c% iiid E15! SW99: for PEEP“??? All Woo? 'P'uuovui In I. run. of odor: very new, light and M m “as " to Q. Pre. from u . $2.00 ' Woman AM Wool Ono-(or Com In the “we“ tuxedo _ "you 1nd dark colors. - as to " Prim ea m Un wool Pmlcou In . mm. “on of yum All slut. Spoo- WW," an. of undo» up In moral dill-rent color- ttU."'"; m tg' W " ___ ___ We, $1,75 I». Rattle. ...... Palm Boxes F.., Picturo Books . Block. ........ Bank. .FF.....F Owned Alum-ls Harm ....._6$8 Tnlnl ......r. Humméng Tops Teddy Bun. . beeipl fist Mondaxand 1 heshy,Ike.1Paidlr White or Grey wlth biue or pink borders. Hm quniity Rog. $3.50 pair, for 2 days only 1214 Taputry for parlors. dining room. and hall. m stripes, ttttrat and all over denim“. Regal-fly 40:. per roll 29e â€when and Bed-room Pap- on In I dalnly small all over pattern. dirk colors. 20c. and Me. vainâ€. Roll t... .. 16e Bedroom - In 1 "gm 'toral pattemo. pink and but“. with nlcn cm out bordon. Reg. ‘50 per roll ---12e tr, . "I the“. Wan-n OI.†to $7.80 Vlluu BURLAP In drab color. wild": " Inch, Spatial par yd. In buck or brown lather. box all! or gun mot-I. medium or VII“ too, wlth leather or mad- lum â€In, "1er been. .Ail “no. 0 to " at the above "In. MAMMA DOLL, " carted fancy dresses. o.,%E/ueeu'.oli)iL'"'ra,T" 'tl',',, Iii 5 (31:36 (; :"Idi si',",' SI, $1.25 & $1.50 - In a demol- I-ther patent ho. low hula. with Ian. - I to r. an no “In.“ INT m black or brown lather, nut no. WI“. low hula. leather “'0. I .0064 walkinl Oxfgrd. - eyfts T..,, Mimi m In a Dongoln ' m high top. Im- 11 to l mauouwy... Theurrrh'tmrakltTheseshestltrieh#i.tbeNelkrut-t WOMIN'. GUN METAL OXFORD' Walton's all nylon. “no * u r. Pair --S8e IMO“. “to! .. SLEEPING DOLLO with real hair. all he! range "om SI.00 to $4.50 IBEX FLANNELETTE BLANKETB. WON IN'O BOOT. WALL PAPERS MINT BOOTS atEttgtstr0IgtttttlgsMRmBr0f KID BODY nous. IUIIIIO AT RIAIONAILE PRICE: Guam.“ All Fin! Guam}... " t Biiggestpioi/utp1ytt3il "in Every th 15c to Mht. 15c. to 81 Mc. to 60e. . .....8t.SO TOYS OF ALL SORTS ...10c. up. Children's ...25(:. up.‘iPrices.... '.. ttte. up l Cups and ...16c. up. i, Dust fang. " Inch BIZ. beautiful companion head, as- " shoe. and stockings. .. .. H ' $3.50 $2.85 $4.98 39e 31.25 89e 75e W" -aBttltttttt.dt on“ an.†out. oiMtth - "We “Oil". "ATMWt not: In M my all in. ad- on. “I“ we"... ott M- - IV; u 10.. .110 my“ CHILDIIN'O tsae-ate ‘ not: In black. m:- or 'rr?"", l CHRISTMAS SPECIALS IN ‘WINDOW DRAPERIE8, RUGS. _ LINOLEUMS, Etc. ( CURTAIN NETS in a nice ‘assortment to choose trom. ‘Ivory color. Width 45 Incheo. \Reg. 76e. to 86c. yd _... l 59e _ SILK SCAR†in All the new combination ot color... Prices range from $1.25 to $5 For pair uLK TRIOOLITTE BLOUIEO in all the Mum and... nluly mm. am. " to f4 one! KID GLOVES. Dcnt'u make In black or brown. All dug. children's Enameled Bets. Price: 'e"".. ......tt.r6 up. Cups and Saucer: .......ttse. Dust Pans. eatrh.........toe. Bead Neckleta .. _ . . . . .251: up Cap Pistol. ..... ....2Se .up Drawing Book. .......1Orx up Checker Boards .....‘ ....tlV. Dominoes m.eFrqr. .......25c. Crokinole Boardl . . . e . _ .604. CAMIOOLI‘O in silk and any do (>th All colon. Price. Mom to $1 $3.50 SCRIMS In a cream color with colored borders. width " inch. Regular 39c yd. 19e FLOOR OIL CLOTH In a nice lot of pattern. to chow from. Width l, tVa, 2 yard; P“ sq. yard .T.Fr. --59e LINOLEUMG In block and floral dunno, width 4 yards, Special per IQ. yd 4. $1.00 MIN’O FARM BOO" In . Chrome Grain Inca. wat- or-p'roo'. oolld lather. alu- o to " Spec. per w...“ m Pricem MEN'S RUBBER IOOTO Knot length. gulf-"toad quality. one. ' to _ Prlcg - Man's Fan than with no", “It not. and hell. Ola. C to t& Mill ........¢gm WOMIN'O OVIR OMOIO. I mum-unatwn Cerf. Bite. 1 to I CONGOLEUM HUGS in I Men’s 0|:- . to Youlhl', “at. " to " SI.75 up, all heighu. Prices " $1.15 to " 89e $1.50 $4.85 “The Christmas Store with the Stock†ALL-WOOL BLANKETO In white or any with blue or pink border. Large Giza 7M about 8 pounde. worth 312.â€. Sold only by the pllr. Christ- mu spacial, each ...ea m COMFoRTEmb in a fancy china. tmed with cotton Bat. teen, trimmed, large site each day, Dec. 13. Special per yd. or striped extra good quality. Mill and; 1 to ' y-rdn. Regular 30c. and 89e. per yd. Wednes- MEN'S TROUSERS In a dark any wound. all wool. two button style. three piece sun. Noun-1 well mack. In I dark would guy or brown, well made with cu". All “at. 84.50 val- ue. .r... Q9 " Men‘s Fleece "nod Underwear, Shirt. and Drowns. POHMIII'I make. Clio. " to 44 “ch. Wimr Walther mun; um bonding. At Chm“ why not ll!" tom manhu- of your 'wetl$y a pair of - Scotch Blanket: or a now Comfort". Men's Nockwur “We. to 't.Mt Woman's Scarf- .OUJO to “ID Tweed Cap. ......7Bc to "." Swan" Colu .321!) to 08.80 Fancy lock- .....Ma. to $1.2! Kid and Wool-n Olav“ “an†Inc" o.'--'.'."'. malic- Pyj-mu MID.†to an Fancy Shirt- ....$1.2l h a.» Wettlaufer’s Dept. Store) GIFT! FOR MEN OR DOV. FLANNELETTEB In whltq Store will be Open Every man; Beginning Dee, 1 Imam: Christe Be] 'Mil 00K at our calendar-and note that there Ill are but ft shopping days left in which to tti complete your gift list! There is no time 'ii] to be lost-start tomorrow. This page 'lCW4llIll, offers a wide range of suggestions and answers the time-worn perplexing question “What Shall I Give?", And you may rest assured if your gift comes from VVetilaufer's it has been our most trying aim to give you quality first, then price. nu. my it tt fl M Ill [Ill In; my}; Al Men’s and Young Men’s Overcoats and Sits IhiraBedthfart1sli%ailstr King Street $18.25, $22.50 $25.00 For Men who are looking for good 0!er Ind dependable qual- ities u very low prices. ..Prlces. range. eo mt The styles are the new plald. black raglan when, an In alcoves and kimona alyla. The color- are brown, gray. green and oxford mlxturea of colon of all wool Coating. all“ " to 44. Value. to $20.00 $37.50. THE UTMOST VALUE IN YOUNG MEN'G SUITS OVERCOATS Flno Shirt. with and without to" col In. sum " to 1& PHâ€. $126 to 3.. Hen I. a Nlco am for Men. The Store of To-day and To-morrow _ 16c STAMPED PILLOW CASE! In a good quality cotton In I lot of different patterns. plum and hemutluhed. per pulr Heavy-welgm Circular Pillow Cotton, about 42 Inches with, oultable for cmbrolderlno and tutmstitehirttt. Yd. .. ..50c Extra Navy Shoot-Inn Hacked, full " Inch wide. Special per yd. Mann WRAPPERETTES In a lot of dark blue: or red with floral or dot tH.ittttB. Worth Me. per yard. 890cm! ... . . . .. -29 C HAND TOWELLINGO In white with red or blue “ripen, about 17 Inches wlde. Special per "rd.------), In a fancy knit, dark colon. extr- good values. 86m. 28 to 38. Regular $2390 value. Christmas 8min! "M K fkX Mn- 0 to " - Funny Apron. ....39c. to 32.00 Tu Apron. ......Me. Co Ne. Wool Comttlrwttomtuttto 08.75 ell-molten. 0mm lag to .150 Rubber Apron; gunned colon ....... .. "" Ollk or Wool Ocari- "o. to a... TELEPHONE No. 8 BOVC' $14.85, SWEATER COAT. WEAR. Shirts and Damn. All wool, 100 pot cent, In a rlbhod. aim M to 42. Ecol! MEN'. UNDER- GIFT! FOR WOMEN OR GIRL. $15.85 $2.50 $1.69 $1.75 -85e Me Quality Fret. for enum- New E1151â€: Pull. Lumen and Onngo. lb. ........4N. New Prams. lb. ....15 to ac. Nice Fred- coooamn. It...“ Floor Wax. large (In Hulk. Crystallized Chou-le- YK it, 25c. Manhlno Chen-let In bank. a): Lw BOYS' TWIID sum In a bolt Coat with tumors. dark brown and onâ€. A... I to " years. R... I,†to "0. BOY' HEAVY TWEID OVEROOATI. In Ulster “In, bolud models. Slut " to " $18 to "I.†value. 'PP. ......e1ozn Wool Pullover. Jim to “.15 Cap a Our! uh $1.50 to an Cm Support ....‘ru. to u Over Oboe. .....27! to m Hoekcy than ...†to M am: llama ...â€.N a “I Woollcn "than. .8%. to TTV. New Fruits Cnuoril, reg. 40c. Sale price w.............. 86e. Bnhy't Own Tablets, no, 2Se., lute 'rr5mt.....c2N Fvunatlvea. In“, my. Mia. Sale price ......45c Small, my. 28: ......lh. Chunk Ointment. no. we. Bale plea ......4N. Chan's Nerve Food, reg. 60a. Sale price ......4Ic. Dr. Wllllamo' Flak Pill. SPECIALS FROM OUR DRUG. DEPARTMENT. Undone-r reg. Mtn. sale price ..420. hm Bulk. mg. 6tte. sale Electric Oil. to... 360.. sale price ...........29tt. Gin Pills. reg. 600.. Sale price ...r.. ..........420. Pinex, no. 500.. Sale price .t..pg.. .......Me. m, to... 8%.. on ...........29tt. mums-lo I. MV., Sale but .....270. un......60c. n, .....20e. lbs. .....860. 8 but ..26e. Ikas, lb. 12:. no. "with .........MN. pk... ...26e min,8tt5te2qc. pkg; ....250 ....T...10°. I. .........10e ‘1‘be ....10e. lbs ......Ne. 2 um ..8%. $12.50 $6.95 4.4%...Allwod A'.'. - _ Christmas Specials in Silks and Dress Goods aeolian-t ... ior 1..le um. 6r hock. In all the wand colon. Width so inches. 8450 value Q‘) alt mgmwumm "strrttttowhhM-rptfkt, "l'ra'iltt - artd In. tt, ...., .... $1.25 Woo! Van m cram color. a" Alt Wool Sang» In all the wanted colon. Make. up nice 19"}!le “(My 019. Width " inches. Spec. mir SILK CREPE DE CHEN: I Kabuki Silks, " inches with 40 Inches wide, In all warned In almoot all the wanted colon widen. $3.00 value. ee td, I excellenc wnher. Petr, yd Evcry home will have candy for Xmas and our large dloplay will "tidy every puma. Brawn mixed. lb........ ..19c. Xmas Rock mlxed, lb ....25: Cram. mitted, lb .........av. Nolan-o Klan. lb ......26c Gum Opp; lb... .. ......10c. Ghoul-u Drops, lb ........2So. Cream Almomh. lb ......36c. Jolly Bum. lb ...........2Be. Popparmlnt Bull't Eyck. lb.25c. Tuxedo Choertttttm, noon- " lb .... .._... Cream on». lb ... Ghoul-u Data, lb. Coco-nut Burn. lb. w. wlll "a you . low otTrllr honor Hun. Burnt Almondt. lb . . . . . . . .rlV. Rum". lb. ...............6N. Man-dune Chan-la, lb ....Ne. Jlm Crown. lb. ...........0tht. Cream Choc-riot, b was. â€cult-lulu. lb. ...........0N. Choc-elite oretsid_ lb. ...Mc Chocoloto In». m. ......6N. 0mm. Modalllons, lb. .wc. Chocol-lo um: Manon“. lb oth, NEW XMAS NUTO. Lug. Wan-d Drum, ttt .m. "In. Walnut; m. .........Mte. Collin-Illa Budd“ ,WIlnouOc. Then an only a few of the many "In. W. handle. Thou val" each 100 5 good. Soft on." Almond. lb....uc. Nelly Futon-h. ltr......... Freon would Puma. lb Then an the bad and" of mu. omlnahh. Fttttortm In ..........,...Mtts Foam lb. .. ..........tk Infant’s Gift Suggestions mi,aG,";iuirirauuGur-,- Bum, sum. - cm. Width " Inch. 82.7! Raul-r pu- yard g... . ..'.. ' $2.25 This silk I. excellem value In a good fhthh, make. up nice for dun-a. val-tn was, etc..width 35 Inches at the above bargain price. . Meat Department 'u_rarrir'tHtth1ttwftt? PAILETTE 8|LK8,,‘2.25 Regular. YARD 0mm Mann "no. - Wu Woollon Ono-Ila. all TAFFETA SILK, guaranteed quality In navy. brown, any or blue. Wldth 36 Inch. Will give excellenk wear. Spec- lnl per yard .w.... .7 ................ ........ 'ft1U1P.'Li,:.icLiy==yir_-_)t2o85, “WOOL OUPPLIII. ETC. Make UMul 0mg. LOIIMI' Ochoa up. In. 01.15. A no" "no a! Radon. In. unbmn.... ... k. to 2t Guyana and wer can: wan». Fido. ... .50. u [wanna not. .th. b All Wool Many TrMttrtirts A In. and. of cumin», Ami-tad 'utmtt m ' " PM mole We MV- In. ml "I... m our man Cop-mum! "or, My. Can only - pa thte â€If. - on a but would "not. Let an». your odor for Mur- Christms Candy _i'trtititi1'iru','ilii All Wool Homespun In Mayan. foraâ€. “vu- uml groan â€ICIAL GIFT. w TSe " melt: P' $2.95 £19591†"$1.75 rd. 79e unaw- Whttq up all. of â€My. - tr1rmeC, 're' Wool -, whit-prob.»- " (moron! Ill-I. pr. "an 2?1u".t 'estiiii nu. a .... .... m q All Wool Blanket Cloth ln colon. ny,. cardlul.. blue. whlto and lawn. wldlh " Inches Maku up aloe lor out“. do. Per yard .... .... $2.45 Velvet. in Corduroy or 'riatln colors. nivy. white. blue. ar- dlnal. any or black. R090!" 81.60 per yard for .-.6ML. Useful Articles are Always Ap- prod-(ed. China Fruit Bowls. 3 de- n.’gm,. .. ............81.26 China Ash Trays, 3 de- clum.... m......., ...69c. Cope and Saucer; whltrt dozen ._r_w. ..........2.75 Capt. whit. only ,each .. "e. Clover Len! Cups and Slu- cers. ttox.............) Clover Leaf Cups only. per do: en .Br.r_r.r..... ......$1.!6 Pushers. assorted decor-Q clam. . . . . . all“ Fruit at. Bowls. I largo Earthenware 1'an " aries adv-Mud Tubs. 0125 to $2.15 Tin. Copper and Galvanized Hollow. .... . . .31.“ to “.26 Double Rowena Pm, Ja- pannod .. l.....75c. to 81.28 (Buy Enamelware MV. to $3.00 Double Dollars. grey Ne 1082.50 Tea and Coffee Pots, Grey Enamel ,... . . 31.00 to tt.N Blue Enamel . 01.40 to tt.N blah Pant. any enamel I .... ..........TDc. to $1.50 Blue Enamel .....r... $1.75 Water Pulls. Grey Enamel ...... ......$1.10 to 01.35 Bread Ions. â€.813. to out A lam Increment to chm. from. thr Pam, Dish Plus. Tn Kama. Cerfte., Parcel-torn. Sauce PAM. Double Bone". NIckl. Plated Tet, Kettle, Iâ€. owning .... ....l O'Codar Moe, oomph“ with handle .........I COOY JED-ROOM CLIPPER. FOR LADIEt. Drown. any and - nicely. trlmmd Price- $1.25. an. "" to All Wool “Khan In If!“ R Whit. Wed M my- wnb knit. “ML. ..es m stamped good; Conn-comm Trey Cloths. scum. mum. Towels. To. Clams. Donn-nu, '4rrtdherehUN, qttt. It "new. Infant's MIR Cm mm Rh he... .. “51.2.5 W IN. prion. M m riid Mil. On our dock at Fancy Gift Suggestions ALLUMINUM WARE. In»: HIM Hm. I. .. .-00s. to toe. , place. .38: Iuonment ths. and pp. "1.89 $1.60 "