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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 3 Sep 1868, p. 1

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M H AMatrrloo Terms 8150, if paid in advance.] V ol. 14.â€"N o. 86. The Waterlos Chronicle EYERY THURSDAY . MORNING, PETEA E. W. MOYER, of the CAronic‘s, !FGi too County, Ontario.‘‘ PHYSIC(A!, SURGRON and ACCOU, OHBUR, and Coroner for Waterloo Conn&.fl Waterloo, Ontario. tJ* Bpecia) ktteation given to Acuta aud Chronic discases ’r--ind Coroner tor @rion, Waterlos Vill Residence back of Wi R. T. Reyrmtolds, M. D., ; _ GB:\DUATB of tha Univeraity of MeGil! M. C. 8., has Jlocated himself at the Town of Watestoo, Canada West, where he ban be conm!h?nl\ times on the various branches of his Profeasion. Orrionâ€"in Bowman‘s Blttk, s Restvexcsâ€"â€"in the house lately cecupled by Mr. C. 8. Martin. 451 â€" 5GuTANIC PRYsICTAN, a Student 66 if facuite de Medecine de Paria, and late Chatham, C. W., has located at Water lso, and may be found wt go Residanee oppo> site Christoph Huether‘a otel, King Street, 1""' he can be consulted npun all form®mA of gute and Chronie Disemses. Waterloo, June Lith, 1866. 843â€"1 RBrb 8ir, opposite e CR AEAAE CCE C ds PHYSIG[ A N, Surgion and Auonchlt‘\\ Ormc® â€"Ounudian Block, corngt of King and Foundry Stredts, Berlin. Calls panctually attended to. ut D. S. Bowiby, M. D., PHYSICIAN. Surgeon and Aonouwnm the: and Coroner forthe County oi Witer %o O‘ifceâ€"BEnd at Pouniry strast, Westfrom Mo#man‘s Factory , Berlin wml P-l'p“ Mn Dt' PHYI{OIAN. Sunteon afd Ascovchens, and U\ romes fot the County of Water> loo. Ofice, at Wis residence, Queen Btreet, Berlin. i 603 M 5“' mu, SCBUIADG, MMM ATERICITC a of Relectie bum.p of Pandey)vania, and Locevtinte in Oanad®, Residenceâ€"=3 P. £ACOBS, â€" > 505 = D. L. Watmsley, M. D., PF{YUICI;\N’. Surgeon and Acconchent. and Coâ€"oner fot tha Co. of Watecios, Resinexca:â€"[n the [Tousentely oceupied by De¢. Ghent. J,. A Whiting, M. D., P“S}CL\N. Burgeon and Acconchout wawd Osfonct for the County of Waterlou, B !« mira, Oat. . Residencs==In the House former« ty occupled by Me¢ Heising. bas ~~__g. L. Hughes, M. D. Blm! to inform the p%b“r that he wsee two Anesthetic A%enn or extracting Teeth «rithout pain, which are perfectly anfe; naines 1y, Fitrous Orite Cas and Ether Spéay. _ At! eperationa in his profes¢ion trusted to his care will recuire promnt attention, 3 Member of the Dental Associa« tion of Ontario, ~~J. w. Waiden, M. D« _ . HYSICIAN, Surgeon and Ascogshan r T1 ES Ruuale aAP \,Jn_ Btreet, Detlin. HYBICIAN, Surgeon Dupn o%uflo’." MSmber of the Dental Assooi« ation of Ontario, ‘WOULD announce to the publie that he will raake Monthly vistta at the follows ing places, where he will attend to alt reanizing hi peofesainjal services. . He will be at Watertoo, 8th to 10th. . Orosshill 1 tth. Preston, lith. Rimirs, 20 th: St. Jacobs, 13th. Clenallany 416b Hawksville, lith. Hollin Mad. Lin wood , 16th.# He eaterawts Teeth without paln by a new!lP wrented process, and is prepared to take or= ders for any department of his profeasion. KJ® Hia permanent officeis ovet Nt Bohaefer‘s Btore, K{n[ Btreat, Waterloo Waterlos, Oct. 2thd, 1888, | Oy penmreee s ouak HYBILA N. Sargoon, &6. . OMce, at Watan‘s Hotel, Hustksville, Onts 613 W. Odell Robinson, M. D., t T. 0. 8. Réi Reotiand, and Oraluate $. M,. WELLS, VETERINARY SURGEON, 11 M onlÂ¥ d t dA catmined Ormcrâ€"Orer Young & Good‘s stors, King wDU.\TR © he Ontario Veterinary lor and n ~nber of the _ Royal Col: l.fi 0" Vaterinn â€" Surgean«, Canaida, ma opened a : »(Jice at Hofman‘s Holél, Waterloo. whe < is will be propared to treat all Kinds n seases in Horses, Cattle Bheap, &¢., on <>l after the sixth of May ~MARRU := LICENSE3, tP* Oflee=~ ~ > r & Snyder‘s Drug Store Watet\so, Ont tA H. YEAgLEY Eorto® axo Pusitst®#®, At his ofce; . _ _ R3B PA Hotel, Be: N. Mulloy, V WY EI.LS, LAN, Surgeon 8DC MA _ oroner for the County: ol Waâ€" tm io e sn‘ YVAX CAMP, G, Lount, 18 PUOBLISHED . BEAFER, aysicrAn, aâ€" i1 Wilson, i/ (R, â€"&e. Commereial & y OM m E:hefi N. a Studont do ta aad Accoucheut 98 835 sb nÂ¥ COrosshill 1 Tth. Rimirs, 20 th: Qlenaliiiy 4 165. Hollin Mad. p Office an d achet‘s store â€"â€"â€"|( A_ & & URGRON,| 4 o â€"Vaterinary G e Roynl CO'A use ‘g\::rfi ied | 4 ole}y I s prepared to | A/ Hotel. AND FAMILY BAnmsrnns, Attorneys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery, Conveyancers, &e. Ofice on Mill Street, adjolaing the Dumfries Mills, CHA®:. A. DURAKD, 080 ; 8. PNITLIP Galt, March 28th, 1866 \ _ 882â€" ChisHolm & Laz{er, BARR!!TERA and _ Attornevsâ€"at Law, Solicitors in Chuneury, Notaries, &0., Hamilton, C. W. OiReaâ€"Lnater Buildings, Jantes Strget, nearly oppos|te Market. B. CRtsHO biSt. 6e nARt#n, .A nuth.. Hamilton, Sept. 1, 1866. bbiâ€" John E. Rose, LL . B., BARR!STER (x;l ATTORNEY AT LAW, Solhc in Chancery, Notary Public, and Conveyaneet . Orrtceâ€" No. TB. King Street Rast, over Wesleyan Book Room, Toronto. ATTORNRYS and COUNSBLLORS at LAW, Soticitore in Biunkruotuy, No« tarlys Public and Cominiesionera for saver» n| States, Noa. 229 Broadway, Now York. Room 17.â€"@nd foor, % f p.J. oaAg®. | Wi wa nagk. gAarrists®, aTtoRNEY, sobIcr TOR IN CHANCEBHY, Conveyancer, &o.,. BRo., Benant® 0\1!@1?. ; > Oitice on Grean Street, nearly op= pesite Ameérican Hotel, Rerlin, Janunry, 1868 628â€" Office, Toronto Stregt, Toronto, Ons. B.mmmnné & ATRIORNBYS, SolisitoM in Chancery, &¢., GGoderich, Ont. J. K. Felck, # tOENSBD AUOTIINREER, for the County W. H. BOWLBY, counTy aATToRNEY, John Wanless, | | ; Llclmsln AUCTIONBEBR, fot Waterloo County, and General A?nt. Waterloo, Ontario, _ KJ* He spedks the English and PBASHIONABLE TAILOR, Uppos owman‘s Hotel, Ring 8ir., Waterlso. German lafiguages , ST. Paul Street, Montroat. The Proprictor would say that h‘svtn‘ruumd the man« agemient of the Albion, he hopes by personal attestion to morit a eontiauance of the runl- ago so liberally bestowed upon bim during the last 1% years. 8. \V. Dxcxar, Proprietor: Boclin . Jacob S. Roos, M\VUF‘AC [UIRBR of Boots ind Shoes, af avory dasssiption. _ A large Steock of Baoots & Buoes always on handre. eatP very to w. 354 and Christian A. Saile, [‘,\QNMN ABLH BARBBR and HAIR \ GOCTTRR, isagain at his old atand, op» ro-iluh- Woollen Fuctory, Waterloo Vfl- Ags. _ |tazors and acissors ground on the «hortest neties. All work warranted, l 8St. Jacobs Hotel, LEVI WBEAVBR, Proprietor, 8t. J a cbe. Rvery ancommolation for trevel lere, Large und sommodious Stables and atten« tive Hostiers. 502â€" [Pormerly of Hamilton, C. H‘.,]) . . TTORNEYS and COUNSBLLORS at I. B. Kilborne, sS8UBR OF MARQIAQI LICBNSBS, West West Montrdse, Ontario. (/ «hort diatance from the Eastern Dogo&. Bulfalo, N. Â¥. t# The location is the best in the city, and nccommedations ad good as in any Hotel, Terms $2a day, and less by the week. Mtâ€" H .& J LATZ, Proprietor ‘ N. Gordon Bigelow, LL. B., | aterloo Revere House. CORNER of York and King Streats, To« ronts. First class accommodation and reasonable terms. Riney & May, Proprie> tots. . nesday. Anglo American Hotel, AND GBENRRAL sTAQK OFrFICR, Biâ€" mira, Ontario. The Table and Bar will always be wflp\pllod with the very \Rl the Market afords. Excellent Biablilg and an attentive Hoatier, Charges moderâ€" Ate. TTORNRYâ€"A TL A ; SOLLCITOR, &s,, "ac. UOrfter=â€"â€"THird doot South of Post M RBRADY, Propristor, Guelph, Ont. Good mco-wtuon tor Farmers and tavellata. ‘The ‘Buar is always ted with tha very beat of Liquore, Obtiging Hoatlers in attendance« March 28, 1866 .OT)KMNBETI. has temoved* to tha House ) of the )ute Mr. Bindeman, Young Straet "ORNEH Genesee and Main Streets, A QORNY for {ssning _ Marrlage Licenses Mreasurer‘s Office, Conrt Houss, Berlin. owman‘s Hotel, Ring 8tr, â€" F. B,. Newton, ANNER, MANUFACTURENIoCTRUS» sES3, CAPS AuGULOYKS8,Murket Bquare OP DRALRR, Waterico Villags, Ontario, _IJ* A large Stock of Hops eonluntl{'on of Waterloo, Canadian Block, Serlin. Business Directory. Rossin House. KORGE P. SHEARS, Loegee and Man \ager, Toronto. o EORGER WARD, Proprmutor Liqudrs and an attentive hostler, Durand & Philtp, Alexangder Millar, . I. Gago & Bro., Henry Ferdinand. Charles Stanton, Doyle & Squiler, Farmers‘ Arms Hotel, Andrew Ludwig Jacobs, Alblon Hotel, Genesee House, Roseville Hotel, W ATERLOO, W. D. Kunts, Proprietor, 831== 32â€" TH! undersigned, having assumed the man« agement of the above well known Hotel, would anrounce to his many friends and the general public that he is at all times prepared to nc}ln guests and entertain them to the best of his ability. pos h .6 W. L. Bowatax, Manager, Gnonua YOGT, Fropriator, Rlmira. Good acgommodation for travellerd } capital stabling and mn attentive Hostlers always in attendance,. . Chaice Liquors, Cigare, &c. Charges moderale, Queen‘s Arms Hotel, AND QENERAL SRAGE OFFICE, Glenâ€" allan, Ontaiio. Rvery attention to the wants of the travelling community, . Liquors of the choicest quality. . Attentive hostlets al= ways on hand D GAMPBBLtE, Proprictor, Dundas, Ont. a This is the ouly Arstâ€"olass house in Town,. Omnibus rums to and from all the ®# n traing. Markle‘s Hotel, AND Ceneral Stage House, Hurtiston, )ntario. Choire Liquare, Choice Cignats, and An dmhllvefimtllr always on hu d. A. G, Maxknit, Proprietor _ _Anglo Amerig¢an Hotel,. (JORNSR of MoNab Street and Markat Bquare, Hamilton, C, W. J* Omnibus to Cars and Boats. 654 H. MoCaaokes, Proprietor 22 Crown Hotel, AND Qeneral Stage Office, Aima, Ont. This a frat class Hotel for the travelâ€" ing community. The Baris supplied with the beat ot Liquors. Good stabling. and careful Hostlers in attendance. Charges. Moderate. _ ;. _ wX x {% . NO. 20. Front Str.. Toronto, Ont. Most conveniently situated in the huaineas B:" of the City, and mtis\cem ta the R.R. Depotinnd Steam Boat Landings,. Charges mbderate, THB subscriber begs to inform the travell> ing public id general, that ho has as« aumed the mianagement of the hore!, kept during the prat year by Mr. W. L. Bow man, and previdus to that by Mr, Henry W. Bowman, fmpmly,mm‘{nm.‘,?vonr- ably KÂ¥nown to.overp ote w as had oecaâ€" gion to trival through this ViMage. Jn asâ€" suming the Management; the | proptietor would wish to intimate that it shall be his earnest and comatant endenvout ad t§ gonâ€" duot the establishment in %nontlon. as to metit and rgedive a continuanige of the favour shown towarda {t for nesrly dnestHIMd of m eentury Yu\- He shall spate nb gminu nor expense in the effort is uéomglu’h is object, ugfiod that he is justified in doing to by tak« ing the past as a guarantee for thi fulurs. M + J 'l?h‘:\mt and modt Rttentive of servahkts o AwATERLOON, AlLAN HOFFMAN, Proprietor. BOW MANS HOTEL PAIN PAINT. wili be kept on the preimisda fop travellers. _ ALLAN HROFFMAKN, Waterloo, March 5th, 1867, _ 579â€" ’I\Hfi undersigned has the exolyaive rutht to manufaoture and sell }’urk- son‘s celebrated Pain Paint in the Connties of Waterioo, Wellington, Grey and Bruge,. It will be found an excellent and imniediate remedy for Rbeumatism, Nouralgit; : Nervous Head« nohe, Inflamations Earache, Conâ€" $racted Joints and Musclea, Pain« ful 8 wellings, Unllositiea of tha Flesh, Sprain® Frost Bites, Weakneas io the Back, Prina in the midle or Breast, and all div enses ecansed by Colt or Expoâ€" sure. To be had in all Druggiste in the eaid Counties, C, G TISDALE, Wauterloo, Murch 11, 1868, 633â€"â€" COMMERCIAL HOTEL, W ATERLOO®, ONT: 1 ire Insurance Compa‘y HEAD OFFICE : WATERLOO VILLAGE, Ont. DIVISIONCOURT! The Waterloo County Mutual Business Directory. P Royal Exthange _H oteLL Rodhnester House, JACKSON‘s$ NolP ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 3, 186S9. Eigin ‘Houaa. fiM a Jonxsron, Proprietor, For 1868. No 2 No 3 No 4 No BNo 6 Nj)_'l, Roat. Hawitr, Proprietot 556 The Ontario Photograph Gallory! . Moyer, Hditor 311‘1 Publisher. '[‘HOSE wha.aite desireus of procuring auperior Pholzgmphashould call upon the subscriber who has purchased the nbove Galiery and ts now prepared to supâ€" ply all the Intest novelties in either the Cabinet ‘Card, Carte de visite, AMERICAN HOUSE, BERLIN, â€" â€" â€" ONTARIO. OR PORCELAIN PICTURK. a Affording as this Gnllery does betrer faci« littes than any in this part of the country, and having the latgeit and best arranged light in the Dominion, mll whon;mtronise him can rely upon having their orders exeâ€" cuted in the highest étyle and excellence of the art. P\- Srmiall pletures enlarged to life size. urticular attention paid to Children and fatiily groups,. y , . E, MOORE. Berlin, 24th March, 1868. 636â€" JAMES H. RYOGERS‘ 109 King Sirset Eust, TORONTO, ONTARIO. AN immensely large atock of the newset mnnd luteat «tyles of NE W SPRING HATS of every description. Don‘t furget :,holplace. Opposite the English Catheâ€" ral. * March 19th, 1868. 636â€" NEW H A TS ! Foundry | THE SBubscribers would rvngcmfully inâ€" form their friends iht thb nlblic in 4 form their friends ind thb plublic in general. that they are now. manufacturing, at Bimira, ail kinds of Agrticulturol Impleâ€" ments, atich d THRASHING MACHINES ! STEEL uand CASTâ€"IRON PLOUGHS, Cultivatore Drag Saws, Btraw Cutters, &o., &c. pw ul GEC. GEC. w Thoy would cal! the attention of the pub» !ioto\h&lr‘. us , Belfâ€"Kegulating OGrain Separator ! And also to their IMPROVED PITT‘3 PATENT HORSEâ€" POWB®.. 8TEEL Ploughs, &6., &e., all of which are koPI 6n hand, or will be furnished at short notice. Improved Farm Property. Apply to . {';. STEWART MacGACHEN, BHarristar, Watetloo Viilige informing the public. that they have just completed their new MOULDING SHJOP. and are now prepared to furnish ail kinds of Castings to Apoh ms may favour them with a @ail."_Ali Kinds of repgiting done promptly. . They trust with atrict utten« tion to husinese, they will receive a good share of\public patronage. uce ./ jA t DET\Â¥ILER & CO. flriifd Aug. JOth, 1867; 605â€" AR! a safe and relieble remody for all dis« eases of the stomach, Liver and Bowels. They are no Quack Medicine, puffed by bifh sounding tostimonials from imaginary %uu, 84 but are the rosult of forty years ixperietice of a fArstâ€"olass physician, and their extraordinary ancoess is dus to the,h\c’t that they answer oxâ€" motly their name., The formulas from which they nro preépared, is bmtd on sound, scienti« ho pfindl;\u and has rechived the unwtllflz«; spprobation of the medical profession, They do not gmfou to be a cure all, ‘but for all diseasâ€" es arising from nn}i dornn%ement of the Stoâ€" mach, Liver, and Bowe‘s, they furnish an efâ€" fectual umd‘{.- We have in our possessiong ever one hundred testimotiltis from ph(lloilnl, who have used thein in their practice, and, hlfihly approve of them, among which are the ollowing : _ _ Nee .. _ _DR. COLBYԤ _ Am‘elo)s'rw AND 1'01“51 Pikt®, UCHC pl'l,lll}ll"' mMU CC AITD CACEIIUTC CRITT of his © ANTTâ€"OO8TIVE and TONIO PJILLS, which we have used in our practice, and high ij approve. J h (¢{b«on, M D, Dunham, C E, 0 K Uoiton, M D, Cowansvilie. Chas Brown, M é, Oowansvilie, B 8 Foster, il D, Bromé. J O Butler, M D, Waterloo. John Ersk{ne, M D Waterloo, Norman Cleveland, M D, Barnston, N Jenkins, M D, Barnston. O W Cowles, M D, Stanstead, The un‘dmlgnod physicians choerfully cér: tify to the high professional ltlndlng of Dr. Colby, of Standstend, one of the oldest and best physicians, and to the excellent qualities MONEY TO LEND, g6 ue 2 UE weas oo eE SE VIROUEC NE site E. & 8. 8. Snyder‘s Grist Mill.\D®%b ons» a * Why, yes, I have often thought that if rl\flfl undersigned has much pleasure in a [ could only raise "‘0"9{ enough to set up nouncing to the inhabitants of Waterl) A cake and beer stand in this location, it nnsrlhlnmndlv\gtfio:n;ry. that &Q 1:u op;r» wouldn‘t pay bad, bocause lots of folks traâ€" & op, W re w 0 .pt cons fl@, on hai v 1 »Shone on t Teaeel P Ooue "ap We "tl nlong in this nelghborlined â€" LRRY, &o.,&0. Also a large assortment e t o o Albums, Pipes, Cigar bolders, Perfumery, &\ Tfl'l Two Howss,â€"One thing which REP AIRING of all kinds done on the shorConatitutes intemperance auch a preâ€"ami~ est notice, and satisfaction finnrmnlud. nent curse, i1iu desolating power over KJ* A call respectfully solicited. _______ the family. It is the great and sublime 'fl-‘wh'e:v' &d_lil\l ;Ino !flieithii «gp;‘)‘ngtnniq of W " UOWICR M 2 MARDDCTADE John Melgs; M D Standstoad. Joseph Breadon, M D, Burgeon, R N. Benjamin Damon, M D, Conaticook . Lemuel Richmond, M D, Derby Line. | B8 J Foss & Oo., Sherbrook, P O., Sole Proâ€" rlétors, Honry Thompson & Co., Montréal‘ N holesale. A gents. > Pi April 2nd; 1868. )1 LRRL, €0.,®0. AMD B iMER@I AUMTAIOCC Albums, Pipes, Clgar bolders, Perfumery, &: Tus Two Homss,â€"One thing which REP AIRING of all kinds done on the shorConatitutes intemperance auch a preâ€"ami~ est notice, and satisfaction finnrmnlud. nent curse, jsf its desolating power over K3p A call respectfully so |°1|3“ngHAN the family. It is the great and sublime Waterloo, April 8th, 1868, * ayg _ plice of the family constitution to nurture . _ _.__fill the gentle charities, all the %zenemus DO YoU WANT THE DA';TBST Newpémotiona and lofty purposes of which our Then subscribe for the Loxpor Ev:nmre is capable, And when all is mov« xino Aovemriesh, the amarteat. sharpesing forward harmoniously in the family liveat paper In Canadn. $4,00 per annutsircle, there is an educating forming proâ€" or .1.3’0 per quarter, payable in advandcruss ever in progress. ‘The calm manltâ€" The l?l"‘ ‘°l‘l‘l“‘m"; markets and gONOTihogg (:F the };thor'. the tender love of the "‘;‘Dg"i‘,auq;;;&'.;' E6 Besut a {nother p‘uyini in her countenance and 0 Cheapest w“kl’f Hend for ubpeaming from hereje the the affectionate Waskiy Aovertiann, now widely cirouintindness of brothars; to . sistors; and the ed througbout the Western lIeniniuIR"ncWI gentloness of sisterly lovteâ€"and Torms, §1.25 per anunum. Bpecimen cofiviund forth an influence which operates upâ€" ent free. Manufacturers, owners of tn the hearta of all, like the dew and sun« ‘hh\. and othera, witl find it to their inl@hine, and mild breath of spring, upon the est to advertise in the above paper®: _ waiting fiolds and garden. But let that .__ JOHN CAMERO®, Arther become intemperaté; and desolation Ruitor and Publisher, Lendons Oifsiiowa, / The calut manliness that sat up. umm 1. s on his brow is goneâ€"the mother‘s eyo ‘E_‘E_DAO' C _ _ Mille with tears of sorrowâ€"and loving chil= ALL RARD® U ,'fl" \ 35OB wonm%:: Office of this Business Directory. ELMITA DONE AT THE 0N At dron stare with alarm and amazement. The Eden of home is changed to a gloomy Te Ysa But Gexgrarton.â€"One pines for a apple orchurd, his wife can‘; have any reserves ms she used to, Another canne forget the convenience of Iigtt woodknots and spring water, and longs for m Caroling sanabank, where he can makefive or six bushels of nubbing torn per cra â€" Same have more formmidable objedons. _ Here is the substunce of a con versuion with a wellâ€"to do person : wild, ‘L re this is a great country you live Ih‘ aanl | Ya have fine ronds; I nevor aaw their equal, t Â¥at but it‘s so far to town, or anyâ€" wherd he replied, ‘I tever had better beef than yours.‘ * Yes but people don‘t like to eat nothing but teef f +Fuct n delightful climateâ€"your healtl tw Bb dn ul + .5 = & g: Viut the northers aro awhihonm ths | + Look all aroundâ€"the mountains, the e vons, the ntting aun; what picture can urpass such a view PAIN®. cofstittion J ~ Stot + Yor land is rich; and it produces so abundatly.‘ 0000 00000 â€" _« Yq but tho grasslioppets hate eaten up my;reor, patch.‘ . 6 _X?r hoga will fatten on the grasshopâ€" peMe S s s sn uy nds frre use +Yq but it worties thein to déah to cateh ie thing,‘ _ a l . + Yirchickens ate very livelyâ€"they can entch 1em. . p io _ + Â¥.5 but it l"nufi'u theit mont tastoâ€"so they 4 . all a . L gytbii tfme there weao a “?Mé of hu. mor | ;the tith things had taken and 1 took aÂ¥@e 2. q 22 + ul s 2+ MR SN9Y 4) 41 1 060 Toan f + (bd.â€"by; imy inconsolatd friend { may you »me to . a more cheerful mindâ€"so goodâ€"y, till we meet aguin.‘ ||., . _ _ . *+Where ubouts?‘ was the very {ndifferont ply of the atranger. _ P gmouue cCO m CELeSECEECCE 404 v + * but we may never meet again in this wid.‘ , 7 eepf 2L + 4d 1 rather hogo We wohn‘t. . Dalver me fin the ‘ yes but‘ generationâ€"a peoâ€" ple 10 love tob.c. miserable, and who take i;le.ro in taking the other side agninst reolence.‘ I#8 Si@Â¥hite®f â€"Un a recent visit to Ontill, an artist was standing on the ma Ayigh way, back of the village; contemâ€" plog a rare sunset, The henvens seem. eqdlooded with golden and purple light, an Peld aiid mountain glittered with the rected glories of the sky. Our artist ard mute with rapture, chaerfully notic» in the changing and _ intermingling ps, Just then he perccived a person ading by his aide. and turtflag to hm, rHaimed with enthusiaainâ€"‘What a magâ€" lcent picture you bave here, my dear Not for one cause alike do each Their seciet sorrows bear, Perchance some mora a living deathâ€" Yet atill a grave is there, Kih jealousdove we keen it fresh ‘Through many wint‘ry years; And when the world believes us gay, We water it with tears. There is in every heart a grave, A secret holy spot, Fillet with the memory of one This busy world knows not. Lfi,down, andâ€"deeply dug it lies, The cherished grave unscen; And years of blighted care that pass Make not this grave less green, ‘here is within my heart a shrine, | All wholly given to one; to denrer treasuresc‘er could make Itelight burn low or dim. th! there are things within this life, Which strangly, deeply thrill; I musios softest sweetost notes, We hear a voice long still Ve deem tie nct a wanton one, Upon a ;rave to tread; Ve pass i\ silent reverence ‘The res ng of the dead; "hen on the secret hidden spot, Let us not press too near, nmem.berini that to every heart It sebret #hat® id deat. HRGRAVE OF THE HEART ;‘but it‘s terrible travelihg when it © ortry . She has n beatt at last; but it is a quesâ€" tion Which 1 am altogether incompetent to decide, which is the most unfortunate, she, in having him or he, in having ber. She ulways declared she would not marry a farmer, and she isn‘t going to, if she marries him. ButI think her taste is perverted for I am sure n good: honesl{z\rmer, or tradesman is worll: & good half ozen popâ€" injays such as he. He is a‘sthdent, that 1s he spends about 8800 + year of his fathâ€" er‘s money in dress ard jollification around town, nccasionally attending a lecture or two at college for the sake of appearance, but moatiy flirting with the girls=â€"a thing which any young fellow can easily do, who can afford to dress pretty well, and has no visible means of support ; while the young man who has to work for a living is passed by with fterted eyes, and turned:up noses, by the generality of the fair sex. But to return to the subjectâ€"slie: has a beati it last ole es _ They got acquainted in this way, One| day at church she noticed a stranger starâ€" ing at Her, She blushed and cast down her eyes but after a litle while raised them a gain; be was Still staring, ‘This little byâ€" play was kapt up during the whole of the service, both parties being totally oblivious, both as to the subject, and‘ matter of the good man‘s discourse; but I heard it whispâ€" ered that thay were not the only two who tould‘nt tell where the text wasâ€"â€"but this en passant. After service, each enquired of mutual friends who the other was, quite in. differently of course. He then watched which way she went, and followed her at a repectful diastance; at least I suppose it was a respectfal distance, although I never could make out just how much that stunds for, Some people s@y it is more than an arms lengthâ€"as much more as you likeâ€"but Ehave seen people with considerâ€" able respect for one another nearer than that, some even check to cheek ard lip to â€"â€" but he was not so near as that. He was more than an armslength behind her, and therefore I say, a respectful distance. Of course she pretended not to know he was behind her, but she pretty soon dropâ€" ped her pockethandkerchief, and went on innocent like as if she did not know what she had done.. . He at onee snatched up the deticate fabric, and rushing frantically forâ€" ward with his hat i# bHo hand amt"wIt the other presented it in the following words: " Allow me Miss the extreme pleaâ€" sure," and handed her the lost article, lc murthured her thNahk§, and fearod she was troublesome to a stranger, but he declared it was the happiest imnoment of his life, and hoped be wquld fot‘continue i s{fanger for éver, â€" Just then 1 came up and introduced them and then feil back and see how they would perform. _ I wanted to learn, â€" She thinks him the perfection of manly beauty, 1 would call his bair decidedly red, but she prormounces it beautiful auburn. I think be squints but she declares it a vile slander, _ We used to call him Bowleg‘s t achool but I dare not hint that to her, She insists on baving him called Adolphus, l call him Noodle, _ Adolphus Fitznoodle is his name. â€" They say lovo is blind and I am sure if she cannot see anything but a hero in him she must be blind, But I will not believe it, _ I don‘t think she loves him one particle, but just because he is a man and she has been eighteen so long, she sticks to him in default of a better, _ She is a fool. Better ten thousand times live and die single than marry where real,genuine, heavenborn love ig not. _ It should not be the chief obâ€" jeet of a younglaudy to have a bean. but raâ€" ther to seek those adornments of mind anfl heart which are within the reach of every one, io matter how plain. If to these be added a fair share of skill t useful accoinâ€" plishments, and domestic economy, sha will not long Iack admirers, from among whom: she may choose for the bestowal of her faâ€" vours the one whom she can best esteermn. If yout young.lady reuders, Mr. Curoxt oug, will only follow this advice J may stand n chance yet some day of having one of thom chooseâ€"Your humble servant, Elunra, Aug. 26. TyRro. . But 1 déuppose theg pot Hofo in due eduret; and 1 suppose she invited hi. to comme in,. and | suppose ie went in, and 1 suppose she invited him to call again, for I know he does call agxin; _ He comes every Tuesiay and_Friday to gpend the Etening, and I know she is particularly careful and neat in her dress on those evenings, but 1 just wish he would call some morning beâ€" fore breakfast and see her as I have oftan seen her, with her bair in curipapers, and criinpirigbraids. and an air of negligence aâ€" bout her whole appeatauce. Truly things are not what they seeni, _ . l3oth seemed, in conversatiou, to have a large, aingunt 6f information: about the weuther, and when their information was exlinusted they discussed the probabilities whether next winter would be za severe as lastâ€"whether the hent was greater at the Notth,; than at the South pole, &c. Thisled to the interesting topics whether winter is nicer than summer; whether the countr; is ns nice as the city, and some other topics as rargand profound as these,. . Then came a brief lurl after which the preacher was voted rather dry, and going to church in general, only tolerable, as furnishing a nice walk home‘ afterwards. 1 never so fully believed in the doctrine of human deâ€" pravity as I did then, when I heard my own coustn. Mffim. to. such a, heathenish proposition,. â€" 1 turned nway in disgust and would not listen any longer. _ o ol 1 don‘t know what they do and say every evening, but I do know when she plays he stands betind her, looking at the music and pretending to understand, bolding himâ€" self in readiness to turn over the leaves at the proper time. But I know he does not understund his business, for I have repeatâ€" edly meen him wait until her hand would be partially raised to turn it berself, and then of course he knows the time hbas arâ€" rived and he discharges his duty quite heâ€" roie@fly. 0000 000; c 0; ty BOUSIN (BEYSY‘S BHAU ~ NEWSPAPER. | $ \‘11 \:737 I‘f ‘ l{{. \I \il \\‘ i ji:Â¥|l',,ii1 _ ‘s § o |6 & . HL _ & Ih‘"‘ l t .. 4 Art a Setrttso.â€"Old farmer Gruff was 1 lono morning . tugging away â€" with all his | might and main at a barrel of apples which he was endeavoring to get up the celler | stairs, and calling at the top of his voice. |for one of his boys to lend a helping hand, | | but in vain. _ When hehad,nfteran infinite ‘ ‘ amount of puffing and sweating, accompligh | ed the task, and just when they were not: needed, of course, the boys made their apâ€" ’rerance. Where have you been, and what have you been about, [‘d like to know ; |couldn‘t you hear me call ? inquird th farmer, ‘in am angry â€"tone. addressing â€" eldest. ‘Out in the shop setting the saw,‘ . replied tha youth .. ‘And . you. . Dick}‘ ] ‘Out in the barn setting the hen.‘ ‘And, you sir?‘ ‘Up in Granny‘s room settin‘ the clock !‘*And you young man? ‘Up gurret,l séttin‘ the trap,‘ ‘And now, master Fred, ; where weore you sefffng? asked the old farâ€" l mer of his youngest progeny, the uper-‘ ity of his temper being somewhat sofvened . by this amusing catologue of answers.. «Come, let‘s hear !‘ <«On the doorstep. settin, still ,‘ replied the young hopeful, serianely 4 tA remarkable set, I inust confess," added the amused sire, dispersing the grinning group with a wave of his hand. Carxivaâ€"A Seotch travoller, docesribing the children in Canada, remarks:â€"‘There is a prococity about the children that ainuses me much. The little girls, especâ€". ially, are quick and in telligent beyond their years, take their places at the dinner table, bandle . their forks nently, and wipe their dainty litle lips with their table napk in nt an age when ours are fed with a spoon in the nursery, _A a nâ€"tural conseq e 1ce they pick up the manners and ideas of their. parents sooner, and puzzletheirlitth btains over the oddest questions for a child. One day at dinner, when we were talking about Carnada and the United States, one min= ute pclitician in petticonts, probably seven years of age, struck in during a pause, and gravely exprossed it as her opinicn that Canada should haveMaina and part of Naw Hampshire. Then the loveâ€"making! To see a small Icdy of a year and a half coquetâ€" ting with a small gentleman of a year and three quarters is a sight worth going agross the Atlantic even to see. _ It is a enoush to make one nervous about kissing a chik‘, in ease it should turn out to be a gitl.arid bring out gh astion against you for breach of proraise. Vrery ies a wiatr.â€"Anold whaler, seated in the bows, told some remarkable yarns, one of which was that on a wbrling vojyage he chanded to be swinpming alongâ€" side of the ship, when he suddenly saw an immense whale bearing bown upon him. with great force. It would not do to dive \ under him, and it was of no use to try to get astern of hitn whichwould be certain deâ€" ewrsction:=The whale eaing raprdly «m, with. his ponderous jaws wide open,. The man made a feint of swim:ming before hiti, but suddenly tacked and went through the open: jaws before the mnfistet had time to shut his mouth and swallow him; then while the wliale was recovering from his astomshâ€" ment at this evasion,; the wman got astern of hiin, reached the sh,‘xp, barponed the whale, and secured the prize, During the shouts and la,»ghter which followed this account, domé one compared his onse to Jonah, but Jack did not allow thit there was any uimilarit({. ‘Jona,‘ he said, ‘was a landsâ€" man and a lubber to getinside of a whale, anyhow, and, besides, Jonah was a parâ€" : Pitv.â€"It is the common feeling of the human heart to pity the unfortunate. What strango and fearful havoc the wine cup ‘has produced among men. It has ruined and blasted the fairest prospects of the aspiring young man. lt has dwarfed his intellect; taken away his selfrespect; debased him in the estimation of others} has ruined his soul. We pity him, and if pity awould save hirn<â€"but, no, he will not heed pity. â€" ‘The tear of a tender mothâ€" er, a brokenâ€"hearted wife, and the love of a aister cantnot move him back. , Nothing short &f the gréat lote of God éan save hirg. Such exaimples are witnessed every day, yet, like sheep, we follow on after those who have gone bafore us, regardless of the consequencés. . Stop, young man, before you arrive at that point when your triends £nd neighbors wili say, © What a pity.‘ (Let them see, that you can live a noble life. Honor your fact by your life of sbbriety. Be honest; be true; be courteous; be faithful; be frugal; be industrious; be say ing; be watchful; be prudent; be diligent; be determined. Never enter upou n callâ€" ing unless it accords with your tastes, views and feelings,. Never allow yourscl( to be in debt for little trifies. . Always be eareful of the company you keep. _ Never allow yourself to speak evil of others, nor allow others to do so in your presence.Ever have a kind word for the poor, the needy and the offlicted. _ ‘Pake care of your reâ€" putation, remembering that ‘n good name is rather to be chosen than greaw riches.‘â€" Whenever you have a spare motment, imâ€" prove your mind and cultivate the noblest art of manâ€"your heart, _ And, above all {;va QGod and keep his commaniinents. And ‘as much as lieth in you, Tive peecaâ€" bly with all men‘ _ _ _ Qcarrets.â€"Two things well considâ€" ered would prevent many quarrels: first, to have it we!l ascertrined whether we aro not disputing about terms rather than things; and, secoudly, to examine whether that on which we differ is worth contending about, ' Courao®.â€"A â€" Revoliutionary _ patfiét used to relate an manecdote of a min he knew when a boy, who lfn§ been a soldier in the French war. _ On one occasion, the English, aided by a colonial militia,of which be was one, were besieging a French fort somewhere in or near Canada. In front was a space of the forest Jeveled by a torâ€" nado; and beneath the fyllen trunks hesieâ€" gers sought shelter from the sharp fire of the fortâ€"all save this one man, Like another Ethan Allen, he stood upon a tree elevated above the rest, returning the ene« my‘s fire. HMis companion below hailed bim to _ know if he had anybullets to spare, as he was out; the reply was, ‘Hang you, come up here, you can cateh a bandful a minute l‘ 407 [82.00, if paid at the end of the year W hole Number 660 Taxsxe ras Sraren Ocrt.â€"A pompous weildressed individual entered a, bank in Doston, and ad]ressing the telle®, who is somewhat of a was. inquiredâ€" } <Is the eashier in ? + No, sir,‘ was the reply, . oo s4ufitue + Weil, [ am dealing in fons, sunplying the. New England banks pretty largely,, and 1 suppose it wil be proper for me to deal with,the. cashier,‘ _ ., .. . i #. ‘beuppo= it will,! sg}d)'lbod.e!fer. w “tery well‘;‘J will svail‘ AKOr‘t}! > > ..The penâ€"peddler, took &scha‘r and sat Lom,"mana"y flfl'r ajfu)l hour, watting for the: wgashier, By thghting he began to grow mup« ‘musy, but sat eomposedly twisting in hi« _eaa‘r . for about twenty minutes, and seeing no prospect of a. change in lis cireamâ€" â€" tunges asked the teller:â€"how somn the easie eer would be in. <We\!, I dop‘t know, exactly,‘ maid the | wag gish toller, ©(but I expect him in aâ€" | bout eight weeks. He has just gone ) Lake Supcrior, and told me he thong he should come back in that tine.‘ Ped«ler thought he would nat wait | © Oh, you may stay if you wish,‘ said the teller, _ very blandly. + We have no ob > jection _ to, sitting here in the dayâ€"time, and you can probalUly find some place in town where they will be glwl to keep you nights.‘ zi C . sak | heat nIg MUB.. P s w The pompous peddler disappeared «/A. oufanother word. An old bachelor, possessed of a fortune of $50,000, meeting a friend ona day, began. to harrangue him very learnedly upon the detestable sin of avarice, and gave the folâ€" owing instance of it: ‘Abqjy three years ngoy‘ suid he, ‘by a very .odd mccident I fell into awell, and wag absolutely within a few minutes oflrowning before I could preâ€" vail upon a heartless aud grusping dog of a laborer, who happened to be within bearâ€". ing of my cries, to help me out for a ahil«â€" ling.~ The fellow wasso rapucious as to in siskupon having tweutyâ€"five centa,for ahove a quarter of an hour tynd 1 verlly beseve he would not have abated me a single fur thing if be had notseen me at the‘ lastâ€"grap ; and I determined rather to die than to sub mit to his extortion.‘ A schoolmaster, after giving ane of his pupils a sound drubbing for spesking bad gratnmar,sent him to the other end of the room to inform another bod yP&‘lu't he wished to speak to him. and at Lb{ same titme m: mised in ~epeat the dose if he apoke to ungammatically . The youn"uter, bem quite salisfied with what he got] determi to be exact, and thus addressed his fellowâ€" pupil: ‘(A common substantive of the tmnasculine gendej, . aingular number, poms« jnative cgre, fndâ€"in an angry maod, tht sits pprc?.ed upon the eminence ct the other gf'xd of the room, wighes to articulate & few fenranices to you in the present tense.‘ . If onetrain of thinking be more desirable: than another. it is that which regards the p)‘.enome{m of nature with â€"a constant reâ€" ference to a Supreme intelligent Author, To bhave made this the rnlin?. the habituâ€" n1 sentimenot . of our minds« is to have Jard. the foundation of every thing that is re hgious. The wofld fr6th thercefotth;bee cqiues a teinple, and life iself one continued net of adoraCion. on the same sqjl, in the same climate, can be found growing the various plants, wome poisonous, some nutricions, and othersiy‘ sipid. Each pltint seemé to draw its life from, the same common sourceâ€"the earth air, light and waterâ€"yet each possesses & different missior. from the other, . In othe words, each nppro(rrima to itself out fo the earth, «ir light and waterâ€"its own nature .. It would be well if men would be as judiâ€" cious in their selections. Good nourâ€" ishing food. clear cold water, and out.door exercise wili produce a healthy and vigotâ€" us ruind and body. Tns Heart‘s Secoxp SPmo.;g'u'r af. fections for our children and grand chilâ€" . dron g:u]a_l’l;l the heart with the hbiuds and Llogsoms 0( a second spting ; they are the loly band whose miraculogs touch can 11d ihe thorn of mottality break forth into flowers even in the winter of our davs. _}}ll thé zare of the day onght to be laid aside with our clothes. None of them imust be earried to bed with us, and in this respec!, custom may oltain very great power over the thoughts. 1t is a destructive practice to study in bed, and read till one falls asleep, us learn from the ent, and from the the future. _ A wellâ€"known Jawrer had a horse that always stopped and refused to cross the mill« dam bridgo leading out of the city, No whipping, no urging, would carry him over without stopping. _ 8o le dvertins l.im, To hbe sold for no other reaon than that the owner wints to go out of town.‘ Sevymour‘s â€" friends claim as an extrm qualification for their candidate that 2",‘.‘ A erack shot and n very Isine Wa ton whing if Sey mour is elected we fancy that he will hrve higher game to shdot and other fish to It is a glorious gelf.sustaining in with ignorance. ar ing minds of the @rnaxos gur Tauc â€"It «isâ€"one of the« most interesting factsy that side by side‘*t Tax can be removed from the frce by dissolving magnesia in soft water, beat it to a thick mass, spread it on the face, and let it remain a minute or two. _ Then wash of with castile soap suds, aud ringe with soft water. > Mxaory or ts Goop. â€"â€"«When the good and the lovely die, the memory of their goods deeds, like the moonbeams on the stormy sea, lights up our darkened hearts and lends to the surrounding gloom a beauty so sad, so sweet, that we should not, if we could, dispel the darkness that environs it. Frar or Evic.â€"In the commission of evi‘.’, fear no man so much as thine awn self. _ Another is but one witnese against; thou art athousand. _ Another thou may. est avoid, but thyself thou canst not. Wickedness is its own punishmment, was. wl tb Wt ninds ol the mass of beavenly truth RT 1t« nst t three terr h tiseever es the e terms‘ that which Jich will he, Let o profit by the pres nt to jive better for «ion dy vivifying ar«l to struggle to the mqtir lear cétuien of thirty

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