i _ F ILSINGER dk HENRY Inn. Street, Kitchener _ a Boon-IMO! Queen , 3‘on , . . . . g o 9.56.,ng . 6 43 , . . o .‘O-‘O "st ' i o o o o o o 6 0‘. o o i"rt'tr"isttrytiir:rsis t . , Jt "Ct?" ' 182 t g I , . st) \‘2 ‘3‘ ‘9 th oats-No, 2 CAV.. 45l/ic; No. W. and anm No, l teed, 40%c 1 feed. .Ti"V; No. 2 feed. 34'ir jH-llwl. 32hr; track, 42%(2 \VINNIPEG Wheat-No. No. 2. 31.05% 9914c; No. 5. teert, 761330. Ontario 62e. Bupkwheat-No. 2. 'itre to 780. Rye-ec. Milll'eed - Carlots: Bran. $24; shorts. $26: mlddlings. 823.50; good fund tfour, in bags, $2. TORONTO. Dec. 4.--Board of Trade quotations: Manitoba whoat-No. l northern. '1.211h. American rnrnANo. 2 Yellow 881,tt No, 3, S70. l Ontario oats-No. 2 white, 41c to 4 3c Ontario $1.06. tio., common . . . . H Feeding steers, good do., fair .r"-ttt.P. Slackers. good '.-. .. do.. fair .m.ttr.... Calves. choice veals. do. medium ...... do., common .... o. Milch cows. choice. .1 Swingers. choice ...! Sheep, ewes .,.... .. Lambs 'm.... .eev.., Hogs, fed and water- ed, selects .._ . . . . .1 do. lights ........l d0.. heavies .. . . . .1 Bows ...-r. .._rr... raukai ewe: steers ..r... .....l Bucther steers, choice do., good "'."" do., medium ...... do., conunon o... .. Butch. homers. choice do., medium ...... do, common . . o. . Butcher cows. choice do., medium ...r_. Gunners and cutters Butcher bulls. good Jnterep--Roeetpts, 1,921; choice limbo We to 90e higher at $11.75 to $11.25. Good light sheep strong at " to " tMlm.--Rereeipta, Mt: study at " to 818, with heavy culve- at $2.75 to 15.50. Hotrtr--Reempta, -3,248; hog mu- ket is null unsettled. Quotations: Came. heavy beet m‘am til uum Mum u.umu.mubyw-uu to $11.“. navy can up“ from " to " with you! butcher: n " to u. Twenty Iona: ot â€when in! (sedan were sold " $8.ts to 85.15 Maul-aloucumo- “V. m m â€HO-M {lam-stun. “500.981.“. We Suggest: Wool Mufflers - Silk Mufflers - Silk Shirts Poplin Shirts - Satin Striped Shirts Madras Shirts - Percale Shirts Sweaters - Gloves - Neckwear Silk Sox - Cashmere Sox - Handkerchiefs . Belts - Braces - Garters - Armbands WINNIPEG GRAIN TORONTO GRAIN Your men folks will appreciate' a gift fro, man's store. A gift that he can wear and one that will wear. barley-Matting. 61c to wheat Dec. 4.---Cash grain:| 1 northern, ttom;! No, 3. $L02%: No. 4,‘ WNW; No. 6, whim; OUR STORE B FULL OF GOOD GIFTS FOR YOUR MEN mm K3609 Ctrttti ‘...,.400@ 500 ......400@ 450 ......300@ 400 vealsJO 00 0 12 00 w.....800©10tr0 .-..3000 700 oice. .so 00 @100 no 'e ...90 uo@110 00 ...._.200@ 800 .-.ttsoerfes! EVERYTHING BOXED FOR XMAS ll 10 10 86000" r6000? 50066 46065 40004 60067 50006 a If: 4006 3000 .2000 3506 " 25 500 Better Goods - For Less Money '"'"'---q winter, FOR MEN ll 11 ll No. 4 so GrLL--At Kitchener, Nov. Mth, to 3 tj Mr. and Mrs, R. Gil. a daughter. 5 so'mrscHiw---At Breslau. Nov. M, 5 tro to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bitsehey. a 4 M, son. 4 ooluoiscsos-At Kitchener, Nov. 27, 2 ool lo Mr. and Mrs. w. Hodgson, a o oo daughter. 7 (ro, WiLKE--At Bloomingdale, Nov. IIT, 0 my to Mr, and Mrs, Sam Wilke. a o 001 daughter. goo WEBEIR--In Waterloo Twit, Nov is 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Moses G, l Weber, a daughter. 150 oWirrtrim--- At Kitchener. Dec. 1st 1 00' ir Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oberer, a 500 450 50 00 00 50 10 00 A rare uppportunity to secure ‘a splendid farm situated a few miles only from both Kitchener and Wat- date buildings. special for dairy to supply milk Sou? HNMMER---At Elmira. Dee Mr, and Mrs. Ezra Har 4aughter. 0 "zrh"rEL- At Kitchener. 1 to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert I daughter. erluo. Good land Don't miss this chance. Apply further particulars to Kitchener or Waterloo milkmen do., cannery ..., Exp, n" hid. doe Choose. ttr., new . . do., old F........ Dru-ad Pouhry-- Broilers, spring. lb. _ Fowl, lb. _rrrrprr.r Duckling, lb. ..‘ . .. Turkeys. lb. .., . . . _ Live "oottrr-. Broilers. spring. Hens, lb '.".. Roosters. lb. '.. lIucangs. ltr, .. Ducks, ltr . . . .. Loo-e Hay. No 1 do,, No. Near Kitchener and Waterloo TORONTO PRODUCE Mann. page. In the turnoff market no u (allows: Dairy Prod--- Butter, dairy .......30 as to so " and. w q " -, . '%t-atts 1 n.w.c.. no“; no. “as. I a" sum: No. a c.w. III 70- TOL---. _ sum; ma. sum. 'S"" Rp-thr. , c.w.. m _rLLe, __, Real Estate Waterloo Phone 185 A. K. cressman WI. ' CAF., "in; [a Pr. O fMcCORMrCK-- IN Wellesley Tp., - At Kitchener. Nov. 23", Nov, 2151. John McCormick. aged and Mrs. Herbert Zettel, a! 79 years. n ELLErRMAN--Near Wellesley Nov. I , Hay-- , [on f At Elmira. Dec. Ist, to', Mrs. Ezra Hammer. al BIRTHS lb splendid upto- 3085606046 045 060 .090 too 18 tro 15 00 016 012 016 025 020 equipment " 20 25 " " to either 19 00 16 00 tor 0 080 040 040 " 22 17 28 25 "l a It. and In. a. (my... d ",rtirAN--orAuruiut At Kitchener, Dad; 2, Pennell t Julian and Eleanor Victoria Maurer. P"KrhNsvrLL1itR-raormy At Kit- I chener, Herbert Eckensviller of l Waterloo and Bertha Laney 'ot l Kitchener, Wt0BEm---v0tarN- At Kitchener. g Dec, 2., Leo Weber and Laura Voisin i Dec. 2, Leo Weber and Laura Vol- , sin, Rev, A. L. Zinger oinetatintr, BHERIFFu--BtmNePr-. At Guelph I Nov. Mlth, Milton Sherâ€. son ot' ; Mr. and Mrs. John Sher"! to En’e l, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John ‘1 Burnett both ot Winterbourne. (,Hthck/Gse-Gr"tAT - At Winter- BAZAAR A BIG SUCCESS The bazaar held by the ladies of the trt, John's Anglican church on Thursday was a big success. The bazaar, which was held in the Bank of Nova Scotia hall, was beautiful- ly decorated. A neat sum was rear iznd by the ladies. 22, Gottleih Ellerman. in his 85th year. RANDALL- At Kitchener, Nov. 28, Mrs. William Randall. aged 81 years. WIKGAND-- In Btrattord, Nov 23, J. E. Wiegand. formerly of Kitch- ener, aged 64 years. STE PPLER-- N 0v Mm Conrad Bteppter. SPHRAGG - At Baden. Dee I, Mrs Jacob Schragg_ ELLBRT - At Waterloo. Dec. 4 225 Herbert St.. Mrs, Jacob Fmert, aged 65 years‘ HrLI,ER- At Kitchener. Dee. 5th, Mrs. Wilhelmina Hiller, aged 71 years. " -"------------.------..---- . roLtNBKr--ruCH __ At Kitetrtsner, 1 Nov. 27. John Ollnskl to Eva Rich f by Rev. A. L, Zinger. PAErN-wrNTERHALT- At Pres- ton Nor, 27, Frank Paetz. to , Annie Winterhait, both of Prea- I ton. DAW6Aato-- At limb-or. Nov. SO, to Mr. and In. Oil-wool Dar lurd. a lot. THOMBot6-- At “with. Doc. 8, to Mr. um In, hill-Ion. I daughter. bRox-- At minim. Doc. 4, to Mr. and In. Dunne! Brox. A non. woLPP-- At Kitchener. Dee. 4. to Mr. und Mn. Angu- Wout, a non. OBERIrR-- At Kitchener, Dee. I, to Mr. Ind Mrs. W. H. Oberer, a mu. bourne. Dec. Ist. Chas. Hopkins of Winterbourne to Lottie Gray of Bellwood. Inna-alml'dmula, to In. and In. MARRIAGE! DEATHS. Waterloo, Dec. 4 Mrs, Jacob Fmert 29. at Toronto. cw gr 1 AN HIO‘I’ORIC PAPER. _ R". W. Croth of Kitchener holds an (“tending paper. dated March Jun. 1799, of the first performance of H‘ydn'u ore-non in Berlin. acr- muy. Fr. emu. who in m the - hr at M mu- am In ion-I It a mum no. no all l The llritlxopurt street rallwayline {owned by the WaterlooWelllugton ", railway will likely he bought for (325.000, A bylaw to buy tho line jut this future will he submitted to 'the ratepayers hy the city council in January, The city will offer $25,000 tor the nurchaew of the itrackazn. rolling morn and car fbarnS. An mldWonal 845,000 will glue pmvdod in the by-law tor new ‘equipmem. etc Mr. W, H. Brelt- jhzlupt when inlnniowed would not (any whether his company would be iwllllng to nezntlalu sale for $26,- 1000. Some time w $40,000 was jaskod for the props: r LET GO ON SUSPENDED SEN- TENCE. At tho Kitchener Poliro court on Friday“ Gustavo Schack. charged with thott, was lei go on suspended anninnce. The defendant, must. how- vvor, [my (ivoryI H. Ziegler. the pltsitttitr. 8100 which ho I: laid to Lav? sovurM under false prenatal“. Srhnok had uncured the money to my on bricks ordered for Mr. Zie. gier'n now house, wh'ich he did not do, i there, Gill left a wife and baby in Kitchettet when he left the city. and a week ago a baby was born at the home of her parents on Ed- ward St. In Kansas City he went by the name of R L. O'Conttor. The amused man ramp to Kitchener in Hm fall of 1916. and daimed‘ho had just returttod from the trout in the great war. He also stated that his parr'nttr had been lost in'the Lusi- Izmia disaster. and he had mingled to avenge Ihoir rleath Ho worked at the Metcalfe Candy Co. before having tho city. It is likely that Gill .will be brought hack to Kit- 1 humor to taco thr- charge of forgery. MAY BUY BRIDGEPORT ST. RAILWAY FOR $25,000 --SUBMIT BY-LAW. FORMER KITCHENER MAN': ARRESTED IN KANSAS. A former Kitchener man, W. R. Gill. who departed suddenly from Kitchener in March, after forging cheques. has lugn arrested in Kan- FRY City. lollowilig an alleged marri- ags- lo a popular society woman Mr. H, E. an. Supt. of the Ann-l mloon league ot South Dakota, Miss Robertson of Hamilton, Aus- tralia. Dr. and Mrs Hesse of Ger-l many Who spoke in their own lan-' guage and P. Sinha of India also: spoke. all ot them testifying to the need ot continued effort in their countries in order to bring about! the ultimate attainment or the irm") ot prohibition. ( Belgium, the country of which so} much has been heard during the) past few years, was represented try, Dr. August Ley, a distinguiShed mental hygiene expert ot Brussels‘ lwho told of the serious effects off [alcohol on the mentality or the in- PividuaL For this reason. he said‘ he. favored prohibition. _ l Mr. G. B. Wilson was the speaker) “rum Great Britain and in his ad-: dress lrelerred to title substantial; reduction in the amount of liquor; being consumed as in that coun- try. in 1913, 31.000 gallons of spirits‘ were consumed compared withl L8,000.000 in 1921. tn beer there wast a reduction from 37,000,000 to 31,-1 000,000 barrel: in that period; They looked to Canada and the', United States tor the lead in the} matter ot prohibition and thoughtf that ultimately Great Britain would also enact the necessary legislatioui if only from the point of View otl the economic savings to be effect, ed. The sum ot $5.00 per week ir) at present being spent on drink) “bile $1.00 per week was spent on: education. I Mr Thou. Hilliard occupied the chair and it was unusually imam-t- ing to he» representatives trom other lands present their views us to prohibition. A In. luau-c of and oin- m an: add In the WW Holland“! tSttrreh followâ€; tho m- um unleo on Sadly owning when â€other. not only ttom On- ad. sud Unlud sun- but duo tror,n Europe 1nd other army: Do-l mmlonl adttrqrtramt the hue mun-l her “mend from the Tte) chante- They represented their> respective countrlol at tho recon†conference of the World League; against Alcoholism recently held tttl Toronto. I hhaM "ltrorBottort RootCompound. Waterloo. Ont. THE MERGANTILE FIRE INSURANGE II I “new: Phone 2060 It will pay producers to get in touch with us. Write, phone or call. 8atlBfactittrt guaranteed Calls (rem all part. of the county promptly nttcndod to. UNDERTAKERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS Waterloo Phom 80. Might Phone 207W tubrcribed Clpltat ..3!50.000 Assets . . . . . . .. $700,000 All policies guaranteed by the London and Lancashire Insurance Co. Ltd. with se~ entity of $50,250,000. LEITII & DBEISINGER 32 Queen St. South Alfred Wright. Secretary. c. A. BOEHM. DIST. ACT. Boys' Punting In heavy Owned. " ot. wide, it per "rd..,,..,.....) A nu Ind. " 90c. $1.36. um, 32.†Ind .223. Shoemahel 'tt Dairy A heavy weight Don. good matcrlll, In while only .. N.trN 'r' 69e Children's Cashmere Hose-- Black, the: q to ttVa, at 461: to 35c Cream, Mug 4 to ttya, at (be to I6: Brown, the. 5 to 895, at we to ttSc Cardinal, all" 4 to tr, n “c to tttbc Boys' Worsted Hose, In†6, IV/a, r, TVa, B, tt t-2, 9, trt-it Ind 10, " 45c to 76c per pair. ll NDERTAKERS What Are Your Needs in Woollens? Paid he Churning Cream Highest Prices The Royal Bank of canada COMPANY INCORPORATED 1874 M hr til at any lunch u an. un - - To mum “I". Bond: about! In " [lured to the Bull My†It hm (our darts prior to December In tor eminent»: And Hutu. Waterloo Brailch _We make Woollens OurSpecialty and endeavor to give you the Best Value at the Best Possible Price. H: a. mum THE coon puma“ con noun, on. (hr-up In.“ Ayala. rumble nan/Ming Mala-ma. sum in than des tir'-,?', .ternette-No. l, 'r. o. A 8.; No. B, " per but Sold h " (in-smug or mm fraud on wreipt of in. ‘ruo pumpkin. 'Al',',,":.. Chicopee Woollen Mills sox 96 Church St. Kitchener Phone 249 Better' Block, Linwood Why not buy your most. Mn and get the belt? EDGAR FISCHER Successor to J. B. Fischer Phone 243 Victor!“ " to. have your want: nup- plled here. We always kcep on hand choice Beef, Pork, Lamb and Home-Made Sausage no You Appreciate First The very smartest kind of Suits for Boys, made of Pure Wool Tweeds, in a splendid range of patterns, Norfolk styles and to fit boys from seven to seventeen years, positively the price is lower than the actual cost of manufacture, regularly these Suits would sell at $11.00 to $15.00. Good Fit Well Trimmedl AT; Reasonable Price per We show a wonderful range of Christmas Haml- kerchiefs, quite impossible to describe them, just look them over. Prices from ..1. . . . . .IOC to $1 oo C Handkerchiefs in fancy boxes ....25c to $1 50 . At Unusual Prices Brushed Wool Yeager Gauntlets, the Silk lon‘ them. Special at ---SI.00 and $1.50 Best quality Chamoisetle, all shades, nodal It 75, $1.00, $1.50- Extra “NEW with Fancy Gauntlet. Specl'al at ----$1so HANDKERCHIEFS SUITS Three Specials in Christmas Linens Made To Order Class WHY NOT GLOVES? - ' Useful Gilt) at $1.85 and $2.00. new Suit is a swell Gift For the Boy Meats Cir+Ce +ci)te+arteyrti)tar-ayoriworc.)ile' Lndin' Und-rs-A number of Van Ind Draw-n in white and annual. III. 4 ortiy, " por uh we!“ "w.e..ewtr.w,.._,.... "A- 2x2'/2 yds. Special at Lndlel' Fine Wool V“!- and Drum en in natural sin-dc. M, " Ind at, Penman" good wearing "mom. Chum-urn Wool Vega and Drunk good heavy gnu-monks. Lndiu' Fine Wood Vein and Draw- er: in cream, ulna " u. out!“ and um "Me. A very Mo. gn- mem. Try them. is $6.95 and $7.95 KITCHENER UNDERWEAR Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Company Bleached Irish 'Ne xii