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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 14 Dec 1922, p. 1

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Et 3;? Advertisers in The v"' Chronicle Get Results "90-4)ersic4e_vti-s6'ss'sis'ec"i"t'""te)6+oo-' my. 919W!) 2- E) 'AA _ "§ - FCih/+Ceie) T.) C.) ®+O+O u ' . uf?§% y _ my ' bi C9? Hm I. I mane from (In what Mtdq--lr, Nnmro'a - Inner: no. I trqat has bun pup-rod that want armour.» your -btttotb- Because It Thoroughly Covers the Field '?tll.t;v.r,ry you ”an Old gov-mum Mn out may“ win”. for “ti-h or a my. arm wom- man we can! to Ind if” Fall Suits & Overcoats Do not buy that new Fall or Winter Suit or Over. coat for yourself or your lad until you have seen the enormous display at the store with the Mock at prices that are sure to give you more than you anticipated. Shirts. Night Robes, Hosiery, "HIS" Christmas Gift is Here! " King a 4| (Q: ' k ' iT,". V _ ', give row- for cum-r 'tear."o_rtt-a"tum"ortwetr' provide!" MN $6WC.4rert' @Q‘W’QEQWWWW 30 Men s Overcoats at Special Reduced Prices 25 Ladies' Overcoats at Special Reduc- ed Prices. Suits and Overcoats made to order in our Special order Department. Jo Ontario SA, (Formerly Foundry St. -South) , . Kitchener. COLD WEATHER CLOTHING Mallets. Shirts. The Men's Fur Collared and Rubber Interlinea’ Overcoats. Ladies' Beaver Cloth, Quilted or Curl Lined Coats wzth Fur Collars- L R. DETENBEGK ‘WMMm-gmrmay Barriecloth Ulsters ROBE & (1imllliil Herman Lippert Clothes and Toggery WATER LOO " - b about emu-nu m - Mr, Sheep Lined Coats Double Breasted Reefers Heavy Tweed Trousers Curl Cloth Gauntlets Imitation Bstgrizlo Robes Underwear, may“: KITCHENER wheat "td.--lr, Naturo'a - labor- heith Dfprn the whad p'hthW. Gloves, Neckwear, Umbrellas, Slave-Idem. Hosiery, Store 141 King W Library Hall, last Thursday night, was the scene ot n pleasant gather- M, when at the clone ot the evening class in Home Nursing and Fire! Aid, the members ot the classes met and presented inimctreu In. M. E. Lowe, wth a madame mani- cure case. like (bombs, on babel! ot the class. made the presentation. and after all had heartily sang "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow” Mrs. Lowe replied and alter (banking the classes for their kind remembrance. said that she hoped her Islam would be of some help to the members. After lunch had been served, the gathering broke up by singing "God Save the King". for the purpose of ntrnngin; detail. lion Duh of Simone in visiting in connection with sending n in " “not. In. Burden. ‘carn of har, In". min on. to in Mr. June- Conio Inn on Sunr- 'trMortttrtate farmer- in New Ontario many morning for Ghana when no Lwho unload in the are. int-nan to wand n month with " norm. Accident. daughter, Mrs. Entry u sun Joseph Donn. and a. n a. T. L Mr. Vernon Mon at Wnarioo notion hand of sum wnn - V» n not and Vinita:- It his homo only injnnd in no 0 Y. IL m lion. in" Into Inn hint-any m lino My Hahn of Wnurloo Thet-tOrt-utr-sa-la-tttte-hint-hem" n unloading link.- nu an to. n In”. which “khan-nod.“ “Within-uni.” 'r-tttrr-ego-taorta-tttr-amd-ttttto “on u. Man in. no In mm.mr.nluhm - nnl It " an in a" - T N The Women's institute held its regular meeting in the Library hell on Monday evening, the President. Mrs. A. H. Coombs, in the choir. After reading ot minutes and trans- action of business, Mrs. Lewis thn the local branch deiegnte to the re- cent Women's insitnte Convention held in Toronto. gave a very inter- esting report of the union. This was followed by n -totto by Misses Schweitzer. Chi-inner, Hoi- mes and Hoatetter, a paper, “Christ- mas in other Lands", which m cleverly dealt with by Ml” Malian and Miss Gotorth, and a solo, "Holy Night" try Mrs. Coolnbs. The hostels then served lunch and the meetin then served lunch and the meeting adjourned. Won Prince. New Hambwr; exhibitor win- agahr- At the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair held in Toronto but week, Mr. William Fawkes of this town, captured Ist, 2nd. and 3rd prizes in the Buttercup class. Com- petition was keen, there being BST- "a! American birds on exhibition. Mr. Kewkes also shipped a. number at birds to Guelph to compete u the Guelph Winter Fair. Presentation Made. M. E. Lowe, wth a madame mui- of New Htunburg, now owned by In; cure case, Mrs. Coombs, on behlli Ralph Hilhorn. when he remuned ot the class. made the presentation. until he removed to New LGU) and after all bed t"saru1y sang "For " years ago. The deceued was sn‘ shed 8 JMly Good Fellow" Mrs. active member ot Trinity Luther-IN Lowe replied and alter thanking the church end 1 Sunday School teacher classes for their kind remembrance. for many yen-s. He slso served Mid that tthe hoped her lesons would on the local Council Board end was be or some help to the members. tressnrer or the New Hamburg After lunch had been served, the spun; show Society. He wss twice gathering broke up by singing "God married. His Brat wife predeoeesed Save the Kins". him in 1913 and in August 1921 he Mrs. Samuel Serums of New Dnn- was married to Mrs. Msry Ann dee spent a few days with her niece. Moench, who survives him, besides Mrs. Ezra Bechtel. - one son end two daughters tron his M150 Lily Hetlet, Deaconess ot the that union, timely. Edwin or l-ism- Upper (3de Religious Tract sud llton, Mm. Milton Otto ot Henviile Book Society, who nude 1 onus of sod Mr. Henry Grubs ot Kitchener. the town for donations for the Boer. He is also survived by three broth- ety's mission to ssiiors on inland ers, Christopher ot Munheim. "r waters. reports that she hes ooilect- entine ot Centrevlile snd Ssmuel or ad 356.00 Ot this amount $18.68 Resume. had one sister In. Adam was trom the Public Schoolchildren Poll ot New Dundee. The tuners! and $755 from the Continuum wok piece on Thunder shaman to classes, Trinity Lnthersn church had River- A public meeting ot the New Help side Cemetery. end wss Attended by burg Funnel-h Club wss held on I urge circle at .orrowtnq reistlves Saturday an the Commercisi Haul. sod friends. At the evening nervice in the Evangelical church Int Sande}. the Women's Missionary Society pro; rented the Annual thnnk altering In the interests of Minions. Severn papers were read and the pater, in a short address. pointed out that giving to minions was not a clari- ty, bat a debt that we owe. At the dose. In a charming pageant. nix little girls in costume representing various unchrinunniwd noes ot the world, offered their prnyer tar help. The answer given in song by " Christian maidens, clnd tn white. and with Bible in hand. Indicated very clearly the opportunity at the house enjoyed and nppreciewd the church in mission land; A full evening’s program. Gives Splendid Report. In. J.P. P.ttttettiitrj Italian m 'tehet- none In Pom In. met Int-duper: m . mam to tpmt on In- seven! weeks with he: -t., Mr. an”. and Mrs. o. Duct hm. l tn. nu... M. " In an.” WAmLOO ‘mmmumm, m.-nw¢uocmjui .- mummmcnmmmcumumm ummmmw-ummvau. "et-tr-tlt-tbr,' “hmvulm ruttre.--r.qm.bi.ssdvt.ttertoTtt-r. Ir an“ I In. a. so.» - lat-thy all n It. Fla-n m a! - Tm”- In. Duh of Show In visiting he! “not. In. Bovdon. Mr. June: Come Ian on "tar- urdny morning for Game when no human to we“ c month with " daughter, In. Bury L sun. Mr. Vernon tom“ of WataHoo wu u not and mm: " M- homo Zorn. in 1800. End In. a Ion of Sumac] and Anna am. I. was married In 1886 to 3t-g0ttn. Gold- beck. ot Wilmot. He - for Ave year- In Blenheim Towllhlp and then moved onto the Cream“ turn. an man an. vol-n l Ha. M. E Lowe of m Jarvi- Br,t Toronto, who conducted the chml‘ in Home manta; and PtgBt Aid for. the not two weeks. rum to her home on Prldny. l Oath of Mr. Hull-y but. ___ There used liq a It hams here. on Monday only, a highly esteemed resident In ti. “a at Mr. Hem Bohr, " tho up of " yum. 5 month. and l "r. 83 had been uniform; from meat for new. enl months, but was only -arserd' to bed for the put few In“ The late Mr. Rohr was born In but The may mu oi In. has: - w. v. Kingpin, -tttiere tho mi . a C. Church as - to we aui'w" hack lull loom; nu me:- " m severe linen. , Lula: Mr. G. N scan. be mama-dun teacher of the New trkstmrs MI n In- moved with his - to to". m and huuksnn now I: the..., We will forward the - to any addnu In Can-d: trom now an!" Feb t, 1924 for Watetloo. Chronicle Perhaps a monitor of your umlly I: away from home or you have a "land who fol-marl] Mud here. Do {on m":- that a copy of the Chronicle tttstem to than every week would In like can!" a lot! r (rem home with all tho ham! new" Equltable Building. Waterloo What mag/weeping“ gm could you iqmf them. Send In your order today to Waterloo amide $1.50 l Mr. WW Hone or mutual japan: 8m” wit u. ”mu, Mr. In. C. Ru! ot the Twin-City II! a week and visitor with Mr. (out: Laminar. p Mr. Ed Moot-nth spent Sunny In the Twin-City. mu Helen Veldonhelmer of Kit- chener spent Sunday under the up entat root. Many friends ot Mr. Fred Helm will be glad to lean he is "tCover- ln; nicely trom his recent Illnou. Mtg: Mule Alumnus spent the week and with friend- in Kitchener. Ill-I Boll: Lennard returned to her Some here um upendhc a week with her parents in Linwood. Friend- wlll be glad to [um that Mr. Fred Helm In recovering. Mr. and Mn. Hy. Arnold and Mr. Ed Arnold. an, ot Waterloo paid a visit on relative: hero on Sunny. Mr. George 1nd Anthony Vol-h spent many In Kitchener. Mr. and In. Alex stamp! and Leo Stump! of Waterloo - Smithy with rehuvel and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Mum Dietrich of Waterloo spent Sunday with the tor- mor'g mother. Mrs. Dd. Dietrich. ter. Mr. Edward Brenner In spending a few dun in Watertoo and Kit- chener. Mr. H. B. Rat: and in. Goo. Roo- enhhtt we": in manual: on bul- nesa on Monday. Mb- Adelo Ro-tbutt went Mon- day in Klgchenor. Messrs. Joseph bob-Inger and ur- ban Helm "ant the week and " their respective homes. In. Peter Lennard and Mr. and In. Alex Koabol went Sunday with the farmer's pnenu. Mr. and Mn. Clan. Formal]. Mater Curl Amman; spent a few hours In the Twin-City Int Thun- day. Mr. Hound N, Cuban. n- al, We“ itrttor to Human this: During the 'ret week some of our young people enjoyed their tint Into at the season on the Koehel Brick Yard Md. III- Pourl Hildebrand ”out the luck and with her pm Mr. and ttte IT. CLEMENT. APPROPRIATE GIFTS J. LETTER dik SON Only 8 more Shopping Days till - X M A s Buy Toys for the Kiddies We are showing a lovely line of Toys, Kiddie Kars, Wagons, Rocking Horses, Doll Cabs, etc. at very low prices. Bring the Kiddies to See Toyland. Call and See Our Lovely Variety of The Newest in Victor Records Always in Stock We also have Exceptional Bargains in Victor and McLagan Phonographs Upholstered Chain. Writing Desk, BookEndI, AahTraya, Liter m, Father or Brother For The Evangelical church will have BULTAN 6058 To MECCA their entertainment oh Friday - The Morning Post'- can com- Mg, Dec. M, and the Luthemn pondent a" nut Mohamed Vi. church on Monday Dec 25. the tamer Turkish Sultan. " to- Mr. and Mrs. J. Schondelmeyer otported to have accepted the ittet- Waterloo and Mr. and Mrs. Altman ot King Hunt: :0va of 81211th of Kitchener spent Sundaythe Hedju. to reside in Mom. Local New "out. The young people ot bath our churches am busy Insuring tor their Christmas programs. ", had" we on now you in more. ot win how u toy can tally mu. no diction”, dunno. nu “n such tta-tgets the gunmen. ot cum: I planning.” but hon In mu cunt T0111.“ In Kitchener A wotsdegUgtd for the kiddie. to visit. Let them come. It in one d their rtght- 'tt pleasures. ' " _ What is a Toy? And the " folks with young and inn-polled tt-to--thtq whole store In. been turned (or them into one vat. immu- ing and ttiaeintrttutt- T --wttere they any and In Mindanao jun! the right an; tor spreading Christin“ joy and good-will. Goudies Limited Hero no ton to Itght up the on. of e*ttAhe" with a me plenum and tor; to” to nun-hm an reasoning norm; torn that developo “may; Ian that succumb Ina-um oxerelu; ton an “In In to the nth degree. Waterloo "Court of Gifts" HEIDELBERG. KITCHENER'B PROFIT-QHARING STORE. For Mother or Sister Sewing Stands. Statuary, Victor Records. Brass Goods, Floor Lumps. Jardhlm Stands, Fruit Batch, Serving Tnyn, O'at the home ot In. Mar. l 1 Mr. J. H. Steins ot Kitchener 1m: . Wednesday at the home of Mr. ad “In. J. A. Stem. l, Mr. anq Mrs. Ed. Hush]: and fun- .1in spent Sundny at Com-toga.

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