TnP u2 Lo 0. cksch cce Aile:â€"cntanettinn o Aitcrtertimett «%’ ;'i-f:-:&mn with his mother, Mrs. J. Charies ‘Mueller, Young St. YÂ¥ /.. ¢ Miss Francis Bean is holidaying w ><\~ #yith Toronto friends. ~ . O ‘*.~_ Master Roland Bray, son of Mr. ~ . Mr, Walter Muelier of McGill Uniâ€" think that your eyes nged atâ€" w Laing, Albert St., Waterâ€" who underwent a successful opâ€" !;x& appendicitis last week ‘a relapse ‘having conâ€" fls and â€"reliable "tA yA § ‘“Iu'onchith. cold sore throat, _â€" CHRISTMAS MARKET morning, January 2. (New studâ€" are mn?;; The College Ofâ€" :ï¬m daily until 5.30. It you M‘m' Anto discuss matters, ï¬?m and our. representative oall upon you. We are specialâ€" in the line of training young ie for business. Our record of 1l! â€"at her home for some days iys*‘at the home of her pa NMr. and Mrs. Lehman Shirk s Claribel Graybill of . Wwoo ‘and ‘Mrs. Moses Roos of Torâ€" Pl underwent â€"an operaâ€" E the K. & W. hospital re ’;’J-avhlt improved. Her #riends hope for her early Yera: Doe of Columbia Unâ€" f, New â€"York, is spending.*he this "ad. ood supply : of tow! | was ofâ€" ‘at the WatertSo Christmas t held on Saturday morning. woere scarce 70c. and 75c beâ€" *!_ Butter sold _ at 42c¢. other produce brought the asâ€" 4# Toronto for the holidays \guarantee 6t ‘our ability to feature of the evening Wa# onchitis ixture Carl, son of Mr. and Mrs. pwly possible cure iinâ€" is the --ï¬c especially ground . to ; particular, > individual TFULLY ENTERTAINED: niversity : Women‘s Club of it " and |(Waterioo, recently 8, delightfully entertained mumber of their friends in tur‘s Parish Hall, Waterloo, ed "Joint Owners of Spain". a gnest at the home of fra; Arthur Foster ov2" [ T atet Tilis atter bottle guaranteed : and manufacturâ€" , the Bean is visiting ‘wiik *ï¬mw for Reeveship with Reeve Henderson and S, | reatment than W two hundred being in attendance. u} was ’nudntod there will be a contest for several of the m‘ including the Mayoralty and Reeve ship. Mayor Weighe!l will be opâ€" posed by exâ€"Mayor Bohlender while Mr. S. P. Kieswetter is opposâ€" ing the present meeve, W. Henderâ€" son. The only acclamation for the council was that of Arthur Foster who has been a member of the counâ€" cil for several years past and who this year filled the position of deputy reeve. Besides last year‘s counciliors two new candidates are in the field, Messrs. E. C. Schmitt and P. Hasenflug. ‘The four local school trustees were returned by acclamation _ The following qualified for the {nrlou municipal offices: For Reeveâ€"W. Henderson, \8. P. lKluwattu. ‘ Water and Light Commissionersâ€" A. Baur, C. N. Huehn (acclâ€" _ Sewer â€"Commissionâ€"W. Toletali, J. R Kauftman (accl) School Trustees: North Ward, W. W. Shants (aecl.) South Ward, J. Bruegeman (accl). For Counciliorsâ€"W. D. Brill, L F. Dietrich, John Bauman, E. Bauer, Ira Snyder, H. E Weiler, P. Hasenp:â€" fug, E. C Schmidt. s jous standing committees of lhe council had given reports of the deâ€" partments over which they presided mvermmenuuveu of prcviou1 councils, ~including exâ€"Mayors Kutt and Bohlender, took the platform and were critical of some‘ of the Aetions _of the council. . Exâ€"Mayor Kutt did not approve of the stand taken by ‘the Waterloo representsâ€" tives in the County Council regardâ€" ing the adoption of the decision to pay 1% mills towards County roads while exâ€"Mayor Bohlender said he was opposed to Council voting $60,000 towards the new Gollegiate kmfldmg without â€" submitting the matter to the ratepayers. ‘The various speakers were given an. attentive hearing and their reâ€" marks frequently applauded. Mr. J. C. Haight, the town clerk, acted as chairman of the meeting. Mayor Weichel. Mayor Weichel reviewed at length the work of the past year, indicatâ€" ing twelve months of progress. He alluded to the excellent work of the various chairmen of committees, inâ€" cluding the Finance over which Deâ€" puty Reeve Foster presides so capâ€" ably and Mr. L. F. Dietrich, chairâ€" man of the Board of Works which hadâ€"a particularly busy season, Mr. Dictrich admirably filling the rl- tion. Other chairman of committees had also been éefficient in the disâ€" charge Of their duties. Mayor Weichâ€" el commenided "highly the work of Miss Pell at the Health Centre, and in the schools. Mayor Weichel also warnbd against the coal scarcâ€" ity and the need of providing subâ€" stitytes as far as possible Finance Report. Deputy Reeve Foster gave a careâ€" fully prepared and comprehensive review of the town‘s finances, indiâ€" cating the town to have strengthenâ€" ed its position during the yedr. § ‘The council of 1921, he said, Illd' School Board Report. commenced the year with a surplus‘ Dr. C. T. Noecker reported for the of $6,000 but owing to certain lll-‘m Board showing a good bal: foreseen expenditures including the gnce on hand. He referred to the d@uplication of sewer on King St new addition which was being erectâ€" North, increased amounts needed ed at the Alexander School providâ€" hy various public bodies such as l ing for eight extra rooms and it was the School Boards, the Park Board, hoped it would be completed by the the I4brary Board and other bodâ€"|fall of next year. He highly comâ€" les, Police Magistrate‘s salary,| mended the results secured by havâ€" p.ymen' of mortgage on sewer farma,| ing a school nurse. it required all told $27,000 which| In referring to his _ election he was equivalent to 5% mills. . This mentioned the fact that he was the would bave brought the rate from|oldest member on the School Board 27 mills last year to 32% mills this| in point of service. | year. ‘The rate, however, was held Exâ€"Mayor Kutt down to 30 mills, the increased asâ€"| Exâ€"Mayor Kutt said the attenâ€" sessment making up the difference| dance at the nomination meeting but it made close financing. ‘The| was the largest in the fifteen years ulc‘ ke4 seakatad avnandituretihe had beth atterdiag them, indt hy various public bodies such as the School Boards, the Park Board, the I4brary Board and other bodâ€" les, â€"Police Magistrate‘s . salary, p.yman' of mortgage on sewer farm, East Ward, A E. Devitt, (acel). West Ward, Dr. C. T. Noecker, (acel) § After the chairmen of the varâ€" 1t required all told $27,000 which was equivalent to 5% mills. This would have brought the rate from 27 mills last year to 32% mills this year. The rate, however, was held down to 30 mills, the increased asâ€" sessment making up the difference but it made close financing. The outlays: had exceeded expenditures by about $2,000. Referring to the assets of the town he stated thal there . had been an increase . of $33.434 in net assets, showing the town to be in first class condition 2, i# the size of Waterâ€" abdut 50% of the whole and spread| over ten years would mean roughly: about $3500 or $4,000 per year tor{ the permanent roadways being put down. A considerable saving would be effected by the Board of Works requiring a comparatively small amount for repair and upkeep. Reeve Henderson Reeve Henderson said he had enâ€" deavored to sincerely serve the town‘s interests although his attiâ€" tude on certain questions had been criticized. As chairman of the Poâ€" lice Committee he complimented Clief McEllistrum on the efficiency with which he carried on his duties. He réferred to the absence of a speed cop this year which together with $1,000 and they closod the year with a surplus of $12%5. Referring to the been a since 1916. It natural that there should have been an increase in assessment. Mr. Henâ€" County the fa stand he took. Board of Works, said that the day would not stand up under heavy auto traffic. They bad built a little over a mile of concrete in town this year and a mile of asphalt pavement. Last year it required $10,000 for the Board of Works, this year $7,000 and it should be possible to bring Mr. Bauman. Mr Bauman, chairman of the Fire Committee reported a balance o% the credit side and stated that the rew fire alarm system was working satisfactorily. ‘The dept. was in an efficient ~condition. Mr _ Weiler. ‘ Mr. Weller, chairman of the town property committee, noted the varâ€" fous improvements that had been made at the town hall, including the installation of new chairs and also referred to the skating rink at tka nark for the recreation of the young people of the town. Ee reâ€" ported a small balance. 1 Mr. Bauer. j Mr. Bauer in reporting as chairâ€" man of the Tree Committee . said that he favored putting all tree trimming ubder the supervision of the Park Board. â€" Balance in All Depts. Mr. C. W. Schiedel, in the absence of Mr A Bauer, gave a review of the statements of the Water and ance to the credit of the Water,| ‘The home of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Light and Gas Depts C, Haliman near Waterloo was tho‘ Bewer: Commission. scene of a happy gathering on Frlâ€"‘ _ Mr. J. R. Kauftman, a member 0f| day evening when their brothers the Sewer Commission stated that| and sisters with théir families made the sewer farm was working satis=| up a very. bappy surprise party on factorily although there was nee4|the occasion of the 25th anniversary for an extra bed in case of @MeTâ€"|of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Hallâ€" gency. He advocated a better sy#| man. It came as ‘A genuine surâ€" tem of laying sewers which should| prise as they had anticipated spendâ€" be done according to some definite|ing the day quietly. As a mark of plan. He also deciared that the|the affection And esteem in "which members of the Sewer commis#i0®| thgy are held, the assembled gatherâ€" should be remunerated and if they were not paid next year he didn‘t want to be a member. School Board Report Dr. C. T. Noecker reported for the Council he said there had to make for the should have submitted the matter as to ‘the town‘s contribution toâ€" wards the new Collegiate to the people. Although the council had a legal right to obligate the town to pay $60,000 towards ,the new building it morally had not the right to do so. He could not see tl.l fairness in taxing the whole comâ€" munity for the benefit of about fifty families who sent their children to the Collegiate. Referring to perâ€" manent roadways he also thought that the ratepayer should have the privilege of _ saying whether he wanted them or not. . He claimed that 40 per cent. of the debenture debt of the town was _ incurred through permanent roadways. He emphatically believed that the peoâ€" ple who benefit by them should pay for them. He questioned the right of the council to pass a byâ€"law for Condemns Tree Trimming. . * Mr. °C. W. Wells who said he would not be a candidate for mayor & permanent roadway unless the majority of the people were favorâ€" able. They should be built in resâ€" ponse to & petition for them. thought they should have submitted the mutter to the people to secure the opinion of the citizens. He also did not like the way the trees were that they be put under the superâ€" vision of the Park Board. As to the increase in texes the town as it grows must. provide ‘for certain improveménts which cost money. If Says County Rate Too High. . 8. P. Kieswetter, who was de feated in the contest for Reeve last year, declared that he represented the working class, 80q of the men of Canada beionging to that class. Keferring to the fast that he had sat for two years it‘ the County Council he said it was a mistake to adopt the County system,. ‘Why, he asked, should‘ we pay for roads It meant .a big increase in our taxes. He did not think our reâ€" presentatives should have committâ€" od the town to it. Other speakers were Messrs. C. N. Huehn, W. Brill, Ira Snyder, J. Schults and E. C. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. L C. Halim: Made Recipients of Cabinet ° Of Silyer, _ Mayor . Bohiender. . Exâ€"Mayor Bohlender criticised the ing made Mr. and Mrs. Hallman the recipients of a handsome cabinet of sllver. Accompanying the gift was an ‘address prepared in the form of poetry by Mrs. C. N. Good, appropriâ€" ate to the occasion. Games, music and social intercourse with the serving of dainty refreshments occupled a few pleasant hours. | Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hallman, New Dundes, Mr. and Mrs. Benj. U. Bowman, Mrs. A. C. Hallman, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hallman, New Dunâ€" dee, Mr.and Mrs. A. L. Shants, Kit« chener, Rev. and Mrs. C. N. Good, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Eidon C. Hallman and Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Stauffer, Waterloo, and Edith, Eldon and Melvin Bean of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Hallman were marriâ€" ed in Waterioo in 1897. Mrs. Hallâ€" man‘s maiden name was Eisie M. Stauffer, and she is a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Levi Stauffer, They reslided on a farm tHear Hawâ€" have since resided, | were also sdtgs and recitations by for MARRIED 26 YEARS five sager faces of hundreds of scene. *Headed by the Boys‘ Band, Bantd Claus who had previcusly as nounced. his coming, the ‘Waterioo marched to the square where they were right heartily greeted by Banta: Claus who mounted the band stand, and told of hisâ€"immense toy factory néar the north pole and invited them to visit him. Safita Claus then proâ€" ceeded to the market building where he was followed by the children and their hearts were made glad by well filled stockings which were. handed out by members of the committee. town as the celebration was in proâ€" gress added to the joyousness of the occasion, which will long be rememâ€" bered as a particularly happy event. mittee in charge are to he compli mented on the eplendid success of the event. To spread joy and happiâ€" The arrangements for the Comâ€" munity Christmas Tree celebration, the first ever held in Waterloo, were exeellently carried out, and the comâ€" Yuletide segson was a happy thought, reflecting the real Christ MRS. (DR.) ~WALDRON The sad> death . took â€" place on Saturdéy morning of Mrs. (Dr.) Waldron at her home on Scott St. in Kitchener, aged 60 years, .A husband and two daughters survive, Lillian ‘and Myrtlie # Gleobe. He was in his l,th year. The funeral was held on Tuesday to passed away at 55 Mary St., on Satâ€" urday evening in the pergon of Adam _ He leaves five children, namely, Mre. George Kubl of Waterloo, Mrs. Mre. George Kubl of Waterl0o, Mrs. NORTH DUMFRIES. : 8. H. Roschman and Nelson Glebe There will be no contest for the Waterloo, Gus Gilebe, Brynâ€" AthYD,| reeveship for the township of North Pa., and George Glebe, Sask. Dumfries for the coming year and ‘ ypama« in all probability no: election for . _ O8SCAR R NIXDORF councillors. Of the two men nomâ€" A highly respected young man in|inated for reeve, Messrs. Walter, the person of Oscar R.â€" Vixdorf} Oliver and Thos. Hall, the lattér deâ€" passed away at the K.&W. bospiâ€"\clined the nomination and Walter tal on ‘Tuesday morning in his $2nd| Oliver will fill the office for a seeâ€" yeal. _ Deceased who was born| ondâ€"term. o. . near Enbsville has been a resident| ~Five were nominated for councilâ€" of Waterloo for several years. A|lors, namely: Sam Rohr, W. C. sorrowing widow and two children| Barrie, Jno .Taylor, Jr.; Jno T survive to mourn the loss of a lovâ€"| Scott and Geo Moore. Jno. Taylor, ing husband and father. : ‘The Meâ€"|jr., did not declare himeelf, and alâ€" reaved have the deep sympathy Of|though he had until Saturday to many friends in their hour of #orâ€"\ decide whether he will accept or row. The funeral took place from|refuse the nomination, he is not the First English Lutheran church at Kitchener afiter which interment was made in Mount Hope â€"cometery. ‘was happily united in holy wedlock|the first time. D. N. Panabaker is to Mr. Rdmund Cressman, son Of| Mayor by acclam§bon; G. A Gruetsâ€" Mr. and Mrs. Enos Cressman The|ner, Reeve BY acclamation; School ceremony was performed at Preâ€"| Trusteos, . Keffer, Aaron cisely three o‘clock by Rev. MaD | Stiager, J R by acclamation; asseh Hallman, uncle of both‘ the| Hydro o ©Commission, L. E. contracting parties, in the presence| WWeayer by ‘Those in of fifty invited guests. Miss Mary|the running for Aldermen are: Cressman was the bridesmaid abd| Ajex. Baird, Herbert Ott, Gus Mr. Eldon Hunsberger supported| Huother, fra E. Smith, Dan Ziegler, the groom. The wedding march|;, R. Wilkinson, William Part, Jas was played by Miss lda Haliman.| j ghaw and R. F Slater. ‘The bride who was given away by BRIDGEPORT. (Thursday) _ afternoon ~ at â€" 130 o‘clock, following a brief service at quiet nature in Hespeler, The only c“"“;’d“""'m‘.“""‘ contest is for Alderman, six requirâ€" iA pretty wedding took|ed and hine qualified. Four of last place on Wednesday, December 29,! year‘s Council are in the runming, at the home of the bride‘s parents.| while five new names are before Mr. and Mrs. Enos HunSberg®"|the electors, the majority of whom on “f"‘" evening, Dec. 21, the mo.";oâ€"l;*lvl;ldol (by acclamaâ€" Waterloo Town Hall was crowded| tiop), a i» the doors o% the occasion of the| Deputy Reeveâ€"W. H. Knight® annual Christmas Entertainment of| Counciliors: Jacob 8. Meyer, Jas. the Waterido Methodist Bunday | Ogram, Conrad Quehl. ‘ School, The feature of the evening j ELMIRA was the presentation of a play enâ€"| The Mayor and Counciliors . of titled "A Prince of Egypt", in which | Eimira were returned by acclamiaâ€" wbout twenty took part, all portray» tion but thera will be a contest for ing their parts in a highly creditâ€"|the Reeveship ‘with two in the t-m mwianrjer, the costumes being| feld. most appropriate. The life of Joseph Mayorâ€"P. F. Stumpf, by acclaâ€" was depicted in five scenes. CHARISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT ADAM of GLEBE NOMINATIONS THROUGHOUT ~â€"THE COUNTY Moore will go in by acclamation. u* NEw namsura. â€" Nominations here are as follows: Reeveâ€"Fred Dobus; Counciliorsâ€" Ed. Grubdenberger, Allie Haunn, acclamation). Mayor by acclamiation; G. A Gruetsâ€" ner, Reeve _ BY acclamation; School Trusteo®, . Keffer, Aaron Stager, J ® by acclamation; Hydro e ©ommission, L. E. Weaver by ‘Those in the runnine for Aldermen are: Stager, J ® by acclamation; Hydro e Commission, L. E. Weaver by Those in the running for Aldermen are: Alex. Baird, â€" Herbert Ott, Gus Hucther, fra E. Smith, Dan Ziegler, J, R. Wilkinson, William Part, Jas J Shaw and R. F Slater. BRIDGEPORT. In the nominations held . at Bridgeport, ®. G. Shants, Milton Haas, Irvin Aldridge, the three old trustees of the police village were elected by acclamation. & WELLESLEY TWP. Reeve. John Reidel (by acclamaâ€" O Bricker, O. Hollinget, J J (Government and Municipal Debentures) ®% Checked and inspected by Government Officials . ; W{\TERLOO : Open KITCHENER 7 King St. N. Evenings 73 King St.W. 10.00 . " " CHARTERED TRUST +â€" & EXECUTOR CO. : : In One. 25¢ a week will give yor tker, â€"Q. Hollingor, J J. . XMHe! PE Pn P Ti y B C ' 3 ic ks OM C Funds secured by Trustee Investments HESPELER. added every three months 64 46 i 46 64 4 (all by H O. Weichelâ€"reâ€"elected by accla N. 0. Hipel received the mayoralty by acclamation. The others nominâ€" ated did not qualify. There will be 2 contest for the Reeveship between Deputy Reeve J. R. Grieve, of the 1922 council, Ald. A. J. Russell and exâ€"mayor E. B. Relst. B. W, Zieman acclamation. ‘There will be no conâ€" test for aldermen. Only six qualified! out of the 10 nominated. A. G, Alles Alles and O. A. Kummer are the only members of last year‘s Council. ._ WILMOT TOWNSHIP 49 ‘The Wilmot Tp. Council was again... <val L‘ln.l by acclamation, as follows: Wls .: Edwin B. Haliman and Valentine M. to 60c., gesse 250. to 380, ducks, upm'gmuA?usm there being & little lower than last (Serv ce l With High Ideals On of the biggest and best marâ€" ts was that held on Saturday orning. | A good supply of fowl as offered, turkeys selling at 55¢ To be recognized as insurance men seeking to serve you perâ€" sonailly, to sell the best insurâ€" ance possible in a Golden Rule way, and that is the ideal this agepcy is striving to reach. Financial Success is sought by all but your esteem is apprecâ€" lated by some of us more than your dollars. Aooking beyond the money to the human side is an established custom here, Insurance KITCHENER MARKET 6. A. Boehm 28 King Bt. North It., J insurance Co. s3 8F4 To Ne 5 a4