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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 9 Nov 1922, p. 10

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K0rliHLER--BAUmt--At Waterloo, Nov. 2, William Allred Koehler of Waterloo. to Mims Rose Margaret Bauer of Waterloo Township. BMRL--NAHRGANG.-At Waterloo, Nov. t. by Rev. E. Bockelman, Frederick Willllam Borl of Detroit, to Miss Laura Catherine Nahr. an; ot Waterloo. ABBorT--YANKE.--Nov. l, George J. Abbott and Luella A. Yanke. MeKAY---At Kitchener, Nov. 1, Mrs Mary J. M. McKay, aged 78 years‘ I moo. Ind 6 days. 'haAN--At Kitchener, on Oct. " Kathleen Alberta Kilian. aged 3 month. , weeks and three days. REmEEART--Nov. 1. Marle Rein» hart, 47 Shanley street, aged f) you! and 8 months. ALLBNtyON--At Brannon}, Nov. 6, Henry Allenaon, father of George Allen-on ot Waterloo. KRAPT-At Kitchener. Nov. 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Kraft. at the K..W. hospital, a son. WuAN9CK-,At Kitchener, Oct. 21, to Mr. and Mo. Chester Wilcock. a daughter. HILL-ht the K. and W hospital, Oct. 31, to Mr. and Mrs. Percy mu, a son. (stillborn) trroWmR-At Kitchener, Oct. 31, to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stoeser, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Prong, a son. $tmilBNIitLL-At Kitchener. to Mr, and Mrs. John Quesnell. a daughter. SCULLY-Oct. 31, to Mr and Mrs. John F. Scully, Waterloo. a daugh- Cowan-it. 30. to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Coyle, 16 North Queen street, City wholesalers are paying deliv- ered. Toronto, as follows: Buttqr--Pinest pasteurized cream- "r. Solids, M to 35c; prints, 34 to "e; ordinary creamery solids, 34 to M%e; prints, " to Me; dairy, 25c; mm. " to 17c. "Ba-Pt-h gathered, 50c; held, " to Me. Poultry: .lee. Dressed. Chickens. 4% lbs. and up 020 0.25 Do., , to 6-itt. %, . . . . 0.14 0.20 For]. 5-11). and up ._... 0.19 0.22 Do..4to5-lb.......‘0.14 0.18 Do., under Mb. . . %. . 0.08 0.12 Ducklings Turkeys . -Reeeipta, 3,150; strong to 35c high or for good; common slow; shipping MAWgDIilN--Nov. I, to Mr. and In. Herbert Marsden. 95 Gildner street. a daughter. . W%BIilR--At Kitchener, Nov. 3, te Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Weber, a daugh (or. PRONG--At Bridgeport, Oct. 30, to “can ottrtt--No. , "not, “a; No. I yellow. 8856c. All nu. ”Puma, " to "e, Accord- u h - cumin. Mo. t, " to tte. "ttNed L. Delivered, Moatmal Wt Ilsa Included bran, per too, "tae, mu. per ton, 883.00; mid. 'ttttgn “3.00; good food ttour $1.90. Ont-no qrttttat--No. a white, $1.03 to 81.”, amsorditstr to [nights out- aide; No. I, 81.03 to $1.08. oistaeio emat--Nomimu. Dun-lo nour--ninety per cent. 9mm. ,country Prottueto--thmotetaaur. Chiming eream--Mc per Itt.; No. t but“! tat, at shipping points for forum delivery. ' "qtttomt an»! In"! ”Cum-mutton!- It will pay producers to get In touch with us. Write, phone or call -- ”No-ml. “a. WNW. " tho no" mi. " now. EAST BUFFALO. EAST BUFFALO, Nov. 6.--AJattle - wheat-lea. t NM Ontario No. 2 white oattr--41 to Paid he (liming Cream ”not. wry . W Church St MARRIAGES. DEATHS. t-No. A " to Tte, BIRTHS. 0.19 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.22 0.18 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.40 l There was a fairly active trade tn stacker: and leaders. Two loads of ‘cattle weighing slightly over 1,200 I pounds acid at $6.26 and $6.60. Old I Iota ot steers ttnd heifers sold from ! $2.76 to $4.66. Butcher cow: went i trom $2.25 to $4.50, with Jowlah buy- ers taking some Kosher cows from $4.75 to $5.50. About 20 lands of I smokers and feeders sold, smokers bringing from 83.15 to $5, and feed- i. era from $4.25 to $5.40. I A large number of the young peo- ple trum around here attended the masquerade dame, held In Jupp'a hall In West Momma, Mat he'd-y evening when a large crowd was present, and everyone had . most enjoyable time, the Inn-k: being fur blehed by the Elmln orchestra. Mrs. Wm. Smith, at Durham, and the Misses Grace and Edith Smith of Guelph. spent t (aw day: with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hamilton. Miss Flora Lietch, of Toronto. spent the week-end with her parents here. Service was held in Chalmer's church on Sunday afternoon at three o'clock, the pulpit being occupied by Rev Mr. McLennan, of Kitchener. Service will be held next Sunday alternoon also when the Twin City quarteue will tre" here and assist with the music. The funeral of the late Miss Mary McKay was held on Saturday afternoon (mm her late resldeuce at Bloomingdale to the Presbyterian cemetery here for Interment. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. A. M. Hamllon, ot Guelph. Visitors Coming and Going Mr. and Mrs. John Burnett, Br., have returned home from the west after spending a couple ot month: with relatives there. Misc Muriel Johnston, ot Guelph, spent the week-ond with Miss Mar. Jorie Laney. Miss Fannie Gordon, of Kitchen- er, spenl the holiday with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. John Durraut and the former'. mother, Mrs. Mathew Durrant, ot near Guelph, attended the funeral of the late Miss McKay on Saturday afternoon Miss Jean Daly has left tor Kit- chener where she has secured a posi- tion. Miss Mabel Snyder of Kitchener, spent the weekend it her home here. The Misses Lily and Emma Mac. kle and friend ot Guelph, spent the week-end with their parents Rayburn Hamilton, of manttord, spent Monday with relauvea here. Mr. and Mm. John Pirle and son George, of Guelph, spent the week- end with their son Gordon, ot this place. Ted Grundy, ot Guelph. spent the woek-end at his home here. Mm. John Codd, ot Hamilton, is visiting relatives here Willer J. Smder. miller, was a member of the deputation of numer- who waited on Prom!» King during the put wool. Forum-II. Viuncd Ottawa Mr, Ind Mrs. Wm. [nebuck M Sebutopol mm over Bunny - mods their my friend. In their tormorhometoqrts Among the Inm- och.- - on our - sit a. hollow we nodal It. all In. J. W an can. " q m: - 91.1! q is yarn-a. w q In“: Idl- OI. LI. q a; can. " q ”3. but.” q “.3; Im- a“ lad- IM. “-50 . tr M can and BM " . "I. t1Blv---dtmtetrtq I“: ‘0 M or " " O '18.“. Hoe-atv 18.000; Inn-that study; navy mind you." and 11m yorker: to; pin. " 0 80.25; town. 8115 q "IO; mm, " . a. Veal calves were In demand, and best offerings were higher than on the previous market. Choice sold trom $10 to $11 a hundred, with odd sales up to $11.50. Gunners and heavy calves were slow trom $3.50 to $6 a hundred. The lamb market was inclined to be slightly easier with the bulk ot the sales from $11.60 a hundred. The sheep market was about steady with sales from $6 to $6.50 a hundred. Hogs Slightly Higher. Hogs sold from steady to = a hundred higher despite a. fairly lib- eral offering. Most of the sales were on the flat basis from $10 to $10.25 ted and watered, and from 89.25 to $9.50 t.o.b. A law sales were made on the new graded basis. LIVE BTOCK HARKETO Toronto, Nov. 6.--Nhet demand Mr cattle ut the Union Stock Yum we: unless. and little more than took care ot the (reel: receipts. Prices remained about needy for the cattle that changed nude. WINTERBOURNE CONEOTOGO I The veuher nu bell. reel hind ‘a lulu. be me - -tltgiggr ‘m In! the qgMWeatttttt " the ‘lathern chm-ch he". II- he. ‘nnrly in the momuq triad. tro- Kitehmr. 'Ntahmis mum. " JIM“ and other neighboring Tib lnsu can. in by auto- to email the deditatktat service- at the St. Matthew's Luther“ church, which he in the peat few month- been, on- dergoing renoution beside- hum on addition built to it. New um have been secured " well In other church furniture. A new ulcer. the am trom one ot the congregation- former none. our present populnr North Riding representative It Ot- tawa. W. D. Euler, M. P., has a piece in the emctuary in the new addition. where also is located the ventry. The pulpit in placed at the eastern entrance to the new Addition. The church is also now lighted by hydro which was tried out Sunday evening and proved tar superior to the tor mer lighting. At the hour of service the pastor, Rev. C. annke and Rev. Prof. Henkel took their place betore the church entrance and after the singing of a hymn the pastor unlock- ed the door and all entered, Killing the church to overflowing. After the dedication ceremony was per- formed by the pastor, assisted by Rev. Prot. Henkel, and an appro< priate selection by the choir, Rev. Henkel delivered the dedication Ber. moo, which he based on the words of the 84th Psalm. FYom the church history ot the Evangelical Lutheran St.’Matthew's congregation, which was read by Rev. C. Zartske, we gathered that the foundation ot the congregation dates back to about 1860 or trr, when the welbknown divine, Rev. Bindeman of the then Berlin, conducted ser- vices in a school house near this village, and in 1853 the congregation built their first church, and the ministers in charge ot the coMre- gation are as follows: 1850-53, Rev. Bindeman; 185birii, Rev. Worth, ot St. Jacobs; 1855-57, Rev. Husth- Mr. Oliver Wright has accepted a position as Assistant Chemist at the Dominion Tire, Kitchener, and left on Tuesday to take up his duties. Mr. and Mrs. Gust. Dahmer and son of Rosedale were among the visitors ot Sunday. Mr. Edler Schinbein of bet Tor. ono University spent Thanksgiving at his home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Schinbein. Last Wednesday a special meeting of the U. 8. Cheese am? Bat- ter Co. was held in tho (actory building. Jacob 0ingertcts was chairman; John Harileib, mercury. The chalrmnn explained to slur-e holders and friends prmeni. the drop ot the price of cheese early In the yen and other problems, and wile the: to install a butter phust, to be operated tor the winter months for the patroms wiahlng to and their cram. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Asmussen. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Euler, Mr. W. D. Euler, M. P. Miss Edith Euler, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schreiber, Mr. Otto Schrelber, Mr. and Mrs. Earn Bier- wagon, Mr. and Mn. B. Bartlet-er, Mr. and Mrs. J. Schumaker and tam- My, Mrs. Noah Cress and daughter Marion, Mrs. Dietrich and Mrs. F. Quehl, Mrs. Guenzler and Mrs Wm. Besserer, all ot Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Doering, Mr. Wm. Scheitele, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Sroh, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stroh and family, Mr. Melvin Hahn, Mr. and Mrs. G. Schmidt, Miss Marie Wegener, Mr John Dahmer, Mr. and Mrs. Clay- ton Dahmer, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Meisner, all at Waterloo. Mr. Henry Huehn, Mr. H. Samar, Messrs. Edwin and Herman Huehn of Heidelberg, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Cunty of Bridgeport, Mr and Mrs. Addison E, Beige! of Elmira; Mr. and Ed. A. Schweitzer and son Wal- ter, and Mrs. Hilborn ot Toronto; Messrs. Alton Scheifele. Toronto, and Harvey Schelfele ot Kltchetter. Miss F"reida Bartman of Gowana- town visited with her cousins, Mrs. Herbert Glee and Mrs. Waller Stroll over Thanksgiving Thanksgiving morning dawned wet and gloomy, Bo that the day brating in his own way?" Elmer, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Moses Steinman, la laid up with tr phold pneumonia. The community wishes him a speedy recovery. Important Questions Discussed Those prom! tum-ad biting no Ictlon at the -ot time, but to keep on (cunning mllk to the Ne- tor, tad hum; the bum qua- tlon to be decided on " the mun] media; It wu pointed out that then m may than mm and!“ - tmch than): this dll- On the Sick Lint. sending Mr truckl though m. an- 'o'" _ act qtuttt weak. Tucker ---Yoq any boy. Why "ut-u-ta-ap"""')"'""'-'""'- .trt.eesA-tmdeettqHitteat no wugmmmm nu. a «up... by a. M that ttig “I!” " M1131”! .3... M " 8.Pr,' l i"It - 'tt Re-opening of St. Matthew. Lutheran Church " Conestoga"; BERLET'S CORNER At the evening service the chumh was again tilled to the door-"Rh many not being able to get in. Rev. J. Schmioder of Kitchener we. pre- sent and with him came the chlor trom his church and may Mandi. Rev. Mr. echmleder Med In eloquent sermon tor the 30th dedi- cation anniversary, and his choir rendered several appropriate en- thems. which greatly helped to bent my the evening‘s service. Jum- Bulte. W; I“ an. an. Goon. Conn-mo. tt In. an NOV. um “out. - inaruv.Goos'etomeotttattn 'i-ta,ur.aratn,etseehta. 1802, tho mt church - me. Brxttrtr'a» Ctm. " WM]. 1 ananuoM-tttemqr-ttttqarttnt+ nmmam tors mum; hm. 18e"00, It". NOV. "RW-F nook. In“ H. wuboumo, Conestoga. 190046; Inc-u. in. min. 00.0.. at m ar Rev. H. Pembo. 1004-11. RM. o. kin-on. ' 6, Pool " ' In. Llncke, 191146. Rev. H. P. Wu. you ot Wild!“ 116-1918, Rev. G, C. weideyattaarunetr, NOV. "rM--rurm neck. Implo- 1918-19, swam, R. Brenner, 1919-31. mom. gull. Me., at David IL Rev. . R. Brenner. And since 80".. Koch, " an“ wont ot Bt. 31005.. 1921, the present valor, Rev. C. non nu... brue. Zumke. _ --_-- ' The last service in connection with the dedication Ina held on Monday evening. when quite I. num- her ot the continuum: otthe past 30 years were present, and to whom Rev. J. Reble ot Linwood spoke words of advice tor their future years. Mrs. Bctunidt. the choir lead, er of St. John's Lutheran Church, Waterloo. sang a solo in her usual capable manner and the Waterloo Lutheran Church choir contributed excellent music, which wu much enjoyed by those present. These days are Red Letter dun tor the Lutheran congregation tor the large numbers of blends who had gathered to attend the services helped in no small measure to de crease' the debts caused by build- ing as the collections made quite a ing as th, neat sum On Saturday afternoon Min Lillie Snyder, local school teacher, can a picnic it her home, tor her who lam, who enjoyed themselves im. mensely. Holiday Vhltorn Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Granger ot Kitchener; Mr. and MI. Occur m Heimpel, Tnvlstock; Mr. and Mn. b Jonathan Lichu. Wellesley; Louis " Hammer, Wellesley, spent Sunday u visiting their respective relation: P and friends here. tt .»Mr. and Mm Noah Erb and Mr. = and Mrs. Joseph E. Lichu paid a ' visit last Sunday to Mr. and Mn. Jacob Brennerman, near Shakes . peare. " and lively dlacusslons took place on questions brought before it. Enjoy Picnlc Mr. Harold Buchan ot Harden Ivan Schlodel Bttd Omar Rudy spent Monday at the home or Mr. were new " the home at the lat- and Mrs. Robert Forrest. tern brother, Jacob Rudy on and”. Last Thursday evening the Wo. The Mina Edna. Ind Rob Sny- men's Institute held a noel-1 "up def spent Think-81"!!! " "I. Mill. in: at the home of Mrs. Wm. Shah of Mr. and Mm. “at! We! rm, Bea. Games and music were near Brfdtmpogt. indulged m, after which lunch wu Mr. tutd Mm. David no“! - served. the "and near - Last Monday evening I Hallow- wen roncerl was held in Bt. Aw drew'n Hall. The hall VII - decorated, and son;- and recitation were given and pm” ot I" mm were played by everyone. um was then served and "m l.- ported having had a very enjoyab- evening. linger, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Forrest spent " few days with relatlves at AG wood. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Lundy and family spent Sunday with the tor. mer's brother In an“. Mr. Rosa Price at Guelph, visited his friend, Kenneth Nairn, tor I couple ot days. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell and family spent Saturday with relatives in Elma. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mom-0n and family of Puslinch. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jan. Langdon. Mrs. Wesley Bright ot mun. II visiting her parents. Mr. Bttd In. John Mills. Mr. Hugh Dragoon In at prone! working on the hlglnuy no" 3m 1m (Too late for last week) Mr. and Frs. John Durrant ot near Guelph. spent Sunday visiting friends here. Mrs. Henry Hess ot Kitchener, spprtt a couple ot days last week with Mr, and Mrs. Paul Kurtz. Mrs. John Burnett is, spending a couple ot weeks vlslting renun- in Michigan. WINTERBOURNE Mm Georgin- Hnmbenor In any“); with her Mead Inn Martha Thnlor for . few an. The welner social held It the home of Mr. ttttd Mu. David Gin- chel last Wednecdu evening, m I very successful new Ind much en- joyed by all those mum. Mlu Ida Snyder, Ml" [Annie Cream and MI“ Poul Hookup darn are spending seven! a." vial!» ing Much in Ibronto and Mare. Mia: Nelrgu'un In unending s few days with her friend. m.- In Wont. Edwin And Merle stunt: spent the weekend at the home ot lam Shanta. Roy and Min Ruth allvonpipor. ot Toronto, are spending meu- holl- holidayl under the bureau! toot. Mm In sum bu returned to her work In Toronto Min Emma Horst lea tut Thum- day for Hamilton. Wedding be“: Ire ringing loud clear in our village. Holldu Visitors ) Grandma Bingenun and Harry Prong have returned when- home- after spending I "T months out west. “mutt-a “WI-macaw“ The undersigned in adoring tor ale " :00 not. hm. situated In the town-hip of North Dmntrhm, an th, Cedar Crook Road, I mil“ all ot Buck Ham. uni I all“ lanth- an: of Ravine. On the urn in I none noun And t hunk burn, with niece-try uni-building: and l unr- hiliu wall on in. pita. Thu. in 156 gen-.0! good man had. Ind " mo- tn huh mi yuan. ttrnerars.rsroqrtstnNlWheat. ud "wtr-inttp..eadtMtNtmr. m will I. In; The unripe! The Auction Sale of stock, Imple- ments belonging to John Battle, will be held on Nov. mu. " his km 4 miles east ot Breslau. In addition I. H. 708M. W. NOV. It. MTURDAV~Uyo Noel. vehicles and household elect- bo- longiu to the s.tate ot in In. John Copley, situated lk mile out ot New Dundee. NOV. 13, "ONDAV-r1tnttm hm hold elect. belonging to John M. situated on mun “not In the " lage at Baton. NOV. " FRIDAV‘EnMro bonu- hold elects belonging to the ol- tate ot the tate Sums] Tonal). Bit. untod , miles south of New mm- dee, known as the Bonn hm. In the county ot Oxford. FEB. r, WEONEBDAY--ahttire hm stock. Implememo. produce And w. w. FRICKIV. Molt-r TaunsoA‘v. (NOV. 'ttr-heats stock and feed belonging to Bam Hemnimua, 2% miles out of Crosshlll. DEG. 6, (WEDNESDAV) - Parm stock and implements ot Aaron Ziegler, 2 miles west of tet. Cle- ment and 2% miles east ot Crou- to stock appearing in this lune on page 8---13 pigs will also be altered tor sale. H. B. DUIMNO, Auction." SATURDAY, (NOV. Itth, At C am.) --at the Kitchener "tttrut-ttout", hold enema, ester-ales and so forth, belonging to Mr. Bali, Wat. erloo. household elects. hem to George madam, situated 1 mm cut ot Williamsburg and 2 muo- Weu or German Hull, And 4 mile. south of Kitchener. Plan to at. tend this large one. FARM FOR SALE. BRECLAU IMPLmHirN'rty-- M. H. Binder. good running order, M. H, Mower, 6 n. cut (nearly new) M. H. Rake. 10 ft. (new) Hay Loader and Bide Rake (manly new) M. H. Cultintor. Noxon " hoe drill, manure spread- er, due harrow. , sec iron hen-ow. , single (luery plows. (an; Now, verity riding plow (manly. new) 'rcutrur, corn cu1tivtrtor, land roli- er. 1-10 horse power pl engine on truck, roller chopper No t, , huh-j ing mills. scale 1200 up, , war. on, top can-inn. , top Marlee. bob! sleigh with (let rack. cutter, 2 '.",',,'l of cruel planks. norm hey rack, lumber including silo nuns. crou‘ cut new. , long ladders, wlgon not! Eureka pulper. grind atone. min‘ ban. be; truck. wire Itretcher I hone clippers. wheel barrow, cod-‘ er posts, up pails, oil tank. cow chains, other chline. forks, hoes end other emcee. Httrrtemr-1 bran mounted teem heme“ complete, , other teem hu- neu, single heme". nr note. horse blinks“, robe, some leather belting. etc., etc. HOUSE 14PPECTB-Crenm Senn- nlor (new), milk pail, lounge, “by carnage. Iron kettle, busing luau. em, etc. ORAm-Atrout 350 huh. out. " bulb. mixed (flirt. some mu nod and need you. TtmM-tn, In". to“. fowl “a nu sum- ot 810.00 Ind under “lb; over that Amount " monthl' cradle wilt be “an an nppmod joint note- or " on tor cub DAVID a KOGH, Proprlotor (no a OLA“. Avalon." "at no not... I new ot but). Mullen In a high It“. of tttttttration, arm- " well, not in». bulk burn. drtvirtg .506, clone to and on no nun and. " hula unto-In - w. w. My. I‘M tate HAY AND GRAIN--" bu. Hind Grain, t to" my, no bu. Tmlpc, " shock- ot Con. VALUABLE REAL BiBTATB-- At the also time and place than will be sold the nimble red etqtato court-1n; " mm of best loan. tive miles from Waterloo, good not- 'MPLmmtNB--w- led!» Plow, good Alto an. and Ttre Top Bum. Cumnwr. Bulky. loot Pulp". muses, Wu. Rena-u Oman Senator. and only on. month, Chill. Dolblo Tum Torn- ol an! but. will be nude known on any of ale. TERM. OF SALE-dur, Grain. Poultry, ‘30.»... and " nun. of $15.00 and under. Cash, over that amount " month! credit will be given on Approved Join Now. or six per cmst, per mm on tor Cash Payments on Great: Amounts, PUBLIC SALE 00'. II. ABett $th. Hm AND '0trImgr--q sum. wad: About 110 no. oaeh. " Mu, turn. cement ttttorg In gable, drive shed and Chicken cable. In Woolwich Tp., 1% miles west of tet. Jacobs, near the three Imam on PIGS & PowL- t Registered Berk Sow, bred Oct. lat, Registered Berk Bow will be bred by time of sale, 4 young Berk Saws 1nd 1 Boar (Eligible. and a number of chickens. commencing " 12.30 p. m. sharp. Hor-- One Sorrel Team or blues, T your: old, well matched. 1 Grey Driver, 5 your: old, , Ber Muss, " your: old, Good Drivers, 1 heavy Filly mm; , you: old. CATTLB-- Registered Cow, No. 119109, Due to olive in FOIL, t Cows due In December, 1 heifer due In Dec., 1 Cow In full flow of milk. (bred again) 2 con bred Oct. lat, 1 Heller bred In July. Halter due In January, Heifer bred in Sept. arrow Cow, , yearling Hleten, l yearling Steer, 6 sprln; Calves. Farm Stock1 Implants, and M.. muslin-gm 'Wat-sm-ttF-g-eg. wlulmv.m1n Con-cull. " u... I. in, “We!” Cow. In A!!! “a. Duh. Cow. an In. “a. mun-silty! flush”! HERBERT LlCHTI. Proprietor, w. w. FRICKEV, Auctloneor, witNoo, "on. Mw. TUESDAY,, NOV. "th, "= rm to: sun. Peey.teee M-at. wan-nu mummovnm . A rue oppponunlty to locum d nplendld (arm situated a M am only trom both Kitchener and Fat. erloo. Good land, splendid - duo bulldlngl, special «and tor dairy to Iupply milk to m Kitchener or Wuterho all“... Don’t mm tun chance. Am ht further pardon!“- to Near Kitchener and Waterloo “IE IEBBAI‘I’III FIRE ”WWII Call- from all pm a! .0 county "an“, 'rturt6" h. UNDIRYAKIR. AND FUNERAL DIRIOWM Ptteror:0& 3mm" Why not buy your a... he" and an the but? IOGAR noon" ”can." to J. B. ”not. Phone " W“ entity of 050,250” tum may». My. 0. A. MIMI. 0101’. m. wmrho. 0.3. M H If so. but your - - and ham. W. always In. " Mud mole. Beef. Pore, Lamb and Homo-Ind. Santa‘s no You Awful“. First Waterloo Mutual Fire marRPortAYBD MO Duh-orb“ “a“ u” A. Karenina “11!! & BitittttiM IllDElITAKEIG Allpolldumhdby dictation-ml M. Insurance Company Tlitllmlihiit M185 Class Meats

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