AW Confonnoo “on; a.“ who attended a con- hn-e. o! putorg and laymen n Tammi bu week were Rev. A, GM, H. o. Wolchel, C. N. Knack. um Henry Helmhocher. The purpose or the meeting In to dia- cul beat menu m raising building tum] ot $1,500,000 which the Luther- tut Minoan Synod has set as an whatâ€. To Pay Cont.- In police court held Wednesday "terasoon, Isaac Umbach was charg- ed with turnlng corner too short at William and Arthur Sta. with the result that his car collided with â€other car driven by Mr. Snider of Floradale. The charge of reckless driving was not pressed and the de- fendant w†ordered to pay costs ot the case and reimburse Mr. Sai. der tor the loss of a tire. Farms Sold Important real estate deals Were made recently when/5'5 well-known farms ot Peel township changed hands. Clemrner Brothers of near Waterloo purchased the tarms or Harry Barkwell and Geo. L. Holtz. man, which adjoin one another on! the titth concession. Mr. Barkwell, has bought the Robertson estate] home in Glenallen and Mr. Holtz-i man is returning to Listowel where!, he tormerWreside6. The Holtzman‘ farm sold at $100 per acre which! in an Mlcation of the value ot farm , lands in Peel To. l, Laid " Rest Many sol-rowing triends and re- latives attended the luneml or the late Mrs. Simon Schedewitz held Saturday afternoon. The service at the St. Paul's church were conduct- ed by Rev. R. Efren of Tavistock, who spoke in German, and Rev. A. Gaumeier in English. Pour sons and two sons-in-iam' acted as pail bear- ers. Interment took place in the Union Cemetery. Cue Dismipsed Two men hailing from Elmira ap- peared before Magistrate Weir at Kitchener on Monday morning on a charge of being drunk. Both men claimed they bad only two glasses ot light wine and were waiting for a bus at the city hall steps. The case was dismissed. Mrs. Lorne Rata is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Winger. Mrs. Simon Gingrich ot Hanover is vtsitftttr her mother, Mrig. Selina Hedrich. While driving home from Elmira on Thursday evening Isaiah F. Mun tin met with an accident when a motor car crashed into his team of horses. The collision occurred near John Hedrich‘s house and one or the horses was so badly injured that the owner Was obliged to des. troy the beast. The driver or the car wns coming Into Elmira tor re- nnin; to his car and claims the el- ectric light ahead prevented him seeing the team. NEW INDUSTRY Elmira has another new industry In the Elmira Superior Piston Co, recently organized. The new com pany has received its charter and will start business shortly in the old plant of Hemmel and Sons on Dunke Street. Reeve Stumpt who In interested in the company states that the piston to be mauutactured in I new invention and is expected to work tor uniformity in the con- sumption of gasollne and on. lab a 1m . If. m nut in â€or“ (In, his new: 'tl- II.- 1mm. an" - "and to W0 that in minded via“ m In mount. Mr. and In. George Rippel, Mr. HI In. A. Nam glad daughter Ill-1- have rumba homo than: a mum: VIII with Mend: " Kw ham and St. 11100)â€. CHARTER FOR TOWN Elmira will be a full tledged town by New Years according to a state men! made by Warden Btumpt. The charter and necessary papers are Ladiu’ and Gents' Hair Goods um. him an m w. mm Plum Mr. mm [or Anal-tint J. . KNIOHT Lat. " DORINWINDI Link“ wm be n (he Wnlpor Home. like]: our on Wetland-y, Nov. an Show!“ new mm. My . _ â€WIND! I‘DVVQ’ Mud-and 0th.: lama/untold!†Wand“ Chi-odd. cone-pendent Pembers Hair Goods " VALUABLE HORSE KILLED “I!“ QQ We; Good Pmn- _ wosmsthomtwrLCettttrtrtt lumen was recommend ln I want on loud-y norm end with tunable weather willbecom- ) pleted u coon " Double. It " e expected ebom. tour week: will we ) the work completed and the bazaar "will probably be held the latter part ot this month. _ Held at. Mr Thoma: McMahon held I suc- cesslul auction sale Home!†ot ttttr- aea, cattle and implement: on Thursday. October Mth. Mr. G G Glass of Mondale was auctioneer. Attended Ball Game. - A few local baseball (In attend~ ed the game In Guelph last Wednet day when Gan defeated Bellevule in th (in! championship game of the senior O.B.A.A Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lauder en. tertained the members ot the Jun- for Farmers' Association and their friends to a social evening at their home near Crosshm last Friday er- ening. A good time is reported by all present. Personals. Mr Mike Stemmler of Barking was a visitor In town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Stemmler expect to move into their house here sometime in January . Early this spring they purchased the house now rented by Mr. George Rhler. Mr. and Mrs. John Ertle of E1- mira spent Sunday at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. JOB. Cassel. Br Mr. Cecil Hackett returnedto his home here on Saturday after hav- ing worked in Kitchener tor the past six months. Mr. and Mrs Ed. Stemmler of Reason were visitors in town on Sunday SCORE. Mrs Wm. Seip of Waterloo spent a few days with her son. Arthur, here. To Messrs. Carl Kranz and S. A. Semen of Kitchener were business visitors in town last Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Carnochan spent Sunday with their daughter. Mrs Allan MacLaughlin. near Tra- lee. rxpected to be ready shortly and El, mlra will be placed under the llsts of towns by January let. The char ter provides for three wards and tour councillors with a reeve and mayor. There is likely to be a lively contest tor posltlonl of Mar Thnth-g my. AUo m In; Nov. Ut m will to - only one night a we. “no" su- Mr. Joseph Lennard ot Waterloo was a visitor in town last Saturday Mr. and Mrs. msirschtsach and Mr. and Mrs. Schnarr of Waterloo spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Koehle. Messrtr, Jos, McTavish and Tom Birmingham returned home on Sat- urday night after spending the sum m er West. Mrs. Hlligardener and children and Mrs. Hooker and son, Hartley. returned to their homes at Kitch- s-ner and Detroit respectively aner mnnding the last few weeks with their parents here. During this time their mother. Mrs. Fink, pass- ed away. CELEBRATED BIRTHDAY A number ot friends of Min Ruth Bowman gathered at her home on Saturday evening on the occasion of her birthday. All present enjoyed a splendid time. Messrs. Hillgardener and Esra Fink spent Sunday at the latter’s home ltere. Mr. E. H. Bean ot Wauord paid the town a flying visit last week. Mm. A. o. Schnurr and Mrs. H. Boggs returned home alter attend- ing the convention at Toronto one week. or. Reeve and Councillors at the municipal elections. Miss Marcella Goetz is spending few weeks with friends at Gold- mmumvumwmu months harvesting out “WOOD mm A. Ward uni Mr. E. Hor- sun of Baden wore Sunny sue-u at the home of Mr. and In. J. y on. The local Evangelical Y. P. A. were roratV entertained by the W- mira Y. P. A. on Monday evening. Everybody reported 0 good time. Death 01 Mrs. Slmon schedewltx Extremely sudden was the death of Mrs. Simon Schedewl'tz, who was found dead in her bed on Wednea day morning by members ot her family. When she retired tor the night Tuesday evening she seemed to be enjoying her usual health, but it in thought that heart failure net in during the night and caused her death without even awakening her. Though she had never been 111, she had been troubled with her heart tor some time. Her death has come as a great shock to the community. Born in 1854 in Germany, the late Mrs. Behedewitx came to this coun- try when three years ot age. accomp shying her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Zinkann, who settled in wer iesiey township. She continued to live there until her marriage to Mr. Schedewitz, when they settled in Woolwich township. Two years ago Mr. and Mrs. Schedewitz moved to Floradale, selling their farm, about tive miles north ot Elmira. Besides her husband, the late Mrs. Schedewitz leaves eight children, as follows: John, of Bridgeport; Mrs. Cole. Kitchener. Mrs. Hewson. of Wooiwich; George ot Bridgeport; Mrs. Winfield of Kitchener; Charles ot Pilkington and Henry of Flora- hummus-sun utoheitt-t'ttNPNrit. hummus-a m..ummniwrua autumuwmw Mun-gamma“ Mummy-ouhpumm at Mr. and In. Ian"! - on “My at“. Oct. M Rev. Ethtrt ot Tavlnock attended the hmenl at the be: In. Simon Schedewlu. While here he renewed old scams“. T Mr. ud Mrs. other Snyder 1nd family went Sunday with Maud. " Wilmot. mu Vern Pun left on â€any for num- whor. the is mum; Mac. for I In as". cal-In ,hmn "or um mm It. “a In. linen - be- unpaid by Mr. at In. Chan. 3. m a! Wont-Ivy. maul a B-tsod,, New; Th. Junior hm." hold 1 no: and.) tn Nahum Hall on hoodâ€. A Pe%qrttm VA! “and, um this. the "can; an - In mu Annie Melon I'll A week and visitor with not mm, In. Aaron Snyder. . dale The funeral took place on Satur- day afternoon from the residence at P1oradale. Service was also held at St. Paul's Church, Elmira, and then- ce to the Elmira Union Cemetery. Me. Wm. Marti last week. alter months out West. after West. Personals l Mr. and Miss Lizzie Fink. Mr and Mrs. W. Fink at Toronto visited at Mr. J. Nalins last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Crawford vis- ited friends In Toronto a few days last week. Messrs. Geo. and Bert Wray were business visitors In Kitchener last Thursday. Drs. McEachetn. (Minister and Pratt operated on Miss Grace Nunn last week tor appendicitis. We are pleased to report she is doing as well as can be expected. Mr. and Mrs, J. Hewingn visited friends in Port Huron last week. Mr. R. B. Hamilton attended the concert at Hammad last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Coghlin. Mr; C. Vognn and children visited friends at Atwood Sunday. Mrs. Hester Tanner spent the weelmnd with her niece Mrs. Ab Racket! near Linwood. Mooretield Kerrs last Mr. Auslm Tanner returned to Brlgden alter spending a couple of weeks with his mother, Mrs. Hester Tanner. Mr. and Mn, John w. Molar re turned home on Wndnoaday utter spending some time with Manda in the 'rwttr4ytr. Mr. John M. Hahn van a human vlmor to Kitchen“. Miss Olive Hlnuhherger left on Monday tor Petersburg where she has neared a petition Mr: Geo. me returned home" a month's trip through the MILLBANK M r:3. Greenwood of visited at Mr. H. B. week. Martini Br., returned alter spending some BAMBERG Mr. Mud taking" spent Bun- day out at town. wumtmmuvui gummwum Matt “ mm. d “It. pm a mu to the WI moth-r. In. John V“. Mr. ". SW at “ht-rho. amt the nob-and m mu Mr. Anthony stun-a who spent the put. the. noun. In the wait. I: nul- llama. In. cur-nee numb meat but swam, In the Twin City. Mr. Goo. none-butt. and daughter. Allah. motored to Kitchener on But. urdny on human. Mr. Joe. Koebel. Jr., son ot Mr. and In. Hy. Koebel. Ion luv. Tues- day for Toronto. where he . attend. Ing school. Mr. Alex. Hlusperger ot Bunkers, spent a few hours with his push“ on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Robson and daughter went a day with the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter veldetthtsimer. Mr. Joe. Behunmer went Int Bat. urdiy in Walla-lay. Mr. and Mn. John Luna ma children of Dayton. paid 3 short visit to friends in our burg in! Sunday. Mr. Louis C. Rosenblatt was a short-time vislgor itt Kitchener last Sunday. Mr. Allenmaug at Kitchener, who has bought the Busch store. will tke possession on Wednesday, Noe. lst. A lot ot young people ot our burg and from other places attended a party at the home at Mr. Ed. Ham- mer on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Miller. Mr. Ralph and Miss Mildred Miller all ot St. Jae, obs, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Seip and family ot Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. J. E, Wagner, Mr. Jacob Sinuch and Miss Violet Miller and Mr. Raymond Km, all ot Kitchener, spent, Sun. day in our burg. oturmt.ttrU Notes of Interest Miss Mary Mprg of Wet1esrler,, Mr. Elmer Heldman and Con. Berg trom Philipsburg visited friends here on Sunday, Mr. Alfred Hartman of Amulree spent several days here on bu§lness. Mr. and Mrs. P. Z. Wagner and family spent last Sunday with re- latives in St. Jacobs and the Twur City. Mr. Clayton Miller and Syiveslor Gingrich were sumo-uni In winning seven] when in the Junior hm: orl' mock judging eorrtpotitiort held last Wednesday on the farm ot Mr. Andrew mum: of Cone-ton. with mum-- Mu. The storing of the turnip crop is well under way. owing to the tine bright wmutheq. The dinegar, as well as a bit of cider is also never forgotten. or late several farmers have been looking tor tarm exchanges. It is the desire or some to either ex- change tor larger places. to move closer to the market, or retire. Mr. 3. Rank â€on: the weal-cud " " home In Wow“. In. Y. Horn“ and (and-huh- ter, M mm m vat-and In some cases there have been reports of potatoes rotting after be ing dug and put In the cellar Mr. Hodglns and Mr. Forsyth of Elmira also Mr. KincMe ot Ollvel and Mlss Allce Belsel of Elmira spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. George Miller. ' Miss Musselman who has been in England tor the past three months returned home, accompanied by Miss Davis of Wales and spent a few days with her sister here. Mrs. Noah Gingrich. but has returned to Texas to resume her duties In a howslal there. Mr. and Mrtr. Geo. Miller and daughters, Florence and Mildred, at- tends the tweatrtifttt anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. John Hahn of Kitch. ever on Saturdty. Mn. Nancy Luby of Guelph went the week-end with hot pu- ents. Mr. lnd Mrs. Samuel Luzon. Mr, Mailman. Pun of Guelph up“! Bunch, It In. lam. lure. Miss Nora annn called at the home of her parents here last Thurs- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Keller And two daughters. Edith and Mary of Preston spent Sunday with Hm Irvin Rafter. News Notes BERLET’S CORNER WEST MONTROSE 'i""aiw, OUCCIMFUL an: a he". n. we of In Stock Ind Im- weal-ud Moment. treiotraine to John Garth no" Bomber; wu M on loud†Alter-m. A by“ on" ot Mnn. IIS" '" tttd mm mm out. no um. mr MD: not. he was VI! - ' _' try' 1eftt 913mm}: aft Mr. John B. Mrb has sold " property in tmm hero to In. Nook Junta. Mr. Brt, will hue s uh In the near future n he Inland: so- ing to the States. II. III! "et-tem, - m It tho WWW Rum ae-ar" . - Minion. also 'trrmo4t"ntt. "en flow at tho halo 0! a! torn-02'! “a. Mr. all In. J. B. Uri-atoll. W. no sorry to report that Mr. J. R. Linux-lone It on the nick 1m. Wand-h him a woody - Mr. Ind Mrs. J. P. um um daughter, Linn, are Imam; I ten days with friends in Yale. Mich. lull Fried; Schneuer ot Brut- tord upon: the wet and u her home here. Some ot the visitors entertained at the home ot Mr. and Mrs, Slum!) Baer on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Snyder, Miss Lily and Delton Snyder ot Baden, Mr. MBr- win Shantz, Mr Enos Detweiler, Miss Ada Snyder and Miss Florence Burkhart. In Jud-auto: otmtaid - max HUM. a In In. Henry Btmttt nulls-11: attended a. tuners! of In. Join! Copley " Now DIM“ on Sunday. and; In 'riiisontturtt. Miss Ida Kant: lea tor Brod- hagen on Saturday where she 1n- tends to make her future home with her lite companion. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bauman were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Ball- man on Sunday. Miss Vera Schmidt ot Baden is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Gimbel at present. Mrs: A. Shantz has sold her pro- perty and moved to Kitchener the end of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Noah brubacher ot St. Jacobs were visiting in the vill- age on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. O. Burkholder and family spent a tew days in Vineland last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Moyer and son ot Kitchener spent Sunday at the home ot the tormer‘s mother, Mrs. Joel Moyer. Master Jimmy Beemer, oldest son ot Mr. Fred Beemer had his tonsils removed by Dr. Urle and is doing nicely. News Notes Miss Seleda Heckendorn was a Sunday visitor in Mannheim. Mr. Moses Heckendorn recently had his hand badly lacerated, the result tf having it caught In the gearing of a cutting box. d by the Pupils ot the Public on Saturday for Hubbard, Ohio, School containing clothing tor chll- mien-e they will minke their future (lien and infants and also " large home. packages containing clothing tor w---------------'" men, women and children. Several DR. BROWNLEE other boxes with new clothing. FORMER RESIDENT boots and shoes, " pairs ot bin VISITOR HERE kr-ts, cutlery. '11er and hammer: -.--.-- trom the town council, were M50 Dr. Wanttce Browniee of Grim-by. torwarded to tttty North. Ontario, was in town on Thursday, In addition we" '9" tttttty trent' the 27th. renewing old atrtttttMrttattetrr In Add!!!†there were also can? no lug. - ot boots and 'mot from V-lentlne Ind Mum: anlllone1 box of shoe- trom Jacob Balm. I TORONTO. Oct. .27f-Expecta~ tinns that Alton A. Neil's discovery , n the hanks of the Conestoga River I " Dray-ton, Ont., would prove to 1-0 rubies were shattered to-day _ ten a sample of the stones reached thy office at the minister ot mines. n~puty. Minister Thomas Gibson snonounced them to be garnets, and :"ated that they were not ot gem quality. ' Garnets ot gem quality hare never been found In Canada. he said. An Idea ot the generosity ot Wu- ‘rrloo Citizens in connection with Hue! for the tirty Butrerert, In the Torth ig gained from the number v.†parcels sent hy the Red Cross. 72 package: were collected and pack- RUBIES FOUND IN CONESTOGO RIVER ARE GARNETS. x.3eks ago some sand was sent to the parliament building. with the message that it contained minute "ttties. The “rubles" proved to be garnets. Mr. Gibson said it was not In: .zxmommon thing for garnets to be mistaken tor rubies. Only a new KATERLOO CITIZENS SENT RELIEF. ,' "_e"T""r"Tr'"-"r'"_ V'V'T'T ‘Iu’ . ~‘ . non-cumula- In In mm:- an all]: 4:3erth I!“ h ll Kline in whiting m. BRESLAU and. mmwwn‘pa cmummnumm-m “cull-mm“ may, on Oct. M.. In. mac'- brother, Mr. T. J. - tutrrHalasotrptssletftrtr.tMrttt Toronto, Nun:- h!!! nu mu. may will â€we in mum. The Dr. In his early dayl was an employee at Brlcker': Foundry. um! stated that the Chronlcle wu than edited by Mr. Thomas Hilliard. He left Waterloo about 1810 to shady Dentlntry. and ttna been vacuum. denllltry since that tune " Mount Fora-t. 1nd latterly n Grim-by. He la the mar of I (in. mm tum, AM and! Inn“! month» not: your on his plat-Um. Re found n M aetedroesusetr't?'Hif"'t, ttirtyrtL-- .TAFFOID . Th. who a! In: 'tttht'-, Sulord, Gunther ot Mr. and In. M. Salon]. to Mr. Otto William Knechtel. son ot Mr. and In. Cham Kneehtel of Kitchener, mum. took place On Thursday. Oct. 31 at Montreal in at. Anthony’o church The bride was given In muting. by her lather, and wore a French bed!- ed gown ot goorgette uni a hudIon teal wan trimmed with squirrel. Bet hat was ot black velvet trim!!!~ ed with bird of Wilt. and she carried a shower bouquet ot - heart rates. . The bridesmaid we: Miss Sydney H. Manny. while Cap- tain Reward Dancer-emu, brother ot the bride, acted as gr'oomsman. They will reside with the bride's parents. f . qeuiers--M1sttttt "tttttta-Mtch., An event of unusual interest in Twin City circles took place on Thursday, October am. when two daughters of Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Michel of Kitchener. were happily wedded, Misu- Ida to Oscar Gamer, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. A. Geisler, and Miss Bertha to Wenzel Zelinka, son ot Mr. and Mrs. W. ll. Zelinka ot Brooks, Alta. The IMur tial knots were tied br. Rev. C. Zarme, who also united Mr. and Mrs. Michel in marriage 25 years Alter the ceremony the guests re- paired to the home ot the brides’ parents, " Water street north. Mr. and Mrs. Zellnka will reside In Ham- ilton, and Mr. and Mrs. Geisler will take up their residence in Kitchener. ago. The ceremony was performed in St. Matthew's Lutheran church at , o'qlock. Prof. Thlele played the wedding march. The couple: were unattended. Mr. and Mrs. Bauman will reside on the groom's farm near Elmira. Miss Cora Betta of Exeter, cousin of the hrsde. assisted the bride and Marjorie Wieck made a charming tlower girl. Mr. Norman WIlllamB. brother of the groom, was the groomaman. A sumptuous wedding dinner was served at 4 o'clock to about 40 guests. Mr. and Mrs. Winhmu left on Saturday for Hubbard, Ohio, wifere they will minke their future home. tgaumarv-Gratt A pretty autumn wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Grott Wednesday afternoon. Oct. 25th, at 2.30 o'clock, the occa- sion being the marriage of their oldest daughter, Pearl, to Daniel Bauman of Elmira. Rev. Jonas Bat. der ottieiated. The bride. who was given away by her father, was prettily attired in a wedding gown of ivory crue me- teor and was attended by her sie ter, Mabel, as bridesmaid. Mr. Abner Musseiman of St. Jacobs. was the groomsmnn. The wedding music was played by Miss Florence Wright of Conestoga. The ushers were A. Quiekratl and Leander Badman. wtmamtv--Wtech A pretty autumn wedding was sol- omnlzed on Thursday alternoon at 3.30 o'ctoek at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wieck, Foundry street. Kitchener. when their youngest daughter, Helen Ilene, was ranked 9r. marriage to Mr. Paul Eugene Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Williams of Kitchener. Rev. W. E Pescott tied the nuptial knot, while Alisa? Irene Hllker played Lobe]!- grln's wedding march. Mr. James Livingston sang "Because." Following the wedding ceremony, the guests present sat down to a sumptuous wedding dinner. The bride received many beautiful gins. Miss when. lanolin-m and ll. Eileen Dulc- ol me In! ot Rh, mum Sum 11mm, Hound. ar, Puo. Tex", were guest- " .2 home of Mr. and In. Arthur I“ over andâ€. They left for w on Monday. um In“ I. ma omen mam “Min-t an. a tgm menu that. propriate - were In: ii ,tiitr,1;:y.ii T ',["5,1, his Dov“: and In. G. . - '""i, 5P""t"1tr"H"ortmda"m.," g Inn-gum Bechtel We! a.» 553 the new; Carl 30mm m 3;). ed " m piano. ". com-mm»; which-mm“ mug-mum... a! the woo-n. m in: aittoconr-soAaaii"iiL in!) gunman-manna WMWotwbg """tmmMtr-rH-i mule and other elm The prom it. followed by on toning at OtHetattU "et-g-ta. prise to: who but coat-mod Ind: and Mr. Fred Ritter In a Gout, Wuhington comma won tho gentleman'- Prue. A resolution tn Appreciation of the happy evenmg'n entertain“: provided by the young We. at ttte Equitable sun was harm: col- cuned In by all present. The Cos-3mm Hayung: Illusion- ary Society ot the Lutheran 80min- ary held a meeting In the Chapel of the Seminnry on Timmy. Oct. 26th. Prof. Lungs ot the College sum and Rev. Mr. ham of Bridge- water, N. 8.. were the weaken. Prof. Mangelson acted as chum- and Student Fisher wedded It thc organ. I". " Wu an... Mr, Sanford Whiting In. - ed tt position with the Firemen. Company ot Hamilton and loll Mott. dLy morning to â€sumo his an dttb lea. Mrs. Whiting will villi new emu, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Mid tor I week, Mr. Whining bu tor the nut In your! been employed VIE no Amen Holden TIN Company. NAVY LEAGUE m mus: siil $500 IN wnmuoo. .5525" Captain G. P. Morris of Toronto. Chaplain of the Navy [mug at Canada, In: in Waterloo this week In the interestsmt that worthy or ganization Waterloo'. owed!" In the campaign now In progress " $500 and Captain Moms in meeting with a generous response Iron cit- Izens. _ Last Saturday evening a hallow- e'en party was held at the home of Dr. W. L. Hillard when Miss Ruth and Master Graham Hilliard eman- mined a number ot their you“ friends. The guest: were dressed In hallowe'en costume! and a moat delightful evening was spent in games alter which relmhmenu were served. . The purposes of the organs-don include the raising of (and: for the relief of our merchant sumen In- Jared in war and tor the dependent: otfhosas who were killed. the mu:- talnlng at Sailors' Homes in our ports, from coast to coast and the training of boys and young men tor our merchant ships try the organ- Izauon ot Boys' Naval Brigades. Rev. Mr. Showers ot Penny!~ vania, who was a guest at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Jacob URelmnn over the week-end, preached accept- ably in the Waterloo Methodist. church on Sunday morning. Miss Vera Allward $3 spending n few weeks with her brother at Ypsi- lanti, Mich. Mr, and Mrs. John hemp. Br., and son John, were visitors in the Twin- City over the Sunday. Miss Lena Ham received word 01 the serioifs Illness ot her brother Joseph Haid at Reason. Mrs. Adam Wagner and Ma. Rich- ard Braurtllelt and daughter. Ron, have returned trom a three week! trip to Waukaushun, Wis. Mrs. Oliver Master and daugh- ter ot Ottawa, who have been Vinit- ing at the home ot her parents. Mr. and Mrs, J. Hutton, luvs returned home. Mr. Glen Eby ot Hamilton, will I visitor with Waterloo friends our Sunday. 0.3.Bcuwhou.mndh PERSONALS.