It Nov. 28 (Tuesday) Farm Stock and implements of Andrew W. Btnlchor, 1% miles west of Well- ealey and lk miles east ot Lisbon. unwary Ir-- Valuable tarm of 100 acres ot Al land with good buildings; better known as the John Rich] (Ann. M mile south ot Lisbon and 2% miles southwest of Wellealey (It not previously sold-. Alla tum stock and implements, all belonging to John A. Baker. Jnninry 'l.-- 108 acre valuable hm lund with good buildings in lawn-hip ot Wilmot, K mlle east of Lisbon and 1% miles west of wer Inlay belonging to John A. Anal- nr lit not previously mid). Dec q, (Thursday) Farm Stock. lmplemenu. produce and household also“ belonging to Harman Schum- situated 1 mile north ot Mannheim on the town line known In thetUtyder hm (No reserve) Fob, 14 (Wednesday) -- Farm stock. Implements. Including a good yum well matched teams belonging to Fred Khmer. “tuned on Glu- Nov. 11 1tuturdtrr)--- Windows, Doors,. Electric "turert. Stoves, Household soode, etc. at Equitable Lite building next to Snider Flour Hill at Waterloo. m road, Kitehmttrr, batter known u T. Snyder hm. Nov. 29 twedaesday)--F'arm stock implements, Hay and Grain belong- ing to Norman Gampp situated 1% miles east ot New Hamburg on Bloom’s Road Lane leading in at Oak Grove cheese factory (No re- serve.) . Dee. 6.--Wrtn stock. Implements. produce and household elects ber. longing to Fred Kraut situated 3 unle- south of Petereburg And ' mile- north at New Dundee on the Mn road leading from Peuaratrurtr to New Dundee. “drum-m. manna-athmqn “andâ€, Dee. 6.--ntrtn ot " u:- m. hm nook. implement: and tad belowm to P. J. Wiltiama, Aha-M 16 mile out ot Erbuvme and 5 mile: uonhweat ot Waterloo, on Woolwlch and Wlterloc town tine, known as the Doerbocker um. -.dtht-t---6ttmM. “Malachi.“ W.unuu.moner ttoattat0gtH.tirtutowaeteWar Nov. 23 1Ttlursday)--Farm stock and implements belonging to Quig- ley Johnson situated 1 mile south ot Washington in the county of Oxford. ull an. -. to but" ammo- from Jon Battle to gtretam,e-aitttrxr-tee-tttsltststttrr public national bunn- link-notmm.w Nov. 18 Waturday)--Farm of 103 acres belonging to the estate ot the late Heman Hertel situated 1 mile northeast of Freepmt on the river road. Fab. 7 (Tuesday)- F'armtrtoeir, implements, hay, grain, and house- hold Mteetss of E. A. Beechy. sit- uated 3 miles east of Breslau. 2 miles north ot Kossuth. 3 miles rwect ot Mosboro. No reserve. to Mr. George Latch situated 1% miles southeast of Centreville near Fleeport. _ Nor. " CNesday)-- Phrmatock, Implement. and household effects belonging to Herbert Liehti, alum; ed 5 miles west of Waterloo and one half mile east of St. Agatha. villa. of Hutu-vino. No menu. Dec. 7 Crttursrdar)--Ahte hundred acre farm with good buildings and 12 acres good hardwood bush. Also entire farm stock, implements and household elects belonging to Ben- ry A. vou, situated 2 miles north- west ot Linwood on the 13th con- cession. township ot 'Weilesley. Nov. 15 (wedniysday)---'26 Head registered Jersey Cattle belonging “be " Nhusmdarh-At n F. m ind m and. Show mom». hr- nwck. unplug-u All hon-chow enacts belonging to Nov. " (sum-any) - Valuable, household easem- at Kitchener mar Mt. i-hemtlteauetitmeer coma from whore motheiswun In». In on. Mon. m. um. am out. In. In. pool- Madam" â€mmALL, “on to 'tOrt-tr-." In urn-mu that will In walkabl- ‘ by... Anr-uhittetrtmsrdt-famtnrtilttewailir-id meNuM“, wwwoundcdgnod. Avarutrtoetto-fmm, _ - -- _ h. , tx-dar.--- not K. B. DUlRlNO, Auctioneer I. H. TOMAN, Auctioneer. It (m) NEW DUNDEE V Nov. H iTuesday)-4Jleariug sue-l tlon sale of 100 acre farm, stock‘ and implements of A. E. Ratz. Lot; 28.- 10th line, East Zorra, 5 miles; southwest. of Tavlstock. Also ati the came time and place horses. wa~ l guns and other articles belonging to the Tavislock Milling Co. I Nov. 16 1Weduesadayr-- Clearing auction we of mm: srtoce,vimple- menus and feed at Lot M, 14th line East Zen-a, 1% miles out of Hick- son, belonging to Lester Yum. Wednesday. Nov. 8. Clearing ano- tion sale ot pure bred and high grade Shorthorn cattle Ind hm stock and lmplaments and food " Lot 28, the "ttt “no but um. ' miles south of Ttsviatoek. Nov, 22 (Wednesday) --Cutrrltstr Auction Sale ot [arm stock. imple menu, and teed at Lot 8, 13th line, Blandford, 4% miles west of Flutte- vme. belonging to James Alums. Sale begins 10 o'clock sharp. , M. R. ROTH, Auctlomr. Nov. 3, (F'riday)-- Clearing aIMr tion sale of tarm stock. implements and feed at Lot 16, Con. 2, South Easthope, 2 miles southeast ot Shakespeare. belonging to William Dewlng rrOF 14 iTumsdttr--8toek and implements at John Health; Hunted one mile had a halt south of Mob horn 3nd 4 miles north west of Hamlet. E, J. SHANTZ, Auctlonur Nov. 4 (Saturday)-- Real estate farm stock, Implement. and house- hold effects belonging to John Rat. ferty, situated two and one no." miles northwest ot Blah. and two miles west of Doon on the main road leading trom Blur to N" Dundee. JOHN BEATTIEfProp. WM. G. TAYLOR Auctioneer. D. CLARK, Clerk. 43-2t. Nov 21 (Tues)--Disperslon sale ol a good herd of pure-bred Short- horn com; and young cattle, some implements 13eu3ngiie to Anson Bruhacher. 2 miles south west ot St. Jacobs. TERMS-410.00 and under cash; over that amount 12 month! credit on furnishing approved joint notes. 5 per cent. on tar cash. Poultry. hay, grain and household elects. Nov. 7 (Tuesdawaarm stock. implements and household effects. belonging to Frank Kart, situated 1 mile east ot Kitchener Post or five, on road leading toward Bret» lau. 1MPIaIMENTB:--M.-H. binder 6 tt. cut, M. H. mower 6 ft. cut, 10 ft. rake. tstiit tooth cultlvator, 11 spout seed' drill. steel [and roller, 4 sec- tion barrow, 1 walking plow, scuf- ner, Chatham fanning mill, lumber wagon with box hay rack, set of szelghs, top buggy, cutter, cream sap armor, stock rack gasoline engine. 2% horse power; Gllson pig crate, turnip Bower, grain slings, weigh scales. neck yokea, whittietree8. HARNESS:--' sets team harness. 1 set single harness, horn blankets, forks hoes. shovels. chains, tools and other articles, about 18 tons hay timothy and mixed, about 400 bus. oats, cream separator, New Perfection 3 burner coal oil stove, small table, cook stove. lamps, eight day clock. pails, tubs and other ar- ucles. 5 gal. coal oil can. FARM STOCK AND IMPLI- miles on all. and 1 hit with OI Motrboro, 4 mum out of and“. 4 mile: north": of Haydn: on TUESDAY. Nov. 14th, an. At one o’clock sharp. The toWreitstr:-- HORSES: - (General purpose) Bay Mare , you: old, Bay Mare 11 years old, Brown Mare " yearn old. COWB:--1 red cow, 1 white cow. 1 jersey cow, I Hereford cow, YOUNG CAtrLE:---t8 steers and: heifers. feeders. 6 yearling. lil spring calves. I E POULTRY-A number ot Rhode Island red pallets. PIOS:-2 York sows, 14 pigs 7 weeks old at time ot we. In Township " Wm Th. Manual in mocked Jre AUCTION SALE W. O. TAYLOR. Auetlttrteer lull out: or ot Broil“. 4 Bandu- on mu, tee. sharp. l, CATTLm--uy head. Five good idnlry cows supposed to be in calf, Permsy crass cow due to enlve in January, black cow due to calve last of December. Holstein cows due to calve beginning ot April, Ayrshire & Holstein cross cow fresh since August, Holstein heifer fresh by time of Bale, tat cow, Holstein heir er 18 months old, Holstein heifer one year old, Jersey heifer nine months old, Hoistein heifer calf 10 weeks old. [Commencing at one o'clock, p. m. sharp, the follow- , ing valuable property: AN SON BRUBACHER E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer, -- 34 Frederick St., Kitchener â€-111! on": .. t ulLlC 3IIUIIIU CUIIN‘ vo ca,',,',,',"!,',' 'l,t,l"'det'lfe"i'":,n,,eglt,,t,' this, Sato, The Cattle are all in . gout! shape and of high qunllty. lo be in calf. ' . One registered hull, 22 months POSITIVELY NO RESERVE. old; one tine bull, 15 months old; TERMS OF SALE: All sums of one tine calf hull " months old; 3 315 and Under. cash; over that heifer calves. three to a]: months amount 6 months' credit will be old, eligible tor registration. three given on approved joint notes, or high grade heifer calves, four to six per cent per annum will be sh months old. given for cash on all credit amounts POSTPON ED DISPERSAL SALE of Choice Registered Shorthorn Cattle, Implements, Household Effects, Etc. There will be told by Public Auction on the farm ofthe undersigned, situated one mile east of the Kitchener Post thBce, on the road leading to Breslau, on Tuesday, Nov. 7th Frank Kurt, Proprietor E. J. Shanta, Auctioneer, 34 Frederick, St., Kitchener AdWia o. s. KOLB, Clerk 6 PURE BRED REGISTERED GowS:--one cow will be fresh by time of sale, 2 cows ln full tlow of milk. 3 cows fresh a few months, supposed to be in calf. 43-31 Public Sa1e'y7llrmll' On account of the shortage of help the undersigned has decided to dispose of his tine herd ot pure bred and high grade cattle by pub- lic auction on the premises, situated one mile west of St. Jacobs, on commencing at ans-thirty p'clock pm. 15 pure bred: and 'tve high grade cattle, namely: was AND POULTRY: -- Twoi HAY, GRAIN and ROOT; good Yorkshire brood sows suppos- About 15 ion ot hay, timoth ed to be in pig, one young brood! Kaila and clover, two hundret BOW, 2 shoals six months old. two, oats, 50 bus. mixed grain, 201 shoals tour mortals old, 35 chickens, turnips, 60 bas. horse carrots 25 ducks, one Dir. TERMS OF 8ALE:-poult IMPLEMENTS and VEHICLES: . ry . gram. and all sums ot $16 at -Massey-Harris binder, good mow" _ der. cash; sum; over that an er, hay rake,' good farm wagon and . . . . SIX months credit will be gw box, two democrats one is new, . ter new hob slei l1 Top Bu " app‘roved joint notes or 51x no: cut . g . g ' per annum discount will be disk. three tret'. iron barrow. 2 . on credit amounts. scuitlers, New Massey Harris root 1-ulper, fanning mill. 2 horse power. No reserve as; farm is sold, 4blt, Hoftsifdr.-- Two bar nun-en 11 and " years old, a good all around team. mason, now. 21, Anyom having a farm to u", mt u um: mo. I noun you strum balm And good um“. Anyone warming to no“ In Audion lab will no Menu-d by â€00"". my a". vim for “an“ - Farm Stock, Implements and Househpld Effects "’ __ _ ""' rrvmn separator. 700 Ur, capacity; namely: sausugv grinder and sinner, butter BRED REGISTERED work†Daisy churn. coal on heat. cow will be freBh by Pr. lounge, several chairs, genuine 2 cows ir, full tlow of buffalo robe in good shape bench. fresh a few months, and other useful articles be in calf. NOTE: Anyone wantlng good Shanhmn cattle should come to ADE COW8.some with this saw The cattle are all in '; the others supposed Howl shape and of high-quality. . E. J. Shanta, At Frederick Sh, Kitchener. of saw At the same time the following chattels will be Bold: IMPLEMENTS: -Democrat, cut» ting hnx, nearly new, two-row beet scintflor, walking plow, about 100 good cedar posts, emery grinder. scutrlpr, 2 pig hangers. cross cut TERMS OF 8ALE:-poultry, thy, grain. and all sums ot $16 and un- der. cash; sum; over that amount six months' credit will be given on app‘roved joint notes or six per cent, per annum discount will be given on credit amounts. Champion gas engine, 2 hay racks, counter scale, small male. set of good team harness, single harness. HOUSEHOLD EmrECTs:-- New .VLH. cream separator MM) lb. can. just been used a very short time. 3 burner coal oil stove nearly new, Lew Daisy churn, 5 gal. coal oil can, berry crates and boxes, hanging lamp, HAY, GRAIN and ROOTS; - About " ion ot hay, timothy, Al. taita and clover, two hundred bus, oats, 50 bus. mixed grain, 200 bus, turnips. 60 bus. horse carrots. 3 horse blankets, good curl cloth robe. large sprayer. cutting box, cross cut saw. forks. shovels, hoes. chains doubledrees and a lot of other useful articles too numerous to mention. HOUSEHOLD GOODS: Magnet Prop/ r IN ACRES _ CLOSE TO l CITY HAY AND GRAIN:--5 tans good ‘Hay, about 10 tons Straw, some l Chair. 250 bushels Mixed Grain. too bush. Oats, 200 bush, Turnlps, 200 4 bush. Mangels, 36 lbl. Timothy and l Clover Seed Mixed. SE PAGE li)- RR ADDITIONAL AUCTION SALES FOR SALE. Parlor Cook stove, In good condi- tion. $1300. Apply at this ottlco. rmmuumwmm‘ tiaooesthrtarmtsetNart- od,stt.atqdoaxamt-tsrealvt. FRANK PSUTKA, Proprietor ED. KAUFMAN. Clerk, vid FAIII‘I’OGK. IIPLIIINTI, HAY AND "OWLD If?“ HOUSEHOLD 1ilF'FDCTW.--- Good Cook Stove, 2 Cupboards, meiotic Cream Separator, Daisy Churn. 4 Milk Cans, 3 good Milk Pails. b barrel Shot Gun, Potato Sprayer. and nunwruus other articles. Also an extra good collie dog. Positively no reserve. TERMS OP BALE:--Hit Straw. Grain, Roots and all sums ot $16 and under cash, over that amount 12 months' credit will be given on approved Joint notes. property own. era as security. or tive per cent. discount [or push payments ot tied- " amounts. W. W. FRICKEY, Auctioneer. Phone 48w. Waterloo ot Comma-oh; st 1.00 _ - the following "lube M: l HoRmiNV--Ahtod buy an: tte; said!“- ' M D» you: on. and driver " yarn old. GAtrLW--Puro bred 8'11. co. due July um, Swill Cow in nu tlow ot milk, Pure bred thriaa Bull 1 you old, Brian Cow due April 28th. Balm 00v duo rm.- Spoltod Cow due July 8th, Rad Gov milking. 890mm Cow duo binary 18th, Cow duo March m. Honor 1% yet" old. 0:11 8 month! old. PIGS. - Brood Bow, duo to pig November Mth. IMPLEMENTS. 'PN.- Fro-t & Wood Binder in good running cow dition, McCormick 5 tt. cut lower, Bearing 10 ft. Steel Hay m. Spring Tooth Cultivator with Seed Box, Land Roller, Har Rack. , good Wagons, Wagon Box, Top Buggy, on ennuggy, Gladstone Cutter, Milk Cart, good Carriage, single Plow, Seuttler, Root Puiper, 3-isec iron Harrow, Scales 1200 lbs. cap. set bob Sleigh, I Grindstones. ' Barrels, Doubletreesr, Neckyokes, Forks. Shovels, Hoes, Logging Chains and many other useful article. too am erous to mention. WANTED- _-_ Good Dairy COWS. fresh or due to ealve. S, Baer, Breslau. 42-21 HARNESS -- Set Double Team Hume“. as! Single Harness. Odd Collars, Tie Straps. One hundred acres of ftrst clan gall, 20 minutes walk "om Pen Office, 20 new. hard- wood hunk. ortttrrtertt naval on thelarm to pay foe lt.elf m . short time. Nina roamed mud brick house with att any con. venlencu, bank barn, cemem stunting. .uo, eke. The owner of (M. particular tarm I. will- in. to min 3nd will tell at a ruoonablo Nauru, or oxen-no. an a dulrnbln City ruidonco. Your on". may be ammo to Owing to the short days this will he I very funny of any uh, I E. J. Shanta kindly trnk m mom mummy to Avalon", Hal m... nun-d this ale to tran. on time u lumino- Ink». the uh will .1an slurp " " o'clock noon. ' " '“"‘k "m l Positively no rm". " the farm "on. m 0pc. I‘m-Mu II sold And the proprietor mum; GENERAL WANTS TUIODAY NOVIMIIR Tttt volumes of bees trom Jones‘ N. In good condition, Apply Da- Howey. New Dundee. 42-21. BEES FOR SALE M-tr. sey-Harris Hay Loader, Internation- al side Delivery Rake. John Deere 10 n. Bulky Rake new, McCormick " Single Disk Drill, Cockshun Double Disk Harrow, John Deere Com Planter, John Deere Riding Corn Scuttler, International 3 drum Land Roller, Massey-Harris Spring lToolh Cultivator. Gllson No. 13 Cutting Box complete with Pipes on I Truck, John Deere Manure Spread- ler, Oliver Tractor, Gang Plow. 2 ‘furrow Verity gang Plow, rsCury Jgaug Plow, 2 Ayr No. 21 i Walking Flows. 4 horse Al", Harrow. Thorse, Iron Harrow, John Deere Iron Harrow Cart. ‘lluisy 10 in. Plate Chopper with 3 Bigger, Rom Pulper, Power Emery I Grinder, 1 1a tcp. Tnerk Gasoline f Engine in good running order, Fan- Ining Mill, new Wild Oats, Separa- {tun Corn Sholler, Platform Scales can. 1200 lhs., 25-gal. Steel Oil ’[lrum with 12 gals, of Porline Oil, {ingot Galvanized Coal Oil Tank, _ HARNESS: -3 sets Team Harm on In good repair set Double Carr- iage Harness good as new. not Btn, gle HarnPss. 2 sets Cord Fly Nets, Odd Collars. 4 Horse Blunkets. good Goat Robe, Tie Straps. me. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: - Do Laval Cream Separator nearly new, Cook Stave. Dish Cupboard. Hang, lng lamp. Hall Lamp, Aladdin Lamp. othor Lamps, , Lanterns, Hailrond Lantern. Double Barrel Shot Gun 2 Daisy Charm, (1 nearly new ., Cider Barrel, Meat Tub. 4 Kitchen Chairs, Bedntead and hum. emu; other under. Anyone wanting good "ock and Implements should not fait to It- tend this tale as everything In In good “up... VEHICLES: M Fordson Tractor with Pulley and Governor in good runnlng order, 2 good Lumber Wag ans complete with boxes. Lumber Wagon with Hay Rack, 2 basket Hay Rackss ttood as new. 2 sets Bots Sleighs, 2 Portland Cutters. Top Buggy. Stock Rack, Gravel Planks, 25 gal. Galvanized Coal Oil Tank. 80 ft. 3-4 in. Galv. Piping, 3 100 lb. Rolls of barbed Wire and some Woven Wire. quantity of Fence Posts. Woven Wire Fence Stretch or, Swirling Trough and Pig Hang- Prs. Block and Tackte, Roll Black Ponce Wire, 3 Pig Racks and crater 3 Rt'ythes, Cutter Pole, Ice Tongs, Bag Truck. 500 lbs. of Rock and Loose Salt. a lot ot Grain Bags and Sachs, 3 Logging Chains, 2 ('rnssmm Saws. Sledge Hammer, "oulrletrees, Netrkyoketr, 25 tt. ot 6 in. 4 ply Canvass Belling. Wheel- barrow, Stonelmat. Crowbars, Forks, Hoes, Shovels. Wrenches and many other useful articles too numerous to mention. . THURIDAV. NOV. "th. » Commencing " ll o'clock - slurp on use m following nil- nbk mom: . HottgutIV.--NNt1 with“ Clyde Team (m an Golding. u and 12 your. old, Blink Wm M ing 6 "an old. my Percheron Gelding 6 yuan old, Aged Mare. " CArT1i-t0 Pure Bred, Chicken, I com. dog (good inâ€; Btiortttorms, Cow fresh 6 weeks. IMPLEMENTS. ETC. - Two to, Cow due to cable April 2, Heifer Bugle; on. nmrtr m. , Demo COVI due March M, Halter due Nomi cmts in ttood tshape, Wagon, Wm M. Roan Heller not bred, Heifer If spring], at of Bob Sleigh. Calm. year old, Heller 6 months old, Her) Mower, Disk. Hay Rake, Cutting tertCalf 6 weeks old, Bull 091! al Box., Root Slicer. single Plow, , mos, old, Bull 1 L2 yrs. old. Red, '3cuttlerrt, 2 not Buggy Hume“. 2 Grade Cow due Feb. Mth, SWING; set Double Harness, Wheel barrow, Cow due May 10th, Brindle Cowl (:Iosscut Saw, , buck Sun, one due Not 19th, Jersey Cow due byl man Saw, 3 Axes, Sugar Beet Knive- time of sale. , Grade steers '1 L2 Corn Sickles, Scythes. Scoop Shovel years old, 2 Grade Yearling Halters†Chains and Ropes. Home Blankets. 5 early Bpring Calves Dusters and Robea. 2 pair HIM PIGS AND POULTRY:-- may»; Clippers, Power Horse Clipper, , tel-ed Boar, Sow due to pig Dee. 15.I sets Chime Bells, 3 set Homes and 2 Berkshire Bows will be bred try) Traces, Grain Bags, some 10 In. time or sale, It Pigs 8 weeks old. Culvert Tile, quantity of Cedar by time ot sale, 17 Berkshire Pitps Posts, Forks, Shovels. Hoes and weight from 100 to 150 Ibis, each." numerous other useful articles. an!“ and.“ and... PIGS AND POULTRY:-- Regis- tered Boar, Sow due to pig Dee. 15, , Berkshire Saws will be bred by time ot sale, lt Pigs 8 weeks old by time of sale, 17 Berkshire Pitta weight from 100 to 150 lbs. each, 8 White Shoals weight about 100 lbs each, 20 White Wyandotte Hens, HAY AND GRAIN:- About 40 tons of good Mixed Hay, 625 bush. els Mixed Grain, 700 bush. Oats, 2 bush. Seed Corn, 20 tt. of Ensilage in a 12 ft. wide silo. IMPLEMENTS. ETCE - McCor- mick Binder 6 ft. cut in good runn- ing order, Deering Corn Binder. 2 McCormick 5 ft. cut Mowers. Mas- Mia-ville. boa-r than In tho unorg- haw urn. on "-uiu , board good as new, Extension '1'» l, Me. 6 Chairs, Kitchen Table, Cor ner Cuybooard. Parlor Table. , I Rockers, Dairy Maid Cream Separ- i ator, Hanging Lamp, Meat Grinder, i Lantern Heating, Stove for wood or x Coal. Good Kitchen Stove for wood or coal, set ot Curtain Snatchers, _ “any Crib. High Chair. Poultry, Enalmge, Small Pl" “I all mum: of 816 tnd under can: ovpr that Amount " months“ and" will be given on unprovod iotttt not". prover†one“ u loudly. or the per cent. Macon! for on. payments on credit mm Shout. and can a nonthl' M W. w. mom. Auctioned. Phon- on, wmrloo w, ercmunn. mm. Consisting of 190 acres, situated 3 miles west of St. Clements, Ind In good state of with-non. On run In an roamed none house Ind hulk barn and straw shed. Spring crock running through property. Also " acres basil. For humor mou- lnn Apply Wittum I'm. at. Clements. "--tm. CIDER MILL OPEN. t Fishers Mills Cider M1111: open for custom work every Tuscany. Wednesday and Thursday. Appolnt- ments are not necessary mull tur- ther notice. A. J. Shanta. Prop, R. R. l, Hamlet. Mat. LICENOED AUCTIONIII NOTICE. Prompt Attention will be (“on " salon emulated to no and nu.- faction unnamed. John Zimmerman. 322g. Wlterloo. Kitchener, Auctioneer. JOHN RAFFERTY. Proprietor 422R TERMS OF' SALE:-Poultry and all sums of twenty dollars and un- dle rash; over that amount three months' credit will be given on ap- proved Joint notes or six per cent. per annum discount for cash on (emit amounts. TERMS OF REAL ESTATE: - Ten per cent. of the purchase price on the day of the sale. Balance in thirty days. E. J. SHANTZ. 34 Frederick St, â€than will In no“ by w tiif,vii.i5i, “on on the 'eeattre. um toirijei; and on. hatt lulu north “7.1535 mm. and mo an. nu a “3.534., on the min mud hull. If!" 7, Blur to Deon. _ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER qttt. an Commencing " one o'clock pa. - BTOCK.-. Good all round Bay lure nine your old. Durh- on "-dtottoueate,eoo-tts' Honor. mm good Brood Bo", twelve pure bred tuned Bock HI. and one Cockerel about 40 you; Chickens, a collie dog (good hauler) IMPLEMENTS. ETC. - Two to, Buggies one nearly m- a Dem cratts In good slaps, Wagon. Wm Springs, net of Bob Sleight. Calm. Mower, Dink. Har Rake, Cutting Box., Root Slicer, Single Plow, I Scuttler8, 2 are". Buggy Purine“. ' be! Double Harness, Wheel barrow, REAL ESTATE: --At the’same time and place (it not previously sold), the Farm consisting or tive acres will be sold. On the farm in C, good seven roamed Frame House. Bank Barn. a nice orchard with different varieties of fruit. a new: railing spring creek tlows through the tarm. The land is in good state ot cultivation. This is a goal little tarm well situatr" on the main road leading In: Gall to Ncw Dundee. Close to school. wanna to; mm, a! crook. thrusting All Housman "new. - Farm Equipment and Farm Stock a specialty. HAVBVILLE, Phone New Hnmburg. Line " HOUSEHOLD GOODS: __ Side. Geo. A. Miller Licensed Aurrtlorteer for County of Waterloo FARM FOR SALE. T: ONT.