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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 14 Dec 1922, p. 5

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as» "riirtiriiiioro 0F PERSHING ATTACKS KU I; KLUX Kr_Afl, sAysU.ry, Gen. John J. Pershing, in a speech deliver at Chicago at I “patriotic dinner given by the Chicago Associa- tion ot Commerce, denounced the Kn Klux Klan and rapped the pac- iut element in the United stata. General Pershing deretared that the [Ben wan linked with the perpetra- tor, ot the Herrin mine massacre and with the Communist party of America as equally but dangers threatening to undermine the Gov- emment and civiliution use“. We. some do-ds mt ”no. mm" man be 1t6rttt.d try men trained to "rt" The country is "tsonereombed with this sort of thing," ttteAener- al um. "Right here in your city a few days ago an advocate ot the Soviet Government received an ov- ntlon. “We cannot shut our eyes to the I activities ot the invisible Moire ot the Kn Klux Klan. whose mem- t here ln'duty dismal“! their duties l to the public and allow their crim- t ins] to so unpunlshed; nor to the l contaminating iufluence ot revoiu- l tfonary propaganda among (honest I labor. as exemplified in the strikes ot the lust year." Gent Pershing declared that the country was on the threshold ot war “Peace has not come to the con- tending powers ot the world war," he sold "The Near East is seeth- ing with revolution. Although we desire peace it is not diii'lcuit to imagine ourselves forced into a con- met an we were in 1917, in defense ot civilization. Developments which are taking place 122t', atrect not only Europe, but erg 8.5 well J,',; indicate the chances we run of be- coming entagled in a question eur- ronnding that age old centre ot rac- lat, religious and political strife. Looking across the Pacific we see Oriental nations contending tor t mommy and deathly may yet I mad that we take more than wan; Interest In Far Eastern 1 __ - HORSE AW! ', of any kind- aukkh media! ,rtth EMPLOYMENT CONDITIONO ARE BETTER. _ According to returns tor Novem- bon received by the employment sun-tics branch of the Dominion bur. nn ot nun-tics the volume ot em- -nertt alluded by some 6,600 ttrgrtq It the beginning of November “owed an increase thus maintain In; the steadily upward movement trtdteated by employers amen April. TV worth); pnyrolln ot these con- cern! I‘m-outed 786,451 venous. or "" more than Ln their Int report, lid the Index number of employ- ment atood It 95.8 as compared with “.0 n. tho beginning ot October, and with Ma on November I. 1921. 7 I ".trgifi?jE't0. AN ( ‘LINIMENT tk A. Boehm Local Agency ot The Hutton! Fire lunar-nee “new you of " '0"! In" your Insurance Elementl in Crime. " King " North “Who-I. math-W“ panama-u} .rance c,Wrg' tii/ik w!“ "NW" "'7 -"r Cii'i7iiiyiriiijEtiettetl anon-lam CHM mun-madman“ ”mumm'mu mrs-t, an MW Wed-coda! tn t -tiem - (nu-ao- Ev- but) of to n dopartmeut ol the Government itself. are urinal". the subjects advised for Inquiry. de Nine million dollan tor enforce-l ment of prohibition in the Unitedl States ot 8250.000 less thin author- ized int Fear, is provided tor in the 1923-1924 treasury auppiy bill. reported by the appropriAuonn com- mittee on Dec an: to the Route. 1 The committee report stated that, while the smaller amount would‘ cause a slight decrease in the pro- hibition ortrarstmttion personnel. bureau otrieitrias did not believe the reduction will handicap their work to any appreciable extent. SONAR LAW SAYS MUST CON- SULT DOMINION Premier Boner Law. addressing the empire parliamentary association at London last week declared thoti larger share in the direction of the ‘the dominions were “entitled to a whole policy ot the imperial mach- inery." and he said that "whet is more important. they are now very conscious ot It. The most dittieuit time between father and son is when the son just begins to teal his man- hood. That is our position to-day regarding the dominion." , more important. they are now very _ conscious ot It. The most dittieuit time between father and son is when the son just begins to feel his man- hood. That is our position to-duy regarding the dominiona." , J. Ramsay Macdonald declared that the Premier's remarks were pro- (oundly true and added: " think the security ot the empire‘s future de- pends on a very ttmremirtded series of experiments. We must devise new means ot settling old problems, and, doing this, where you can study ft better than in the dominions? Where can you get a better example of solving the problem of two races side by side than in Quebec. FRANKLIN WAS FORMER POST- MASTER. Beuiamin Franklin, the great Am- erican. who was simultaneously 5‘ statesman. scholar and scientist. was in a sense the first postmaster- general ot Canada in the pre-revoi- trt'.onary days Minn was i1rat deputy postmaster-general for the American Colonies and in 1763. " ter Canada had been definitely ced, ed to Great Britain he came north and opened postomces at Quebec, Three Rivers and Montreal in the discharge ot his duties Franklin had to make long jam-new over the emu” inhabited region whidh now contains one-third of the pop- ulatlon of C annda Franklin came to Canada in 1763l 3nd in order that the mails from Canada might make connection with the steam packets that sailed month- ly from New York. he laid out Ind put In operation the ttret maul route between Montreal and New York MUST ADOPT NEW BPELLING FOR BIBLE. The British Bible society has been told by the Bulgarinn mini-tor of education to contorm to the new epelllng or to stop pnbllehlng the Blble. The society pleaded for per- mission to complete the lune of the new versions of the Bible without ‘change. lnumuch an two-ttstr" hue already been printed. The minuten replied that In exceptlon could not be made even for the Bible. The University, the Academy of Sclenceu and III the party one!” except the Comment-tn ere ennui the new evening. which he- - Impaled by the police. The MBeq- dttttt" new-pupa" of Soil Bee alone Pa Itm during to an the old spell- ing. which I. more 11110th from the Bel-Man than M. summ- Iokl‘l. the Plum". TRILLIOI - IN CIRCU- LATION. A trillion - Arharha by De cent»! II In tho pro-poet hold m") by the than. an” - when bunt My m bu n- IIIM tn n “In. to no u- uon’l M - m and at the III 1 110M,” mm ' “jun at In Mo. My m up" flood " I. - In at HOMMJN lurk. Esri?iikiSitraiEiiiihii I" a. - not a No- id" , Aguid , .. an PP-r'" (4;! A T - ~.'..L g9; ' A_, _ ‘ " {Swain W“. _ ; ""5332, Cai' the United States and . real maxed the grower ot . to 4 0 these coreleu npples that it tj'l'i, t the latter would produce the . T . parent apple tree from which 0 pro: chey were grown. and prove. em . that it would reproduce treel . on o by grafts giving Mm mm. . Cu: . he would guarantee .nlllon ohm " dollars tor it, u it would re- . the io volutlonue ‘apple gmwl‘ In to . Canada. . Fi's'iii""."r"J.Uo':ot,o worphine shipped from 1'i1,t,rC) land to Canada tor distribution in the Dominion and the United Baton. disguised on merchandise and valued at peddler’s prices, at several million dollars. was seized on the premises ot a commission house. Montrenl. last week. by oincers ot the Royal ‘Cnnndan Mounted Police. iniormuion was received by the local police trom representatives ot the Federal Government in Europe, that this shipment was in innit. but the cunning ot the smuggler» was reponsihle for it being lost trace) oi tor s “-r‘ial ween; Finally. often a search ot every ship that landed at, any Canadian port. tor the past few weeks, two packing cues connin- ji,',','. the drugs were located and eel:- ed. Settlement has been mailed in a salt brought. before Chis! Jultlce R. M. Meredith, at the non-jury Beth sinus of the Supreme Court in Strat- turd to break the will ot the late Frederick Richardson ot St. Mary’s. who left the bulk ot his estate ot about $50,000 to his titugcee, Miu‘ (Josephine Statrord at St. Mary's. Al, ‘lnrge portion ot the property in Jil interest in the tirm or C. Richard- son and Sons. Outer tteuetteiaries under the will were four nephew! and nieces ot the deemed. Under the nrrangement Miss Stafford re- 1celveu the hulk ot the estate. The Damion Library is nddlng to, Mint Jean Duly ot Kitchener. its Luther exhibitions, a ring which we." Friday evening here. appears to be Martln Luther's View. Mr. Roy Snyder has returned ding ring. The ring forms an entire home trom the West after spending cross. on which a, t1truro of the savIJ a few months out there. our, over whose Itehd a large ruby, ---.-------- cross is tset., serving as a nimbus.’ _ 'Above. on a label are the letters "11 lb. tr. Ho. tt, WHEN-EV R. N. I.", and emblem. ot the cruci-t --.--- 'lxion are continued around the ring. School Report tor Nt-tttttr Ott the Inside is engraved the 111- m” Form---Antbonr Lorena, cription. "D. Martino Mathew, oo-le'.?'""' Kroetach, Jerome Meyer, arina Borgo. " Jane. 7526," tho date Clare Boppre. of Luther's marriage. l Senior IV-- Mule Allemnng, war ..-_ um“. Fla-"Ia Minna. 1.3va 4he remainder ot his tite in a quiei- l" "'"“"' ”'"""" ..ee_---'. at vay, Fire Chief A. B. TettBrett Koebei. has submitted his resignation to the Senior m.- Anthony Meyer, Mag. Fire and Jlii Committee It Hmil- din Schiebei, Herbert Meyer. ton, It was accepted with regret. Junior m.-- Joseph Dooettt.LUsie Assistant Chief W, t James was re tinny. Aurelia strum Margaret commended to succeed him. (I','?,",) Chief TenEyck in " "" ot 180- Senior n.--- Edward wreath Jer- He has been in the wrvice ot tho ome Fun-wail. Lucy Boil, Marqrnret Fire Dotmrtrnmtt for " years, Ind Gumbel-inn. Leon-Ni BopPro. durimt the I.“ 18 year. hp in. b..- Junior Ii.-- Altriodt Voilln. Ruth Chief. He regretted to - . ion; Cttnrntrtsrinirs, Jayme Barents, Curl and h-rmonions period ot "nice Schlebei. Domain Vol-in. Loo Her- with hi! om" ad an. “d city Mtg, Circling Dietrich. Jmph Betrie oliciah. an mit be u. entitled to bel, Arvin Mere. cum” KW" . van 'k-- Luell- Monr. Iron. Bohr FIANCEE TO KEEP SHARE. LUTHER’8 WEDDING RING. Feeling he should like to spend tnie,fJtl,fli'2Mrgf= Dec "I. or an." "an”... - I Im'M m IDI-ob "u'e=u'rt"'"""" MW 11vGTi.eff. mm. a. 1.... 'i".tu-t-te""l m' “I human-unnumb- mush-Bdrm“ ’Ltu-n.“ uwpmxu‘gmym. T.R.C.’s u can load In TauM, to WI. M work. With 1.3.0!- FIRE CHIEF 43 YEARS OPIUM BEIZED “M"U"u Way. Annie Dietrich. “ll-I‘ll“!- pm _ Anna Krootlch. Mur- celh Knits. Column menu. Irene [Ab-Inger. Immune] layer. Mon- Por la Boppre. Anna men-cm Loom-a L Vouln. ll ot the late! ot st. Marry, his estate ot tttitgeee, Mill St. Mary's. A Persona}. In. Wenley Bright bu returned‘ to her home In Oahu" utter npend-‘ in; some time here with her pu- enu. Mr. and Mm. John nun. Mr. Wm. Mum. In. ot Guelph, spent a row day: here violin; the [ij,:."':,", grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Brown. Mr. and Mrs. George Brown and daughter. Helen. of Bridgeport, 3mm Sunday with tthe tonnes”: inother here. Mrs. Ernest Wars ot Detroit, who attended the funeral ot her broth- er, the late Solomon Miller ot m- l min, event a tew any! mm». with ' Mr. and Mra. Horace Ware l Preoemtlon Last Friday evening I enroll” party we; held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Mirth in honor ot Mr. end Mrs. Chu. Rankin. who were recently married. They pre- sented them with 1 no“ mm of money. The nddreeé was mad by Mien mun. Nam: and Min Blnnche Mil/lard made the presentation. Games and dancing were indulged ln Ind everyone reported a tine time. Farm Changes "and. t Mr. Wm. BherritN, Jr., has dia- _ posed ot his thte mm, consisting ot “100 acres. to Mr. Ben Millard for *‘the sum ot 310,700. Mr. Millard I‘will gel possession about the ttrat - of March. I Mr. Gordon Pine spent. Slum: in Guelph with his (other. Mr. John IPlrle. who ts very low. ', A Chrlntmas entertainment will be 'given in Victoria school on Wednes- ' evening. Dec. Myth, consisting ot ‘driliu. Monies. was: and recita- " Hons. Don't miu it. School Report tor November l mu Form---Antbonr Lorena. Florence Kroetach, Jerome Meyer, ) Clare Down. l Senior IV-- Mule Allemnng, Wal- iter Meyer, Chude Boppm, Lanna: ‘Helm. Catherine 00mm. Anthony I mGog. Junior IV.-- Hum. Kroomh. Jac- _ ob Kunu, Marcella Brenner. Olive ob Kunu, Marcella Brenner. unvu Koebel. Senior m.- Anthony Meyer, Mag duen Schlebel, Herbert Meyer. Art It.-- Luell- Moyor. Irena Ben- dot. Stephan Cumin-kin. mulch Knob“. III-om Knew. Meander an " than Mamm- m death not plus Wed-00¢"- oo 'th, a! m mun; ll WtttTEtttMtURNE 5‘; "mun kl-amsetetfnefr'Y, W I. ummuuuaw-ulth "ilaiiiirai-o-te"'et uxmwuwyu Mr, ola"iiiiiieiir.--.toltt? I“ Br. Mr, Ill m. Elmer, untamed " Int birthday. About any ot his boy sud 3M Mend- nthered for the coo-lion Had . very pleasant evening wu want. Mr. and In. Noah Gardner and “any of Baden were the guests ot Mr. and Mrs. E D. Bid: on Band-y. l The new bridge on the road lead- ling to Baden and New Hamburg is nearing completion and is expected 'to be open tor trattic by New You“ The Lutheran B. B. will mid their Christmas entertainment on the evenlng ot Doc. M, and the Public School on the alternoon ot Doc. .2. Enpyed Succeodul Year all school. The club was “gunned: about tour years ago. and Is one ot the strongest In the county. and had“ 1fii,irU. successful year. The treaB- urer reported a good supine tor the year, although the shipping and bur lng did not exceed that at tormen- yenrs. Bo pleased were the mem- bers with their officers and dirttc- tors that a motion was unanimously passed re-electlng them (or another year. The members at the Pbuipstrurg UFO. club held their annual meet" ing last Saturday night in New Prus- ngfli’iflfi BERLET'S CORNER of 'iiti't'yrt,ti, ":iif'itfitiie1tii'i7ii" a h tt 'GIG" Va 1 n "I I!“ - ."ev - rher worthy of the mm. with gun no (rm 1 ol m. which nowadayl pawn ut-ery bee “(union " thousands who revel am the you. radii he but“. mutter atmosphere and awaits-unncr 7oii'i"'ii7r'iiiiiAetfie.ettie: the ntiic. uh a... dating. eta. them at my out have a COM,” b and a - dime. We have In Victoria. 4 d _ in Canal- h. Inc-n maul may Tubi- the In“ - yum. (Mu-ands thirty - it“. iiii?iiielfaitltt but be. can". but - an , ituee,'l= - who-ll ttee ' nun " no“ W 99.2 I. Pull-nut Mm. Victoria, 3.0. 3. ow-s--"""" “mammal-u quuJMhIhymldv nan-unammmu- ”lava-aw» ' Inutrodlotulbm-h- in um at a. and “In. N. -, has. - at a rm. - n m v“ 00 Pl..- w- on in: In: val. _ In. “I sun-h. who would here tor some the. bl mm to but tom. V . Autumnal-munch} triet m reporting I My ot Inter. The Union Bur Choc-a and But- ter Company um “holy hold that! gum-l new“ on My. Dee. tina, when 1 good aluminum 1: looked tor. Mr. Wesley Allingham ot Darling and Mr, Armstrong Allinxhnm. m- spector ot the Royal Bank. ,itrttesd Misses Jenny and Mary Alllulnm' and other friends, one day last week Mrs. Bert Mann and daughter Geraldine of Listowel were “Show at Mr. w. B. Preeborn'a 1 low days last week. Mrs. Agnes Cosh!!!) and Mrs. Jett- sie Pope ot Atwood spent the week end with their sister. Mot. Goo. Coghlin. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Burch is laid up with typhoid fever. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McClay ot Stratford were Sunday visitors " Mr. and Mrs. G Stratford were S Mr. John Ferrirttps, Mrs. W. Hamilton ot Milverton visited at the home ot Mr. Geo. Coghlln last Saturday. Mrs. W. E. Brown'lee has return- ed home after visiting triendl In Grlmsby and other places tor a couple of weeks. 23"“ . tot-la, B.C. 3. Puma Mush: DH”. vait _ day In the you. B. Vanuatu: In . Mutual nodal any. Manila-n mountain - an mu. “aorta and VIM. oiour m Pueise Cont. oaer ideal "thats. Here Haven bloom in whiter. Ind the E” And an: an altar m. «harmed, breeze- LTI though- mtheyeu.renchh¢t “mammal , their run Acro- the vat Mk 'd,2l'L .ci6e, 'itiii, Its', tut. " I tem . In Victoria. 4 dqm- hu been the Inc-n mu! tetrtsrPtu" (at the last thirty - will. Vancouv'er in A little mid-v. but -- Jun-gm trf. Ta; iiiiN'it' be ae in a MILLBANK PowuaN.-at-er-k, oragr.-Mm.seBMr+ saki.,o Linwood. nu “bk. MAR'WN--M- am on. t to Mr. all In. - . m GE‘A‘ m. M. “I BTAurr.k-- "o.EAACgE - It the Luther-n -ttotM., - loo, by new I not.“ m C. stander. Mtet of It. at In. Jon-h smile: to In! It. In.- tich, alum.» oi In. M munch oe Wuurloo. scHui:DEc-agCaAmahmr-a' In; I chaner. Dee. It). New: B. -- _ Luck to Kenneth tttttusda., m at Kitchener. PODANN-- 00W In m Township. Nov. an. Mu Po- dann to Minnie Coll“. “In” of Philip Conrad. mun-mull. ”I In. . Wm. The Original and Only Genuine. YARMOUTH. N. B. Dsstnd.toagr._- “SHERMAN. FRIINB miusutsebtestr-ettthee invite-rum. Yolk-nth” iiriiiGGiraoerrioetefP'e lumrimn evergreen but! all Iq. win: an Alt. V” " at. " v, to be mad I- a “an JS'al1d let teete vmm . .._ .m- I. It. tl arar"rriiiia -

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