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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 25 Jun 1868, p. 2

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D ‘ _ Bova Warda ‘from hwnnt alt: thmes MWN .~'fi' *‘ Dtug Btom Whtetloo, BR is a most dohs fi""fi-w vitjeynble _ crink â€" and will wos _._MHMF) alt who are Bad of | WM_nflfithhi [\ ”.‘m & vaÂ¥ & weup went on the part of Seward and Almnank. m 1 hM‘m-~m mesea Rage :hmmm Inhould | Â¥he Qreat Rtrie | on atabs uvtasiont. _ 1 thit as 8N vere are saverat tHirst clase taitirs 'I‘...m “MA . â€" tanes ther vp a pairtheh woukt| > t Durabror r’f‘"‘m“. bwtho dinsrane |Ruobattete an th is " h. diinin onb "uptsatint.) . Rrstaditet trsctad Puabiow Pinte.any amiount of new â€" m"‘v‘,:’fi.nflum .. urrtig Nterary artivles :=â€"Pragtich} hinte on , ~ Burepsen Traveh Musings, Cumiy Puitings ~ . Difi shanges Bociety, Litee, dummmerh |__ Dip Unrest, Byware of a Bungusite, doy â€" is pablishud by Inâ€"A Godé?," Phindy, > Autostoraritor Da: Promaita n We bag to.acknowalge with thanks the.recoipt woth jast teaved frow the . prese it is a ~, waell bound, beautitaily printed volume of . vaet three hundred pages. ‘Phe contonts ste Mw in Tt Rt rerpmaing c apontione ‘the stte is free, cary and naturah We can ur» "*Igwm wWork bo .oue raaters h will be remi with intervet and profitby the oht and young, . ‘The prike is tm on al £ 'lm.'“‘ .‘M:m‘ .M... W "“""‘Mofwhhdad; e idbportant queatron as toâ€"wiet ':hanmm on stabs uvtssiont _ It tere are saveral trst clase taiters you Republican instivatigns Ayd at the mre tines partaks voursichnt of theâ€"ponant BazucuraseBks N Y Trbare isout to one doilan _ It on be had frowm theAuthor S Prvaton, of at the Weeisyan Book Mobill, biterature. wonee ht these colmins MW‘ to band â€" lrteu, with the crem of Ruébpean. Frekin Bostors, . afOsorruption in the Pulice Force, amt sar« fous charges agninat the whm ’..‘..'..":‘ Pourar, yesterday. was quite neuccese A tabge attoninnce and about forty dullare re. Tw tai of July next is, by procinwmation appointed to be celobraterl as the aniyrer= inry of the formation of the Dowinion . of Raeetvaoctry.â€"ThoA mericans are agrin Mrungly wdvecating reciprocity betweew Canmia and the Statea, cultural districts with a grant of a wrtain : winount of lamt free of all expouse, use of Wiinuraly &u, we need not expect things to to be better than now . ‘ morrt~ > ~~â€" 40000 â€"â€"â€"â€"aâ€"â€"~ um m & .Rnugnup the & 3. Pbâ€"nic at W&} Montruse on Dominion Duys > h cultural witount Tomdd * w misorabile abortion‘ as desig. nahal by Sir Woury Smith Untit we have rowds opening up the territory betweeng s Oltawa aind Goorgian Bay. in the Hflld on States as thair destination, * PE i6 in: vlrml ~very mach to be regrated that oure Government is unprepared to offer any stantial inducement to aysh to®muke homs with us‘ There is in all l"*‘fi "no clusa of emigranta better adupted for sethiing upon and vhiaring up ourwihl Invdy that are the Guormans Our A ’ friemds have ‘evor adoptdl a liberal as regarnds emigration and having by a policy emablished bere ind there a ‘\which of themselves cxtend by the ;: O Wurvtion similar etenienta beig con Gts ally obtamatie _ Wull whiy"the aot termed the "Foré Grant andHomusteadBcemption As*" introdwaal by BStepiren Kicha nie fp Bveary The prasint semon will nccunling to reâ€" vreived Reedunts, as regands the tile cof Buropean emigration to the . Ameriean Continuut, exveed that of any previqus ome. TPhevarious through raitway Tinea of Canada are Iransporting thonsan‘s ofGernmaty Nor wexinth and other emigrants to the Weat Baiintowx enjoy» a sensation tw the shaps ‘l“.wbl\&‘hlmu'“ Traies Luave Reraix Srarto® an Pustows! Uving East Doing West Mabl &x, 9:10 a.re. â€"| PAil RX. 1d:28 nm. Day Ex. #:18 » .m Doy Bx. _ it%% p.m. uoy _ S:l8 p. im. | Londun U#1 gr49 . in. Night Rx, 2:08 u.m _ | Night Ex 388 mar Waterloo C hrguicke ; AND FPANILY NEWStAPRAR, Thursday Morning, June 2 wA c 4 9 45 t GRAND TRUXK RAaLLWAY, ith the creanm of Busbpoan. i s miken o my t RMIGRATION, gor= | ®lf 4e Creui) of P k. “'“‘lhzcht-hmmw- t y #° vai . Apwore foe ante. | & Mb’m Near mmh:“, blhwhbfiuu te mss«‘ s I a grgat »nriety : of . *nmwm»":‘ th ‘Adriasithie pool is ergited a stone bridgy | s oi oc ho d [ eute snrayre m ind sB w hoi‘ 0n | ie 5n t on e t ol‘ m raona hy Laprat | * hh ‘ato agy Gpy L009 Drel sha ie alsve h A f i > ak his sihs nbd his. . 1 LOBBY _____°~ . 2| ind aln, pqpition: both granctin and â€" comâ€" bag D M m cmtmmmmugmeee .+ (*> Ailig.> * In another ar .is a mansive bat «. a foaniaie can at [ buy, benutifl miarble nonutent. with this â€"Bpringer & Auyier\ | Iinfiplpfan®s in fir the relief: of | 009 10. .“‘ most deis. a W h t l ...dfiil N*‘ll‘- f "". M‘, .".“.- ufl alt who am tial a¢) CC f N LOoL . i I , which ;.M Yhe Great flid, Reviews and Tgred e ingh Reviews and * 1 TDinarren, Pinuited lngiteed a , bappened hakefÂ¥riy oo Ontoniay night but, resutting -..-..'J'.'.‘."“‘““"' Hoininy 4 thar" and the deuth of some thirty pagros~ .xtmna Iniaaders The Poof in a My Bhip at Sie, D;:::e a Ro Prbating, Toneili‘s Marriage, A Fourâ€"c‘clock Tus A rmurme_Mpwease . for ; July YoR The Buig of Jatl Thorkail : wl i 2 09 CC CC9 C Wre Wwarkt \ ditoob Kiative rn Whitiomy R m Bunanuet Ruby, m Wiitinn Buen, Riwari Wike won, Wittinn AMM" * t Orase Enowsm=â€"Mary P Dobbin, Â¥aroniea Kuechte}, Catharine Ehit, Bethia Cram Magyte Tagge HartiotHTarria, Jusâ€" â€" taeBilowing teachere smm ns M Ewomsmâ€"â€"\m A Dobbin, Jobu‘ Userio Jasob B Muciter, Emoat Baik, . o Poee ofle . £ tatve a notke ofthe ::Mcf Interadt for n.r_nn\ L.hnve ever.s00t. walks are lined fl‘u."“"‘.s.r'r:.“:...‘.:‘.,.....,m tare peme ho in t t on neat Pustémonth we saw thg mighty Atâ€" lantiv in the dtstance and felt a‘chilly bracâ€" Ing wind from its surthce. Portaino ith is the only suaport town uf Now Hunpshire and has a sptndid harbor, Its buiblings are chivily frame _ We paased through severa} other lovely town» but space forbnls any Bjize. of them. s At tength we reached Buston and as 1 alighted from the curs } Auulited for the Hrst time in my life that 1 Wat at the great living Hub. | think those of us who weore qu the train imust bave been very popular in Buaton, for a large deputation met us at the station and offered us the hoapitalites of the city (it we woubl ereoee ult in es es ie ht 2 a the y ’ Emm nee & & t his egnt :i:y'iimnyolbu‘: to get our lm:: and F m\‘h‘ apeat nll the tims at my mm} maanl in "doing" Portian!, 1 lyft by the | wea shore ting for Buston, _A sinooth road, | aaperb cary good Aapewl, pleasint company and ,\‘Qt(ltfltl scepery cOonapiinl to make [ this frip h most plgrsant one, _ As we gcaine | Boston. Correspon 4ence. | Oiholmtl Oonupondonod L wl a stone bridgy | frir and honorable figlt,, fotthe belisves that hy mch seO; snd tame,"" O | tvars of bivod milb arg m.bow bobre irs fombsls in eymalt | nore oi ey m on in mne e eagat hn n sn !fl"fi:flb“ hisy. ; Bxov Suowâ€"At the qornt Qreat Wee Wa l o un o. bid rlghle reimler® | thrn Ritiway pleâ€"ale, held ht Oriiaby; ‘utâ€" Te ol Anent‘h 104. co8t | iunled by about oro thopiwd "Paople, n Mul miarble nonutient. with shis | baby show wes one of (ie eveuis ‘of the tn. tir the reltet of | gepasion. ‘The Wimes aays the , mmam * bafaatry" being dargely on the y has hismony« | 60o8Â¥i0n, sume party Ail â€" the happy A 1807,"" e W*m»~ , Acon!. Nerous serpentine walke are line« | ingip a tibet ke mnul« Lhae \ dntoob Rioative m Whitiany (Phrowgh this part hich,, at in« s meaa!" Iy | my aspectatione, the i | w noug wb spee the womination of Uhaé¢, but does not wom j not think the Do-':::&m him . He sys Wu vote for Grant and . ~I liks them both ; and, in the main, I like the Blatfhrm on which waimishias ..3 1 0_ ‘V Te "9 Hep theie oarn poskels, uy y Pay, ht ce 9f *%Mbéh-ahb Q“II' waid Sin never forgete bis has bean outdone to DaÂ¥ghpart, Towa. ‘The Tacts are that «Natnan i3 J niee you mechanie, had a protty wife aad fou? chif drew. Nnhfilih‘m; t con» dustor on the Chioagn,1; & Prâ€" cifte Railrowd, who stote thÂ¥pralty woman‘s Bwin begged othis wite at times to upnmm‘mhmnwy. hen " Bhe wouldu‘t retormand so Swin di vided his gooda with her mid helped her to ship them woat in | with hor selu« «en . ‘The woman got The onboose a umhm.u s coolly though wete a lmerg acqurintance Nwin then wont hmm:l.u.l anid ; “Y*"'Nth?-mw.nm wur thp. m"'"m“'"&l‘u?i%l‘m 408 va‘ve dints h to Purd mâ€"h\wg* ulror," mud off they stnrted for the Wask! _ ; Y lum epeefrianns Nous of groiting up i beby dhow h en ~ & wan made for Erra/es meaayie e lists for MA -...‘::.“:'r little dlastinge at hand were invited to outor ~'~h-fil".'\u.n-..r :‘.:‘"‘I "':“ }r‘rm IN::: drt, ‘T, C, Bureot, 1. P., o@fobited as um L2 ar, ECCC °TY NTC Ceouser= work he did, not tehmbursed for the mahipulag@d in soure u_v-mlo\.-xny duâ€"= nhg .t‘ho trial, _ Wpoltey [Imli haa given tronble Aetore this, in the U. __Wight tons ofFenian arins have just been seiged by this governmant and ruâ€"shipped for New York, The following is satd to be n portion of a vircular seut byO‘Nuill to tha ditfsrent head on . _ ‘The gottor erop in ditfurent parts of the South is mora or, Pess injured by the insects. . ‘The cotten is not now zo exclu< »ively the ataple of the South as formerly. The harvest is aimost over in Tennessen ; ne‘v wheat has alrowiy appoared in the Nashv‘lte market â€" In this state the har veat is Just commenalng, and from all we can learn an average‘yield may be counted One of the most terrifie storms with which this portior of the workt has been visited for many years passed over us night betors last. +Several parts of the city were atruck with lightning, which caused three large tires and involvent a loss in that line of aeveral thousAnddollars. The Ohto showed its stronyth ahd rose twelve fuet during the night, causing great damaga to boats and coalâ€"barges, » One milltion Lushels of coal were destroyed at different puints along the riven . It is impossible to give anything like a near estimate of the antount of daâ€" mage, to crup»s railroads, &o. Qarrit Bmith Avors WATERLOO CHRONICLE AND FAMILY shail have mh?'-".:"';: to intreduce 2{-].' confirm by.law No. 150, tow of Wilmot, w,liziw.u passed, ‘ P Leave was granted to introduce abyâ€"law to confirm by-'l:‘w No. 257 of the township. of Waterico, which was passed. ‘The clerk was instructed. to pc:hq. from Adumeon g-m"& Co., br the use of" the members of the Council twenty -gnd Ontario statutes. ouncil then went into committes of the ‘ wenrancem * From the Eduontion Office, -Mflw the _WM‘ on / ‘t“ of the Legisiative T o oreuies Iiter mt voonting the establistfs ment of a national bank, From J. B, MceGann, suporintendent of weaf and duimb asylum, with reference to and dummo asy/um, with referghce to E:m for hmnmim of deaf, dumb and Towa of Berlin â€" * Gait Village of Preston the clerk of the sounty, _ l:hr.t *eud ‘ ; Bulunce to mise by tazution 1 Fines received from | Printing account Pustage ant Stationary Councillora‘ pay list Burlin Gramma Schoo! Galt Grammar Sehoo) ludustria! Farm Salnries‘ anocount Miscoliansona iteomae Jury fuad _ of current year‘s exp< sopy the fo‘fiorwin'," Ps Crminal Juatice # i Jury Law Constabiles‘ nucount 1170 67 Gaol expenditure 18910 58 m Loi. a ‘ necount 160 50: From Mr. Weld. &..vxn,f reference‘to the eatablishment of an agricultnral enyporiun. , From County Treanurer, with , estimate nF aummamk ssmcb cus u00 K wall The warden read the report of the inâ€" spector of weighis and measures, wbtah .m..u that he had inspected the weights and mpasures used in the county avd found thern satinfactory, ‘ He had also evijented the sum of $3B. Also, the following camâ€" inunications ami petitons : F‘rom the Trustwes of Gult @rafumar School, asking for the sum of 820 50y, From the South Riding Agriqnltural Sogiety, ‘The ‘ following comtmunications! ware nowninies, aot Te Te L ieb es before you at the proper time The Tre® surer w%ll submit n‘r: ert‘imnhol the lmm vired for current expenses, nt)n the conclusion of Mr. Hendry‘s ad> «dress, the clerk ruad the minutes of megt> ing':‘whhh were adoptal, L have aiso instroted the clerk to j pare a byslaw to vonfirm the several ns ments when equalized, which will be equalization of the nssessments of the seve n& muni:i}mlitiu; provide for the current expenses of the county aud raise a sutn of money m}:nl to the grant from the Gov= ernineat for cominon schouls, which mat« ters will doubtless reveive at your hamids that attention t3 which thoir {mpormnoo entitles thom. ‘The businessa which will at this time reâ€" quinl‘ym:r ueooinl attention will be the s s e e en and appoint a superintendent of the and to ;;oalnlt |nl»out the ‘foun\hfiw & in ‘hey atsogranted two onlé t ’l‘n?a‘nnm to MA L Kribbs, in ..3@1.‘- with contrnct to pay mouth!y instalments on certificate of Smpeokur for a total sum of $1306 40, all of which 1 have no doukt will be satistactory . â€" / Gentiemen, â€"Since the last mouting (i‘»umil there have been two ge the committes on county propernty A site for House of Rc&rmd ‘Im" and appoint a superintendant af tha wa. tune and passed, ' ' The Counctl then ndjourned and Coun« villors inapected the building in course of conatruction for a poorhouse and found that the contractor, Mr, Kribbs, was proâ€"fi‘ sing in a very satisfactory manner, m basement walls are nearly compflutw{ and seem to be built in a very substa itial manner, X ; Courtâ€"house, halfâ€"past two p.m. } Council resumed. _ Satho members pre wnt; also Dr, Vardon, is The Warden addrossed the Council o the matters likely to comé before them, !’ the following wonds: ies as followst . .. _ . wehip of Wateripo & To o0 x P Woolwich 13 08 _ Wolleskhiy 3 57 _ North Dumfriee + @3 25 Members present: Uhas, Heulry, Beq , Warden, Mesars . Marshall, Simpson, Flews« Ing. ""rl"' Breithaupt, Bowlby, Ranâ€" dufl, A. Etb, Boulles, Springer, Walters, Loeger, Henry D. Tye, E Erly MceNully and Wideman, . The b‘y-lmv introduced was read a lhinl‘ Beriix, 16th 16th June, 18¢8. The Cuunty Council for the Countf of WaterTou met in special session to the byâ€"law for the puppose of issuing debenâ€" tures in onder to raise the sum of $20,000 to cover the expenser of erecting a poorâ€" house, &e. WATERLOO COUNTY Countt o 40 intinegen" Hnm&rg , BXPBNXDiITUKE,. Cw 2 t e y To ETWE ear‘s expenses, from which we SPEBCIAL MEETING. â€"> 140 0o 180 00 18498 at 8109478 to & 3808 es sdeto 1o fore them, ?’ w. t 'Mig. (loi ! "& [ Mr anty f d ‘Inciya No: f the workh | £59 On 3 nle t Jo § n&fdn‘n € 101 11 10 14 35 20 420 80 208 15 It is reportad that seriqus defwults have beett revealed rurmdng!b manaigement of “"’rm Asylum at ‘fnlden.D:glork- many Toronto, mnbd.u the â€"investignation, and stroug efforts are being parde to procure the removal of the imtilugm_ to London, gael } ome butldred dollars for $10,000, and rm Blaikie and Alexander‘s at the rate of 805 75 per one hundred dolinks for 810,â€" 000. Carried. * The byâ€"law fixing the salaniea of the different officers of the county was read and A nunther of byâ€"laws legalizing different hv:l?:hip :;ih" were read and, passed. e atanding committee on opunty my were nuamind to c:mu rw'fl:‘ ing ur digging of a \vell for the use of Moved hy Mr, Bowlby, seconded by Mr. Fleming, That the report of the bommitâ€" tee of &o wholo on tenders for county deâ€" bontureés be recoived and that the:clerk do notly Mr. Poerceival aqd Mossra, Binikie & Alexander of the ncceptance of their tondâ€" ers, M. Perceival‘s being at the rate of 806 __Moved by Mr. Bowlby, seconded by M+ NeNally, ‘That the tender of P. x' w. ?’rry:d for coubty printing be accepted., arried . On motions the reports of the o tegs on finance aud county propert: Coumeil then adjourned unti the 15th of on the county farmi® at sach ‘-m. as they can ihdn for the nmrfi That your committeg further recomn that the superintendent Mr. 3 H. Rar be empowered to make all such altera! in theâ€" said. plans_and.. grrifeamidms‘ ue cluorrll 16 esd } i b NOR 20 4770000001 | pdotnintabhintiainlity ns is Muresaid@»to Fnay think necessary, ~ â€" All of which, dse, _ . W, H. Bowray, chairinan. _ Qommitteâ€"rooms Berliu, June 17 ;/ â€" That your stamling committee further reâ€" gommend that Messre, Springer, Bowlby . aidd Randall by appointed a subâ€"commitige, with power to sell allâ€"ti grass now stang= * ‘That variouralterations in the platts and specifications of the bouse of industry and refuge which appenr in the ininutes of your committeg have Mm' 6 timte been made, ai>.of which *yourthonorable body. are_hereby requeated to approve of, | o All of which, file., + Lo v*.~ . 50 Jonk‘ l‘l.nmto. cbairman, Compmittee Ruoomns, Berlin June 11, * We wongen ‘The committee on county; proparty aentad the following nmn? * * Your cuinmittee on comity proporty beg Jenve to mâ€".‘l‘hn they bave authorig= ed Mr. John. B, Hett to ervct ast armory in the rear of the county drill shed at Berlin on the plan furnished by the Qovernment inspector of drill sheds, whioh is now in course of @raction and nearly nampleted and that your committue neomnemr that the Wanlen be authorized:to pay the contracâ€" tor $150 on account Leadr, mdvertising .. . | «_ A. & J . Macpherson , printing &!l(’u;:t:);k. ;windov:.blhado l 3. Kalbfeisch, printing gontract C, Smtony postage C * EWSSmeNt 1w P NB CC P C W.CY ECCC CMAT Bimpson, Minutes of previous day‘s moeting read aud approved, Mr, Hendry moved, seconded by Mr. Wideman, 'l‘tmt instead of $1,549,140, the equalized assessment for the townrhip :"Woolwich for the year 1868, be 81,449,â€" 40, ; Aroendinent lost. Report adoptel. > By the equalizod assossment, lfio follow. ing will be found the average value per acre of the different townships: %\’atorloo, £30; Wilinot, 28 dal; \\r:lluloy. 28 dol.; Woolwich, 828 dol.; North Duin{ries, 30 dol. _ Moved by Mr. Fleming, soeonded by ‘Mr. Heapetler, That the several communionâ€" tone io the hands of the clerk be referred to the respective committeos, * ‘Phe Council then adjourned to meet at. L0 a uky o@n\WÂ¥edresday,~ . t * t Court House, Berlin, 17th June. Council met pursurnt to adjourument. Presoent: Tho W’:'\rdon and Mesars. Wideâ€" man, â€" Floming, Brithaupt, Wa‘ter, Erb, 2|m'ngor, MeNally, Zoeger, Tyo, Maurshall, Mr, Ephruaim Erb saw no good renson why the assessment should not be raised, The township of Woolwich was about as well tlucod hs regarded markets as any township in the county, besides the land in Woolwich was fully equal to anty in the count{. He had also long been 0 apinion that \Woolwich should be assessed as high as Wilinot, * _ New Humburg 155,428 . _ _ Meapelor 119,850 . Mr. I'y:mlry thought it strange that ,Woolwich should be 3\0 only township in ithe county \Whose nssessmeut should be himl this year. Membersa should bear in mind that alâ€" though the lowest assessed, there were very good reasons why it should be so. ‘The township had, to kesp up altogether btidgus which cost upwards of $16,000, besides Athe diaadvantnge of having no market within itself, 20,000 20,000 10,000 2,500 in beightâ€"a fair sample of a field owned by Mr. Thomas McKay, townhip of Scar _botough' . Ahe (rlobe is examining specimens of tall rye, the last received being seven fook troutâ€"fishing in a stream near Saugeen, a few days since, and in a day and a half caught two thousand saven hundred speck|â€" ed trout, weighing from two pounds downâ€" wards . The Gotlerich Signral says that three genâ€" tlemen, Captain Earl, Mr. Doty, of H., M. C'mom_a_ and Mn T. Hays, M. P., went the probibitory law ; for many of them feel that their snfoly fim'u the perils of drunkenâ€" m: depends in a great degree upon such a law. FomBitn®ube lt db itb bidaiciska ks ui4 Prison says that of the 534 prisoners conâ€" fined there, about fourâ€"fifths coramitted the crime far which they were sentenced, either directly or indirectly, under the influence of strong drink. The chaplain says: ‘The g:mponm would be glad to vote for prolibitory law: for wanz af sham A.21 I 1 MERAUE .Cm taltih danradbiPie : Sihimbih i tentions inclfent to "his zm&don dn the ém;l;.‘fifim got into a disctssion as to the appearance oi political matters on the other side. 'l"‘;{fil:lunion became so animated that the nperator lost all self control, and unintentionally, it is belieted,; drow :h razor acrosi thp lfl{:a% jOf his anâ€" tagonist in argument, ‘in ting in ug! ‘gash, A doctor was called in and newgoi up the wound which Lewis stoutly proâ€" tested wae done ‘inadvertently; ‘The vicâ€" tim believes this and declings to prosecute. C HaFlâ€" the basber shop of a coloured man named Lews, liÂ¥ing on Qugen stroet west It ap~ peurs that Lewis, twhile bestowing the atâ€" ERRIE DCE p iA L dRRIT No interru and were unable to proceed with lmu;udmg of other resolves. The meeting ended. in disorder without taking any 'voto om resolves which bhad Leen preâ€" munovwwore Luries. _ As soon as the proâ€" mbmw a great disturbanga was . ; mingled choers and .hisses nndmlh voices of speakers on the platâ€" inan to all expect reporters Mr. Lubliook moved the first resolve, declaring the Irish Chureh shoul cease to exist, and oprdng any amentiment of Suspensory Bil}now pending in House of Lords, Gen 03‘ aproar filgmd the readiuy of this ; fAighte took piace in various parts of the ball, â€" The disturbance threatened to besome serious,. and ut thisljuncture the Lard Mayor rotire} from thechair and, vith: a uinhorvm ntlemen on the platform, left the ghe Tories then rushed upon the platform and heid it for a short time; they addressed the nudience in | fl'bbl’nn“gn_d_tho Massachusette State WTN_ ug any . Bil now p.nd‘vm ':*W“ of the balle â€" Th hesome sertous, Lant Mayor rot | prines _ , _ _ night ‘at Ghibalt w Church mt Ne\ ) Tho‘h M fin'(' ’3’,‘ t presen vries. â€" As was . ; mingled ch Wm the voices of sper inaubible to all exnect fortress as the ruler of Servia. "In('h;vp;;‘ clamation "the Government returne its thuoks : toâ€"she . mn{’ and mililnfirm loyalt: 5*?&(1 uot.and exhorts to bo'l‘ their support of tha naw ont ol Purliamer i_fl_\' mm Bill was House . in Bxaum, June 20â€"The sessions of the North German Paurlianent were closed yes terday. King Willinm. of Prussin made a whort and pacific speech on the occasion, He refiewed and commented favourably on thc!wuk of the present session, and concluded by expressing his convction that the &ulh'oflbflnbourl of the Parliaiment wourd be successful, and that Germany would eontinue go epjoy the blessings of Pants, June &:â€"-â€"Advicou from Paraâ€" guary etates That the nllies have nbanded the tagk .of carying Humatia by storm, and now pr:roms i9 staive the garrison. The people of Paragury have become united and placed in Loptx‘s hands the resources to &nlonfi tha war indefinitely, neral Napier and Stafand Prince.Al. f'mL have embarkcd at Alexandria for 2 7O 2 0ne O@am ship Copwas onder cousidemtion, it was aunounced that M, Perine had resigned the direction of that line, : 3 Astwerr, June 22â€"A mutiny broke out yesterday on the Ainerican clipper ship Nerus while lying in this port during which her officers were severly handled by the crew and neurly overpowered . The police were notified and boarded the ship. ‘The United Stutes stermer Tyconderoga which was flying near by sout some of her crew to the assistance ‘of the polce, and after a deaperate ffyht the mutiny was sappressed. The anuiversary of the death of Maximiâ€" lian was solemnly observed at Lanken with religious and ‘commemorative services by by theArchduthessCgrtottea and the Royal | family of Belglugh. â€" | ©PCeCn. P.'LOONDOK, June 2 death of the death Fllw , is confirmed her. ~Genaral Nupiq Alfrod bave embar England, Paris, June 3 Trans ‘,lh considemtion, it wa Perine had re.igr.i line, _ Loxpo®. June 20â€"Queen Victor viewed ‘the British volunteers in Wi Park, it boiug.tlo 31st anniversary c noo:uionwt throne. 27,000 men sW On the occasion of presenting it, the Cretana and the citizens of Athens assem. bled in lurge numbers before the officés of the Ainerican Legislation, an onthusiastic demonstration of gratitudo for the friend. lllaip and <sympathy of the American peo pie. â€" T Ma o mm ROmy WHOCUY Irish Church Appointrent Suspension Bill ‘im the House of Lords is considered certain, but it is eleved that the mmajority againt the bill will be greatly reduced in consequence of the ubolition of proxies . Paestit, June 21.â€"Prince IJapoleon has left for Constantinople. | It is belioved that a_ viit to the Sultan is the fnain object of his IPnunt tour . Trtessez June 2e.â€"The last advices from _ Athens report that the Cretan rou[;rennmiven and exiles now in that city, offered an addres to the United States Con:â€" aul. On the ‘occasion of nrasantine It tha Loxpon, :hmg 21.â€"The defent on the NEWSPAPER. en this subject during the pn;~ of Purliament. _ The Irish .politiâ€" mp Bill was agreed to by the mh.u. + The, Boundary Bill was called by the liberals to EPM to contider the lrish =:n. The hall y;n crowded yor presided . . But it soon en that the majority of those + -.-..-l-;l-:.n, 22L NC 5010 1t ) ible to enter u i any lltp:::bjget duri n_grtfi(: pres. CABLE NEWS B 22ndâ€"In the Houso of evening, Lord Stanley exâ€" @ment in general with the : made ~ in their report by sommies{®n} but he said it rday evening last, at ;-'i‘finmca support of the new 20â€"â€"Queen Victoria roâ€" ~ Milan IV, was the inillitia of the [ The French (Governmient has givan the wife of Céen. Miranton, who was executed along withMaxzimilian, a pension of $1,200 ‘Eor aenunmt. The Austrian Government Has also peusioned her. . When Charles Dickens arrived home from America the farmers turned out on the road to his house to greet him jand the houses for miles on the way were dressed with flags, The village bellâ€"ringers rang a merry peal of welcome home again to | the greac author. - that < Does the dentist kiss you when be pulle your teeth, pa?‘ © No my son : why?‘ OMr, nothing, only he kissed ma, and she said it took the ache all away ; and I guess it did, tot she laughed all the waghome, The two young ladies recently arrasted | and put on trial, in Kalamazon, Mich., for: tailâ€"riding and otherwise maltreating two ! young men in that city, were sent to jail for] ane week. . ‘Beautiful yals‘ Cruel gussip says that Patti has no forâ€" tune. that her father owns everything, even bolding a mortgage on her wardrope, and that the Marquis De Caux will not marry the gold mine he thinks. A Connecticut congregation bas pasged a resolution that no voluntary pleces shail be aung by the choir unless the words shimil be intelligible to the andience, 4 A large bear has taken up his wematner Fesidence somewhere near the A ribm;r and Minto townline, whence he makes nightly raids upon the adjacent farms., . ‘ Numerous dirty individuls inRochester so far forgot themselves as to bathe in thy ganal within the city limits, whereat much indignation of the newspapers and a deâ€" tiand for spy<glasses. Disraoli, as well astGlaistono,must fight for his seat in the next Parliam»~* His opporent : will beCaptrin Lambert of‘the South Bucks Yeomanry The Viceroy of Egypt has suocéeded in barrowing $30,000,000 in England to pay his debts. He is under contract to borrow no more for five years â€" ___ Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkanaas, and other States ‘of the South are harvesting their wheat of good quality and antisfaot ory quantity, Smail pox must he exceedin aâ€" lent and of a very (atal type i:'yflm at present. _ No leas than eightoon fell a vicâ€" tim to it last week . ‘ tember . The Carleton County Aui'n,'d -fieb Whelan is to be tried for the murder of the Im|Nr. McGee, is fixed for the 2ud ofBepâ€" tambhar . r An eclipae of the sun will uhhu the 18th of August. It will be one of the most remarkable that has occurred for cem» turies, 5 A marriage Ilurua issued â€"by a magisâ€" Luh_huucnyo! nlhm:’hbun teturhed, endaysed ~She wogldn‘t have me.* + 4 ‘The lon, brisk everssen in Monâ€" toua is on’:‘:mmn in :I:ni in Helena is weight is 1,682 ouncys, nnd'h!dub": 31,000. * a Strathroy is to have a lock: an ’oxpense of $200â€"an mdimm ‘ $ the growing prosperity of the town, ‘ § hl'lo:“lhm Quimet mwmbun' ve resigned . in Dunkin and Chauvera have fgone to Ottawn. ‘When KingLouia was born,the grenadiers of his father‘s regiment shaved: off their moustaches to stuff the pillow of his oradie. A som of the Rev Dr " TribulationCumâ€" mings" is in hankruptey on nocount of colâ€" lege debts and, waiting a charge in priâ€" Mr. Carling is mentioned as Mr. Howâ€" land‘s successor in the event of the Intter‘s appointment as Lieut Governor. _ At a meeting of the Privy coarcil an or. der was pussed calting outâ€"the entire Volâ€" unteer force for battalion dril. Wada‘s Cabinet is orlied secondâ€"hand furniture. _ The vender can claim, however that it has never been used. The heat was 100 in the shade at Ot tawa on Thers day, and two deaths ocurred from sunstroke, An ususual number of fatal cases of eun stroke oceurred in various parts of the Province, during last week, The Sultan of Turkey is perfeeting plans to allow citizens of foreign birth to hold property, Umbrella manufacturers suy that the past season lias been the wost profitable in ma ny years. An Indianapolis Jndicfinod a man $5 and costs for juinping offâ€"the cars while in motion. were inade on the charge of drunkenâ€" ness, Paris anc. Guelph lacrossed on Monday the Guelph Club proving superior at the game. ‘Toronto, enjoyed a prize dog fight on Satunlay, at the island, for stakes of $50 a side‘ ’ The Australians speut over $320,000 in entertaining the Dute o Edinburg, The Detroit Board of ‘Frade has been diseussing the renewal o iprocity. Over a million dollar®is to be spent on the new Jewish Temple in New York. Young Alexander Dumas receives $80,â€" 000 from the legacy of the crazy Dider, Mr Anna E Gould, one of the compilers of ‘Hymu» of the Ages,‘ died in Boston. The fall wheat in the townships of Norâ€" manby and Carrick is.already headed out. In Chicago, last year, 14,798 were inade on the charge of di Montreal has an invasion of shoplifters from the United States. Three hundred New York babies have been namsd U S Grant, The only man not spoiled, by being lioâ€" nized was the Prophet Daniol. Pgince and Princess Salm Salm are in Switzerland, each writing a book, * A Young Woman‘s Christian Associaâ€" tion is contemplated in Cineinnati. 4 Hugo and Dumass have the mâ€" t ingee mes nigugon;%be auttiors 6&*6«1 Jns is week in London, _ _ _ _ Bismarck‘s income last year fout thousand dollars., There are now 17 hippophagos shops in Paris, Juarez is in cloverâ€"only two revolutions on his hands. > Princess Metternich has declared for short Jresses, ’ Ols Bull sailed for Europe. Dickens is summering in Kent. Gustave Dore is a millionaire, Hornce Greelsy has goue West. The Saratoga season is fairly open. Eugenie frowns upon short dreeses, Tus Jars are performing in Toronto. Sheridan Shook is worth ton mullions. Kit Carson‘s last words . wereâ€"Good bye‘ A revolving fortin New York harbor is proposed, s Dickens arrived home| The St Catharines rs are al nt efarmers turned out on Open to a discussion bz‘vf:en the blel.ecg- use to grest him ,and the | and moralists of the tow n, on ihe subject on_the way were dressed | of gambling, which seems to be one of the village bellâ€"ringers rang institutions of the place cither requiring welcome home again to | protection or suppression, according to thg * ‘arguimeuts of the geveral parties, dltisce(Caneous Jtems. , the gymnast, reccives $625 was thirtyâ€" _ Thiers said recently to an Englishman % that if another Danté should write another | ‘Inferno,‘ he had mo douwbt be would mer« ‘tion amorg the dreadfel penalties inflicted in thuthot place the reading of Scott‘s Life of Napaleou and Amoon'lnf{iswry ol Euâ€" _ In Connesticut, recently, a boy killed a spotted adder with a stick, and sootn after took that part of the stick which had come in contact with the snake in his hand. He was inrmediately seiged with severe patn i¢ the hard and arm, and his body began. to swell, and was covered with red and black apots, _ Whisky cured him, but it was a reâ€" markable case of poisoming. odds apponrze.ndvy. but we bet onr bottomn dollur on Se . _ He will either beat the REmperor of China‘s best or perish. A French actress, celebrated for her beauty &nd h__fimeq!hm for her intelligence and her virtue, was in the haâ€" bit of attributing her inconstancy to . her bad luck. ‘The moment I bercome really aitached to anybody,‘ she used to say, J am certain to bw introduced to svreebody else whom I Riy better.,‘ The Emperar aud Emptess of Kussiz will go this year to the waters of Kissingen and will there have an interview with the King of Bavarie, 1t is asserted that King Louis H. is about to be affianced to the Grand Duchess Maria Ajlexaodrina, daugh: ter of the Emperor and Empress of us O CC 20 P eA mt CFOT, HARTIOER will preside and that Jmines Ruisell Lowâ€" | flfi“ Governor Washburne, President of HMarvard â€"Oollege andothor prewiâ€" nent Republicans will be presont. n Sunday last fi.&:â€"'mo( Perley & Pattes, at Chnudiere, wu was entirely destraved by Gre, ‘The damage is estimaâ€" ted at .40.000â€"“!%00“0&] by insurâ€" ance. . ‘The mill was n 185@;had five water gates,and oawy for sawing sixteen million feet of luns during the season, A bout ninetv hands were employed, Secretary Soward has at length found a foeman worthy of bis stee} in the Emperor of China, who writes a fetter to ourGovern. ment covering twenty feet in length by two feet in width of ‘rowal parchmert â€" The odds Appoarze'-dvy. but we bet onr bottomn dollar on Se . _ He will either beat the Iudingmnblh- !fin-p 16 dinner an endorsement 0 &h« It in s preside and thn fl. ex Governor V ill, of Marvard Col over Suspention on Wodnesday last ’lo uncmmpmoltheir 'rymm- ber in registering their names at a hote! ad â€" ded the* word " * Femian." These three were immedialely arrested and placed in durance vile, biuuu Fu-uu-;-A nomber of ngyobhn in‘ Botan ;Qpnu to ive a 1c dinner to Benastor Fessenden ‘":londom.“d bis integrity and inâ€" z_!lndagt_a It is sthted that Gov. Rullock Bosasy, not relishing such familiarity, lifted her hoofs and laid tG'.v' ‘P"l'hng some ten feet off. t'n....lj.uji,,,’ * that shows one of her best traita;she‘ll never allow a strange ealf to come near her" +Greeny‘ meanwhile picked bimself up, and |. Srort or Two Caiycs.â€"Jim Srmth ,wunnouduwtionm. Ome day he was selling farm stock Among the articles to be sold was a heifer, very attractive in her appearance, and consequently â€" Jim dwelt quite extensively on her many exce}â€" lencies, winding up his m«n flourish that she was as © gontle as a dove.‘ Thereâ€" upon, a long, slab sided countryman, whose legs were some twelve inches longer than mg down 18 2 0 2 CC PPer e y before a gremt while, by the terrible Feni ana _ They‘re not afraidâ€"of course nowâ€" but somebody might be killed and that wouldl be «dem‘d unpleasant" for the Domin:omte on whom the fute of war might fall. We don‘t know what the inâ€" tentions of the Feminns are, nor whether the much talked about invasina wl 2ob _ him with wonder and ndmirn.ion.._];: says: One of the most rhning little ey | crtements here is the rivalry among the fair | brides in the way of dress. . Up to this date | the charming Mrs, Samuel L â€"â€", of Philadel])hu, Pa., who is stopping at the luternational Hotel, stands high above all | competitors. Her costuime takes up the |entire space of six large trunks, This lady has been stopping here for fiye or six days | and making numerous changes of dress |each day, yet she .has never appeared in public the second time in the same dress. ]Yeflerday she appeared in the drawingâ€" room in the most exquisite costume, which | was oomrond of a white satin dress with |a white long train, cut a la Pampadour Iand Lrimm:fwith the most e:Jnn-ive lacep 1cherry-¢olo~d cape, tmromed with white |ermine, which blended well and made a (nat and pretty contrast and of course noâ€" thing could be more showy or attractive, | Her harr was plainly Srewed nd ornatasnt | ed with a single diamond of great value, while her watchâ€"chain and other diamonds 'wen unexceptionably in keeping with the rest of her costume. . She is free from all uffectation and is -ckoowl«l‘,[pd to be one of the most sensible as well as prettiost brides that have been seen at Niagara Falls in many a year. _ Of course she is the ob werved of all observers, yet she seems not to realize this, so intent does her mind seem absorbed on the voyage of life ouwhichaheb-jntngo:.‘omzrw Her costume yesterday is represented to be worth spme three or four thousand dollars. The gossip and chit â€"chat ahout which the female world indulge in is almost overâ€" whelming. Favon a Barracn‘â€"The Detroit Ad vertiser says: Our Canadian neighbors are just now in a ferment concerning the ruâ€" mored intended invasion of their territory, §..g 0000 Oomeeus 4w 3 c Prevrr, sur Exrsxsive. â€"A .,,;_ spondent of a cotemporary Whiting . from Niagara Falls has seen what bas srch.. z_ %: ‘BIVE . â€" A correâ€" ary _ wiiting . from what has S:ricken admiration . H, iry among the fai.

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