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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 6 Aug 1868, p. 3

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0 o -' NEW GOODS! . NEW GOODS! Anc'rmn SALE bi-iii',.),:),,)),?,,;:!,!,!' DRE GOODS, dice., Including a largo lot of Dunn” Goodl, HOOD IkirtD, Ke., *trnngrsd by wtiter, the whole of which will be sold The sale will commence " IO u. tnMtut Thursday Imorning the 6th August, and continue daily until further notice. Nluntreal House .' tiii21y GOODS I. Waterloo Hardware European l Amt-icon larkots. HEAVY AND sum: HARDWARE! West Implements IMMENSE- QUANT|TIES I I"! 'teh' and Fancy Goods, First Class Goods l ' Pt UNDIISIGNID hop ttt Inform In amount! Bed the public in‘gcnoru , I. in jut mind I In” and of now . An Immense Stock 1)YE - STUFFS I li' ""', Swinger t. Snyder’s . DRUG STORE! Tho Mm the “0006 jut mind l _ no Photo Floor WI. from tht. and upmrdl l Freud: Meri. nogom M)e._ttitd tktr'qryiek, tto nrdg Putter Cottyt forfl l h'bp Arteutt " tMe.' teaimrioo, In, my mt. /Wu!!Ltll?ER,LOo. Fresh Glroeeanieg I F Th. it Ago-tho: prim rm bo pad for min-name): Wateelehuu, I t, I“. _ -. pf..' alllhuV, Call at the Watérlo'o Hardware Store I WITHOUT. RESERVE. a Flour. & _ 4-1-5233: /, WATERLOO HOUSE. t'tdi,rai"ir,'ig from tik. and ugwdrdn Mt rants It for .1 l, . yard- " "lah human. r tit Merino: k Oriana, all com and prices, Ladies' Mantle», Shawls, Stock- ing: and Glom, Straw Hate and Trimming. Also a. large Stock of GREAT John MoDougall. Millie-old“ MI TEE AT THE -or-- " THE o"..: "WILLIAM FISCHER. or AT waxy BOND, 863-- , that Bowman Bros Column. DRESS GOODS l, Prints, Shawls, Parasols, DRESS TRIMMIN GS,” BoWNCAN BROTHERS, WATEELOO. THE BEST BARGAINS to ha hul from them. Give them A can and mi- vonrulf n. mm it in N0 HUWJUOP.y . JUST RECEIVED SPbBNBID ASSORTMENT HOOP SKIRT. WATERLOO Noll door to Bowman’s old chI Shad BOWMAN BROTHERS, The Very Best CANNIN G FRUIT PM0iltf.-R,..cAiAslEP ! tr Com m: Jirmi,Vius,rwv,, Ind procure a supply herb" (no, In gold ttttt All other kinds to be had I Non door to Bowmu’l Old Hotel Stand. 1rlllrlllIlut ms, What a delightful cup of Tea Mrs. Grid let Where can you get such an article? TEAS! Remember the Stand, new door to 1hrEgtan'tt Oli) Et.sttl _8tand, T1lil)llmll,llll) DRILL FALL IN -l.cm with some good Ind in- 1T/&ugt'l'J'"rlt AT'rtttrrt0N-2 it 'hor finial", as! "art-wily. RIGHT AOB-ttt popping the (“who like a man. QUICK Ythe,ri2 her potent. “(I ' .. moon _ ' ml: marlmmiw tMht'teth a n t'r,f, the uni“ of ultimo-y. RALT.‘.An who: notion-Iv upon the my dum- which you but would Ind “mirth-m than. RIGHT ABOU trACB-Prom the hunt. ttttgr, ("gunned when dn‘lo . " run: on home. ‘7 SINGLE MEN “a all on - 7 BOWMAN BROTHERS, King Street. Waterloo. Ind 0mm. tht butt-13d cheapo-l Stock . , At ' » ' DIE Goods, Grooenee, , MON. " DIE Goods, (ha , Ill-um not cloud in Waterloo Vim... tr loc-tuber the Sand mm ofBowm-‘n old new 'kt, Coma; .r Bowman . Brothers, Newest Style tr but“: the Stud om doof mi tsrBetmr-'t old - 'Kari. July ammo. 658- WATERLOO CHRONICLE AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Thou new and beautiful Ach BUG-ABS, WATERLOO l WATERLOO- Ttter nl can keep of all til" of the A LARGE AND Ike, &c.. the. IVER ONIRID WATIRLOO. ttatt on ham. A]! ”Tc your young with, WITH TH] A LIO " ll '" AT AT " " L.-r-5iireiSG THE NEW 600118 HE CdTTONS having been bought before the late rise in the Cotton Market are Remarkably Cheap. READY MADE CLOTHING! "mm a: 0mm TEA COMPANY. I _ e . PURE and GENUINE TRIS. oft-plenum natural flavor, imported direct from life Comg‘nng’u Plantations in ASSAM, snd on the slopes uftlxe HIMALAYAS, blond- od witht e no“ products afCEINA. Only Two leliliea, viz. ', 70c. or 31pm m., either BLACK. GREEN,or MIXED. Fine Household Tea, combining Strength Ind Flavor, 70 counts per lb. Fine-l procurablo. ....._...........-'..'. ......... 1.dolur ", cr Sold in Packou and Cuniale's by the Compnny'n Agents m ”I"! City od Town In Cumin. V (IP Observe the bade Mark on each Package. 430 HOME DEPOTS, LONDON AND LIVERPOOL. Canada Depot, No. 23, Hospital St., Montreal. DIRECT' IMPt7RT'ATlONS Fall- & Winter Goods HOFFMAN’S NEW BLOC K, LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK Gaocsmss, HARDWARE, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OIL, TURPBNTINE, VARNISH, 11R Y G 001) til, ' HAMILTON, ONTARIO, Beg to inform their Customers and the Trade generally that they have KERR, BROWN & MACKENZIE, OPENED A CONSIDERABLE PORTION! SPRING GOODS! AND WILL BE 89061171118 13.31137 Additions ' Toyg'mm s'rocx ftorum, Lot; and Carpenter The “dammed oitisrs to null on region-I q - . aerungnea a: n" M. "tNP"tturt" utrle urn two dwelling houm And a tttr- Cablpet Facmrr. where I good Assortment neuter shop in chover. Ono oCthe nbow ! " eonint Y kerpt on “Wt Kuo - brick home. two noriou high, " Childrens Waggons, Weaving fol-ding "my ”We convenience md de.l ' tge, '1'di'tft'g,r't: the P" in frunnl Spools. &o., " very uli u Iy niluue . Th bli II d For mu. m apply to ttte proprietor. ‘cnlle. '"t"giu',',pi','p,"/;1r',/.Trr, " THOMAS QUICKFALL. ANDREW BOHLEN DER. Namath. Much 80th less. Waterloo, July In, 1868. MI-am Berlin. April 29th, 1868 IIIEI tttttttl Inc-nor- of the In. .ARBAH M 8. CLEMENS, otterao all tret, Bales, that valuable and do- “an rm in Ibo Town-hip of Waterloo, n nun! occupied by Mr Dnniel Bung 'lu'ill'lki the Farm of the Rev. Jose I: Ham. " contain. shout. " nora- of Sn you, but of had for Animal: ml purpouea. In. .1an only font mile- I'dll Button and No _ro-_ Brute, an} Inn on it "ood Wnurlon, December 4th, 1867. Ind ‘W Im- Ian-u, pun In. W .. -5..." Fruit Orchid. to.“ built-gs, In", ati. up. can In W by audio-non to :f. ", GEO. HMMENS. ' ADRAHAI D. OBEISNS, ' . Slocum. - _ - . . . .‘-§""°',E:°;- . suitable for the Spring and Summer, Come. and. see them. The highest market price paid for gutter and Eggs. _ W. H. G. KNOWLES. Wdotloo T1). July lot ttas.' : 651 ' BERLIN, October 22nd. 1867. Shop tor Sale, lt Hanover, County any. HAMILTON. II'roh 18th 1868. Renault, March 80th 1868. mu PM SALE. III? I?pripg, tthext ’FeW Weeks. TRADE. Isaac Hoffman Is now prepared to show to the generous public the GREAT ATTRACTION - ARRIVE’D. Call and inspect for yourselves. Farmers Produce taken in exchange: Mr. DAVID DEVITT, GENERAL MERCHANT. BERLIN.» AGENT FOR WATERLOO: Also, a nice assortment of 610., ML, ever oiferrsd in Berlin. HAVE or TH it"! " l A SPINNING [iyl))ijilN, ARE manufcoturod And told by the un- der-igned at Mr, M. Waggon-m Catrina Factory. where A good “garment in con-tint y kept on hum. Also MONTREAL HOUSE ! COTTON GOODS A SCHOLARSHIP for the Brilisi. Annie.“ Commercial College, Toron- 0. Am," the odieq pf this paper. LARGE &“SMALL FOR SALE CHEAP. YOU WANT CHEAP BERLIN. GO TO THI MARK. M8--1y 642- 6tit-- $100,000. HARDWARE SALE, $100,000 IN C) C ICJQPEI. The Following Induoements are offered to Customers coming from Waterloo: Cut Nails '83 250 per Keg T. Hinge-i, Sc par lb. Bun Door nod Gale Hinges. 8c per lb. Window Glass, " 20e per box I would on" the Ittcmion of Cradle Mak- ers to my large Slack of Cradle Scythea, Maomd from-16 to :32 inches, whnch I shall sell very (Map thin Season, arid tor Credit given to good men. . JOHN HORSMAN A Urge Stool: pf Grind-tones on baud ol first-rate quaint and cheap. HAVING made Inge purchases in Europe, Ind my stock Lejng much large: than is usual at this, lesson of the year, owing to the late snow drills and come- Peut bad roads. I have rclolqu to clear uutu great porxiou of my prevent Stock be- me the Vanda Arrive in Montreal. For Sm: Benish Planets, '"3moothoqJack and Fares" $33 per act! Tool. of III Maeriptiorn at the Mime cheap prices , Keyed Till Loeu.3th, a dozen Iron Bed Castor-a, 15c a let: Horse Shno bed Fastenen 1lie per cell Large Importation' SPRING ' SUMMER GOODS I HAVE NOW ON HAND AN IMMENSE STOCK OF ALL KINDS of GOODS nun-Hy found in a General Store. The Stock of Dry Goods! Dress Goods, Amer Goods! 'The,ANitoelilRY Department As all the above Gnods are bought in the beet Markets for. CASH, intending purnhaun will find it to their interest to buy when the bemt Burg-ins are offered. KW' Call and see one of the best and largest Stocks ofGooda in this part of the country. COTTON GOODS wrourdiiiin momma AT PARIS; CD NT., Withbut and exceptions the Barclay Sewing Machine Mann; . factured bythe British American Sewing Machine Company, An examination is merely requested, which will be to the' ad- vantage of those intending to purchase. Mips ALL MACHINES WARRAN TED. car I” “all“ sine inattcRor14e " bu been proved It the Pari- ikogtuet when with tho bu! manhunt" In lamp. and Andie-,4“: “In. look tbe 5138121 tt,2Fiiitiiiii.iaiicii't af much better “an In, otherforel'n importation, but "r, CALL AT THE SEWING MACI [IN E DEPOT ! _ N7qr.a.uM5XER.atucDC9 Sewing Machmes DEPOT. . WANZEB _ SEWIN Cr , MACHINES. Next door to Mr. Uhmull'l Store, opposite Snydnr‘n Grist Mill, when all nylon of Machine: Ire eon-Indy kept on land, astd In.) be noon in oponlion, and when opeclmuu no work my be “on. i? All kinds of MACHINE SEWING done to order n the Wsterloo Sewing luhlno Stor- Simpson & Aldous 2 Manufacturers of, and WhOlesale a: Retail Deal era have again leased their old “and where they continue to supply the trade Ind the general public with every thing in their line on remnablc TERMS. April lat, 1868. on hand IN] mule to order. COFFINS made tdirier and t splendid HBARBE furniabed When required. . SAWING, FLA NING & TURNING. Commercial Block, Waterloo, April at. 1868, The Hardware Importer, GUELPLI. BLAIR, May 20th, 1888. WATERLOO, Aug. am, 1867. For Persons Building. Dot, iittsy.hhtto. littryyr! j, isttrpytlgtio,.y'1_r.t.i..ifl,t.iiyi. done to order on the shortcut Notice. BERLIN, June the 19th, 1867. T0 CRADLE MAKERS. ~WARV§ANVT THEM, Pumps l IS THE BEST IN THE DOMINION OF JANADA POR GENERAL PURPOSIS‘ DODDS & CADWELL, . _”'*“Jlakers. Prints, &Co. dec., er ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD VERY CHEAP. a .oclu 300 tr dozen Sissnrs, usually sold at 261: Ind 60e, for on, iii I not: 1312: It 2.0e. t r, da oe et HIVGC, tom De upw" ed Fusions” 1lie per can Shot, 8c per lb. ' And all Goods will he sold at proportionately Low Prices. JOHN SHUH & Co. Will be sold Cheaper thanfor many years. 1l8,t,iti,,t.l9e,,t!y1,J)l)h FURNITURE, Baring become the Sole Again. of the celobmed in unuwaily Inge, comprising most beautiful Ch e Or n an! cabinet yo'"'";,',?;,",'.'.' JOHN HORSMAN. is also complete. General Agent tor the County of Waterloo, Bhw'P. O OF For Blacksmiths and Waggon Makers. Iron, 82 25c per l00 lbtr. Sleigh Shoe Steel. tle, per lb. . Spring Steel, be per lb. Can iteel 10e per lb. _ Axles, 1 in., 82 95c, u in., 82 25e,llia., do Yellow.25c Q“). . , _ Ullmmnnue Blue, {k pFrfh - F. rm Celestial Blue, loc per lb. _ "tl every article required ttt gue- equally ow. " 50 per can Half Patent.l in, 32 50e, ll in., " 50.. 11in.,82 75 per sen ' . Spriugu. lol per lb Home Raupr, H in., 37le each Bellows, 30 in., $12, 32 in., 812 75c do 3I in., $13. 60 in., 814 tro, do 35 in., $18 70 Mould Board Sleel. be per !h. " Boston" Carriage Bands. Iilver. H, 90r; 31.3120;4, 81 30; 41, 8160; 6b., 81 tlie per sett. t Rolled Oil, $1 per gt]. l Turpentine, 75e per gal. Vnrnilh Fo.1. Al 50per ps!. 'r - IN DODDS & CADWELLi moans EEQHTFL, JOHN SHUH & Co. 25m poi (ls 694 W 638- 166- TH? Rerhn Grammar School will ”Ill I armMe on Monday. Augunl Ithh at f)' n m’, Thrnngh the him nrrty ofthe Trur {tcenhe Sthnol has been rnnde FREE to .m in mef‘onmy outside the Corpmstiort of :Borhn. Those ‘lnnlrnu! of unending the innmminu seill find um I very minim: ‘pmiml Fur ent"rhir.. " B E R L I N (?onntyhirernar 3 311001 'FUIFI‘ON F3 is! _ . - . 7 Sunken“ prepare! Ibr teicluuit, or for tnattiruUrtio" m Luv .[rdicmn "r l LI. Trf, urulertritpmi h u: to'novml hm 0n- “no Book Start a few door: West In the "In: Block, where he nu numbed I In! of H. S "CHER and is eottsttutity nevivmg npw Gm. r and wl kiud, of :nd Fancy Goods. which he when cheap for and: “(a Butter. Egghmul qll male. ton, prodm will he ' 'rl crcbmtsge for Good. ttt the haghnu mar ket [moon I tor Remember -Cnncdian Block is the We buy Good: (heap Cat) and yourself- 7 _ A J. C HUNaICKEP. New Groceries-I, Insolvent Act of 1864. Ptof'ince or Ietttriu, 1111316 County C ON SATURDAY tho twelfth My of Sep- Lember next, an ten u’dook in “I. fore- noon, the undersigned will Apply to the Judge of the mid Court for o anchor“ under Mic "id Acr. WILLIAM WILSOE. By Woonah Pr It Cuumy of Perth §or Perm. . in tlm matter of WILLIAM WILSON. nu [Ix-alum Datsd Bt Strnlford um 29th duy ofJune, 1868. from 60c.,80c. a yard, worth Tse., .126, ttr Ma, WOOL Canada Tweeds PARTIES. indebted to me on Book - counts, are henyv rotpertNRr r0. queued to cull and He no the any when by Cash or New, with my "cocoon, Bowman ”rolbrrn, ttr_ttut Old SW.__ WMI T0 PAY UP. Farm for Sale. ALL those irrletrted to the Rankin" late Jacob Hormtru, either by at Book accnunt. are and upon Io mule forthwith an the bum-on of the aid coma IIIO be wound up at once. Thone vho neglpel to do no will have to take the con- sequences. ISAAC HOFFMAN, A "no ulefohnl “In-Me Fara, - ed on the road leading from the High River Bank to Kounm, abet; . Ink fro:. the lumr place. It contain about 60 gm of “uncut Innd tor Agricukunl pupa... There no upon it C,',? mum. . unr- Filing well.&c y c. N ' Terms Icalonnble. ”Apply I', Tu"! nndonigned alien to cell by pri- nnn ale. thtrt vnlunhle Farm. - t _..-.- -7iii?i. erétEiiENR. Pro-um P. o. eroo T p, July let, 1868. 8.61-an Canada: Advertising Aggncy, eumnto. Out., in our Sole "'hsrenCror ph- culing Auntie": Advertiermrntn, and it author-net! aim to receive Canuilul Ad- veru‘umunn for this piper. TOWN LOTS FOR SALE. secretury. Berlin, July mm, 1353 N08. 304, 305. M6, 307 and se of Hotr mm’a Survey, Berlin, homing King Street. For "rtieylty apply to GO and See! A SPLENDID LOT " Hermit”, Iteth, new; LARGE STOCK' JOB PRINTING OFFICE. mom's summon) NEW DOUBLE HAP. Europe m: thr um Sold by Berlin. June 17th, 1808, ThixMap c howo nll oh: luau-l Jig, l t In. " hen-mug}; manna tsud I ah I" m operior "Y 9. PaICP-QR’LS' te; N. B. Curb preferred. BOWMAN BROS. Waterloo. Jun. 10 h, 1868. “O REMOVAL t Waterloo, Nov. 20. 1867 MONTREAL HOUSE, July 29.11.1963 MR.A. " ST GERMAIN, Proprietor of the 11 I'r » NOTICE. PRINTS. &C., A. NEVILLE», M. A BERLIN AT THIS r um .wz’: and Mr!!! Am on on tte oth, '. JOSEPH SC'IUEFER " T!!! CHEAP By Woom, & trrNrm, hit Amy’s ad Man. n url A nic1iv, RE. WI Mow-2K Gammon one. THE DA V I 1) DEV WT"? "F' Tr ,'HALF, Primupnl (961--1tk oh-- Coon

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