M p Mait B+, D10 «0 Day Rx. :18 n fg. #:l8 p l\.n‘lh. 7:0® a MÂ¥ atortao Chrouwicls m AwD PACILY NRWsSPAPRER. Thursday Rorning@, Juty 30. @inver Meatrxo â€"We are mqusated â€" to motify the inmervhant« an | husiness men of the North Rating of Watedoo that a public Wwasting will be hel 1 in Fisher‘s Hall, WÂ¥n. tarinem on Warinsaday next at & stelock, P. Rosa Warer nf the moat delisions Anavour and cooling chamoter, can at all , _ Nmes be hud at the Drug Btore of Bpringsr i and Buydern Waterion _ Give them a call. Rrane Laeave Resbis Brarto® As Forto W# t Noing Arst Moing West wil Bt, D19 o.m. Matl Rx. _ 10:24a.m my Bx. ::18 n.n Daoy Bxs _ 20 p.®. vl‘. Ail# p.om. | Lowdb® WY ¢:49 p.m hyn®Bx, $:0® aim =| Night Rx. 3:28 am. Ma C 0. Tislaly is anthorizad" to enl: leet accounta dus n this office as well as take orders for subscriptioms,and tertisenments, d&o Reap the mew advertisements in toâ€"day‘s papen Ova Homilion Unrmn\ is becont= Ing quite a pgoakist, 4M66â€"__â€"â€"_â€"1â€"+ No Fraa in Toronio yesterday as Was im worted in Water}arm URAavb Pritk RaikWway, Hamnwrow has had a genuing case Cholora resulting in death, Quanpint has raceived some new burky, only about a week behind Waterloo, A Brn Fanm is very well deserthad by our llinoia eorreapondent on the frst page, Ratmamser the opening of the United Brethern Churth, Berlin, on Bunday weat Bishop Ghmabrenner preachen. James Ciennis of Woolwich gives noâ€" tee in the Offtcinl Gazette that he witt aps ply to the Dominton, Pashament for a bill of diverse from his wite Jeasis Ritchiv, Fratmmean is wgain â€" becoming active. At a gathering of the leudars of the conâ€" wermn in Buithic, great threats were male as t what woul! be dune if they had muney. Caowda still broatites freely.â€" Oven thiry cizhy thousand doilars wore rafaed at the dedication of the Gtace M. B. Church, Chieago, in addition to stiity thow annd previewsly minedy making that uh ugeh umpr?m of debh YÂ¥ary Lisssatm~â€"Daniol Drew and lanat Rich sach gave $100,000 to the Wealeyan Univesaity, Micilaton, Conm, at â€"its Into gommencement _ Whata pity COanachs has nat a Aanmber of anuch men. Rvraray Satwroar, for this week, putbâ€" Natieds by Ticknor & Fichkis contains!â€" Notea oo Deaigna cf the Old Mnater at Floâ€" reave, Amirchy and Authority, Meg Hart ley‘s Cure: ‘Bhe Fate of Bring Dead with< out knowing it, The coming Bulipase, Fot viun Notes A Sea.SBhath Aworftren sensation in IBbuniltom. ‘The Polie Commisaioners with wadue hnate Bave uppointed‘a Mr. Rilph Diknia Chist af Polics, at which the ambitious city is feartuily enragwl. _A public meetinm de nunciatory reaolutions any amount of in« diynation, faming speechea and all the wat of it, are the onlérp of the diay, Ove Yousb Fooxs, for Auguah publish» wl by Treknor and Rieklm contain®et=â€"Up the Creek, @omabody‘ Puagy and Rinily mature "The Buwolhue PlayaP, Wiltam Hourg‘s betters to his Grandmathen G.ven Apples, Midsummar Buterfica, ‘The CGreat Bea Fight olf Slvys, Caat away in thaCuid Tha Unahâ€"Box School, Muaicyâ€"~Ruound the Bveaing Lamp, Our Letior Bor es 2 a 4 & & as _« _ Oraven Qhoawanes are all very welt and proper in cort in phices but we question the p-mp'ioly on bhe pmnfum Coum(l of ma« Kiny sidewalika of that kind afing the par Ret wrotin ds nud Ar plasea where thete is the sume amount of WMavel. We have hean} conablemble complabiing on Accéount uf the ahove so eallal in provement, _ Bureâ€" Ty ns Tonm! Ra@ ivpige cammilles. 40 intend to leave i in its present states |, Ahw Athasme BMosenis tor August publiaked by Toknor and Ficlkts, containa: â€"A Remarkable Unas of :Physical Phenoâ€" Wan@®, @t Michac}‘s Night, CanvivialBongs» \ Trip to Iachia, Ideal Property, ‘To C. Out in the Reef, Will the Coming Man drink Wine 4 Worhlly Wisey, De Piscium Natura, Notre Dame amt the advent of Gaoâ€" this Arebitecture Crstan Days ‘A Moâ€" darn Lettre de OCnchat‘ Reviewsd, Lost and Found, The Footpath, Roviews andLiteraty Notiâ€"es, Tuea Beri= Graimmar Somoor cpans, aa will be asen hy an advertisement in anâ€" nther eclumn, on the tenth of Auguan _ All who Rave ony nemantinese with this schoniundar its present management, can bear tagtiitony to its axcellence and great e@ftcietew, .While it afforda us groat antice Iaotion to kwo® that the average atterrinives during the past year has bean lurger than during any former year, we are still very much surprised that the number of scholars is not even doublal when we take into conâ€" suluration the very liberatoffer on the part of the tustees to adiwit pupiie free _ Will not the friends of the Rortin Orimmar Boho? make an effort to sand in a Jarge pumler of schulars un the wath 2 _omlp & $at 4. a sls ies i a aip 1 @Nrmmpmmmecos ... ... â€". Whe aye« of the whoto Dominiaon «« my at prvsent to he dirsc‘ed ty Weat Yorke, The â€" shanelesa bainuling, miseinnagement, cormption and Ineffiiney on‘ the prurt of the Dominjon governiment, elim=xed by the Howland appointiment, ha created n feel â€" innt of disamtiafaction agminat Sin John and hia colleagues atronger than ®has exated fof venra in this Provinga, ‘Theo selaction of that mute for the Intercolonial which will be of | the Jeast ad vantage to the comntry, @nd whil . inngceamrily aquander many millions of the people‘s money is raising such a atorim in Ontario as has been seldom seen or felt hare. +000 As«s our rawmdeâ€"a ars woll aware, the ap atretch »o enaily in Waterlso, Let me warn: pointment of Me Howland to the Governor | you agrinat indulging. in this dangeroiis ship has enused a vacancy inmthe represen | habit of stretching . During this bot weath» tion of Wast York, and‘the Ministry preâ€"|er Iâ€"dare any this increased elongation is vious to Howland‘sâ€"appointment abtained a | enaily nccomplished, but guard ngainst it. promise for his brothern H. & Howland, “ You say of me again, "Tf be will take our that he woru contuat the Riding in the | advice he will find that are long the mussos interestofthe Goalition, In order to tuke the | will approitate him more highly." As nppositiun hy suppriaa thay appointed the | though I k"\"f" ‘f"" .“h" mnset, As. ï¬':::“!‘} l' lu ba ae wwika Fis tha unindumes @i+ exsM. P.P.. for their canmdl late Mr Wright Tmlkhfl“ h:rm. am\l’. AAVIY ‘“‘.(;‘ nn;::‘?;r ht onee entered npon is canvama and mat )( 38W JK Shom insl be nobater) MF A " ense of Auty and not by low idena of in with anch enthnatastie racaption« in all |dividual pny.\.l.‘my, syomg othor people parta that on Tuswlay the Qowornor‘« | beaides me ‘md better look @*within or at berother left tha Riding in camplete deapair, | homew" â€" You say further, " We could give reaigning it to the morey of the opponanta | hm i retins mon mA s why brevity ue of un Join miyt Qommany. This is anotl |chqmcter wo men in all departments of life. | Â¥. nother | [ woat dawidedly object to this doctrine. i"’ the very mainy evirlance«that meet ia 'i'l‘hon wre aeveral departments in life, there every day of the extroms unpspularity of | are thany times and mseasous when brevity the Conlition, is about the worst thing a man can hivaâ€"= e :&un \:n nion I;‘n Ba« of it the \‘vnrle he ia hi am\y + Ranicey W, M i ©) Apsivensiny.= grgohy en length in all reapects is most de Barwayy W,. M. 8. 8. Arnarvensiny.â€"=| ‘"hia event which usaunlly attraets crow ds | from all direstiona for miles around was | eelebrated last Frblay tha @4th _ inat, | at the Bethany Church Pilkington, _ The weather being pmopitiona, a lange gathoring wssembledt, ‘The chillren ait down to a aiimptuous repast at noon. After this. (was dispoasd of a magnifAivent diapiay of good | thinge was furnished to all, and auns dry who would pay 23 cents for the privi« liga After the eatables were diaposed of Donak! Wallace, Buy, the superintendent |, nf the «hooh was salled to the chatr | Ahe â€" Mooratary read a very satiafic: |! ty report showing the nuumber of achotare | is be 113}; Teaghers ant offtwers t?, | Vorsea recited during the year 8000 ) Vol. | wimes in Library 000 all debta patd and n balanee in Treasurers hands of #8. 11. _ Ad Adresaga wore deliveral by ‘The Reva J. W, CGorman, J. Smiley, and R Brorster each in his own atyle of excellence, _ An address was also expected from Rev. W. 8 Ghit in but aa he remained in QWielph we cou)d not be gure that e delivered, it if so the nlinindce wuae ao great he coukl not be hearh â€" The inusicatdepartmant was ably praabled over by Miss Bmma Patnors, and several difficult sslsetions of music mn‘ benutifflly ‘vrendered ‘by the choir~ The apseches nm| singing wore interspersed with revitutions and dialogues by the ssholare. One of these in which sight persons toolt part four youngt ladiea, and as many genâ€" tliamon is eapectally wortby of nots, < The wholn afternoon was conaumed by theso ex erviscm after which a tea was furniahed to thoee who shose to remain and the comâ€"« pany odisparard at aw early hour well | plunaed with the entertainment . _ Guod for Pittingtoth Pussuoa‘s Larttan Homs, «Tho follows ing ia an eatmmet from a receint letier frem Ruv, W. M. Punshom to bris fremis in Bugland t . _ _ (RBmin Poronts, atill tmvelling wesh 1| came to Hamitlion, an ambitioue litths «i~ ty, beautifully situnted on Burtington Bay, with ‘the mountain‘ «i . fne limestone rhige, of no great heighh but conaiernile ( enouuth ts be notised after the Aat valley | oftthe . hawrenoeâ€"towering bebind it | Hore 1 wase announud) to nasiat at the cdeâ€" dicatibe of a church, aml Ihave rarcly seon n Anen sithee in Bogland or elsewhere, 1 am increnaingly impreasst as trmvel n loug, with the gruat power which Methsâ€" diam in this province may become, Evarys where it bae a posaition a preatige, an in« Huanem . in many plm\fl in the dldeat tichest satablishment. _ Whereven in the forner thie, the emiyrans wandsred, the itinerent Methodist preacher followed hirm, preachirg the evu?ntmg (baape in the shanty or the wigmanâ€"â€"on the bank® if rivers unknown io songâ€"or amid the dunse or tangled woodland w hers asorme soâ€" litary Mnbly‘\wl penetmitul tor a home. Still Westward from Hamilton, [ come to Temdnâ€"â€".on the Thhmas, morsover, oronged ?‘y BlrokPiar‘a Beidae ; the etty crejatuing in ull Mali, ancd Hycde Pask eener ant the whote wrapped up in the county of Miâ€"ldte» aex, aa in the oï¬ Iaimt at houre. What: i|iatance can e@.ce those early mortineioa? What alow lapse of yenrs ermmas thenmt from the ‘hook anm| vabime of the brain ® ‘"he little TLegdon cin hanily hope to attain the 4| chrmansterna of 4e Tnmh vernesttite, but it a dupper Natle sity notwithatanding, awd _]ls an prow| of i\s‘v\ym amd Oorportion hfln\lulhn" is of Cog and lnmx; and> the \| turths enting mhmnm who famst inder ‘| their anadow, _ Hees, also Methodiam is | well repreasnted, and has a thriving cause, Puseve â€" Rusovr,â€"‘The COoilit gwaod Entorpriaa regrets that it s rmoured that the Hon, Stephen Richards, commiaaioner of Crown Lands haa auddenly nllu\pï¬urul. Some reports m{ he has been lynthed by the Mingrs of laaks Snperin»z but the more robable one is that his mind becarse afâ€" kfled in consequence of the Pufss Assnomâ€" tion excuraion, which he fared vr|?h\ call attention to the Noithâ€"west, cause the‘abe. lishment ofthe royalty tar, and open up and populate that nagmBeent region. There is a panic in the Ministerial camp at Ottawa, on aceount of the state of mat« tera in Nova Muotimy and SirJohn and 8ir Heorge are at Inat waking up to the serinua stute of affaire there. .Â¥|n minjaterinlints say that Nova Bontia is going to are herself oug of the Union and refuss to pay rovenue to the O@tawa Qaovernwent. . The Coulitiony m _orher sina, has made a Prightful meas :, the Novn Sentin questions From the beginning they MJ wrong with the tarifl . The young men of Guelph remain out :::hm tenring down aigna and destroying or auperfuous out door Axtures enlivens log their toil with cheerfy} soog and gush» jug profanity, wWRH > YORK. Mw Borrog, â€"| observe that in publish | Ing riy Inst letter, you have omitted severnl { of the moat Interesting an fMeportant itoms | of information} and that after publishing | . the fragment which does appear in your | columna, you take occasio@ to read me a| homwily upon letter writing, nnd wurming" up with your subject mad! prompted by n : senae of duty, no dowbt you trave] ontside of your record amslâ€"progeed to reprimand ma 1 aharply for my Snevarending proclivities" ,“ and incdeedifor my sins in general, In| spenking of my letten you say, * we stretoh } oat consvientce and give it a place," I r\mf | very sorry to find that consciences will| | atretch »o ensily in Waterloo, Let me warn '- Hannilton Correspondence. beaidea me had better look @swithin or at homew" _ You say further, " We could give him mnn{ more reasona W\ty brevity should charnoteriae men in all departments of life." Atter reading your remarks 1 awldenly felt the loas of imy equhbrium. 1 found myself growing angry at the thouglt that aveh a return nhon{d be made for my Iabor of love,. â€" But Sunday eame and our Min« later preached to us about the trials and persecutiona of the early Ch»istian, and tol:d uis that if wa were plous we mu{m look but ifor wmcuuon tog, and miys I to myself, that‘s ing to m dot #intend to see the m|n§|nter dnd aak bim whether a mman‘s goodness is always in proportion to the pers secutiona he hu“\'n mflnhpo It will be com fortng to ime know that it is I am deâ€" termined to he charitable and freely for given youy MY Biiton for what you have arid, as Incdeed I do :h ‘»mm evory where who bave anything againat me... _ Having thum rolfeved mg‘ wint T must give you m litile news | ‘There has been a great deal of weather bere of late but it Ras been very much of a mucheas; wa are tryIng to keap shady but it i« hard work It‘\a a long time since we hnd a broath of cool air _ ‘Thore is a graat drought in these parts owing prinul mlly to the wnrvh( of waten _ ‘The fn\.nu \m\t. 1 auppose, is dua to the extreme perpendicularity of the My3 M‘h. ..‘"‘ ui lou l4 n d â€" ‘Buashress is unusually dull and is likely to he for some time to come,. ‘There is enough wE Mamilton * for saley " tho desur ktows, but buyers seem not to be very frequent, In aayfng, however tho business is du‘l 1 muast make an exception in the ense of the traifle in andent apprites | Paings are lively in that trade in this exrys 1Tmme ao0¢t to lit my warning voice ngninst this ory» Ing evil of internperanee, but am likely to be Inrgely in the minority,. i Our citigens inclulge in frequent pleastire | trips to different points on Links Onturioy in | mounlight xeursions to Onkland and the ; Banch, and in fshing Far\ien on the Bay,| nll of which age very fashionable, As the Buach the othear day in tho presonce of uv-‘ ora| witneassem a woman horagwhipped hur| affectionate huaband, for driving, out with | annt|lm .n‘m‘:n‘s wife. _A great wnn;ing t:;:: to all singie persons not to enter into marbied Pelation, ma they might shanue to come gub worse than they went in. The Church of Kngland here has lbl‘ bean induiging in some more High Chure \proclwitiew, and we are likely to be ably lsoon to earry on a preity goos business in the ritualistio Ni# . A‘wewenpove Conrnacmatrow tm Lowâ€" bpur.â€"A «destructive fire broke out inLon« ilon on Monday afernoon at linif past four o‘clock , destroying no less thin seventson houssa eatimated at ©80,000. 1t commenc» ad in Stewnrd‘s iwedng mill factory,Hitch» vouk stroeh by spurks front the steanr boiler and quickly apread over the entire build> ingya large frame structure extending routh to Fullurton atreet _ ‘The burnt district ax> temds northwared from the Weatarn Hotel to Hitchoock=st,, a ditance of some three hundred feey, and eastward, on the south s{de of hitaheook»at, about the aame cdis tingeâ€"the wholo apace now eontaining noâ€". thing but a masa of smot||~hrinngln~. On the north sido of Hitcheook=st the charred ramamsol a brick wall covered a space of about two hundred feet, while the destriuc tion of fencem barna and gardens in the rear is as groat as if devnstated throughoit by Rre. _ Rishmond and Hitchoock streats Por a lon{ distance were completely blook: d up with furniture the materials from the workshops and tha debria of the con: l\qr‘ulon :fh: total amount of the loss it in ible in the I exoitement to [nmm\n it will C ut ~lanat: ©60,000 tor some day® wil}l be bustmned by the io rn viohore stemoume uP â€"netiies ameertrain; but it will be at lamst ©80,000 Houvy: losses, that ont ucareely be estima= sequences that threatened them if they rsâ€" mained, eleared out everything from their houses, The want of a sufficient water sup« ply was seriously falt, and to it may be ntâ€" tri{nmd ut least one half the losa auatained. Such a fre has not been witneased in Lonâ€" don for many years, The wife of a blackamith‘s mssistant em: rloyul in ‘Toronto olo\nnl on Wednesdany aat with a former soldier of the 17th Reâ€" giment and 8700 of her husband‘s money Bhe lul tuken auch a fancy for the son of Murs that she bonihtxm off to save hn from returning to Englaud, | He has since boarded with the family untilthe wils perâ€" mtaded her husband to withdraw his " ear» nings from the bank and start for the Sta« tes, the soldier ‘Mnf nlonï¬. At Hamilton the two ï¬n the blacksmith the siip, and went t6 the States without hiin. The Guardian of the 18th inst, gives the folofln(’ mtatistics of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada:â€"â€"Number of cireuits aud | nvissions, 870; ministers, 848; |nen;~ in tl:\o :’uom\nnhip for the year, 1087 ; church and parsonage proper= ty, 82,007,040 .â€"â€"=There are 810 s.gcbcnh' ty 7,008 terchers8,189 mombers of Bible o{-uu. and 81,8@1 a«cholars, Duvah of the Court of Appeal!, will retire, and be succeeted by Judge Caron. Also that Judges Monk and Berthelot will be apâ€" poiuted to the Coutt of Appenia, and be reâ€" fark : tuted to the Coutt of Afl):d\ and be reâ€" meed in the Buperior Oourt Bench by esars ‘Torrance, Bethuue, and Boaudry . The followi olun? in the Quebec nch are m?:ond: hat Ohhr?wioo WATERLOO CHRONICLE AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Vikx®a, July 26. â€"Atagrand banquet \given by the Nynï¬nnnl Sharpshooters, who havo beean holding their annual | festival \here, Herr Gistrr anid that the presont | Miniatry took office with the expectation I\hn\ with tho administration the empire | wias freed form the clatims imposed upon it | by the lack ofintelligence, and from oblign= | tiona of disaatrous â€" treation . . Atatrin would }.-\u-ely enter npon a Career of unexampled prusperity & I a4 aee wan e qed s Fixx®a, July 26â€"â€"Politiceal riots took {)lm'e in Prague last week. . The garrison ind been incramsed and quiet reatored. Sovntamtox, July 28.â€"The steamship ©+Saxonia,‘ from New York, has arrived. Paris July 26,â€"In the Corfn Legisla: tif,. yosterday, a Bill was passed providing that ‘four million francs in rentes be asâ€" aignod as a partinl aitisfiction of the claims of the holders of Franco Mexican t}«»pdn. ‘ hoyboy, uty 27.â€"Robert Mansey Rolâ€" | fay fArst Baron of Oranwoth, the ein{nent |; \libernl pear, twice Lord Cbancelor of Greoat | Britain, diad toâ€"day= 4 ' Lorxbon, July ~ 27.â€"Further advices | from Japan to the 30th June have been reâ€" | . “c\sivod vin Hong Kong. _ All the ministera | lof forsign powars in Jnpin had inited in i | | protwat agninst the revival by Mrilkado of:| degreeas agninsat native OUOhriatians, _ Civil ‘ | war continuad with much violence. ‘The troops of Milkado nre in possession of all| | the ports open to foreigners by treaty, | | The brother of Stots Bnshi, the ex.‘T‘ysoon, ‘ . | was nt the head of a revolt ngninst the apri« \| tual Kmperor, and had a ï¬crge nrmy utl« . | der his commanad with which he ‘vas grads« ually advancing on Yeddo, in which city ) | the piry of Tyeoon is very atrong,. ’l‘here1 || haut been somg fighting between hostile | ; | forces in the vicinity of Yeddo but no decis “ ) | ivo sueces« on either side _ It was thought | . that the war beetween the two pm‘tion,\ {| whoar rflmelive atrength and resources ap» 1’ peared to be so evenly balinced, would reâ€" \ _ Lotndon, July 206â€"The following has buan recetved from Roma:â€"= Tho police hive discovered a mine to blow up the fortifications on Mount, Avens tine. ’l‘wo wentinels were recently attackeil in the night and wounded. The police have fo\-mrn quantity of red and bluck Gar« {baldian â€" shirts, ‘The licenses have been withdrawn from all the wine shops in Roâ€" man Campagne, . u. â€" EWE ae i 2 % c aoa ault in A division of the country into two separate and independent eimpires govern» ed reapectively by Klilku-lo u\né Tysoon, l’ol\flcnl «(In\urlmncel nre repurted to bave broken out again in Belgraya . A dis. pitch from Constantinople states that the Purkish government had ordered . troops to that quarter to restore tranquility, | _ Bbowor, July 27, (imnidnight)â€"In the House of Lords this evening, Lord Nupler took the guatomary ouths and his seat, ~The bribery bill was rewl! a_ second time, and the public schools bill was passed. 0_ 0_ z> wey _ In the Houss of Commons, Mr, Kings= lake put the question to Lord Stanley as to the condition of diplomatie relations be= tween this county un.rMu.\’.uo. ol als Lord Sumley'mpliod thiat Mexico had broken of rmlations with I"‘ng‘hunl In conâ€" wequenge of the recognition by the Iatter of the empire of which Maximilian was the head, _ If tho republic should make overe turea forâ€"their resumption there would be no diflluuh{ about it, k)ul dignity and self= raapect forbid_ that England should solicit w renewnl of official intergourse between the two countries. . _ Danustaor, July 27.â€".Conforence is progressing between the Hon, Goo, Ban=. cmâ€˜ï¬ and â€" Baron â€" Lindelthof, President of the Council of Stato and Minister of Jus: tiee of tho Grand Duchy of Hbease, on the sul-*ucl of a naturalisation treaty with the United Btites which promises a speedy an favorable termination . Pants, July 27â€"An dinportan} state. ment was made in the Corps Legislatif to day, M. Polisth put interrogatory to ministers to which k& Rouen replied tint the governiment does not intend to alter ithn velestion laws of France in any particu= AP. the Corps Legialatif, Loxvor, July 28.â€"â€"Lord Stanley last night informed ~the house ol Commmons that the @lecistons of the lower Spanish Court establishing the legality of the wers. ure of the + Tornado‘ bas been confirmed by the Supreme Court of Justice, the high« est tribunal in Spairk _ Lord Slnlflu{ maude no. disclosurea as to what action the Gov» ernment of (Great Britain would take in view of this adlverse deciaion. The + Court Cireular announces thai Her Mujesty Queen Vistoria will leave EKng land on the 6th of August, going first to Parts, whenee sho will muke a tour through Irance, Switgerland. ind Germany, It is expooted the Queen will return to Eng« land nhouI:}hg.‘l st of Sept. Loxno® July 28.â€"=The propriety of eâ€" reeting monuments in Westininater Abbey in memory of the Jate Lord Broughaim and Prof k"«nvln( is widely canvassed here, and | propoaitions have been warinly advoâ€" cated in and out of Parliament ___ @ It is roummoured that a new French loan is about tu be placed in the imurket . Advicea from Bpmin report that the Govâ€" ernment has distmbuted troops throughout the Provinces of Ontalonin, an that un ler the operation of martinl law and through the oï¬;ciomv of Hying columns of millitary, all attmpts at a rising have been repress= Virnna, â€" July 28.â€"Despatches from Belgrude report that the Court pronounced sentence of death ngainal one olPtlu accom» plices in the murder of P.rince Mic|lm:|.‘ The ad. execution of ~ the inurderers und their ucâ€" imgfllcu will tika pMi@e forthwith, enaurea of severity wre threatened n« agrinst Prinee â€" Kar Georgewich, and, in his nbsence, agninat his Secretary, Lonpos, July 28â€"Reports confirmel that pence hbad been concluded by Russin with / Bokbara. It is aaid the Rassian Commander in Bokhara has prohibited trade between Bokharn und Endia. _ Lorxpox, July 28, evening.â€"In the House of Commons this evening Mr. Rearâ€" don, member for Athol, mo\'eï¬ a cominit« tee to enquite whethor the arreat and imâ€"= grhonment of Ueorge Franciy Train for debt was legal _ fe thought the step was taken for political cnuses and that it was iMegal and â€" unjustifituble,‘ The _ motion was not seconed and was consequently lost In reply to a question by Mr. Ben« tinck, member for Whitehouse, Mr, Sclater Booth said the Government had thanked the Philadelphia Librury for the gift of a State paper of much value, and that the letturs on the subjoct would be submitted to the House of Commons In the House of Lords, the Bribery Bill was passed. ‘The Government Bill for the .j)urchue of the telegraph wiree reâ€" seived its Auul passage . Btratford has an interesting scandal, a shoemaker naimed ‘Thomnas Hopwood havâ€" ing been disturbed in his domestic relations ing Deen Cisl0Ur00G ! messlo NeRAOTE e n oo eame ue enc Ig':bo intrusion of an apprentice named rge Oraig. The injured husband laid w trap, caught the youth in the wrong dmim apartment, _ and . adjusted â€"the difficulty by cutting off the culprits ears close to ‘his head. Hopwood has been comnitted for trial. "l‘llo budget has been finally adopted by CcABLE NEWS following has op® The horse race shows no signs of running out, Morrisey backs Seymour‘s chances two to one: Train‘s great sixty days‘ hotel at Omaha is to let, Cotton fibre is now hardaned into a solid like ivory, Bismarck‘s disense is consumption of the apinal cord. Greeley is trying his hand ag a temperâ€" ance pmper, . Paragury holds out like #all possessed‘ againat Brazil. Forty horses are already entered for the Saratoga races, Bisinarck has broken his rib by falling out of a chair. The prices for cuble telegrams are to be« groatiy reduced, Bumpter county, Alabama, has neither shartff nor Jailor, They knock down and rob citizensinNew York, in broad day, Tlrere are® about 7,500,000 â€" telegraph posts in the world . Mnrrlm{is on the ground at Saratoga, ready for ‘ business.‘ ‘The South Pacific naval squadron is to be reduced one half, White flannel suits are becoming fush« lonnble in New York. Menkin is in Paria. Weston fails as a Walkist, An English tailor drosses Eugonie, Henry J. Raymond is in London, Napoleon has gone to Plombicres, Lowel] is at work on a new poom . Seymonr is fiftyâ€"seven years of age,. Lovy is playing his cornet at Paris. The wife of General Hooker is dead, Beccher is going abroad next avtumn. Frank Blair is fortyâ€"eight years of age. LouisNapoleon thinks of becoming pious. Ristori gave her lawyer a set of diamonds Ninoteen souls populate Juan Fernandez, Juaves lhns sont to Rome for some Bishâ€" A London publisher is getting out some of I oln Montea‘s letters, John C. Breckenridge is now residing in Ningara with his family, Fires are rging in theCranberry Marsh in the County of Welland, (Grant, Sherman und Sberidan have been together at Lenvenworth . A Bouthern editor speaks of ‘our neighâ€" bors of the United States‘ The Democratic pgocession in New Or leans, was three miles long. A wild man has been discovered on the Manitoulin Island, Lake Michigan, * ! ‘The anu of President Johnson, Robert is in the Washington InsanoAsylum . It costs £8,000 per annum to aweep and dust th8 British House of Comtmons. The Fifst Presbyterian Church of Cinâ€" | clunati has given up the pow system, | A man has just died in Paris leaving a ‘ fortune of $40,000 in postage stamps. 1 Emerson thinks himself fortunate when | he can write twenty good lines a day, Bank robberies continue to be fasuionable and successfulin New York, Ishmne!l Pusha, Vicery of Egypt, has imarried jnto the Medjid family . No fowne thin fortyâ€"six brides were â€"reâ€" ported nt Ningara Falls last week. Bir John, Curtior & McDougall left for Halifax on public business, (en. N. B, Forrest is ornamenting Long Branch with his gentlemanly presence. Napo!eon‘s cuirassiers are to have new breastplates that will defy the neodle gun, The heated term Iasted, in all, twenty» five duya _ It did the business thoroughly. The Radicals regard the Southern 8Staâ€" tesâ€"with a nigger eye [withan eager eyc.] A Methodiat newspaper, the first of the kind, has just been started in Hindostan . Four million dollars worth of Iumber has been deatroyed by fires on the Upper Otta:â€" wa, Mr. Jeffersen Davis and wife smiled for Europe in the Canadian steamer on Satur= day . Mrs, Faunny Jonea died inDyersburg Inst week, aged one hundred and fourteen years, Milk punch is a favorite afterâ€"theâ€"bath drink with fushionable young ladies at the seaâ€"sicde. Suastroke has been almost as fatal, the country through, as a visit from cholera ever wuas, The Indian Aoleâ€"inâ€"theâ€"Day‘s wife gets i couple of inillions by his death, Who gots her, An exclhunge tells of a man who stopâ€" ped bis paper on Suaturday and died the next duy, Charles Godfrey Leland has published his vory funny ‘Hana Brietman Ballads‘ in a volume, The House of Lords is at loggerhends with the House of Commons on the Irish Church bill 3 Bome joker in Ohio has paid moaney to im=ke (trant a Director of the American B ble Society Fort{,zuns are required by a senside belle but rm bly not al at oace ~She must be an nity credture. ‘The Indies have hagun to tipple beer New Orleansa Far betier for them drink ton totully. The wife of the late King Theodore use‘ to carress him with a bheavy club she kept for that purpose. â€" Foroifgn papers announce that Garibalâ€" «dian enlistments are going on in a number of Italian towns. Queen Isabella, of Spain, weighs two hunâ€" dnd and fifty , or thereubouts. _ It isn‘t all weight of charneter, The Princess of Wales gave birth to her fourth child, on the 7th inst, She has been married a little more than five years. McCoole denies receiving a challenge from Heenan. He will accept from any man in America. All the magistrates elect inShelby coun t{;. Alabama, are negroes, and not one c them can read or write. The latest onse of sunstroke recorded is that of a youth in New York who was guilty of beating his mother, _ ‘The Montreal stenmers are daily crowâ€" ded witk Amocrican exoursionists on their way down the St, Lawrence, J. M. Mason, of ‘Trent‘ notoriety, with his two daughters, arrivad in ‘Toronto. They are staying at the Rossin Honse. Fowr hundred deaths occurred in five days from sunstroke, in _ New York, and three times that number wore prostrated by heat, An insane mun in Cincinpati insits that he is four hundred years old, and used to know Shakspeare and Columbus. Itisce(Cancous Jtems. A Cumo mrat Kxsw its Morarkrzâ€" An interesting case has just occurred in Baltimore, where a child was claimed by two women, each asserting herself to be the veritable prrent, ‘The evidence naturally seemed to the court irreconcilable and conâ€" tradictory, To this dilemma the Judgeâ€" doubtless remembering a celebrated ancient example, but modifying it to suit the preâ€" sent ern of enlightenmentâ€"directed two chairs to be placed at opposite ends of the court room, _ He then requested Mr Perry, on#of tha petitioners, to take one of the seats, and Mrg Farrel one of the respondâ€" ents the other, The child, during the hearâ€" ing, had been standing upon the platform | at the side of the Jadge. Judge Alexander then turned to the child and told it to go to its mother, ‘The child started down, but turned around and asked the Judge, < May I go to the mother I want? The Judge said, ‘Yes, my child,‘ when she sprang forâ€" ward, and throw herself into the arms.of Mrs, Furrel, exclaiming : + This is the moâ€" ther I want!‘ in of Hyprorionta Cureo sy SautvatIiO®, â€" A new remedy for this most distressing of muladiecs comes from Northern India, and is attested by ‘the modical officer at the Hooshinrpor C hnritable Dispensary,. _ * The patient on admission was suflering from violent and froequent attacks, He was tied } to n chair, surrounded with blanketsyhaving . the head free, a Inrge vessel of botlhing waâ€" ter was placed uader him, and a mixture of equal paits of inercury and sulphur, well rubbed together, were placed in a broken piece of chatty bver a charcoal, fire, and put alougside of the vessel of boiling water; fiftcen grnins of calomel were given at onec, and five grains repented at every hour, the mercurial vapor bath being kept up, till @‘l sympathy subsided, In about four hours the man gotperfectlycalm and free trom bad sytoms; he was removed from the chair aud placed on a bed, The rfter treitment was simply tonics, nourishing foud and gargles, to remove salivation, On the 13th go was dischargedâ€"â€"cured.‘ Anout Boys, â€"Mr. A Hope, author of ‘A Book about Dominoes,‘ has publishedin Edinburgh a companion volume called tA lfook about boys‘. He tells us ntâ€"the beginning what ind‘ of boys he likes: I don‘t think much of your gentlemenly, neat boys, and TuBominate your protty, affeimninate boys, aml L have not so much faith ns some people in even your good, clever boys, who are always at the bead of their classes, and never do anything naughâ€" ty except when it is not found out, But I like the hnpp{‘, healthy, unsophisticated boy, who is a boy, and not a young genâ€" tleman ; netive, veatless, generous, brave amil truthful, simple and pure minded, who thinks it balf a pleasure to bear pain withâ€" out erying, climbas trees, tears his trousers bas frequent tumbles, bumps and bruises, and comes boimne now and then splashed over with mud.! Tus Way Maroexs po x Cimcago.â€" The lovely danghters of Eve, in Chicago, sceim to profit by Divorce Court business, One of them kept her bethroted on his good behavior by threata of a suit for breach of promise. If ho was absent from her for two days, there@eame a note: < Darlingâ€" If I do not see you in two hours, 1 shall commence the suit. Thy adoring Murion‘ Nuturally he went, If he wished to go to a concert, and he did not profess a willingâ€" ness toescort har, there came a note: ‘My own ‘Thornles â€"Thé papers are‘ in the hands of a lawyer, Faithfully yours .‘ The {outh endured all this until she insisted on ris taking a class in an infant Sunday School, and cut off his imperial _ Then he had ber arrcsted for disorderly conduct. A NEew Epnitrox or ax oup Strory.â€" Some one has improved on the story of Washington and his father‘s Wherry treeâ€" ‘When Ulysse«a 8, Grant was a little boy, his father bought him a Jlittle hatchet. Ulyssos was so delighted that he went aâ€" hout hatcheting everything he could find, One fatal day, after things had been going on and thus nud so for some time, Ulysses cut down one af his father‘s favourite pear trees, When the old gentleman saw the ruin of his favourite pear tree, he we went to U, 8. and said; ‘U, 8. who cut down iny favourite poar tree?‘ ‘L cannot tell a lie,‘ said Ulysses; Ben Jobhnson cut it down with his hatchet,‘ <My dear son,‘ said the old gentleman, spanking (bhim. @1 would rather have you tell a thousand lies than lose so fina a troe. Ax lmpupext Wirâ€"â€"Hook one day walking in the Strand with a friend, had his attention directed to a very pompous gentleman, who strutted along as if the atreet wore his own, Instantly leaving his companion, Hook went up to the stran. gor and said, < [ beg your pardon sir, but pray may I askâ€"areyouanybody in parâ€" ticular® _ Before the astonished magnifico could collect himself so as to reply practiâ€" cally or otherwise to the query, Hook had passed on. ‘The negro members of the Georgia Leâ€" gislature, when a vote is taken, look at the man abead of them. Ifhe rises they rise also; if he votes aye they do likewise, aud vice versa. The Advance sgiys the First Persbyteriâ€"| _ A Fire broke oul in elrcovsvilio on / MOLs an Church of Chicago are trying to induce day afternoon sbout four o‘clock in the Rov, Newman Hall, of London, England, seutch mill« of Gooderham & Worts, which to fill the Pa\smmte lately vacated b the consumed the entire buildings connected R{«‘V- Z, M. Humphreys, D. D. 'izhoy | with it, In« few minutes they were a mass I:l‘ld upon the cable the barden of telling : of ruins, and several persons barely escaped him that if he would coms, he would find | with their lives. _ Loss about $9,000, a nice house, reut free, and a salary of Cishet : hhes $10,000 per year, payable in gold. ‘To‘ ‘? l\:r\sl?;na.‘(;llmrh:la: :jlr'::OX;L;;d .3: these attractions may be added the bearty i o o o c t in mame welcome by the many who lad airoady ‘ transported to where things were made,and laarned to think so much of Newman Hall | {P °4C r]m:in1“}:‘.\'.‘}::?":3;n%‘::)z; m n; to make it impossible to fully express :’;T);l;‘::(;i ::;f,wucg'on and they made their appreciation i im 8P * y Ans here uonlin the short fime he was scalawags of them . I L0 Tt P supD cX wl Moses Y . Beach, a celebrated and sueâ€" cessful New York journalist, died the othâ€" er day, in the 68th year of his ago, _ Few men bad to ondure more of public dislikes than Mr. Beach. yet by his untiring energy and zeal he succeeded in making the New York Sun. which he purchased in 1836, a paying concern, â€" Many a hard fought batâ€" tle he had yoars ngo with the journals of that city, and invariably came off victorious. that eily, and invarmably came oll victorious, |*"= 209 2009 C000 C Cl af 2 eann Mr. Beach was the first printer who nsed | love rather than from thelove of a young Hoe‘s Lightning Press, which have betome \ man, â€" She was is the babit of taking arseâ€" so celebrated, and got the ‘inside track‘ of | nic to improve her complexion, and the last Beunett, ofthe Herald, for a while, until dose brought death, _ the latter got three of these presses, \ _ ‘There are one hundred and sixtyâ€"eight A promising sensation was spoiled in Cleveland a few days ago. _ ‘The papors reâ€"| corded the finding of a full suit of femnale: apparel near the lake, and surmises were. tife ns to the fite of the owner, who might have been rolsbed, or drowned while bath= ing, or commitied suicide. Later in the day, the rcportgs were disgusted by learnâ€" ing that the faff owner had appeared in person at the state house and claimned her drygoods, which had been captured and secreted by a mischiecvous thief while the owner was enjoying a twilight bath in Lake Erie. A young lady living near Vidality, Louiâ€" siana, who was reared in Juxury and is highly accoinplished, is now nobly fighting the: wolf from the family door by ‘wilking five cows duily, cleaning the house, attendâ€" ing the wants of two smaller children, beâ€" sides going to the mill once a week, when she is compelled to swim her horse while she walks the narrow plank bridge, carryâ€" ing the sack of corn upon her shoulders‘ Sae will prove a fortune to some man yet. Bome queer statistics are recorded of the young men of Yale. Matrimonially, nineâ€" teen are enguged, and twenty one almost ; one hxs three strings in his bow, and three others have two; one will marry no one but Auna Dickinson, one has asked advice of Mrs, Jadd ; thirty or forty may or may notj three are avowed celibates, _ ‘The latter run to bluck hair and somewbat to mousâ€" taches. In newspapers and magazines, the tenâ€" dency of the times is to condensation. The newspaper with short, puogept paragraphs, in which the in?elligence*is' put into the fewest possible words, is always preferred to the one which stretches its articles out into columns of useless adjoctives. _ Long winded articles are a drug at any tiing,and especially in this weather, Sir John A. M«cDonald, when inToronâ€"| to, spoke very contemptuously of the nldl f.uniiy ('()lll]:::vt party,. â€"Mis bitter hostility to Mr. Hillyard Cameron is well known. Et is a remarkuble fact that be bas always aâ€" voided taking conservatives, of any ability, into his cabinet, but has â€" chosen tools whoin he could use. During the elections, Saodfield Mnedo nald used to say, in conversation, ‘We‘ll see who is boss of Ontario, John A. or I. It is well kno#Wh that our local Premier fought strenuously against Mr. Howlana‘s appointment. but to no purposeâ€" John A. is evidently ‘boes‘ after all, A Democrat of over 40 years standing, in Indianapolis, remarked the other day : ‘The nominations at New York are the most popular ever made in this country.‘ Upon being asked to give lis reasons, he replied, ‘Because those nowninations please all the Republicans and nearly half the Deâ€" nocrats.‘ The Toronto Telegraph broadly insinuâ€" ates thrt Sir Jonn‘s idea in appointing Governor Howland is to have some one in the gubernatorial chair whom he can infla« ence in case of collision between the local and general governments. At the Island Park Course, Albany, Rolâ€" la (¢o|d Dust trotted, under the saddle, aâ€" gaiust, Billy Bois, the pacer, to harness, hest three in five, for $1,000. Rolia won in threa straight heats, _ Time, 2;27â€"2:27â€" 2:28+. A fatal distemper, or dry murrain,. is prevailing among the cattle throughout (Georgia, _ Quite a number of fine milch cows in that state have died of it The disense is on the increase, and in almost every instance proves fatal, The gross earnings ofall the railroads in the United States the past year amounted to $240,000,000. or equaling twentyâ€"one per cent, of the total cost. Four sisters dined together in Portland 1“. " the other day, on the occasion of the birth | W day of the oldest,who was81 years old. The |and Fa ages of the four are 74, 77, 79, 81; agâ€" ‘20‘:1 c“p" a ¢ e p! gregato, 311 years, | Gnods ‘The Liberals of Greenwich have deterâ€" mined to return Mr. Gladstone to Parliaâ€" ment without his personal coâ€"operation or consent, and at their own expense, The banks in Stratford have announced to the inerchants of that town that they can furmsh them with sufficient Canadian sil ver to ‘make change .‘ There is to be a picâ€"nic offat men at Utica next month. _ No person will be allowed to participate in the festivities who weighs under 250 pounds. A fool of a man in Ohio erawled into an ice house on one of the late hot days and went to sieep. _ He came very near never getting warm again. Seth Green, the downâ€"east shadâ€"catcher, says: â€" ‘Every nere of water is worth twd of land, and it can he ‘tilled‘ atâ€"oneâ€"thou» sandth part of the expense." / Mrs. Exâ€"President Tyler is on a visit to Washington for the first time: since she left the White House at the expir§@tion of Mr. Tyler‘s term . The Bank of Montreal has sa bseribed $1,000, and the British North A mericn $500, towards the funds of the Dominion Rifle Association. Of the two hundred Yankee ‘gals‘ ®ho | went to Washington Territory two years | ago on a matrimonial venture, all but three | Post Office Inspe : aled 1 n couigne APh..3 m have married A Fire broke out in Streataville on Tues. day afternoon nbout four o‘clock in the seutch mill« of Gooderham & Worts, which consumed the entire buildings connected with it, In« few minutes they were a mass ol ruins, and several persons barely escaped Lady Cateret, wife of the Lord Lieuteâ€" nant of Ireland in Swift‘s time, said to him one day, ‘The airio this country is very good.‘ _ Swift fell on lsis knees and said, For Heaven‘s sake, madam, don‘t say so in England; they‘ll most certainly tax 10. It is stated that the girl who was reportâ€" ed to have committed suicide from love, in Newark, N. J., last week, died from sel(â€" C MARRIED. At Cross hill, on Friday the 10th inst., by the Rev. James Boyd, Mr. Peter Mclaren, of the Township of Turnberry, to Miss Maâ€" ry Cambell, only daughter of John M, Cambell, Esq, of Wellesley. ,J v-;-\t_WnieVrl&o, on the 27th inst., Mr Geo, Guessel. aged 67 vears, 5 months und 15 {days. By the Rev. Mr. Wousster, of on the 16th inst., Mr Willism B Miss Veronico Roth, of Hespeler By the Rev. Mr Kaessinann, of Berlin , ou the 24th instant, Mr Chatrles Schultz, to Miss Elisabeth Kratzer, both of Bridgeport DIED, At Berlin, on the 24th inst., Augusta, daughter‘ of Mr Hemy Bornhold, aged 1 year nnq 11 months, ols At Ling 00,‘, gn the 28th ipst., Margaret Lioyd, e'éeï¬ Vaughter of Mr. John R Williams, aged 2 years, 11 months and 10 days Xlitr Abbertisements. _ O _ BERLIN _ _ CountyGrammaréchool TUITICN FREE ! THE Berlin Grammar School will reasâ€" semble on Monday, August 10th at 9 nâ€" m. Through the liberality of the Trusâ€" 1e &# the School has been made FREE to « Cennty oujside the Corporation of . ie d pf attending the i ’& very suitable pen rws'tvu-d;;v'â€"tm:ed roï¬aching. or for matriculation in Law, Medicine. or Arts. | t3 Remember â€"Canadian Block is 1 | place to buy Goods cheap. Call a | satis(y yourself. | J. C. HUNSICKER H. 8. FUBER, SBecretury. Berlin, Suly 29th, 1868 NEW BOUBLE MAP, Europe on the one side and North Ameriâ€" ca on the other. Europe and_ America. Thie Map shows all the,lastest discover« 1e8, is beautifully engraved and coluured in superior etyle. PRICEâ€"ONLY $56. Sold by C. G. TISDALE. Â¥ aterloo. July 29th, 1868. 6a5â€" THE undersigned has removed his On~ tamo Book Store a few doors West in the eame Block, wherolbe has attached a lot 0/ and is constantly receiving new Groceries, and all kinds of and Fancy Goods, which he will sell cbheap for cash or for Butter. Eggs, and all saleâ€" able produce will he taken in cxchange for Goods at the higbest market prices. (â€"yâ€" Remember â€"Canadian Block is the niaZ is huw fSamide chean Call and Neéw Groceries, t Berlin, July 28th, 1868 Torunto, 23rd July. 156 MAIL CONTRACT. REMOVAL ! LLOYD‘S SPLENDID C. A. NEVILLE, M. A, tor‘s Ofhe« OF 3.50â€" ... $.28â€"+ _ . 12.00â€" ...17.00â€" ...12.00â€" $1.15 _ 1.20 120 _ 1.25 I5â€" 00 .60â€" .65 .25 â€" 1374 14â€" 15 it=â€" _ 17 10â€" _ 12 §5.410â€" 575 of Preston, Berthels, to Pri ‘ @sâ€" hi5â€"RA