Advertisers in The Chronicle Get Results taries a t@t has been prepared that will strengthen your ambitionâ€" 108 acres. Here is a beauty, ‘J about this farm. 2%~miles- trom Waterloo ,extra | Spate Will Hot allow good TPnlioinges a‘nd lfll?d' f | cribe any more out of : i'lr:iu want;(;mezhmg choice see J Come to my office if yo s one. Price $ F . | a farm. It will pay y 19000 | 3 E. ]. Shants Becuse It Thoroughly Covers the Fie!d 76 acres near a small village 12 miles from Kitchener. This is a splendid farm with good land and buildings. Farm is in A1 shape. Yours for @TFMAA 50 acres, 14 miles from Kitchâ€" } ener on Main Road, good buillâ€" : ings and good land $3700 } 20 acres, one mile from Presâ€" ton, fine large house, good barn land is in good shape, lots of fruit on highway. .. PHiGe ©ssr se vees $7000 10 acres. Here is a dandy place near a good village, 6 miles from _ Kitchener, extra good land, 7 roomed house, mice barn nearly new, large new chicken house, splendid waâ€" ter. With the farm goes 150 chickens, 3 cows, all the imâ€" plements needed to run â€" the farm. This place is well situatâ€" ed close to school and on a main road. Price $4200 10 acres with good buildings on & good stone road, 5 miles from _ Kitchener, good land. Price ....., 53600 11 acre farm, good buildings, chojce land, 2 miles from Kitâ€" chener. Price .... $6800 frame house, bank barn, spring | ereek running through farm, very close to school. Price for | quick sale. $13w ) Here are just a few taken out of my list . $ acres Farm. Here is a nice 93 acres. little farm with nice orchard of | Kitchener, ; different kinds of fruit, 8 miles | large bank t from Kitchener, 2 miles from | buildings, st: Doon and good workableland. | water suppli On the farm is a seven roomed | ing spring, Fall Suits & Overcoats Do not buy that new Fall or Winter Suit or Overâ€" coat for yourself or your lad until you have seen the enormous display at the store with the stock at prices that are sure to give you more than you anticipated. 16 King E If it is city or town properties and need 1 am sure I can l Seriously ill. supply your wart. A large list to choose from and prices that 1 Mr. Noah V are right from $2000 to $20,000. â€" ed to his bed In farm lands I have a large list to choose from. Anywhere from a 5 acre farm to 200 acres or more. If you are looking for & farm do not fail to come and see me. © Whatever you are looking for, whether it is a farm, Or large, or City property, I am sure I can suit you. Here is a massage from the wheat fieldaâ€"in Nature‘s great labora Farms or City ,N _ LATEST l_}E_T_gImS.I‘mlf.E?’S‘ m * _ Property PERSONALS AND OTHER ITEMS AS T The Farm Seller and Auctioneer Office 34 Frederick St., Kitchener Herman Lippert Opposite the Market Square $7500 | KITCHENER preciate it. The owner will sell at a right figure. See me about this farm. 200 acres in Wilmot township. Here is a choice farm land in high state of cultivation, buildâ€" ing in Al shape, 2 houses. This farm must be seen to apâ€" preciate it. The owner will Space will not allow to desâ€" cribe any more out of my list. Come to my office if you want a farm. It will pay you. 50 acres, close to a good vilâ€" lage, all tillable, 8 roomed house, bank barn for @®AAMA 150 acres, near Plattsville. This is one of the best farms in that community, 20 acres timber, best of buildings and plenty of water and nice loamy soil. Price .... .. $12.000 103 acres, 5 miles from Kitâ€" chener. Price ...... $8000 183 acres adjoining Galt for description of this farm come and see me. This is one of the best dairy farms in the county. Price is right. 100 acres not far from a good fown. Price ...... $7000 125 acres, 10 miles from Kit chener in a good community Price ......s. ...Annnnf 100 acres, 4 miles from Elâ€" i t ue uces mira for ~$5500 93 acres near Mannheim. Price :.:. $9500 93 acres. four miles from Kitchener, good: stone house, large bank barn and other outâ€" buildings, stables, all cemented, water supplied by a never failâ€" ing spring, good orchard, not far from school. This should appeal to you . °P $10,000 heaith _from the wheat _fAields! 141 King W | _ Mr. John Zimmerman, one of Wa: | terloo‘s well known â€" auctioneers, while on a business trip through Ithls section during the past midâ€" | week | gave Mr. Ed. Pfeffer a | friendly call. | Rev. J. Jewett of the Methodist | church conducted special services ( from Monday to Friday evening last week. These services will be conâ€" | tinued during the week. a very successful year for the club [the following officers of the club fwere reâ€"elected for the ensuing | year: Mr. Charles Hilliard, Pres.; { Mz. Norman Snyder, Viceâ€"Pres.. | Mr. J. G. Hurst, Sec‘yâ€"Treas. ;nd' ‘ Messrs. Wm. Heummerich, Geo. : Musselman, Milton Weber, Herbert \? Shantz, Herbert Schneider and Wm. ; Hass, the executive committee, The Sec‘yâ€"Treas., J. G. Hurst was chosâ€" }en as delegate to the forthcoming , annual meeting of the UF.O. at | Toronto. [ Birthday Celebration. casion of her 15th birthday. After tea had been served those present spent a most enjuyéble evening in games, music, singing, etc. The ‘happy gathering departed for their homes wishing Beatrice many happy returns Mr Val Gies, Mr Herbert Gies and â€" Miss Frieda â€" Bartman spent Sunday at the latter‘s ‘home at Gowanstown. November Wedding â€" On Tuesday, Nov. 21st, the marrâ€" iage took place of Magdalena Webâ€" er, older daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Weber, to Roy Snyder, seâ€" cond son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob 8. Snyder of near Bloomingdale. Bishâ€" op Ezra Martin of St. Jacobs perâ€" formed the ceremony. Mr. and Mra. Snyder will make their home on a farm near Victoria school. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Allemang of the Canboro district in Haldimand county paid a visit to their relatives and friends here. Mr. Henry Scherrer who has spent several months helping in the Western harvest has again reâ€" turned Club Elects Officers On Saturday afternoon, Nov. 18, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Ebel was the scene of a birthâ€" day celebration when their daughâ€" ter, Miss Beatrice, entertained a rumber of her friends on the oc casion of her 15th birthday. After tea had been served those present spent a most enjuyéble evening in While in the act of delivericg a load of flour to an Elmira customer, Mr Sol Kirch, a local teamster met with an unfortunate gccident While carrying his load upx'suirway one of the steps broke under him and he fell through the opening sustainâ€" ing several broken ribs which have given him great pain for a time Local and Personal The annual meeting of the U.F.O. local club was held on Saturday evâ€" ening. After the Secretaryâ€"Treasâ€" urer‘s report was received showing The young couple have the good wishes of their friends for a weddâ€" ed life of happiness and prospeâ€"ity. November‘s chill is in the air toâ€" night, and it takes a vivid stretch of the imagination to conceive of one wearing liitle more than a smile while seated on the back porch mopping off the perspiration from thee whole facial area plus gome more, but such are the possibilities of this choice Canadian climate of Just one more month till Christ mas. ours We miss Mr. Dan Gabel from his usual place at the front window in the Felt Factory on account of being confined to his home through illâ€" ness. We hope to see him out again. Mr. and Mrs Aaron Brubacher of Kitchener spent Saturday with rel atives in town. The Snider Milling Co. have theit choppers again in action and a supâ€" ply of flour and feed can now be obtained at the local mill. Apparently the "bar" has been knocked. out of the ambargo on The village fathers are improving some of their streets by giving them a much needed coat of gravel Who‘s Who and What‘s What Mr. Gottfried Jonas, formerly one of our residents, but for some years past living on a farm near West Montrose is reported as being laid up for some time and during the past few weeks had been in a preâ€" carious condition at times. Ribs Broken Mr. Noah Weber has been confinâ€" ed to his bed seriously ill for about 10 days or so. Last reports have it that he is improving nicely. 8T. JACOBS coNEsTOGO PERSONALS AND OTHER ITEMS AS TOLD BYy WATERLOO CHRONICLE CORRESPONDENTS The U. of T. rugby match with Queen‘s at Montreal on Saturday took our breath away again, and now to see what the Argos will do with the Tricolors next Saturday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoin Stroh nd family of Waterloo spent Suaday with Mr. and Mrs. Garner, scop 3, Highway north. & Our mechanical genius, Mr. Simâ€" eon Bowman has _ the forceâ€"pump that was burnt in the mill last April all refitted again, and we hope to see it installed soon that we may have some fire protection. Grim Reaper has claimed another of our aged resldents in the person of Mr. Henry Decher. Deceased had conducted a blacksmith shop for a number of years but the past year was unable to engage in work, which was continued by his sons. Although not in the best of health his passing came as a shock to his many friends, heart failure being the cause of death. The bereaved family have the deepest sympathy of their many friends in their sad loss Miss Lillian Kellett, deaconess, of Toronto was in town this week in the interests of the mission to sailâ€" ors on the Great bake‘. Miss Lily Ratz and Mis Ada Haus of Waterloo spent the weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mrs. I. E.. Filsinger. Mr. Noah Roth of Pigeon, Mich is visiting with friends here Mrs. Urias Buehler died quite suddenly of heart fallure at her home near the railwayâ€"crossing on the highway, morth, on Saturday morning. The funeral service was held on Tuesday morning. Our mechanical genius, Mr. Simâ€" eon Bowman has _ the forcepump Mr. Herring recently of Morris burg, the new manager of the local branch of the Bank of Nova Scotia is on duty. The evenming service in Calvary church last Sunday had an added interest because of a solo by Miss Ada Haus and a duet by Mrs. L. E. Filsinger and Missâ€" Haus. Messrs Ed Diebel and Norman Woolner who have been engaged at Montreal for the past months reâ€" turned home last Thursday. Messrs. Henry Struth and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Watermans at Blenheim. Mr. Wimn. Doerfling had a very successful sale on Saturday alâ€" though the weather conditions were not very favorable. * Mr. Sylvester Hofstetier of Kitâ€" chener has moved with his family into the house recently vacated by Mr. Daniel Gascho. Mr. Wm. Weiller who has been confined to the house through illâ€" ness is improving slowly. Miss Barbara Livingston who reâ€" turned home from. the Kitchener Waterioo Hospital Sunday is imâ€" has been the capable manager of the Bank of Nova Scotia for some wears The members of the _ Waterloo Historical Society are attending the annual meeting in Kitchener library next Friday evening. Rev. J. C Morlock is holding special services in Calvary church this week and next Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reynolds and family expect to move to Kitâ€" chener this week. Mr. Reynolds not seem to be a very popular word nowâ€"aâ€"days. We recently comâ€" pleted correction of our mail lists and subscribers will conâ€" fer a favor by advisâ€" ing us of any errors in the dates on their labels which â€" will have our prompt atâ€" tention. Offices : Equitable Life Building, Waterloo ZLook at Date Your Label Waterloo Chronicle BADEN :| November Bargains Phone Users Mest. A Special meeting of the subscriâ€" bers of the Wellesiey Township Municipal Telephone System was bheld in the Council Hall at Crosshill, on Thursday of last week. The terrific ice storms of last Spring almost completely ruined the local lines and require the building of a new line from Linwood to St. Cle ments, necessitating the Commisâ€" sioners borrowing $17,000 from the Township, so this special meeting which was called by the Council was to find out whether the subscribers were in favor of issuing debentures for this amount or making it a cash proportion. However. this point was postponed till ¬her meetâ€" ing, to be called in a few weeks. Mr. F. Dagger of the Ontario Railâ€" way board, Toronto, addressed the meeting and explained the situation as did also Mr. J. C. Mackey, Secy. of the Telephone Commission. It is hoped that a few hundred more subâ€" scribers will be signed up to the present list of nearly 600. Do not miss the grand Bazaar being held in the new R. C. Church basement, by that Church next Tues. Wed. and Thur., Nov. 28, 29 and 30th. There will be a number of Booths with very attractive exhibits, and it has not been decided which night the lucky numbers for the many prizes will be picked. There will be a Dance the final evening, and good music and excellent floor will be assured. Miss Veronica Farrell of Waterloo spent the week end at her home here. Mr. W. H. Schaner held a very successful Auction Sale at his farm, about five miles east of here on Thurday of last week. Mr. Alf. Lenhard and Miss Monica Brenner were appointed to assist the President and Secyâ€"Treas. to arrang® programs and it is hoped that all Catholic Young people over 16 will atteng the first meeting and thereafter become regular members. The first social evening will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lenhard on Thursday evening, this week, Nov. 23rd. Bazaar ‘ A meeting was held"at Lenhard‘s Hotel on Friday evening to discuss and arrange for the future of St. Mary‘s Club, which was organized last Sunday. Miss Mary Riordan of Toronto is spending a few weeks with Mrs. J. W. Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rerlett and childâ€" ren of Tavistock spent Sunday with relatives here. Died in West. News Notes. A number from here attended the K. of C. Dance, which was held by the club in Kitchener last Friday night. St. Mary‘s Club Meets. Mr. J. G. Seip received word durâ€" ng the past week of the death of "The Big Hardware Store" Look over this list and fill in your wants. Every article is one that is required just now and during the winter months. Galvanized Bushe! Baskets. Heavy. Special at Willow Root Baskets, same as above in 2 bushel size at Splint Root Baskets, heavily bound and a stromg basket with good bottom @ Willow Root Baskets, Strong and Durable, 1!/, bushel size, made of good strong wil‘ D Handie Barn Shovels, only 2 M. Weichel & Son, Limited LINWOOD VERY SPECIAL Look at the Reductions! Real Bargains! | Mrs. George Bye spent the.week ’ end in Toronto. _ Messrs. W. J. Letson and Harold f Isreal are spending several days at ‘ South River. i Friends of Mr. Elmer Steinman _ _ _ _ will be glad to learn that he is reâ€" Cows. Mr. and Mrs. E. Campbell and the Misses Hilda and Rosette Eby of Floradale spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. George Miller‘s Miss Nora Braunn of Kitchener called at her home bere on Saturâ€" day evening. Mr. Lloyd Dobberdein and the Misses Agnes and Eva Dobberdein spet Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Letson. Mr. and Mrs. George Shoemaker attended the funeral of their uncle. Mr. Trueman Wideman, in Elmira last week. his brother Adam, in Saskatchewan, on Thursday Nov. 16th. Mr. Seip was well known in this vicinity, being a former resident. He has one brother and also one sister living somewhere out West. Dont forget the Pie Social and Program to be given in the Hall on Monday evening. Dec. 4th. Everyâ€" body welcome. Mr. Joel Weber and Miss Amelia Kumpf{ spent Saturday at Wallenâ€" stein. Mr. Melibourne Parks had the misâ€" fortune to fall and break his wrist while working in Guelph. Messrs. J. Rennie, Robert Winâ€" field and Grant Parks spent the week end in Guelph. Seriously i. Mr. Ellerman, Sr., who has been serionsly ill some time shows no improvement. i eme se e ts c ee d w utm ce uo ol t m e t esc lt uied e 0 mc en o Brt News Notes. Miss Stolz of Kitchener spent the week end with Miss Ada Devitt. Mr. and Mrs. J. Woollis are visit ing with relatives in Elma Tp. in 3 to 6 year sizes. in colored blanket cloths and black plush. 90c Woodâ€"brown and reindeer shades in cold resisting Velours. ° Women‘s and Misses‘ sizes up to 42 bust For it points the way to notably iarge eavings on Coats that Women and Children need right away, now that cold wenther is coming to stay. BERLET‘S CORNER Goudies Limited Importance of This Sale of Coats WEST MONTROSE KITCHENER‘S PROFITâ€"SHARING STORE. WOMEN‘3 COSY, FURâ€"LINED COLLARED MODELS AT Reg. Up to $42.50 $28.75 â€" EMPHAGIS with capital letters to be placed on the Kiddies‘ Coats 4 prong Manure Forks. D Top Handle, 8 prong Strapped Barn Forks with D Top Handle. A snap at Reg. $1.75. Special at â€"SPECIAL BARGAINS BARN FORKS ; Mr. Jacob Schneider was a busk ~pess visitor in the burg last week. Minard‘s Liniment for Who are our loca®representatives of the Ontario Motor League? O. M. L. signs are up at almost every other point, but this corner has not a single sign except a few at the outskirts. ‘ A number of our citizens attended the Auction sale last Thursday of Farm Stock and Implements belongâ€" ing to Mr. Wm. Schaner at Hawkesâ€" ville. A number of our young people spent a few happy hours last Monâ€" day night at the home of Solomon Leis near Bamberg. The grand fall weather has enâ€" abled farmers to get their work well in hand, fall plowing . being practically finished. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lindner and family from Gadshill were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Koehler last Sunday. covering rapidly from an attack of typhoid fever. Mrq Jos. E. Lichti spent last Sunday in Wellesley. Miss Alma and Mr. Walter Wagâ€" ner visited associates in Wellesley on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hollinger of Kitâ€" chener were business visitors out here one day last week. Berlets Corner is growing to be quite a live centre and a good place to live, with a cheese factory, blacksmith and repair shop, a school and also many excellent farmers. One thing, however, lacking is the School Bell. Perhaps a new rope or Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schmitt of Philipsburg visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Seftle. Miss Vera Lichti visited at her home last week. a better or new clock will be cured. Mr. and Mrs. David Hammer and Miss Tillie Hammer of Wellesley paid a visit to J. Z. Wagner last Sunday. * Coats, 12, 13. and 14 years Blanket cloth, Tweed and Velâ€" our. Various colors WATERLOO QONT. $10~ *** $1.40 ~~$1.065 $1.00 $3.30 $1.35 T5be in wÂ¥