W6 have a few odds and ends at your own price. It's not necessary to send outside of Town for Slater', $3.00. $4.00 and $5.00 tan shoes; we have 'em in stock. V It hr to Trade at . ( The Popular Boot and Shoe Store Weytaven't the time to look up and consider it money wasted to buy ads. specially written by writers in the aavertising business,- but can give you instead a well built » _ DEALER m Fruit and MMTer-p Vim Waterloo Mull Fruits. Shah; In... Etc. BERLIN. T on .lllhtttidzALrdmjtiiiitt,ili.tl J. S. MUbSELMAN, To Lumbermen. It covers the whole tdi, HAY! lor. gale moo acres of win Alla timber n-an GENTLENENs TAN BALMORAL at $2.10, less s')', Cash, LADIES' BLACK OXFORDS, Special, 75c and up, BOYS! TAY BALMORAL - - $1.25 Ind up, . S. MOS, Sole Agent for Waterloo/ Advertise in the 'J ml ' . , " " L' sl . Chm rumbk. a u I. In 'talt - iMrt3 , ' you. CURB cwuug'rlln a I y l MR .' _ an”... new J , M " , M, " manual In with too mun“. “In I. the mamolu- map-am! by I night tannin: or 1e,'.riNt2ttett; nod wklnlnspl the "tum In a man: th. onion! and with» be. I" - nun who I. a! on: amenity (noun: of on can Tho than will "and. MT. Uet run in.“ Inch an... "a healthy motor-do- ol the iD-IHM - “muo- m m “an. lo an. m wring lull "ugh:- a Menu and A... undid-o sum an"... Te,', lull nun-union- In: a... Ila-um m- m - m. Oluhonn: rosno._.ttt0r.muau-rtt" IR, $illlilillf ' 00. County BR. -tTrrrfiThrtt1C8t"tMh , cam qulilg. Chronicle. l cr. S. RODS. The Old loll-bl. Machines. tyuiiti.' Vn.. " ONT. co m WoonwAnn 4mm. . (lid. I.“ " " I “at .) BIT-OUT. I“)... 83 View. Expat-tom tn the nut-9' a! 9th"! UL“- lat ".ttyi, Ir t'ptif,tT,ttafi You: In "gt2tf,'8r2d%"t;d'uh' and-audio.“ the watchmaker, who is past? to do all kinds of Watch and k Repairing. All work guaranteed. or money refunded. We we the an. grind. M thepmyttahuutyrxs" do, m m null; " ammo of (mammal-m... We luv. u. only clipper trrVtsuettr satellite In the County I“. no We. . THE BERLIN REPAIR SHOP 72 King St. Won. burnished April m. [M oN'T tttrow 'lt,12' your dull ollnpen. whoa. D you (1" have em xrunnd to out can.) to “cw u u "nail (on In Henderson‘s Rev-1r Shag Every pull- Wamntod h ht Equal to New Whey; Blanks Clipper Grinding! . " I. III-ll... ”can. ' Inn-hum P and-Glen. Goon PWttt rum and 'i7iiii%' may. "up at tii that... and I: iii d all pin. up . 0' tlg in“ with I!“ Hm Debi tr, tau at Hum-y. Dam. Amb- a Society. Kidn- Tun-N3: my dine. at the 8Jl'lTls'J'tlrl . caahemtutd undone-I1 can. EM“... 5.1mm .tseEt.i.e.l!y..." tto FOR USE OF "ONES All "It". JACOB BALL t BALL, a. n -_"_ --_ --- - ft8ptaeersMate (rieu.yyr.r,.fii.iriiaRiiiitu, Devitt’l Block Waterloo

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