M D () tmai duh’.hn week was 200. of which ul&.m chiktren under five Thirtyâ€"one of deathe resulted from sunstroke, Menuy a young person has died nid b Bring n'\‘:b Ah': they was dead, ..5 mernmg kn ohi persou has ced loumbbn thrir time kum by being dem! wh they wok a Eviug. © â€"â€" _ What deduction from reason can ever apâ€" ply to tove+t Love in a sontrarl iction â€"â€"<f all the clementa mmu DAtU rGe~ * make« the man m-’m cheor. tu! sadâ€"the apirited tame, . ~~ Every yourg men shouk! remember that the work! will always honoe incdustry, . The vulyur uid ussivas idier, whose ener. .â€"__ Ktiea of and mind are raming for unll uf :\ee‘\s a may look with acorn=â€"it is A\ necammodnting editor in Denver City, wine 4o Tevany on soticery" waten dn us on um nptiiag : mâ€"â€"-. we MV’O m the Emm on i m hng‘s e0ok nto a pot over mm lot it Wt‘“ A Mw-u the‘ recent gener al Asseqribly some pretty hard stories 3*;933..0“.&;"“ One of the candidiates, in n'fy'b aA Mquost to dedne ‘hypotheais, said it was ‘a machine for ralring water,‘ and anocther gave as a das Mh-.mh%:u 1 a mad nï¬ubï¬~hu§" ) that Qnlileb was & man who had commived Ove mur dere ; andther that QGaiilso and Oflmm were‘twso gentlismes who had fallen w WOreNwo who BAd Taileh s rnummmxm.mwm :zmmumus amnporamd of two me pruise; his contempt is honen _ Be imore prudent for your chihivren perhapa you have M{:‘mmn "hb:n' they, tor are parents, they will intimate {:\' and auch â€" of you will have |r; generationa who bananit wwÂ¥ your. meinory. the worship H v64r ‘s maig, she is a alt m »Mmau fa vor ap hut grants only a fu, and them are badly diakounted. Hipokmay it one ov the vices that yan kant kouvert, yu might as well undortike tow git the 'L.b out ov a snake, or the grease out ov fht pork: | Presepts are poor atuff tew bring up young ones on, it is like semiing them down cellar without anny kandle tow larkr them tew see in the durk. _ â€" | If wl wanttew git at the .Imnhm\nl of a men, etmmine him among manâ€"â€"but Rev. Gilbers Havon, of Ziows Hera/d desiines the doctormie Iataly conferred by ladiana Asbary Universit). ‘Mnsaay enk! Sambé, one of is teuly Hute low" Past u. ty c ieg l‘t. ouse for fear you couldn‘t bore I obver, koew ennybrdy yet tew git ho ke tro wiag, by Doraate whe, hept avay) Inim About one half ov the discomforts ay life is the resuit ov gitting tired o+ ourâ€" ..O‘N ot.: the l:-:am neneed ever lis \\, was iwo matia waites on one visk baubytor, Just in proportion that a man is thank tu? to Heaven, and his nabor, just in that proportion‘ is he happy . T dont‘ banker after bad luck, but I had rather run the Rek ov it than truat too much the proftssion o%t men. k pi con ic C Coote | 929 Ceinp C ag ome jist enuff an not eany more r'u. it that the spot is lokatuc whare their pride emds, and their mad begine. _ ‘The tota) number of interments in Monâ€" m + an Inward ironâ€"clad,‘ * hk but fo men who have karakter “‘thofldhfl. It kosts a good deal to be wize, but it don‘t bost eany tew be happy . He who buys what he don‘t want, will are buagâ€"wart what he kant buy. A pt ith ip he wl in bare bafemadaiiane * w'fl is somelite potatozes on very rick top plentyâ€"=tater akarso A should learn tew ba ....-;‘&..n......i..‘b':."‘..':f There is nothing so difficult to bide as our follys. Punishment», tew hit the spot,should be few, but red hot. * that doo‘t make a woman vain ama» bm\Ml. Ar kant tow git at his aktual diameter mï¬d Jfl Sroside, It § a ‘dréftfil fine thing to whip a 1 wigh 1 were poor Jim Poster‘s too, Por he seems so bappy and gay, When his wood is shopped, and is work all done With his little half hour of play, Weither has books, nor top, nor bail, Yor beis singing the wholn day through; But thea~ he nover is tized at all. selves, Aund nowâ€"( have nothing to do. The Tower of Habe) | built of blooks, Came down with a crash to the Asot! My train of cars ras orer the rocks;â€" UA warraat they !! run no more. 1 have rased with Grip t‘l I‘s but of breath My sinte is broken in two. Bo | [ cant draw monkeysa. (m tired to death Becuuse i hare nothingits do. The boys have gous to the pond to Gah, They bothered me, too, to go, But for fus like that I hada‘ta wish, Por L think it mighty ‘ stow‘ To sit ali day at the ead of a rod, Por the take of mitnow or two, Or to land, at the farthest, an se! on the sod; I‘d rather have nothing to do. Maria has gone to the woods tor Aowett, And Luoy nod Neil are away Aftee Berrite, T‘m aure they‘ve been out fot I wonder wha: makes them stay. Ned wanted to anddie Brunette for me, | But riding is nothing new; ‘I was thinking you‘d relish a canter said I hare shot my arrows and spas my top, Amd beanded my last anew bail lmuuqmmnmnm’. And cvrang till | got a fail; I temisied my books ail out of the sheives, And hunted the pistures throngh; I‘ve Bung them where they may soet them > Because be has nothing to do. ‘Because you had nothing to do . : # agiegtibes. W ortrpy. XoTHina To Do was defned by a small boy Son. ron Fuowras,â€"â€"Leaf monuld is good Por Aowern if two or three yeurs old, and my-.nbdmmvm{m haif rotten it to an injury. en aod is the beat sod for fowara; and cow manure which bas iain \ny:::u:ngthhï¬bflflb&.\'bon rotten and is nok amsily obtained, ng parings of walts may be pummn and mne“bmn. (aome branda more than nthers), but when heated to a read heat und then conled alowly, become roft, and will generaily chnch ‘ma well as wrought ’nnih Jasob Abuott umu‘pldulbo mat ter in a story which he tells in Our Sehooiâ€" day Visitor>~*"Common nails being cut \mn Ap.hhl‘lfl by immneans ol':Ln with prodigious toree, havre the wht:n'oof the fron sn compreased that that they are somewhat britte. and the points are very apt to break off if we at« tempt to clinch them. But these common naile can be softened by hminh:hom red hot in any commoun fre and letting them conl lb'g. The jron of the nails, which in:soimmpressed and made hard by the action of the machine in which it M -‘ummmd. in awelle:) 'ï¬" by the heat of the fire and testured to its natural coachtion."‘ thetr The certainty and ahundanee ‘d.'&: flmq?.;mu that 1?3:"-3;'»&.:4 Iy acre @nt about \h'i mouth ef the fl’v::uzmok abwâ€u‘t 8,000 Jats of oil, and it takes about 8,000 aggs to make a jan Hxatio Naive.â€"Every one who has need thein knows that out nulls are brittle and thirty milliona, ‘The great object is to get trosh ones, and many modes are resnrtâ€" wi to to mscertain in this important point. Some deuless pirce them in water, when, it fv-hmtluy will lie on their sides}; if bad they will atand on one end. ta many coun» tries the ol lizarda are eaten, â€" In the Weat l.nmthocun of the guana are thought a delioacy ; and in the Antilies the eggs of the Alï¬qn\or. which are said to taste very much like hens‘ egge, which 0\0.5 reseinble in shape ‘Purtle agge are he in Hm eateem wherevar they are found as well by Europauns as others, ‘They have a very suft abeil, and are about the size of a pigeon‘s egy. ‘The mother turtles lay u.rs?‘. A %u in‘hrvnlo ofh two t‘: wee n one night as m&ly a« a huad uh:qqinc. Xn os:rrh eye and hand are required to detect the egq», as they are always ingoniously cov. :rl vml'.und; but, w.rl;:not?oy nr":'un! s w eacape. e Orinoco Indians m't:"w thoge egga a kind of clear and aweet ol which they can uae instead of but» tor. ~In the month of February, when the m waters of the Orinoso have receded, w ‘lou of Nr.t‘h coma on shore to deposit BEoos.â€"Egge form an important article of food nmong almost all known rices The English, the great caters, receive annually tfrom Irelund one hundred and fifty millivns uf egge, and from France over one hundred The more the wagon "..-..-'“ ese the betier they like !t! ‘Phen come the bare, leading into the lane with maple trees on each side. ‘The limbs reach over, and the groen |eaves halbdudmom mdw:rin. Bo vould I, if 1 were again leaf, and not conâ€" sirter m so green after all! And so the load mlmwly up the hill ‘There is no much thing as momentum in an ox. He is always at the dead };nll and at the vory hardest. But the chiliren like it! The alower, the hflmun ride! Let thein take all the comfort oan, B; and by they will be grown, udyown tine carringus, and roll in 1;?. through the streeis. But there is many a fair thee that ridee in a «ilkâ€"\imed in aigitenals i Mepoen , how » ous ride on a load of hay ! tiine frmerly v?mml, put it in equally rni shape. In nd,lufï¬ng if it has lost ta poutry; has also loat its drudgery, A man can now nia nltmdr«rmef rass easior than ::rrmrly could twenty. g'honly thing that remans to be made smy umm‘ on and of the luad. _ It is true horsesforks huve been invented, but / have uever seen any that did their work welit and in my barn, at any rate, the old work of pitehing and mowlng re» mains; and if you wish to kaow what fun is, get on to the mow, under tho alate roof of my barn, on a hot dav. and lat Tim \â€" But, L have ronm the borse rake )n« stead of the oldâ€"fushioned, Jougâ€"handled rake, and the Ave or six men, pming and hulhg‘to get the into winnowa, that aame fellow, with t{nt anine horse, riles his Imaurious rake, and‘ in a Sith part of the Nor is the contrnat lesa remarkable in all ‘the after work. When I was a boy I was placed in line, with all the men that sould be mustered, to shake out the hay with forks ; wad after a few "hours all bands were onlled to go over !ho.smnd and turn it, "I‘n do this ’:rdly\ and yot so the hottom whis shail l{‘mm on the tor was no siuall knaek. . Now, a tedder, with one man fridug will literally do the work of teu men, and do it far better than the imust expert can,. Mave you ever ssen a tedder! 1 have now a perfect one. ‘The grams rolls up bw ind is and fuam® [ was going to say, like wauter bebind the wheels of a ateamen The yrasa leap« up and whirls as If it were aâ€" masingly tiekled with anch dualinga The resnlt in, that nnleas the graas is very heary, nmd the weather rery bad, you may gut your lray in the morning and get it into your barn before night, in al‘ better condi+ tion than it uaed to be when it required never leas than twn, and generally a part of three days to egmnk â€" ting uf the mower‘s sythe is atmost ovan= quite over=â€"â€"an my farm! Instead of that, one hears the sharp rattle of the mowar, and seea the driving man quite at his emse riding round and round the meadow, for all the world as if he were out aring! Where am herstofore, two acres wouh! be counted a large day‘s work, now ten and twelve are saaily accomplished | Alae for the poutry of firming! Ali the mrdmnl-mo must be now listened for in the oid Engtish prots, The whet JFatmcer‘s C olaumn, K. W . Beechor oa Maying. of God in a costume w high makes the acts of devotion in the service seem almost burâ€" lesque. When a briak little creature comes into a pew with bair frizzed till it stands on end in a most startiing manner, raitling strings of beads and bits of tingel, she ma look cmdlwpmtyudp:rnh;w{ if sho cnige bn{:mo croquet or a tablenu=party, weuld be all in very good taste; but, as she comes to confess that she :‘;:mbhb. -:nm. !hat:oh:dm::‘o she ought not to have done, lef undone the things she ought have dbne =» mgabe takes upon her bps most aclemn and trememdous words, whose meaning rana far bevond life into a sublime eternity «â€"=there is a discrepancy which would be Indigroun if it were noi melancholy . mohes down to sixteen, or in cases of finished education, to fAfteen, that wm had :‘Ml‘l.d had to be kept up by the most I bundeging., Very stif whaleâ€" bone, it is aaid, soes pretty well for this rn':flrq but as a Inst resort ateel busks are nfuilible _ After a time some of the newly modelled figures come to like it, and theae deciare that besides all the plaasurua of conâ€" sclous superiority which belongs to onl sixteen inches of beit, the nfére anima«! ua’ aation dfl.hholn* up is really delightfu), These persons we ne. however, to be a little touched with naticism of their pursuit after the ideal ‘of bearuty in the shape of an bourâ€"gilass . surve very Hlif waye ns Allowitgtâ€" fary wae & e catimable, and, ‘we trast, very ...E.-.."’ young women sometimes enter the house Trour Laonso.â€"A London paper is inâ€" dignant and sorrowful at the disposition to a recurrence of the mania for sniil waists of tashionable ladies‘ schools, _A supersti> ?on in ï¬m a short n!lon:u of breathâ€" and 1 paratus has niready a :ncmbor uflodob,n‘gï¬mm of the fnin’o and they threaten a revival as serious Nj no oomém as that which has recently ocâ€" curred in some ecclerinatical performances. Mcat of these writers agree that it does hurt at first to have a vulgor and too capacious a walst, say of tm&-:wo inches, reduced to sizteen, which is the standard of exoe}~ lence in those boarditigâ€"schoolr, where a proper parental attention is bestowed |Kon the beauty of the femmule figure. Yet it is only with a feeling of Enlhudo that thore who bave gone through the process recount how the strong maides ol the establishment whose waists we ux‘nnwoubnd not been fined down, made a daily round of the young ladies‘ rotlets to mrl obstinate nature inâ€" to forms of grace. . It is true some of the girle used to thint under the but then the beautiful result is vm the more Mihly frow the renembrance of what it coat, About an inch ld:! seems to have been the usual giveâ€"up of the refractory tibe, uo that in a weeak the ol;glnl redug: tion might be accompliahed. But we imaâ€" gine that that was only the hï¬nw:f. It in true that ! just as the twig is beut the tree ia inclived,‘ but must be kept bent and ao having :ot the twenty=two or twonty.three mohes down to sixteen. or in cases of vary Duvs she aver think that the ale and porter which her physician advises her to use freely while nursing her children, are forced Into their stomach, cartiod into their blood and brainm and thus==the luat thing she would dreaimn ofâ€"their taste is forming for theim, and the oatural, Instinetive dislike of a shild for liquor taken away, D:s she ;m\mlhbourb;n n'r:)d brandy, a few a day for “M%m and meudisine before the birth of the child, ull &hrouil;m early intimacy of child and mother, its ungmlou come for him to drink for pleasure, her warning, mw&,&mm‘r oup,‘ lose its } nat it ir appetite, and the remembrance that he hurmn her take of the same. _ There is one thing I think mothers should teach their childten from the @rst dawning of evil in their nature, and that is se{fâ€"conâ€" trol. 1 have heard a young man of goodâ€" nass and talent say: ‘l beve a likln“br‘ the taste of liquor, and when I see it I have not the power to refuse the temptation .‘ Is it all his oun fault? Can we raise our chil lren weakly, and then conscientiously tell them to be strong / Teach them to govâ€" ern their little passiona and tempers nmfnp- petitem and they will be strong enough for great ones by and by. If every mother would be couviaced of the iimportance of all these seemingly Hi/He matters, and f«ith. fully abide by ber convictions of right and wiong in regard to them, would not the coming pm“ ho. : |nn\mh hw:: :nalx men atrug ust their petites m-f o(laln?i.nh JN:\?:MI gnv:opi ment or not: whether they oun live in auch harmony that tieir chikiren will be always eurried on the atrength of love and wislomn through all the temptations of youth, feel> ing that home is buth harbor aud anchor luring every storm. . Dncs she realize that the food ohu):ram to eat=â€"=if rich, heav» ily n‘mwd a led==giver them an appeâ€" tite ntimnhdn&thlnp; that the domesâ€" tio winesy which she manufrctures as inno mml{l an she doea ber felliees and cukes, afn er children their first taste for someâ€" ing stronger thau water to driuk ? 1 wonder if she thinks of the still strong» er®power sha holds for weal or woe over ber unborn bube. I wonder if she goss back further still, even ere ahe marries the man who is to be the father of her childran, sonsicers well what sort of r blaa he will give theii natura and what kind of examâ€" ple he vill ast before them; whether he is of strong uppetites and weak in selfâ€"governâ€" ment or not: whether they oun live in auch Every mother knows, from the sermons and books and essays upou the subject that have fooded the land, but more still frora her own instructs and beartâ€"beata, that no one in all the world has such an influence as thu has over the future man and women «bow the little, confiding child on her 1 do not think there is a woman in the land whose cheek would not Aush with anger and indignation, if you should even hint to her that she was celiberately lay> Ing a ground work of habit which would end in making drunkards of her boysâ€" She would vehemently deny the fact and gather her darlings to har bosom, with a shudder at the bare possibility of their meeting such a fate. Cabtes Colomn. Mothers and Temperancoo. WATERLOO CHRONICLE AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER HBR subscriber offers for sale his valnâ€" I able fharm, being Lot No. 5th, 13th oncetsion, in the Township of Wellesley only 2 miles West of Hawkaville. The Farm sontains 180 acres of excellont Wheat land. ‘There are upon it a HOUSER, BARN, To) furtber s feut or further particutara 10 JOBN W WiiSon, Proy/mor Welleatay, March 16, 1888. ,~â€" 636â€" Soeen un Poer) Foum" Soie" ce in un er! : House, on the sBooks TURSDAY of every MONTH, and on the days of tha sittings of the Asaise Courts, General Quarter ons and County Courts. By order, _ _ Oonmchrk'o Offce, Beriin, June 27th, 1868. ']\nl WARDEN will, ontil furtber No be in suuduc‘o' at the Offisa ..3“& KHERCHANT TAILORS for Summer wear, all of which wiil bo made ap in the hm and most l'uhlohn; sigles andâ€" «mt very remsouns ahis rates. Their llui’of is also n? large and prices low. i All kinds of%lothu made to c on .Mm.:} llmlu. i ve us a call. &rlln,ï¬;ï¬ 8rd, 1868. hoi COUNTY OF WATERLOO. CLOTHS & TWEEDS SPRING AND SU MMER G00D§! Henry & John Nahrgang, READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING STEEL AMALGAM BELLS, For Farm, Sho&,.!lehool and Church purâ€" poses, from 45 lbs. weight to 400 ibs., at one third the cost ol the Brass Bells, and warranted one year . JONES & CO., Markham P. O., THI subscribers are this year manufacâ€" turing Five huadred Full directions for using will nccompany each bottle, None lxunlno unless the facâ€"simâ€" ile of CURTIS & PERKINS, New York, is on (usu{.fumnu tho process of teething, by softening the gumse, reducing all inflamationâ€" will allay all pain and spasmodic action and is Sure t0 Reguiate the Bowels. Depend upor it, mothers, it will give rest to {:E‘mlvu,nd relief and health !o your inâ€" to . We have put up and soid this article for r- are, and can say in confidence and truth of it what we have never been able to say of any other medicineâ€"never has it failed in a single instauce to effect a cure, when timely used. Never did we know an instance of dissatisfacâ€" tion by n( one who used it,. (On the eonmu-{ all are deflighted with its operation, and nxn in terms of commendation ofits magical effects and medical virtues. We wak in this matâ€" ter "WHAT WE DO KNOW," after years of experience, and Pledge our Rornutlon for the fulflment of what we here declare, In almost every instance where the infant is sufferin from pain and eshaustion, relief wiil be fonu: in Afteen or twonty minutes after the syrupia administered. the outside wrapper. MARKHAM _ BELL FOUNDRY. Heary, Simpson & Co., Montreal, Woolesale Agonts, § J Foss & Co., Sherbrooke, P. Q., 8ote Proprietor, The name of the medicine is blown in each bottle of the genuine, avd the pl:rpoou for which it is lnfldod, as well as the mode of using, attached.6 > _ _ __ 00 _ _ _ Haring a wonderful efect when taken Interâ€" nally, in \ulokonlnf tue circulation of the blood, it is invaluable to persons Y.ndllpoml to Psulgll,onnlmcno heart disease. In onses of Dyspepsin, where food distresses, it affords prompt relief, and coutinued for a short Soothing Syrup, for children teething. time, sete everything right Th'o name J the -.od{:un It has never been forced on the lp\mlle atten« tion by Saming advertisements of remarkable oures that never had any existence, but by its own peeuliar value as an unfailing remedy, it has worked its way into public favor. _ FOR the immediate relief and permanent curo of Rbeumatism, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Frost Fites, Lame hhek. Blt'lo. Limbs or Stomach Crsm;. Numbuess, of Limbs, Swelling of Joints, Sudden Colds, Diptheria, SBore Throat. JACOB‘S3 RHEUMATIC LIQUID Has been before the public for upwards of iwenty years, and such are its merits that it is uow justly considered as an iIndispensible artiâ€" cle iu every family where it is known. * private sale, the following valuable property, vis :â€" Lot 16 on TCon., Arran. 94 acres. Cleartitle Lut 7, 1 Con.. do., 103 do. do, Lot27. B, Amabel, _ 100 Transfer Lot 8, A «6 100 Clear Daed. Lot 21, 18 Con., Bruce, 100 Clear Deed. Lot 1, 192 Con, "_ 100 for Transfer. Lot 49, 7 Rlidersly 100 per Tranafer, Lot 33, 7 it 100 _ © t Lot 27, B, «o0 1000 «_ 6 Lot 9, 3, Saugeen 80 _ " Clear Deed. Lot 41 _ " 100 _ Clear Deed. Lot 14. 2, Keppel _ 100 _ Clear Deed. Loj 20, 7. Saugeen _ 120 Cirar Deed. Exceiient Bargains are Offered. Applications are.to be sant (if by letter pustâ€"puid,) to A, P. STAFFORD, Normanton P. O., e _ _ Bruce County. TNHE subscriber offers to dispose of by neluais sals uks MWtA EW Li Markham, May 6th, 1868, REAL ESTATE! PORT ELGIN. January, 1868. AVR on hand a very large Stock of > Plain and Fancy Jacob‘s Rhoumatio Liquid. FARM FOR SALE. Port Elgin, Jan 22ud, 1863 EXTENSIVE SALE NOTICTHE. King Stroet, Bertin, MBRS. WINSLOWԤ I8RAEL D. BOWMAN, m., " 100 Eidersiy 100 «t ,m «o_ 100 80 _ " Clear Deed. 100 _ Clear Deed. 100 _ Clear Deed. County Olerk. Ontario. 643â€"1y Preston Ont.. _ The North American Hotél in connection. §, CORNELL, Proprietor, June 3rd, 968. RIS‘l, AUG, 44th, 1807 . WE consider the Btar éhuule Machine to be the best cheap family Sewing Machine, with which we are acquainted, it makes the genuiae "Lock Stitch." &EMAW TENWICK, (606) Merchant Tailors. Preston Mineral Baths, THI Star Shuttle Machine makes a stitch alike on both sides, that will not rip or ravel, will do all kinds of work equally as well as mglgl priced Machine, and is suited alike the Dressâ€"Maker, Tailor, Munufacturer or Family. Mr. J. E. Spafâ€" lord having been appointed General Agent for the Star Machine, wishes to engage a faw good local and tnnmng. Agents to whom food inducements will ofl'e.r:d. a For further particulars and Circulars adâ€" reas J. E. SPAFFORD, & Box ‘60’ Reference, 1. B. Kirsorxe, Toronto. West Montrose, Ontario. TH[R pleasant, Afnublo; and scicntific preâ€" paration is an indispenasible article for the toilet. It cleanses the scalp, renders the bair of a darker uppearance, is oul‘l{ applied, and wili not atafn the finest linen. Those using the Empire Hair Gloss wili find that it renders the harshest and coarsest hair, soft, ‘glouy, fine and beautiful, disposing it to stay in any posiâ€" tion in which it is placed, It prevents the bair from falling out, invighrates and strengthens it, and often m«l a new growth of bair vkm it has y dh:m‘nd, by inbigorat« ing and restoring the , nerves, muscles, Bload vésreis, and roofs of the hair. Price 25 cents, J, 8. Foss & Co. prosrletarl and sole manufaoturers, Bhrbmh, rovince of Queâ€" bec, Hn& Simpson & Co., Montreal, Lymans, Blilot & Co., Toronto, Wholesale Agents, $20 THE STAR SHUTTLE g100 4& proof of this, no pa%'u required, until the cure is complete. ‘The moment a canâ€" ceris discovered, it should be cured, as it will cost less and is more speedily cured than when of lonuerutnndinT.nnd there is nothing to g‘in and euerything to lose by delay. What now scemsa harmlass lump in the breast. neck, eye lid or elsewhera, or amall wart or sore on the lip, may in a few short months become a ledious, disâ€" gusting. destroying mase of disease, Ifreâ€" quired, references can be given to parties who have been cured many years since,. and who are now sound and healthy. Ail communications promptly answered. No money required in advance, and none until he cure is eomfleto. â€" Ottawa, Dec I8th, 1867. By a New, bnt Certain, Spnd!,nd narely Painiess , an Wira our tas ï¬n or tes Knirs. THB cure will be guaranteed. and as a proof of this, no pav is reauired. until Dr. Wood, _ .Propristor of the OTTAWA CANCER INRIRMARY, CANCERS C URED, By a New, bnt Certain, Speedy,and narely Ottawa, Canada West, which they will sell cheap for CASH or apâ€" rrond peper. â€" Having unueual facilities or purehuir&nnd extensive connections abroad th:{ r iniucements to purechasâ€" ers or eqna@lled by any other Houese in the trade. : a MANUFACTURERS will find it to their interest to call ;l%'rt purchaeing elsewhere. _ â€" _ (]» All orders by mail promptly attendâ€" ed to and under the supery sion of an exâ€" perienced grader. J. H. DAVIS, H. BURKHOLDER. Foreign and Domestic 2 0 MOZCC ARZ O PO0R T INRZ C "o 2 eq keep constantly on hand a large and varied 8 â€" stock of sent to any l?trt of Canada upon the rm‘;i»; of Twentyâ€"Five Cents. Buruers and Wieks kept constant‘y on hand at the Office of OOL DEPOT! (!ce and Warehouse, No. 13 )(ing St., next door to the kept commml‘\:on hand at the Office of the NEVILLE â€"MANUFAG PURING CoOMPANY. Post Office Addresr NAPANEE ONTARIO. Napanee, March 10, 1868. . Hunt‘s Empire Hair Gloss. enee of a chm%u of Lamp. ‘The inventor fetn satisfied that he is oloril:" to the ublic a very ngerlor srticle, and is con Sdont that it will be a mt success. . A large sum of mono] has n expended in the bonstruction of Burners and Wicks, and in Letters Patent here, and in Europe, a faot which plainly shows that it is regaraed by him as no Humbug. Give this Canadiac gurner a Trial April 15th, 1868, * the public, public, and is fsr'nnrio‘r to uny open Lamp in the Market. 1t burne any ,,oof' Kerosene or Coal Oil with a savâ€" lug of from 30 to 40 %or cent over any Cgmnoy or Aizs Draft Burner, giving an equal amount of light, and is therefore much cheaper. With this Burner the richâ€" est cils can be burned without Chiunay, Smoke, Sme!!, or Danger. It flivu a brilâ€" liant uniform light without trimming for more than twice the length of time oq' the ordinary Burner,. _ With Neville‘s Barning Fluid t{en Lamps will stand a stronger current of air than aoy Lamp is the Markâ€" ets (This Fiuid has been prepared for the purpose of resisting a very strong current of AT:; and will be furnished at I%Ollt baif the cost of ordinary Fln(d.s The Burners bave been made so as to fit any ordinary Lamp in order to save the public the exâ€" TBIB Burner meets a want long felt by tha nublic. nublin and is fo. nemautl. KEROSENE, COAL OLL AAIdADTNWALALLLALY YVUVIAL VAEL and F?Iuid, BURNERS oi& WICKS, * oo dinel L 49 Portable, Safe & Econamical. NO DANGCER! NO SMOKE ! No Smelil! No Chimney ! J. H. DAVIS & Hamilton, June 12th, 1867. Sewing Machine! ice and Warehouse, No. 13 King St., next door to the Gore Bank, HAMILTON, C. w, BparksStreet and Maria St[ooi, QOLS, Aug. 24th, 1867 593â€" Wateloo, April 1, ‘ Highest Prices Country _ Produce ! CALL a~no SEE. YERT LOW PRICZES ! SPRIN G Large Supplies Snpber‘s Block ! B. Devitt‘s Column. WILL BE SOLD ) A. X J S . Devitt, WATERLOO. RECEIVING PAID FOR wermm> {) commmmam B. DEVITT. WHICH TWEEDS, CLOTHS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, &c., &c. Wâ€-lwewm also pay the highest price iu cash or trade for OOL. TEEUNDERGlGNED beg most respectfully to intimate to t public generaliy, that they now prepared to do ALL KINDS WATERLOO CUSTOM WORKS Carding, Spinning, Weaving ! Has Removed his STORE to the Corner Bulding in the CoOoMMEmERCLAL BLOCE! lately occupied by Mrâ€" Zcellner. Hehas added to his forger large Stock a full assortment of CROCKERY. SPRING GOODS! SASHES, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS. &C. Is in excellent operation and is prepared to do any kind of CUSTOM SAWING m®@° LUMBER KEPT FOR SALZ. w [KJ» Remember the place, South side of King Street, and East of the Murket Square . Bedsteads, Chairs, Desks, Bureaus, Tables, Sofas, Lounges, â€"_____ SPINNING WHEELS, REELS, &c., &c. All of which will be soid on reasonable terms. He would en;;rcinll" make known that he has a full sett of Machinery to do all kinds of LUMBER of every disciptuion needed for bailding i!flrp“el. He also keeps on hand a Stock of â€" WOULD ANNOUNCE TO HIS FRIRNDS and the public generally, that he has now in full operation his Waterion. May 12th, 1868 ALL KINDS OF CABINET WARE Km>» Farmers Produce taken in exchange. Call and examine 4 8 m! a WATERLOO CABINET FACTORY. Waterloo Apri,l 1st, 1868 FU RNITURE | Berlin Warehouse ! of the very latest Styles. LZ* All theae Goods have been purchased in the best and cheapest Markets and wil be sold remarkably cheap. »@° Give us a call before buying eisewhere. t and every thing elee generally found in a well filled general Store . Spocial attention is called to the arrival per Steam Ship © Nestorian"‘ STRAW Dry Goods, Groceries ~~~ CROCKERY, WHOLESALE &RETAIL DEALER Most Feasonable Terms. DIRICT IMPORTATIONS FROM EUROPE GEORGE RANDALL‘S STORE, (J» All oniers for work in any of the above branches will be promptly filed. Wauterloo, Aprii &th 1868 ____his Stock. BERLIN, October 22nd, 1867. * PLANING AND MATCHING Waterloo, Aprii 15th, 1868, HIS STEAM SAW MILIL,! LR RIV LN Q@ D.A IL Y ! »® CALL AND SEE. m R E M O V A L ! Large and Complete of Every Thing in his _ _ Wines and Liquors. ALL KINDS OF FTLLING; DRESSING & DYEING, in the best possible manner, and on the where he has constantly on hand a very large and full assortment of STOM WORK! i, Doors, Ventian Blinds, PLAINING DONE TO ORDER. Field and Garden Seeds! We will always keep on hand a good assortment of M. HNVBEGENAST JIUST ARRIVED and Manufacturer of all kinds of Isaac EofTman, made of the very best material, DAVID DEVITT AN IMMENSE STOCK OF His Stock is now of all kinds sSUCH As ~â€"8UCH A8â€" FELT HATS â€"+â€"ATâ€" MURRAY & BOCKUS GEORGE RANDALL M. WEGENAST. to their friends and th e DAVID DEVITT. of Ten Cases "of 639 44â€" 812â€" â€" 640 63