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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 28 Jan 1869, p. 3

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M H staff of ‘;o.n(ribnu;n has: l:ooa';r‘w:nue:": and to the continued support of the agriculâ€" taral comamunity we beg to -u‘f in w e en e V Tus Canapa Pazar«s, though now ;. THE pupi‘s of this institution will reassewm. aued as a montbly, contrins just as inuch Ag o'bt NC {M;-dtr'm.“: °§Jtl-;uy“m: ; cloc & s mts should enter & ."::m 'M;::‘::‘;;i;:";m“dm:’:’i;{ J the co?-;ll'm::o:t of the term in order to be Abe same as ml.w & yearâ€"â€"and so | "’%fl‘.’.a’ :.:‘ :n 'obim.d at moderste rates at tar as v;ot:‘rmm. there is no dimin) â€" !);rr;. N. Tagg®‘s, the present residence of the tion in the ability mith which the CGanada | Headmaster. Parmer has always been concueted. Its C. A. NEVILLE, M. A., staff of codtributora has baen increased, ; Rev. P. W Prinsipe}. and to the continued support of the agrioul. | v. . W. TUBRK, tural anmenmaumina as uLk O CS C vyy aAterioo ULouse uni:'..xhzu‘.‘ and ;i;;ig:oin fonr-" a large quaatity of the cmlebrated n Boston churehes cost 837, t an> f i mum. Praising God in the ninotee::h cenâ€" Grand ‘R“liver Lnnd‘ Plaster in tury costr mouey, By and by wo may ex.. _ B3 A\{?{ ‘I{ 1 LS !u j t It 0 # the best P 6 dhar tho‘m!:‘n f.:f g‘: .e'o.v;gnm:onm;:‘ Wul“:‘l“lrn:n“ G:Mla E:M'O:ll'ol h';;:a«.. wdown or say " amen," * WM. FISCHER, Ata W M m'ht‘ meeting in Boston | _ Waterloo, Dec. 18th, 18968, 66â€" Mre. Dr. Hathaway of Bostcn was very | werére on the rbale sex, and Geclared it WARN'NG ! maald not look haif 10 bad to see women | TT with babies in their arma in tha seats of| _ The undersigned hereby warns the pabâ€" , as it now does to see men nureâ€" | lic ngainat purchasing a promisory note m of whiakey there . f m.d; gy h'rgnull‘in favor of James Hrsll, + ‘he& | Gated Jan@!5th, 1869, due one year a ter Covar Cm'h"'â€"D“ C};"”" deseribes | .:id du.o. amOunling'to atirty Jvcnun, as ;?‘ “-“:;T:::" 5‘ ;,h?::;“°'°:‘ .Af:‘fc‘\" | no value has beea received therefore . | i reas | “.."“d nothing else; his first minister | Linwood, Jan. 97th, l.;g);!N yalts® wore a shirt without aleeveaâ€"and nothing | .â€"â€"â€"___ n en en on mm m mm s omm mm fan.,,.., else ; his second minister wore a norkâ€"tiew BERLINy amd nothing else; the third was adorne| vith a hatâ€"an nothing abe; but " the | County Grammar SohooH Queed varied by weari I umbrellaâ€"and nothing olte.{ lind To T!n‘nnu Wll’! i 1 ma o s L The Huspaler Volunteer company ara said to be a fineâ€"looking set of young f»]. lows, Some of thero are young Goliahs, in the case of Charles Taylor, 6 feet 4 in. sahes and over ; Amazish Kinzohur_v, 8 feet 4 inchas; anod Manus 8. Lucia, 4 feet 3 inches. Two feative young man opene) a ahowy "tea store" in Byracume, and their many anrious creditors now find tha young imen missing, and a magnificent array of tea can, dies fille! with sawdust A bas of gold from the diggings | Montrea! 0£ Mining Auocinl;‘on, Beotia, is on exhibition at Mon‘real, weighs over 44 nuness, and is worth ly $900. more W F.F Wives A bas of g | TOWETHER WITH A A setain Doctor used to cook into mediâ€" ) pEsortrmos or THE rowyvs axp CTTIES In olnes all serts of roots and herbs, and then | wiick “'"_‘_Rf PUDLISUED. try them on hia wife . W they didu‘t kil} NKIP YORK: her, he was ready for his other patlenln.l L GEO. P. ROWELL & co., TM N.' YM &'dd‘.yl: "If it ""Putlifh“ri and Nowsp: A d ‘ai d d PNi paper t varhlmg trup that it takes &A great rogue to make n Agents, No. 49 Park iluw.-l“s, good detective, this is a fact in faror of the | e<=s moral character of the detectives of our A llandsome Octavo Volume of 300 pages sity." | Bonnd in Cloth. If there were suminaries for tenchi ng ; PRICE .... FIVE DOLLARS, nolgog) , knitolegy, weavselogy, cook | A Work of great valee to Advertisers, 4 wuhnlog.. €&:,, we should have | _ Publishers and others, who desite in= more W F.FR. ‘s, or Women Fit for formation in ralarina aeish s apoll. wars 0_ eC | Acoumares The young American lady who studied ers and Per amatomy at the University of Vienna phy. | United States ; slcian, a wealthy young éu.‘“i,m having Dominionat Can aaked her to marry him, | of North Ame ie It is said in New York l'b;t“'s Pari Modiste will soon send to this countr garment adapted to the neceasities of male velocipediata® The Hon, Darid Christie got a rote of Iwo to one aa member of the Board of Agriculture from the South Brant Bociety. It is said in New York that a Parisian 14# rra l T A New York bootblack has sit thousand dellars in the bankâ€"the proceeds of the labor o(nny a "shining hour." More than 12,000 slephants are siaugh. tered aanuaily to supply England nnd thoe United States with tvory, Brighrm Young is now proposing a hotel, to cost a million of d« Uarlpoaml to be built on the joint stock planr. Mr. Alex, McKeozie, M. P., was choaen as member of the Board cf Agricultuie by the Lambton Bociety. Aftedntdnt it ct id L 10 11â€" EVE â€" siona in Canada, with 21 ministera, and 1,â€" / )\(ew,fity ’e in OFICBO‘ue 328 members. I _ BY ITs UsB A Philadelphian advertised for a clerk ; CGray or Paded Hair is § | ay 6 y quickly ?l..“h.;li.'yi;;:d before evening he had ; restored to its youthful colorand beauty, »PP ; | and with the first application a .In A;:Or‘fifw&’flt- y i} Pnd 520':" [ loartiful gluss and delightfal fragrance mem u y fls Lambton Bociete, "i} is given to the Hair, es than 12.002 Sephants are sieugk. [©witl cause Hair to grow on Bald Snots. h flg *| s tered aanually to supply England nnd theo I,f *4 1r.onm!e lf:x.tiriant.gmwlh. United States with lvory. i Fammnatamis immediately checked. Brighrm Young is now proposing a _ 3®!4 by @ll Druggists Price One Dollar. hotel, to cost a million of dillara and to| Manufactured by e built on the joint stock plan, I §. R. YaAX DUZER & Co. A New York bootblack has sit thousaind / Wholcsale Druggist# leilars io the bankâ€"the proceeds of the 35 Barcloy Street and 40 Park Place abor of many a lhiuingpbour‘ ® | Nowâ€"York, and & .' i $ The Hon, Darid C:)‘riutie got a rote of 256 High Holborn, Leoadon, Eng. wOo is BBb 28 mamLis ho m dod 10 â€"@ m â€"» The W. M. Church bas 22 Indian mirâ€" siona in Canada, with 21 mwinisters, and 1,â€" 328 members. Washington is fitly described as a city lring around loose, as if an earthquake had | shaken it. Grant is just begimning to realise how much i!r::inution there is in Washington corraspondent . Lumbering operations have been renderâ€" | 3 impossible in Wisconsin from the want | anow . I " &A Christian younr man wants a Christian wife," with a little eash, in the .0233 New Yorkers have beconmia so wicked tll:‘nhthcy hare been obliged to widen Hel) & Cimsinnati pork butcher had his firg ere bittern of by a struggling hog and dird, Arkmnasas is in a bad way. Milea of cottom felds still stand waiting to be pickâ€" 13 A thirty.two pound trout Lhas Leen saught in Maine, Ash Wednesday this year comes on the 10th of Fabruary, Beacher boilieves in rou»| and tmel y whippiags for bore The five lewling belles at the French Court wear fise teath. Mt. Recorier Duygin is to be appoint ed Judga of the County Court, A aon of Qintstone has been ordaine! a surate in the Church of England. Chicago used five hillion gallons of waâ€" ter last year, mixed with w hiskey . ‘ It takes © nine taitors to make a man," j and nine M. P. P.‘s a manâ€"ifesto . | A correapondunt vory aptly calls Af.| Blake " the Glads:ons of Ontario." | New York boasts of two suicides and | one murder a week for the past y ear. | In honor of the hirth of the Arst bhorn *eatnip weddings" have been invented. Bachelors are almost always asingular tellows . The Girl of the period will play foot bail, of course. Prussia wants A Wor‘d‘s Fair at logne. merrmaaraaay__. Lady Young is a native of N Foflny in after Butler. Paris wants more theater«. More earthquakes in ();}i. Robins have appeared in Lown, Carlotia Patti is going to Russia. Mr, ‘Treasurer Dunkin is very ill. Population of London 4,000,00 0 Dr. Ormistoo lectured in Ingersol}. Chicago has female highway robbory, Bright has dined with Quern Vi lotia, AL T Jugg has anived at Now York Opiuinâ€"sating is increasiog in Indiana Bt, Catharines is building a velncipedo The U. 8. contains 108,500,900 â€"heis Another newipiper | bel agitates (‘)). A LITTLE OP EVERYTHING, of tha NOva 'hiClI near «. _Land Plaster . NEWSPAPER DIRECTORY THE pupi‘s of this in-ti;ut!on will reassemâ€" ble on Thursday the 7th of January ner} at 9 a‘clock, A. M. ‘Students should enter at § ho Aameae aas e Can c i ogne Sedt L A C ET SL] * t It wu‘)ronob*-od as the best Pl:;tr in the | World at the last Great Ezhibition in Framee. oo \VM. FISCHER. The undersigned hereby warne the prbâ€" lic ngainat purchasing a promisory note made by himsel{in favor of James Hall, dated Jan.}l5th, 1869, due one year after said date, amounting to stity Jonuu, as no Yalug has beea receired therefore . Bariiz, Deo, 211t, 1068. 12 lbs, LAYER RAISINS, Waterloo House Nouth o o ip o / f Bonnd in Cloth, * PRICE .... FIVE DOLLARS, A Work of great valce to Advertisers, Publishers and others, who desite inâ€" formation in relation to the News â€" pnpers and Periodicals of North America, The Editors will he limited, nnd persons desiring copies will do well :o send their orlers nmm»diatelr to UST received n;ll;;â€" United Statea and Dominionot Canala of North Ame lea ; 8 arsS A, M f l*“":r " HAIRRESTORER : MR oressiNC GRQ. P ROWRELL & Co. Publishers and Advertising Agents, 40 Pnrk Row, New York. Do ue ns noue M LN C CT m CAMT ABETET 409. Legt [ p.rr in [(t sphore, Try it t year and seo. BRMSâ€"Sing o $3 4 your ; Five o pies $14 ; | beran for 819 ; 1!... g’h}lk. Now is the time to sut. | seribe and form Clube | . Liberal inducements to Lâ€"ea ) Club Agonts, Specimen«, Show Bllls, &¢., sont free \ l;. (.) Mouey Uniers, Drafts and Registered Letters at our Tlak. CcorraINING CCURATE LISTS of all the News _ ers and Pericaicailspublishdd in + |The Lâ€"é.rgest, Best & (:Jflea;;;{ New Fruit for 81 00, _ BOWM a N BRO8., WatkrLoo The ROASL in not acn onthly of only 12 iasuse a year, bnta lang wad spdend(4 Weekiv ot 52 Numbers! wert nÂ¥ Vour local papet it in the one to take, Whether losateu in cuntry, Village of City, you your family, and neighbory want the Aural for it is superioy In Â¥value, purity aad variesy of conteata and Adapted to the wants of a‘}, Both peop!s and Press prouounce the Rwrel the best pgrruxz [ta «phore, Try it t year and seo. w a C L0. " With Ofices in Rusiness «n 1 ow . faved Rural Di fweilitina. T‘ ev.amey of distlaguish rary fovict, w‘r udy cugage New Forker for 1889 might upou the character of the t rather shan up ra the a «m 4 the approval of our readere Tlll RURAL NEWâ€"YoREER, 10"5 known as the Loaling and LargestCirculating ) ewspaper of i1 | class on the rontinent, will commenca its Twentieth year ) and rolume Jan. 2, 1860, when 1: will be publish: d on a Mammoth Sheet, comprising SIXTEBN LARGE DOUâ€" | BLE~QUA®TO PAQGES of five columns sach, mud alsp | greatly Improrgé is contents and abnsatance ‘ Fii. M BeEsp [0A0 S HOUL Pations®, Talor, Kasays, Sketches, Poetry, Abrsic. Ra) w nCMA Eq, The ®nlurged and Improved Voiume will eace{ fo all the masentiula TW firate a4. prowressive, 'hfll"z'lml wreful rure |vnr..r,, 'l"fi‘mlyn'-mwr, mosnifes (ng the true Spirit of us matton © Rrcel» " and abjects, t dtregtens shG linoree: ment A amn eonts. e W Mas The I.ast (fl THX® GREAT NaATIONAL Rural, Litrary §EFumily Weekly. vyoL. xx, FoR 18690. VASTLY ENLARGED AND IMPROYED:! Agrieuiture, Ilur”rllllll", Rural Archite sture Shoep Mumbandiv, Corton Culture, Qrazing, B seding Dairy Farming, Pouliry Bo a, Landscipe Gaâ€"dani Entomo 027, RURAL NEW YORKER ke the pnper"nl;mdn wtein price, 1t will th Nn iimmmnnmmenemmeciit . P. Rowell & Co.‘s j AMERICAN | _ 3 °_ (& matton * Nrcelw» " and objects, ‘ nd inproviment," and making the | wWEEKLY IN AnERICA.! New is the Time to CDoguish»\ wr.ters or Rnral and Lite. \ly cugagni to co tribute 10 the ARural sls PAE on EC 809 might be announced : but we depend af of the matter the Rural will Sontain, the a<m sof those way furnish It, fec ut readere. New York City and Rochests r, the great mereial Matropolis, an‘d the beart of a strictâ€"the ARunal p messes uneqnalled Address Territories, and the , axul Bringsh Colonies MOOR E‘ RS of five columns seach, and also contents and appearance. This will it doubla its former aize, with no (o. will embrace Departments treating D. D. T, MOORE, 41 Park Row, New York New Inventions, D=meatic Eeon my, Natural Viscory, ‘TTravels T‘,p.).nphy‘ U+nâ€"r«!l Inte iigence, News, Commerce, The Marketa, &o , & Kasays, Sketches, P Literstare, ®iduon tion, N) lence ainl Art , Eng. Bubsoribe fiz Success, Newapap â€" the Ugb2 100 00 0,, 00 & 0 8 (P2Hnd 19 1270 FHany HJCROGOS dnd B the public generally for the very liberal.patronage bestowed apon him for the past ten years, would most respectfully anâ€" nounce that he has disposed of his Hardware business to Mr. F. | Fairman, who he would strongly recommend as being thoroughâ€" |ly posted in his business and in a position to sell goods at lowâ€" ‘:::?;lti;s than ha‘ve ever before been offered in this part of the CALL BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE will lind it greatly to their interest to Waggon and _ ‘ Carriage Makers, Builders and T . Waterloo, January 13th, 1869. ,:In this part of the Country ! Blacksmiths, Waterloo, Jan. 13th, 1869 }EE’P..be',.‘b'" in retnrning thanks to his To GOODS ARRIVING Daily! T Shelf HARDW ARE Extensive Nlock ~ of HEAV y and HARDWARZE sToRE. At Greatly Beduceda Prices And having a large assortment of FAIRMAN‘SI HARDN IRE ! Reduction in Prices E UNDERSIGNED begs to inform the loo and surrounding country that; havir than it has ever before been offered to the pnblic Sell Hardware CHEAPER direct from the manufacturers, he i TO THE PUBLIC. WATERLOO) CHRONICLE AND FAMILY xEWSP . JOEN MODOUGALL HIS WATERLOO ~~OPF. Farmers, JOHN McDOUGALL . Fairman. m the people of Waterâ€" ; having purchased from many friends and} | JOBRB wWornrs : ; » [ PONE AT THE 0 â€" (Springer and Saydet $.iog.. of this Paper is prepared MEA 1) Â¥ c“AL 01L1Bow,\ux 4+ 1 _ | 2â€" | ; _ Waterloo, Sept. 23rd, W ines FALL GO001$§ Largest & Uheapest Waterloo, Oct., 7th 1868 John Shuh & Co‘s. ‘FINEST QUALITY FALL & WINTER GO0D§! READ! READ | | call and satisfy yourself. The undersigned begs to return thanks to his friends public generally for their liberal since he commenced as Tailor and Clothier. He hopes by producing a article to merit a continuance of past favors, If you really good article at a price that defies comnetion _ aiv <reat â€" Sensation { *> GOME ALL WHO WANT BARGAMS ! DRY GOODS AND CROckEry as the undersigned intends taking stack eo Are on Exhibition ! WATERLOO, Jan. Tth. 1869 A large Reduc!ior Large Quantities! Commencing on Large Prize Sale!" Third Prize, 1 sett Stone China worth First Prize, long Shawl worth Je The largest purchaser within Wateriooy January 13th, 1869. Inspection _solicited. :: econd Prize, 1 pair Canadian Blankets worth GEORGE RANDALL cONSTANTLY KEpPT ON HAND, GEORGE RANDALL 23rd, 1868, IN THIS PART or CANADA ARRIVING TN STOCI Has now on band and will be competed for for ONE MONTLH cing on Monday the 18th «J anuary, 1869. 120200 CC 97 pist Iavors, H you wint a price that defies competion,, give him 17 Ing stock eoot, hm ronccquently wants to rtock as low as possible. KINDS OF THEC ABOVE PRIZES D. MeCOLL,â€" Tailor & Clothier, Opposite Brickers Woolen Factory will be made on all [ FLANNEL SHIRTS, |READYâ€"MADE for $1.50 Corner Commerâ€"ial BJ One month will get the Jst prigo. al since he commenced business > hopes by producing a superior MpWedand n &2 â€" aiquors | BrotreRs, W DAVID DEVITT ALL KIXDS or APELR. aterloo. bo3 and the reduce is $9.50 6.00 3% . a | Dceritt‘s L e ( ) 23 "Un "y W #An~N (BAQUS.. Wiaterloo g SIGN OF THE 2 RED g ‘olurin. _ Important Public Notice, Waterloo Iron Foundry iJ Springer and Snyder‘s. PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS 100 Bush, Dried Apples GRAFTED FRUIT, BOW M A N BAOS.. Waterlaa Breal JPunsrnan Trrmt, NHy EKINGST., W ATEF EYERYBCDODY‘3 | sTORE | Puncy smuup, Fon proprrations cheay at Sprtinger Dressing, Finc, Circular, Side, Pocket and fancy Baék combs_ Hair, Tooth, BOWMAN BROTHERS. LARGE CcROWDs paiLy? Bowman Bros. CHEAP STORE, CLOVER SEED ! 4 _ either by Note or A desirous of paying eosis, ; up before the 20th of D)c« out fail, to my ®urscee OO 25 3 wih i/ e0 to the undersigned, t' either by Note or Accou t, wod noj desirous of paying eos;s, must call and priy up before the 20th af Desem ber next, with â€" out fail, to my @ucorssors in businese , Bowman Bro«, at the Old Stand Last Warning. pARTIES indebred to the gither by Nara 22 a 0 at Bowman Bros OV ER COATS : ciing ncionging to our line. _ Great reduction in Prices I SPRINGER & SNYDER A when you want a s Drugs, _ Paints Varnishes, Dvestu® thing belonging@ to ou on‘ t Jail to call at the "Red Mortar" Watrrioo, Nov Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brush es aad Dyeâ€"Stufls cheap, at SPRINGER & SNYDERS FLANNEL â€" SHIRTsS. Bowman Br One C FA RM ER s ! Factory FPLOORILING : goinl Shirwl. Ny fast Shta w) or any k of Wooulen Good«. made, to Order t BOWMAX BR OS.. WATE Preeman â€" Froehlieh. Conr (Gilbert, Aunic Graham, James Graf, Sophin Hanel, Henry Hedrich, Adam Jacobi, Heinrich Jones. 8. 11. Knair, & Miller Kropp. Rev. H Keorace, Courote Cavanangh. W Clemens, Joseph Daeerbecker, Gen Dolle, Peter Denhoim. (Inn Waterloo, Nov. t} emaining in the Waterloo P l{ 1st of JANCARY, feeg, Andrew, V . S, Kincel, V Adums A. Kramer, Brend A M(‘Bhih.. Beise! Peter Menger Benk Frederick McLead, Binser, Bii) H. Ormond, Brassard, Thomas Hese Mas Bowman ALL KINDS OF NUTsS NP i ies adie l n ceJls s e 222 excedeat time for Aquariag up accounts, and he sin erely hapes that those who are indebted to him will make no deliy in doâ€" ing so _ It would be very unpleasant to be the cnuse ol rmny of his customers being tbrown into costs. but the necessities of business nay demand that stringent meaâ€" sures are adopted _ / word to the wise is suffcient . § 274 Urdersigned, thankf. favore, would announs great experse, connected with new buildungs, and the enlarge siness )n other reapects, requi ontstandine dohin are ineandis, 'l‘Hl: lrndpmignpd Nail O F210 1403 67 E‘dorisg o sale cheap at the Waterloo Don‘t fail to call GOOD LOT of F) 7/ Waterlo®. Des Flesh, Cloth C and Hat Brushes. &e., â€" &e. ap, Tooth and HMair ns cheaper then ever Springer & Snydor‘s. LIST OF LETTERS 18( WATERLOO A NT The c GET YOUR On) A I xto JOSEPH SCHAFER . 2uth. 1868. 67 Chinitz Brothers, Waterloo 18 (®) Ond the enlargement of buâ€" reapects. requires that all Ot8 are iinmediately collect~ oâ€"ing up of the yrar is an for equariag up aceounts, sc 1 : ant a supply of aints, _ Oils, ATT t« 1868 W aterloo Watson, James C. KUOMPF, p ~cuerer. Conrad Schenk, Acinrich StaniTer, lenae Selbeselit, llev. J, Stroly, Jol.n Schimidt, John iSchiabel, Catherige Schnerder, D. Warner, Jacob Wolf Chrisi JACOR BRICKER bth. 1868. Aramer, Karo| MNeBain. J. Menger. Samu McLeod, John Ormond, 8. H. Rovs, Maggie Rieni, W, N. Hoeter, W. tichards, John Ralm, Jacob Rabn, Jrcob Hele, Miche} AT SRLOGCG Kincel, William R Kr:mer, Karolina §)12 , Waterloo. Nubia WEGENAST. | 662â€"#1 MiDts thankful for past nnounce that the (Rl [nose who are ke no delay jin doâ€" ty unpleasant to be * customers being on havd and for 0 Steam Cabinet 1TERLOO at or anyâ€" Samue! §J1â€" 0. rpto the ming»up

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