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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 10 Dec 1868, p. 2

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Manner-o pound by the South Hm linden Committee no mo“ din- gr-dial ttt the country. - own you dob: uminod by the Dire-lt Gonna.» by the In. doo- tillu in England that mini-try “(M and» high: Hon. Mr Gladden. no all-d upon to form nGonnmt which . bl. 't-lyeoertpleted until] in an by m to the Cable" in “all" diam. It will be non that tho m Mailman Mr John Bright which villwdonbt but u Rodney to undo it pqakr with tho dune-1 Law-1., viii. I... at tho low minim:- m "tBaiotttly mum to "fly the mod Ali-muck ttt . ”column on Tuudny Int. The Coons“, who mum Mvotcudcnu‘ro- ly (In: My induces. tho majority bin. brie. ans-clad It Gibbon. the late Mu Rpm-aw" and gun the poi- thattoMr Inna Carling, broth“ of tho We: “Public Work; Iltt "In -ioeity chin pooph of Ontario will loam TII Ltomsmo Exam i: a new paper which Mr J. M. Sh". formerly of the “Obarnr,” In about to mm in Elem. It ' will boiuuod in an firet weak in Jun-r]. In pro-poem. promin- n ilret dun now-- ‘ppor, and In have no doubt but, that Mr Shaw will carry out " premium to the hunt. We with the new oM-rpriu "try you“. was“ TU Hon. Wm MeDottrll hu ban tor. biddou by his [shy-him. to long/England in " pun-m 'tat-ken" by tho Ir- ploid four from which he in "owning. H. m lino informed by In McDoupll'a plydciu in Own. that u would not no he in lift. "on if he " at om The "Nod and mlb-om ill, And tho other ati-u" inlorchnnged mumps by the a“ In McDoupll III win on Sun- ki. but no hope. m oak-minor! olbor N. '49. 5.15 in". lLGior, m nam'pfl [I'M ltr. 1:20 mm lNig'u Ex. 3:46 mm Rum election you“. and: ban boon you)“. trough nearly two “on of the Ontario Puliamk m at length brought Tums Lur- “In.” Sunny " rm”- tNine Em! Hum; Wot " " 0:10 am. I Mail " 10:15 mm " It. 2'13 pm Dry E: ¢-01p,m. -- " 6.” p. m, I Inmduu M'I G 3!:- [LII Wamluawltruuim Duo Pixel FOR Poor-Bar" DULLAM an A mu wu paid for pork ynmduy in Whittle“ This islhe place for big prim Tu Gunner Job priming in the Conn. ty " the office of the C'nnoxu‘u mu! Cot. mm. Cartier and McDougnll bare been elect- ed bounty number. of the Roform Club in London. Sign your next years Aulwcriplinn in the "do-d envelope. (July one rlollat. Bonn poop]. in thee park are begin- ling to think that winter has eommeneml, Tin County Council moon in tho Court HM Berlin, next Tuesday. Tn Cnomcu no the shaped Ind but "will tho County. 80an in your " nip“... at on“. m " Bikini." which mu wrecked did not My to tho Cut-dim, but to the Aloha lino. Many as am fund that it - the Hum-is oi tho Candi-n lino. To thm 1uatmss,.p% and envnlopu, Add” to this odho, to our Inbacribcn this NE. That will be loud at, End] " new" mbocriptlom for next. you or my ttedtN for job- or xiv-Moon. m M for aala of which a eon-id»- aila umber unhngad hand- atfair prion; We: and tttMm did a fair buainaan, Tn Wanna Inn: on Tueaday I‘m not a Wu] an anal. Tho - of at“. "a no: an - an a mmmmpm paid. van ut. tar, TI. domain! toe port was vary Mal. TI. “at" of poopla in town wan not gain an Ian-p an ma). Tm an advartiaananta in [thin paper I. all my itttaemtittgand abould u road without ML Tho badm- man an mani- Min. "ood daalaf antarpria'a and will no dock be wall rounded by having a ttmet hub of chn. Wa call aapacial motion to tho advaniaamanu of Bowman 3mm and Wm. Fiachar. Tun Euun lAIKIT on Monday latt .- Manly attended and the basin.“ mu wry but during tin day. Tho compo- Iilion amo'trt povl bayou vs wry hot, and good prim ION paid. The num- tree oft-uh was not equal to some former Tn Sum! of tho Ontario Pun-moot in mud to do. before Christ-w. Thou it yd A good deal of important in“. to be done, which it is hoped will not be M our. ' A Ttann thutrtut.-Atty pawn "nding a but new ubooribon and four dollar: in -tt, will pt thCn-oxucu (m hr on. PM. and don; your - Th Hmilton Chunks] and Viloglr M "all by II B. E. Charlton, of that dtr, hm boon all“ for inheh’on of the mom hrs The ddcit of duty “and in 013,000. 'utheiattttetdoOhtnal. who " bed in SR. Album. Yt., hom Neutral but wot. u. found to con-in at "oo middlk. BUhadittmd. The» I. Home“. "Bond luv. OI loudly lat, I nun w- tttot dorm in N daylight in the that ol Now York. III-unimpaunohlwdul, and It in -dutatpttlities unnthobouom of TI! Nov Hamburg Dumbo: Huh! I. My wall “nodal. Upwardn of My heed at outdo, and "only of shop. fanning "wanna Third” Morning. Dec. to, In. Oman 1htaaArtur.-mte South 8“!!! TRUNK " KILWAY, r.-ttt conu- m ML. - tum, you: dilate! the Louis- vil Democrat, In mining from the 'ditori. “chm. up: The word in I have on my eon-chi. in boxing to make you: no. out of very I. l Dublin. The odi- torhl Itarl was: And an ol non-cl? not up.“ In is “y m “on" 1 “and. Sun MI] do. mg“: a]: ml! in the making ofgmat In! _ The Ru. Henry Wand Bach“, up the BprittgiUld Republican, Item. not m hare returned from Button in a vory um- ablo mood, tor he told his poopio. u the Friday owning plum-muting, that the Migion of Boston in cold on Ice. In on. "or to I quads: my. tttttthet f d mm, t y Shh, r b.. 33:.“ it origittattd in tU dud orthodoxy of: tttch tt the Puritan Father- hnd punch Christ mm of Odviniun,‘ the noon who day an divinity ottU " :oor would not now be in power in Now l ) Ono of tho western paper: given the following notice: 'All notion of mutiny, when no bride-ah ll an! will be not up in small I“. and pokod in u outlandinh comer of 0 paper. Whore I handsome pace ot all. in "trt, it will be put compicoudy in large loam; when glow: Ind ollm bride ("on an added, apnoea of illumtivo may will be givon in uldnion; when, however. then-liter mend: who common] in pawn, “d that the bride, it will In" especial ttttie-ry lug. typo, Ind the moat sprawl-to Pastry am an be bow, borrowod, or no on from tho brain Iditorinl Woiny (is: --Thu use but been go. ing on for some day. but came to n con. clusion hot Fridny. Judgment will bo gn- en on 1h. gut imuut. LaumLmV: Nun‘s-Tho debate on Jettominrttiotrul grams tuok place but. Wed- ncsdny. After mum ulclcuuivm it w a (le- h rmmml c, Alan-l by (he poliry of Ian so» sion, but, at the sum. time to consider with all due attention any fearsibln plan fur the bettering tt the present. Dylan: of nuporiot daemon. The oducntionnl committee hue beep at work for several am rattling important bunnosI. Wtutruu-A vane] In. mocked no" F Kimbo'rle; the island last Saturday and all the cargo I QPMNW i F'irst Lor, (wood) dutmyed. The claw. however. I Foreign S Wore gallatuly mlcued by two fishermen i, Secretory living " {he Islhnul. _ Mr Canh CT' gaunnuy renewed " um t1sltertqtttt I Secreiarr, Hour} trum; Sccmtnry ot War. living " the "land. _ Mr Cunlwell; Secretary for mu, Duke of anw --There mu quit. a fall of new i Argyle; Colonial Rermtary, y,arl Gran- here I alt-.1 ' . . . . (ville' Secretnr/ for Ireland, Chivhellvr b'ots "r “Md u ay "ight ttnd tho 'lnighing " 1 telcne; President. of Poor Law Board, Mr y g . .. iGmchon; President Board of'l‘mde. John Prnsuox. - lhe Rev, Wm. Morley i Bright; Poetmaater-Honerttl, UcUmy; Pumhon, M. A., preached in Yorkville on , Challenllor of “the Duchy of Lancaster, Sablau mo ' 1 t . . ‘Charlu P bullion; I,ord-umtenant of , t mm; " and " st.'.',,'"...?',,'...? I Ireland, Earl Spencer; Lord Chancelior of ramouisleeture on "Imuloy_ Ill Rie/f/iiiiiii,' O'Hagtut mom) St. SN, y.. Church, on Thmndoyl Deepatishaat'rom Paris to-day reported evening the 10th irut, ,thnt the city in tranquil- A-ttrartott.-ru tumor with n- ganl to tbe titanium»: of the Punch Emperor, bu created comidornblo excito- mont for th- timo being. Fun. Acct--tht Monday the 80th ultimo betweeu‘four end fir. o'clock, Pat., " the expreu trein from the Beet wee within two milee from Shekeepeere Station, it came into collieion with e weg‘on, which wee owning the line. The comm-ion wneeoeerere, that both home were kill. ed on the epot, the wuggon all broken to piece. end the two men, Meeere. Wienhold and Zurbricl, who were eeeted in the came. were threwn quite edietnnce, end " severely injured, that one ot them elmoet died immedintely. and the other liee in n precerioue eondiuon. Mr Velentine Mira. hold, owner of the teem. but " heed badly bruised, " em broken end other- wiee injured, but there ie etrong hope of hie recovery. Mr John anbrick. the other perty, wee found eeneeleeet epperently without my pain, end expired nbontene hour efter the mdent. The one he been lnreetlgeted, end brought before e jury. We did not eee the verdict. but were Informed that the blame wee put up on the engineer fornot etrlotly edheriug to the rele- of the compeny in not giving the ma. required at one-Inge. If our friend: “in": wide-huh religi- om paper. unnemmu. and full of interest. ing matter. the lag-cum Nathalie per in an WO? ' lot them and to Hurry E. Child, 4t Park Ros, New York, for a copy of this paper, caching 10 cents Tan 0mm: Baotou oommoncod in tho Court. Homo, Berlin, on Tnoodo) last, Judge Miller prodding. Tho following [outlomon oompoood the Grand Jury:-- Joseph J. Erb, Foromnn; Mono A. Abby, Gouge Among William Boyco, Thoma Board. Chnotlon W. Bowman. William Mon John Gotby, Chorloo Howlott, Honry Knoll. Hugh Morton, Goo. Manor, John Multan, Wm. Pottoroon, Lomnol waoll, Juno- T. Thomn, Ell- B. Sny- dor, John Tuck, John Unpr, B. 8. Wobor, Mono Wobor, Chas, Wright. Tho only criminal one boloro tho Court woo that of a H, urnod NoIoon Compooux, aged nbout mtoon, for Ruling a horn on tho 15th of November, from Mr David Audonon, of Dayton, and a uddlo from Jan. Abel of the home place. He oonl’ooood himoolf guilty nml mu antnnood to the Ratormv. tory for threo your: for stealing tho ham. and one nook to the Common Jail for who. the "idle. Mr. F. Walton who "would him will obtain Alty dollars from the County. Thom won nix cinl ml tho particular: or whxcb will ho given next nook . _ Pa-sa.-). E, Ht""rthulrpauorw ma of “Man's Puldiu Lost and the Bolt Land, visited our city but weok. Thin ox- hibilion in highly spoken of and in really worth toting. aneur- Simon m an Cannon thttoy.-Mittty paper: having Inouneod that “in. among would net he printod in the Church Union, we take plenum in stating tbat the "rtttot" at this preacher "tt appear in every issue ofthil paper. and that they are to be printed hammer at " o'clock on Mona“. getting the lonnon at Sundoy out on the next dar. We under- stand an pummm om" cum]. Union prominea to print Mr. Beccher'a sermons u long " they are "mrpotble to the Church, Ind request- all other rpm: to publish them from hm own page: ugly. . Tl; Won? Barnum. 8ur.-htr Ho Toronto Correspondence. Beach“, In). Item: ttot tu a a very um- uph. at the n, that the lee. In to. Sand your next your: subscription in tho and.“ envelop. Only ope dollar. A New York ’pcpu thinks Gen. Grant and ho much of I politicinn, because he pod pmpdy for an ovmt he bought in M city . Luanda. In: jun ulcbmod his 78th binhdny. m u oommplotoly in " deluge. H1 daily diet“. to a new], but than in no an. in tehat he says. i Englilh traveller: are beginning to up. i ppchto the van nuperiority of American (ey. English nilrond can, nnd they are 1 growing not a littlo our tho poor accom- modlliOI "brded by thoir roads The coma-Ii. an undo-voting to prove that the ugh-Von in the but. 2h do we]! ‘eaough for than mull": Who on newer noun anything better A potion who visited Galt on business, nu 1"/t'."i',T to depart atter he had con. c'udod it. ' on on not going any " My r aid on. otitis friondn; U thought i you would spud tho tg hon.’ 'Oh, nos' muondtho visitor, 'Iio u too short to) wood a any in Gait? ; Ono do lat not a young man in thr l slow, N. E, come no» Ihootin the ‘objoct; of la athetions.' He, in a 'l'd'lfd mlnner,g pointod n loaded gun at her, tolling 1m in would shoot hot. The n wont or, tho! oullot just [using but an, and lodging in 5 Tho other evening an some of the Caledo. tti-ttmit from the Scotch tptnee-"ON pain up Wisconsin “not, Milwaukee. in tin-it :1:th autumn, Na and tummy hut In: "tlotta',-. Teuton who had perhaps but {thing too free] of the Inger, observed than th,Slt a fir month, when he nuddouly axe ‘mod: ‘Mein Gott, all a to. blew urges ish proko loooel' Mininloriul rumors nm ilmnnrlmim. it is understood that Coleridgv‘ (leclinm lo hold Ollie. under Collior. Sir Roumlcll l’ulmcr is alto excluded by hi, anti-1liIcstalulhlmu-m views Mm, Panlngton nmuked the other d: , that “the had a ruentment that nhe uhouhl die in I pramse;'addlnq 'that the uncut- monl tfouled her . nood deal, but Ill. er-. pectod “null, to got immured to it.' A drum now "le/ty who, thoy any. in not half the size . Commodore NI". No doubt he will be givon the rank of Kuncl, Mr. Muncriell‘ ( Liberal) lim bean elected to Parliament for Edinburgh Utuversity. Tho Observer mm lllu following " Ilia IN of memluers of Crlwduonis (‘nlimrh Lnrl High Chancellor, Sir Wm. l‘xgc Wood; President. of Privy Council, Lord Kimberley; Lnnl Privy Seal. Burl Russell; Chancellor oflhe Ereltequer, Robert Lowe; Fin! Lord of the Admiralty, Mr Chililern; Foreign Socreury, Lord Clarendon; Home patter round-to Bg-.90 malady Climb. mg up hon, hauling down there, running to nolhor plane, but never still. Twist- ing and turning, rolling Ind reaching and doubling. an it hating every bone and much for their future nut. It is very cation: to ml: it» One who does no may well undonhwd the doop breathing of the my ma. dart. " with one arm tossed our in curly Old, it prepuu forum next ay" ”Inn-lien. A busy crummy in: link child. A and tteeitbustocetttttl at Cow Bay on the 3rd inst. A party often persons were Marin from prairtrr-meotitig in an small but, wiioh, through some mismanage- mont. Input. and two young Indian named Holmes, aged Wm” " and 22 yum, won dnwnod. anu, Dec. 6,-The Emperor Franck Joseph has made Baron Von Benet. Prinw Miniaur. I Count, " an acknowledgement of " valuable aervim A don teh from 'Couluntiuoplu state! that the I5,3.ublime Porto. " the solicitation of Russia. continuo- dimmutlc relation. with Gm“, but 1sms, lent to tho Greek Tan Lrnu theats....-), you our think how much a little child does in I dnyl How ttom “HIM to unmet, the dur little loot Govommint and ultimatum winch is sup; potted by the Great Powen. Lama, Dee, '.--it in now considered ttertaiet that Lord Kimberley will be Lord Privy Seal, end the Earl De Grey and m. pon President of the Privy Council in the new Cabinet It in and that Sir Roun. dell Palmer will be appointed Lord Justice of the Court of Appeals, the Eur] of Hunt- ingdou Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Mr Gooehen Pnuident of the Poor Law Board, and Henri A Bruce, Homo Secretary, the letter taking Sir Boundell Palmer‘s sent in Prrlilmenr. - MADRID. Dee. '.-Rumo" are in circu-- lation to the “feet that the Provieional Gov- ernment intend: to Postpone the general elocxionl from the middle of the present: month to the 16tlt of January, and the meeting of Constituent Cortes nnhl the 1511: ofgebrgery. The Iuiubtiettmt in Tarragon: yester- day attacked and dispersed I meeting of the advocates of monarchy. I twoot, WATERLOU CHRONICLE A???) CABLE N EWS Jla/ Bloomingdale, on the 5th inst., the . of Mr “MC. Schneider, of awn. HARRIED. By tho Rev. Jacob [10:1th of Wutor- loos on the 0th inst., Mr Joseph Schneider, ot1hterloo, to Miss Mnrgnmt Bolrltenrler, of Bridgeport. In Berlin, on the 6th inst., the wife of John Mon, editor " the Berlin Journal, ofn dangMor. At Waurloos on the 4th inst., the with of Mr Samuel E. Moyer, ofa daughur. 'No pnuntl rocaived,'U printed on the card: issued for a wedding to take place in New York on the 10tlt inst. A 'l‘my ig was recently exhumed from the ruins W,, elwntor which was destroy- od by fire a month ago and united off ht a lively pace. All he had to eat for a month was Wheat. (Lewis Kripl an contract 8100. Moved by er Randall, "cottded by Mr Manlly, thnt lBy-an No. 200. lo nppuim the plnce fur Ilnomiuation of Councillors, and also of " ‘tnrning (ltfieors, and lot fixing the polling wlaeas in each Elec. div. for 1869. be read thn first and uecond time, Mr McNally ai-rumiul by MrJ L Erb, tbat the Ile. port of do Committee, appointed to Ck'- amiue the water courses of tho Road near I" Mr Fuchs and John Bitchey’a farms, lo ladumcd and engrossed on the minutes. l Bsroar.-Ydu, Committee appointed to luamina the water courses of the road ( ( poailo the farms of Peter Fach and John ‘Bilchoy beg leave to report as fullows:-, 1/iiiii idler diligently examining the we. 1mises, and ofdnimng the water from the 'iroa1, it was necessary that ditches be dug, I would be $27. a $15 thereof to Peter Fuel: ind 812 to calm Bitchy, on condition that 'ltil not pretended that (ho "ad, discuss“ the nbove points in the order named. not in the language given, but the general tenor of tho document will prove It to bo correct. 6. Ho fm‘orl the withdrawal of the troops from the Southern States and {he reduction ofthe "my, and gives a resume of tho opgrntiom bt the land and penllon nyltum. s."ihe President refer: to the Induo troubles and the viowa of tho Peace ('an minion.and focus that the military estab- lmnnent expenditure. will be largely in. creased on the plains. 4. ofheial facts show enormous (mud: on the revenue, which mutt be cotrcctrd, or the revenue will fail, and the nation he involved In min. The message calls for strong logislulion on the subject, and urges the upon! of the Civil Tenure not, which i, regarded u a hindvanco to the rcmovul of eottup.Lotrtt!als, _ - _ __ lP°rnry mama“: Many of thedélnils. ro-l ”mildly Jtt.tWtJ8. l lame to their chums it is not deemed prop- l .-.r-- ler to c.0mlpunicatoin the message- Others l T . ' on that hm hm. harrowing or lot arbitration between Paraguay and limzil‘l stealinL ut of my snap in \‘r’uu-Hrm have been declined and the course of Pars l Village. " Manlmy \Vrrnuh." l saw svtt. I 1 . ' lnguuy is commented on. although there is 1 ”PM. Square. 1 (-hiaol, 3 Bruce lutis. inn RanM of oMeial detail about tho Into l will olnigo me by It'tulti: "J 1ius “W“ ““‘l ‘ontmgo of Lopez. Tho Government has} tol'Ll1? I),'. 'il)" “it'll E‘I‘H‘Li‘” 2,"'lr, I? has made new treaties for the protection ofl tl [of WF “on at m lf nu: f‘.“ um.” _ . . I up (Meant pincewlluga,1unl unlier: naturalized alumna Abroad. It has recnLr- - . r x l , J, t r , . .. . , a l iJANllU, .ll IN EA! LL. mud the new Provisional Juxnn In hymn , Waterloo, Dec. yl, has. LI _ nan de.theto Government, but has rccrirell ( _ - to --- - --, ., m _ - - " A - no formally accredited Minister from the I For a Good and ti4.Hi.1 P Emir some. Add" with Mexico are “defunct-i. _ CANADIA N ry. Arrangements for " mixed commit. '; A sion to Battle the claims “Americans in thnt ( B d Bl k t country are in progress. The Government e an e til has tlt,) ttt t/1t"g,tttt""'tf",/e OR HORSE BLANK HTS, purcmoeo A new anion In he oat _ , f w”. ., lor, tt .J Indies, and learns that the French are try. Gn m n )“ " AY 1"fjlrr_l': “if? ing to gettho Bay of Snmnnn from the - v7 Dominion Government. Th MAt " Tr, Tr/et 1. 2 Commending the report of tlu, Tren- wry. and endorsing its views fur a return to specie payments, through reduced ex- penditure. raved taxation, and n gradual commotion of paper circulation, with sug- gestion: for legislation for one currency only, and that national banks should hue their pawns restricted. rr, . , (I3kM"lths"hiN Ultk)n., IriitU'iAjU. Wssmsoros, Dec. 'r-Tho President s l A”- -_ - or ------. 7, __-_--- mean was all heed in type this even- r T , h T " "an; log. t'Si' will prolinbly be sent to Congress I, ALI, KI?ii ])b. Ol A t t L , on Tuesday. The only reason for delay ul, A't .. the anticipation reception of offieinl new Bowman Brothers, IN Marlon. about the "ttltunautorthe Alabama claims. ', ---- __ -__ __ - - w» a Kc The message covers the following points _ TEAGHEE 33;? $3531??? and the conclusions thereon: l l t “2,5,: E, :33; I. That the Southern States remain) rm; THE mltrntod in industr , their resources out 1 .,_ .n1 1 Elf, A goodly portiony of their population I Waterloo CEBU al BVDOO“ ditrfranehitted, their constitutional privileges, ANTED a “MIN,“ (mm to“: Ivy denied, through. Congrcwonnl Etuscvment, l W ten-h Gururnn, to t-_v.nmo/,rs, ,M W 1.That the Southern States remain proltratod in industry, their resources out of, Agoodly portion of their population ditrfranehitted, their constitutional privileges denied, through Congrcwonnl Enactment, and 1110!th of them remaining under military rule. 8. That our foreign ttflairs are in a favor able condition. The negotiations with Great Britain regarding, the Alabama claims, so called, have not yet reached nu end. Certain portions of the proposed pro. tocol of arbitration was not approved by thin thyrttrnrneatand have been returned to Minister lohnaon, TPs resignation of the Britiuh Miniatp‘ is regarded as only " tem. The but head 1ysartsra.--Braitu, Waterloo Township Cctt BORN i! i00llfHil0TI0NARIEg Dress Goods and Trimmings, ‘12 lbs, LAYER RAISINS, "lood White can!“ msuns, [irh.)jii').'.ii. GU W , New Fruit for 81 oo, . ONLY $2.60 ""3 " a's,nr BOWMAN BROS, WATERLOO. om. BOWMAN 8110.31, whd.ruvo.lArr BowMas Bum, Waterloo.) Wtstorloo iWATERLOO BOOK STORE. to. Just received 100 apples which will be null suit purchancrs. -- ___ THE undersigned calls n Hentmn In his very large usmment nI'Toys, (I null-skim.- nrien Fruits, at. which will be. sold cheap for Cash. ' (Fun 836 KING ST 5 lbs, Good Coffee for $1.00, Presents 2 EVERV'QBV'S 953933 j! Tuesday, January 5th, 1869, bowman Ilvos. Sit/i7, irc. Rdiuwfmz Ills 1min \.r.. BOWMAN B ROS. , Watotioo Caps, Bounds and Mantle AN IMMENSE STOCK F AT THE Havpvr to 01mm“ .. 'l‘HE Creditors:: n! 132- bud-.21 " .; . tied that he hm m bf.- u‘l an oehin Estate and viii-LN um _. tur, Act lo me. the under-19101 Assign, Ahoy um rf‘quired to furnish IU " wiil months front [his lllllo “ilh tt or: weed'yitvr, tho seemity t!va.H-1, um] the value. oi'it. an] i/ l mm, anti (“C1, the whole "r'tyste,l u-uiur am the vouchers in suppor! M mail clui Dunn] at lieriin III t'w i' -:|n'v of in) Ilnis tirst Jay m' I) H34: crrtw A. 1). HENRY I" J. JAt'ks' iirt-2t Ilili‘inl Ac r, Mf'n'jif)?'siii'ih'illii, JU ' (:95 {u' a; r' BOWMAN BROS., Wuiorl ;"*;W?Ym Insolvent, Ac/r, Cu Lax 'Pr52'gip/tt hm horn llOrx‘O'uVllle c: slralin utof my Mop in Wan-r300 Village. " Monkey Wrr‘nvh.” 1 saw tiL'tt. ltrying square. I clzisol, 3 llrucu INNS, will oblige me by mlulnfw; the same as l cunnotdo very wch Ivulicut than]. Du lakes. Friends udvlrc and FIVC l'unhrrr unpleasant proceedings, um! nhliztu _ Tweed Eh:1ii-iiysi, _', BOWMAN Bums, vsumm. Hume Isl m' , nrrllsr'W. S-xlnry 43mg None but elhcicn: h‘ncheru now] apply Applicatinn, uccnmpnnim by _ um] testimuuiau, to In! made on ilus 10th January, to John S. Ki cipal, Perrorval psppltusiou pro! Waterloo,Utre. 0tlt, 1803. Bowman 1r.1tl1/s.1.'i3,Tpt/pi'l00 , " Bewmam Bros, Waterleo. In the tttttttur of WOODMAN‘ of put up in 3, (l, G A: 10 H3», 'i in at from (30¢ C" $1.00 pa I Jlurrsu [My (Man, Is"rcoria ($6.04. ) to it}; 3 n. SUPERIIR Tfit/il . HENRY [’HRS'I'ADI Waterloo, vac. mm. 1355. . BIILLTN'E‘RN Waterloo, Dcc. 9m 1865 Toys, Toys, "' REMEMBER CH Ft, I ST} l' A tc, 31cm Shhm‘tist tittLr,cmiApr'oitc ASH teach Gel man. to Also tt Lingo Ann): (men! n ly Friem‘ily iii'witm Ready-111m]. I‘OR NICE Minn for, 1 n to be sold chomp Io! W L b Bro-v. Sim-w, WILTERLOO. AND A l " A T HALE \.\l G PVC" 13.1113 32 hushr,s of in quautiti «madam; 3556-33301: du :l‘l ttri', 5.'vi'ct um"- Cue uhuw nn-I .\s.1ignw,xzuzl :ishmn wiliu (a. with r) 0:? M an.» t!rw 2..)' 4‘ if :my. 'i;onr,s:nti I : t :3 under “mix, ui‘Ix u! ~m-Ix cizlixm. (' yun’v o!' T3311; r JUL-V A. f), 1siji, ‘J. .LU'K‘WX'. ()ili‘inl Aelcuer. 1i'l(fir'i'syij?J1!, "val a. 1111.353 1. U " lil H o, il ERR m n 'ttip ll " G Lit, WARD Waierlir, a. on UN“; 4 “tilts Want For a good FYITING Sl’l'l‘ of Public, tlb,set,iom, Go In mum S?,' Duos. "___ ' ovhi'itiiai:r, Esta-shi,:,'-," ill C?i'iiGrP..5.T'7ETz7.m, an :0 BMW I.',' 111105. F.r'v.rlltl:1l I) I0ltetar, I l it LOO. IR». \VHNHN. Jr r',-,!)",.' J),. _.',.:"':,) ii , 'i'r:i,r:Vii,i'g' a ll ANI) r8141: 0 n [Mm u milvs from the ha I lxalnphm. or Port Elgin, lby a new Gravel road. niu‘rmiun for three )enrs Asthe alum-n property must be sold It offers " grout chance to men entering mid [Madness as tt bargain will In ginur Trrues.-Haitlu, the bulince in Ev 303w ul r, per cent. Apply lo J AMES BRADLEY. Paisley Foundry, .. ..- ' Prticlry, ('ouuty Brure nimrmiun for three )enrs. mul during that “my done a goon business in implements. MEI Machiuerrtke, The Mouldan ehop Is 30 by 00 reet,witl-ylient furniulnnL-n, and) us ('upuln fiasks, ke., chimney 63 foe; high F_utshiug shop 30 by 40, Puller“ an; 1:” " Bimimullb shop with 2 fires " by IO, mm " Dwelling home. There is an v.wellrnt Improved Fan Must ea,ralrle ol mei'lhg Cl Inns [Mr hour . AIM) one of Mr, Keukrne & “warding best anew cutting 111mm,; Lamas, new, twill, compound facie, Mn! 20 feet. and swings " inc-hum steam Pughlr, bought fox-H horse power, and I [urge stoekrt,'the mos! approved panems For mills and implements, and many olher mnvemenres For the use of aid bunnpu THE subscriber sale in the y of “rm-n. It x: W' 1m.r Villuurc, mu! u-nsivu Aglu-uim title. " milvs from hanwhm. or Port for Bowman Bros. CHEAP STORE, Waterloo. FOUNDRY TItrn1ENO'0iys RUSH 11184510 to ()rdox'. _ a: no way was. 1m fihLoo 1000 lbs. Christmas Candies. Ellis It. A. Goudrnge Chm. T German Slow!” Hemblung Isaac Holm J. Herxinucr J. L. Josepb's Brother Krupp Rev. Mr Binder W. Bergey Daniel 8twnhardtChats. Bowman Joseph Erh Isaac m-rl'ywhnu h a” In In “I. "rim. wolf cIreuHtiott. Nor '1-1 [hour . Mal-nun imam-re wnb max of l-ul "In", wh ch we . mummy In thetr rumour-e locum“, and shicls In, C metally weakut vet! tttnritorryt" -‘ L-TO DAILY Mum comma; an mm b realm; In» ter as mu unlimry b2t'tlro, in.) on chow. qua-11:3, u tb- " n: half the puma Tir., " In Alumni. Bun-don hung I (in! dw- Fund}- Piper. " is can t als "hunt to him hen m-n l'n wanna otitt Alruudml camvuun‘ml inLtll| :zch. mic m currmt te. 2.--llss mun-nu. “Nuns-u. light Pagujom. Weekly, I: prr “mum, muslin. A” that upperm- m the [mm H» (mm pan "the purely NW nmlwr and a'lvoruunonlu, u~Tho "an“ Wynn“. Eight I'm-mm per unum. “NPUXH tli-gre Ih'f [11”an a In", (\vntnmpanry Prom, And “burials a! thr, brtgtN In”. With a pun-4m " the fIxI‘Iy-Ihmlmg "mi I’m-u Currvnt 4. - l'hu (‘uumu Mus-max. containing Bictu than. lg puhlmhn Mm» n mnnlh, ll the very In. prlcu r1137‘1", pa. mmmn. Dunc. mu] '. or 'mvtrrt Coruvs for " to nu: a 1 Inn it r,»m.mns KFII‘IOH‘, Temperance. Agmultn ol.lsrrajs,r'-iu-rvtrurrsiaostter, Storm! {or (‘hildyem i.- st,. Thim p.;. I " rm wmcndld m the Publi" "' r n b, a H: " ,, Lay-d ”All Hi mlnpmlinn {or Il rnlulmn wrungu 'ie, mu}. “)1!ngva extend in mot-Urn " ' a: [ms D' unwnnh orewim momma", ueprewuung. pr ,1, ' r,‘_ 1 , Ill), rmdcrn. but u tlv, Terr low mm \xlnluulj, a") emu m-r uunum. Irtsttvrt,itJoocow" up ml: Ln m a ”any. II n hoped th n as drcnlotmu wnl 4, - I'm mum” Mus-max. contain 15 puhlxxlu 1 hr.” a month, It the vary} per mmmn. Dunc. mu] ". or 'mven Corn 3 l Iro, it I'JH'JHYIQ Ramona, Temper ol, :H'nlnxul ', rim ’Mwlmi matter. Slot tr st,. Thit yup I " rm wmtndld I n b, a n! " 1» hand ”All " “alumna I‘Arnnzu Sc um}: um] manly rxlenrl " in: a: [ms D' upwards ”(21,000 wow“: pr .1“ ".. r, IO) nude”. but n "In warmly. rhceuu [wr annual, Post~pald, awn: Lu .u a “any. n n hoped th n its gl'ekin‘ 1.21 real:- 5 Jim Kn D :1: a: Moe run i, ll ly ht n: he, mnmiun-g a rivh nh-cnnn my" 4 tbrttr'ersi uvory I mm. math" I (hum. pwcus .Ymnud, mud picr-rud tit ti pet ummm. Powt-ptrid This anuIn‘ Bowman Brothers, Waterloo. Te,,"' ybnn -0:* " c his? tr ho "not! mu) I pro _ View!" an I " tr,ll - Hut 1le ho" "miiy "per l, an: um hug pulle‘lm"; vnierelllng And ptotlmtrl. for awry I'm-nun” um» tam LL not vomiting (in ciuhlren. and arm; mam 1m within nu " :po " the but mural" of humuny mums! And oh nu‘. Smh I pan the “gully. WIYIHIS In. itturrd to br from "I D‘mlbnr- mom, is yea-s “a; m! that the country In vrolmrbd fur Inch In cuter; nu :4 tho-u by Ituuccua. The W11 wr 5 Vim Nu D x-n m M»! rnu‘ i, I hudmno Mottth. ly M Trp. "e, (maximum A rich nlwfmn nf ”WIN-1 and (up. .1 ttrtirursi every I mm. myth" In]. on” on more ah an 1mm”. Kuwait, Ihd [Ham-ml I'lu‘lrlllnnl Prura, ti pet uuxmm. Potptrid This hilgulur. In“ been fun! “My lt was In unruly tho ennrv PM" of the Dominion, Tim [any “(all than pu'-lmulon~ n'e "C(‘I‘Ilmfll! C DI In Am um, and the prrmlwah are mmrmbly dummi- omiu%rn Me xumrnmrm (guru. Any am» who wil. kmd‘.y make up n dull for 1h. .le7. puU'IaIirllxx lo tiw “A" 018‘». and remit the am. Pont. ynad. m Uni-kw... funds. will ram“, Ifuked hr at the mug the " mum Wnnss or the ytor DotmttoN “out, u gum. I'M Una- Dollur‘n worth otour Public-lion- fo every " I Liv-uni mm Dollar! ”mm-d luv thumb: P. Or “my 0:11” ur -'mudl.uln Bl. N. 'b.-l1rmriu are" Ire nurhuriud and rvquutonl to an emu Izmtnuu! xu‘vlcxipzluua In SII'er lut "otClubftstr, m'triphuusjl aux! wm’cn th. nine tuto Ikukulrlr fund! It " N . 'tt Fancy Soap, Tooth and Hair "I. preporations cheaper then evcrm' M Springer & blnyder's. 1to [an in m “nu "drtrotw--" Duly, tre BomI-Woekly." nu] pr We 'hlt' inane: almm "LOW L‘npiel in“! mm ququlr l.v, rut hen numb!) )iugmy 1houund render! ', but “In! "lt' they krut "l . lumumiun of four mulhom, m n! “mm '9 do”; h: ".41, Bowman Bros. CHEAP SWIM)“ Best quality of Trusses and of every description, Shoulder Braces, and Abdominal Sup- ports, at LARGE CRQWDS DAILY I Springer & Snyder's, , Dressing, Fine, Circular, Side.l Pocket and fancy Back combs. ' Hair, I Publications of J. Dougall & Son. l Frrt?Cr'ir'iar.. I Springer and Snyder's. (' R omaining in the Waterloo P.t _ lat of DECEMBER, ISGQ ‘39}; .9999 Miami; Pur1VMAN ()ll(ri,IN'arrr. _ ti'rARE, HARD TO BEAT FINEST QUALITY W“. 011. For a Sett of 44 pieces of FLANNEL SHIRTS, M ol Tooth, mi PROSPECTUS FOR 1869 LIST OF LETTERS subscriber offers his Foundry for le in the Village of Panic-y. County "P. It X! we” situated in a flourish hum. mm! in tho centre, ofun ex- A;Iz<-lxitllrnl mnl Milling L'numry; milk-s from llw Lake Show Sulllh‘ ll good Shawl, Nubia, iklltst Shawl or any kind ol Woolen Goods, 190R SAKLTC. Buy-.‘mnn Bros, Waierloo Nail, Flesh, Cloth and Hat Brushes. Nu ,ISNS WATE11t LOO. the i.v.y.trloo.r1y. uplo the 0? THB Keith Chas. McDougall Jam" Martin David Nanmann Gebrueder Powby Eliza Ruse George Ilnse J. S ' Roe Mrs. Shocplcr John Scan Mr. Schaller Joseph Spencer M. Scugrnm Joseph A T AT C. KOMPF, PN JOHN Dot muscled thereto It has been In &c., &c. - "ve """'.""'v' Virer--Ntu'. 'n,ueil l‘ rn 1 7 - - 7 t ,fi - - ll|u|(‘lu}m‘uh ( “AM“ mud- n FARM FOR S ll ALLISON. ll, I Ind ask [normal-p Ge rlolhm allavrnns'quH' V wich HENRY H ing an ngm: For an" '41.‘ HIV“! thc cloths brlov ber 1,t mums. Suakmg thro “w- (mun! up the tsh.vritre-, um unul the cloth” um peril- und ready for urn»? .1.» N- [Mae lmlm likewise n the twin WASHING MACHINE. §M111 Property I 1 FOR SELL}: :IN THE “HIV” 0F BRICK "p".,'; subunlwwri C fie “on Mlliprnpmwm 1mg (mum rm it) A Most Successful t Wonderful I N V E N T l O N. New Method (sf Wmhmg Clothes I THE $urscriber being compelled by ill I health to retire from farming, offers for l sale his Fnrm, consisting of nearly 100 acres. l To Acres of which are cleared and in . good 1311“. of cultiution, the Mt-ttt is situated at the lVillnge ofLinwond. Tnmisbip of Welluley. ', A few Village lots hue been sold nnd In" _ buildings erected thereon, leaving some twen. i ty eligilily shunted Kills,“ Lots still for sale, 'wliich will be Bold wither -ate'y or with illic farm. The land is of good quality and in Iagood suite of cultivation and will he and i cheap with easy terms uf payment, For furth- ler pnrticulars up: ly zit mice on the pmmiu unparuHml opporiu man or ralumilsx. proposed line of 1M Bruce [Midway elm Inn and mm- horn 1' With or Without Hm purchusvrs. 'l'oxs:--Ha'n (a secured) in iive annuu (out mlorw' , --- 'tt nndvrsimwd “91M: for sit. hm c, l Weat !mfo,r Lot No. 5 West Soc lofWclit'tile.r, Waterloo County lt, Hams 120 an“: under gum! cultwalmn ‘ofgonJ ("0.35.1- tiwamp, had me lull: fother hard wow! lumber T2 new: .eedld III Full Wheht, ll ill»! I ' Dw(l.ing Home. Bum, Stablum and n l of W THE nulm-rihrtg offer th, 'on m. but Mrllpropertym this County, all in complete walking ONII'I', lt IR Rimmed in the Village of l’iulurmn, Township of Grovnm'k, and Iq the best “mm pnnlego on“Mud Rwer.“ the in” is twelve feet with a large supply with water. hrst nu. Mull dam, and In Hm centre of me finot farming cuuulxy in ('unudn, The IVDPPOVO» menus t nnsmt " u (“in Mid ttwo run of clones), Saw MIN, Ninngio Marhiucry and Worden Fatrtors, 1Wrt Ltrge and comodi. ons “th‘ing Houses, guod “milling Am] a large driving house “uh abnut eight acro- of expellenr" Lind wi" bv, avid Chen; A First Class Investment! EXTENSIVE - sum trt Nurg .‘lrm I. “13:11an We Englinh Church, and immel nu l.r opposite the Drill Shed, and Mm the Lot on tlat Shoot lcndmg from the Court House In tho Swim), at prcsknv occupm! by Mr. War. Youwg " a cubism. Term, reuonnble. For further infurmali.):1 apply tn Mr Wm Yutong,Berlio,Mr Jeremi% Hughu. Wa, terloo, or tU tlie Office or this paper. Berlin, 5014. 81h.1869. 661 NOTICE OF éPPLIGATION BILL OF DIVORCE. Just“ (hymn-“<1 Out at S HEREBY GIVEN tlost after pubFestion I homvffiirsix months succvssiw-ly in the Canada Guzrttr. and frethe mm: period in the Berlin Telruraph and H'utnloo Chrontrle, both published in the Founly of Waterloo, in the Province ofCunmin, the undersigned will pe- litiun We Legislature of the Dominion If Cul- adn, at its um session, fur I MU of dirorco from his present wife, Jessie Ritchie Glennie, on account of nduiu-rv. purchase mans 120 80m; under gum! cultuvalmn, 2g ofgorul ("misd- Swamp. had ttre balance other hard wood “when: T2 new: are medal In Full Whom. H in” I good Dwcl.iucr, Home. Bum, Stabhlm and other outbuildingw,tvosltio a never‘fnimg Spring Creek. Terms mm thh-d mall. the balance m suit the Iiuru:trttser. For further pam- rulars apply to the pl'oprrelor 2 war: humus. INC] from tk gnu" {rum n strhool hr rhrnomintttirms. Panic: in n,ur [my r than m1) l 3:? Our Case Chintz Prints Munro: put-rm, TOWN LOTS FLANNEL SHIRTS, READY-MADE for $1,50 rgnllF' FARM for SALE BOWMAN lh ()rlubcl l Fol furthe FARM FOR. .SALE. Lintnod, Oct 1312., 1mm Peel, Member JAMES GLENNIF Woolwich, 1m July, ma. Me-- ‘HOSIC 1w Side of' Orlnher I 9111. LCM? TliF, lMIJ/lN/Uff 5 7']: 1)ft "rt, RENT. THI u Mae ' I‘m“ MAN ll, NOTICE Nov. rzu. late IN FOR SALE I', F, Tt L I (Ar): .mn'uors. perfomu-d p. When frre n nppzmd 9','l are forced by the +hes up there (Numbn- cloths below no a num- 'ioakmr,rthroor', " II n- ALUABLE gum! “YIN: tor " r his lung. of Lot No. 5 West Sonic“ \anErlno County ll con- nndcr gum! Culll'allnn, 2; 'Swamp, mud tire lullnnco and Umberv T2 new: are I Whom. lt has I good ‘0. Hum, Smbhnr and other i IO J A lf I 1H9. I'lNliEfiTON ‘uahlc Lots on the g Nrecl. trthoin, and immel m: I: o underugurd m'.. "WA' hh’.l THOts, Waterloo. JOHNSON ORR. Welleslcy P. 0 [My 10 1!": lmsmou " Hi F hunted an the Wcit1uirrttrri, (any and ' n nulce i-om “hiker nmley. It null be sold ‘n, guéd naming And a “uh abnut my” acro- The nbm'u pmpony rbcrefnre i! offers " (In: f, tertns Grist Muil. to suit AF M the Mum. (well :lu'nwms u b per Waterloo, WM, (IVENS r "ie He Won al I“ mo ON N P, LL, ti 4dttone P (D Go? 4t an the North bottom on: " 659-6tgsus HI Proprietor "r'--m to 670-- com Dot do he will h

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