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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 29 Jul 1869, p. 3

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q» ACADEKVT! 1 ”-goo‘l"a'-'l,nfiagf\fl'. nd River, in Toi. Is Ts is t boahiey weo uungf fuevk tatio. It ® of the Country. A -o::i'm and l%"on influence prevails in the Oomwunity. It is ensy of uccess, being four miles from Preston Station, on the (Great western Railway, and also four miles from Berlin Station, on the Grand Trunk. Daily Stages run each: way The leding object is to do good by providâ€" ing facilities for Moral and Intelectual Trainâ€" ing. . Grand Trunk. Stages run each: way betwoen ml::’mm trrough The Academy is under the 1 A control of Organization called the s t ‘Freeport Educational Society‘ 1 ftted yp with convenientiRooms, so as to ride weo’-ohuon for a Iarge namber Rudents; Bach Room is furnished with a .sve, tahle, washstaod,! bedstead, two chairs dad woodâ€"box. ‘There is a Boarding Ba\} in conBection with the Institution. The following Branches will be tnsm. vizi= Analyttcal and Practical English Grammar ; Ancient and Modern Geography ; Arithmetio «â€"â€"theory and practice ; Alnau ; theoretical and practical Geometry ; Phsiology ; Natural Phi ; , English and Canadian f Literatore ; Drawing and und Bookâ€"keoping. S k and Latin , anud Vocal and Instrumental Music, by special arrangement.) Tm! INSTITUTION is located st the Villâ€" ago of Prxzrowr, on the Grand River, in Instrumental Music, by special arrangement. T:nwmlhh':blhbrle lxtehz and Scriptural Lessons, BXPBNSHS. Board, per week, in the Hail, for Qentlomon .. Â¥4+% b wis% $1 15 Board, per week, in m\.n,umm 1 50 Room Rent per week, .... ¥¥a. .18 :_-d!uhlgnugnm, 60 There are three Torms in the Academic Year of twelve weeks each, commencing as follows: Pirst Term, the 1st W in ’Mt &endfom,thln."'mihm t Third Term, the ist Tuesday in March. [Â¥ On and after the 15th July,‘69, will bear interest at the rate of Tom maATORDRY o oin mte To t gpren ie frax hn d torp es Coni ies Wersa O 0 Five por cent per annum, provided the mobey remoins Not LWKWS than THREE Months. D. J, Orawtord, Gueiph, 215t Joly, 1869. tender can be seen ut my uflce watil the above day. feg C Ontario Bank, WATERLOO. mm maued by this WABHING COKPOHITION : Phe best and rarest discovery of the > for washing parposes. Pee " A grand panasea of dirt aver of monay, linen and c| w ORTH 880 A YE AR ‘.'Vt:i"vbflfimvnm-fib g’h whahing purpores."" â€" Ingers 4 An active cunvasy r can make from) §20 po §ao a week. _ 0 0 0 BRANOHDE TAUVGE®TE: Preeport, July 28th, 1889 . AGENTS WANTED, s The July 3Qnd, 2869, © The most sueccessful and satisinctory fair of the kind ever presented to the pubâ€" = It is caratagy yoiden opinions. ulg 31. 1MQ. L 9. SAWTER & 00. sons a week ...... ® 90 ncdiceg fote the BOARD OF DIRRCTORS to a Faltay or 8 or 10 rensoxs. EREEPORT y tCt on ‘Wrune feee Qoines. ORAVEL ROAD. 3 ©CHAS. DAVIDEON,â€" | Bre, & Treas G. E. and P. Gravel », addreas fencineing »tampe,] W. WARNER ClARK, TENDERS famity t a mavelloug vlbow gsease." â€"Can IN WATERLOO! Van Amburg "& Co‘s Great Colden Menagerie, A EOOLOGICAL COLLECTION OF OVER FIVE HUNDRED â€" SPECIMENS. Admission, 50 Conts. ‘Children under 9. years, 20 Conts. SATURDAY, AUGUST 7. TWE OnLy CompuErE MENAGERIE ON THIS CONTINENT. LIVING LION LOOSE in the STREET UNCHAINED. New Hamburg, Friday, August 6th. Guelph, Monday, August 9th. CC CS COIxIXIXnNGG i The only;Exciusite Menagerie on this Continent, comprising Afternoon and Evening, AND WILL EXHIBLT WILL EXBI8IT AT wWATERLOO CHRONICLE AND FAMILY NEWSPAPEE. JOB WORE Office of this PRaepor} Ail tGioodes warranted to give satisfaction if used according to directi sove at ho prigey . & ing to directions ’I‘HE UNDERSIGNED offers for salehis valâ€" uable farm sitnated in the village of A. uable farm sitnated in the village of Dorking, Township of Marykorougb, first con., Lot 18 containing 136 us-&noo cleared al« most free from stumps well fenced and in a high state of cultivation. ‘The remainder is timbered with hard wood, Oak and Blackash, there is on thepremises a good dwelling house frame driving house barn, sheds, and other outâ€" buildings, twqwells, pumps and sistern at stable ; also a good orchard and Schoo! House on the premises. For further particulars apâ€" ply (if By Letter Preâ€"Paid) to Dorking Post Oico, or to the owner on ths premises. 10WNSHIP OF WATERLAOO. sATURDAY Clerk‘s Office, Bluir, July 8, 1969. The WATERLOO REAPER & MOWER is warranted to cat, if properly, managed, from 12 to 14 acres 0f grain, and from 8 to 10 acres of grass per day, just al‘ogood. and even hetter,â€"as it can be done with either cradle or seythe, with oue pair of Horees. The purchaser is allowed to cut five acres of grass and also five acres of gruin on trial, and in case anything proves delective, duenotice must be given to me or my Agent, and time allowed to send a man to put it in order. 1If it does not work after this, and the fault is in the machine, it will be taken back, or that of it which proves to be deâ€" fective, and will be replaced or the money refunded. â€" JACOB BRICKER. Reaper mb Motoer Combmed ! And surpasses all others, it is simple, strong, and easy to draw. Should any part of the Machine break, you can get each sepnrate piece at the Waterâ€" loo Agricultural Works. This isa great ndrantage to the furmer, which saves him o! travelling 20 or 30 miles in the busy summer season to get the machine repaired,; as they almost have now the Founiry before their doors where the same can be So‘ne. KY* This Machine can be purchesed just as cheap from his Agents as in the Foundry. SIGN OF THE wf RED MORTAR WATERLOO HH undersigned returns his sincere thanks to his , numerous customers for the liberal support which he has received for the lust 14 years, ahd would at the same time inform them that he is now manufacturing the i * WELL KNOWN. Which is the best and cheapest Machine now manufactured. ‘This Machine is a Springer & Snyder‘s Reaper and Mower, ALWAYS BUY THEFE BEST! D YEâ€" NTUPEFN / Maryborough, July "th, 1869. _ 27â€"4mos. UOpposite Bown,.an‘s Hote! Stand, and noxt dooni N. B. Please give us a call, | i WatgrIgeo Juge 8th, 1369, | Waterloo, May 12th, 1869. FARM FOR SALE. HE Municipal Council of the Township ol Wflorloo, wil met at the Township Hall, on TURDAY, JULY 3ist, 1869, LOGWOOD EXTRACT, It is atrongly bu‘lt, does not wear out in a year or two. The driving wheel is large, causing the machine to run light and steady. The cnxm-Snr can be raised by a lever at the driver‘s hand (while the machine is in motion) higher than on any other machine. 'I‘:: ':!;idver\du in front, which enables kim to see obstructions more readily than 1 & * No machine should be without a drag bar, for mowing. and that to draw straight, which it does on the Waterloo Machine, beiug attached to the front of machine, Inot to the tongue as on some other ‘machines,] and consequently, does not scrape up the ground, nor pile ur the grass, causing the knife to clog. The frame is weli up from the extension bar and cutter bar, enabling the machine to work through deep ditches or dead furrows without locking the machine or T!onfil‘ the cutter bar from beicg raised. 5 It has two large wheels for mowing, [as the Reaper requires a smaller one] conseâ€" quently each has its own and separate wheel, each being made to suit the place. The lever for raising the cutterâ€"bar is made of wrougnt iron, and is convenient the drivere hand . > 7 The chain for raising is large and stroug, and not apt to break when the cutter bar is raisad and the machine in motion. J MADDER, MADDER COMPOUND, NGO@TICE. at 10 o‘clock By order. _ 42 RECEIPTS FOR DNVEING GIVEN .';nu. JE SPRINGER & SNYDER BALL‘S OHIO MOWER ! 4# Call and see the Machine and the price list. OXRLTU G S@SCORE, ALL KINDS OF RNR AT THE ADVANTAGES AS MOWER. THE GENUINE WATERLOO WILLIAM TILT, JOHN WATSON. MAX Township Clerk. NUFACTURED AT THE W arrantee. &&& GO TO â€"â€"FJR YOTRâ€" UR MNEN WANTED immediate!ly to wark‘an the brickyard on Lot No. 20, on the Town lise of Pesl and Weliesiey, only four miles irom Elmira and three from Hawkerilie. Very good wages wili ‘be _ As the farm must be sold, purchasers will do well to apply in'nudinoly (if by letter postâ€"paid) to .___ GEg. HALLEY, M. D,, \ . . _ ‘Administrator, ie o( Te oh. 5o â€"â€" Firret. D. 4A _ Farm on reasgnable terms, being situâ€" ated on West Iulfq{ Lot No. 17, in the 7th Concession of the Township of Peel, and eontains 100 acres of good farming land, TO mcores of which are vlcared, free from stumps and well fenced. ‘The farm is well situated, is in an excelient state of cultivation, well watered, and has a good yonng orchard with some choite baming fruÂ¥( trees. Price $3,800. ‘litle indieputable. For further particutars apply to T. A. HAMBLY, _ 9 Winfield P. 0 fâ€"â€" TflE subscriber oifars fot sale his valuable Farm on reasonable terms. being situâ€" THE FARM of the lato GEORGE HALâ€" LEY situated on 5th Con., West balf of Lot No. 17, in the Township of Peel, and containing.100 acres, 75.of which are clearâ€" ed, well fenced, and in a high state of cultiâ€" vution, is now offered for sale. A. very good YOUNG ORCHARD is on the farm. Flora. Jure 1Tih, 1869. _ 25â€"Gmos June 7th, 1869. JACOB BRICKER. FARM FOR SALE, CR. TARTAR, BLUE VITRIOL, WANTED, WATERLOO, v;‘so Wm. Fischer‘s Store. for sale. , and will be 23â€"*2ms 15. Bonkiold Friedrich _ Harrison}|D N Babcock Agnes Katzenber ger J Baker W A Langwith ‘gosqm Dooglass Mary JaneMo«or Fr Eaton Levi Meiliar J M Faltesck Winzonsa _ McKina Peter Froy. John Pittamore G 8 Gaerscil August _ Parmelie J H Mrs. Groff Levi . Ruth Lambert Groff Henr Bchuank Bernhart Hergott Bzchul Btuart D H Halmes Chas Tovell I=& ac Hev Heath W B Wellesley April 2nd, 1869 Tavern and Blacksmithshop for Sale. HE Subscriber offers for sale his tavern and Blacksmithstop in WALâ€" ENBTEIN, on the town line betweonâ€"Weliesâ€" ley and Peel, and on the road leading from Bt. Jacob‘s to Listowel; ‘The tavern is built of brick, two storeys high, 32z36, In connecâ€" tion with the snme is a good barn,. sheds, stabling, washâ€"kitchen, woodâ€"shed, etc., with 11 neres of land, well watered.. THE BLACKâ€" BMITHSHOP has a l&rge number of good customers. If the place cannot be sold, it w.\1 be let, commencing on the 1st of October next., If desired, the Wallenstein Post Office will be transferred to the purchaser at the same time. TERMSâ€"apply to the subsciber. GOOD BARGAINS! B. DEVITT‘S. and judge Tor yourselves, and secure some WATERLOO, COME AND SEE THEM Shown in Waterloo for years. SPRING REEIVED A QUANTITY His Stock is Complete. SPRING GOODS BEST GOODs! Waterloo, March 23rd, 1869 emaining in the Waterlog P.O. upto the ) 1st of JUNE, 1869. . RECEIVING WEEKLY LI8ST OF LETTERS THE UNDERSIGNED HAS Jolin A RRIV A L S ‘NEW AND FRESH frg» Prescriptions and orders perâ€" sonally attended to. J. 8. Hoffman, Anew " Waâ€"hing Fluid" will be out in a fow daysâ€"muantime don‘t buy the great ** Yankee Boft Boap R:ceipt‘ if you don‘t want to get swindled. Indigo, â€" Madder, Extract, Fustic, Cochineal, Cream Tartar, Aluin, Copperas Paste, Soiution Tin, Blue Vurio!, Mageuta and other Anil'* eolors of such quality and price will tequire the comâ€" bined effurt of half a gozen Houses 1o compete with. â€" i Licensed Pharmacist. Berlin, Junaé 8th, 1869. 23â€" Country Merchants All Roots and Herbs of the last gmwlh,hnreby being 56 per cent. P- Some new and durable Colors and how to dye them. BETTER & CHEAPER DYEâ€"STUFFS DRUG â€" ESTABLISHMEXNT : P TR S T Stock of everything appertaining to a first class §". REMOV ED Canadian Block, Berlin, He will show some of the Ku J‘ouph than those deteriorated by FINEST AND that will be given where he has opened out a recently TO THE PUBLIC that have been Special inducements to $ SUBSCRIBER has f «/ * TARGE ARRIVAL and will be of the B. DEV ITT. uutil â€"~OF C. LUMPY, P.M. Wheeler Garrett Wilk‘s Mate how Young James. IN JACOB B, O8WALD, Wallenstein P. 0 14â€"6m» ce Berlin Warehouse‘ 12â€" sAWLNG,â€" PLANLNG & ‘TURNING, on hand and naade to ordor, COFFINS made toorder and a spicn furnished when required . have again leased their old stand whete they contiuue to supply the trade public with everything in their ling on reasonable TERMS. f Manufacturers of, and WhOlLlesale & Retall Dealers Simpson & Aldous! Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Which they will sellâ€"at the lowest possible prices, either for cash or Farm produce, â€" i 4%" Give us an carly call and inspeot our Goods. fs t WINGER & WEAVER DRY GOODS, READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING! Hats and Caps, The Goods must be.eold in about SX WEEKS, and all who want Barga better avail themselves of this opportunity and come early to secure bargains . } ; Come and see how SPRING AND SUMMER coops ! P a 'â€"â€"'0'-â€"-' 2 2000 C mm Te T# t ie As their old Stock has been thoroughly cleared out by Auction, _ thg with pleasure inform theoir customors and the Public f generally, that their Stock of W ateclor |May GREAT VARIETY NOV ELTIS OF THE sEAsoN p | ALL KINDS OF Furniture, Doors, Sash, Blinds, etc, _ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Plaining and Sawing done to order. Produce taken inExchange SPRING \ GOODS ! f Have arrived in DRESS GOODS, &C., Gregt Excitement ° in Ehnix;a-! Winger & Weave‘rs MONEY WANTED. 7 Intending purchasers \;ilâ€"pla.se call and examine Goods and Prices before pm-ci::siug elsevhere. The Highes Price paid for all kinds of Farm Produce. â€" At as Low Prices as ‘at any other House in this Town. FURNITURE WAREROOMS, DRY GOO0ODS! The subscriber is going out of business and will sell the Remainder of his Stoc SLMIRA, May sth, 1809 Berlin, May11th, 1869 are slaughtered at the Berlin, May 11, 1869. UNDER COST PRICE! . _ w doneé to order on the shortest Notice. , dune the 19th, 1867 . Immense Assortment SPRING AND SUMMER UMPDS _« P:U R N T U R B "SIGN OF THE RED FLAG." 19th, 1869. Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, &e., .is now complete, NEWEST sTYLES iN WHICH WILL LE SOLD AND ALL THE OF NEW menam oo AT THE AT ANO LN ISAAC HOFFMAN:. DAVID DEVITT, who want Bargains would Isaac Horemax. and the senera 18â€" 19

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