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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 7 Dec 1922, p. 4

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ptrrtt. “I” “in MI - trl 'aiiii'iaiierettratttre In an "and "bu “loin-m 'udootod plan of Cid-than! In our day. _ .181. mur- Dar, an”: "th. “It. In rtetrt royally colon-nod mm touting. long And story. by as leading Scot-non. not only In ' Idl. but lilo In the ttreat Republic to the south ot us. when VII Ind may St. Andrews Societies. com- prising amongst thelr members All the most 'influential tnen ot the community. Scotsman have won eminence in’ all walks ot life, in all parts ot the world, and we shall - large the noble pan Scotland played in the World's War. Some Scottish towns and villages when war broke out, had enlisted to a man, so tbat when conscription came, the act did not apply to them, as there was no one. to cor1script. The splendid work too, or the Scottish regiments at Nous will never be forgotten. and although Scotland mourns the loss of many of her brave sons, her heart thrills with pride at their bravery. Mrs. E. P. Clement of Kitchener has returned from a very enjoyable visit with Toronto friends, the guest ot Professor and Mrs. H. Malcolm Magee. Wanner Road. A cablegram has been recelvul Ly members of the family, announc- ing the safe arrival of Mr. Geo. C. H. Lang in Europe, where he Ph" pacts to spend a short time on business tor the firm. A wedding vit much interest to their mgny friends‘. on account of the social prominence of the tam- ilies ot the bride and the groom. was solemnizml at St, Mary"s Church Kitchener. on Wrulucsday morning. Nov. 27th, P,t22, when Florence Krug daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Hartman Krug. “as unilwl m marriage with Gerald McNugh, sun ot the late Judge McHugh of Windsor, Rev. Fr Zinger, t" It. otticiating, The bride was Mrmningl)’ attired in white Lr.tiffott vcémw, with crystal, pearl chiffon whys, with crystal. pearl and amino trimming, and she car-l ried ar, r-xquisitrs bouquet of white orchids and imies or the valley. The bridal attendants made a pretty licture in their frocks of pale blue and tral" pink gourgctle with most anmmivn tau-o poke bonnets with' ostrich piumvs Mmutch their dainty' gowns. carrying um fashioned bo-1 qucts of blue violets and pink roses. Following the wrvnmny at the thurch a charming reception and. hrfl'v' lunrlwou wa~x held at the hamisonry I'c-sidnnrr- of the bride's ”would. "ttur which the happy 5091111.: ”mule L-ft an d hunoymoon} trip to New York and White sul-: phur Springs, {allowed by the best) whim-s m :h-‘Ir lm-rs of friends tor thr-ir w ill t t U rn im prov ed on his dun: Kilthvm r Strm‘l visitor TM Holt John Bracken. Premier at )lzunimm. the Hon. C. A. Dunning Premirt of Saskatchewan and the Hon. ll, Gjsyvtttivld, Premier ot A1- berta, were trim-m. visitors In Olav wa. tho, Fturssts ot His Excellency, Mrs. John Winklvr has returned to 1.1 r homo in Markham, after a much enjoyed wm'k‘s visit with her mo- ther. Mrs. Gourm- Holduc, Sr. Allan Street. thp Governor-General and [any Byng of Vimy, at Government House Sir Andrew McPhall gave a most interesting address to the Women's Canadian Club at Guelph Inst Wed- resday. Miss 101' Ont "l l'ruln Hai" ($855“; 1iiGi. aw a shy, {a Rsrliament 'dt? 2g2,3'itrt,'N Cam. I , [C I a M’ 6/51: 'ffh'a"r(u'r'i',', ams62e.. f)v3t,itsp,t,t,lq,racns Wa terloo, ('hrislmun of Elmira was a last wwk, the guest of her Mrs, J. A. Harper, Young Il,iit "if,efhft" " rio Iodern m Detad 7 mi Conhmncafod A .' 1; iiau, tli JJ/Gd Gi, most; In a setting of great splendor, T) Ct? poke honnets withitn the midst of what isbelteved to tus' tirmutc!1 theirdalnty' have been the largest Masonic ass- ,ing o!d fashioned til, omhly ever gathered under one wall . vim“ and pink r0595_lHis Royal Highness the Prince of he- Cerq'monv at the Walos was recently Invested in manning reunion y,ttifl'""I I{:ll.[as ‘Sgnlgr f2"i1ll'yt, non wits', hold at tne‘m o the 'nie ran 39 o widunm of the 'lrl1'ili.'e,ii:ii, The investiture ot thp .r which the hapw‘lrince of Wales as Senlor Grand f' y,“ "" " oneymoonP?ylen, was the ttrst occasion on . York and White su1-iwhich an heir-apparent accepted R tk, roliowrsrl by ttu. best)!'."'""".? in tho Grand Lodgv. otltrrr i) A' hr: rs oi friends tor than that of Grand Matrter. Th" tl t; :m-l prosperity 0n Prince in being a keen Mason, is Mr. and MR. JdHalhlironowinx the example of his graml- thvir residuum. in winr;rattt"r, Edward VII., who during his illusonir reign ot a quarter ot , con- Elury. showed great zeal tor thr "inmm Klnv‘pl'm' has ris-l waft. Hamburg. N, Y. much: - mun-0*! nnhnrg. N. Y. lulu-h alth, and has resum- Ht. Jvrome's College an "all! that M M‘ nil! In: ur, " new -W‘ Lu. an M It. at: a Ill tuna during in. m. " in not!" In ot up 'ettaetemet, at an any! which In tum: «m by m tact that the owner at the bk or ford Street IMP, nut. the neigh- boring unknown Rouse from Lord Lamdowne. hummer-mus Mr. and Mn. E rr. any“: on- joyed a delightful holiday trip to New York during the past fortnight. "In this greet [and ot ours all are not Scotch. though I doubt not that many are sorry they are not. We have many ot the sons ot old Erin, many who are proud that their “then came trom the Emerald Isle. and we welcome them here to-night. Many others 'who are here look back with pride to their ttthers' homes in that marvellous little coun- try, old England. We honor old England. and her brave Englishmen. In the last analysis we tms,Jsowever, not Englishmen. not Irishman nor Scotsmen, but citizens ot Canada. We can in no better way show our love and reverence tor our sires, 'no matter from what country they may have come, than by our hon-i (ml endeavor to be real good Cami adiuns. Therefore. let us love our; muntry. cherish all that is bright in her history, honor all that in nobla in herlaws, and no matter whether this be our native land, or but the land ot our adoption, may we all unite with the poet and Bar.-- The Scot may love his heather hill. extract from President Dr. N. c, Wallace's address. at Guelph St. An, drewu celebration:--- The Englishman his rose. And Erin's son may love the vate, Where Erin‘s shamrock grows; But Canada, tair Canada, No land more dear to me, No other land, however grand, Shall win my heart trom thee.': One of the most charming social affairs in connection with the Tor- onto Winter Fair and Horse Show. was Mr. George Beardmore‘s re- ception lat "chudleitrh" tor the judgog and exhibitors and other Horse Show visitors. Mr, and Mrs. E. W. MacKenzio have returned from their wedding trip and have taken up their rvsi (inure In their ttne new home on lissun street, Waterloo. . Mr, and Mrs. Norman Howie ot Toronto were week end visitors, y) "Ellen‘sle" with his mother. Mrs, Alex, Howie, who we regret to Bay, is in very poor health health at Mrs, Hutchinson, (nee Ada Armi- by) of London. Out, was a~ week: end vsltor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Bricker. en mule from a trvrk'g visit with Mr. and Mrs. W, Lyon Aiken, Toronto. i In. many _ of In. John Nunavut" St. N. when“ mmmm-M ago friends and Mrs. Walter Wells. Carollne w, IO" this week for a vislt with Chic ago friends and relatives. Mrs. Konnedy ot Gtrlt was a vial- tor at ihe home ot her brother, Mr. E, W. and Mrs. Mackenzie, Enron Su.. during the past week. Mrs. A. N. MacTavlah (formerly Miss Katie Collins of Toronto) is holding her first reception since e-er marriage. on Tuesday. Dee. 6th. st her home, 24 Wellington 3L, lrom (r30 to 6 o'ctock. Pruidem Harding has been pre- snntml with u rose culled from u largo wreath, placed on the tomb of the unknown Ioldler ot Prunes. nt Paris on Armistice day. by 1 re rmnenullve ttf tho Halon-l mr ahled Veterttnrf League. The no- was given to (In Pro-Idem by John T. Nola. Cnmmunder ot the Luella. who and at the Wt. Home. Washington. with I der-tStrat from the mist-la. in very aunt. UiiGitai. n p» m-m an. thm u. will Com tmtl-r-ma""""'"'?.". m -. I... m than a -.. as In: wand” oCen" “I. " not home. " WM." and. m Mm. C. W, WW w.- tho - m Iut walk on “and” and My " my - - I!” To“ and 03“ m " be: home. You. Strut. when the [lie-lo Ive-t In many-Ally bright and jolly time with pron-elm. "MA)", the winner: of the pretty when being Mrs. Henry Liplurdt and Mrs. N. Letter on Monday, And Mrs. Ernst and Mrs. P. Smiley on Tuesday. Dan. C. W. Schledel and In. M. C, Hall spent the past week in De- troit. with their mother, Mrs. John Holman, who is gradually recover- ing from her recent nerlous lllneu. ‘Mrs.E P. Flintott, who has many friends in the Twin-city. cune up from Montreal In". week, tor a visit tr her father, Dr. Howitt ot Guelph. The University Women's Club of Kitchener and Waterloo have issued invitations to a number ot their friends to meet them at St. Baviour'ts Parish Hail, Allan Bt., Waterloo, on Friday evening. December 8th, at 8.15 o'clock, when a pleasant and profitable evening is being looked forward to. SOVIET GOVERNMENT FA- VORS CONCESSIONS T0 FOREIGN CAPITALIS’I‘S The Soviet Government must not be afraid to give concessions to foreign capitalists. Premier Lenin declared at a great meeting ot the Moscow Soviets in the Grand Opera House last week in Moscow. "Russia", said Lenin, “la so big, and has such wonderful economic possibttities, that there is no reason to retuhe any fair proposition from interests outside the country. We will make such favorable arrange- ments that the capjtahsts will be compelled to come to do business with us despite their present enmity toward us." Premier Lenin remarked that there were many ditticuitiets still mufroming Itussia-new problems which demanded new methods and new men to carry them out. "Wc must sum; tn PT,', to work, December 15th. Everybody welcome. under lhe new conditions. he con- Needed repairs will be made at f-luded. "We must. learn to he Slen- the Blair G. T. R. station. ible. f" all that we have game m. Mrg. Eden of Hespeler spent a m" tive years' struggle, there "lday at the home of Mrs. Adam De- nothing we shall give back to thelbrusk bcurgeoisie. 1 Miss Irene and Master Percy Har- lling spent a week in Kitchener. SHORTAGE OF COAL. l The Union Sunday School started ‘prartlsing tor their annual Christ- imas concert. In a statement issued last week the F6deeat Advisory Fhel Com' mittee once more warns household- ers that there is little anthracite coming Into Canada from the Unit- ed States, and that it is important to lay in a supply ot substitutes. Dealers as well as consumers. It is mid. ttrt? Caving a situation which may lead to dtmcutty and possibly hardship. "unless subsiitules great- ly alters." The shortage ot anthracite. tsc-',' oording to the statement, is likely‘ to continue throughout the winter, and in the United States the public has been warned to lay in a MPper cent. emergency supply ot either) bituminous coat, coke or the smat-' in sizes of anthracite, such as pen; and buckwheat. it will be the! middle ot February before the} shortage ot anthracite can possibly M caught up with, it in said. by which winter transportation 'ig'.,') mules are gout-rally at their worst.) Joe--'Swe6tty to the sweet?" Sephinrr--"Oh. thank you; mly I pass you the nuat"--ooNiu. Burned Ontario Needs Help In” um onto-Maul In a DIR. rum-manhunt m tV ""r "et' E" Mum: _ Mummers-tow inundated by a My "and at LI you no It"!!! on! our unit, tor Huntingto- GM we ten that we eoull not per-it m departure you our millet. without expressing our appreciation on re- gard. tor' your some“. native. Chi-h- tin libero, in our church -. We believe that your religion eo- tlvitie. were performed not only In a duty, but tor the toy end nun (action which ie “we” found by those who Ire willing worker. for the Master, end tint It in through‘ the taithmi portal-menu- or your! past work, and I deep consecuton, tint you have heard His voice calling you to fit and prepare your- selves to be Minister. of the Goe- pel. While we will miss you trom our little circle we elm [eel it to be a sign of Divine Approval that you have been celled to greater lenice, and we hope and pray you will win many souls, and continue to be true Soldiers of the Creel. . As a further token ot our esteem, we ask you to accept these club bags. and trust that when your course ot training is completed, we may and these bags so heavy that you will need helpers to carry them through life. Signed on behalf of the Roseville United Brethren Church, James Hope, Class Leader. Hockey club Organized. On Tuesday a goodly number orl, Hockey enthusiast. attended the; Hockey meeting in the Live "ore' (Jase-room, and organzed for the coming season. The question of building an open air rink, and no curing club sweaters and Goal new. were discussed. The ollcers elect- ed are as follows: Pres. Norman Sipes; Manager, Chas. Thom; Sec.- Treas., Lorne Johannes; Captain, lu’lng Wilson. We also decided to enter the Waterloo-Wilmot Hockey League; Chas. Thorn has loaned his set ot boxing gloves to the Blair Athletic dub. and the hockey players are getting Into shape tor the Winter pastime. _ - School Concert. The Blair Public School Concert will be held. on Abe evening of December 15th. Everybody welcome. Country jurue--'mow long have you owned a ear?" Motorist (charged with speeding --"Otte week, your honor." Judge--'trn--then you can still afford to pay a ttne. Twenty dor GUARD THE BABY AGAINST COLDS Miss Pearl Hagey ot Preston spent a tcw days at her home here. To guard the baby against colds nothing can equal Baby's Own Tab- lrts. The Tablets are a mild laxa- tive that will keep the little one'n stomach and bowels working regu- larly. It is a recognized not that where the stomach and bowels are P.. good order that colds wilt not exist; that the health of the little one will be good and that he will thrive and he happy. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a trom from The Dr. Williams‘ Medicine Co., Brock- ville. Ont. lars, NOT YET BROKE. "Sutnpietr" of MENS UNDERWEARfi 'ysamiiles" of LADIES' UN D'rswiitA.t.tfri,r)rr)ijiir "Samples" of MENS SWEATERS - 22": "Samples" of BOYS' PULL OVERS "_-ri)',,),:,",, "Samples" of HANDKERCHiEPSl'l , rr,',',', "Samples" of CHILDRENS WOOL SCARFS Waterloo LADIES' Ind MIMES’ BUR- BERRY cone In all moi mF teriele, light and dark shed“. some mvcmue clothe. Raglan and m-in eleeve. eingle and double Inverted pleat m beck. Leather Buttons. ell slut. Special Price. e17 kn, $22.50 mum at Send in Irour' Order To-Day LADIES' and MIIOIO' FUR COLLARID COATO in Franc emu. “new. and - Coors neme braided Ind stitched. Very LAD!!! AND - FUR COLLARID COAT! In vIlour. dwdyno. Normandy, Opp..- um. lawn». and Fenian Lamb coll-r0. lull "nod. - embroider“ and will“, but nappy and... panel and ”in... trim In Drown Gav". Palm: and high!!! In». all “no. me. Price. $26.50, $35, 545 to T he Waterloo Chronicle Lunar cannula; ”was 00m Mum Kimono: and “can. comm m “which. The - abut. and bid VIM in the In“. Here is where you get your moneys worth when buing warm Winter Clothes for Women and Children. We sell only reliable and well made garments and at very moderate Prices. 1 Br'itskerut1ermann Go. Women’s, Misses' and Childree's Coats which affords you an opportunity to buy real good Winter Merchandise It a considerable saving. Ladies' Bu rberry Coa ts For over " Months Fur Collar Coats gum; Maw Cir; 25% Cheaper than Regular Price 1nd $17.50, $25.00 $17.50 and $19.50 If You Subscribe Now. COME THIS WEEK an; - 'it'lardiifs'a'i ftiiiitait'la'; fed .4 These goods are all marked $1.50 ---- wurs,as' to your home Bei, " gs LADIEO' MLTO’ PLUOM COAT. In Ruhr and o, I. dun hall "and. blind and I... - Myles. - " to $29.50, $33.00. $49.50 and dark and... CHILDREN. COAT. In Illnkpt Clout. GM.- cMII. From and, ”out! _ may” I” $10.50, $12.50, 515 ttt $17.50 CHILDRIN'I FUR COLLAR") COAT. In velour. ml Hanan doth. B-tttq g“ " po-um Collar! In and» of Mn, law all was. "e, ., Ladies Plush Coats LADIEI' and mono WAT. m Volours. Duvuym. Romy. Normandy and Blanket Cloth. loo-o and ballad Kyla In and“ of Brown. Inn. luv". Navy and Duck, local" and o. B. III... - - $5, $8.75 to $10.50 Limited“ f $15, $22.50, $31.50 to $42 Ladies' Cloth Goa ts

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