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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 7 Dec 1922, p. 9

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A: A result ot the alerts ot Coun- cillor denr J. Bauer in hevin; n petition circulated and hilly nigned by the required number or rote. myers. King St. between Willinm nnd Union Street: will be unwed next spring. Although the lichen-3 tune tor the old mmdam rend had another year to run 01“.an had become tired of the wretchedl condition or the road and at the last meeting of the council at the suggestion 0? Councillor Bauer it was decided to circulate a petition. it will therefore be gratifying to motorists and others who lave oc- casion to use the road to learn that Mr. Bauer secured alt the required signatures. The matter will he tn- ken up at the next meeting of the council. The new pavement will have a bituminous top and will De the last link in the stretch ot paved road from Kitchener to Elmira. The work of paving this stretch of road will be commenced as early as possible next spring. The IttMW- tion of double tracking from the boundary to William St. will be con- sidered by the Kitchener Light Com- mission at their next meeting. I The Freeport Sanitarium has been voted the usual grant from the pro- vincial government, which is based on the capital expenditure and num- ber ot patients. - vote of that: - - t" We! ot the "cum on 'no. KING ST. WILL BE PAVE!) IN THE SPRING. no In!“ furnished a splendid lunch st the clone. lion Men's Heavy Ribbed Drawers Men's Heavy Ribbed Shirts Men's Combination Under. Men's Sweaters, Extra.' Extra.' ...A.......HA RECEIVE $4000 GRANT. Men's Undershirts, Watson’s, 95c Forsythe Dress Shirts, Men's Drawers to match M.earrr'miu,rutttterto style. Your chino!“ Mutation-chm Cuts Prices Right and Left on his $30,000 Stock of Men's and Boys' Clothing, Furnishings, Hats and Caps. The most Startling Departure of Regular Prices in Local History. LIPPERT gives to You Men of Kitchener and Surrounding Community a Demonstration of Lower Prices, on WANTED SEASONABLE NERCHANDrSE---just at a time when other Stores are getting Regular Prices, along comes Lippert like a Giant and Shatters all Records for Smashing Prices. It's Lippert’s First Sale in Many Many Years of Business. It's no small attempt. All Our Energies are in it. The Entire Stock Involved. Not a thing in Store reserved. Come-and Come liiqrlerpy all means Get one of Our Sales Posters. otw.tL0.uteu.dangg.tg. patterns . . . . Beneath“ the Place Sat. Dec. 9th Sale Starts Herman Lippert Like a T $1.65 Jak, Watch tor particulars Waterloo Christmas community tree In next week's issue of the Chronicle. It will interest you. The Union’s figures included " lynching, 51 tar and leather cases. 127 floggings. and the remainder forcible mob deportations. Five of the victims were women. and less than a third of the whole were magmas. A. Foell ot Fuel! Bros. was ser- lously injured at their lee house on Friday. suffering a broken hip and nose. Mr. Foal] with several others was busily engaged on the erection of an ice house when the strong wind blowing caused the building) to collapse causing Fheit to tan 31 distance of 35 teet. $1.29 $1.48 VICTIMS OF M038 More than 800 persons In the United States were victims of mob violence in the period trom Sept. rmber l, 1920, to June 1, 1922, the American Civil Liberties reported. an about. any out ttt - a! mu and in n "dt"Mtqgt lot mud to - in out It 0mm». on a chug. a! .etotrtq. Goons Botche- ol than: when nuns wu “new to on. chem. denied an no'm muse cheque. nor did he know Son“. (that. Sonnets, mum contractor at M- ern and he tuned n cheque 't '" to Sexual. being repayment , lonn nude me time no to 't'i his lands. In defense Selling ex- plained that the cheque tor 8600 W” made out n: I Joke by a unveils: who visited his barber shop. Ae- [cased declared that hits car must has been taken trom " nrnge by some unknown parties and that he knew nothing regarding liquor found. The case was adtournmi. A. FOELL SUS'I‘AINS BROK- EN HIP AND NOSE IN ACCIDENT. -98e buwiaunmui}; FkdtoGGiurGii"arid'"i, andrlhlmoauud-m which cur-cam“ m ainHgttL Thrtatta.UtasretnuMttrr, IPr 98e Men's. Wool Muff ters, Men's V neck Sweaters, Men's Caps, real bargains, Meals New Style Fall Hats Men's Odd Pants. sale . Men's Jerseys, all wool Men's Pullover Sweaters, "white" Sat. Dec. 9th \W‘KG" , can “GM 'em" ua"iGii to - about. [at ’u have (YO-nu.” .Sdo. The deceased is survived by eight sons and three daughters who are Harvey, Morley, Otto and Gor- don, all ot Kitchener; Wesley, Ar- nold. Milton and Wilfred of Cleve- land, Mrs. Noah Zimmerman, Port- land, Indiana; Mrs. Wanna], Strat- Word was received on wiidmmur'wood is three teet Ions and about morning ot the death in Stratford eighteen ladle: in diameter and on Tuesday, Nov. Mth, ot J. Exthe beavers had almost cut it in Wietrand, president ot the Brm ot two when they were apparently J E. Wiegand and Co., Ltd., of that frightened by hunters. The block city, formerly ot Kitchener. He ot wood has been placed in the moved to Stratford tour years ago vestibule ot the library and has al- being connected in blames: in that ready been seen by many visitors. city. He was in his 66th year and The wood was secured from an was born in Garrick Township. agent ot the Mutual Life at Port The deceased is survived by Arthur where beavers have been eight was and three daughters who numerous.‘ The beaver which la a are Harvey, Morley, Otto and Gor- Taltmbre tur bearing animal is be. don, all ot Kitchener; Wesley, Ar- coming less numerous each year nold, Milton and Wilfred ot Cleve- and may disappear altogether with land, Mrs. Noah Zimmerman, Port- the cutting down of the large tor.l land, Indiana; Mrs. Wenul. Strat.. eats. _ The funeral was held this (Thurs- day) afternoon at two o'clock from the house to St. Peter's church and thence to the Lutheemn cemetery tor interment. l, There mused away at Kitchener on Tuesday Mrs. Wilhelmina Killer. wlle ot Fred Killer. Deceased~ was born in Germany and was aged about 71 years, coming to that city from Germany in 1891. Surviving are the husband, two sons, Ernst and Paul, and two daughters. Mina (Mrs, Ngrman Schmhier) ot Kitch- ener. and Bertha It home. There are also two brothers who are re- siding in Germany. l {‘mmmam ”mm-um“ 1'8r.ha..itat--ata,Nttv. Mahalglylynmlnuu. "gtts,ogtgr.. Winin- MIL-pd bath which In "-5!“ to " nun. ot What. [our death. Shh“ mull, w duals:- tad on. nun mm. (“In the dock attmAtime a. ' ROI. her-cor. Yaw-nu. Item ot he: huh-d. Tho ' In. Hectic. wan-mg; In. max. on: um and My no“ atl by and In. unmet. both ot mun- MI o'clock t9 tn. Isn't I, C.) ener and Anti of St. (mum... church thence to grottgtt Hope our Her husband Magma her etery to: Interment. Downed wu about twenty yous. she formerly in her 67th "If. resided it " “com. The funeral -._..-- was held Thursday afternoon from the mIdonce. 84t East King street "Rt JACOB ELLERT. Interment was made In Mount Hope There Paid awBy Monday "rett- cemetery. lug In Waterloo a highly ngpected Pe"er?rette.te , "l---"- ' _ 't,"f,elu,'trP,eS1t Q35. diam?“ nun-mu; gum-Evin "... ". ~' I!“ may. noun-i quammmborol “WWI.“ ttteta-tr/dual-tri/iii/di' on “v!!!- Luucn- am. a_?htf"ety, I'"" "tee flee, In. than “do «main: out. mum: RANDALL. ' Sak, $2.69 Mu. Wilhelmina Miller J. E. WIEGAN D. . S1.25 sale 95 C . $2.45 -95e $3.85 $2.69 IT TELLS A GREAT STORY." Men's Ties, all colors, Men's, Dress Shirts. sale Men's Work Shirts, Boys' O'coat Sweaters, Boys' Blouses. all colors Boy's Sweaters, button Boys' Dark Suits, sale Shoulders, Lippert Cuts to the Heart The Waterloo Publlc Library has been presented with a remarhble specimen ot the work'ot the Can- adlai Beaver In the form of a sec. tion of a tree recelved from the Mutual Lite Assurance oo. Tue wood is three feet long and about eighteen ladle: in diameter and the beavers had almost cut a In .75 There pulsed Away Monday even- [iug in Waterloo a highly respected resident in the person ot Mrs. Jacob Ellen in her '8ttt year. De. (eased has been in ill health for some years and while her death‘ was not unexpected it will come In a shock to her many friends. Therel survive a 'sorrosriatr huebmd, (our sons: William, Andrew and Anton‘ ot Sashtchewnn and Peter of Rome,, ltaly. and tour daughters Mrs. Tldus weaver, Kitchener, Mrs. E. 0. Hall, Preston. Mrs. M. Strehl and Mrs. Kinley. both 01, Detroit. I on! In mu My monk. " can o’clock ty tn. Inf! 3, C. church thence to Mount Hope our etcry to: Interment. Demand war In her 67th you. w PRESENTATION TO LIBRARY PERT is the Place sale $1.15 $1.15 35c 65e 85c 95e m3: Bore Suits, dug up In 6 to " yuan. Wondan a!“ 1hreqtittatatltr low was served at the home of the‘Weber ...... bride's mother. only immediate re- A. E. Knarr knives and friends being present. R. Glimmer . The groom's gift to the brPstsll!ar.tlt ...r.. maid was a bangle bracelet and tti.P?Ptr ...r the best man a tie pin. Mr. mayZankle ...rr, Mrs. Eckensvlller will reside at 43 Snider ...-.. DeKAy Street, mtchener. In. C Kmtrr l ECKENSVILLER - LONEY i A quiet waddng took piece Wed- ‘nesday afternoon, Nor. 29th, ‘at Kitchener, when Miss Bertha Loner ot Kitchener was married to Mr Herbert Eckeetsrttter ot Waterloo, Rev. J. Schmieder oiriciating. Miss Irene Eckensvmer of Waterloo, sits. ter of the groom acted as brides- maid. Mr. Arthur Miller of Water. loo supported the groom. Follow: ing the ceremony at wedding dinner} was served at the home of ttte, bride's mother. only immediate re-i Iatives and friends being present. I The groom's gift to the brides-) Following the ceremony u wed.. ding breakfast w“ served at the home ot the groom’s parents. Shu- ley St. Mr. and Mn. Volt tett on a honeymoon trip to London and Detroit. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Volt will reside in Kitchener. Men's Lined Gauntlets, sale. VOLL-atL" An Interesting event took ghee on Thursdly morning at , o'clock, in St. Mary's R. C. church. Kitchener. when Mia. Ipnlu on» ot Preston was united In manage to Mr. Peter Volt of Kitchener. Rev. R. S. Dohlor performed the ceremony. The bride was attended by Mrs. Wnlhm Schmuck. Mr. Willi-m Schmuck acted as groomsmnn. l Men's Grey or Brown Wool Men's Lined Mitts, sale .. Men's Wool Sox, heavy sole; Men's Sox, extra values, 3 pr Men's Lined Gloves, sale..... Rev. W. C. South of the United Brethren church bottomed no reremony, “for whlch I ”but“ wedding dinner In. mod. TM newly wedded couple will mule In Waterloo. l Men's Sox, real bargain, like a Giant Cuts Prices Right and Left - ttm'ctett.-mtaetgtgt. A putty "Min took .1... " t"hmtt.o'prr.aruaerdaam. Mader, Bron-i. when a." - "r. “m" mm hoe-no a. bride or new»: 10h: 0mm. Only the named.” an, ot the bride 'aagA noon m ML Sox.4pair ... 4 pr, sale ..... “communal . flaw. ILwly'ouuo-gu-usu“ Lippert 5 I"95c , I"95c 49c The following is the milk teat tor November made by Dr. C. T. Noeck- er. 9:103. and atoms that the milk supplted dawns if of good quality: 49c 49c 95e 95c Following a honeymoon trip, Mr. and Mrs. Jullan will rookie in Lon- don. Mien Olive Woelne at Kitchener, played the wedding march. Out at town guests were Mr. J. B. and like any Julian ot magnum, brother and sister ot the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin. Cnmlmnn and Mill Anna Maurer, Toronto, Ind Mrs. Eva Rohrig of Mon-isburg. I JULIAN - MAUI!!! _ A pretty nuptial even: took when in: the home ot not and In. J. Mnurer or Kitchener, sum” " ttsrttoon It In o'clock when their daughter. Eleanor Victorh, "I Milled In nun-Inge with Mr. Fennel] T. Juan ot London. The bride was given in mime by her uncle. Mr.‘ In": Cauelnnn. and wore A "nan grown ot blue velvet trimmed with grey squirrel. sud sh. curled n shower bouquet ot pink Columbia rose- and my ot the alley. MILK TEST FOR AOVEMBEtt noon trip to Tytmato.--to m och" points. 0n their More. Mr. and Ila. Henchman will no”. In Kitchener. 'bametrtsthro-tnttt.trs hymTONMmtIOIl-Iod the hWWI m. M I may) tw- MdI-c hummus-on? ttthtefiiiCiiiiyiiiiii" “if an m um tr " “it; ter, Uh- Mary It... a In“ Mr - mun-n, m- up} the: o! the noon, AM " m1 Tul-re-ul-tro-r. Giant - In no“ man eaatirleedtobir-r. Bore O’Contl. thud! 1mm little out“ the Per cent. And Continues ltttibkrq _ of High Tomi”. s"" lit Sale 'tarte tut. Dec. 9th tat . 3.4 .33 . 3.8 .85 1.3 " " " 1 WANTEtF- AT KLINCK'CL. MU. mira, Peas. Buckwhelt Ind can! Grains. Special DHOOI for - 'qnanttues of crushed oat. m chopped min. 4t. PHONOORAPH - 0...... can Columbu. Including " gmtired» Tenn 3100 per ml. D. . Cullen, lt King ttt I. KIM ORGAN~ $23.00, new mauv- piano can, walnut" good ”it Terms 81.00 per M D. ' Cullen, It King St. 1. Km. var-mu rtttitrt%'i"i . MI an»; tn 'dd afjltstl, kil Illgl! “on“ M “I. - F/CI', '. one." of no “at”. “f w; I annulment-alts. ce, " at Wnurlao. nu " r ' V " of Preston and no not... iqtiittl emu with that. - all: , ' tgit: dit for their mum; cm "ttiii" In: the - a new "w; PHoNooRAr-uo, um I) loan Diamond Amber-oh. _ 20 moral. Tam- $1.00 'feta. D B. Cullen. tl King It. I. may booth as Inna-1 emu.“ mAho-tm, mm. WM can. full meal plan. - M" good (one. Hurry in to not at bug-In. D. a. Bunch. tt my I. Wart, Kitchener. ' V, momma-huh: Inuit-Cm Gide Firms ot Hoirtayyars a 00. plunge in tumor“ and - any cues. Como In ill my the wonderful mu - ae those mum. D. B. Gallon. " GENERAL WANTS FOR SALE .45 "

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