4 ToX hmâ€" _ INBANISN SAIINOCIIUG, LPLUONAM MEMEZ EM M M W t i3 c mndo sizes 28 to 85. 2. â€" BIG BOYS‘ DOUBLE BREASTED ULSTERS $10.00 sdotg Ey Saturday for . R§ â€"_ _ Fancy Tweed ï¬?}‘ Â¥ ;K Te 1 $32.50 MEN‘S SUITS FOR $19.80. _ \An offering of quality garments that‘ll fill â€" amt with eager buyers, smart and stylish fa g’“Tweedl, Brown, Grey and Navy Blue, Reg: * Reo 5o. Special at .........00>~>>~~~~~~~~~*‘ $*~ $25 MEN‘S OVERCOATS $15.00 \ * _These are odd lines and assorted styles only one to three Coats of a line among our best sellersâ€"but we are determined «_ to make a clean sweep Saturday. Regular $22.50 to $25, Saturday Will Be a Busy Day in Dur 28th Anniversary Sale Boys‘ Junior Suits, ages 3 to 7, Thursday for.... $3 .50 BOYS‘ JUNIOR OVERCOATS, $4.95, $6.50, $7.50, $9.50 Chinchillas, Whitneys Brush Cloths, Tweeds and Cheviots, very smart styles in a big variety, sizes to fit ages 2 to 8 These Coats are made from strong wearing Canadian Tweeds all Wool lined throughout. Have belts all around, sizes 27 to 88. Much below present cost. SHIRTS inlomstndinnh e A â€"sensational feature will be when you see the fine quality and: smart pattern of these shirts. We‘re prepared with dozens of them but seldom have enoughâ€"they‘re better looking than usual, the patterns are neater. Be early, . that‘s all '?E‘é are the smartest styles of the season, real noble built manish garments, Brown, Grey and Fancy Mixtures, belt all FOR ....srscccrakkk®kk 0 CC 0 C Dainty Cords and Fine Percales, dark and light patterns. Qualities that won‘t last long at. $1.95 MEN‘S PULLâ€"OVERS AND sWEATER COATS. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS You don‘t buy a Sweater every | day in the year, so It‘s true econâ€"| emy to be sure you buy a |wutor’ which will give you long and satâ€" . isfactory wear. That‘s the only kind we have. Here are some of the prices for you to choose from. $4,00 Sweater, price ... ‘ cut to 51'95 §4.00 Sweater price .... cut to $2'95 §6.00 Sweater, price ... ) Sweater, $3.95 * 3 * ME 20 BILK NECKWEAR 65c. Men‘s Silk Neckwear, hand tailâ€" ored from excellent quality Siik in a wonderful collection of color comâ€" binations. . Reg. $1.50, Sale 65‘. Fancy Tweed and Worsted Suits, values to $18.00, Saturday o1A A Men‘s . Elastic Underwear. All s Shoes and Slippers â€"â€"â€" Prices Sacrificed Ladies‘ _ Felt _ Slippers, Ribbon trimmed, all colors, also Kid Slipâ€" pers, with 8ilk Pompoms, all colors. Regular $1.50. Saturday .. 89¢ Ladies‘ Black Satin, newest designs, Cuban Ladies‘ Patent Dresa Oxfords, all Patent, Cuban heel, very special at MEN‘S $2.50 UNION sUITS. A lot of Ladies‘ High Cut Shoes, regular up to $10.00. Special to ie e Men‘s SHIRTS MEN‘S FINE " SANTA CLAUS at earty Christmas Gregtff_fl_ $18 AND $20 BOYS‘ OVERCOATS $13.50 NS T‘ S aring Tweed Suits, sizes FOL L.iz sys s run sae sike sale W aterloo C All sizes. Sale Rib combination ality garments that‘ll fill our Suit Deâ€" uyers, smart and stylish fancy Worsteds Grey and Navy Blue, Regular sf2"1-50 to FOR THE BOYS. $1.19 $1.95 $4.95 one strap, Heel, specâ€" $1.95 $1.95) $5.00 $2.95 â€"~~~~~~~~~~~~~â€" $10.00 MEN‘S FURNISHINGS AND WORK Goops. Drawers, natural shades, Special to | clear, single garment at 98c‘ Men‘s Fleece lined Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, per garâ€" ment. Sale price ........ 790 Men‘s allâ€"Wool Scotch Knit Shirt and Drawers, reg. $2.50, Sale price BIG HOSE BARGAINS, SPECâ€" IALLY REDUCED. Canada‘s Best 40c. Rib Socks, splendid weave 25‘. Kitchener‘s *8ocks. _ Sale Penman‘s _ 35¢. Merino Socks, Sale price ...... > Underwear For Every Man. $‘.50 Men‘s Elastic Knit Shirt and 60c, iBlack Sale Price . MEN‘S STYLISH GLOVES. At less than makers prices. Men‘s $2.50 Kid Gloves, fur lined. Specia! Men‘s Grey Suede Gioves, Reg. $3.00. Sale Price 3195 U sale price MEN‘8 WOOL GLOVES. $1.00 Men‘s Wool Gloves 5 $2.00 Men‘s Wool...... Gloves at.. .... 51‘ $2.50 Men‘s Wool ...... Gloves at $1 Men‘s Felt Slippers, warm Slippers, in Oxford, Gray anc special at 2....00.000~+ s Leather Slippers, Black or Brown, padded soles, Everett styles, Very Special mt .....0.0}>>~~+ S‘ qs Special Lot of styles, not glear .....// Boys‘ Shoes, in Box Calf and Gunmetal, in .a good stylish shape, solid leather throughout, alzes 1 to 8, to clear .....0>â€" gg Aq "WHERE THE | GOOD CLOTHES COME FROM* 83, 34 and 85 to go aklk k k k uk ath is best 75c. Cashmere price 50c > ~~~$1.50 High Shoes, variety all sizes, special to unity Christmas Tree, Waterloo Boys‘ Band will Pla BIBUTE 1500 STOCKINGS | :>* V Wool $1.49 $1.49 $1.95 and black, $1.49 $1.98 25¢ 25¢ $2.98 L.w h 7 SPECâ€" hold! y' seas Socks, \ Chri offer 25€ un m w Tihy $3.49 Abc | o Who‘s Who and What‘s What. ‘The northern cold cap has ntudl down over Western Ontario toâ€"night, andtheurohotlcrmmwbo‘ wandering across Waterloo County somewhere. The Christmas Festival in Bt. Jame‘s Lutheran church will be held lon Friday night mext, at 7 p. m. Come and enjoy and revive the meâ€" tuories of byâ€"gone days. three citizens who figured in the motor accident on the highway on Saturday evening escaped so luckily practically without injury. _ The Calvary church people are holding their p;omm for the festal season this year on the night before Christmas, Sunday at 7.30 p. m. The offering on this occasion is to be a gift to one of our boys, Rev. Lioyd Rby, our first foreign missionary, who leaves for Sierra Leone early in the New Year. A good way to show your Christmas spirit. « The Calvary church 8. 8. elected their officers for 1923, . after the evening service last Sunday, with the following results: President, F. E. Welker; Viceâ€"Pres., Anson Bruâ€" bacher; Sec‘ty, Howard Gies; Treas., Holden Appel; Pianists, Jean Snider and Eisie Good; Chorister, Anthony Gies; Temp. Supt., J. G. Hurst, Miss. Supt., Beatrice Eby; Junior Supt., Amy Snider; Home Dept. SBupts., Mrs. Fileinger and Mrs. Wabl; Libâ€" Henrich Several from town enjoyed the Collegiate Commencement exercises in the Imperial Theatre, Kitchener, on Tuesday evening. We are deeâ€"lighted that Mr. Kenâ€" neth Snyder honoured his native heath by winning the gold medal for general proficiency at the K. and W. C. I. for the past two years. | "The Lutheran people are looking for an abode for their pastor. ‘There‘s a chance for the real estate | people to erect a half dozen houses lllnco the Twinâ€"Cities are now a suâ€" \burb of this burg. Rev. Mr. Maas recently of Chesley, occupted the pulpit of 8t« James‘ church on Sunday quite acceptably, and we hope he may enjoy his pastoral work here. Mr. Anson Brubacher, who hu‘ been President of Calvary church B. 8. for the past five years, is to be commended on his faithfuiness to duty, not having missed a Sunday when the school was in session durâ€" \lu those years. He is still in action as viceâ€"President. & LATEST DISTRICT NEWS PERSONALS AND OTHER ITEMS AS TOLD BY : WATERLOO CHRONICLE CORRESPONDENTS ‘ Band will Play and Hundreds of School Children will Sing. NCS â€" * Waterloo Citizens Are Urged to Attend. Farmers and other and Gordon Don‘t forget to balance up YOUT accounts for 1922 to see what capâ€" able, neighborly fellows we have been. Then there are & few annual events that claim our interest and nresence for the good Of the comâ€" munity. beggars and found that everything 4 could yield him pleasure. | School Report for November. ‘l Senior 4thâ€" Irene Hahn 75%.‘ Bessic Heist 69. iN' Junior 4thâ€" Hannah Sauder 18 Marvin Smith 70, Manford Schlitt 68, Earl Stickney 67, Raymond Schlitt 67, Norman Good 56, Leo ‘Pautler 54, Emanuel Frey 35. Senior 3rd â€" Emma Schiitl (%, Lena Horst 72, Rosa Sully 71, Alâ€" fred Holst 71, Lizzie Bowman 70, Ezra Frey 70, Gladys Brubacher 69, Salome Buehler 67, Eva Hasenphlug 65, Cleason Brubacher 64, Anna Marâ€" tin 62, Eiton Milier 58. Junior 3rd4â€" Menno Martin 76. David Horst 75, Pearl Schlitt 71 Norma Steiner 70, Marjorie Heller 68, Solomon Bowman 65, Milton Ritter 59, Emanuel Sauder . 58, Murschell Thoms 52. _ Sr. 2nd.â€"Edwin Martin 75, Norâ€" man Libuteki 74, Clara Zeigler 72, Gertrude Smith, 71, Gordon Miller 70, Ada Smith 69, Johanna Koch 67, Arthur Welker 67, Eifreida ‘Thoms 65, Moses Martin 65, Walter Good 61, Russell Stroh 60, Roy Hahn 56, Allan Frey 49. | Jr. 2ndâ€"Ivan Martin 78, Mary: Horst 71, Barbara Eby 70, Betty Martin 66, Melinda Bowman 65, Susanna Buehler 56, Arthur Miller 60, Helen Heist 46, Doris Pautler 41, Isaac Brubacher 40. ‘The correspondent wishes . all the readers a very bappy Xmas tide Miss Hattie . Russel who has been on the sick list is able to be about her many duties again which her many friends are glad to hear. On Tuesday evening, Dec 26th, \tho Wilmot centre Sunday school will hold their Christmas enterâ€" tainment. A good programme being prepared. Rverybody 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Flavaus of Kitchener visited for a fow days in Baden last week at the home of the Market Square, Saturday, Dec. 23rd, 3.30 p.m. g, sir!l A Merry 1" and Serooge said ; that of all the e had ever heard, BADEN ngs to All Our Schlitt latter‘s mother Mrs. Gabel and othâ€" T5, News Notes. The school children from this section are preparing for a Christâ€" mas entertainment, and will hold it December 22nd. The Lutheran conâ€" Your Gift Problem Solved .. Home Others at in Round Square and Oval. Al ln‘d Black. . Black Oval Double Roasters at Gray Granite Roasters at â€"â€" Round Alluminum Roasters Oval Alluminum Roasters at Square Allu;nlnum Rog'tln a Large Size, Triangle Polishing with handle at, @@ch ..><.>>~ "The Big Hardware Store The L. V. Mop in two sizes Made Sleds, heavy and M. Weichel & Son, Lll!â€"l“ltffl bhristmas Suggestipns ERBSVILLE. to report that Mre. ROASTING PANS HAND SLEDS POLISLH | NG MOPS Oâ€"CEDAR MOPS 659 750 up to 52;7‘5'_) Wish You All A Merry Xmas Oval. Alluminum, Granite well made for farm $1.75 * $2 gregation 26th. Battonberg of Ritchener SPOM* ***/ day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Schmidt. Mr. Henry Vogle of Waterloo spent a few hours with Mr. Ezra Brown on Sunday. Mr. Fred Hinsberger of Bamberg is engaged to work for Mr. August Schnarr. Miss Selma Rahn and Miss Baleria Heler of Waterloo visited with Mr. 4 sal llll'llllll‘l'lllllw'llMllllâ€lll!lllllliim-ulfl-mlll Mr. Charles Preiss Wishing You w Illllu.l!llll"lllllillll'il!ll"ll\lltlnlill\ This Christmas Store has given you its best service durâ€" ing these busy weeks and is _\um splendidly ready to carry on until the last kindly present is provided for, and Toyland and ail the important Departments of close on Saturday night to await Sa «* We hope that when he comes, he may be generous \ you and yours, and leave youmany bundles of happiness Mop, complete Goudies Limited, A Merry Christmas and A Bright and Prosperous New Year ‘ To All. I want to thank the public for the liberal palronage I have received in th st and trust to be favored with a fair in the future which will receive pr ttention W. W. FRICEKEY, oneer Phone 48w Wuterloo M Berryp Cbrist mas $1.00 $1.85 $2.15 $2.98 are also preparing for & to be given on December Râ€"Eâ€" Nâ€"Eâ€"Wâ€"Eâ€"D Heartiness and Enthusiasm $2.00 Christmas Greetings Size 19x9x9%4, Gray at . Bize 15x10x11, Gray at Size 17}2x12x1%, Gray HOCKEY SKATES FOR BOYS & GIRLS AUTOMOBILE SKATES Heavy lined, well made palt .«.csn0. g 25¢, 35(3’ 5‘90 °P The Rapid Wringer at Ball Bearing Wringer, at From $1.00 A most useful Gift. vemaid..l Open Every Night This Visitors also Cordially Invited. These oenn onommnienantiil in t eA N01 Ilil.lllulkl'l\l“.‘lllllflllufll(lll I‘lVIlII‘l‘!I‘“.l ® Good Oldâ€"Fashitoned INGERSOLL WATCHES °* $2, $3, $5, *"* $ at These Suggestions sud Mrs. Herbert Doering day. Jucobs apent Sunday UnC@F BP parental . roof. Mr and Mrs. Alfred Dammier of Linwood spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs Edward Schaefer spent Sunday with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Schaefer. j Miss Minnie Doerbecker spent DRIVING MITTS Sunday with Miss Emelia Schaefer. Minard‘s Liniment for Distempeor. BREAD BOXES Miss Florence Doerbecker of St. up to $5.00 pr. Hockey Sticks at WRINGERS this wWATERLOO ONT. Claus‘ in th . fair r Et onee: Wute $1.50 ° $2.50 cua en e en m e on eird and nice style at per ~$1.90 ~$2.85 ~$2.90 st and in the ttention s a1 P