0 ,..:: me a man that don‘t laugh, and 22 9+ gaimin aeweip es hen rasgyy, AA n Cong Eo couds Td T in uks mancled ns divectiy To teat | eduente: y Am“\\’;‘mmmmfl ow the bor i pinoed hith one of ths | Busan, at a town *W“‘ E osh in which the ogg is plased, | go out= was a bmom sent to a lady, mhl lnmm‘&'wh the ?Mnrh nds 5 on : Syon ppoot 0P O quu.mm. If the | that he tb ..m' 1ity nlmm etrole wall be | which | _ house t wuub! commend; _ m if staie, tha dise will be cloudy, and | but tha the rmain, the rain, the too), iÂ¥uet anminet main; Wow t Aiting, soft ly palling, With a rich, metodtons straity From its thousand silvery roiesal And the sarth, how it rejoices, Tthat so long bath thirsty Iwin! boaging so, and grtering sighing, ON+ the loavres, and Rowers dptsig: O%t the parshed and droosping grain; O‘%r the withering rines and griied, Where the sad breets, As !t passté, Nurmure forth its bitter pain! Â¥o the birds which chant above it, Tthat there‘s nothing lef\ to love it; That it musis foate e valt, Bince the Rowers arse drooplng dping, Ang the lates all Niattbes Lptiigh Bince "the slouds withheld the Prail, Bhe gooh refreshing rain! "the rain, the rafh; the welcome, we‘tome rain; Murk! rie calliing, MHow tis faliing Un the thirsty earth againt Now i\ pashes Kow it dnabes ‘Gainet my chamber window pant; Now it murmure Of tost Summers, With a tow and aweet reftwin Awad i bringetty, * ha It aingst®, Brightest bressinge its train? Prom the southlands, From the ctoudiands; A drawâ€"backâ€"â€"a blistor, Dabte fbr iniik men==The Canâ€"Canâ€" The public debtâ€"â€"‘Ihe debt of natura Haif a cranberry on a corn will kill it “A‘ nat for . two: frime to cracih a 60â€"06= *ib bent of the understoodingâ€"the in uâ€uw-mmmms A inglt-y kpeechâ€"one that is mean= dnysteak A â€" treacherous instrment«â€"â€"a enare 45c C i i: basbreg bomtk neighbnue as thyaeit Yes; N\:?.‘é: m:.u bnhak & t Mead‘s ab a toak t We hae i Bmait o0 44 A man who breaks your conversation gay be ealled a social burgian Mow on a ship have clear course when she makeg 1o inaiy knots an hour? Wl‘ in a ehild astride its father‘s shou}s dare like gob! t Because (\ is above pan Yumn o to the seabourd for sport. are always plenty of dueiés *o the hafets in thait powork, *o the rose a richer atain. And the red fruit blushes deeper, , Whitp sach waated vine and ersopet Feein throuwigh every throbbing vein "the freah pate Uifeâ€"ourrent atealing, hike to that which wakened footing ta the widow‘s son of Nain> tm banthitt tht aon ooo 144 "*HR BUNKRA AADl And the brtusee, mong the grassth .. Chanting tow And sotemn masses And the brooktst on the plain, With the bobolinks and rushes, #uil thait Joy in stivery guahes Ab \he precidus draught thay draint White our prayers of deop thaakagiving *o the Parher of alt Netwg: Reaghes ap a goiden chain, Ar we listen to the mumur Of the bleased, welcomer, the aweet, refreshing rain The pleasani Bummer rain. morahaad \y ightened Yuhdol‘g" nogs the sona of the morming and women the When does a -:ahnum‘muh tar his opintions) \When he has lots of ‘# arbetdi es . Why it eoht weather productive of be= N:LD‘ fll‘m h n\m people put their hands in their pockets, Belomon adviea the aluggard to go to the anat; but the ahifless in our dnp.:«- eraily gp io their uncle. _ _A French conundrum iat Why is an reasons for them. We don‘t know .rumm.m thrure of the useant but we are certain it Beventaen bran new bables in Yorkville English journalist happier than a king? Beâ€" it h reeias fitfenn t Mr. Bhor mv \luuly\hlnghm\ m\h‘hmh ts adireames to the ladica theae he nevar allows to get overd ut Why would the sea make a betts houses mt than the earth? _ Beeause the i erveediogly dirty and the sea is toty Wl Frany Fern having said that ‘the men ot the present day were faat‘ Prentice replies that‘ they have to be, to catch the omen, ‘ homananaain can v8 FHA Ri® o and Rot hat in‘ * ‘ankd his companion, * give me tea and fret it‘ ts * it Nwmhi who sang, I wish some: fl wou m{. has !mnm desire gra« t Bleven cousins have armved, and intead to stap all anmmen Woman iamw-« of 218 hanes, 188 mhseles, And pina â€" Fearfully and mut{‘m« and to be handbed with great care to avoid seratchon ‘\‘hlmwhmduwm help to and amist ve wn&fl‘:@;m naw kea should be to us as a new Feathor in wings that bear va upward, Reasooa is not a pisee of furniture than san be put aaide and used again. ‘The man mwhnmmmm :o“ mever be capable of it a= the Mrmn expeditiontata . have m wmmcnwm mustard aad peppar in ln‘\ laach â€"It lamabl to be gaining hoats of ad: Wortry. Brick Pomeroy is a Canadian==de: tIT‘we. Men are rshlenee in The Butter Beason. ‘ The Rurat New Vorker saya the busi« ) wers uf cheese making will soon be over ‘lul and that of buttee in onlen The sold | ta weather of Auturan is the moat favorable .u weason of the year for makjngâ€"butter and it 1 th shoukd be the aim of every Ruiner of dairy> | bi man to produes the best posaible article for | pt market purposea . There is ho dinguising lg« the hret tba» with good cowm ample fand, | t and much expetience in buiter making \ t many persona sueseed in making a villain= | h ous compound of greaam railk and bain deâ€" | b | signated by the name of butter but having | c no lwritimate relationahip to i\ Much of | a the butter of commerce is of this charactet, | 1 a het for which there is no oxeuin t GQlean milking slean paile pana erocke | and churne are the Arat requiaitiss to the | produstion uf a good article of butten ‘This | avetybady know» without being informed | of it} but the trouble in the practices is not | up with the information poassssod, H\s j in a hbere reformm in my\ casem . shou! commenen Pollewed by a kindred amend: ment in the manner umnnmf‘tho cream into b:a\m‘\m :s \M\b:\mnknmm ‘:::; io W O A e cA l:‘:x{nudg it the -\m fouh of poor qmgw and injudtetoualy nnï¬lhd «=too much or too Ittle==the buiter will not be of good yuality not gommand a top price in the markeh Bowetimea all the ‘m-nq\him to ane> witter This m&‘mf!, conaidurible . tim» is likely to intervene between the manuftce ure and usn _ it is safeat amt beat to put butter down as though mootha m:ap- before conaumption as the trouble and exâ€" Braton" Pran shaty To the wth. which caution, ® should be well m avd lw«: betore Nla'w and as far an M exsclude the ait from the masa When a crock or Yeo} F$armear‘s € 0 l um at, TE Eie ipiran n wat wik pule Tok w Are ‘&.a sgover it \t}t wanted,and &nhm mmfly«m in a bundred that the but tet will do eredit to the maker months after hh‘ put down, Nothing new ia claimed tor I G\l&tkhmm:nh-bhtoh reminded of tbings with which we have loog been gonversanh but, for the moment, looking into the box thi sither hole Tos ues arvby arges fls rifecteg ty the can Le observed. I nsuaily lay in a good aupply of thick! out sode :! \lnw':"m lm{hoir u«‘tz \m‘: Mmh:t those \vhbo have doubts try the or 0 the aame to part of thair stook and 'flmm‘z&’. thopr:n tor a w weekmand thair doubta will be reâ€" moved, All cabtle in grasing cccasionally Ai;wh\:u oé‘h:..n Iou';:A‘: teater has recently ten n o ce at mieel boe wh A inn we conâ€" wmote alden M‘R. wmirrot is moved, â€" All cabtle in grasing cccasionally pull up a tuh of and eat it rmots, sarth and all 'l‘\nmuhlydeunohm HMoraee (Greely says in his " Recolies: hons {*== The M‘rm my apecial deâ€" parment,. Whenever I can save a Batur day fr the farm, I iry to give good part of «L.,n.n":m“’. 4x im i‘ lt healthisat [natrument that a man over han« died, und is essentially so for habitual shoulders it throws back 'upcndlng their sheats and wudr\um. If every youth and m Aheen to Afty years old, eould an axe two hours per day dyspepain would vanish from the eurth and umatism beeome deeidadly searco 1 died, and is essentiaily so for habiluai writers and other sedentary workers whose Anl A the ase is my douâ€" \or .mm& gives the 'mmd {u sceupation enough to prevent its fil: ng into reveme or nhmMn? traina of thought while every musele (n the body receivesa aufflerent yQ{ not exbauating exor Fazon Ranta roa Btrastzo Aatware â€" reseives aufficient yet not oxbaustiny exor sliee I wish all our boys ml“unu love the ane, bor‘e Kns ‘nmâ€"â€"Many tirmers have no tieed in their Relde a lurge biaek beetle, with meat briliant gflm deta piaced in rews on his back Dn Fith sayst " Its eags produce the corn ‘Nb kitler _ It ian moat â€" Inveterate fose of the cutbworm, grapas ing the worm in is atrong jaw» ond in mh of im vietent writhinig ..’3' uuqhu. mnl‘ hokling is When it finds these worms in ?Il’\ it gorgesa and surfeita it= seif upon them til! it is so atlutted and dis= worms in pleaty, it gorgea and surfeits it= sait :son ml'\\\l it is so &umfl and dl-â€"‘ tend n\ohnmï¬l to atin Tr i1 never knows how to let a cut=worin alone ‘flnuhl\ meels Nl\mld\‘h mn\llu‘l.ly hu: these worme on nothing e \n can Obtain them. ‘%mh it .':5 the mâ€"dufl beetile which produces it, \ re, should never be harmed, Maxtms o# W-:E“-A‘;b Nlunn:.’.â€" Perform 0 epera m proportion. Per m mvy":g’»n&u ‘i'l \h’. beat inannen ever an as you pmp:. mï¬m.» m h’q(.n |m"b:.fl’ Leave wghv‘uh and mh in aB ManheA en r«hwdm\ Mnmy teol and wmplement to its piace at nlght. Tun following reeipe iiâ€"kerth 8500 to a sheep=hrmen and we have never seen it in printi=<It there is any life in the lawb, put it at ones up to the head in a bloodâ€"warm bath, nMin&mm war® water as it cools . Keep it in this ffteen or bwenly minutes, or " until it wakes the water Yy with is Huup meme to well in Keatueky Mwmmmflbpupflwm uwflu\\aim mflu&m of.\:.o euz-o actre in one inatance 8t hwc:‘hunn &A Povitsren in lowa, of Ave years on gobmlnmflmmn’:\sfln rhma. ‘They are superior winter layore ; &m\h muh:d‘:i 'h“ux , the image will Miththi® banet in i » oo panpraone t into the box through sither hole » Then wipe it dry aad return it to is Husbands rmust be bumored and cosset= ed, and that with a great dea} of delicats taek _ In frcy a woman must have a fair amount of {ntellectual cultura to perform this wifely dugy at all acceptably BHus ban ds are fond of being humored} they ox> peot their littls eaprices and fancies to be tgmmd; and yet, they at onee resent it it the fret is piaced roughly before tham that \m, need thess gratifications, ‘The skills ful wife suters into the woakneasea of the hus band‘s nature, avapts herself to his fa® tiem and by a pleasabt Action ai leabt, adopts bis trates} but she does all this with auch nice disctimination that he is Aaitered and pleased. _ In short be liked it nxea to | have his peculiar traits of charasitn Nn‘ capticions Anoles undemtogd and indulged, because they are his and becaman his vih‘ takes a baif humorous delight in gratify ing his whimea And yet forsooth, baif the men in the world think, or pretend b\lhi’z that women need littls education bepon Anowing how to make a shir and hnw to make a dinnen Burely the M\l\ul sulture is needful to imake them tolerakt of many Inferior im puises and delicately diseriinin« uw;: their mods of showing that tolorn» tion is calterd for An English journal very truly remarks that men are not Bearly so happy if they onl{ \T“ their wm and are not made aware that their odd little fancivs are at onee inâ€" dulged and undertoods As light capricem which might at any time be shaken v#t, but which their wivea {mot because their own renas of humot is graufied by compliance, Kabbes C olvian. ha is | Javaxees Womnn.â€"â€"The J‘&"‘"‘ wo men are as fair of akin as most Buropeans and Are well hmdhhoh arma hands and trok bdn* well moulded, Were it not for their awkward manner of walking "“f to their sandals they would be graeeful. â€"When sittng and con: of walking owh' to their sandaia {D9y would be graceful. ~When d\m{:nd con> versing, the movements of their nds and arma are pnmhrl‘ C Thoir abundant and rather coarse hair is bound updp thick marses at the bask of the head, and &A number of little arâ€" tows, made of gold, allver or ivory, ars passed tlm%l. something in the name mue ab w peasant girls on the NO, Wheir coiffure once made, and the hair plustered with war, it rommins untouched tor mn{ days care being taken not to dieâ€" order it in alsep . The leeth are an ohject of much atten» en} the yom givis and the men have them white and eves} the married women atill even, but glosay black. Brushes made of soft wood, and a Ane powden are used to keep thon: :vtl‘n.h bu‘\ 1 o n o § in andh » bants bak chuld 8k ainePoamadoite dianiet Aihtabttt ® WBR K‘ m of an old woman, with her kant ‘ bot hen binckening her teeth, is one omo most disguating u\xh a stranger can Ob Many girls also blacken their teeth, but the substance with which they do it is not n“!z durable, as 1 have seen a brush and a litke powder make thein white and glisten: !Wn in a fow iminutes * women also extract their eyelashes, i their lips and cheeka with saffiower rouge ,) and use rice=powder extensively o l n their tollot Fimes at Wourrâ€"â€"Do editors who make a practice of admitting to the columRs of their papers low and vulgur ings nt their mother‘s sex, conalder that they are lower ing the standard of modern aum\hm. and demeaning themselves in the estimation of all true men and women?t And yet we can all true men and woment And ri we can scartely take up a paper in which does not appear some low and "P' Ih\qu women â€"nnot‘lm nhm‘ +oh ‘.H.\h.lhwa or women in general, w bring :L.m.‘u m:i'é:.u the ‘shoek of 0 ae tor who not yet torgot! \n:’ he had ever a mth‘h m‘:m of t‘)“ ere are netorious in particulan Uan it be that editors are -nhnm..mm and u;:tlb m&n in thus inf tn&pï¬u upon I or uns hmmo \ As mm.fl; leve | may not such mean allustons to women be n.dvil‘ocd :“ \hoq\ll:'uu'ï¬ln gflm ense it in a e tastes of the vrmm.‘dm in uuny whose higheat idea or appte= heaston of woman never extencds \:{oï¬ the mere animal . If journalista would cor reet their morals and manners in the mat ter above alluded to, thay would tuke a ‘.?'i'-' \Eok nfl:‘aih\nm‘a' lore a husband.! Bhe never gat used to it till she leet her fourth. Prasus makus por. x;l'-bo"l"'h"ornâ€"ilâ€"?'.l â€"at fourtsen, she will ; wora out, old and ugly at twice that U ladl h &W%Mï¬n&&wm‘r nm h‘mn.ï¬m :"':‘g_“".‘:‘:‘! wWATERLOO CHRONICLE Mra, Muffics says it is * dreadful hard to atride in the direstion of common and very grace wia w\ B,. Devitts Column Snpoer‘s UBlock | B. Devitt, Large Supplies keep o::a'm;zf,‘:: '2:3{. large and varied s P R I N GPoreig'n é,r;dr Domestic ) tA X X. °C TYERT LOW PRICES ! CALL An> SEE. Highest Prices o# or Country _ Produce { Wateloo, April 1, ‘68. WATERLOO. RECEIVING yoonentem ) comameom WRICH noun & MR en PAID FOR BE SOLD s THB B. DEVITT. ags t 848 2 %,,|* ‘EEROSENE, COAL OLL Hand Lamps, Signal Lights, and E‘luid, BURNERS & WICKS, La.n'téï¬g. &o. _ _ ‘ortable, Safe & Economical. 10 DANCER! NO SMOKE ! No $meil!. No Chimney ! MBHLS Burner moPta a want long felt by i the nublic. public, and is far superior eual amount of light, and is therefore meh cheaper. With this Burner the rich esoils can be burned without Chimn?, Bwke, Smell, or Danger. I\ ï¬ivn a bril« ltat uniférm light without tr mmingr for meée than twige the length of time of the ortnaty Burner. _ With Neville‘t Burning Flud t{en Lamps will stand a stronger guttnt of air than any Lamp in the Mark» ety This Fluid has been prepared for the PuPYn of resisting a very ltron{u current of ain and will be furnished at about half the tost of ordinary Fluid.) The Burnars have been made so as to fit any ordinary Lamp in order to save the public the exâ€" B:nnoh chnng: of Lamp, The inventor els eatisfied that he is oï¬erin‘r to the Rnbli a very mYarlor article, and is com den that it will be a %mn euccers, . A largesum of mono‘y has been exsonded in the bnstruction of Burners and Wicks, and in LAters Patent here, and in Europe, a facthich plainly showt that it is regaraed by l ns no Humbug,. QOlethis Canadiar Burnor a Trial «l1 Business Men desirous of obtaining Cunty Rights, will please send in their aplioations«learn our terms and avail tbmeelves of a ratre osponunhy of enlarg» iy their business and of benefitting the tb public. Delay is dangerous as n?l the ‘Drritory will soon be taken up. The Lmps are now being manufactured on a ligo scale. Send in your Orders large or t»» SANPLE BURNER and WICK mt to any;nrl of Canada upon the receipt ¢ Twentyâ€"FRive Cents, â€" Buruers and WieEo bpt eonntnm?{m hand at the Office of is _ NEVILLE MANUFAC PURING QMPANY. _ _ which they will sell chenp for CASH or apâ€" roved paper. _ Having unusual fncilities For purchmin%nnd extensive connections abroad thoY offer inlucements to purchasâ€" ers arequnalled by any other House in the trade. MANUFRACTURER®S wNOOL DEPOT! will find it to their interest to call before purchasing else where. _ N 4 * > All erders by mail promptly attendâ€" ed to and under the supery sion of an exâ€" ffice and Warehouse, No. 13 King St., next door to the Gore Bank, o oTTAWA CANCER INFIRMARY, perienced grader. J. H. DAVIS & CO., Ottawa, Canada West, CANCERS C URED, Napanee, March 10, 1868 By a New, bnt Certain, Spwlj,nd narely Painioss %rooou.ln Wirn our tas Uase or tas Kanire. HB cure will be guaranteed, and nw n proof of this, no pnÂ¥r|- required, until e cure is complete. ‘The moment a can> hrie discovered, it should be cured, as it l ill soet lees and is more speedily cured «an when of lon‘nrnnndln?‘ and there is thing to rin and euerything to lose by lay, What now esemea harmiass lump the breast. neck, eye lid or elsewhera, amall wart or sore on the lip, may in n Â¥ short months become a lhedious, disâ€" ating. destroying mase of disense. Ifreâ€" tred, reforences can be given to parties w have been cured many yeare since, u who are now sound and healthy. A!l emunications promptly answered. No mey required in advance, and none until hura is complete. _ Mamilton, June 12th, 1867. J. B. SPAFFORD, Box ‘50| Ruference, 1. B. Kinnorx® Toronto. West Montrose, Ontario. Elora, Auq. 24th, 1867. NB consider the Star Shuttle Machine to 1e the best cheap family Sewing Machine, vith which we are acquainted, it makes the enuine "Lock Stitoh." MAW& TENWICK, £80B) Merchant Tailors. L alike on both sides, that will not rip rravel, will do all kinds of work oqnallly a well ms ln{bhlgh priced Machine, and is wited alike for the Dressâ€"Maker, Tailor, flunuhomnr or Family. . Mr. J. E. Spafâ€" rd having been appointed General Agent or the Btar Machine, wishes to engage a ew good local and mvolllng Aflgenu to vhom‘good inducements will be offered. _ For turtherpartioulars and Circulars adâ€" Post Office Address, [\HE Star Shuttle Machine makes a stitch allke on both sides, that will not rip reston Mineral Baths, he North American Hotel in connection. 8. CORNELL, Proprietor, h June 3rd, 1068. HAMILTON, C. W. mlmm, lfr“tbll; and soicntific pre« tion is an indispensible article for the tol. It cleanses the scalp, renders the hair of arker appearance, is null( applied, and wiht atafn the finest linen. Thoso using the Ermg Hair Gloss wili find that it renders the hardt and eoarsest halr, soft, glossy, fine andautiful, disposing it to stay in any posli tlon which it is placed, It prevents the har» (808) 0 THE STAR SHUTTLE $100 lmlllnl out, invighrates and strengthena lud often grodueuu new ï¬rowth of hair we it has already dlnflvom , by Inbigorat» tand restoring the skin, nerves, muscles, txt vessels, and roofs of the hair. Price 25 ge,. J, 8. Foss & Co. progrletou and sole pufaeturors, Bhorbroo‘m, rovince of Queâ€" I Hon?.simmon & Co., Montreal, Lymans, jot & Co., Toronto, Wholesale Agents. .pril 15th, 1808, 640â€" ura is eomu:to. tawa, Dec l@ih, 1867. Sewin% Machine | PATENTED, MAY 1867 unt‘s Empire Hair Gloss. Dr. Wood, .Proprietor of the 'é;iri.sm.a and Maria Stroot, FAMILY NEWSPAPER. NAPANEE ONTARIO,. Preston Ont. COLS, or J,. H. DAVIS, H. BURKHOLDER. 593â€" SPRING AND _ $U MMER GOODS! MERCHANT TAILORS CLOTHS & TWEEDS for Summer wear, all of which wiil be made up in the latest and most fashion= uble styles and sold at very reasonabie rates. Their Stock of READYâ€"MADE CGLOTHING ds also verrï¬l'urr%-. and prices low. u:r All km((- of Clothes made to order on the shortest notice. l he is coUNTY OF WATERLOO. TI!E WARDEN will, until further Notice, be in attendance at the Office of the (‘mun\{’ COlerk, Court House, Berlin, on the SECOND TUESDAY of every MONTH, and on the days of tha sittings of the Assize 8num. General Quarter Sessions and County qurts. Oount{ Clerk‘s Office, Berlin, June 27th, 1868 HE subscriber offers for sale his valu= ::[‘ able farm, being Lot No. 5th, 13th oncession, in the Townehip of Wellesley only 2 miles West of Hawksville, The Farm contains 150 netes of excellent Wheat land. There are upon it a HOUSE, BARN,. good water, &e. For further particulars apply to JoiN w. Winson, MARKHAM BELL FOUNDRY. Berlin, June 3rd STEEL AMALGAM BELLS, THE subscribers are this year manufacâ€" turing Five hundred o For Farm, Bho&,.SoImol and Church purâ€" poses, from 45 Iba, weight to 400 lbs., at one third the cost of the Brass Bells, und AVE on hand m very large Stock of _ Plain and Fancy Henry & John Nahrgang, warranted oue year , REAL ESTATE! THE subscriber offere to dispose of by private sale, the following valuable property, vis :â€"â€" Lot 15 on T Con., Arran. 94 acres. Cleartitle Lot 7, 1 Con., do., 103 do. do, Lot27, B, Amabel, 100 Transfer Lot 8, A it 100 Clear Deed. Lot 21, 15 Con., Bruce, 100 Clear Deed. > Lot 1, 12 Con, _ 100 for Transfer. Lot 22, 7 Eidersty 100 per Transfer. Lot 33, 7 "** ‘j0" 1 6 Lot 27, B, +t 100 !! | Lot 9, 3, Sauqoon 80 _ " Clear Deed. Lot 4) 2. + 1006 _ Clear Deed. Lot 14, 2, Keppe!l _ 100 _ Clear Deed. L.oj 20, 7. Saugeen _ 120 Clear Deed. Exoollent Bargains are Offered. Wellesley, March 16, 1868. Applications are to be sent (if by lotte" pustâ€"puid,) to A, P. STAFFORD, Normanton P. O., I \ o_ Bruce County. OR the immediate relief u\tll permanent F quro of Rheumatism, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Frost Bites, Lame Black. Slde', 'I;lmbl " a m Mn e e a X. :; '§§6r}m'ei{ -.6“.“.“;‘;;&‘;“‘““" of Limbs, Swelling ofj‘ohm, Budden Colds, Dipthoria, Bore Throat. L JACOBS RHEUMATIC LIQUID Has been before the public for upwards of iwenty years, and such nro its merits that it is now jJustly considered as an Indispensible artiâ€" gle iu every famkly where it is knoer\:' on enn®n no o ol o en‘ It has never been forced on the public atten» tlon by flaming advortisements op remarkable cures that never had any existence, but by its own peeullar value as an unfailing remody, it has worked its way Into public favor . Having a wonderful effect when taken intor» nally, in qlulckening tue circulation of the blood, it is invaluable to persons x;‘redhpoud to Paralysis, or subject to heart disease. In anses of Dyspepsin, where food distresses, it affords prompt relief, and continued for & short time, sets overything right. _ _ . 2 Tl;o name of the medicine is blown in each bottle of the genuiue, avd the purposes for which it is intended, as well as the mode of using, attached. _ _ _ o o n --.l{":x'zl:,'y',"s'il':';;;lbn & Oo., Montreal, Woolesale Agents, 8 J Foss & Co., Sherbrooke, P. Q., Bole Proprietor. NEW BOUBLE MAP, T oronto, Ont., ts our Sole Agent for proâ€" curing American Advertisements, aud is muthorized also to receive Canadian Ad> vertisements for this paper. Canada Advertisin& Agency, M oronto. Ont.. is our Sole Agent for proâ€" NOB. 304, 305, 306, 307 and 308 of Hoffâ€" man‘s Survey, Berlin, fronting King BStreet. For particulars apply to _ _ Kurope on the one side and North Ameriâ€" ca on the other. Thi@ Map ashows all ths lastest discover> re8, is beautifully engraved and coloured in superior style. PRICEâ€"ONLY $5. Sold by * C. G. TISDALE, W aterloo. July 20th, 1868. 655â€" OW N LoTS FOR SALE. FARM FOR SALE. Markham, May 6th, 1868, or Elurope and_ America. Jacob‘s Rheumatic Liquid. PORT ELâ€"GIN. EXTENSIVE SALE Port Elgin, Jan 22nd, 1869. By order, January, 1868. Cnuronicus Office. Waterloo, Nov. 20, 1867. King Stroot, Berlin, NOTICEH. to> Give us a call, us iims" *A MR. A. H. ST. GERMAIN, Proprietor of the ISRAEL D. BOWMAN, LLOYD‘S SPLENDID AT ulars apply to _ P.E. \jy.p KlOYER, or JONES & CO,, Markham P. O., 1 Ontario. 868. °_ 643â€"ly County Clerk. 650â€" Transfer Clear Deed. Clear Deed. for Transfer. per Transfer. ¢4 t «t ¢t " Clear Deed Clear Deed. Clear Deed. Clear Deed. Proprietor b36â€" 628 â€" BARCLAY SEWING MACHINE Without and exc?tions the Barclay Sewing Maohine Manuâ€" _ factured by the British American Sewing Machine Company, IS THE BEST IN THR DOMINION OF 7ANADA FOR GENERAL PURPOSES. â€"â€":0_â€"â€"â€" An examination is merely reque!ted, which will be to the vantage of those intending to purchase. §@> ALL MACHINES WARRANTED. ;vvzrrmnr..éo†Sewing Machines [ O L JC O C. now recond to none in the World, as has been prov with the best manufactures in Burope and America, WANZER SEWING MACHINES, 2&;&%3%&;&;:;;3:3&;;lyr;;c-h_b:t;e; than ;ny other foreign importation, but very CALL AT THE SEWING MACIIINE DEPOT! Next door to Mr. Uhrstadt‘s Store, opposite Snyder‘s Grist Mill, where all styles of Machities are constantly kept on bandy and may be seen in operation, aud where epecimems #so #Work may be sgeen. Y# All kinds of MACHINE SEWING doue to order at the WaterJoo Sewing Machine Storé in dn Lk c ev e 9 Simpson & Aldous ! XhnOlesale 4& :B.ei:ail Dealers have again leased their old stand where they enntinwe to aup; public with every thing in their line on reuonnblei'l‘h‘.[thlg h t a t ol the ti to aupply the trade and the general have again leased their old stand where they eonntinue to supply & on hand and made to order. furnished when required . BLAIR, May 20th, 1868. g§ A W ING, $100,000. HARDWARE SALY, $100,000 T Cut Naile $3 250 per Keg T. Hinges, 8c porgh. Barn l)oor and Gate Hinges. 8c per Ib. Window Glassse, $2 20c per box WATERLOO, Aug. 27th, 1867 Those intending to purchase a Sewing Machine will find N M td t enA e p o en O SHAer Acvaton Imnntiation.‘ But YeFr I would aall the attention of Cradle Makâ€" ers to my large Stock of Cradle Scythes, mesorted from 46 to 52 inches, which I shall sell very cneap this Season, and fg» Credit given to good men. JOHN HORSMAN. A large Stock of Grindstones on haud of firstâ€"rate quality and cheap. For Carpenters and Cabinct g%‘r:\?:&‘i:g%,::::nd Force" §33 per sett AnI:l e';";:‘r;:rvti'c.lé required at rate Tools of all descriptions at the sume cheap ow on si lly sold at 25¢ and 3 Keyed Till Locks, 300 a dozen ‘I',â€""')d“;;‘ y sold at Zvc an« Iron Bed Castors, 15¢ a selt § 3?{ LK ives from 5 hawt Horse Shoe lbed Fasteners 15¢ per sett pcker Ipnives, Irum 06 upWaItB, Shot, 8¢ per Ib. And all Goods will be sold at proportionately Low Prices, proj J Large Importations BERLIN, June the 19th, 1867 SPRING & SUMMER GOODS ! Stock of Dry Goods! The GROCERY Department Dress Goods, l‘ancy Goods ! is also complete. B«> Call and see one of the best and largest Stocks of Goods in this part of the country. Asall the above Goods are bought in the best Murkets for CASH,. intending purshasers will find it to their interest to buy where the best Bargains are otfered. COTTON G0O0BDBS April 1st, 1868. DODD$S® & CADWELL, Commercial Block, Waterlo®, April ist, AVE NOW ON HAND ANIMMENSE STOCK OF ALL KINDS of GOODS usually found in a General Store. The The Eardware Importer, GU ELPH. j PA RRLILGS, O NC TO CRADLE MAKERS. WARRANT THEM umps & Pipes (}â€" ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD VERY CHEAP. «£ U R N IT U BR E. Having become the Sole Ajgents of the celebrated J OHN SHUH & Co. Makers. Wil be sold Cheaper than f. JOHN HORSMAN, is unusuaily large, comprising most beautifal done to order on the shortest Noffice. Prints, PLANING & TURNING, / Manufacturers of, and JOHN HORSMAN, COFFINS made toorder and a splendid FAEARSE e MOSES BECHTEL, General Agent for the County of Waterloo, Blair P. 0. 645â€" as has been proved at the Paris Exbibition where competing ne and America, this Machine took the FIRST PRIZE. , GTUT ELPH. 1N OoF Iron, $2 25¢ per 100 lbe . Sleigh Shoe Stee!, 4j per Ib. Spring Steel, 5c per !b. Cast Steel 16¢ per Ib. Axles, 1 in., $2 25¢, 1¢ in., 82 25¢, 1} in., $2 30 ger sett â€" Half Patent, l in., $2 50c, 1i in., $# §0., 1i in., 82 75 per sett Spriegs. 104 per Ib Horse Raspe, 14 in., 374 c each Bellows, 30 in., $12, 32 in,, $12 75¢ do 34 in., $18. 60 in., $#14 50, do _ 35 in., $18 70 Mould Board Steel. 5¢ per !b. * Boston" Carriage Bands, silver, 84, 90¢ ; 34, $1 20; 4, $130 ; 44, $1 60 ; 8 in., $1 75¢ per sett,. Boiled Oil, $! per gal. ‘Turpentine, 75¢ per gal. Varnish, No. 1. $1 50 per gal!. Chrome Green 25¢ per Ib. 18(8 de Yellow, 25¢ per Ib. Ultramarine Blue, 25¢ perlb « Celestial Blue, 10c per Ib. And every article required at rates equally Sissore, usually sold at #5¢ and 50¢, jor DODDS & CADWELL. . or many years,. JOHN SHUH & Co. ; but very 594â€" 638â€" 538â€"