_if"git, I c, C . vii 'iil[--_,'-,:t'i,!'iii-'t1' m municipal election. can; b5 a m yen tho mum el- [fri' C A A will cost Kitchener monu- S‘A? Q; 3100 to elect . layer and " g t"imt alderman. The city pnyl 86.00 truck polling piles. moo to «an iii/i bk. other. no): clerk ".00, con-‘ _' mile " tad other Incident-Ia. l _ , Via. a â€any. (out ---_.. 'Ill. fAliIl-s at at. hoobl “my 't1u.EtMtATEtt can“ vacuum "h9trdtt- Inma- on - ors'rti-,Mr.oiMm.aMi- My, two um. _ um hull-u celebrated man» "an wed.. T/trears, w: 'ttttVan In! dine. Thoy were honored M my WI_W¢I no and smlchndm m wound with n was 'iiei'it in and. {to on!†"not gold as c mm ttd 'rstotay all in!“ mm In hit. Him. The and couple {an I The sum. Dr. Coutta was com- mended tor ttta splendid way he had conducted his work during the year. It was pointed out that the people of the county were not eup- potung their own sanitarium as Ahoy should and it was suggested by two medical members present than an educational campaign he netted informing the public or the work being done at the Samarium. The thtntteia1 report showed that the unitarlum had a' detlcit at “304.31 tor the your. Wmhtnm ‘ To COMPLETE HIGHWAY At Gptt Int week In an interview with Hon. P. C. Bigg- Mayor Grab in assured that the mink-n to Mon highway would be com- .)Iotql in twelve months. At the tor- in! opening of the Gait-Hamilton ammonium AID sOCIETv man" The annual meeting ot the Chil- dren’s Aid Society was held Tues- day evening at which otticerqt were elected. The quosiion of appointing an uni-tom to Inspector Pullsm was discussed. Following the pre- sent-lion of reports by Inspector Pullsm showing the good work done during the. your the following om- cm were elected: President A, R. Gondie. 1st Vice-President, Rev. Prof. Willlson; 2nd viee-Prmsident, In. J. Kaufman; Secretary, Wm. Wood; Assistant Secretary, H. A. “Wound; Treasurer, J. Cohen Council, Miss Mary Snider. Mrs. Mn sud Miss Olive Snider. My the toagt to the gunman pd Gan Manny was proposed by Mayor Grim and responded to by Hon. Mr. Elan. HAD DEFICIT OF 8630C The reports presented " the au- nun meeting of the Freeport Sani- lurlum Wednesday evening were ntilfactory. Toilet Article- Nall Gup- - _ Gigantic: meln Pom summery Antonino Pane". Thu-mo. Cl... Coda Wot" Gym-om A "mind not of tom. of the and - we can“! for man ttN you. Many a Julian" pronoun can be â€Ind. althor by the mutation. that tht. Hot 0“ or by an magnum of “a “In (homulvu. winch an m mom compltu "an m can Rmr Stron- Ohavlng Broth" In" sum Min. "an. to look this "no our. in . on any to out" when you guppy. mum. um m - “ICTIONS 608T DION EY A Man's Gift List In Favor Mo mm or man [Wham-cu. (hm qtethtqBt. ke -ti'tt.r-+ ‘mm.uwmmmu 111 and Manle- at“. AT - of eight (Quinton, may. g, Milkmen, G. T. R. from“ Ment. Kitchener. George and Prod of Wage Mt, m, M of -r. Atta.. INSPECTOR 8HEPPARD HONOR- " At noon on Friday Inspector Show yard was a sweet or the King Ed- wnrd school teachers " a birthday dinner in his honor. stlea which were set in the auditorium were prettiiy decorated and “tar justice had been done to an excellent chick- }en dinner a toast wan proposed to {Inspector Sheppard by Principal |Smithaon. Mr. Sheppard in replying said he appreciated the good will shown and enjoyed his visits to the King Edward School. He spoke in a reminiscent manner of hit a: nection with educational matters , the county for the put loriy knots and recalled some humorour inci- dents. Mm. Alex Newâ€, In. N. But- ch ot Wuhan, Man., In. J. Klimt and Mn. Dr. emu of min. In. R. Wegener ot Guelph um Mrs. R. Scott of Htmtttott. A may worded adam- was read by Rev. J. Schnab- der, after which a splendid dinner wan served. At the last meeting of the town council a letter was read trom Judge Hearts granting the petition to hold the tsittings of the Division court at Elmira instead of St. Jac- obs in Nture.. " _ Died at Calgary. Much interest is being take'n in the egg laying contest being con- ducted by the Elmira poultry assoc- iation meetings being held every two weeks. Nine pens are entered in the contest which stated Dee. lst end to be continued tor three months. ‘Acccp‘led lnvitntlon. Court Sitting. at Elmira. Kenneth Woof. who formerly con- ducted a barber shop here died at Calgary, Alta, on Wednesday tor lowing an operation tor appendicitis Burial took place at Wellington on Saturday. Egg Laying Canton The have and members ot the Woolwich council have accepted in- vitatiom, to dine with the Lieut.- govemor at the Government House on Friday, Deer. Mth. May Contact Roundup. It is reported that Mr. Joseph Woods will mm oppose Reeve Koch for the Reeveshlp in we Wool- wich township elections. h in duo likely that than will be a content tor the council. Dled At “lurk. The death In reported at Selklrk of Mn. Manuel: B. Baum tor- merly of mink; It will be remem- bered that deceased some months ago sullen-ed severe burn: when her clothing ought are trom n kitchen nova Loo-I and 'mr-t Hogs brought good prices " the can. cutie yard. on Wednesdly 810.25 per 100 lbs, being paid. After In “hence ot can yours Mr. R. B. Walnut of Red Deer. Alta, is n welcome visitor In Ilium: improved. V , oet4tttttEL-iArtLAtrH, The death took ghee " My .A quid Ind won! wedding took ewnn ot In John Shale (“any ulna It the lather-a mung. on of Elmira tn her can. yea. Wednemy afternoon. Dec. I. when The Fun! at the naught. Con: an. A. Omn and In hum vod- mrptSort vu ocular-ted " the It. loch New. B. Schmuck. “08le Them: church on Ptuar with t,rotot Mr. and In Jacob BttMrtBeh mu... m. hum wnaum oe..! to mun. new“. non at the mo net-ad. liiidG Baht-dot. both of new. Mr. and In. Alex. Brandt left on an (amended trip to tho West. l, Mr. P. C. Meyer bu returned from Toronto when he underwent treatment but Mn condition in ma. improved. V I An aeeidaqt occurred lat “my! on ttte WMNIHUI tiiiriil two mnu um at Walnut. m: a. When who win driving up; will. “I van was». In mm - m «an mu. m‘ to. can I. m a to m. . up. no Vivi-T; ELMIRA r "AUFFEtb-FRoer0.tG" l, A quiet weddlnc took ploco of the Lutheran nor-onus on nm‘ day afternoon when Ru. n BockeL‘ man united in mun-Inga two oori ittiar Wnterloo may people, Mr. , Harley Clnrence Banner, non of Mr. Ind Mm. Joni-h Gunner sad It†Mary ldo Frochllch. Mulls!" of IMF! Chm-let Froehllch. The: were .unlttended. Mr. Ind Mrs. smaller Heft on I honeymoon trip and on their return will room two lull.- west of Wnterloo. A host ot friend. 1will extend mmtuhuou m j good Wllhol. an and. will. 89M loin-will. crummy... mm mm a mum“- mnd attt.tstr.eeeehe+ mum-ham»: manna-mang- J::ttf,tt, hm'm gun/mud iutsjirti-htirilairi,iii.siiU'i. ii;aiLk.iicc'1/' C, 'i,, his esiid-oadtrritoeiraa,itr-rem.mtonramsudettttr)wottrtimti-tima" _ 'i mmdmdaoteretarumain-t-aeetga,mttrm1-i.rirtittatuu _ _ _ $25.00 “N's SUITS FOR $15.00 Men’s and Yam Men's. Models. single and double blushed, My styled and fuhiombly tailored, dark mixed'l‘vgeedsgndwontedsinnmtpnttamnlw $32.50 MEN'S SUITS FOR mm. An offering of quality comments that'll fitt our Suit department with eager buyers, smart and stylish. fancy Worsted; and 'Needs, bmwn, my and navy blue. Reg. $27.50 to $8260. Saturday '. m519.80 A "national future wlll be whoa you see the flue quality Ind urn-n pattern of thou mm; Win pro- cured with dean. of them but ul- dom have ortough-id they no bu- ter looklng than usual. tho mum are manor. Bet lowly, Hat's a". MEN'S SHIRTS FOR " $1.95 Extraordinary Bargains " MEN'S FINE SHIRTS SI. 19 Dalnty Cord. and fttttt â€allâ€. dark and light patterns? Oulll'tlu that won'tlutlon at......,. ' $1.95 MEN'S PULL-OVER. AND SWEAT- ER COAT; You don't boy a War - day in the year. no It’s true tummy to be sure you buy I â€on†which will give you Iona and “(Infantry wear. That' the only Had we haw. Here are tome of the prleu for you to chow from. $3.00 Ewe-(er, price cut to 1 mt Men'a Silk Neckwear. hand hllor- ed from excellent quality ullk in I wonderful collection of color conun- ation.. Reg. $1.50. a.“ who 65e $4.00 Sweater, price cut to $5.00 Sweater, price cut to MEN'S $2.60 UNION SUITS 'M' Men's Elastic RIb communion Un. derwear. Att slug. “lo um. rags-v“ "PM Wm can"- v-v-v-w . T EhretrvbodarlriGotngTolBolH-t _ . It mmnovs. l Good wearing Tweed Suits. sizes 88, " and 86 to go Saturday, For .b.......... 'e...'.......'.......".....')........ ettnn $18 AND' $20 BOY& OVEROOATS 813.50. Here are the smartest styles of the season, real noble built, maniah garments, brown, grey arrd.fturer mixtures, belt all around, sizes 28 to M. BIG BOYS’ DOUBLE BREASTED UurrBRs $10.00 These Coats are made from strong wearing Canadian Needs, all wool lined throughout. Have belts all around. sizes 27 to 88. Much below present cart. - . pvt“r _ gys' Juhibr Suits, aged 8 to 7, Saturday for ._...... $3 50 q BOYS' JUNIOR OYWMXrA'N, $4.95, $6.50, 87.50; 39-50 Chinchilla, Whitneys, Brush Cloths, Tweeds and Chariots, very smart styles in a big variety, sizes to fit ages 2 to 8 years. WEDDINGS. 81LK NECKWEAR Fancy Tweed and Worsted Suits, values to $18.00, Saturday for B? '-81S5 $2.95 $3.95 65c AUG! KOCH A Inge clrcle of (Honda will deeply symptoms with In nnd Mn Willi-m Koch, 1n Rrtt at... Wag- erloo. In the - of their ton yen old 1Uttqhttrr, Alice. who†unkind: death took place Thursday rock: The school muo- ot ther do- ceuod will [may ml. her. The tuner-l took plum Saturday m noon trout the reunions to the St. John'- Luthom church for service And loan Hope century for in- lament. The duel: took pin. on See".') evening. at at. Jouph'n Help“. It Guelph of m. Rudolph C. [Ann-m1 brother of J. C. Minn of Kitchener. ad toe the put “nutrient nun who: In the Diocese of mum. What 3 young M to an. to Ohio in um with his not. . run. no but on“ at â€to!“ can... " In)...» an In "" m with“ to the W. M can “I. h nmmwmmdummmmummw mmummm - mam. m.umwm.|u _ M's-mount“ -r""""""""""'"'"'"""- tumult-mum.“ av.r..rtirtr--'"r"'tro"tre"t1e'"'!""r"' ._.... ..'.....$15'.m REV. FATHER LIHMAN Better Come Early OBI'I'UARY. MEN'S FURNIOHINM AND WORK 00008 Underwear For Evnry Mart “.50 New. “We knit Shirt and Dawns. natural and“. 8mm to char, cinch airman: at -98e Man's Flue. "Md 0mm and Own, all Blreq per gal-mom. Sale New. all-wool Scotch Knit shirt and Damn. reg. 'aah for $1.50 BIO HOSE BARGAINS». OPECIALLY REDUCED. Canada not! qty. an: Docks. uplan- dld weave m......"......... Me p rice At In. than maker: prices. Man's tart Nd may“, fur "and, Opium - price KItchener't but 750. Ouhmon Sock; Sale price ........ tau. Mon'n any and. Olav... Rog; woo. Bale uric. ....es. $1.95 . “no "on". Wool Glove. at... moo Men's Wool Novo- at ’2.†New. Wool mova- at 60:. Black Scotch wool Mk0. BIO prlce .q..._...g.. ..........‘:n Penman'. 35c. Merino Socks. Gale MEN'O STYLISH GLOVE.- MEN'S WOOL GLOVE. , 5‘35 any. and mine to Kitchener when no underwent treetment. Father Lab mun wee en molt-had mullet-n both at the New end violin, end while u at. Jerome’e he no charge or the music. Two you." no he went ‘to Hanover“ “name chem or the ‘chrch It that piece, but more! hummus ego VII min obliged to {have Me work end went to Guelph. “more he pelted I'ly in Me and your. The remun- were brought to Kitchener ml the Men! took blue on Sunni-y morning. Amer tho ur- vlce at at Mary's church. an ro- main were taken to mum, for "lament. The death took place " mu- “a, or Mrs John Shula. n tonna- mldont of Elmira. In her can. you. The I.“ In. Me In. val! mm In mum having been hot: man. 'th-amethyst-and-tHath-res-ere" tothmethatnofn1imsamesntrourtteti-unrt 1reeet..tmtinyrt1tei.ertts-t'ttjtt.tt..ee. $35-00 man's ome&‘1~s " mac _ Men’s and Young, Men's tyvermntssrith_bitr utopia Men'ts and Young Men's Overcoat; with big storm roll storm Co11tmb--cmttatrttent-of prtrbetrtmnUq uh. aloud to Handgun. In. Since. when and.“ an. I†nu- bun Moran“. - u may at sizes 86 to 44. Seoru of clothmd style; mgtemted $13.71!me Whisks. Spock! tiaearhtrytar, _ ___ mm but put Jon oe â€In. and to abut. In. on: WM at...... $1.49 $1.49 $1.95 MR3. JOHN BtqAmt Me $25.00 an; own $13.00 Ibis Anniversary Sale Means Big Savings in Boots, Shoes ,and Rubbers LADIE" FOOTWEAR Ludleu' Donooh Kid and cum“! boot. in mostly Mon aylu Don't mu. m. Rom. Com ""1"" at morthmpcln. Kuwait Ladlu' Mall - boon. TM. holed“ tome or! our flu-t “nu. Certainly I. I mun-NI opponunlty to get an "p.toitn shot In In" 'srbete. Rod. tr. Gal. m or; "' Women-u Pawn Lac. Oxfords, mo. tary hum Ronni-r "M. Sale price .._....._.... H.50 -ioal,i. dark Brawn CI" lace Oxfordu, law had. regular “so. 0an pm ...r.. $4.50 Women's Black Kid amp Pun-pa, Cuban heel. Room-r " Ht of}? Women'l - Ctr-p Pumps, low heel. Regal-r 'tboth QQ ftth Children's Rummy BBC. 8an price ......_..B.._. Bore Rubbers. $1.29. Sale ttrttso "e........ ", At no time have we had I more comprehomlve dock, every pdpular my“. color Cor the tiny “In. grown up and" and brother, mother and father. $1.50 Ladlee Fen and Suede tor ark}. . Man'- black, lulu. or {Hula Owning a» $25 Clio price ... Mon' blue uripo Ov- cmllt, qiaqtte, buck. Regular v.7}: A pe MEN’S SHOCKS AND OVERALLO. Men'n Choc. - . Our Wonderful Workingman's Department Rubbers I Rubbers! A “I"!!! CHRISTMAS. . $1.50 . $1.25 was. MARY WANLESO The death took pace st Van- couver. B. C., on Sunday. ot Mrs. Mary Wilden. used 85 yous. she had been I maiden. at Kitchener on!“ three year- uxo, when she mov- ed to Vancouver. Mr. George Watt- In. of Kitchener In a Bon. The dam wok puee In Honolu- Tneuhy. Dee. an. of Mn. Thou. W. Black In her "rd you. lnuinnom 11“ undo " Mttttttt View cometary " "It "il/rtt$,t'i't'tf Ttie amounts-1 rm: INSURANBE 3 ""x'"o,'e"" I!" was“ again: Jaw mamm‘ Ala-twain. and". QLOOINI. our. w: All - (â€IN by an In“ and Min 5'23 tir!,,, $53-50 $4.50 HIOPILIR. . 89c $1.98 MIPAIY 337???? .°“‘ 98c 33".53’77. $1.69 1e"d'1".1t. $1.39 86e ii3Lqil'i3g.i,: al fitiWrt58gP, a; Great Shoe Bargains for Meet Working Haul NW it your - tunity to get a pair of a." - yorklng,m All also: will. any $8.00 BLACK OR BROWN WHO" $5.35. BOY! FOOTWEAR. --_ You On?! Ben 11mm. Boya' Shoe. In box calf and gum mm! In a good nylhh shape. Iolld mum- throuuhout. Sluts t to . Re ' um 8119 He. r... ' P $3.49 M5750; GrGii aaruiru. Ttwr" are warm ovary can of “-20-. le iiiwmo- 86. Sale Youth's Book In all whotlntlal no!“ leathers. splendldly mule wag!!! for school and rough war a. wall " tor but Ind Sunny war. “no " to 13. Reg. “on. Sale prlu prlco 335359 AND CHILDREN'S FOOT. WEAR. Mined wheel the». good an»). leather. solid than and we" made. tun't be bought far In. than II... “N. sale Pitta ..r..... . $2.98 GIrls’ box all and Viet Kid boob. made of good oolld leather, the kind that wilt stand the wear and hoop their (on dry and warm. Raoul-e $3.50. Sale special ...... $2.49 canon-v. Shoe- Irt a lure. variety ut styles and leather: to .etteet from Size; 2 to 7. Regular " “In price Man’s luck pr Irma 50c “Raw From [new Doctors Do mir-tl' that 'etuee.u2PCeCSt It will pay modular: to.“ In touch with an. Write, phmie or all. “mm In!!! 8 M k A. G. HAINNIL. 0m WATIRLOO v%Ft"GrmCiiiauiii iii" ty.'.'.",'.".".?. I'" 98e to WINTER 81.50 values, woo value- â€.60 “was. cut to. . . . .. out to ..'..' um value. MEN'S AND BOVO' iuriribir" F., hit For >?----$1.’19 s, l 90c $1.49 $1.98 $2.49 CAPS.