4 0 0 D | T M s s \th c n d _X PM Lisnrauce Contpa‘y * * wâ€"â€"#gremcFâ€"asttrrt c c pitt 2N _ KROSEN,00ALOL ! mewnATs!! NEW GOODS ! . r i " t _ # & JAMES 1: it9GBAD‘ |_â€". 17 ("AN ces <rwW GOODS| coll . _ snaely mâ€".“.t."?!..fl!.'.!.':'.} ' l ‘ c *o _ § ( s( W tie ns Fawerre s it ban {liw s&“ Y ‘ £â€" Y _Am.:&mw&.‘?f 100 Wiggo Souls . Bd hi pour Ordure largs 6+ ()4; * TR N r WiQK Tongo %&x}"m.mmwm / ‘im iwo Conte. _ Buswore amd Wiskse. mnvmlu hand at the Ofee of ols 2 s the â€"NBVILLE â€"MANCRAQ PURINY #5 Y aat o» mew®d) dProivniniihdnat mbiilh obontmiert dhaw‘ o -v--:-- % T im T v.. T r\ ;.mm E 9' 1TU PP en fork ï¬'ï¬mi? ECPAETORTRY | ns gnne Mhove %ng ( m&‘ To { fm-bï¬mauur;u.n 4) .-.IJ.'IW * .Qï¬m}n ontaRto. . | Thdy." mm t0, 1868, Mgrï¬â€˜l biogly W userlosy Out« ) 84 53 eb dsd ao o ipaett KAMILTORI * 66 3 ‘1 ‘j +o w in L ‘% id 1 PI mene speaden i . tredaid oudIin fm.&t}- {p4 m mmm«u. *‘* _ NO DANCER! NO SMOXE } No 8meil! No Chimney ! PC -i- Lo ue Nedch mlfl:§ the ;rn_ .o Besesnes‘yit A #1% es 00 l m wia E_ & .lc‘hj HORFFM AN, R () . m‘ I g&hï¬ ~IPuigripg; March igthy1608; ; 1 ; 16967 / A 4 Axmecer nb hWlerand P84 and mris8ts ~ > ~ga, Dowt knn' I!A‘l‘wm‘n gu.sgti, V_“_“-}vu-h Cathe: .amin&-&#mï¬u’f en mumt oi t TV @Aa T n n s n ie %eo Balance on handâ€"from 1999. . Legisiaiive §thoo! grait.s.> Wuaisipal Asssssment. ... .. > Moueys from other sources . . . . Temchers for 1881..... ... B _;Ol'm &6 .« wnm.;? vuLu‘bt.‘ Ont. and Fluid, j ! ~BURNERS i '& WICKS®, ~ Hand Lamps, Signal Lights, JOHN SHUH, â€"o%~ _ MOBKS BPRINURR, Preaident c.mgfgf ratary. * , JBRRMIA “ï¬h f-m-' and Thonniet ALARK 338â€" Bisap at We the undersigned Munt Auditors of thant Monavs. RAYINE mm the abovt |i' nl: poy ";- * ThE wekklLy "tIMEs," Auaiaiuins# A0 enlummnes of reading matier, 16 The Waterloo County Mutual idns t Nliertond. Dsen, Ontatio. Ornvue Bowans, anven BiÂ¥tirtit, ,»aoH : t BCHOOL TREABURER, n0olil ;\ "90XnH =,»~ U Hualleg) March ) }> 1408 ) lblic a very urflu article, and is zoue nn \m#s will ba m ‘:\ suc¢égre. . A dlarge sum of mosey has buen uxndnl in the bon(rz‘ï¬:d_flmui lela, and in Lettery Patent hees, add ta Burope, a 10th, 1888. K. Mulloy. M. mm oatews thff aftoch ‘Touk wigudecel is mailedt to subsctibers at o oo the Municl iR i Mi.Q columnmes of reading im "Wa ‘proage vond i iaolf p leatn . oue: Jortthe vrl avail of a rard dpportunity of enhurges j wl AbW .M. 1881 ; the leagth of time st the . _ With Neyittier Burning mbe will stand a _ strongts |mdm and a¢ georous as. all the | ABAMBDRY DNDenart ent| ~E‘mi}The GROOERY Department o | cip mialy id “\\v.,,j‘.,.‘v. ‘ofw. nientdrints |Ipeh id\ alnd oo oiln of the. bpat and fargest Stocker of Goc Wmn'%:nat m moger s "'“‘“.&‘ cllaes °~mï¬h fbr m&nmlg NEBACEURINO | "ay an uns Above Uzodaiit BWY in uo "boiy Maticte for : CA8H) jnw Rimo it gqirst oo *33 31 122 08 21 68 P t W\ \p W. Fischer‘s Store "‘ UND“S‘O ‘ s * .‘:‘ JNIUTUAD IW C ME ; 5. in s aRshed s Pss e | 0 _ tocle of the followi"» vep WP remite M C 0 7’ s which will be sold cuBArsR THAN Evkt Henv&' Factory Cottons, Striped Shirtings; Bedt T Be; d'mg‘i Prints, Bloachqi{ï¬pmnl; JUmbrpl!l â€" *‘ Merinos, Bagging, lack Doeskins, &c¢ t t .54 3 ALSO A LARGE 1) Montreal, House ! B‘.fl. , Coe. 1100K at tho 10OIV ETA TCO C S y o1 \ e Cémflt &â€"German Prints 15¢ per yard. â€"18 _ yards Prints for 81. â€"51bs. Cofffe for $1. 5 > $0 Ibs. Currantg for $1.â€"10 Ib:;l};\iuins NE W c o Pure Drugs ï¬gnt‘%gdpgines, Eol ,,-Ohemicah‘,’Fo at and ?s{oy“ cles, ° ;2" pPprussos 4 mfl#id'er ®:aces, be } in :) PAWNTS, OILB, VARNISHES: D»Syrxmâ€"BUCUBFE‘E, ©0C., EC Lb ui dols0 PLRTCEE # 0 5 o+ t jA o * Denims, Tickingk, &c. \ o vvae --f'-\. dA * . "A t € LNG DAILY. i Ofine a e minef;&m. 'I‘Hricog will be fgt&:&d wer than any vef otfenï¬ JC‘,} &. * * 3 4 ,‘t 0 .yfl' {hlhn any y.; o-(fer& ue oo oi i k s _ 2 m ‘Droks GObods, ‘Woolen:â€" Goods 1 NORO am 1I iLXTIVY , 22X "_" l oeued o & Â¥" exy s fié Wwynite * Berlin, 10th March, 1868. , , ; rs, Tew®, Raisins, Currants, Ric bacco, Corn Mea‘!, Buckwhea! Barley, &o. Look at the folow n =~ gg pUL/DN all of" 4e Physieiana prosoription uts pymptly wmhended o. T & 1g4 KPDRO unnounce to the 1 w bowbed trul ts at a GRBEAT RBDUCTION from! 2 mfx%zr wHICY wikL h soLD YERY CHBAP. «44 oTroNn: Goo0oDs8 , Â¥ by c ' 4aAg of the best GROCERIES ! «CA for 81. â€"9 14 11 44p uie Me#1. 5y _ WILLIAM FISCHER. JOENCSHUH & Co. â€"=~=> Will be «old Cheapor thai for many yeares ~_ Fl&w; &o:. &o., or WHICY WiL BE SOLD VERY CHEAP. * oqtftoltsrssâ€" AT THE â€"_gte GOODS | * WATERLOO CHRONICLE o El chroniks, his | * TÂ¥ informa hie customers and Id yegy s@herge o5 o~ .c -.g?ww sobinbn ‘‘(JOHN BOND:, zri«¥4 } ( t# ® STORE, uks brosk of . that,shey hayy puechased the public as | dmss * & Cd." h and ah TIQE is hegaby gp !hu;.l‘n BATl: .... P 5 Noneu\ip I‘-:nuth‘m- .imi“ nl?&ren'!' f < ' wit, the, who ebeigited, a* aock@miths, &o . t in \heh\vi?\wa gLnn\'«»(h i hk this dwlan m’ M CS O CTF nona memsreal sansent. * AlI ‘ + rto THE STAB SHUTTLE $100 Sewing: Maching! NR _ | .a~r 280P nCt en ns m l 1# m.,tk obsighted, \l‘ in the m.;.. *mem’« been dissolved by mutnal debts owin s to the eard Pa be paid o Jns« Brash, eegemi ns ddige in ic P oount mamgh O N B: ,'i‘rhe whove Nlirn will he w\ned ag h.r(u'.ror:‘ m es ~ nechion wi a and Curr aron * J Affms BRA Linwood, March 2nd, 1868. ~ C the same \vill be M . Dated.at Murch A.D. 1868, PAPBNCRKLD, N.+ **"*~ 64 t & f l' 'PHE Star Shuttle Mxnï¬fno makes a c 4 alike on both sides. that will no Witneasâ€"A. Boom®s. dross U PO®E J. R. SPAFFORD, Box 450. Ruferencey1. B. Kumorx®, _ Toronto. Woest Maawose, Onturio. ‘ Elora, Aug. 24th, 1867, WE conaidee the 8tar Shuttie Muchine to be the Best cheap fam{ily Bewing Machine, with which w» are nequninted, it mukes the geuulioe vLock Stitch," @MAW TENWICK rrd%) Moarohinat Pailora, Dissolution of Partnerihip | EXTENSIVE SALE In necount January 1, 1864. * DR. To Balance °n-'Â¥""‘ from 1800 t _ en Puxed, qsu i l on Taxes, 1807 .. C. A. Campbell, for Rent. .. John Ho@mayy FPlae#i.s. ... J. Daniels, Btlllard License, Legisintive School Grant . .. Ulug{ Reseeve Giant: e .. John Ho#nan, for w608 . . .. inst ces w Th o+ v,f BornKAN .0 50 +>~~~~ 0/ G., \ A I v,..,.«..,mu.oim, eW : o (605) We hareby certify that we have anudited the Ahofl,uc’unu, and have found the samie gors sikt? Câ€" 4. w6t, ~ * N a 25 Bs Waterloo, Feb, 6, 1868. _ *" The above is a true and correet ‘Abatract of the Treadurer‘s account for the your 186/; _ t P SAAC E. DOWiHH, it with the Munioipatity of the Idvabs! t with the Munieipality of the J h.'mo:rn Woolwieh, l‘sr tho‘ year ending S1st "Pald an acdount 6t roadi & bridges w 0.R Interest to Bchoolss »,1¢ 4 Bpecial School TM®...}y}c«¥» 1 it Ofleurd BalAPI®®. c vv es se saas To Cash ou h.‘u.nh}y 1. 1867 "â€"GOash froms Ravern Liconse, ... UL.f 2 & Cesa t Ed ,dlo r’ï¬:‘l!omu {nvestmeht abcount ned to Jacot Dhgloh....ï¬ Lodired to Bohool Bection No. 6 ... Invested in Gov. Debentures....>s Wote n:tma of the above Cash on hand is Ol\\rJy PÂ¥e mowey, §1800 of whiich has to« cently been invested in : Canada â€" Dominion dttek, so that the baiance of Township Punds dh "haud is orly about $1200 instead of gaat8 aÂ¥ shown albéve. P ; Certifiod to be correct. f PAIN PAINT. ‘éiiu h'o'nT ll'u;p License. . ... Cush from O R. Fundiy.... Cash from: O. R., Anterest. ... c\ TREASURER, at gl!\cmsiflulu. Booooe l: i n\ @ML8 ) a a e 4s ++ it douy} .‘T.".‘S,“? 3i v ol v| ~18AA0 E. HOWMAN, t Townahip Olerk, Wootwich, March 40, 1868 . 1 j |e‘-i aly \i‘o\ob\'ni]hn. &e . ipe ï¬'hlm\'m’« , hi« this dnvl Ived by mutnal conaent. wl\ ; to the savl Partnership are to | Jaume« Brash. and all «inims / p awicsRoaurtt ip are to be pre e Y{Jnn tush, by whom vill llk« t 0 aecond day pf,; ). 18068, s 4 JAMES BBASH, HUOGH FLANLEY, ; 1 ang 'lqo,‘ for the vear 'qul < Raine in the Side o# ow »»an«>.! Breast, and mll dies : ! © t ensea sauaed by cor tanl â€" Retscor Expo. | , Ooues 1/ ‘ *o be had It W1}°Dhiggiste in the said 4t Cash on hand Treasurer. ; | ol with the Municipulity of Water | â€" Manheim. Mnrch 5th, Kleah, Butain®.. . Aoet ip ie Por Rains. in ~tz_o’ &_idq t 00 JACKSON‘8 qflfl wl w agl a 887 ....... t RAN EL i a 6 s +s Ti k se r l .k a+ Llcenso. css CAE . s ces Mify k es 600 .. lallls. Shfl) JAMES BRASH. . 1868. © 634 â€"3t . that will not mp e of work cq\mw( g!\f‘\l;tmine,’lum'i a #~ epy Tullor, |_ Mr. J%. Spafs ‘od Gen ~YA) Asent MPOR cJ sv sls a oys sad ay tpHE mbocrfber'oï¬â€˜ers to dispo«e® of 1 _ mecond day pf 1 peivate |gp ec hy I‘olqum,;g vuhubtz 8 BBASH. 'I‘"’P""h ‘f'&â€" derkn Dt chand 8 ay ; Lot 15 on 7 Con»» Arran, 94 acres. ear title PELANLEY, i{:\?%"'fl‘ Con.b."'do..‘lg’f),{l‘u.“ do, 7. B. Ammitje! ) Den r bes wiltl be 08 Lo §, A. _ ." * 100 Cleir%eod. mnection with my | Loy 31, 13 Obn,, Btucé, §00 â€" Clear Deed. fl’gs BRASH Lot 1, 12. Com, _8 100 for Transfer, MES BRASH: _ [Lot 92, 7 Bidersly 100 per Transfer. R. Money Jent ....8% 810 86 ilg. 1140 0T v.... 3544 00 & bridgos $3404,00 s inf ca m | ofer» to ael] by private, 4 h al E undersigned offer» to ae}| by pr “"i oï¬'T*z.:. hll:uï¬llnntmium. I!Wl\lud o:a 6s 488 85| linif uâ€"mile Eaxt of Bex!in, . It 4s one of t e d. 184 "“mm benutifully ang oonveniently «itunte .+ 18 00 farms in the _cvunty. . The h““""‘ï¬' .+ 100â€"00/ preburds, water, are equal to any in this, «»+ 89 00| part of the country, ‘Turma,remsonable. ... 0 35.090| . ul io! APOY!S © w MOYER, ks _ 40 00‘ is Deanri®to®. VND FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Ich . . . $ 0t5.00 HlaURR goact 90 «titch . c§1018. A8 .. 0 815,.00 i. 180.00 .. 25329,30 S0 B8t1 19 8 10 18 00| 108 00 183 61 10 56| -‘““mu go8u1 90 g13885. 11 aay csmm gibsed.*1 @oeis. to B328.00 35100‘ 2790 . 00, 010. 80 240. 41 ma.oo 1200.00 4018 .30 211. 1200 .00 2100100 1648. 10 iLot ‘J, 182 Com, _¢ 100 for Eransiet, (Lot 42, 7 Bidersly 100 per Transfer. Lot 38, 7 & 100 _ © 6 | Lot 27, B, *) .300 + #5, _ * ‘Lot 9, 3. Saugeen _ 0. <¢ Clear Deed. Lot 4, 2 _ * 100 _ Clear Deed, Lot 14. 2. Keppel _ 100 _ Clemp Deed. Lo 20, 7. Suugeen 120' Clear Deed. Excellent Bargains are Offered. gervant (Girl Wanisd. 8 + )A JRA aod conptaat onployment Goh?va Ye:‘,eom."h funiily . Amy at the offlice of this (+ Waierioo, Rab., sri 1866 00â€" â€"FARM FOR SALE i TIIE undevsignod offirs for gale b'y private, | a yaluable. farm in the T‘p of Poel, it \ is the Arat fatm at the South West Corner, and contains 88 aeres, Bhould the purchaeer wish some addittonal timberod lqid, he would dis« | pose ofsoime in the Township of Woolwich near by. Terms reasonable, to be ascertained | by applontion ‘to the Pro(;riowr. 3 . JONAs WENGER. | _ Woolich, Feb. 10th 1868, â€"â€"3m06. Lost or Misigid. AN ORDER , from Meests E. & 8. 8. Snider, for 1000 Ibe. flour, 250 Tbs bran, ind 50 lba shorts, hne been lost or misluid. The pablic are enutioned against buying ho same, as peyment on it is stopped. i FARM FOR SALE. Applientions are to be sent (if by letter ‘Oll'pfllid)) 10 j © A, P, STAFFORD,, +4 i) ; Normanton P. 0., _ PART ELGIN. Port Elgin, Jan AB!. thode indebred to the Eatate of the l@tw Jicob Ho#man, either by Noge or Booin@e@uBtexrejrequestedto pay up im« imnesiately. flwpa neglecting to nttend to this Notice, will only ‘have thamsglves to blame for costs. * ble sha se esnt PAAA A sb oo s § * _ .Proprietor q? the % OTPAWA CANCER: INFIRMARY, O‘tt:;“\"vnt-\u,mCi;rvmda West, o ns NTE CY , P ugus P og us se io duls t By, u New, hnt Cuetain, Spood!.nnd ndtre ly Puin\gess mwns-.m 20. Worn owr vhe lUll ppur Kanes. ,Tm(‘. eure will ba guarnntead.and as a "Aproot af this, 16 "“!l;" required, until the eure is coniplete. he mninent a,cans, ger ie gl‘l'nodï¬â€˜dwd, 1}' should be cured, ne,it; Wwilt adet léad ‘nlid ts radre wpeedily cured‘ the eure is coniplete, | 1 Ne moiMeilt &D M00; ger ie gl‘l'-éo‘ï¬fmd, 1}' should be cured, ns,it; wilt osat l6ad ‘nlid In" radre wpeedily cuged‘ than when of lb«mnr?amlfn?.»nd there le mothing to f'\"’ and suerything to lome by ;lnh‘v. w huyt now irerticn haeothurs hrtopâ€" ‘n’l hy {mut ‘veck, ays lid or. dleewhera, pr an xl‘\ur! of Hore" ob #B@!lipomuy! in aâ€" "vl‘p‘wal 3?‘ E%wi:"se:‘?‘:« A hedloun.,l#.in $ aeneg» l geâ€" ‘Suhud.lml'uraflm.‘l can bo%ea_,,m pnrtL-,o 444 RV v ! 5t * WM. MOYER, A 3 Proprietor. Betlin, Jan, 7th, 1808.. .0 626 e ie e t n i anban quiredyrefurences can be given, io purtice who have been cured muny !N\rn since. wril who ae no w sound and h nllhy.. ‘o'\“!l Nerlin, Jnn! 16th, 1868 NOTICE FO PAY UP. money requiretFIw aAdvanc he‘dnre i« mm?h-l,c‘ 1 Oituwa, Dee:I8th, 1867 ALL am...‘Jm_v,bI: to the undersigned, vither by Note or Bdéok Avcount. nre vequested to puy up at 6ney and wive requeated wouble. ALL those indabtea to the undersizned ‘ fot ‘Medioal attenannee mre. requested to payhip before the 14th wnst., ln?I wav e conta, a« All nabounte left unsaitled on that day will be biundud over for collestion,. 1. 9. DOUGL ASS$, M. D. Waterloo, March 4th) 1868. t34â€"2 PUBLIC SALE:! Real Estate, TH’IRE will ba sold b "L on the premises of "b on the premises o wear Bertin, on _ ~â€" Good Frame House and a large Frame Barn, 21 Acresof Land 31 nores of Orchiard of the choiceat fruit, r’zoyet-h\llm{ Sprineg: in the house and Barn, also a beautiful Spring“Cnuk in hob aho i P t L 8 \/, . MQR‘&INGBTAR. Waterloo, March 4th,‘ 1868. 684 Mn CE o CC i a use i I Ploughs, 1. Lumber_Wa . 9 Puggins 1 Cu‘#gn. a lot .ffl?‘m w‘nmn% Tuornip Drill, Shusage Machines, i Parlor Btoves, and a variety of other art oles tao niumesous to mention. | ; iSale to conmmence at 10 o‘cleck, A. M. Tella#!â€"All sume: of $5 and uncder cash, over tbat amovint oredit till the ist day of JX r{.l“?. â€" i i erma of Land maade knowi on the , of sate. _ A > «. § K.; MHCK, C f * Proprietor, PA Y sec4 AY ifvabce, SpurkaStreet and Murin Streét, Gre hm c w 0P a w s#s #M ua» Betlly, Mateh: 5th, 1865. -lï¬.;F\‘!lhflhz\; cleared, with a r. wWood., _ N“P"K*YLtP- -a:.â€"?;l:ow\ï¬k property, vis : and UTENSILS. Auhk ‘becomeo h hedious;, dis» hï¬hflï¬â€œg}ffl-mup, l[{e-‘ anoes can be given., io pnrtice en cured mauny yerare since, 22.\d) LC 1SAA0 HOFFMANy AT JAUCOB LERGEY. 5th. 18¢8. â€"â€" 2in ge9ra. _ Bruce County‘ "09 . 629 | # Pubilc Avetion, the undersigned, unawdred, No ; and honwcuntil Agout: C2B â€"3 AtA he properâ€" Btock, 681 â€" 1868, h_d;an;o;u;qaâ€"B§ the British American Sewing Mahine Co,, at PARIS, ONTARIO. / y__I* BARCLAY® SEWING MACHINE THE undersigned has been appointed® (Feneral Agent tor Waterloo County, for the Sule o these celebrated Sewing Machines, and takes great plemsure in rocconendlpg them to all Parties needing Sewing Magbines. They are constracted on entirely new principle of Mechanâ€" ism, possessing many rareand vaiuable ( rrovements. Having been exaniined by the most proâ€" found experts, and pronounced to be slm':}lcï¬y wad perfection combined, they have no equal as a family or manufacturing Machine, warrantad to never have fits, does its work alike each day . We make strong assertions which we are ;\tepared to substaunciate in every particular » 1. Its simplicity and great range of work. 2. Its making the Lock or Shuttle Stitch. 3. The selfâ€"feed raotion operated by simply letiing down the foot presanve when it will feed tselfenabling the operator to run the work from s{ght to YeR and is perfectly sustaining to the end ot the Seam. 4. Tue perfeot finish and substantial manner in which (be Mactme ts niwcde. 8.‘ The rapidity ofits working and the quality of the wor‘s done» ® 6. Ith sewing with the finest cotten down to the coarsest hocae mtde linen thremd, and will sew ou every description of material, from leather down to the fnest MusFin, rums we stoooth as glass, and is givingentire satisfaction wherever used. _ Believg,not what the Agents or friends of o;h»lrf muchines inay say, but see the BARCLAY before pnhhuln( any other ard judge for yourself, MSED®: * 0 snue aemwess ohon ao omenar L# Gimsclce (Atathlers. %ein Street, Vinunlnece Apply to MOSES BEJKMTRL, Blatr ?. 0., or to N. & R oJ. Witwas, ol atalers Galt,. Jous Ruysnaw, Pustmaster, Biair. _ J. K. Fxiox, Berlin. TrHoxas Tuw woremsc=>â€"â€" Witerlen: A. 7 Derwicen, Eimira. . D. Sxity, Hamburg. 4 IJ* Sample Muchines to be seen at ench of these places and instructions given BLAIMap. 11th, 18¢7. > <hOlesale «& Retail Dealers IN Simpson & Aldous ! |m‘\‘o a * pm.‘h(‘ W on hand and made to order. furnished when required. sSAWING,. PL duone to BERLIN, June the 10th, 1867. Perfection reached e Embodied in the new and popular Worth of Dry Goods NO HUMBUG! sTOck OF DKkY GOOBS ! . _ AND READY MADE CLOTHING THE Subscribers would respectfully in« Form {‘halt friends‘ and the public in genetal, that they are now manufactaring, at Eimira, ail kinds of Agricaltural Impleâ€" ments, such as THRASHING MACHINES ! EuOCV ‘av atimtis Foundry ! SPREEL rnnd ~CASTâ€"IRON ,PLOUGHS, GQultiwrtom, . Drag Baws, Btraw Cotters, ..-\ “b They would.co!! the attention of the pub= tis to their _ lonlsred | Belfâ€"Regulating "@raih Beparétot 1 ePb 28 uoobnuvrh PITT‘3 Aud niseq to their 1M BurBNT "Hosks " e C C o i ho tiPr mC And niep to theip IMPROVED PUTT3 PATBENT , Hosky â€" PowWB»." STREL Ploughs, &0,, &c.. All of ~whien are ka?row haud, or will be furniihed at short notice. The( Would also take this spportunity of ifform[{ng the ‘ putbtic. ‘that they hvy‘m obtmpleted their new MOULDING SHOP, wnd urenow prepared o furnish all. kinds of Qastings to such as may favour them with a eall. _ All kings ol repa‘ring done wnd wrenow prepared so furnish all.Kings of Qastings to such as may favour them with a eall. _ All kinds ol‘ repairing done promptly. | They trust with atrict atten« tion to businese, they Wl teceive a good share of public pa tronnife. A. %. DETWILER & CO. Eimira, Aug. 30th, 1867. 603)â€" Pomps & Pipes Rerlin, February 12th, 1868. HOUSE & LOT "l\AE uudersigned offer« to sell by private A raie, the House aug Lot lately occopied by the.late ‘Titus Schiachter, situated 24 iniles , North troin Waterloo, on the road leading. to OenestOro. There are upon the place a GOOD I[OUSE & BARN and atso a neverfailing . well, . @wome young Fruit Trees, rnd g< ®tolUmizeme /if hy latter Drepal _ Kor Terms (if by letter prepa loo P .0.) apply to the. unde! ministrito?s Waterloo Townehip, Just Received and for sale cheap at the Water|oo Store, direct from the makers, S'msile and double Cut Mill Saw Files, Flat, half round and Sinoth Files, Taper Saw Files, single & double fiuc® cut. #ain (eAletTtheir old stand where they continue to aupply the trade and the genera wich every thing in their line on reasonable TERMS. Just Received at the Watorlo® Store, u large lot of Carriage Trimmings | ooass® 22.‘ & Enameled Muslin, Drel Duch, and â€" ttidian Rubber Cloth, Patert Dash Lenther, Lace, Whip Sockets and Holders, Curtain Light Hooks and Rings, Pin Head« ed, Bmar and Ivory Lining, Jupand aad Silver Limeg Noils, Cut Tacks, Lmece "â€". Taoke, &c. JOHN MeDOUG ALL Just Received at the Hard ware Storg, Waterloo, airect from England, & large eupply of _ S;;rirng and Blister Steel, Tol Traces, Halter and Chains. ‘ JOHN MeDOUGALL CAST SLEGH $HOES. wE WILL DO ALL WE PROMISE! at the w-:ufl_ao:tvind many of them below Cost. / A1fthg 8TOCK MUSI BE OLEARED OUT by March: > d A. T B AÂ¥. BR G AIN & The Subscriber is now selling out his Macitrales Sm ies 1 idns c ol OR SALE. ELMILHRA T U R N IT U R B To be sold at or under COST PRICE: given. will be JOHN MeDOUGALL §SAl done to order on the shortest Notice. PLANING & TURNING, ing well, ns well as ees, n nd good garden. tter prepaid to Waterâ€" the. undersigned, Adâ€" $10,000 MUEI, WEBER, Manufacturers of, and Lo COFFINS mude to order and a aplendid EHEARSE _ near the place. , {6, 1861. 620â€"4 One call will convicece you that Hardwate For sale cheaper than ever at the Waterioo Haraware Store, heat refined B URNING OIL, by the pint or the thousand Batrele. Cayâ€" ing been appointed Agent by one of the .Iu":ot Refineries in the country 1 cau offer Oil here @ London prices. ve Saw Logs any KFor which the undersigned â€" Market p;iec, part in &b. ~ M.W Vnmloo, Nov. 12. 1867. MERCHANT‘S BANK 'l‘HE Merchants‘ Bank is now prepared to i@sue Drafts, receive Deposits, and graut Interest Receipts, at the office of the Commercial Bank in Berlin. ROBT. N. ROGERS, Just Received at the Table &P ocket Cutlery, Brittania, Nichol and Silverâ€"plated Ten and Table Spoons, German Silver Nicho! and Plated Forks. Scissors, Butcher Knites, Putty and Pallet Knives. â€" JOHN MoDOUGA LL Received and for sale at the Waterloo Hard wure Store, a splendi lot of Particular attention is invited to PARK and cheapest Mill ever made. . Just Received and for sale at ;)r?câ€"eâ€"l which will dety competition, a large supply of _ _ House & Builders Hardware, Looke, Hinges, Screws. Butts, Fimehing | Nail Brade, Blind Hinges, | Btackets, | Stroves Tong. Hat and Cap Hooks, Wourdâ€"| robe Hooks. Hooks und Ey«s. Door Latchs | BOOK STORE! Berlin, Jan. 25th, 1868. THE undersigned has just received an asâ€" | sortment of Eng. & Ger. large Family Bibles, also German Picture Bibles, Eng. & , Ger. hand or pooket Bibles, Eng. & Ger. Tesâ€" taments, Psaims, Prayer books, Stark‘s hand | book, Bnckn?r'lI concordance Eng. & Ger., Real Esmte, Fa Stock Grammars, Dictionaries, also the New Series of Eng. School re:den,’nnd all kinds of Eng. | UTE Ns\' Ls’ & Ger. School books and stationaries, variety If\’ the Village of Waterlon, heing of Posts, Aibums, Picturies, History looking posed of parts of Leta Ne#. 13 glasses, Perfumeries, variety of faucy goods Township Lots, coutaining 61 acres coffee and Spice Mills. ifRinke SMiihibubdul bininiitdit Prati¢iil auietintd hn adinkdiheint Adilh . & Ger. School books and stationaries, variety I.\' the Village of Waterlon, heing of Posts, Aibums, Picturies, History looking posed of parts of Leta Ne#. 13 am glasses, Perfumeries, variety of faucy goods . Township Lots, coutaining 61 acres. &e., _ For information a« to ‘Title, appt 3" TERMS CASH OR COUNTY PRODUCE. | Dumel Snycor. Waterlon Village. J. C. HUNSICKER. | 1JA NIEL sX YDEF Berlin, Feb. 1, 1868. Canadian Block. B@rlin. W anted! . H. G. KNOWLES. BERLILN. ONTARIO it the W.‘rloo Store, a fine ussortmeut of Q|athiers, Main Street, was Tirr, Greenbush, urg. _ J. Bowss, Blom, ons given ‘ree of ehnt ge. 6t6â€"3mthe. JOHN MeDOUG ALLL JOHN MeDOUGa LL* (Jgrriage & Tire Bolts, Bo igned will pay highest Cash: *Ws ~ M; WEGEN A8T.â€" , last Butts, ll'iniahim'g 594â€" 631 Agent. 62) â€" 6t 616: CALICO PRIRITNG. THE undersizned reepectfully . notiy: this Public that they have opened a DYEING «& COTTOF Printing Establishment, â€" A NEW BUSENESS ! :‘pml lhoEl.m-pean plan, : the Farm of enry B.Euy.one mile exet j the I{nd whoomin;dnh. Am Abel| is a professional dyer who learned his trade in Rarope, we can ¢o al kinds ef Clothes, tmde in Rnrope, we can ¢a h kinds of DYEING & PRINTING Cotton coode f:o:;\:;«';-;i'n colours have faded or whirck huve hecome soiled can be restored :o their primitive beauty. We aleo uz.flfl to OR FABRICS with rapetity. _ We sha‘l hare wome of the blue culico ready for sile it a few weeks. 00000 Aintk te merit is support PEWw mRNUS By gond, durable and handsome worl we expent to astinfy the public, and expe¢t Nos. 304, 305. 306, 307 and 308 of Ho#fâ€" maun‘« Survey, Berlin, fronting King Street. â€" For particulare upw{‘to P.E. W. MOYER, S pleasant, agreâ€"able, and flnï¬l‘ pree T paration is ap indispensible article for the Cmm ie den t dp SCsAE LE ALS uï¬let"- 1t dleanses the scalpyrenders the hair of a darker appearanee, is oufl;h apyplied, and will notstain the fincst linen. Those vsing the Empire Hair (Foss will find that it renders the harsbest and coarsest bair, soft, glossy, ... and beautiful, disposing it to stay in anyâ€"posi~ tion in which it is placed. 1t prevents the bair from falling out, invighrates and “s‘b. it, and oh“::slm“;l' .:p“' m:;h hatr it y 1 where it has alrendy diasppeared by inbigeratâ€" R. | â€" DANIEL sN YDC §30â€" _ Warertoo, Feb. 10th, 1868. 631« ing and mwnlg ho dchnried Aifcrr tb db strg« 4 blood vessels, and roofs of the â€"hair, Price 3& cents. 8. J. Foss & Co., pronrictors and sole Cenues Td k C O CE CA ies mapufacturers, Shafbfog!n, “Pmb!o'd Que» eRueete t 2 Cu. t bec. Henty, Simpson & Co., Montreal, Lymans, Elliot :30.. Toronto, Wb'oh-h Agents. January 1st, 1868. * _ 06â€" A. SCHOLARSHIP ‘for . the _ frFish American Comme rc?l Caliegg, Torom to. Appiyat the office of this paper . Munt‘s Empire Hair Gloss, Bridgeport, May 29th K curg of Rheumatism, Spraing, Braisss, Burns, Frost Bites, Lame In:‘:-. Limbe or Stomach, Oramp, Numbsessy of Limbe, @welling of Soints, Sudden Colde, DVipthoring Sore Throat. n jACcOW‘S RHEUMATIC LIQUID Has been before the public for apwards of iwenty years and such ars Tts ferits that it io now justly considered as ‘an Imdispensible artiâ€" cle iu every family where Iltil .{fl. , 1 ) .4 5 8 id Autoemibt Acrade se It bas never bees, forced on the public attenâ€" tion by faming advertisements of. remarkable cures that never had any exitence, but Im own peeuliar value as an usfaifing n-};. it has worked its way into puhltg favor . Haying a wonderful effect w taken inter» mnally, in quick.n‘lzf tue «irculation of the blood, it is invaluable to persons predisposed to Paraiysis, or subject to heart discase. 18n cases of Dyspepgin, where food distresses, LJ affords prompt relief, and continaed for a short time, gets everything . ri!‘b‘l_ P ho :ustom Dgcing Curonicuke Waterloo. Nov. 20, 1867. wme, yeH PE NCE N6 0 ‘The n-d’m medicise is blown in cach bottle of the gennine, ard the purposes for which it is intended, as well as the mode of using, attached. 0 V U on n c en chikc css Wenalnorth Jacob‘s Rheumatio Liquid. WBlngpy ReRTSTECY Ho Simpson & Co. , Montreal, W oolesale Ap:'::,"u Foss & Co., Sherbreoke, P. Q«, Bole Proprictor. 1 suvedish Iroi Just Received and for, sale cheap. One hundred Tons of Soot 8TAFFURDSMbHRE and ~â€"â€" at the Wate:ido Hardware Store. : . JOHN MeDOUGALAL Received and for sale at t Waterloo Hardware Store, a very fine i sorment of COFFIN TRIMMIN Jast receiveo at the Waterioo Hardwa Store, direct from the magpufacturers, Horse Nails, Stocks and Round and Square FILKI JORN MeDOUGALL Just received at the Waterl Hardware Sto:e. direct from the mine , Axle cnp:,'smfl Nhackles, Petliow P | Sinmp joints, Turned Collars, niated | Rod«. Shaft Nockets, Whific Tree B | Top Props. For sale cheap. | JOHXN MceDOUG A 1 January, 1868. BLOSBURG COA Just Teseived and fer sale cheap at Waterloo Biurdwure Store, a laree nnd autiful assortmenst of varying in prices from 12fote, to six veoll Paper and Glaxs Shades, Wic Burners, Lanterns, Chimney all sizes. Flat, Flint nnd common (Gh {[Y* Genural Storekecpers furnished ow «s any House in Cansuda. Just received at the Waterl -'Fc;;;'b ‘l:)i"o;â€";-,’pomiu from the Stocks, Horse Ka»pa, fat and talf round, R the immediate relief and permanent FOR SALE CHEAP. apon differen 1IL, A. M P 8. ffurdwire Store, a large Stock of FOR SALE. in all cvuloure, LINEN Shawls, &o, of the very finest AND HENRY B. EBY, HERMANX ABEL, x O N &8 JOHN McDOUGALL. JOHN NeDOUGA