v'F, -tt+o>FComtiri,'tt' st, 5 i. {a I Advertisers in The Chronicle Get Results Bocnuse It Thoroughly Covers the Field Fail Suits 81 Overcoats Do not buy that new Fall or Winter Suit or Over. coat for yourself or your lad uhtil you have seen the enormous display at the store with the stock at prices that are sure to give you more than you anticipated. u King . Christmas Gift is Here! " IOU. OI a mo from the what fuld.--u, Nature's great labora- ttt 'i1'jr'at5t1tfgT.'tt'gh mom â€I nut-risen by Fr' T '.lttt"tHttoh-6ttrut-atrt-ttoe-. f.†in you gun. u .m mu» I» cum: i,'r7mretr My m a "Him" or two to pmldo "r. _’ Em an m and“... um that would be nun-bl. for 'dur" or I lam cum when would you up.“ to Rnd 30 Men s Overcoat: at Special Reduced Prices 25 Ladies' Overcoals at Special Reduc- ed Prices. Suits and Overcoats made to order in our Special order Department. Jo Ontario St., (Formerly Foundry St. South ) Kitchener. n m In. new ground that wm unno‘han your Bmtriuq"t- COLD WEATHER CLOTHING The ; sy-c.r-e-a)e-.srrc.wo.sc.st-iicws-c, Je"rFE+rgrt £99 Barriecloth Ulsters Men's Fur Collared and Rubbcr Interlined Overcoats. Ladies' Bedver Cloth, Quilted or Curl Lined Coats with Fur Collars- L it. DETENBEGK ROBE & CLOTHING Herman Lippert Clothes and Toggery Sheep Lined Coats Double Breasted Reefers Heavy Tweed Trousers Curl Cloth Gauntlets Imitation Budrabo Robes WATER LOO Night Robes, “HI S" KITCHENIR f Christmas Underwear, W: ( $12319 p'le1de! ;"oyt16rsisi'i2tit,iwiy "téi'ohirt'9irOt Umbrellas, Stmreetttera, Hosiery, Gloves, Neckwear, 141 King W Store ' ir tl Silver spoons donated by? Miss Annie Shammler and Silver Fork. and Knives donated by Albert Bream net and won by Mrs. John Snemnq Exciting Runaway l Hm". W311†An and HM luv-lay torrtitettmtor, in. vtqttqN u their mm!" home. has our the -beqd. minimum-aqua Last F'riday morning as Mr. John Martin was making " daily trip to the Linwood station with mint. his hat flew away and " he was recov- ering it the horseu run away and were not halted until they rancher] the poking CPR. station. Although they ran eight miles. very light dam- 85;? was done and only one half a can was spilled. although nhont ll! (ans wore on the carriage. Local and Peroonll Moan-e lnlpector Zlnhnn. accom- panied by four WW“. was ttttBht- vinllon In the 'm"t su- nrday. Mr, James MacMun-ay hi! return- ed ot ttik local C.P.R. nation after having been In the ticket otrice at London tor the past few months. W0 are glad to report that Mu. Wm, Calder is improving nlcely ar- trr having received a pulytlc stroke wimp Hating In Liam's) some time um The Wellesley " Court of Revi- Mon was held at the King Edward Hotel here od Thursday Itot. Miss?! Nettie Tnhbert And “an Ooh! Ind Mr. Simon Dachau were visitors to Kitchener on sum-d". Men“, George 3nd Louis Rainier visited their nephew. Chm. who " In the hospital It Guelph It the present time. Mr all In. J. W. Run in. VI.- my Anim- o- My. Sacred Heart Statue don-ted by Mrs. Ryan and won by Miss Phil, Etsenmenger. Luncheon Bet donated by Mia Leona Anthony, Erie, Pt. and won by Miss M, Riordan, Linwood. l Life size doll won by Father Mor- gen. Five dollar gold pece donated by F'ather Morgen and won by Mrs. J. Pressman. Guelph. Tapestry Bugs donated by Nine! Hnimler and won by Mrs. Ed. Morr- is ' Drayton. . l _ the music. The pastor. Rev. killer ‘Weidner. wishes to that "I the ducal parishioners tor their (yo-om inton, as also any minor: from KIt- )chener, Wtrterloo, Elmira. And other ', points. Credit is given to the women lot 81. .Ciementa who operated I Cspecialiy attractive booth on their nown initiative, cielrlu in the neigh- {borhood ot ttN. The man not pro ice-eds amount to nearly 81800. no lucky winners at the prim-drama J were as follows: Ton of Coal donated by Altar Soci- ety and won by Hy. Arnold. W-ter- loo. . 1 Hunt " _ The Blunt hold by the load 1 la Church in their now new 1mm darn In! mt. proud I not! Imunrhhle mecca. but. crowd: were In utenmco the In! tn ganemoona and 0min“. will. tho last night. vu left open (or mm. {About (our hundred pool». won in Centrepiece donated by Mrs. Anth. Brenner and won by Mr. Jon. Bren- ner. Linwood. Ten dollars donated by Mr. and Mrs. Ben Boppre and won by Miss Anna Schnmmer. St. Clements. Janendance At the dance, Wander. (Orchestra of Kitchmr "willy“. Leather Rocker donated by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Koeble and family and won by Miss L. Hergott, Bam- hits. Leather Pillows donated Anth. R. Koeble and won M, Bierachbach, Waterloo. Quilt donated by Mrs. G. Ellen- menger and won by Kath. Koetrrts, Guelph. Five dollar gold piece donated by Miss C, Hayes and won by Fred Probst. Linwood. Five dollars donated by Mia- K. Eisenmenger and won by Philomena Eiseametttrer. Silk quilt donated by Miss Fannie Runstedler and won by J. Walton, Wellesley. T? Toned quilt donated by Mrs. Jno nelljng, won by Alfred Lennard Linwood. Ten dollar gold piece donated by Mrs. Jno Ryan and won by Mrs. Dr. Mauser, Linwood. Piqe dollar gold piece donated by Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Hurley, won " J. Kennedy. R. R, I, Britton. Bride & Groom. -- donated by friend St. Clements. won by Ono. For-well, Si. Clements. WATERLOO Gama-E by Mrs. by Miss "teetahtadtmttit_atthetr Manama-MMIIM Mammal-01ml. Thimil‘nulv-ullh “clutch-“n" Mn Humid Taylor and little .011 La Verne of Hunllton spent a few days with her parettta, Mr. and Mm. John Millard, T mu liken Gordon of Ktchow â€on! M, with but "tor, In. an m it 'sh- was given Mr. and Mn. Hook ot Barrie spent a couple at weeks here win: their daughter, Mrs. Wm. Murphy. The [Adler Aid no preparing to hold a sun!- on Dec-3m“ lull. In St Andrew' Hall. Noun Huh union an! Arch Thom» of Kuchonor we!“ tho week and It the farmer'- hom- hero. We are sorry to report that Mug News Zuelodort bu been on the sick "at 1nd I... Melt unable to latch school. Her many friend. hope for her speedy recovery. Mr. Herbert Ben: has returned home from the Cheat Went “tor spending a for months out there. Mr. Ch... Gallagher bu returned home After unending . low dun mum; Mnd- In Bt, (mum-u. Ther Ian on - for South Riven. Parry Bound eutrtet. Mr. Tnylor who up In! Wednes- dly to spend I few days. mu B Carter of Guelph open: A row an" here with her mm. In. Herb. McNIlly. very successfully. A Urge crowd was present Ind n good woman The Fowl Supper and Concert held Int Thursday evening panel on 'Mr. Harry Shanta: about I mel days valuing his ulster, Mm Ray- burn Haunt/on ot Branttord. Enjoyed PMTIM. Mr. and Mrs. Irvine [41th ot Mosboro and Hours“ Alex and Ram. McBride and Min Match of Bloom- ingdale. all went Sand†with Mr. and Mrs. Cham Bttgg. ser, and Mrs. Ben Mill-rd spent. Sunday visiting relatives in Kitch- ener. but Friday afternoon It. Chan. Hopkins of this oboe Iru quietly marina to It“ Lottie Orly at Boli- wood, The ceremony w“ â€domed by luv. Robert Bruce of this pun. They will reside in Wigttqrboqtrms. We wish them a long and hwy wedded lite. bonnie. betttasr known " the 600m Wright um. Their my triad- Jokes In within; them a long, - and prosperous wedded “to. H-pplly W064“. tant Thur-day nn-tttttat. I. am; when Mr. uum 8m. M at ot Mr. and In. Job sum. Ill unit.“ In tho holy m OI Inui- - to lab, you“ ham ot Mr. and In John Bantu. M ot un- 91m. The 'NtNmoCt, no perm-med by RM. A. M. Hamilton phat. The young couple will In“. on the [room's fun no" What.» We will forward the paper to any Maren in Canada from now until Feb t, 1924 for Equluhlo Bulking. Waterloo What more acceptable gm could you and them. Porno: I member of your family le away from home or you have I friend who tormorly Ilvod here. Do you realize that a copy of the Chronicle going to them every week would be like getting a letter from home with all the home new? Waterloo Chronicle Bend in your order ttsdny to Waterloo Chronicle (hrisinasiiil $1.50 888 New: Noun. Mr. Ed. Brenner returned to bl: home after spending the past six year. In the Canadian West. Mr. Ind Mrs. Wilma Lobstnger ot Kitchener paid n visit on the for- mer'n parent- on Sunday. Mrs. G. B. Hathwar and son. M. and Mrs. M. Enos of New Hamburg. spent a few days with Mr. and Min Hoeftin last week. Mr. and In. Ralph Brubacher have removed trom St. Thomas to Waterloo. where Ralph has a poul- tion in the snlder nour mill. . Rev. 1ryd Eby's may friends were gin to hear him again In the pulpit ot Calvary church last Burt- day evening. _ The udieo' Aid at St. James' Lutheran church In lending a but- b; sale next Saturday nttornoott to add to their residence tad. Mr. And Mrs. Howard mes spent Sunday wit} Mr. And Mn. Nelson Mr. Henry Stroh. who has been rebuilding his bakeoven. In: it o- Inked and Is now may to turn out the beat In the "ml ot life" line. Fe" n Bftdeti6rt. I: it possible? tur Henry Thorn. ton, vino In going to make a succeas of our C. N. human. remarked the other day: “There is more Individ- ual liberty, more real democracy under the Union Jack than beneath the Sm: Ind Stripeu." Rev. Llyod ttttd Hrs. Eby are spending tt week with Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Elly. They expect to leave for the Sierra Leone mission tield only in luxury. Min Miner“ Schletolo ot chcn- ener, spent. the week-end with war pron“, Mr. had MN., cum. Behieteie Illn- lhrgnet Anon. who bu enjoyed a three monthl' sojourn with relatives In Manitoba. I: back min to her position In F. E. Welkar'u “on. latch. no vat“ no.“ no u - .am- of mm lun- ‘um. when a an" no... on the " and MCI!" cl her throne n! 'rmgtdrts which Josiah an loud. “It. node and about. but tt 1: IO good tor “Mum" when we should hue lather Earth canted with a mum. ot cmthumo Whitman. and we should be de- vcloplh‘ tho Christan- with. I - - W ‘â€" luu him Brunch" ot Kitetr Mary's Church Banal: Linwood, In grandparents, Mr. and our. went and" It Cod» Grow the past week. , Sham: on Sunday. hm. id". Anthony Herlc of wuerloq BRESLAU SCHOOL nu..- “‘_._.-A A___‘ _L A L A _ _ - In. Stucco Walkbnrn In- re- turned (no vhluu Mend: In Ram.. mon tor wine an. Team- londhlc and ttnloadittg at the mm min In a much of the can» dim More the In. which the citizens In [ltd to no. lho'u Uh all W What mm but»! - Many from here ttttended the St, '. p4 ' in 90c, $1.00 'of $1.40 â€om Holden. at Brings with It many "noun!“ We have the proper Machines to no!“ your Moat or “no-go dimcumu and look at tho _ “MUCH LOWER and the 00008 ARE RIGHT." Cold Weather IUTCHEI KNIVEI. In! "will.†- In I" uln- MLM " CLEMENTS a hub" Ioon to to i spent p, Nelson' in" manner. r, Mr. Miner Cressman. Miss Mary , Snyder the Muses Edith and Ada . and" and Ella Cressmmn visited in JBienheim on Sunday. " Mrs. Abe Shana formerly of this _ burg. visited her old friends here lone tiny last week. Mr. Wellington Weber and Mr. Emerson Burkhart, the Misses Ma- bel Burkhnrl, Edith and Lily Weber at Flor-dale and Miss Seleda stunt, o'. Bloomingdale, were all guests ot Mr. and Mrs, Mam-Ce Klnzle on Sun- day. Mr. Melvin and Miss Emma Shaun of Michigan "med their Misses Luella and Alta Hecken- dorn spent the week end In New Dundee. Sunday vistors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Moises, Heckendorn were Mr. Jason Smith. Mr. Ralph Honaberger. Mina Irene and bottle Smith and Miss Lena Frets ot Vine- land . ‘ The Misses Verna and Lily Baer spent the week end visiting friends in Manhelm. Pomona". Mrs. J. M. Schledel visited with friends In Toronto last week. Megan. Jno. Lorentz and Anthony Voisln motored to Kitchener last Sundny. . Mr. Jas. heroin and his sister Venn: and Miss Gerldlne Porter of Hamilton paid a. short vial! on Louis Rosenblan In: Wednesday. Mm Kate Meinoskl was a Sunday visitor with her mother, Mrs. Juo. Memos“. In. Guava Allen"; In; a business vl-Iwr to Wellesley [not Tuesr'a" Tm ward Lab-Inger was an Out or mm manor In: Thursday. f 'Mr .unr Mm. Edward Volsln and son paid a visit on friends in St.' Axum last Sunday. \ur. â€my new: or therloo. BRESLAU “HOOL REPORT. paid a visit to his tormer‘home Clue v.--Raitttt Nahum); 88%. town to see his many friends. Edith Hergon 86. I ilnllllullll‘mlllIIIIIIIIINOIIIIIIIIIIMull!““0|!thIllIll!IDI!tumult.llllllflllllllllllflflltnull"mmumml "45C " 65c, tktr, .Amummamvu‘uuu. in! t't"t'1'tt-ttl'.attt'-.rreaterrsrt,.st. am of m and hid-nun. than.†u - in... Pure 't"t'""r_'"rt'tt-t'r-rtott-rtisrU. te-tt manual munching. dul- um can“ tt " II. hth. and, with vendor-Ital - " Mildly Mandi. hr gin-.Ivln. foUq MM on â€raiding Christina. than. Goudies Limited "The Court of Gifts" BREOLAU KITCMER'. PROFIT-SHAH INC "ORE. mm than (we not. m tttt Chi-Jamal This ROtIN~Im county No 22. Extr- PM!" at $2.50 $2.75 No. 22 Dubr- at that " No. 32 No " Knive. It No. " Extra PM!“ " Na " Knives at RED ENAMELLED MEAT CHOPPERS. THE GOOD OLD RELIABLE KIND. Mu! Choppers It Mon Chappon " DUTCH!!! ITEILO. Mrs, J, Shoemaker " Elmira Tig- hed last week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Show Ker and Mr. and Mrs. W. Memur. I The Pie Social given 3" . Tn mer'i Ins, vs. the huU m Hon- day evening "oH a good subcess. The price of milk in Kitchener re- mains the same while at Woodstock the price Increased from 9c to Mte per quart. tUverat trom here attended the Elmira and Winterbourne concerts last Thursday and Friday evenlngs and reported a good programme. Gay evening. "oA a good SULCESS. Miss Grace Dawson ot Erin spent the week-end at Mr. and Mrs. C. n. Woman“. Miss Vera Woons is visiting with relatives near Mount Forest. Mrs, Harold Israel spent the week-end at Toronto. Miss Sylvia Miller is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. I. Beisel. Primer-- Verde Dressman 71%. Marcella Haze}! 71. Walter Schm- ing 66, Will Dubrick 65 . V A. SULLIVAN, Teacher. Br. IL-Mabel Creuman 71. Fred Schilling " Oscar DuBriek 63, Emma Dabrick " Margaret Jan- na; 57, Edgar Harmut 54. Jr. Ii.-9teury Janzen " lrene‘ Haraack 74, Edmund Weiler 64. Class l-Lloyd Cressman 62, Aland Schilling " _ Jr. 'V.--Mt1rie Reahart 69, Myrrel Creuman 58. Sr. UL-Nelda Krieger 75. Lizzie Hergott 71. Margaret May 67, Net- tie Krieger 60, Leonard Weller 59, mm; Clemens 54. John Dubrlck ". Sr. Iv.--trxsderietr Julian 92%, Ella Gulck 79, Florence Rupple 77, Stanley Hamel 70. Loretta Rein- ban 63, Frank Wetter 49. MILK PRICES INCREASED WEST MONTRan, $1.50, Jam, par lb W100 $7.00 $11.00 -60e , 75e $1.00 $1.35