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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 27 Aug 1868, p. 2

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Wharee beave Rerar® NRuing Rest M Bx, 010 a.m. | K 1t »m Read TyroA last on our Brat prgre. _ bie to certainly wuil np on the woman questhoth Thr Writesiy Townshin_ Rthibition takes plare at Croashill m‘fi\‘% Neronts, Butubé and other placea and a Joily good tinve was had all arouwmc Wiham=â€"N8 News Bxrpectation Sthatian BRritee, 8t. Michwet‘a Nighsy On theiitator a Nathots of stadying Poisone In Vueaton, Byducy and Rablgh Bill and Joo Thetnm mfi“\yfl(}hmmhh\hM teturt of Murdaina ‘The man and Brothen American Diptomaey The CGontt af Rawthorme, Reviews and Litarary Non: weal @ithai with any amount of readting matâ€" ter am! Mimatratina awch as wall be ap m\ymw\wu L. A. Gotey Phitwtetph in . Patara Acorstrt==On IThuminy Inst | between Li and 1i oviuek, bin John 4 Abree mites weat of Wuaterion was dmwitgk! Ahreahed wheat from one htm to another | awat had with him his two boya owe aged | . absut Atteon and other 8 yearey, t months wad 18 duys, When they bad a hwst Om | the wmgrom anmd afrer yroinar momee | clisbanee the litte boy BJ aif awt the wheel wenl . wver bis bead kiltig him mm* Corow6t Yeaghy hekt an Inqueat which Ne Mhm\m\-i\hmmnh\'r w t M4GMb .~___â€"_ocke Ovar Yorre Poars for has been recehvect from Mm\d Frekilsy Boaton . _ The contents are as Bot= Rows.â€"â€"The Cruine of the baittls Startight, Wth» Butteriy‘s Mishapa otomon John | w tw Applea and Cictor, CGiant and Bwart The Two Winogenes Our Five Fit Ne Kutena anwd theit Retatione First Los tate on HMeah The Btory of the Ambet Beads Haitâ€"Hours with Bathor Brightbo ee The Caterpitiah Coak of Fire Cuat avay m the Cold, Lits Brown bands the hm:“\’mm Haby Howse ratae, Mustc, rtowwd the B\ Latthyy Out battror Bor, s esnt Uue Aruarere Mortiar for September has been receive| from bvears Twkwor & Piebls, Boaton. _ The conrents are as tob mumber of butites and yoathmen wete prok ant in witheas the qwire which was with nmmmuw.:r\ mm boys dit nobly, bat atit thett Watsk exparienced ami orter brothere frowe Btora after hag awd deapermely hard piy»s Lasrsssn â€"BRlom had a boitday on FHi day last nwd the Lacromssiata of that plate wine to Bertin to play a retwrn manch with the siub of the hhiter pluce, _ Quite a largs ing «aime off Hctartone. his death and Tit perfoctly raigned and propired tor the sad event Few young wen in this coantry have been as atrcssaatel in theirt prmfessional career as Dr Bhants. In widiton to other erivtemces of his mrds weas . hia appointmentaa Bupartntan tent of the Minvesota State ILunatie Aayihm when atiil quite a ydung man, . showa fa what esteem he his hbeen herd by al with wham ha had hnsinam or profearonal Whationa We deaply sympathite with Nh borave) whtow an) frowin, ‘ BDreara ar Drownmnnn«On brondtay hnat a large pie nis part) went from Preaton ts the Iwhnd in Pusiiich lika At about Poot a‘atoek they commenced to retwen and whren one of the boats in which there wore ten persone was wear the mictte ofthe Iaks a squall came uip and npaet it. _ There were toat men foor women aw! two chiklrem wied the wen did all shay coukd to save the women and chibren They mecsaded in mving alt but bitrs Lizate Cohtamith a ho bad wome np on the water twise ant the hat time bud hoi af the arm of one of the wmen, but being apparenty unconschont at the thme, sho let go agnin and went to wrould wish for nothime more t make lim completety happy. _ Troly the ways ot Prormtence are myaterions, and fn the modst of life we are in death Hin bereaye ud Wds heare have, their morrowa boat ewed \\ tha welcome inteltigrence that he sorpite and ahe a widow _ His proféaston al caroet had hwen #o Dbright and his domeatte rlatione so pleamant that it seemed ho had remched the height of hia ambition anwd We conachute of hia aftimation praviowa ts Dearn or Dm Smantt â€"The melans | woiv ‘“..:u'qn 'm\m‘ E up L"i' \::N!“ tholy wewsthat Dr Bamwe! B. Shants, m\m pa\v:\"mflm \::u:h otf w\: won of Samwel Shants Brg, of Watartos | *aRty, where Ibudise most \ho mrnm Nownship died of ty phoot Rever on Batur the o}:nm railway eahtion shoukd in fre day | mrorning . last has reashed ue Eear ‘}::‘M'\“:wh;r ":.{‘;’.‘ m:‘\mn? than three months sgo we bad the W‘.W* Prom the nqm: ‘ot l\?fih\u\?‘h pnre of seeing him and and histwwirly miay. Rboukl cary a red lamp .m.i thet bridy and littls sdid. wny ‘one vhink | Retishy W'Mwm‘ to warn hear Mhmflm\amhm&lhumhmm No it * thabMith amd aha a sechu uy o ppi C (TT, P 8| ctoselyp and tambling down therehpy _ the botbom . _ Alt search Por her body was f o vailh B Satantay whon she war thimd . Dr. Hersab hebt an inqwest on the biuty !hwununhwukcam R mawot ditiar much tor the above (atie catara _ This vety Mmhb-tm;l has waat quite a ghooum over Preston abrd vie@nis H Quoer tor Reptember is before va At t URibod trvik RaikWay, Wail KXx. l0:f8 acm. Day Bxr. _ R4%8 pm. London NY $:40 p.Â¥. Night Ex Bot® i w The boea! Parliament now in eastom it hou nvar nverwhelmingly in fav it of nevea. wrom _ Tha govermmeat hat by in Wib king hav® Gsawed a very long aldresa to the _ Imperial _ Govearnment _ in reply to the dirpatch of the Duks of Buekingham, On this whiress some red hot spoeches were mads am! stme seemed to be looking to Washingtom Among the papers presonted on Satur nay were the anxtoualy expect=d begal dpins fon« nhtaived fom 8it Roumted! Palmer wrwd Mr Vemon Humourt ao to the bemity of the Union . These npinions rto wot bringg wrch comfort to the Repeatera ‘The de hypates aubmitted aix questiona The ansur wra in anbetaneg Are as Pollowet wome powera but WN\MW tuméent of the satoan ~Ifthe fast of such comment bo disproved, that may attont a the Iral vaihtity of the statate _ The hurth qweation is embrmrced in the Shh an! the same answer applicn _ dth "The reasnintion of the Nuova Sontia Legistature of 1888 anthorised the rdet= gates mwmmumu.umm- #incer ho to Artatyre A m M\-Wm Nywhworttawt and I BRiwant Ishonk â€" T‘he defrect woubt :mi by anhaeqprent ratifiuation of the humtes‘ wete hy the Legisintire Bth ‘The Imperial hegistatare dint wor waanlime bo eatingnish the Conatitautiin of Novra Meotfa at impose a wow Poru of yov» emment without ronsent==to do so wouht be an axtreme exervise of pdren t â€"â€". smm & mss _ Breny Barvabay come ngularly to hand Rrow biveare Troknor & Fishhy Boaton, it atways contains the cream of Buropont N tberatare. N is ccnainly a mast intereating and batertain ing pa bireat form wthas soom kiling itraW with fia bawcaater,. _ They are sabt to be of great historical vahie A wroat mortality is notieable the thiex in Nashvitte, and the manner of thair vyreing ts simtlar tn that which bas been: wnhanned several tmes betore the coming of a torrthle and aweeping ephiomic ‘ Queen Victoria has given bo the British Wat m r:'hplwul in the I:e:nl Ofiq:) Hom rlating bo M’ wommunicates with an etoctric wita An Inyrontoma Wreans of seltitetinee bas Intely I» rn'inth 0 hr‘:‘M h\:“\z of ondi tarty P uick hn hrg buc Ratauncs n Araken The new inatmment consiate of A NROMA We wermed in the ond o# a cana which Rora wontaine an whwetrie battery and a amail lanp with ns powertit reftestore, Ihe intensity of the light termporarity blinds any potaon rt. whom it is painted. 'l\um:m i kimdted at wmill by prossing a emall t at the ather ond of the eane, whith knob Weinig Uhea Cartrie Distast ~â€"The Buttais KovaA stotiA Tns Bnootime A rrrar. â€" At the inqweat hekt here with regarnt to the Iate murder on Blizabeth ®r, the details of which L gave m my laat, the jury brought in a venlict of wilfal murder against Bvana _ Hye is to be tried wext Full Bxorass Roseers) Tmagâ€"=On Thurs= day at 18 o‘etock P. M the prisonmers char ged with the Expreas robberiea in the Sta. tva, were browrht before the potice mayzis= rata R. A. Warrizom, q. C., acted as Attorndf toe the prokecutron, rtml Mesirs J. H. and M. C( Cameron tor the cdefens Tns BnootmeA rrrar â€" At the inquweat ‘ _ Fop fear that my communtcation would heki here with regant to the Into murder on | call forth an editorial notice of consicerable Blizabeth t, the details of which L gave tengib, I desisted writing forthe Orroxroue m my last the jury brought in & venlict during the heated term" knowing full of wilfal murder against Bvana _ Hy is to well that when I ait cosily down to bave a be tried wext Pull }M oldâ€"fashtoned chat with its numerous Bxoraess Roseers) Tmauâ€"=On Thurs= readera it is my peonliar faiting to kvep it day at 18 otetock P, M the prisoners chat ‘up rill a whote columm or more of your ged with the Expreas robberica in the S?m valuable apace has been appropriated, twa, were browrht before the potice maxis= Therefore, aince the aweltering heat of mit\ tratw _ R. A. Harrisom, q. C., aeted A* anmmer is over, and we are again living, AM toe the prokecutron, aiml Messts maving and having our being in the@mihkt J H. and M. (\ Cameron tor the \M"h‘ and pleamant temperature of the approach: dants. . Mr. Harrison was assistel by Col ing autumn, U will reeume my correspond: Richantrson of 8yracuse _ Hon. J. N. Matâ€"|enee, promising to contribute oceastonally, vtomab! was present during part of the ex< na formerly, provided this in agreeable to wnination _ The first witmess tot the pro= nil parties concamed. 80 1 will on the sevntion was Patman W. Brown. This |present occasion consider that thore is a whthoas ..m‘\-:: conclusive ;VH»S\‘ ;g‘ mutual minderatanding, But should L chance nat two mmm, C, B |; mmpnn aad Mmm of the Cam: :’\:I "_m:;‘ “'r “:h: . M"‘.:’" ks erona / tried their beat to trip bim up in a ay, then juat dash your quill acros® auch shosg emabwtamination ofsome Hve hours, wentences _ And shoutd I apie out my yarn :mt \;M\I it N:hlmgly‘\wefl.l Next | to an outrageouas leayth, I hope you will the woiren who were taken prieoner®s nae that peculiar privilage which editors tfim\'&:? au"\““:;‘ "‘.‘:':‘"“‘“f::‘\" generally are not backwant in anaking use Another s\kmuonbfme‘\y confimred Brown)s O viz, top off portions \lm"%u Mmay see evhtence with V\TM\I to Morton, The Bt, On it you think it is ndt suitable tn vorr wu. uh:“h::' n:MS"flnnlw\ but was bestow printer‘s ink upon it hy then a: wlfourmel w â€" pard R CHHT PR 9N Acinatu uen | ies it t n with the telaveof ue about four o‘ctgck a bartm, \ aâ€" howse | on Don 8t., was disenvered to be in Ammea | ‘;M“:‘ you as editor have a perfect right to and in cunsequencg of xlvh{'iu getting »a>| do} buy beware| do not draw a feltlow over the Bire soon apréad to the houre Thr«e the redâ€"hot coals as you have d mi\iim both being Imme were totadly ipmkm ocreaston, on)mu::‘nt‘m P* * destroyed, rind murch of the furniture was | Th T also burnwed. ‘The house awt barn were| e wenthen since the ist of Auguat, owned by Nn Mitcheh and were inaupe | Dt# been very boantifub with a comfortable for ©800, which will not cover haif tpo temperatums Although we had an intense toas. Mn Hircka the tewant hait his proâ€" heat most of the timre during June and July, pertv inaunal Bor 8800 About 1 ovtook | vlon‘t think we suffored any worse than A. Nh on Friduy a stwble at the roap of Ub inhabitants of Canada} and Idoubt CGapt . llm.h:{\ dwailimg was seen bur=} whether there were as many enaes of aun wnye. By the utmost eudtorvore of io , Sroks in this lntitudts as in that _ In fret peopte greverally, the house was saved . Buu) , t seems there wore an extmondinary nwm: dants. Mr, HMarrison was assiste! hy Col, Richantson of 8yracuse, â€" Hon. J. ®. Mac donab! was present during part of the ex: amination _ The first witresa tot the pro= secution was Patman W. Brown. This wntneas gave very coneluaive evhlence as m\w of the prismers vie, C. B pron and Morton Both of the Cainâ€" erona | tried their best to trip bim up in a whose emas«zamination ofrome five hours, but e stood Iit excehngly well. Next Buppoer Deart==Ona ‘Thurstay mor=‘ wimg hst an oht man by the name of Fran« «in went dut to work in his usual| health. _ He hudt wot been working toug bo.'[ Rwe he was seized in a Biand in a short| thwne obhedh s \| Dum rtuze«â€"Times seem to be fear | tully dull at present in every branch of | brwts 1 heant a mervbant remark lately, | that i was the dulteat thime he had known | tor some atzteen years More business \s | figfld when the harvest is oven anay Crosnto, «â€"btoat of the hanlwar, book awi furnishing eatablishments chee at t P M. on Buturday aftermoona _ _ Noy a j a the Independent tos t on en m eriine that he has that sort of 1 ain g, and a no curtonity aeek ons to call on untess they wWish to apond at loast ong dollar at the bat,‘ lhnuun;-â€"‘l\h?\ mf’rkm ts In trWw i |\veMth\ the Musis Halk The bgdw in very nf_l_m mha Deant or a Youre Laoy ritom Draar= rommrent mt Love,=The Bostuon Vournal mayst A saant but hmm\inr gase ofthe sduath vfa yourg bhety, nanted Busan King, h a general of converaatmin at Wuburth at \h%\ timva â€" The de ennaml had been m‘llrnww Wath by . whom, it appeart was deeply ats mahedh _ Some weeks since sho happonol td obsome hbim in company with amother yonigg . voikat â€" badgr such cinttmatinces w6 to yive rise bo M“fi of{:hmy on her wart. â€" the upbrabted hi For his comtitert â€" Bmvenr it Parn‘â€"«ln apite of the Leader wilver at par is becoming beautifully has h \M w’\ â€" part . â€" the upbrahted hn Hor his caomtuect awd he replied to her romonatmnces in a apitited manwen which further provoked het to vtambeghine 1 seeime however that she . atill <cbetiahed in seeret the ofd ath=~ thom aw! the disappointment so weyrhe! her miwd as to cavan a severe nervous wthach, " mauhings shout tm sikys sices in wttes m-mmn the remained in this qaainlition wntil har death, which dccurred N»Nn’ lush The chvumamntes hraninngt h“ t6 N‘hh W‘M M’.\ bavingt baft=! the skill of the "\Mh\ it waik Mdpwmm antipay shoukt be pers trmei, which was dows on Monday by N&h ‘I\ulm hete onee atiol a rrenp a on wore or to t thete is wo recont left to show, On the east bank are the raina of a large atrreture or cantla covering several weres of lami} wwe of the waile are yet stmmling t the helght of twenty u\lh‘,h\ verablet but the aystem was appatontly in mmhlnndn:)mnm!!\m‘ 'l‘m"«. ceated was a person of 6Â¥delient chnractor A womlertul twts i being tobl to the sthet that a of survreyore in Avigona ammygred for ox the country for rarh mad mutes, lately canme apon somte very extensive mina on the banks of the Litts Noltormto Raver. They extend abong the :rv;o t:o man y \n&h\h &:: of the walls t are yet theit wl mm?-'a to M‘h‘:-l\« m Whe wtreeta may be tmreed Prr imiea _ The oh! intigating canale and ditehea are yet in a hir state of pressâ€"sration and may be trom ead for miter abeo . ‘The grownd is strewed with broken crocks»yâ€"wara â€" The party Lound some nearty whott vessets of curioua tremm â€" The ware seema to be of a sdiftorent &N&y\ awd Aner than that found at most t the riiue in Avizonm Many of the walle of the butldings were built of hewn Onoar Srouem â€"Bome time .{s'm tok> thers of the Preshyterian Sahbath School, ®M. bMary» rateed a subsonption among themaeives and their frients and parchaaed amMmMmud‘\thnvhfi NM\MQ.‘:} " the Boant Management and one ofthe leahing ehdera Bomne of the members of the congregation ohjected to what thay ealled a whest of their min are bein O\MTEP the Ih' m part in \L much srtemmed and betoved mwfl a pock of trouble for A remarkable reltgtoua movement is Ihyt on in Bngland just now, being mo E; than the seceston of somm large bifes from the Chureh of ‘nmmn‘mm «s a pintest wgainat the am which i8 awn rampanh â€" The . congregationa with D. Cuter aw! A bbok : ; fi‘: who M:i.‘.sm (i{. ts belteved meoet Wh Twoeelay bight M Nimogrel the Simvatmms ué e wl it bus wot aince been seen. They have Toronto Correspondence . | Missouri Correspondence, taking part in the inagparal services in Allem the | wiekedest man in Noth,! who has been foisted into wot Cutter awi A bbot : a"\ku\ld»& or obrious cavee of was diaco. _and pat up in a workimantike manâ€" “mmwhn onge atinl a WATERLOO CIIRONICLE AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER. rmed into Frus Newman Hail in contormiat wins aind was M is in | _ The weathen since the ist of Auguat, has been very beantiful with a comfortable \temperatum Although we had an intense heat most of the timre during June and July, | sdon‘t think we sufformt any worse than the inhabitants of Canada; and I doubt | whether there were as many caaes of aun: stroke in this latitude as in that in faet | it seems there wore an extmoondinary num | ber of caas of aimstroke in Canada this | aummen . which I suppose goes to verity the truth of the atatoment made in a friend‘s letter, via that it was the hottost aummer | within the mema;y. of man." The mehc.m;y | matred very much like it a e dt cdid in ‘n..mrmm.{m- from D5° 't‘mos ® in the | aliache. This has been a very productive harvest in most portions of the State, _ ‘The faithful husbandman has been amply rwanlel with an imnvense crop of grain, which fetchea remunerntive prices in a ready markeb although so far removed from the seaeboanh We hw! fine mins at auitable intervals all the spring and summen though we are having a rather dry time jnst now, which has been of several week‘s mluvation and has eut the corn crop shorter than it woukd have otherwiae been, Weat York is a hmn‘y wlet After Hon. lin‘ rr a candidate it hiled to capture a Buil but securad a Bollk _ The tonfi- bes ing poor it was sent back, and then the &{u way» everything wont (W)right sudy showiet jobe Alam are dip in a every city in the ‘Union has discovered ita '\mtam Some kinds of fruit are very abundant while others are almost a total faiture, Peaches are going to be vastly in excess of the loval demand, and thowgh they are not ynite ripa they are so m“fi,y so that we can mnlt catoulationa on thein for certninm The trees are baded down everywhere with this Ihreotone frait and wihen thay are ripe, whish will be very soon, there will be many a fine, fresh foast of fat things in this lime O, how I wish some of our dear triewds in Ontario mk‘b\ be with us about that timg, to go out into those extensive peach orchands and pluck trom the fruitful treea the Hp@ mellow, detivious ‘m\!uct of the yean fust as namre offers it with lavish awind grewerous hand! â€" Apples amt chormes iln not amount to much this summer, Pluma wiht wnd tanve, especially the form er, are exceodingly plentiful _ Wikt gmpes yiohled quite profuely, mt in some parts uf the atato aro lanzely guthermt for the purpose of winemaking. as they aroe sard to be equal ifnot auperion to the tame wrapa | The soit amt ctimate of Missouri are well wlapted to grape culture an| there are several places in the State where there are already somewhat extersive vireyanls nA mi I»\x», Herman Boonevilts aud Han wiba Bince everybody==not naly in this coun: try but in countries auroas the Atiintis â€"=â€"ts whting abtout the coming man for Presilent of \hmJ\ 8, Gan Grant, E will aleo any a fow wordn about him. But I witl be briof; tor after all that has been written and apok : en about that popular man L do wot pretend to be able to say an ll\h\r to edity your rewieca _ Tharshre ( will only mention that when the Gunem) was on his retwen hoime from the far Weast, he stopped at our town a Row minntasy whem among othore \ our correspondent had the honor of atep ping Erwar!l and shating hamts with him, â€" J have Polit both sad amt iwdignant at the reporta that the Fenians have not Jet abanâ€" durwred their nihanous intention of making a munderona and an abominable raid inte the mottnaive amt perceful domain of Canada â€" ‘Phat their fendish purposes will be Pruatrated, and that their avil and uns Just designa must mmisambly fail is quite evident}; but they can and do sugcesd to keep Canada in a state chexeitemant which mmet canse the comnt rtial attiivres of the country to auffer severely, But #os be to the scomnmdrels if they insist to venture a omas the linea! I have every confhience that the Volunteers of the Domintion will not only give them a warm recepton but will bravely repulee them, or seize the last wreteh of them at prisonen At Ottawnm on Thurelay last, Sit John A. Mnodonahit was aubjected to the indig= mty of having a quantity of mortar and brick duat thrown upon him b“u work man on the svaftobl of a new building. ‘The aet is belveved to have been intentional war . Rilled neiat Greenwood, IIMUY:& A a Rew daya sincea ‘The akin, after being A mutse asnake momanring seven feet in langth, and tweive inchea in cireumfarence war _ killed neat Greenwood, Missizsippli, a taken from the n:flh. helkd ; welve and a halt busheta of sauntust, Chureh, in England, recently preached a rermon nmil»:m‘\: the m‘:’finm hot weathor to the wickedness of the nation, in lnn»fliw Madatone in his measures for the uverthrow of the Irish Ratablish= wreteh of them as prisoneh The Md\nl,mr&‘v onteal of a Proshlen tial etection is cluse at hand. There is i think, no danger of a general rebeilion; but that there will be trouble in some to calitien thore is no doubk May the Suâ€" preme Rular of nattons so diapose the eritis> al aftaira of the times and of the country, that all will yet come around right after a white; and that men will betome more remmonable and poaceable as time rolla on, nml@nm to "Curse wot the lging\”‘buu\ »to We anbject to the powers that be" as good citizens of their country , ts the oarneat prayer of Yours Roperviir, ment The Muntcipal Conncil of the Township of Wilmot miet this 22nd day of August, 1888, purswant to adjournment All the members present . Moved hy Mr Zoeger, secomted by Mr Master, that leave be granted to the mover to brin%in a Byâ€"l.aw to assss the Townâ€" whin of Wilmot on all rateshle property, to provile for certain eurrent and necessary expenses for the year 1868; also a Byâ€"Law ty assoss the several School Sections; said By Laws Nos 155 & 156, were read the firat, second and third time and passed . ‘The Council then went into Committee on achool matters and report as follows: The petition of John Diment and others of Suhoo! Section No. 5, your commities reâ€" comment that the prayers of the petition be granted, and that the following lots be detached from Section No. 5 and L added to Sextion No, 4, vis:â€"=Lot No. 31 in the 4th concession the south half of Lot No. 29 & 30, in the 3nt Concosaion; the south half of Lot 25 in the 2n+ Concession; and the south halt of lot 24 in the 2nd Goncea ston a Byâ€"Law be brought in for the same, In regarnt to the application of John Hillâ€" gaertnen prayimg to be taken away from wertner, pmymito be taken away from gcclion No 2 and be added to No 1; your committed" recommend that their prayers be grantgl, and that the following E»tn be taken away from No, 2 and be added to In regant to the petition from the Reeve of North Basthops, praying for a grant of 150 to be expended on the 'l‘ownfim bee tween Wilmot and Ensthope, the commitâ€" tee recommemled that the sum be granted, The petition of Andrew Stadtor arml others to open up the town line between Wilmot amt Waterlon near Youndt‘s Lots, was laid over for further conshleration, "The fol« lowing contracts given out by the Reave were confirmed by the Council viz:«â€" Jolhn Schilh for culvert near Spitig‘s brew> ery, 832; Peter Brough, for bridge nerr Mortey‘s factory, 8115, for stone wall in Prussiin wettlement 8425, and that John R Schinitt be appointed as overseer of anid} wall, and that the Clerk and Mre Sctamt attend to the putting in the foundation amt aoe that the sams be well made Samvel Y Shants was ihstrmetod to repair the bridgn aiml hand im mecount to this Comncil A apecial committee was appointed to examine the Hayavilly bridge, nm[l also the bridge over Wilnot creok, near Win. Collin‘s farm, aail commnittes to hn composed of the Ruoove, Deputy Roeve, and Isang Master, to meet on MomIry noxt, at the naw bridgo on the town lins between Wilmot and Bienâ€" hetm, at the hour of 10 o‘vlock a, nu ‘The following accounts were omtered to be r\i‘l: Adam g)mfin , junion for stone 84.22; Henry. Gabel, gu grivel 84.70; Joa Yutzie for repairing acrapers, 80 ots.; John Schill, wr payment on contmct &16; David %}numnn. for gravel 88.27, â€" ‘The commit tea woubt hmgtr advise the builling of a new bridga apmvification No D, dated Aug. R2m!, 1868 ‘The aum of 88 was onlered to be paid to Christiana Higin for 4 month aupport, up to Amg 24th, . No, 1, vie:? Lot No, 10 in the third Con, Block A ; also the north balf of lot No 11 in said concession, and that a Byâ€"Law be brought in for the same,. Trrmerce Txomext at Nracama Facus. â€"The Butfilo Commercial of a recent date sapa} We leorn by a gentloman who came from Niagara Falls this morning that n startling incident occurrnad thore yesterniay afternoom _ A little girl, while gretting up on the railing of the bridge leading from the matin laivd to Goat Iatand, loat hor bal anca ginl fell into tire rpapicds _ Instantly a poung‘ man named Moulton, residing at Aubum, phnmged in to resous the cl:fil i (Gnaaping the litle one and keoping her head above watorn both were awopt on to wanl«the precinice and deatruction seemed inevitable, _‘ t Moutton, being an expernt awimmen striugnghei maan? with the rush mg torrent and anccseded in reaching the shorey <inly mabout fifteen fost from the brink of the eataract 1t was a most bumane and \l‘fil\‘ wet, A man in Germany wants to eat with nn::.My for the ohnmpmmlqip o( the reveral Browlway storea there is now to be seen a rlisplay of pearls that wouh! drive Oleopatra to drink were‘she there to sce theim â€" They are made of steal, The ficti tous amethyatsy emrakly rubles and all nther atonea that are acevunted precious, mounted in Astitiouns gold, \mn\‘rnlml\" the serutiny evan of an expert, The Council wlfourned to meet again on the 21st of Novémben A New York paper anys that imitation has heen carried â€" to its culminating point in the matter ofjawelry and trinketa _ In A Weastern politician, in king of a tivah sard ; + lsllnm in of gnmungx ob> werving men, . Strawa show which way the wind blowa, and, ma a straw,‘ Pilkins has wo equal in the country !‘ t Kvenementâ€"published by Mona Faâ€" bre, Sir Geo B Cartier@® brotherâ€"inâ€"Inwâ€" wants annexation, and mays the ‘habitans * gonerally ara of the same mind, A woman in Minnesota who had gath= ered a quantity of potsto bugs burned tham in her cooking stove, amt while lean= Ing. over the atove inhat=d pmacnousa perâ€" tfumea _ She fell to the floor insensible and died in about ten minutes. A tobaceoniat at Chatham has procured eme of the ontinary basswood Indian Chiet aigng whieh proved such a curiosity to the Hmplw of the town, that he is reaping a ne profit by gning into the show business with the thing. The female Blondin, of California, M‘lte Rosa Cleste, whose terrific feata on the rope and wire have rendered her famous, is l.?":muhh Blomtin in crossing Nirgara [ Chemtcal n:l.fi: shows that every nine caska of hfit t a man can swallow imparts to his avatem aa much nutriment as is contaiued in a ton=cent loaf of bread, Poatmaater (General Randall has in con= formity with the recent not of Congress, laawod orders to his suborndinates to soud to the Dead=Letter Office all lottars, circulars. dio unncerning lotteries, gift concorts and shullar ewindles, A. Samtoga lotter writen apeaking of trails to fashionable dresses says, ‘ one in particulan from the Fifth Avente, mer sured fifteen feet from the wairt to the outer rfiph\-ry, and was an claverly anmd gracefuly deagged as to excite the unbound > ed admiration of the room,. ‘"The editor of the Newmarket Pra says that some of the long fingered gontry en= tered his outer kitchen and atole a caniater of tea, of better quality than thieves genâ€" erally enjoy, Never mind, his mina will find him out No man ever prospered after robbing a printen Hon, F, W. Groen, editor of the Clove= land Pfeindeater, haa follen hoir to an estate of 8230,000, the legacy of a rich bachelor relative, A: Boston papar aays: Lettar writers for the preas shouh! take tha veteran {onrâ€" mnlist, %‘huflo\v Weerd, as their modeh Hia letters mre anly about half a column long, but tell a groat donl that is of general in» Wilmot Township Council. London, August 24 â€" Despatches from gentlemen sent to Calcutta to observeo the relapse of the sun are satisfactory in the highest degree. The sky was cloudless and the phenomena plainly visible throughâ€" out all Inlia, exv:(rt atBombay, where drizzâ€" ling rain prevailed. glnmlles, August 24â€"The Grand Duke Alexis Alexundrowitch of Russia, who bas recently been on a visiting tour in the countries about the Mediterranean, sailed from Alyeria on Saturday last for the Uniâ€" ted States, London, August 24â€"Official despatches from Lucerne, Switzerland, state that there is no truth in the roported aitempt to as= sassinate Queen Victoria. An insaneEngâ€" lishman by the name of Wood was seen trying to onter the Queen‘s apartments, and was promptly takon care of. Berlin, August 24â€"CountBismarck was thrown from his horse yesterday, but not serionsly injured. _ i O London, August 24â€"Great interest is taken here in the race which is to come of to come off to mormw between the Ameriâ€" can yacht Sappho and the English yachts. The event is considered almost equal in imâ€" portance to the famous international regetta of 1851, Four of the best and fastes yachts in the English «quadron have been selected to complete with the Sappho, The ‘Peleâ€" graph‘ this morning commenting on the condition of the trial,regrets the restmetions which have been imposed in regird to sails dc,., and thinks that in all international matches of tnis character, both sidea should be left entirely free to sail their boats in their own way, so that the respective meâ€" thola of the liritinh and American yachts> men may be thoroughly tested. -Pnng K;;;vnratvfl-â€"floum closed firm; rentes advanced to 70[ 80¢.; money quiet Puria August 24â€" The Constitutionel‘ to-«lu\y says that ginee the p‘:rific speech of the Emperor at Trayes theBuropean situa= tion is mors settled, and confidence in the permanency of perce is every where gainirg ground. _ The ‘Constitutionel‘ advises capiâ€" talists to reassure themselves, and urges them to nct on the guarantee of security thus given by the GQovernmoant M. Mag:â€" ne, Minister of Finance, has made a report to the Emperor on the suceess of the last loun proposed by the Government, He says every good citizen should rejoice io see in this maonsure the most effectual means of maintaining peace, and making it a source of prosperity to the empire. Paris August 23nt,â€"The Patrie in an editorial on American atthirs advises that the diapute between the United States and Great Lriu\in concerning the Alibama claims be referred to the arbitration of one of the Great Powers as the on'x| method of arriving at a definte and Bnal state New York, August 23n1.â€"The steam= er, * City of Anterwarp ‘ brings mail ad= vices from Queenstown up to 18th inst Active proparations for forthcoming Parâ€" lNiamentary elections were in progress throughout Great Britain, Last question is the disostablishment of the Irish Church and Liberals and Toriea are obliged to deâ€" clare for or ngainst that measure before their constitwents, _ W. E. Forsier made a speech in which ho conmlomned Disrach amt his policy, but praised Lord Stanley‘a course \\‘th regand to the Alabama claims and naturalizing question, Douglas Conke, of the Saturnday AReview, is detol. _ A teleâ€" graph cable is to be lid betwean Donâ€" mark and Russia _ Somiâ€"official correaponâ€" dence of Berlin praisse Baron Von Baeust‘a recent speech at the Riflm meeting in Viâ€" enni, on necoumut of its admission that Aus tria is no longer a German State, nor does ment, Westcheater has a fathomless pend that / _A sehoa} teach reacheq nwn{’ mwOhina, At least they foun t own boyhaad ad) a drowned Chinaman there one morning, | bis institution t with a box of Jersey cigars under his arm , ( begins Sept. 13,‘ vot conshler herself callad upon to exerciae any inffvence over the destinieg of Gerâ€" many, and adds that Prossia will not quar re! with Austria as dong as she aTheros faithfully to privetples of peace and recon: crliiation thus laid down, A meetmg of the volunieer officers of Taronto was held at the Brigade office on Saturday afternoon, for the purpose of dis. cussing plans of action should the force be called jntao gervice, Borlin, Auguat 22â€"The case of the ship Licbeg, on which the pissengors were near« Iy starvat on the way to New York Inst winter, has been brought to the attention of the Government, Lomwlon, August 22â€"It is proper to state that the despatch munouncing the atâ€" tempted assassimation of Queen Victoria in Switgodtand, by a person supposed to beâ€" long to the Fenian organm:zition was receiv. w through the regular news channel. The Foreign Office hero, here, however, has reâ€" caived no advices of the affaur beyond that contained in the tolegram in question‘ Paris August 22â€"The proprietors of Lanterne. the editor of which was was reâ€" cently sentenced to pay a fine of 10,000 for a violation of the Pross Law, yosterday atâ€" tempted to resume the publication of that paper. The polica however, were notified and the entire edition was seignd and con .scated before it left the office of the printer, â€" x _ _ _St Peterslburg, August 22.â€"The Gaov. emmment are in reccipt of later despatches from Boktharua Tha Emir bas signified his willingness to nccept the terms of peace offered by the Czir with the exception however of the duty of building fortifica« tions . One of the styles of ladiea‘® hats now worn is callel the + butter dish.‘ They are across betâ€"veen a snapping turtle‘s sheil and a washpan _ They are so nice! London, August 22â€"The yacht race in which the Amorican yacht Sppho was to partrerpatey, was postponed until Tuewlay nexts The charred romains of the 32 victims of the terrible milway accident near Abur> gile, Wales were buried to day, _ â€" Carnsrume, Aug 25â€"A grand feetival was held hore yesterday to celebrate the anniversary of the establishment of the Conâ€" stitution. The Minister of War made a apeech at the closing banqwet, He exâ€" pressed the hope that the Southern Statos of Germany wouls soon reunite with these of the North, and thus complete the series of great events which commenced in 186. A man remarked, since the present mania for short dresses, and aftern saunter on Washington atreet, that + Lowel!l had better look out for her Iaurelia ms the city of Lomdon, Aug 25â€"Notwithstanding the sharp opposition of a lirge portion of the British &’m the appointment of the Rarl of Mayo, the present Secretary of State for Ireland, _ to be Governor.â€"General of India, has beon determined upon by the Governâ€" mont, Lord Mayo will leave for India in Oaâ€" tober next, to assumo the duties of his new «ffice, They have got an improved mole trap down {n New fimy. A mole works alon, to his burrow, when down darts a spear nns impales the digger upon it, spind les .‘ A Muntreal engineer has invented a con: trivence â€" for stopping a runaway horse, You turn a crank and wind the animal up so completely that he can‘t stir, CABLE NEWS rnd that _ A schoal teacher igliqy remambera his ey faund own boyhaad advertises the ranpaning of wmorning, | bis institntion thus:â€"‘Dear boys} ‘Fron‘s‘a ‘The Sizmose twins have nine children each, Ised drinks must be sippes, never gulped dowa. Heenan has won $20,000 on the Saratoâ€" ga races. France has a Protestart population of 1,200,000 . Kidnapping children is the latest Chica: go pastime, Ten thousand Londoners get their bread by the pen, Four and five pound potatoes nreCaliforâ€" nia latest‘s boast. Jt is reported that Mr, Disraali is to have the Garter, * The brilliant seasomat Saratoga is drawâ€" ing to a close. Suggestive name for a doctorâ€"Berry man,. The Sultan‘s amusement is readingFrench novels. Whiskey Mason has been prospecting in Hamilton. Thirteen cshurches in Boston are without pustors Buff«lo and Hamilten base bailed last Tuesday, About 5,000,000 lead pencils are used overy 1 ear. Watering places on the St, Lawrence are heing deserted, The Turkish Minister bas tiken a cottage at Newport. A ne~ field game called Silver Chimes‘ is being introduced. (ien. Halnine was the son of the Presi« dent of Dublin University Baeecher male #40,000 lnst year, of which ©30,000, was from ‘Norwood .‘ The Amerrcan colony on the Amazon has broken up. The burglars shoot policemen in New York rery freely. The Counts are so thick at Saratoga, ute can hanlly count them. The hop cror of central New York promises well, _ It is good at Suratoga. Chas, Reade is called the vainest man in Englaod, Has Train been shipped out? Thad Stevens‘ real estate consisted of twenty thousand acres of mountain lands. A descendant of Martin Luther is runâ€" ning a provincial Thentre in Wurtemberg, Thyy say the ladies can‘t gossip at the watering places, they are so busy dressing. In a!l the countries of Europe saveSpain and Southern Russia the barvest is splonâ€" dids dItiscelCancous Jtems. The ofl fever is breaking out again in the Penmay Ivania oil districta, Washington ‘Territory boasts of two feâ€" minine editors. Pennaylvania suggests a monument to Thad, Stev en« 168 adult Simtha in Toronto, Littke Smiths not counted. _ge Victoria Alexandra Olga Mary is the name of the Prince of Wales‘ youngest, Gold production in California is giving way to agriculture. Whales are very plenty along the Masâ€" sachusetts coast. Dissected colfsh, canned, iA new arâ€" ticle of manufacture, Pautti was atured very simply on the ocâ€" casion of her marringe. Four thousand women constiture the female army of Parnguay, â€" Bayant Taylor is coming home to his paâ€" rents«‘ golden wedding. The Exâ€"Elector of Hesse is so cross that nune of his family live with him, They oall the Prince of Wates and his family <the Waleses," in England. Cars will run from the Atlantic to the Pacific in the latter half of next year. Piles have heen driven 160 feet in San Franciseo without findling hard bottors, A leading lmeeâ€"ballist in Chicago has been crinpled for life bNturlng his kneeâ€" pan. A Yankee made his fortune with a soda fountain in London during the hented term, Sunâ€"cured c?stera are hecoming a poâ€" pular article of traffic in Californin, The traction angine is doing a <smash ing‘ business on the bridges nround Walker Young men anxious to get rid of their wild oats would do well to get a sewing machine, Montreal merchants want Great 8t James Street laid with theNicholson paveâ€" ment The Royal Artillery now in Canada are to be supplied with new breechâ€"Inading carâ€" bines. Boston is building q rink ospable of seating 10,000 persons, A big thing on boe that. Mr. Giadstone has decided to stand ns a candidate for the Southâ€" Western Division of Lancashire. There is a ‘Trotter estate‘ in England of $18,000,000, which a great many are trotâ€" ting nfter , d Gold to day is 1.46. Ten Banks in Toronto. Gen, Grant is in Galena. Sare wears a shocking bat Camp meeting at Grimsby. > Bonner has a silent partner, Dexter trots a mile in 2:14. Yates is stumping Illinois, Hamilton is sull inpeaching Brick Pommeroy is after Grant, Cricket is reviving in Canada. Miss Rye sniled for England, Wolverine killed near Goderich. Baltimore belles rule Saratoga. No Texas cattle disease at Paris. Seymour is confident of election. Saratogo allows Sunday concerts . Strathird is building a drill shed . Fillmore is afflicted with the gout. General Debility is in New York. Ottawa is blessed with manâ€"traps. Safety Matchesâ€"Early marringes. Shade treas are dying in Hamilton, Baruum is at the White Mountains. New York has impounded 700 dogs. ‘His bonot‘ W, P. H. is seldom seen. Revolutronary mavements in Mexico, Toronto Post Office employs 34 people. Indiana divorces about 10,000 a year. The Meuken will never imarry any more; Dr.Buras is atreet preaching in Chicago, Fortyâ€"one Insurance agencies in Toronâ€" Ingersol!l likes to base ball with Lonâ€" The Kingston Lmcrosseists exoel in their favorite pmstiimne by alternating their batâ€" ting frum the ball to the heads of their comâ€" petitors . It is fashionable now for Iadies at the watering places to keep fust horses and bet un races, _ ‘They are none the better of that, Thadcus Stevens died a convert to the Romish faith, 1t will tike some tall pray» ing to get old ‘Thad through purgatory. Smith Barlett, Eaq , Police Magistrate of Boileville, dropped dead in the street on Suaturday eveningâ€"cause heart disease. For Mark Twain‘s new book about the Holy Land the Hartford Publishing Comâ€" pavy have paid him $10,000. On one of the suitriest evenings no fewer than ten thousand persous bathed :1 G\‘ Serpentine, Hyde Park. Fanny Fern ohjocl.; to men MM tears ; she says it is an infringement on woman‘s most valuable ‘water privilegee.‘ The wrnit of error moved for in the case of Notman has been refused by the A ttorney General of the Provinc# of Quebec, 4 New York p-cpu remarks that the Great Western of anada is the most perâ€" fectly managed Railway on the continent The Montreal Cricketers have arrange a maich with the Allâ€"Engluaod Eleven, to be played next month. No less than two hundred kindwof hate are worn by the men, and all fashionable, Ingersol! is cousulting a female astroloâ€" gist, who tells her customers all about fuâ€" turity, ing evile of Toronto, and there is a talk of a byâ€"law to suppress the same MikeMcCoole‘s wedding was the ‘r-d- est, most intererting and bappiest‘ ever wituessed in St Louis. So says the Deâ€" mocrat, The last ammunition out is a powder that, when fired in the face of a regiment, sets them all to sncezimg. At the Connecticut fat men‘s clam bake thirtyâ€"nine of the guests weighed 8,766 pounds, s ‘ The goose nuisauce is one of the standâ€" Some cypherist has calculated that twentyâ€"one million stedge hammer strokes will go to the spiking of the Pacific Railâ€" 'I)'. If Adam were alive he would be 5,868 year« old tha 13th of next montbk. Wonâ€" der if all lis soms would be kind to the old man, A couul\gorpouoleumoaw whâ€" ter will prevent mosquito breeding. Bat aren‘t the inosquitoes preferable! A New York paper is expatinting on the annexation of Canada and l:‘ »ther British American possessions as the consummation of our conumental destiny,. The New York Times states that some of the leading publishers have lost on every book published within a year, A witness in the Whelin: case attemptâ€" ed to escupe on Wednesday, but has been brought buck. _ They have what thay call ‘a distingwishâ€" ed Inudanum swallower in Cincinaatâ€"a femule. St Petersburg has a Chinese library of 11,607 volumes,1178 wood engravings and 476 manuseripta ‘The GramlTrunk differs from other railâ€" waya because it has Brydges over the whole Jdive. There are two thousand newsâ€"Loys and three hundred newnrgirls in New York,. In cousequence of the increase af doctors in Guelnh,u new tomb«stone cutter has emâ€" barked in business in that place. The annual games of the Caledonian Club will he held at Jones‘ Wood, New York, on Septeimber 8rd. The New York Swn promises the Blue Noses belligerent rights when they secede from the Dominion. Fall Wheat....... Spring Wheat .... PORRE : s« r+rixs Barler ...... Rye 56 lbe. ....... UR | ssirssxrers Clover Seed. .. ... Timcthy Seed.... FlaxSsed...... :: Butter ........... At Rose Daie, the residence of the : briâ€" de‘s futher, on Tuesday, the 25th inst., by the Rev, John F. German, M. A. of Paris, namisted by the Rev. (Geo, H,. Bridgeman, M. A. of Hanulton, Jaings Piper E::. to Sursh Emily, second dauglter of James 8. Bigger, Eeqr, «ll of Ayt, POrK ... :.szasavrxricsss > #0,90= Ham#. :s cxrisnrmaclainsrcnns Hewe TMHOW :s .sssssseszcucress: B POtRLOA® . ...l ... sls ... 15â€" Wool perlb.. .... ........._ 20â€" Best Flour, Double Extra. ... 8. 15â€" Family Flour, Extra........ 35â€" Spring Wheat Flour . ... . 3.50â€" On the 20th of August, the wife of Mr. Philip Brechbithl in Woolwich» of adaughâ€" On the 28nl of Angust, the wife of Mr. George Schmidt in Wellesley of a daugh ter, gonll flour ... ran per Ton.. Short@ ... ... Hay per ton .. Onion® ..... . On the 20th of August the wife of Mr Noah Martin in Woolwich of a daughter. On the 22nd, of choterm morhns, NMr. SÂ¥ mon Heist of Waterloo Tawnship aged 68 years, 8 months and 12 days . On the 21st inst, of consumption, Mr. Sy Ivenus Cornell, Proprietor of the North American Hote!, Preston, aged 48 years, 8 months and 28 days On the 22nd inst, at Saint Peter, Minâ€" nesota, of Typhoid Fever, Dr. Samue! E. Shants, son of Saml, Shants, Esq., of Waâ€" terloo Township, aged 32 years. DIED, On the 18th inst. Susannah, daughter of Mr. John Bock, near New Dundes, aged 18 yeurs 4 months and 27 days. VOTICE is bereby given that applieation } will be made to the Municipal C eqneit } NC will be made to the Municipal C eqneit of the Village of Waterloo, at the sittings ot the said Council, to be beld in the Town lall in the said ViHage, on Monday the fifth day of (October mext, at the bour of seven o ciock in the evening, for a Byâ€"Law for the stopping n and sale of the road or 1 running from the © Public Square" on Joh‘:'éol‘n‘i survey of a part of the said Village of Waterloo, beâ€" tween Lets 85, 86, and lots 83 and 84 of said survey ; aad also the road or lane running " ol i I sqi e e fram *‘ William Street© on said survey, i2 & #quthâ€"easterly direction between Lots T8, T9 80. A1, R2, and Lots 150, 140, 148, 141, 148, of said surrey FRED COLQUHOUN, Detef at H 4 â€" Inn Clerk. ated at M‘rterloo Vil‘nge, this 26b Augusty, A D. 1868,. Â¥* 630+ WATERLOO MARKEIS K O‘PITC B MAFERIED. BORKN. 10â€" _ 14 s5.b0â€" 5.75

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