c _ =<%" by fos _. ~â€"._>â€"return ')‘, : *4 w ~_ .. future P t PPR PLLMRE °O 2O O OO _ __ sg|* The settent to which the hasing of students | the mew trete0 in dol coltatd ::,-.‘-"’; .fi‘s% n o f is carried on and the tendency to carry it to| wore Atstributed . among â€" raiirs i0 5.. | _ President J. B Reynolds of the Ontario Agriâ€"| extremes was evidenced at Toronto University | OHeRI® inleinl 5 oo meatoy dies jarl t â€" eultural College, addressing the Kiwanis Club this year on the occasion of ‘the initiation Of ang ofer interested: organisations. e We $st > en e 2% 0 $re~: e i Ae . foatl oee s es :‘ > _ * _ . Business conditions are steadily on the mend ,ï¬grï¬mtfmthemraxlng reports made ;gd‘%ï¬mu and industrial companies, and with gi@"z‘\ e :m-.: nd: crops harvested this year--tbe ï¬g’;&wm which are beginning to influence Poe > futume .=) . <. .c3 to.0 000. ... i 5. _ .‘ pet us greet the New Year with a cheerfal _ . _ spirit and an earnest desire to do our part to ./ .~_of the bountifulâ€"gifts of Providence with which 4 M e oo s s » e ho ol o is i ind anrie h RAENH s‘ t _ _<.<.~ The Witerl0o County Council at its meetin \ . â€"< . last week settied the contentions question as _ . _ to the basis on which the cost of Connty roads _‘ _ s to be apportioned. The Council decided that i&;&p ownships are to be assessed. 414 mills and _ _~â€" _‘ the towns and villages 114. mills for County i â€"â€" ~road purposes. Any amount in. excess of that es *pj{u spent by any township will have . .\ to be assumed by that particlar township.â€" The __Zt,“*" and villages are also to have represenâ€" ‘â€"~ _ _ tation on the Roads and Bridges Comniittee to â€" . ‘the extent of two members, It willâ€" be recalled > _ _ that the County Council at a previous, session _‘ decided on theâ€"County system in connection .. with the building of roads, leaving the matter "‘_ _ of the distwiBution of the cost to be decided . "A~ ~â€" at the December meeting. } _ «‘«%~The Township of Woolwich is in a somewhat _‘ .‘ unusual position owing to having. already exâ€" ",}"‘ ©~ ~pended the sum of $160,000 on eight miles of %‘h â€" ‘concrete. Now that the township is asked to }.:»;’4‘;, _pay 44 mills for County road purposes it i;"":ji "naturally voiced its objections and the matter _ .**~‘ of ‘compensation will be reported upon by.a i%f{ . committee appointed for the purpose _ _/‘ If is satisfactory to note that the townships _ _ .. are seriously endeavoring to provide roadways _ . of a ‘permanent characterâ€" especially those _ . . which are the main highways of travel. In a ‘@ â€" â€" Rew years the County will have & network of 1 _ _â€" roads which will not only facilitate getting the _ +‘ farmers‘ products to market. but contribute to _ . >.| the prosperity and wellâ€"being of the people § }?t of the towns and villages during the past _ u...‘ few years have embarked upon extended road _‘ _‘ â€"improvements of a permanent character, as it / * ..‘ eamical in the end. Aeiegol â€" . it has been endowed. _ _ â€" . ; Ee ds ga d mss NOC L0 n en t .‘ A > Jn a fow days Canaila will have entered upon _ ‘. aâ€"new year. Who can say what the coming ..__~ the abundance of which is unguestioned. may ". . we: hot‘ look forward‘ with . confidence ‘to the + ‘ future . True, we have had our setbacks and the â€" _ \gloud oftentimes hides its silver lining until ';i’?'» pessimistic thoughts gain the ascendancy but s the sun of brighter things, with the passing of _‘ _ _ ‘time, almost invariably comes forth again. ilâ€" claimed the economic | AGRICULTURE A VITAL INDUSTRY â€" | BASIS OF ASSESAMENT FIXED _ _ ||roads into the deposits of the larger banks, In | aside from the stolen_letter, ie aicnmincmmâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ®!the case of the Royal this© development h as | muem=â€"=â€"~meâ€"â€"â€"ezâ€"â€"â€" XIisgaeLaAn f&um.f' Canneil a+ its meatino nppo,rently been offset by th‘ w “fl†“lmm nt time.He laid ‘particular emphasis on overcome by armmonia fumes in a building in eed of seeing that the agricultural indus. | which they had been imprisoned by the opposâ€" NEW YEAR? * ) Of products| is Utne ChICL Cause OL uTC I0BBOB, ‘vera Jond _of Ham. . I M . SAARARATE L PCME ‘tghvd‘hi C 0 vwescomes f mum.uommnl‘mï¬lndym.mm Gerator : Proudfoot loaÂ¥es. behind| "** * therwise the muumrmammmâ€"m; atrived to take Miss Joy out in his|him a creditable record ap a memâ€"| N# beC nborg ked M;mwwwmw :‘.m"n"'%““"“‘m;, "";_m""“"“ï¬; _:‘“’ Sonto ‘tne.position of sunter mont | horkl . upon & platfor t ~trade areas|~ = d * of wull yo be| know, Miss Joy,"‘said the | ber of the Proudfoot, Dumons + N. .. | matter and .« | make some _3 | ation in the | ROYAL BANK‘S STRONG STATEMENT | 410C AVUYCI SARMER TB . MWEepnit 0M * shareholders a é '"w. I&." Ruggles Street Charch Nâ€"fav® for the fiscal particularly strong * o sramntet ie p m" $8,000 a year cent. per anfam.) & year to November 30th." A pickpooket. line gained postesâ€"‘1 See onerch inttienes atfâ€" and ‘mercantile interests: to wikt piitiont | it 1205 is Uininet Charice whoh, mes an on o yout Phiy Shwctk l mss legplsipbale t e e 6 matcle mt > standing features of the rep that outâ€" Commander‘of Havarian troops mtth‘rl,l endowment ‘of $1,750,000. It Pividemas â€" Unsl i# _ 1t 0 M nsieas â€" trade o4 report© show . that threatened the Rmperor‘s march , provides ten ag#ilstants: to the 4 Dividend No. 141 (at 12 3. ) + ces en saaite s o n i generally has evidently improved Russia, and auno to ‘ and maintains ‘the @astot, | * ~payable per per . nrond considerable exten P " *to &} % _ .> uncing: the despatch ‘ aries" on t a number ‘of missionâ€" | BSon yable: December _ 1st,~1982% Tar ccces ragrd e ste? + repari t. The leading banks are now of a ‘gift in‘ recognition of the Genâ€") béin on the foreign field. Bosld ?'otzï¬s"’%.». pesure is ie o xl-)esp;"r,‘nt to handle more business and as A .,..' I‘j courtesy in letting the French \Béing paator Of the Gecond Baptist e m vt i â€". _ :‘: s ult. the Royal, out of total assets of Ael. amect sathorrepntt "lim too Chreap tboptin 5 Awriact . oA @._ ul s es o 362,366â€". has .liquid. or . it $479,.| The theft of a wallet containt |in the Chicago Baptist Theological e "f?::éné.@fli‘?â€â€œ 4 assets of $216,048.331, at which level available| this letter togsiner ‘with_gite ne\ Geminazy, Prodient ot the Chlowgt | Girress Cin s w e + anaica equal to 49.37 cen A o they are| _ . > a tieket to San Francisco ‘ Vice p..;,r,,,:"'. s‘ Union. and_First] Dpom! on / i : :s nt=At i e iper ies _#3 HHEETHIE C per t of liabilities to th reported to.the police oph! :‘ ber f eR ï¬ï¬â€˜ s .public. This must of necessity be gratif: €| M. Attie, a broker of San by Joseph : tist Publication Society.. He~ is â€"a . annrencies 1 â€& ‘:wé;“‘ ' shareholders and is bound to prove of spe d?, mewcggn du |â€" llol A '.,.',.“',_"‘i"‘l""" product. and a child ofithe) . * .. aar ces sol “' s ; ; .Â¥ € % . urn & 66 t : Ontartio Ho".1 it : Sche ~ ;5*.-:»-' eP . s : +6 ~ _».- ,,--':".'uzfl; y $ ,;‘/_rv‘--.' > benefit to the business interests of the country. | ***_â€" . P es s on towdays h%&g Dri l e ~aeal mm iss ‘ ountry.| *** _ > s 0_ coanccass. of e . Rose held reaching appois reairs Dr.| Notes of other Banks: , .. .. es mear n country. nnnns J the K oatsrie." Amehk his Arst chatges| 'Tf“:,: c Ban c Ot* saarabenee * chargo, | RniahCes due hy ofnor ns , imes ui ty benefit to the business interests of the COURITY| Li is m possession of the gift| ‘Ontario. . ‘Among <his‘ first _ chatges: mm‘“ ‘.'g“"'..q'?flwt%- Strong Cash Positiog, i 5 described in the letter, It is a Mmm\w ‘Of 8t |_‘ "pondentseisowbore. than in l «.. M1899,06 61. Sharcholders have also reason to be pleased | two feet high, and surmounted by. amn:t& Cha i’i"" pont i rooial o aoh e oo :s nsc iirs R " i & ot "The :Corâ€" was pastor of Deverdourt]|. _ . . Municipal See ; ‘and "Briteh,. _‘ â€" _ _/‘ at the manner in which :the savinigs deposits m’*’:"‘m "f“i‘:: pior : thore.. charch; Poronto, ana| CaP#d®h "Muniel % d Britism,~ _ " O .0. are being maintained. During the past few | ?°"*! hornebackâ€" o‘ par.. Koad .BapHiAL_< aurdtzag .â€". Koreign and Coloniat Public Securities ~~._ .â€"_ _/ . MBSCâ€". chased it for 7,000,000 marks from for several years ministor. of . JamoK|~ â€":; other than Canadian not exceeding marâ€" . _ _‘ _ "_ years developments nï¬shronéotMryIm a Gorman. museum.: He has ~other Streot Baptist ‘Chorch, Hamilton.| _ > ket mA.;.,._.,..‘..‘..‘...‘...,..,.'..,._....,;,“.;;;_;:'7' :93 Lc‘m. 9 & I.um-t h‘v‘.e C LLA?;?_‘_ it ts i: ui teg EMn 2.- ..-.-..’:....- a ft‘:hl-’-n > a 5 .( w a f †c _w.â€â€˜_“‘!“ufl-;“}_:“_a& A. _ Ever since the close of the War there has Tls reumirmg a residontiet provnds been a steady reduction of the business underâ€" beautifying of residential grounds } taken on bebalf ‘of the Covernment, xnd hous. | stt 2urke t bevermment nrometiss. ings of Dominion and Provincial Government| curs wood in the Western Provinces, securities are down. to $22,950,224, a reduction Mthnu-‘m.gmti*“ of over $+500,000. Canaidian Municipal securiâ€"| â€" Mr: ‘w":::“ the "“""! ties total $7,901,027; Railroad â€" and. other "‘“"“H rya@ in ipping several) bonds, debentures and stocks $13,462,068, and Msh m:: :::m to call loans not exceeding 30 days $48,610,100.. : |the success which has attended. his The Profit and Loss Account shows that mmï¬o‘ymm_m.&m; earnings during the year have pérmitted of | YAri0%8 western provinces wih" s ‘the payment to shareholders of the usual diviâ€" :':mw l"'."'"1 dends and bonus. After making provision fOF| Recently. Mr. Scheifele has met Dominion Government taxes and the writeâ€"Ooff | with excellent success in the introâ€" on bank premises, ‘a little over $100.000 was ‘f&“!“““'m“."!"_" added to Profit and Loss Account, orged â€"~tree planting. â€" specially The profits for the year after deducting all| MBX ; ‘ayy pyetem mnving veen charges of management .accrued. interest" ON | used . along:. Leke: Ontario . this deposits and making full provigion for all bad | summer .with .good reaults. A conâ€" and doubtful debts amounted to $3.958,460. . |Sidetable n:t ::' made z l:; The balance cartied forward into the new| {°E"MStt yizians , * ‘ | year. @pocial Interest is being shown year was $1,007,514. bf sivil engincers .And government | PRACTICE SHOULD BE DISCONTINUED] The Royal Bank of Canada has forwarded to $242, detbc® Te e on ‘in the| 419 9 4 Â¥ owt An betit ‘coma, a condition from which, so far as was then known, there had never been a recovery. Scheifele of Conestogo, who is woll and favorably known as being the pionser in this work. Its usefullnoss lies in the fact that it can be utilized a«hdâ€"as a â€"source from which to seâ€"‘ mvoqlhtho'?hmwil mmu.mmmtif‘l Mr. Scheifefe first sold the willow | cuttings in the west, shipping several carloads each spring, and the many.. COsCARAORIAAEâ€" S MR C ces xt o 0o (tuatne Thak aAAat P Acpperemaitr 1 d t factor "Bas added to the L the sucoess which has attemded M# | tss Wnich the m:m;m To e ariaces «i: a‘ careint. introws in the Saliber o yariqus western qprovinces with© a Alarming increase ie o P :C s 4 â€" motor â€" accidents _ throughout th tree whose usefulness would PrOY® province in the MAjority of '!m‘ * vd : heitele e 1m Sar their, ate hitie . wadly on j ny are . % oi _ Recently . Mr. Schoifele has M®t:>â€"/""% °75 sections where the streot® 'm mg success h m hm";l:; Wa. o.l-’wmtw--t PV ARmOrey. duction of a new eystem of angular‘ _ !lem.--,;!'!:,-!!s-:t"' figures officials with a view of using it along highways and rairoads. < celved indicate the approval which the system has mt with generally. Patents have been taken out both in Canads and the United States: ~MHis many friends will be pleasad to learn of Mr. Sicheifele‘s sucooss in connection with the new system of submerged tree planting recently inaugurated. . r "‘Oh, aye, it‘s just some ham FOF MeTavish. ‘I Always buy Ham fras Handy in the toon. McoTarish likes his ‘ham better than any other." ~ »"imdeed, so? Weel, my mon is wera fosd ‘of ham. I‘m thinking fully describing LETTER® Eg.-:-u men a&re dxpected h’u’-r‘ », | ‘The treuble broke out wh tm ' a ro out when the . Ane‘ 6n‘ Fromintnn " Pintictam on q, }tittle sohooner, & 95â€"tou ‘bout, th "“‘ME’ ominion Goversms 4. hns bebn makiig trips between Denâ€" | Balances ‘due: to basks and Heiking in ‘mark aud : this oolony, wasentering | | w i the: â€" Unite | King h.':MchMIsyq‘ .. { foreign ‘ countrign L»; . " VÂ¥erâ€"g ze | the southorn codst of Newfogidiend | pui, pays es t t y > n ""al M ot pills Paysble ./... /.. :"%‘Z‘Z‘M a salary of $8,000 a year. This church C mind * wCl Y 4 , Dividends Unclaimed «......««../».+>> has an endowment of $1,750,000. 1t\ nividend No. 141 (at 12 per cont. per anfi provides ton ag#lstants to the @astor, | ~ "payable December 18t, 1982 ... ... and majntains a numiber ‘of missionâ€" | Bonus of zï¬.legapamnu 1st, 1923 aries on the foreign field. Bosides t a ;,QQ):.,\@:%}&"" is .> ~ass CanADIANâ€"BORN â€" "PASTOR â€" To M ET 4 m oa n ol 4 n yoes Mâ€",;vâ€"- in Canada, on Bond#, Debentures ..‘ â€"" â€"â€" . _ . annmmmmmmnenieaonemn ons oo percmmmond and ~StOcke <..\4.2â€" .12 002. +45,+â€"+% . . .« ~ A6,780,000.08 NP s Call. and Short (not exceeding thirty days) _ . ~ ___ Mospital for Sick Childro®| _ tous sisewnereâ€"tnan in Caneta. . ...â€"~ _ 4487480080 .~~ COLLEGT BT., TORONTO. * | orner Current ,,.,: mwï¬h sconnty in Candda ‘*‘-“" s Deéar M Bditor,â€" _ â€" (loss regbate . .,.‘_,..nga,'-'m‘_ teligce" _ Aeaiaine oat n trend or vublte | C 0 o thatre ome solnte mt wterny ~ bucshatie be «l e ~tor} ~ _ ~â€" MA TMTAL _ towards . the .“u:fu“u“ th4 | Overdue M/(Mkï¬mï¬l}f o â€" £, o o on c oi hen aiols s e "‘“m""“""t, ,“", gitizen‘ Mm“ Real Estaté other than BHank Promises .. ...y..â€"Â¥l..,¢.45. _ *m'm "-mfl:m:um Bank Premises, at not more . than: ‘fl‘ff‘“fâ€"’ M _, occupies a much w'm"' written â€" Tice $s k o w a s n 1 dh o n a‘s on We wiele Di w wiv i +W k ns aha 0 i g ‘minds, may I draw your atten .g_umm--l%um-, 9 WW“Wâ€â€˜ atra plishing great a Neld that HOB PuNQ_. .202« saiveine d en €vaReraearerge40%s: > / cvrk" . is antouched by any other organizs | Other Assots not included in the foregoing ...:~...;;.,<_ "~Little children ‘from all parts 0| â€" _ s hss Pataes .: the Province, irrespective of class 0: | H. 8. HOLT, EDSON L. PEASE, ... > C6.0€ creed, children who areâ€"sickly <ani President Managing Direc¢tor Gene maimed, ‘come *here and are â€"mad strong and healthy. Is not thig 4 Itself a #ondertol work? . > toextend the mission of hetling + the uttermost parts of the FProvinc Hospht is frereching." 41 Wen a th As & personal attention, both surgicalâ€"an medical, for all the tiny ~patient doctors and‘nurses aro .ciso trainc . FILL PROMINENT PULPIT !o.“.....""â€"""?.'.;":;‘ Rev. Dr.: J. J. Ross, Chicago, has Mm Cot patientsa =.,.,....,. 350 Halunce of Profit and Loss Accounit, 30th Novâ€" ~ â€"Outâ€"pattonts . ... ,../««. 109 "â€" |â€".. @Mbor, 10810), 21 ) . .22 2eÂ¥..2a3Â¥6â€" (whireh "The foar?fihe "Oul â€" of this . Eres xm“lf:&“m.um â€" charges m&'.fl'{. people o'tmï¬ 3:;-':1" deposits, hltp:'oï¬d- tor i and L ® ic k ° a ':'v_.gy, contiibutor to the Hospital i donbtful dabts and rebatée: of m a friend, Indeed, to these little mite anmatured DilG . ..i+.3%+(vssa6akes g hunmlw.~% the uit:lï¬lt“ Iho‘ 6 ; owing ceou APPROPRIATED As FOLLOWsS: individual cont lon â€" is . bringin idends a + â€" joy into at lc'::t m‘im‘.by gh- m'" “".:l". 3. lfl_l:l 141 at 149 ing to care f s R ce wer a+ 4 aw aÂ¥. ";'\'AO'O mt Toree of the Afedital o > THonus of 4 péer cont. to Ah% M“mw : c nm“mm tarex} the public and the con «o | Aoy on for Bank Premisos ..... .:. lars into beslth and strengts will, erve for Dominion Government Taxés in am . sure, moet m-r approve |_ Cluding War Tax on Bank Note circuiation Each wilnute <of mercy~costs ove‘ | PNance of Profit and Loss carrled forward nrty een:. A0 yn't!m zee‘that muct . & A * money néeded to curry on th!. « OLT, Dso GRBAT MOTHER CHARITY. President Mnnaging prita Every ‘Jay anees a; largesAumber G Montroal. â€" 19th m.un \ ‘edditional 2““. ts on ""' "I:W‘ Mmï¬m“ register. O to the eon: |*â€" ~â€" e mm * of: surgical ‘and medical appHance |, .. Inlatur maintenance is moontisg until mo‘ chainb neertly _twice <ths usual ;amount :« f s money is wesential for the fulfiiin # t R of our duty. With the m-ul e Bort Christmas, may I place e fuct ahip; befors your readera in connectic s vege! e on e 4 stank thovs att Christmas, may I place e Auct with tl:.“tl Mm‘:l ?â€.:dd’r the HospRel for " Children*? Â¥aithtally yours, Susiteas + oX RoreRrnot, ‘Chairman of the Appeal «a last aight with its serenads. I am 1 musician myselt andâ€" a haumene|,. _ ., man, and lâ€"erâ€"don‘t wish to have it destroyed, but 1 thought if you | !am H would have itâ€"orâ€"tuned?â€" Opposit ' OFrF Tfl‘*fl; Nervous Musicianâ€""fâ€"orâ€"I just BOUND TO QVAFIFY. The rules were sttlct at the colâ€" tell‘ you! ~Failing to rally from an emorâ€" Notes of the Acceptarices under Letters of. H. 8. HOLT, EDSON L. PEASE, _ .=< CC NWLL,___ _‘ ."" President ._.._Managing Director Geners .gj{‘ ie â€" _ e . OO _ Auprroms eentikicatei :) . _ Ne We teport to the Sharcholders of the Royal Bank of Canada; .â€" . V . ‘That in our opinion the transactions of ?"‘m" ne under: our notice have been within the powers of the Bank. . . .>_â€"â€" / ®. That we have checked the cash and verified ‘the securitiss of the Bank ;;m,mam:: &M!‘ov‘::fl..“n'al as at another ;‘;@: eastiee the sattiee. in the booke in regara thgreto, We aise doring the paok t ,,,ï¬. uns Ne i on V “&"_7'»"‘:"77;;“‘?‘?‘“â€"’â€" ~;‘..._ mtmmï¬â€˜hm n-ah-z: red by us with ‘tl at mcuaommmmmmfll Praine in our opinionâ€"is properly drawn up so as to. ~a true and . view of the state ‘of the Bank‘® affairs ig to ,;}_ :;:nuuu and the explanations‘ given to us asâ€"shown by the b the Bank. L aoous oo .o ces â€m-.nnmammquâ€"u-;}ffl us. f 3 % ~@. ROGBR MNCHELL, C. A. 22. l W. GARTH ‘THOMSON, C. A., 3 q of Marwick, ‘ Mitchell ‘and Co.,* | | JAMBS. G. ROgB, C.A., of P.. 6. Ross & Bous °_ Montreal, Canada, 19th December, 1928. : Mggi PROFIT AND Loss account â€" > _ <‘ & meeeiee on on Menpre 2 D eie Rien 20E 09 t t t o ue it i Te dsc nbro o Bonus of 2 per cer uum% & Traisferred to Officers Ponion k. t Appropriation for Bank Premises ......... 4004 Roserve for Dominion Government Taxrés inâ€" m eluding War Tax on Bank Note circulation $00,( Balance of Profit and Loss carrled forward. . 1,0071 rernmaues H. 8. H‘?l_.:l'. ~ED8ON L. PEASE, ~C; L. To The Sharcholders: ‘Toronto, a woeek ago, Senator tenacious struggle for life ture, died early Sunday morning, e iA Ptet g EONT | Enamne. 2t ouare Bork in 1869 in~Colborks ahip, Huron Oounty, he was ed in the Public and High gall to the bar in 1880, and f% ing to Goderich in the same ently from the year 190%, whem received the Liberal nomnination firm of Garrow and Prowudsct. returned for this riding, and 1,007,614.19