It 0 Ih.l ynu mm II 'RI' "t the 83mph) Inzm 100 Bagh, Dried I who [ml climbml to tho brink of I we“,1 and thea let go hm hold to wit tttt hu t"A,J,J,i,5/',,,5,y; bttttdt/ lbs mu jun about " who u the! nun who any “mm-g. .NWMAN “08.. V _ WV. v.“ - - nun-cu III I duvl, one In due of yellow teor, one to Irma ttit ubllunry notice of the defunct two, Ti: 30mm clung" u l-mmuing Baum! artist uf " with m stunmnial intentiomup: on a widnw ohm. Her farm is not tttttttu-. lin-, but lwr fl.atue in $200,000 Wedding cards, according to the lulu! fashion, would be iuuul (hm Wonk. be. fore, the that "Marina. A certain Yule profeuor always studies his luuuu baton hearing a clan mnta even '.wher, he is the author of thu tert book, It mkna three editor: to shut a newnpm per in New Orhanl. Ono to get killed in I duel, one In due of yellow (met. one to -_;.- t_. . - Chielemic (‘haso Ins dispensed “in. the iron-clad oath' in the cm of gram! ju- tors in Virginia. A modu‘n “ruler my. 'Woman u n fuct.' Fartr, we know, are stuNboru thingy Hr- go, \mnmn, A St. Louiu husband Want! a (“mum because his wife throws the chuldmn at In: L‘AJ Brigham Yotine. it is said, u mum to primtu " with tho I 03,000,000. Thu swwluk girls in tho Wot hio-lat,ses. Tho spring of demo-tic ( tttms-Off! mug. Mo-l-. Tho spring of demo-tic huh“: tttms-Off! mug. 'l'lmnkwiving Day was wondorfully pelo. brnlod in “mung. Four novnpnpor mm were nutrriol, Mr, Beverley Tucker, of Southern mar 3 notoriety, is to be landlord of tlse titnsltort- I Ion Home. 81. Catharina. 1Jr 1lriuttrt"il.rsttht, (hometown Iror.', m. in mid to bu mum vial-hum] at but position and prmpecls. The he†oftho ducal how. of Richmond hm lsurriftod England by marrying a Lon. don stuck broku’a Gughten The sum of $00 was volhcted, in lwu day: hut. weak " Brunu‘onl, hr aid of the Hmnihon Timeat Snul DIM. libel fund. Ciril mal‘ritlgu now take place in 8min. Baron the mroltuiou may won illegal," and at the tenets of ch. church. 'Tlit'd', nf'thn :mlont.‘ in all (Imam. rims hm pound nbout tho Mrretn links M his demo», with the nuns owed. ' , - L, - - "_" V - V A woman was weenily Mrs-ted m Clr'. n W. ------ errgo far cm {ring a renewed wanna. It _ Stray 36110 I'. m“ Gr tongue. CA)†to the farm ohm uuderaignad nut A Nu: York “mm-n buwled Iter In“. L Linwood, attoqt three month. "o. a any band out of existonce with n In". of crock. l hem" Moat ' yam old. The owner can my cry ware tlrn niher an , “Wm" “d twee " “V. Henry Ward lueebtrru wife, mid to [no I woman of muoh inulloct, u noon to com meuco cdiHngn mothrr', magazine. The New York E: was Mll- Garibaldi 'otuottlte bores am‘ ltttttt-bug_ ot tho present age) Tonny-on’l boys "or Hum hair abort on tha forehead and long in {be hock, a la uri. giaal Britons. Tho portraits of Napoloon and E have been publicly (ledroyod in the of Madrid, The cheapest Job printing in the County at the offke of (he Cunosxcu and Cun- DI“. Tho Cnnomcu in Una ouipest and but paper in the County. Send in your nub- Icn'pliona at once We urnjun 3cm lb. urn-hold of win. tor. What think you of it no in, radar? 'Elogenl bridnl rowan lo let,’ in an ad "rttteutertt m In English “when magma. Eugenio can". a cane, and Mmetimu ruin. it Uh"; Louis doeen't pQrform right, A Sun Council of But. In: forbid smoking by boys under ughtun. A Y I C Anni-Mon has bun formed in Whitby. Boston hu placeJ n bear on in common- Ho hops things brwiu'. Collingnood had {we feet of mow In! "at. Tho mull lunatimelum uOrilIiu eon- taint ttt patients. To pawn: nhip. being lost at an, no that “my are he“ found. Why u the lunar L like a prieplou you)? Baum It'. in-vnlunhk. Thus humlrod ngulnr phyuicinnm an new in panic. in (to Unity! Sum. Prince Snlm Salt" has published bi diary chin French oc'tupltion of Muico. Fuhian-ble ladies in England how kill limo by having Running tluta.' Inland will more liln-ly mm bench from [and than from church nl’orm. A ttog m ' not mnomlnr when ht mm a tadpole, but other folks do. I A murdur epidemic mom- to pmuil in all pm: of the country. Grant and Colfax an both of C'om"eti. cut tie-com. An Austrian upwlinon lo nylon thi. Onlnl Alia has MUM. Th. K C. Bishop of uucboc in About to make another vinit lo Roma The min of the New York cit" mank- en promises to 0nd in smoky. Many Mreing "ll. an being “tuck in m. “menus ml regiom. Chicago tostauranl.waiiem are called huh mink A Paris ulocipodint has mm]. 123 miles in sunny-four hours, Th military force of Hamilton In†been mined to tour men. Konnoriy in ninging Scotti“: tonal in New York. Brigham Young u becoming Brigham old, and groin paralytic, An Amuicnn newspapor hm bun Mart. ed in Florvnco. Annn Bishop In: hem marriod in unlin- Omaha hm put up 1,000 buildmp thin )enn Seal skm jackets an tho wour for ladies this winter. A New York church i, Alma: to “pl-co its organ by t full band. A good man to nah ("on of-Cutters! Want, Buttitoi'aogb--oti'u" seeker“ latter: to Grant, Lam-run. is very ill. Mince pica for Christh. Hoaforlh has 1,502 inhabitants. Linen weddings are tho latest. Svn'nlmm in editing Coleridge, Rank for tlu, Wicked-hr-mat. Eyes that riltnvrrtry--yiagnet-uo, (Willieothe, Chin, is growing figs. liryilgen hm nrrivovl trom England. Cholera has bl'H:\"n out in Bombay Bonn†" to Mart an iHmlrntoil wmkly. Grant annrn him made their 'Pi'"Nni= Send your next yearn subccrirlion in tho uncle-oil envelope. Only one ollnr. Arming fhturo.--h horse that won’t start, A LITTLE " EVERYTHING. and Euprniu I going to prophets,- 71-h; l Bowman Brothers, Waterloo "roots Ji)0)t1ttpiiriEijiiiG, Aut- T0 THEjPUBLIC. 'IP? undenigua), thankful fyr the ' _ -'e"".i.V vat-IIH‘ "a. I nvun the umlnruiqnml, under the mun. mu! flrut of E. a S. N. SNIDBR. Milluru, u Ihiulny dissolved by mutual eon-NH- Mr. Elma Snider in nulhoriud to collen: nlldnhu dug lo tltt "id tirat,arnt will [my all claims main-t tho "mo. Slstd.l ELIAS smnm. sang SAMUEL S.SNIDER. Witt-hiit: . Swan. Wnlorloo. Ne. vcmber lat, 18O. It THE humor-hip ttere-dur. "Mung be. men the umlu..'...~...1 .....u-. aL, "lrWrri) ITfCgTfrffg"" l “In to on,“ In 9001} STYLE l for " and upwards, OVER COATS! PARTNERSHIP 2.3 lbs. Currant}, last year's nut. -n II -. - - . MICHAEL STRIUKER‘ “oiled: 1%va Ito, Paints, Oils, varni2irJi,nGG. cs Md Dyts-Sttafhs cheap, at An examination is merely requested, which will be to the ad- vantage ofthose intending to purchase. BABGLAY sifiiiiin MAGHINE Without and t"gg1,i,ytls, the Barclay Sewing Muchine Manu- facture bythe British American Sewing Machine Company, A 'SIP PARIS, ONT, HATS and CAPS ! fruit, or 18 "ss/sci/r/iT,' for $1.00. " BLAIRJhy 20th. 1868 Ar BOWMAN BROS.. Wxrtitrrto, Fancy Dry Goods ! ppysil0LU1'ION (JI? Cheap Cash Store! GRAFTED FRUI_T- NE "7 GOOIIS .' WATS RLOO, Ouiobor ht, 1868. 400ptttses Bucket-y Cotton, 500 picco- I’riutq 60 pica. Extra Gonna!) Prints, " plou- Bed Ticks 50 p500" Bed Chocks M pine: anub Muinoel 100 pieces Cobourgn and Odom! 100 [than Munch 100 piece: Tweed U in.-- .v ...N. c"'""" ... ts"""'"" â€nu; vu aubuuut VI lIIU o|cau3 ll late years, he finds tt necessary to enlarge his premises, and in order to make room before In duponlng of a large porton of hi, prune!“ Stock, at Public Au,tiou m his Sturu nu MONDAY tlr- 4th "Y of JANUARY 1800, a continued for One loath. both during Khulny my] liwninu, It \le Him In cxtudenl Over February Market the, His Stock. it " wall known, n My. new and well ttwrriml and arms Irortloscriptirm, rm! has been bought In the LOWESI obtaining Pill-ZAP GOODS, puma will do well by nLtomhn; this important F'alc. it Great Barseunp x7521]; be a! van. constantly kept on hand. “Give me n call before you purchase elsewhere 3EB"ST PUBLIC avcwxom or»- _ DRY GOODS and ‘FAN CY GOODS !; AT WILLIAM FISCHER’S STORE, WATERLOO, On Monday the 4th of January, 1869. GREAT (5LEhRl?N SPRINGER & SNYDERS. Waurlon. {Number Ssh, 1868. tttrt" BEST IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA FOR GENERAL PURPOSES Terms Strictly Cash. Come and see tho large stock ot'Staplu and HE yr'Diutt'iGyEpbesr,s to mmouncq tome public ALL MACHINES WAltRANTED.=aMr from Ml to tl Groceries and Crockery, Ll. 010th1nc, Mantles, Commercial Block. n. Waterloo. . aortalVEkos_, WA TEltL00, Waterloo. ALIO A GOOD STOCK " Boner-l Agent for the County of Waterloo, Blair'l’. o, 840- {Splendid TEAS, AT THE J ust opened out One Case Canadmn Tweeds'; Springer and Snyder’s. AND SPACI'MLNE‘ Mt WIDE 011N133. All PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS RED F either, by Note or Arron", iiiir Hot desirous of' paying com, mun call and pay up baron the mm of Ucrenher nut. with- out rail, to my “censor: in business. Dorm-n Bros, at thr, Old Sm-d. ___ _ - JOSEPH SCUEFER. Last Warning. put up in Tin Cnnniucrs, :1, H, 6 mul 10 Hm, from We. to $l per round at BOWMAN BROS., Waterloo. PARTIES indebted to tho under-i med either, bv Note or Arman. .ml’ um I JOHN WANLESB ‘HAS been appointed Solo Agent for (hit County fur the Now Kunming Muchlne, which wlll knit 15,000 niches. or 18 inches of perfect work in a mittuts..-It " pronounrud tht, but and most perfect Moehino ever invented. lt received I Diploma M the Provincial Exhibi- llon. Also Arm for tho world rcnowned “an urn-m NACUIKI, which an: up its om, work, which n rd narrow: " the toe, turn: the heel one! knlta over " tlitrrrreiit articles of opporcl.‘ Sand for sample of trurk, 7 "n' This Machine cm; Vb}.- new}! Vlhe Agrnt'r midonn, Greenbuuh. RHITEMQ HAMMER I ar Pickled Salmon, Lobsters, Sardines, one case ouch, JUST RECEIVED AT Bowman Bros., Waterloo. Waterloo, Novi, ahji, -itmsi. My! nno Cam Mulch MM West of Enghuul TWEEDS, at 30 piece; Sum-h Wmce.vs 50 pieces Blanch Conan: Blue Striped Shirnngn Home-made Checked Flannel, Silkui mired Dooskinn Fancy Silk Striped 1Jroaa Uosz Silkn, an-inl, Cram", Umbrellas Carpets. Ourcnnung Fancy Ladle: Skin. SIGN OF THE - DAVID DEVWl1 TH! BOOK'ORD PATENT FAMILY TRY SOME OF THOSE MOSES. 911mm. WATERLUU CHRONICLE AND FAMILY NEwsrifiiii I‘m fuiIowing Goods will be sold : :1 a 1 Woolen Bed Blankets, Home Blankets 142 i Hummus, Black Broad Clothes / rReady-made Clothing wls l 14ml.†mantles, Table Clnlhu , Grain Hugs 30ml~ l Towels and Towefing trorryllat Wooluut Shawls lDrnwers, Umlershirts "l-- in general, that on account ofthc steady increase 1n his busihess of iscs, and in order to make room before beginning to do so he intends "'tt, nu MONDAY Ur- 4th "Y of JANUARY 1800, at 10 o'cloek A. M. The Sale will be, [An In exteule-l Over February Market day and elm tho um. evening. l...r A-..,,,,.,';, .....J t..._r, l. t-.. A. __. u.._ 1 Allrll‘u'n I):|I.~N:‘ . _ . l - l - - - 7- -..___ .. "e"-.".. u... ... IN mud-null:- “(which TownIth tonne" " the non 3mm. m In hold " Bt. been, on the um day ot DECIVIHR nut. {orally-[Aw to Hon th. [allowing Mm“ itt tho VIII... of SI. Jamal», that In to uy :-Junu Mreet, Eh Mrs-nth. “at In" of Joll- Sun. I. Twenty-Ma in will}. along the North Bldt " MIIII snug from lung Show. In". " far " tbe and Main Sin-gt u luv-trot will. " prune. " of John It Pow. man" Inf-‘0’ "i-Uttar, I'M from Pr ml Sir 'ol to Alhe law n ma t tron but No. In to Lat Nu. Ira, 3r i-Nant aunt, from Queen Street West. VCHC r: tts n HR KEY than that nrplicuion k "e.'!, 'e t.loy pplwlch Town" p t onâ€! SyrupJIolnuu. Coal Oil. Vinegar, Tun, Cores, it", Candi†kinda, Kaitlin. Pigs. Cnrrunu, Prunu, Nun of all indt. Also I BOOTS A; SHOES, Books, Stationery and Toy, Hats und Caps. A M0lirutry, Bonnet“, Hm- Aud mum“ lad Jae 91., hp on Land um without delay. which will be gold chap culm- Cash or Trade. As FOLLOWS: T French Marines, Cobourgs, Factory, Cations, Tweeds, Flan- nels ofall colours, Cottous, Flannels, Nubias, Scams, Hoods, Bed Ticks, Baggings, Winceys, Bed Check, Wool Stocking Yarn ofall colours, Oytsreoating, Doc- skins, Broadcloth, Shawls, Mantles, Ke. LARGE $'lrtltllr)lF DRY GOODS! Nov. no. ml. NEW GOODS.' Waterloo, Oct., 7th 1868. Berlin, Nov. 18th, 1863 John Shuh & Co's. FALL ' WINTER GOODS! ulwnyu kept on hand and mad. 16 order. H Custom Planing and Swing done at reasonable pr‘cu. Chairs, Tables, Bedeteads, Bureaus, Clipboards, Sofas, &c., ke. DOORS. BLINW, WINDOW SASHES, &C., Wh1s1 in" all been bought Guo at veryTow pricunnd will be cold muchcbure than usual. . Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Shelf Hardware, Pamts, OILS, br, ke., nlwnys kepzc'm hand in large Gnvities, FU’I{NITURE FACTORY ISAAC HOFFMAN Wot' LU ANNOU NOE lo the public that In) M- now on hind I full nuortment‘f FALL and WINTER GOODS. Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, Cloths, Beaver, Doeskins, Flannells, Dress Goods, Shirtings, Woolen Blankets, Carpets, Ticking, Cotton Goods, Under Clothing, Stockings, Gloves, das, Berlin Warehouse t. Berlin, Oct 19m, 1868. "rerman Jm-keu, all Wool Large Quantities! NOTICE. a .3; 5110123, Books. Stationery and Toy, Hats und Caps. A large Slock of' ry, Bonneua, Hm- .ud mum“ n..d Jae on, hpt on Land and mule I. order lcleluy. which will be sold rhett culm- Cash or Trade. Remember the stand for god Summing Cautdiun Block, Berlin. GROCERIES of all kinds! CANIDIAN BLOCK, BERLIN, ONT. I. n. BOWMAN, Town Clerk. NEW FIRM Tho tutdertrigncdshare just opened out I ARRIVING IN In connection with the '01 to Alhert SUM. he has on hand all Aorta of will la eoouting of HUNSIOKER a TROXEL. LOWEST PRICES. Ardnlisrraei, chance of Varnishes, Dyestuffs or any- thing belottgirtto our line. Great reduction in Prices! when you want a supply of Drugs, Paints, Oils, Don't fail to call at the “Red Mortar " AL'O WILLIAM FISCHER. ISAAC l [OFFMAN Heavy Deniml or lineman] Mint} Denies Mans Woolen Sock: Lndien do. Braces, Paper Collars Woolen Checks for drones, &c., &c., ae, Drugget for lining Buffalo Robes fieavi Jhsaints or Knemmel and 8"le ' it", Candi†and Spice: ofa0 all indt. Also " Jargo Stock of SALE I SPRINGER l SNY DER. WiU (h 667 -‘ 074.. Deritt’s Column. m ff; Coal Oil, an1 Oil C) GOAL OIL. tr) [ ti! Lamps, Lamps, Sporting Mllatervi CHEAP HARDWARE STOR Mink, Fox, and Otter Trap PLATED ORUETSv the One call will satisfy you that Lulw is the c est Hardware man in (hum-an At Lake's At Lake' Table Cutlery, SILVER An All goods marked at a uniform rate Call at M. Lake’s Berlin Dee 3rd, 1868 Machlne 011. Sausage Machines !: (laltlte an gags 'AAMP Lake’s Cheap Hardware Store, LAKE'S CHEAP HARDWARE STOR Chopping; Axes, Sleigh Shoe Steel, ImmenSe Reductions I TREM EN DOUS SACRIFIC To Cash buyers and prompt paying Customers. Berlin, Berlin, Berl Henry Lake, HARDWAR Every Inducement, Curtis and Harvy’s Gunpowder, Iue:smstxxas Chains, M111 Saws, The Golden Circular Nitis, :9†H3! atlery, Table Cutlery. Tea Trays, Tea Iry Lake, Henry Lake. Henry The Golden Circular Sa. Farmers. Farmers. Cheap H A RD WA R E Store FOR CHRISTMAS Hardware, MEAT CUTTERS, Come to Berlyn- LAKE’S l at a uniform rate and at a reasonable advance on Cost and no second price. Chopping Axes. Chopping Axes BAR IRON, BLACKSMITH SUPPLIEE Every Inducement . 1 t Lulw IS the cheap-i in â€Maria. I ', Shots, all sizes (Note the prices.) Pa NS. Table Cutlery: th “TIC rs. "tt Saw, IlAMP<